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Andrea (1465) Solari Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1460 - d. 1524

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  • After Andrea Solario,  Italian c.1465-1524-  Madonna of the Green Cushion;  oil on panel, indistin
    Nov. 20, 2024

    After Andrea Solario,  Italian c.1465-1524-  Madonna of the Green Cushion;  oil on panel, indistin

    Est: £600 - £800

    After Andrea Solario,  Italian c.1465-1524-  Madonna of the Green Cushion;  oil on panel, indistinctly signed and inscribed 'E. Denis/ ? Solario' (lower right), 61 x 49.5 cm.  Provenance:  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  The original work by Solario dates from c.1507-1510 and is held in the collection of the Louvre in Paris [INV 673]. 

  • Andrea Solari (scuola di) (Milano 1460-Milano 1524) - Mater Dolorosa
    Oct. 18, 2024

    Andrea Solari (scuola di) (Milano 1460-Milano 1524) - Mater Dolorosa

    Est: €12,000 - €99,999

    Oil on panel Expertise by Professor Claudio Strinati: "The work brought to my attention can undoubtedly be classified as a certainly ancient replica of a famous prototype by Andrea Solari (Milan ca. 1465-1524). Solari was one of the major Lombard Leonardesque painters, very influential in his time and throughout the sixteenth century, and today revalued among the greatest masters of the time. Solari, therefore, created this interesting and suggestive prototype, and he himself executed various paintings of this same subject, today preserved in public collections (for example at the Pinacoteca di Brera) and private. The pictorial version of our painting here under examination is undoubtedly ancient but it is not, in my opinion, an autograph by Solario but rather a later derivation but still executed within the context of his direct heritage and in the sixteenth century. In particular, I believe that our version, which is of remarkable quality and well preserved, accentuates the religious character of the images through two peculiar aspects: the very intense expression of the Virgin, and the large hands which seem to be those of a peasant woman who posed for the figure in order to accentuate its humble and popular character. I believe that the work in question was executed in the strict context of the direct lineage of the artist who was particularly appreciated in the Lombard circle of Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo and Giuseppe Arcimboldi. In this context I believe I can identify the hand that actually executed the work in that of the eminent Giuseppe Meda (1534-1599) painter and architect, who was in some ways a scrupulous follower of Solario. The workmanship of our painting leads me to date it, in fact, towards the end of the sixteenth century, precisely at the moment of maximum splendor of Giuseppe Meda, famous in ancient times for his notable works, among which worthy of mention is the grandiose fresco of the Tree of Jesse in the cathedral of Monza, executed in the sixties of the sixteenth century. A reasoned comparison between the figures in the fresco of the Tree of Jesse and our painting leads me to conclude that we are in the presence of the same hand."

  • ANDREA SOLARIO (ITALY, 1465-1522)
    Aug. 24, 2024

    ANDREA SOLARIO (ITALY, 1465-1522)

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    ANDREA SOLARIO (ITALY, 1465-1522) Portrait of a Young Man, oil on cradled poplar panel, unsigned,, with a Christie's of London label verso, among others. Housed in a gilt Florentine architectural frame, OS:30 1/2" x 25 1/2" x 6", SS: 18 1/2" x 16".Many inscriptions on back, artist's name engraved into the cradle. Wormage to original panel.

    Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
  • ANDREA SOLARIO. After. "La Vierge au coussin vert".
    Jun. 29, 2023

    ANDREA SOLARIO. After. "La Vierge au coussin vert".

    Est: €700 - €800

    Oil on board 66x51 cm.

  • ANDREA SOLARIO. After. "La Vierge au coussin vert".
    Mar. 09, 2023

    ANDREA SOLARIO. After. "La Vierge au coussin vert".

    Est: €1,500 - €1,800

    Oil on board 66x51 cm.

