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Jan (1544) Snellinck Sold at Auction Prices

Figure painter, Painter, b. 1544 - d. 1638

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  • JAN SNELLINCK (MECHELEN 1544⁄1549-1638 ANTWERP) The Sword of Damocles pen a
    Feb. 01, 2024

    JAN SNELLINCK (MECHELEN 1544⁄1549-1638 ANTWERP) The Sword of Damocles pen a

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    JAN SNELLINCK (MECHELEN 1544⁄1549-1638 ANTWERP) The Sword of Damocles pen and black ink, gray wash, pen and brown ink framing lines, incised for transfer 3 ½ x 4 ¾ in. (8.6 x 11.8 cm)

  • Jan Snellinck (1544-1638) - Story of Job, complete series
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Jan Snellinck (1544-1638) - Story of Job, complete series

    Est: €540 - €650

    Complete set of four prints in early impression: The Story of Job. These are the earlies works known by the Antwerp painter Jan Snellinck (1544-1638) who made the drawings for this series published by his father -in-law Gerard de Jode (1516-1591) in 1585. The series shows (1) the hardships of Job with his livestock destroyed by Satan. (2) Job sitting on the dunghill, a demon flying above, in the background, livestock abandoning Job's land; figures in the clouds, including another demon (3) Job seated on a hay stack, his body covered in boils; Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar seen before him, begging him to abbandon his Faith. (4) Job back home, coming out of his house, greeting his friends, his livestock and shepherds seen back in his fields.

    Old Master Print
  • Snellinck Jan I
    Nov. 25, 2023

    Snellinck Jan I

    Est: CHF1,440 - CHF1,800

    Interieurszene Unten rechts monogrammiert "J.S.". Restaurierter Riss, welcher horizontal mittig über das Gemälde verläuft. Starke Übermalungen. Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 25.11.2023 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 19:30

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Jan Snellinck (1549-1638) (atelier de - van / studio of) - L'Annonciation
    Mar. 28, 2023

    Jan Snellinck (1549-1638) (atelier de - van / studio of) - L'Annonciation

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Huile sur panneau. English Translation: The Annunciation Oil on panel. 50,5 x 67 cm.

    Brussels Art Auctions
  • Jan Snellinck after, Le Clerc, Jonas and the whale
    Dec. 15, 2022

    Jan Snellinck after, Le Clerc, Jonas and the whale

    Est: €275 - €375

    Jonas, Jonah and the whale, engraving after Jan Snellinck. Engraving made by a French engraver published by Jean Le Clerc (1560-1622) in Paris ca 1600-1622. Engraving from a series of prophets. Engraving in good condition. Very good dark early impression printed on thin laid paper. Trimmed in the margins , image is complete. Mounted on another laid paper.

    Old Master Print
  • ABRAHAM JANSSENS (cerchia di)
    Mar. 15, 2022

    ABRAHAM JANSSENS (cerchia di)

    Est: €500 - €800

    (Anversa, 1573/1574 circa - Amsterdam, 1632) Diana Olio su tela, cm 105X71 Allievo di Jan Snellinck, è documentato a Roma nel 1598. Dal 1601 fu membro della Gilda di San Luca di Anversa. Sulla base di considerazioni stilistiche si ipotizza un secondo viaggio in Italia verso il 1604, quando potrebbe essere venuto a contatto con le novità di Caravaggio. Dipinse soprattutto temi religiosi, allegorici e mitologici in grande formato, facendo parte dei classicisti di Anversa, amanti delle composizioni chiare e della colorazione basata su tonalità chiare.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Snellinck, Jan
    Dec. 18, 2021

    Snellinck, Jan

    Est: €320 - €480

    (1548 Mecheln - Antwerpen 1638),nach. Die zwölf Propheten. Folge 4 Kupferstiche, bei Visscher um 1600. Plgr. je ca. 21,5 x 27,5 cm, Blgr. je 28,5 x 33 cm. - Blätter tls. minimal fleckig, je unten hs. Marginalien, je ein Einriss untere linke Bildhälfte (2x hinterlegt), (ca. 5 cm). R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    May. 30, 2018


    Est: €1,300 - €1,500

    (Mechelen, 1549 circa - Anversa, 1638) Paesaggio Firmato in basso al centro Olio su tavola, cm 68X107 Jan Snellinck III fu figlio e allievo di Cornelis Snellinck un noto pittore di paesaggi, ma si possiedono pochissime notizie biografiche inerenti alla sua vita e all'attività. Non poche sue opere sono spesso riferite ad altri maestri come Jan Gabrielsz. Sonjé, allievo di Adam Pynacker che lavora a Rotterdam contemporaneamente a Snellinck, ma l'arte di quest'ultimo si distingue per i toni meno drammatici e per la luminosità tonale con cui è costruito il paesaggio. Il dipinto è corredato da una scheda critica di Raffaella Colace.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jan. 31, 2018


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Pen and brown ink and wash and blue wash over traces of black and red chalk, alterations on a separate sheet, lower left; bears initial or monogram, top left corner: I (?), and inscriptions, top left margin:  cost. XX. Shillings, and bottom right margin: Jean de Mabeuge

  • Painting, Attributed to Jan Snellinck the Elder
    Aug. 10, 2014

    Painting, Attributed to Jan Snellinck the Elder

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Attributed to Jan Snellinck the Elder (Flemish, 1549-1638), The Crucifixion, oil on canvas, unsigned, artist placard lower center, sight: 64"h x 41"w, overall (with frame): 69"h x 46.5"w

    Clars Auctions
  • Jan SNELLINCK I (Mechelen 1544 / 9 – Anvers 1638) Elégante assemblée écoutant de la musique Panneau complété à la moitié supérieure...
    Oct. 25, 2013

    Jan SNELLINCK I (Mechelen 1544 / 9 – Anvers 1638) Elégante assemblée écoutant de la musique Panneau complété à la moitié supérieure...

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Jan SNELLINCK I (Mechelen 1544 / 9 – Anvers 1638) Elégante assemblée écoutant de la musique Panneau complété à la moitié supérieure, probablement un plateau d’épinette, parqueté 37 x 57 cm Signé en bas à droite (signature rehaussée) : JOAN. SNELLINCK. F Restaurations

  • Jan Snellinck (1548-1638, Flemish) Oil on Canvas
    Oct. 06, 2013

    Jan Snellinck (1548-1638, Flemish) Oil on Canvas

    Est: $4,000 - $8,000

    Flemish, 42" wide by 64" tall (106.7 x 162.5 cm) oil on canvas

    California Auctioneers
  • Jan Snellinck I (Mechelen c. 1549-1638 Antwerp)
    Dec. 05, 2012

    Jan Snellinck I (Mechelen c. 1549-1638 Antwerp)

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Jan Snellinck I (Mechelen c. 1549-1638 Antwerp) The Crucifixion with the two thieves oil on panel 22¼ x 18 3/8 in. (56.5 x 46.7 cm.)

  • Jan Snellinck I (Mechelen 1544/9-1638 Antwerp)
    Dec. 07, 2011

    Jan Snellinck I (Mechelen 1544/9-1638 Antwerp)

    Est: £15,000 - £25,000

    Jan Snellinck I (Mechelen 1544/9-1638 Antwerp) A masked ball in an Italianate courtyard signed 'IOAN SNELLINCK' (lower left, on the base of the pedestal) oil on canvas 57½ x 89½ in. (146 x 227.3 cm.)

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