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Thomas (1817) Taylor Sold at Auction Prices

Artist, b. 1817 - d. 1889

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  • THOMAS JOHN DOMVILLE TAYLOR circa 1817-1889 Drawings (1847) 21 sheets pencil on paper (sizes various)
    Nov. 21, 2017

    THOMAS JOHN DOMVILLE TAYLOR circa 1817-1889 Drawings (1847) 21 sheets pencil on paper (sizes various)

    Est: $70,000 - $90,000

    THOMAS JOHN DOMVILLE TAYLOR circa 1817-1889 Drawings (1847) 21 sheets pencil on paper (sizes various) 1) Near Montreal inscribed 'Nr. Montreal' lower right 17.5 x 25 cm 2) (Thousand Isles River) inscribed ''Thousand Isles River' St Laurence / Canada' lower right 17.5 x 25 cm 3) (London from the Chatham Road) 1847 inscribed 'London from the Chatham road. Canada West / Octr 1847' 26.5 x 36.3 cm 4) (Mrs Green's Shanty) 1847 inscribed 'Mrs Green's Shanty. nr Ketilby (sic) / Canada West / Septr 1847' lower right 36. 3 x 26.5 cm 5) (Church & Parsonage) 1847 inscribed 'Church & Parsonage. / Bond Head. Tecumseth / Canada West / Sept 1847' lower right 17.5 x 25 cm 6) (Farms in the Township of King) 1847 inscribed 'Farms in the Township of King / Canada West / Septr 1847' lower right 26.5 x 36.2 cm 7) (American Fall & Niagara River) 1847 inscribed 'American / Fall & . / Niagara / River from / the Hol's / Back / August 1847' lower left 26.5 x 36.2 cm 8) (The American Fall & Town Niagara) 1847 inscribed 'The American Fall & Town Niagara - from the Canada side - United States / August 1847-' lower right 26.5 x 36.3 cm 9) The Horse Shoe Fall Niagara 1847 inscribed 'The Horse Shoe Fall. Niagara - August 1847' lower right 26.5 x 36.2 cm 10) (Ketlleby Village) 1847 inscribed 'Grist Mill' lower left; inscribed 'Ketilby'(sic) Village & residence of / Capt. Tyrwhitt & Chas Eaton Esqr / Township of King / Canada West / August 1847 26.4 x 36.2 cm 11) (A French Canadian Calèche) 1847 French Canadian Calache (sic) - traveling from / the Riviere Du Loup to Quebec - 120 miles / August 1847 / Old (iileg) of St Anne's - Berthier -' lower middle 17.5 x 24.7 cm 12) (King, Canada West) 1847 inscribed 'A Concession Line - in King / Canada West / Octr 1847 ' lower right 36. 2 x 26.5 cm 13) (Montmorency Falls) 1847 inscribed 'July 1847 / Falls of the Montmorency / River in Quebec 250 ft' lower right 36.2 x 26.5 cm 14) Rivière du Loup, Canada 1847 inscribed 'Rivière Du Loup. Canada / July 1847' lower right 17.5 x 25 cm 15) (Riviere Du Loup Falls) 1847 inscribed ''Falls of the 'Du Loup Riviere' / Nr the St Lawrence Lower - Canada / July 1847' lower right 26.5 x 36.3 cm 16) (The Hudson Bay Company) 1847 inscribed 'Post of the Hudson Bay Co. (illeg). River. / the head of navigation on the Saguenay River, Lower / 1847 / Canada' lower right 26.5 x 36.3 cm 17(a) Potomac River, Washington 1847 Inscribed 'Potomac River, Washington 15 July 1847' lower centre 17.5 x 25 cm 17(b) (verso) (We Whip the British) inscribed 'We whip the British / A New Yorker / A Mint Julip' lower centre 18) (Ottawa - Illinois) 1847 inscribed 'Ottawa - Illinois - junction of the Illinois & Fox Rivers / United States / 1847' lower right 26.5 x 36.3 cm 19) (New Dublin) 1847 inscribed 'New Dublin between La Salle & / Peru Illinois. United States / 1847 17.5 x 25 cm 20) (Peru Illinois ) 1847 inscribed 'Peru the head of navigation on the Illinois River / United States 1847 26.5 x 36.3 cm 21) (Lake George) 1847 inscribed' Lake House - Caldwell. Lake George - United States / July 1847 / Sketched from Fort George' lower right 26.2 x 36.3 cm PROVENANCE Private Collection, United Kingdom Private Collection, Perth, by descent from the above

    Smith & Singer
  • THOMAS JOHN DOMVILLE TAYLOR circa 1817-1889 Drawings (1840-1848)21 sheets pencil on paper(sizes various)1) (Two New South Wales Land...
    Aug. 16, 2017

    THOMAS JOHN DOMVILLE TAYLOR circa 1817-1889 Drawings (1840-1848)21 sheets pencil on paper(sizes various)1) (Two New South Wales Land...