  • Andrea SOLARIO (c.1470-1520) entourage de, Circle of - Ecole lombarde, 1510. (Italian school XVIth century)
    Jan. 29, 2023

    Andrea SOLARIO (c.1470-1520) entourage de, Circle of - Ecole lombarde, 1510. (Italian school XVIth century)

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    "Tête de Saint-Jean Baptiste sur un Tazza", 1510. Huile sur panneau de peuplier. Porte les mention "S IOAN BAPTIS" sur l'auréole. Est datée en bas à gauche "MDX" pour 1510. Un c dans le D pourrait renvoyer à 1516 ou constituer un monogramme. Une mention peu lisible en bas à droite. Enfin les gouttes de sang sur l'aile du tazza pourraient former un monogramme (?AS?). 26.4 x 20x 1.3 cm. 2022 Collection privée - Œuvre découverte dans un grenier de château du Brabant flamand avant 1962 (un devis de restauration du 14 janvier 1962 chez Albert Philipot a été conservé et constitue un terminus ante quem de découverte). Oeuvre ayant fait l'objet d'une analyse et d'une restauration en 2021 par les Ateliers de Conservation-Restauration d'Oeuvres d'Art de La Cambre à Bruxelles. A cette occasion, un dossier d'examen et de traitement a été rédigé par Sozig Maliet. Nous tenons ce dossier à l'attention de l'acquéreur. L'examen matériel confirme que l'oeuvre est italienne et du début du XVIe siècle.. 26.4 x 20x 1.3 cm.

    Stanley's auction
    Nov. 29, 2022


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Andrea Solari o Solario (Milano 1470 circa - 1524) cerchia/seguace di Ecce homo Olio su tavola 36,5 x 26 cm Artista rinascimentale della scuola milanese, Andrea Solari fu uno dei più importanti seguaci di Leonardo da Vinci. Viaggiò a Venezia e con l'occasione firmò un'opera nel 1495, dove fece propria la rilettura dell'arte nordica di Antonello da Messina e il suo concetto scultoreo delle figure. Prima di tornare in Italia, nel 1507 viaggiò in Francia e probabilmente nelle Fiandre. I riflessi di questo viaggio vennero impressi nelle sue opere, come nella Fuga in Egitto del 1515. L'ultima opera di Solari fu una pala d'altare raffigurante l'Assunzione della Vergine per la Certosa di Pavia, lasciata incompiuta alla sua morte e completata da Bernardino Campi intorno al 1576. Andrea Solari or Solario (Milan ca. 1470 - 1524) circle/follower of Ecce homo Oil on panel 36,5 x 26 cm

    Lucas Aste
    Mar. 12, 2022


    Est: €5,000 - €10,000

    PROBABLY WORKSHOP ANDREA SOLARIO 1460 Milan - 1524 Ibid ECCE HOMO Oil on canvas (old relined). 65 x 54 cm (F. 84,5 x 73,5 cm). Verso: On the stretcher with old wax seal (Royal Collection of France) and collector's stamp 'John Brandon, Glasgow'. Part. slightly old, min. old retouching. Frame. Solario created the theme of 'The Man of Sorrows' by himself in several versions, many works were also created in cooperation with his workshop. Cf: Brown, David Alan: Andrea Solario, Milan 1986, p. 184ff.). Provenance: Rhenish private collection. ANDREA SOLARIO (WAHRSCHEINLICH WERKSTATT) 1460 Mailand - 1524 Ebenda ECCE HOMO Öl auf Leinwand (altdoubl.). 65 x 54 cm (R. 84,5 x 73,5 cm). Verso: Auf dem Keilrahmen mit altem Wachsiegel (Königliche Sammlung Frankreich) sowie Sammlerstempel 'John Brandon, Glasgow'. Part. leicht altrest., min. Altretuschen. Rahmen. Das Thema des Schmerzenmanns schuf Solario eigenhändig in mehreren Fassungen, eine Vielzahl von Arbeiten entstand zudem in Zusammenarbeit mit seiner Werkstatt. Vgl. hierzu: Brown, David Alan: Andrea Solario, Mailand 1986, S. 184ff.). Provenienz: Rheinische Privatsammlung.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Manner of Andrea Solario, 17th Century Christ as the Man of Sorrows
    Dec. 08, 2021

    Manner of Andrea Solario, 17th Century Christ as the Man of Sorrows

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Manner of Andrea Solario, 17th Century Christ as the Man of Sorrows oil on panel 33.8 x 23.7cm (13 5/16 x 9 5/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Solario, Andrea
    Dec. 03, 2021

    Solario, Andrea

    Est: -

    Solario, Andrea 1465 Mailand - 1515 Mailand (nach) Madonna mit dem grünen Kissen. Mischtechnik auf Elfenbein. 19 x 14,5 cm.

    Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
  • Andrea Solario, Ecce Homo
    Nov. 20, 2021

    Andrea Solario, Ecce Homo

    Est: €200,000 - €250,000

    RefMas121121 Andrea Solario came from a family of artists based in Milan. In 1489 he first became a pupil of Giovanni Bellini in Venice and from the mid-1490s, back in Milan, worked in Leonardo da Vinci's workshop. He became one of his most important successors, and like the latter he travelled to France, where he stayed from 1507 to 1509. Andrea Solario died in Milan in 1524 at the age of 64. His works are characterised by a sculptural approach and intense colour palette. In the course of his development, the technique of "sfumato" and Leonardo's type of figures emerge more and more clearly. Like many other Italian masters, Andrea was also inspired by Flemish art. This is particularly noticeable in this composition, whose pictorial idea has its origins in Flemish devotional paintings of the 15th and 16th centuries. No composition by Andrea Solario has had a greater impact than his representations of the Ecce Homo. The devotional painting from the Passion of Christ shows the humiliated Saviour with the crown of thorns, bound hands and a hollow bamboo stick as a sceptre against a dark background. His head is tilted to the left, auburn curls fall over his shoulders and the blue cloak, drops of blood and tears flow down his face and his bare chest. In addition to two versions in Leipzig (Museum der bildenden Künste, Inv. No. 1660) and (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection) that are considered original and by his own hand, David Alan Brown lists a total of 13 other versions of this composition, including the present work under the letter "k". Brown only knew the painting from an old black and white photograph, but refers to a certificate by Mina Gregori for the attribution. The context in which Andrea Solario created his famous "Ecce Homo" has not yet been clarified. Most scholars assume that the painting was executed during Solario's stay in France between 1507 and 1509. This is supported by the oak panel on which it was painted. The Leipzig painting, however, was transferred to canvas in the 19th century and it is not known whether this panel was painted on oak or poplar wood. It has since been established on both versions in Leipzig and Philadelphia that the signatures are not authentic. The present picture is also obviously painted on oak. With a very fine brush, the painter executes the facial features of Christ and models the eyes, the transparent tears, the reddish hair falling in curls and the beard with the most delicate tones. The painting has not been restored recently, but it is in a good overall state of preservation.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Andrea Solario: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
    Jun. 02, 2021

    Andrea Solario: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    SOLARIO, ANDREA Milan ca. 1466 - 1524 Early copy after Title: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist. After Solarios painting from 1524 in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 63 x 55cm. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Verso: On the stretcher label of the G. Zabert collection, Turin. Provenance: Collection Prof. Dr. Thomas Olbricht, Essen.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • SOLARI Andrea (1460 - 1524). D'après. "La Vierge au coussin vert" gou
    May. 19, 2021

    SOLARI Andrea (1460 - 1524). D'après. "La Vierge au coussin vert" gou

    Est: €300 - €400

    SOLARI Andrea (1460 - 1524). D'après. "La Vierge au coussin vert" gouache sur papier (?). D'après Andrea Solari. Epoque: XVIIème (?). Dim.:+/-16,5x13,5cm.

  • Andrea Solario (Milano 1470-1524 ca), copia da, Testa di San Giovanni Battista
    Dec. 11, 2020

    Andrea Solario (Milano 1470-1524 ca), copia da, Testa di San Giovanni Battista

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    olio su tela, cm 36x39

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Solario, Andrea: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
    Nov. 19, 2020

    Solario, Andrea: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Solario, Andrea Milan ca. 1466 - 1524 - Copy after After Solarios painting from 1524 in Kunsthistorischen Museum in Vienna. Oil on canvas. Relined. 63 x 55cm. Framed. Verso: On the stretcher label of the G. Zabert collection, Turin. Provenance: Collection Prof. Dr. Thomas Olbricht, Essen. Explanations to the Catalogue Andrea Solario Italian School 15th/16th C. Old Masters Religious Theme Painting Saints Estimated Shippingcost for this lot: Germany: 67,23 Euro plus 12,77 Euro VAT EU: 100,84 Euro plus 19,16 Euro VAT Worldwide: 151,26 Euro plus 28,74 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Andrea Solario, studio or circle of, Christ as the Man of Sorrows
    Nov. 14, 2020

    Andrea Solario, studio or circle of, Christ as the Man of Sorrows

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Several versions of this popular and widely disseminated depiction of the Man of Sorrows by Andrea Solario exist, with the works in the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Museum der bildenden Künste in Leipzig being the most finely painted examples (cf. David Alan Brown: Andrea Solario, Mailand 1986, p. 184ff).

