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John (1740) Smart Sold at Auction Prices

Portrait miniature painter, Naval painter, Miniaturist, Miniature painter, Engraver, b. 1741 - d. 1811

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  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF3,200 - CHF4,000

    Portrait Nathaniel Edward Kindersley (1763-1831) in blauem Mantel mit gepudertem Haar Signiert und datiert "JS / 1787" und "I" für Indien. Goldrahmen 585, verso mit Gravur "NEK" mit Haarlocke Der Dargestellte wurde in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, als Sohn von Nathaniel Kindersley (1732–1769) und Jemima Kindersley, geborene Wicksteed (1741–1809), geboren. Nathaniel war eines von vielen Mitgliedern der Familie Kindersley, die im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert mit Indien verbunden waren. Er heiratete Hannah Butterworth am 3. Juli 1786 in Tangernaikpuram, Indien, und hatte zwei Kinder: Sir Richard Torin Kindersley (1792–1879) und Nathaniel William Kindersley (1794–1844). Er verstarb am 16. Februar 1831 in Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire. Kindersley trat 1780 als Schreiber in Fort St. George ein. Zwei Firmen in Indien waren mit seinem Namen verbunden: Kindersley, Watts & Co. und Torin & Kindersley. Bis 1789 war er Sekretär des Polizeiausschusses, Mitglied des Handelsvorstands, Direktor der Carnatic Bank, Superintendent des Cutcherry-Gerichts und hatte im Komitee zur Gründung einer "Anstalt zur Unterstützung von Waisen und anderen notleidenden männlichen Kindern des Militärs" in Madras gedient. Während seiner Tätigkeit für die East India Company in Madras schrieb Kindersley 1794 das Werk Specimens of Hindoo Literature, London. Ein um 1792 von John Miers auf Gips gemaltes Scherenschnittportrait von Nathaniel Edward Kindersley aus der Sammlung des verstorbenen C. F. Sainsbury wurde von S. McKechnie in British Silhouette Artists and their Work 1760–1860, London, 1978, S. 661, Abbildung Nr. 1327, veröffentlicht. Ein Plumbago-Portrait von Thomas Worlidge (1700–1766) von Kindersleys Mutter Jemima befindet sich im Victoria & Albert Museum (Inv.-Nr. EVANS.341). Jemima war liebevoll als "Pulcherrima" bekannt, eine Anspielung auf ihre Schönheit. Ihr Buch Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good Hope and the East Indies, 1777, gilt als eines der frühesten Reisebücher einer Frau. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 24 May 2004, lot 84 (Kaufpreis umgerechnet 35'800 CHF); Aus direktem Familienbesitz Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:02

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF1,600 - CHF2,000

    Portrait eines Edelmannes mit gepudertem Haar Signiert und datiert "J.S./ 1769". Rahmen Gold 333. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Bonhams, London, 28 June 2012, lot 29 (Zuschlag umgerechnet 21'000 CHF) Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:02

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF1,200 - CHF1,500

    Portrait eines Offiziers in rotem Mantel und gepudertem Haar Signiert und datiert "J. S. 1774". In Goldrahmen 585. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 25 May 2004, lot 132 (Zuschlag umgerechnet 18'300 CHF) Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:01

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF1,600 - CHF2,000

    Portraitminiatur eines Offiziers mit gepudertem Haar Signiert und datiert "J.S. 1781". In Goldrahmen 750. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 9 December 2003, lot 82 (Zuschlag umgerechnet 22'000 CHF) Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:01

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF4,000 - CHF5,000

    Bildnis einer Peeress Signiert und datiert: JS/ 1775. Goldrahmen 585 mit Perlenrand, gekrönt von einer durchbrochenen Schleife, besetzt mit Diamanten. Die Rückseite mit geprägter Verzierung um eine verglaste Öffnung, die ein goldenes Monogramm JF auf geflochtenem Haar zeigt. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Bonhams, London, 22 April 2004, lot 44 (Kaufpreis 81'500 CHF); The Albion Collection Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 11:00