    Est: $200,000 - $300,000

    THOMAS JOHN DOMVILLE TAYLOR circa 1817-1889 Drawings (1840-1848) 21 sheets pencil on paper (sizes various) 1) (Two New South Wales Landscapes) 1840 inscribed 'Part of Omeo Plains. head of the Murray River - N. S. Wales - 1840' below upper image; inscribed 'Snowy Mountains from Big Hill 1840 / N.S. Wales hd. of the Murray' lower left 36.8 x 25.4 cm 2) (Portrait of a Young Aboriginal) 1841 inscribed 'Jimmy [Timmy?] a Native boy of Moreton [Bay?] / New South Wales / 1841' lower centre 18 x 18 cm 3) (An Australian Squatter and a Latin American Woman) 1843 verso: ('Nutwith', winner of the 1843 Doncaster St Leger Stakes) 1843 inscribed 'An Australian Squatter' lower left; inscribed 'Nutwith' verso 12.6 x 26.3 cm (copied from wood engraving in Illustrated London News 23 September 1843, p. 201) 4) Tummaville, Darling Downs bears [C20th?] inscription 'Tummaville Darling Downs / D. Taylor's hut etc.' lower left; inscribed 'Tummaville, Darling Downs / D. Taylor's hut &c' verso 21.1. x 35.2 cm 5) (Taylor and Rolland's First Camp at 'Tummaville') 20.1 x 34.3 cm 6) Tummaville, Darling Downs 1844 verso: (A Bush Landscape with Two Figures) inscribed 'Tummaville - Darling Downs / N. S. Wales / 1844' lower right; inscribed 'Miss Milman' verso 26.5 x 35.3 cm 7) (The Long Reach, 'Tummaville') 1845 inscribed 'The "Long Reach" on the Broadwater / Tummaville Station Darling Downs / N S Wales 1845' lower right 25.9 x 36.1 cm 8) ('Tummaville') 1845 inscribed '"Tummaville" Cattle run. Darling Downs / N.S. Wales / 1845' lower right 25.9 x 36.4 cm 9) (View on the Condamine River) 1845 inscribed 'Group of Blue Gum trees / in the bed of the Condamine River / Cecil Plains Darling Downs / N.S. - Wales 1845' lower right 26.5 x 20.9 cm 10) (Bullock dray descending Cunningham's gap, Great Dividing Range) inscribed 'A Squatter's dray of Darling Downs / descending the first pinch in / Cunningham's Gap, Main Range, / on its way to Moreton Bay' lower centre 24.5 x 16.4 cm 11) "Gee, Smiler!" inscribed 'Gee Smiler! / Darling Downs squatters ascending / the Main Range of Mountains from / Mortton Bay with supplies' lower centre 24.5 x 16.4 cm 12) (Farmstead Interior) inscribed 'Interior of a [illeg.] House [illeg.]' lower right; inscribed 'very dark' centre right 12.6 x 26.4 cm 13) (Camp on the Leichhardt River) 1845 inscribed 'The return / party encamped / on the Leichardt / River N S Wales / 1845' lower left 25.9 x 36.4 cm 14) (Search Party's Camp at 'Jimbour' Station) 1845 inscribed 'The Party in search of Dr Leichardt / Encamped as H Dennis' / Station. Jimbour. Darling Do… / 8th. Augt. 1845' lower right 25.8 x 36.5 cm 15) (Search Party's Camp at Dried Beef Creek) 1845 inscribed 'Dr Leichardt 7 days camp / on Dogwood Creek when he dried the beef - N S Wales / 16th. Augst 1845' lower right 24.4 x 36.4 cm 16) (Search Party's Camp at Leichhardt River) 1845 inscribed 'The Expedition in search of / Dr Leichardt & party encamped / on the Leichardt River - N S Wale[s] / 27th. Augst 1845' lower right 24.8 x 36.5 cm 17) (Mt Domville, Darling Downs, Queensland) 1845 inscribed 'Mount Domville on the Liechardt ' River / N.S. Wales / 6th. Septr. 1845, lower right 25.9 x 36.3 cm 18) (Johnny Sleeping) 1845 inscribed '"Johnny" asleep - / the black interpreter / of the Expedition - / Leichardt River / 1845' lower right -16.4 x 24.5 cm 19) (James Rogers' Camp, Dried Beef Creek) 1845 verso: (Aboriginal Mortuary Platform) 1845 inscribed 'Rogers' camp / Leichardt 7 days camp' lower right; inscribed '"Pooram" / Dogwood Creek N S Wales / 16th Septr 1845 / [in a later hand?] 