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Andrea Solario, um 1470 Mailand – 1520, zug.
    Dec. 05, 2019

    Andrea Solario, um 1470 Mailand – 1520, zug.

    Est: €17,000 - €19,000

    MADONNA MIT DEM GRÜNEN KISSEN Öl auf Leinwand. 69 x 55 cm. Ungerahmt. Die jugendliche Maria als Maria Lactans vor einer Baumgruppe im Halbbildnis wiedergegeben, mit seitlichen Durchblicken in Landschaft. Das Bildmotiv bezieht sich auf das von Solario geschaffene Gemälde, das sich im Louvre befindet, jedoch im landschaftlichen Hintergrund weitgehend abgeändert. Links oben am Bildrand einige Farbausbrüche. (11506014) (11) Andrea Solario, ca. 1470 Milan – 1520, attributed MADONNA WITH THE GREEN CUSHION Oil on canvas. 69 x 55 cm. Unframed. The youthful Virgin has here been portrayed in half- portrait as “Maria Lactans” in front of a group of trees. The image motif relates to Solario´s painting today held at the Louvre, Paris.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Sep. 25, 2019


    Est: €20,000 - €22,500

    SOLARI ANDREA (1470-1524) (attribuito) 'Ecce Homo' olio su tavola cm. 46x66 5

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • follower of Andrea Solario (Milan, 1460 - 1524)
    Nov. 14, 2018

    follower of Andrea Solario (Milan, 1460 - 1524)

    Est: €4,500 - €5,500

    follower of Andrea Solario (Milan, 1460 - 1524) Head of John the Baptist Oil on panel, cm. 29x40. Framed

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Andrea Solario (Milan c. 1465 - before 1524) - Christ at the column
    Jul. 05, 2018

    Andrea Solario (Milan c. 1465 - before 1524) - Christ at the column

    Est: £200,000 - £300,000

    Andrea Solario (Milan c. 1465 - before 1524) Christ at the column oil on panel 23 ½ x 17 ¼ in. ( 60 x 44 cm.)

  • Andrea Solario, um 1465 Mailand - 1524, Nachfolge, wohl nordeuropäisch
    Dec. 10, 2015

    Andrea Solario, um 1465 Mailand - 1524, Nachfolge, wohl nordeuropäisch

    Est: €40,000 - €60,000

    MADONNA MIT DEM GRÜNEN KISSEN Öl auf Eichenholz. 65 x 50 cm. Auf der Rückseite befindet sich am Rahmen folgender Text: „Ausstellung Leodardo da Vinci/ PALAZZO DELL'ARTE MILANO/ Mai - Oktober 1939/ Nr. 49/ CONTE SENATORE BORLETTI MILANO“. Gerahmt. Bei dem vorliegen Werk handelt es sich um die werkgetreue Kopie eines der berühmtesten Gemälde der italienischen Malerei des Cinquecento: Die sogenannte Madonna del cuscino verde von Andrea Solario (Museé du Louvre). Wahrscheinlich malte Solario (er gehörte zum Gefolge des Kardinals Georges d'Ambroise) diese Madonna während seines zwar kurzen, jedoch künstlerisch wichtigen Aufenthalts in Frankreich zwischen 1507 und 1509. Seit 1617 gehörte das Gemälde Königin Maria de' Medici - es war ein Geschenk des Franziskanerklosters der Cordelieri - die es in die Residenz von Blois bringen ließ. Bereits im 16. Jahrhundert war dieses Werk von Solario bekannt und wurde bewundert, wie anhand der vielen existierenden Kopien ersichtlich wird. Die vorliegende ausgezeichnete Kopie hält sich fast wortgetreu an das Original. Auch hier haben wir die glänzenden brillanten Farben, die Strahlkraft und den Perlmuttglanz, welche die Madonna und das Jesuskind umgeben. Eichenholz ist als Maluntergrund untypisch für die italienische Malerei, jedoch ganz typisch für die holländische. Daher kann man davon ausgehen, dass es sich hier um das Werk eines exzellenten holländischen oder flämischen Meisters handelt, dem es gelang, die Echtheit und Zärtlichkeit des Originals von Solario genauestens einzufangen. (1021647) (21) Andrea Solario, ca. 1465 Milan - 1524, follower of, probably north european