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF2,500

    Miss Mary Lewin, later Mrs Ralph Jackson Signiert und datiert "J S. 1776". In vergoldetem sowie versilbertem Rahmen mit Emaille und blauem Glas. Mary (1756–1781), Tochter von Kapitän Richard Lewin aus Greenwich, heiratete am 14. November 1776 Ralph Jackson von Normanby Hall, North Yorkshire, und hatte Nachkommen. Sie verstarb an Schwindsucht. Ein Auszug aus dem Tagebuch ihres Ehemannes vom Oktober 1776 lautet: „Mittwoch, der Sechste; Ich ging mit Miss Lewin nach London, liess sie bei Mr. Smart, einem Miniaturmaler in der Berners Street, Oxford Street, aussteigen, der ihr Porträt in Miniatur anfertigt, um es an ihren Bruder Thomas in Fort St. George in Ostindien zu senden.“ Ein Eintrag für November lautet: „Montag, der Elfte; Kapitän Jackson und ich gingen zu Mr. Downe in der Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, um uns einige Kutschpferde anzusehen; von dort aus machte ich mich auf die Suche nach Miss Lewin bei Mr. Smart, bei Miss Huntridge, und fand sie schliesslich bei Mr. Pearson in der Tavistock Street.“ Das Porträt, in Auftrag gegeben kurz vor ihrer Hochzeit, ist ein bewegendes Zeugnis jener Zeit. Miniaturen hatten im 18. Jahrhundert hohen emotionalen Wert und dienten oft als Erinnerungsstücke für geliebte Menschen in weit entfernten Ländern. Smarts Kunst und Marys Portrait spiegeln somit nicht nur ihre persönliche Geschichte wider, sondern auch den kulturellen Austausch und die Verbindungen des Britischen Empires. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London, 24 May 2004, lot 84 (Zuschlag umgerechnet 34'000 CHF); Aus direktem Familienbesitz D. Foskett, John Smart, the Man and his Miniatures, London, 1964, S. 70. Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:59

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF2,400 - CHF3,000

    Portrait eines Edelmannes in blauem Mantel und gepudertem Haar Signiert und datiert: "JS/ 1789" und mit einem "I" für Indien. In Golrahmen 750 mit Perlendekor und grünem, fein guillochiertem Email und einer Haarlocke. Auf der Suche nach grösserem Ruhm und Reichtum verliess John Smart im Jahr 1785 England in Richtung Chennai (Madras), Indien, begleitet von seiner Tochter Anna Maria und später von ihrer jüngeren Schwester Sophia. Zu dieser Zeit war Indien eine Quelle enormen Wohlstands für die Angestellten der East India Company. Smart wusste, dass die wohlhabenden Kaufleute, britischen Aristokraten und Beamten sowie indische Höflinge wie Muhammad Akli Khan, Prinz von Carnatic, eine hohe Nachfrage nach seinen kleinen, tragbaren Portraits hatten. Sein zarter und akribischer Stil, wenngleich zurückhaltender als der virtuose Stil Cosways, verschaffte ihm rasch Anerkennung für seine bemerkenswerte Klarheit und Naturalismus. Er arbeitete zehn Jahre lang in Indien und schuf in dieser produktiven Phase ein bedeutendes Werk. Diese Miniatur, signiert mit einem „I“ für Indien, ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel für Smarts Schaffen während seiner Zeit in Indien. Sie zeigt die meisterhafte Technik und das feine Gespür des Künstlers, die ihn zu einem der führenden Miniaturmaler seiner Zeit machten. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Bonhams, London, 27. April 2005, lot 98 (Zuschlag umgerechnet 31'500 CHF); Hickson Collection; Sotheby's, 29 March 1965, lot 59 Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:59

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF3,200 - CHF4,000

    Mrs John Chamier (née Georgiana Grace Burnaby) Signiert und datiert unten links J.S. 1786 I. Verso mit Haararbeit und Monogramm GB. In Goldrahmen 750. Georgiana Grace (gest. 1826), Tochter von Admiral Sir William Burnaby, heiratete am 1. Oktober 1785 in Madras John Ezekiel des Champs (1754–1831). Sie hatten elf Kinder und sie ist in Stoke nahe Godalming, Surrey, begraben. Ihr Ehemann stammte aus einer prominenten Hugenottenfamilie, die seit 1691 in England ansässig war. Er trat 1778 als Schreiber in den Madras Civil Service der Kompanie ein und stieg durch verschiedene Posten in Madras auf, um Sammler mehrerer Bezirke zu werden, bevor er 1801 Hauptsekretär der Regierung von Madras und 1802 Mitglied des Rates wurde. 1806 war er Präsident des Handelsrates und kehrte 1809 nach England zurück. Er nahm den Namen Chamier gemäss dem Testament seines Onkels Anthony Chamier durch königliche Lizenz im Jahr 1780 an. Er ist in St. George's, Hanover Square, begraben. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's London, 25 May 2004, lot 131 (Kaufpreis 64'000 CHF); Durch direkten Familienbesitz vererbt. D. Foskett, John Smart, the Man and his Miniatures, London, 1964, S. 64. Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:58

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Smart John
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Smart John

