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Dominicus van der Smissen Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait painter, Painter, Landscape painter, Still life painter

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  • Smissen - Bildnis Brockes
    Jun. 03, 2023

    Smissen - Bildnis Brockes

    Est: €200 - €250

    Smissen, Dominikus van der (Altona 1704 - 1760). Bildnis Barthold Heinrich Brockes. Aquarell auf Karton. Um 1750. 22 x 21,5 cm. Aquarell nach dem Ölbild von van der Smissen in der Kieler Kunsthalle (56 x 43 cm) (siehe: Kunsthalle zu Kiel. Katalog der Gemälde. Kiel, 1973). Dieses Ölbild wiederum ist eine Wiederholung des Bildnisses in der Hamburger Kunsthalle (Katalog der Alten Meister Nr. 34), das früher Balthasar Denner zugeschrieben war und nun auf Grund eines alten Sammlungsverzeichnisses den Namen van der Smissens trägt.- Schulterstück im Profil des Hamburger Senators und Dichters Barthold Heinrich Brockes, bekleidet mit rotem, pelzbesetztem Mantel und passender Mütze. Brockes schuf 1736 mit Johann Elias Ridinger das Werk 'Betrachtung der wilden Tiere', hierauf bezieht sich die Eintragung von alter Hand auf der Rückseite des vorliegenden Aquarells 'Denner malte Brockes, Senator in Hamburg und der schrieb an Ridinger: 'Wir beschreiben alle beyde Gott zur Ehre und uns zur Freude / Das so schöne Welt-Gebäude, Ich mit Dinte Du mit Kreide' .

    Auktionshaus Schramm
  • Attributed to Dominicus van der Smissen, German 1704-1760- Portrait of Captain Horatio Ripley, R.N., half-length,
    Mar. 22, 2022

    Attributed to Dominicus van der Smissen, German 1704-1760- Portrait of Captain Horatio Ripley, R.N., half-length,

    Est: £600 - £800

    Attributed to Dominicus van der Smissen, German 1704-1760- Portrait of Captain Horatio Ripley, R.N., half-length, turned to the right; oil on canvas, signed, inscribed and dated 'Horatio Ripley Esqre R.N. / Third son of Thomas Ripley Esqre. / Comptroller of the Board of Works. / D. VanderSmissen pinxit 1745.' (on an old label attached to the reverse of the canvas), 75.5 x 63.5 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, UK. Note: The son of a wealthy merchant, Van der Smissen was born and grew up in Altona in Hamburg. He received his artistic training as a student of the painter Balthasar Denner (1685-1749), whose sister Catharina he married in 1730. He later lived and worked in Dresden, Brunswick, Amsterdam and London. Today his paintings hang in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Amsterdam Museum, and the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum in Brunswick. Horatio Ripley (1730-1789) was the third son of the celebrated Yorkshire-born architect Thomas Ripley (1682-1758) who is said to have walked to London, as a young boy, to seek his fortune. The elder Ripley purportedly owed his advancement in life to the patronage of Sir Robert Walpole, one of whose servants he married. His notable achievements include his rebuilding of London’s Custom House in 1788, which had been destroyed by fire in 1715, and his appointment in 1721 as Chief Carpenter to all his majesty's works and buildings in England, in succession to Grinling Gibbons. He also jointly published ‘Plans and Elevations of Houghton [Hall]’ with William Kent and Isaac Ware, and also worked on Wolterton House in Norfolk, the Admiralty in Whitehall, and the interior and roof of the chapel at Greenwich Hospital. On 8 May 1726 he became comptroller of the Board of Works in succession to Sir John Vanbrugh, and held this appointment until 1738. Please refer to department for condition report

  • Attributed to Dominicus van der Smissen, German 1704-1760- Portrait of Richard Ripley, half-length,
    Mar. 22, 2022

    Attributed to Dominicus van der Smissen, German 1704-1760- Portrait of Richard Ripley, half-length,