'on which the dead are placed to be devoured by / crows & hawks -' verso 16.4 x 24.5 cm 20) (Interior of Domville Taylor's Hut) 1847 bears inscription '"Tummabil" / Darling Downs / Morton Bay / Australia / Interior of the hut of Domville / Taylor sketched by him & the / Painting by George Pickering Chester / 1847' verso 18.1 x 23.5 cm 21) (Cabin on Board Ship) 1848 inscribed 'On board the Steamship / "Avon" 1848 / fm West Indies' lower right 21.4 x 25.9 cm Sketchbook (1840-1848) 32 pages pencil on paper 13.3 x 23 cm (sheet); 13.3 x 23.5 cm (bound) f1r: inscribed 'N.S. Wales / Darling Downs Squatters encamped on Frazers Creek' lower centre; f1v: (part of following sketch); f2r: inscribed 'Squatters for Darling / Downs - Encamped / on Byron Plains / N S Wales 1841' lower right; f2v: (part of following sketch); f3r: inscribed 'Jones's (?) Station / Liverpool Plains / N.S. Wales 1841' lower right; f3v: inscribed 'Aborigines of Australia / on the lookout for whitefellows' lower right; f4r: (drawing of aborigines); f4v: inscribed 'Squatters in search of blacks / N S Wales' lower right; f5r: (drawing of men in camp); f5v: (blank); f6r: inscribed 'Darling Downs / N S Wales' lower left; f6v: (no title/inscription - landscape with tent and drays) n.b. sheet cut - one folio missing; f7r: inscribed 'Aborigines of Australia encamped' lower right; f7v: (blank); f8r: inscribed 'Roping Cattle. N.S. Wales' lower right; f8v: (blank); f9r: inscribed '"Camping Out" N S Wales' lower right; f9v: (blank); f10r: inscribed 'A party in search of blacks' lower right; f10v: (blank); f11r: inscribed 'Wool Press Australia' lower centre; f11v: (blank); f12r: inscribed 'Myall Tree / N S Wales'; upper right; inscribed 'from Mitchell's Australia' lower left (Composite of two illustrations from Mitchell: Remarkable tree and Remnant of the Bogan Tribe); f12v: inscribed '"Boyeer" / Cecil Plains / Russell & Brook's / Station - Darling Downs / N.S. Wales / 1845 / Condamine River' centre left; f13r: (part of previous sketch); f13v: (blank); f14r: (no title/inscription - dray with two bullocks and man with whip); f14v: (blank); f15r: inscribed 'Antipodes Island bearing E 27 miles / 1/2 N / Lat 49? 35" Lon: 178.? 58" / as seen from the "General Hewitt" on his / voyage from Sydney N S Wales to London / 1st July 1846' upper centre; f15v: (no title/inscription - island seen from the sea); f16r: (part of previous sketch); inscribed 'Centre of Antipodes / Island NE 5 miles / distant - as seen / from the Ship "genl. Hewitt" / on the voyage from / Sydney N S Wales to / London 1st July 1846 / The tops of the mountains / were covered with Snow / size of Island about / 5 miles long -' centre right; f16v: (blank); f17r: inscribed 'An Old Mammy. N S Wales - / fm. Mitchell's Tropical Australia' lower left; inscribed 'Native of N S Wales / fm Mitchell's Tropical Australia' lower right; (Two illustrations from Mitchell: Old native female and Portrait of Bultje); f17v: (no title/inscription - three drawings: woman emptying pot from window onto pedestrian below; interior of squatter's hut; stirrup pump (?)); f18r: inscribed 'Brazilian / Soldier' lower left; inscribed 'Travelling at Pernambuco. / Brazils' centre; inscribed 'Negress at Pernambuco - selling oranges' lower right (fourth drawing with no title/inscription - female figure with missing arm); f18v: (blank); f19r: inscribed 'Shooting blacks / N.S. Wales' lower right; f19v: inscribed 'fm / Mitchell's / Tropical / Australia' crentre right; inscribed '"Ballone" River. N. S Wales'lower right (Illustration from Mitchell St George's Bridge); f20r: inscribed 'Drinking - N S Wales' lower right; f20v: (no title - Aboriginal (?) man and verandah (?) structure); f21r: inscribed 'Roping a bullock. N.S. Wales' lower right; f21v: inscribed 'Modesty' upper left; inscribed 'Catamaran - Pernambuco' centre; inscribed '"Camping out" / N S Wales' upper right; inscribed 'Asleep / "Camping out" / N S Wales' centre right; f22r: inscribed 'In search of a run - N.S. Wales 1840 (?)'lower right; f22v: (no title - comic sketch in ink of man and woman) 13.3 x 23 cm (sheet); 13.3 x 23.5 cm (bound) Journal 1845 38 pages ink on paper 20 x 32 (sheet); 21.5 x 33 cm (bound) PROVENANCE Private Collection, United Kingdom Private Collection, Perth, by descent from the above