    Est: CHF3,200 - CHF4,000

    Eine sehr feine Miniatur einer jungen Dame Eine sehr feine Miniatur einer jungen Dame, in einem weissen Seidenkleid mit Perlen- und Smaragdsaum, hellblauem Seidenüberwurf mit Pelzbesatz, weiße Feder und Perlen im hochgesteckten gelockten Haar. Signiert mit Initialen und datiert „J.S. 1776“ (unten links). In Goldrahmen 585 mit silbermontiertem Diamantrand. Im- und Export unterliegen der Int. Konvention CITES. Sammlung Dr. Erika Pohl-Ströher; Christie's, London 9 Dec 2003, lot 83 (Kaufpreis umgerechnet 48'500 CHF); Karin Henninger-Tavcar, Pforzheim, 1991 (Lagerkatalog Nr. 69/112); Sotheby's, London, 27. Februar 1990, Los 32; Ashcroft Collection; Sotheby's, London, 7. Mai 1946, Los 64; Mrs. Fleischmann, London, im Jahr 1912. K. Henninger-Tavcar, Miniaturporträts, Pforzheim, 1995, farbig abgebildet S. 267. Gerahmt Ausrufdatum: 29.11.2024 Ungefähre Ausrufzeit: 10:58

    Auktionshaus Zofingen
  • Circle of John Smart,  British 1741-1811-  Portrait of Elizabeth Singleton as a girl, quarter-lengt
    Nov. 20, 2024

    Circle of John Smart,  British 1741-1811-  Portrait of Elizabeth Singleton as a girl, quarter-lengt

    Est: £300 - £500

    Circle of John Smart,  British 1741-1811-  Portrait of Elizabeth Singleton as a girl, quarter-length, wearing a turban;  watercolour on ivory, oval, possibly indistinctly signed (lower right), bears old label inscribed 'Elizabeth Singleton. b.1768 / m.1791m.1791 Robert Wynne of Rathmines Castle / Dublin / Elizabeth was d. of Sydenham Singleton / ? Square / London' attached to the reverse, 4.6 x 3.7 cm. Ivory submission reference: PSUHFK3R. Note:  The present portrait depicts Elizabeth Singleton (c.1768-1834), daughter of the Dublin lawyer Sydenham (Fowke) Singleton (c.1721-1801), as a child. Elizabeth married Robert Wynne in 1791, and settled at Rathmines Castle in County Dublin. 

  • Miniature sur ivoire figurant un gentilhomme, dans un médaillon en or, John Smart (1741-1811), fin XVIIIeA late 18th century portrait miniature by John Smart
    Oct. 29, 2024

    Miniature sur ivoire figurant un gentilhomme, dans un médaillon en or, John Smart (1741-1811), fin XVIIIeA late 18th century portrait miniature by John Smart

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Miniature sur ivoire figurant un gentilhomme, dans un médaillon en or, John Smart (1741-1811), fin XVIIIe A late 18th century portrait miniature by John Smart Oval miniature on ivory, portrait of a gentleman in an orange-brown jacket on a grey background, monogrammed lower left J.S and dated 1780, in a gold medallion, the edge guilloché, height 5.5cm, weight 18gms.

  • Miniature sur ivoire figurant une femme, signée John Smart (1741-1811), dans un médaillon en orA portrait miniature in a gold frame signed John Smart (1741-1811)
    Oct. 29, 2024

    Miniature sur ivoire figurant une femme, signée John Smart (1741-1811), dans un médaillon en orA portrait miniature in a gold frame signed John Smart (1741-1811)

    Est: €8,000 - €15,000

    Miniature sur ivoire figurant une femme, signée John Smart (1741-1811), dans un médaillon en or A portrait miniature in a gold frame signed John Smart (1741-1811) Miniature on ivory, bust portrait of a woman in a white muslin dress and blue ribbon, signed and dated lower right J.S,1788 II, in a gold medallion, the background monogrammed, on a background of braided hair, height 6.1cm, weight 23gms.

    Oct. 16, 2024


    Est: £1,500 - £2,500

    Y JOHN SMART (1741-1811)- A PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF A NAVAL OFFICER, POSSIBLY SIR JOSEPH SYDNEY YORKEThe unnamed officer in gold-bordered naval uniform with gold buttons, white facings, white waistcoat and cravat, in a glazed bracelet clasp, later pendant suspension mount, signed faintly with initials lower right and indistinctly dated 17** Watercolour on ivory image 3.6cm high, frame 4.3cm high including suspension loop Please note: Dreweatts have applied for a de minimis exemption for this lot. Ref: EXM7WESV

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Smart (John, 1741-1811). A pair of oval portrait miniatures, of an unidentified gentleman and lady, circa 1770s
    Oct. 16, 2024

    Smart (John, 1741-1811). A pair of oval portrait miniatures, of an unidentified gentleman and lady, circa 1770s