    Est: £600 - £800

    Attributed to Dominicus van der Smissen, German 1704-1760- Portrait of Richard Ripley, half-length, turned to the right; oil on canvas, signed, inscribed and dated 'Richard Ripley, Esqre. / Eldest son of Thomas Ripley, Esqre. / Comptroller of the Board of Works. / D. VanderSmissen pinxit 1745.' (on an old label attached to the reverse of the canvas), 76 x 63.5 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, UK. Note: The son of a wealthy merchant, Van der Smissen was born and grew up in Altona in Hamburg. He received his artistic training as a student of the painter Balthasar Denner (1685-1749), whose sister Catharina he married in 1730. He later lived and worked in Dresden, Brunswick, Amsterdam and London. Today his paintings hang in several museums including the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Amsterdam Museum, and the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum in Brunswick. Richard Ripley (1724-1780) was the eldest son of the celebrated Yorkshire-born architect Thomas Ripley (1682-1758) who is said to have walked to London, as a young boy, to seek his fortune. The elder Ripley purportedly owed his advancement in life to the patronage of Sir Robert Walpole, one of whose servants he married. His notable achievements include his rebuilding of the London's Custom House in 1788, which had been destroyed by fire in 1715, and his appointment in 1721 as Chief Carpenter to all his majesty's works and buildings in England, in succession to Grinling Gibbons. He also jointly published ‘Plans and Elevations of Houghton [Hall]’ with William Kent and Isaac Ware, and worked on Wolterton House in Norfolk, the Admiralty in Whitehall, and the interior and roof of the chapel at Greenwich Hospital. On 8 May 1726 he became comptroller of the Board of Works in succession to Sir John Vanbrugh, and held this appointment until 1738. His son Richard, the subject of the present work, inherited a considerable fortune upon his father’s death. Please refer to department for condition report

  • Dominicus van der Smissen (1704-1760) German, A portrait of a seated lady and a child holding a rose, oil on c
    Sep. 29, 2021

    Dominicus van der Smissen (1704-1760) German, A portrait of a seated lady and a child holding a rose, oil on c

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Dominicus van der Smissen (1704-1760) German, A portrait of a seated lady and a child holding a rose, oil on canvas, signed, 50.5" x 40". With Countess of Castlemaine written on name plate, in a period frame.

    John Nicholson's Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
    Sep. 22, 2020


    Est: £400 - £600

    ATTRIBUTED TO EDWARD LUTTRELL (1650-1724) PORTRAIT OF A BEARDED MAN IN A FUR CAP oil on panel 26.4 x 21.0 cm / 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 in The present work is also comparable to the portraits of Dominicus van der Smissen (1704-1760)^ who was also active in London slightly after Luttrell~s time.

    Olympia Auctions
    May. 30, 2018


    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    (Altona, 1704 - 1760) Ritratto della contessa Marie Thérèse von Schorlemer Inscritto sulla tela: Maria Theresia L : B. de / Schorlemer in Overhagen / Uxor Franc : Caroli Comitis de / Nefielrod (?) in Ereschoven. N° 1, così come la firma probabilmente autografata del pittore: Dominicus den Smissen / pinxit. Olio su tela, cm 107X94 Allievo di Balthasar Denner si possiedono scarne notizie biografiche. La sua specialità fu il ritratto e nel 1739-40 fu pittore di corte a Brunswick. Nel 1738 lavorò ad Altona e negli anni '40 a Dresda, poi ad Amsterdam e nel 1750 a Londra.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Mar. 21, 2018


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Altona, 1704 - 1760) Ritratto della contessa Marie ThŽrse von Schorlemer Inscritto sulla tela: Maria Theresia L : B. de / Schorlemer in Overhagen / Uxor Franc : Caroli Comitis de / Nefielrod (?) in Ereschoven. N¡ 1, cos“ come la firma probabilmente autografata del pittore: Dominicus den Smissen / pinxit. Olio su tela, cm 107X94 Allievo di Balthasar DennerÊsi possiedono scarne notizie biografiche. La sua specialitˆ fu il ritratto e nel 1739-40 fu pittore di corte a Brunswick. Nel 1738 lavor˜ ad Altona e negli anni '40 aÊDresda, poi adÊAmsterdamÊe nel 1750 aÊLondra.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Wohl VAN DER SMISSEN, DOMINICUS (1704 - 1760): Allegorie des Herbstes.
    Nov. 22, 2014

    Wohl VAN DER SMISSEN, DOMINICUS (1704 - 1760): Allegorie des Herbstes.

    Est: -

    Öl/Lwd., unsign., rückseitig Klebeetikett 'Galerie del Vecchio/ Leipzig/N.5144', ca. 60 x 50, gerahmt, rest.

    Auktionshaus Eppli
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