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • ANDREA SOLARIO | Ecce Homo
    Jul. 08, 2015

    ANDREA SOLARIO | Ecce Homo

    Est: £150,000 - £200,000

    oil on panel, probably softwood

  • After Andrea Solario (French, 1460-1522), Virgin of the Green Cushion, Unsigned., Condition: Lined, retouch, craquelure, surface grime.
    Oct. 11, 2014

    After Andrea Solario (French, 1460-1522), Virgin of the Green Cushion, Unsigned., Condition: Lined, retouch, craquelure, surface grime.

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    After Andrea Solario (French, 1460-1522) Virgin of the Green Cushion Unsigned. Oil on canvas, 26 x 20 in. (66.2 x 51.0 cm), framed. Condition: Lined, retouch, craquelure, surface grime.

  • SOLARI, ANDREA Mailand (um) 1465 - (vor) 1524 - Nachfolge 17./18. Jh. Madonna mit dem grÜnen Kissen. Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 61 x 49cm. Rahmen.
    Nov. 15, 2013

    SOLARI, ANDREA Mailand (um) 1465 - (vor) 1524 - Nachfolge 17./18. Jh. Madonna mit dem grÜnen Kissen. Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 61 x 49cm. Rahmen.

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    SOLARI, ANDREA Milan (ca.) 1465 - (pre) 1524 - successor 18th Century Madonna with green Cushion. Oil on canvas. Relined. 61 x 49cm. Framed.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • After Andrea Solario, (Milan, c. 1465-1524), Madonna and Child with Travelers in a Landscape
    Sep. 24, 2013

    After Andrea Solario, (Milan, c. 1465-1524), Madonna and Child with Travelers in a Landscape

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    After Andrea Solario (Milan, c. 1465-1524) Madonna and Child with Travelers in a Landscape oil on panel 26 1/4 x 20 inches.

  • Studio of Andrea Solario (Milan c. 1465-before 1524)
    Jan. 30, 2013

    Studio of Andrea Solario (Milan c. 1465-before 1524)

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    Studio of Andrea Solario (Milan c. 1465-before 1524) Ecce Homo oil on panel, unframed 11 7/8 x 8½ in. (30.4 x 21.6 cm.)

  • - Andrea Solario , Milan circa 1465 - 1524 Christ Carrying the Cross tempera and oil on panel, transferred to canvas
    Jul. 08, 2009

    - Andrea Solario , Milan circa 1465 - 1524 Christ Carrying the Cross tempera and oil on panel, transferred to canvas

    Est: £250,000 - £350,000

    signed and dated upper left: AD. MEDIOLANES./.F./.1505. tempera and oil on panel, transferred to canvas

  • SOLARIO, ANDREA (1465 Mailand 1524), Nachfolger
    Mar. 27, 2009

    SOLARIO, ANDREA (1465 Mailand 1524), Nachfolger

    Est: CHF8,000 - CHF10,000

    SOLARIO, ANDREA (1465 Mailand 1524), Nachfolger Maria mit dem Kind. Öl auf Leinwand. 50 x 39,5 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • SCHOOL OF ANDREA SOLARIO (French, circa 1465-1524). ECCE HOMO, oil on panel.
    Nov. 11, 2007

    SCHOOL OF ANDREA SOLARIO (French, circa 1465-1524). ECCE HOMO, oil on panel.

    Est: $12,000 - $15,000

    SCHOOL OF ANDREA SOLARIO (French, circa 1465-1524). ECCE HOMO, oil on panel - 15 1/4 in. x 12 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • AFTER ANDREA SOLARIO (French 1460-1522) "The
    Nov. 07, 2007

    AFTER ANDREA SOLARIO (French 1460-1522) "The

    Est: $250 - $500

    AFTER ANDREA SOLARIO (French 1460-1522) "The Virgin of the Green Cushion" oil on wood panel, inscribed lower right. 21.5"x18". Estimate $250-$500

    Jackson's International
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