    Smith & Singer
  • [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS] Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1822. First edition. Full red morocco...
    Apr. 15, 2015

    [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS] Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1822. First edition. Full red morocco...

    Est: $500 - $800

    [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS] Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1822. First edition. Full red morocco gilt by Riviere, the original paper spine label affixed to endleaf at rear. 6 7/8 x 4 inches (18 x 10.5 cm); half-title, 206 pp., ad leaf at rear. Upper cover detached, bookplate of James Holland Beal, some toned leaves or intermittent spotting. C Estate of William W. Appleton

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS] Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1822. First edition. Original boards...
    Nov. 25, 2013

    [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS] Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1822. First edition. Original boards...

    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS] Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1822. First edition. Original boards with paper spine label, slipcase. 7 x 4 inches (18.2 x 11 cm); half-title, 206 pp., without ad leaf at rear (not found in all copies). Upper cover detached, recased, some spotting. C 

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • Thomas Taylor translation of Proclus 1816
    Sep. 26, 2013

    Thomas Taylor translation of Proclus 1816

    Est: $600 - $900

    2 volumes. [v]-lxxx, 425; [2], 517, [2], xl pp. (Lg. 4to) 30x23.5 cm. (11¾x9¼"), 19th century quarter calf & marbled boards, leather corners, spines tooled in gilt & blind, morocco lettering pieces, marbled endpapers & edges. First Edition in English.

    PBA Galleries Auctions & Appraisers
  • KEATS, John (1795-1821). Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London: by Thomas Davison for Taylor and Hessey, 1820.
    May. 24, 2002

    KEATS, John (1795-1821). Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London: by Thomas Davison for Taylor and Hessey, 1820.

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    12 o. Advertisement leaf at front. (Without the half-title and publisher's catalogue, some pencilled underlining.) Contemporary polished calf gilt (some wear to outer joints and at extremities). Provenance : Edward Barbe (signature and notes on title dated 1820; notes on front flyleaves). FIRST EDITION. The poet's third and last book, comprising most of his efforts since Endymion and containing, besides the poems named in the title, many of his best-known verses. These include three of the four great odes: "Ode to a Nightingale," "Ode to Melancholy," and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (concluding "'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."), "To Autumn ("Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness')," "The Eve of St. Agnes," "Lines on the Mermaid Tavern," and, as the final work in the book, the brilliant but unfinished "Hyperion." Ashley III, 15; Grolier English 72; Hayward 233; MacGillivray 3.

  • KEATS, John (1795-1821). Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London: by Thomas Davison for Taylor and Hessey, 1820.
    Oct. 08, 2001

    KEATS, John (1795-1821). Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London: by Thomas Davison for Taylor and Hessey, 1820.

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    12 o (177 x 105 mm). Half-title (verso with imprint), advertisement page (verso blank), 8-page publisher's catalogue at end (often lacking). Original paper boards, UNCUT (neatly rebacked, preserving most of the original backstrip and printed spine label, rear hinge slightly cracked, rubbed); red morocco, silk-lined clamshell case. Provenance : S.F. Lloyd (pencil signature, dated 1850, on front flyleaf) -- Frank Brewer Bemis (bookplate) -- Louis H. Silver (bookplate), sold in the sale of Newberry Library duplicates from the Silver accession, Sotheby's, 8 November 1965, lot 186 -- purchased from John F. Fleming, New York, 20 May 1966. Exhibited : Grolier Club, ' This powerfull rime,' 1975, no. 58. FIRST EDITION. The poet's third and last book, comprising most of his efforts since Endymion and, containing, besides the poems named in the title, many of his best-known verses. These include three of the four great odes: "Ode to a Nightingale," "Ode to Melancholy," and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (concluding "'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."), "To Autumn ("Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness')," "The Eve of St. Agnes," "Lines on the Mermaid Tavern," and, as the final work in the book, the brilliant but unfinished "Hyperion." Ashley III, 15; Grolier English 72; Hayward 233; MacGillivray 3.

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