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Smart (John, 1741-1811). A pair of oval portrait miniatures, of an unidentified gentleman and lady, circa 1770s * Attributed to John Smart (1741-1811). A pair of oval portrait miniatures, of an unidentified gentleman and lady, circa 1770s, opaque watercolour on copper, head and shoulders portraits, the gentleman half-profile to left, wearing a white wig and a scarlet coat with fur collar, the lady half-profile to right, wearing a pink wig with ostrich feather and a white dress with yellow-edged ruffled neckline, 49 x 37 mm (1 7/8 x 1 1/2 ins) and 50 x 37 mm respectively, the lady verso with faint engraved inscription: Teed, jeweller, N.14 Off Alley, Adelphi, London, contained together in a period gold case with hanging loop, each miniature glazed and set within a decorative blue, gold and white surround, the case front missing but the back with central monogram JMS within an oval cartouche bordered by engraved swags and festoons 74 x 64 mm (not including loop), weight of case approximately 97g, with associated oval backing paper (now loose), with partial printed advertisement for John Cadman of Creed Lane ...Gate Street QTY: (1) NOTE: Richard Teed, a goldsmith and jeweller, made his name as a Sword Cutler. He was still based in Off Alley in 1790, but by 1797 was in Lancaster Court, Strand. In 1804 he became Dress sword maker to the Patriotic Fund. This Fund distributed approximately 175 swords before the Fund officially stopped awarding them in 1809, all of which were made under the direction of Teed, who died in 1816.

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Circle of John Smart (British, 1741-1811)
    Jun. 26, 2024

    Circle of John Smart (British, 1741-1811)

    Est: £150 - £300

    Circle of John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Portrait miniature of a lady in a black dress and white bonnet, said to be Susanna Gibson (née Fraser of Fairfield) inscribed verso 'Susanna Fraser of / Fairfield / b. ob. / married. Gibson. / Mainguy possession' watercolour on ivory 6.5cm This item is offered for sale in accordance with the Ivory Act 2018 and has been assigned an exemption certificate, Ref. No. USLQ8N8G.

  • 18th C Painting, Portrait Esther Bellasis nee King
    Apr. 20, 2024

    18th C Painting, Portrait Esther Bellasis nee King

    Est: $100 - $15,000

    18th C Painting on paper, Miniature Portrait of Esther Bellasis nee King. Attributed to John Smart (English, 1741-1811). Esther King was born in 1770 and married Col. George Bridges Bellasis and joined him on his exile to Australia as punishment for the duel related death of a suitor of Esther. Inherited by descent to the current owner. Portrait measures 2.75 inches H x 2 W within matting, frame measures 9 inches x 8.

    Kavanagh Auctions
  • 19th C John Smart Portrait Mrs Eliza Kent nee King
    Apr. 20, 2024

    19th C John Smart Portrait Mrs Eliza Kent nee King

    Est: $100 - $15,000

    19th C John Smart (English, 1741-1811) Painting on paper, c. 1806, Small Portrait Mrs Elizabeth Kent, nee King (b. 1775-1847). Widowed and remarried Col. George Bridges Bellasis (deceased sister, Esther's, husband). Painting measures 4 inches H x 3.25 W within matting, frame measures 9 x 7.5 inches W. Inherited by descent to the current owner.

    Kavanagh Auctions
  • Manner of John Smart (1741-1811) Portrait Miniature, Handsome male wearing a dark brown coat, gilt metal casing, mourning hair to reverse. 6 cm x 5 cm. Reference Number: EF53GHF7.
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Manner of John Smart (1741-1811) Portrait Miniature, Handsome male wearing a dark brown coat, gilt metal casing, mourning hair to reverse. 6 cm x 5 cm. Reference Number: EF53GHF7.

    Est: £100 - £150

    Manner of John Smart (1741-1811) Portrait Miniature, Handsome male wearing a dark brown coat, gilt metal casing, mourning hair to reverse. 6 cm x 5 cm. Reference Number: EF53GHF7.

    Hannam's Auctioneers
  • Smart, John. Junge Frau mit blondem
    Nov. 09, 2023

    Smart, John. Junge Frau mit blondem

    Est: €500 - €750

    Smart, John. Junge Frau mit blondem Haar. Gouache und Bleiweiß auf Elfenbein. Signiert rechts am Rand "Smart". Um 1810. Maße: 6,3 x 5 cm. Im durchbrochen gearbeiteten Biedermeier-Rahmen mit Aufhängöse: 8 x 6,5 cm. Biedermeier-Damenporträt im Stil des berühmten englischen Miniatur-Malers John Smart (1741-1811). - Der untere Rand mit kleiner Bereibung, sonst sehr gut.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a white satin mantle over her pink dress with mint green lining, her hair upswept, braided and dressed with a strand of pearls
    Sep. 13, 2023

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a white satin mantle over her pink dress with mint green lining, her hair upswept, braided and dressed with a strand of pearls

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a white satin mantle over her pink dress with mint green lining, her hair upswept, braided and dressed with a strand of pearls. Watercolour on ivory, signed on the obverse and dated, J.S./ 1769, gilt-metal frame. Oval, 44mm ( 1 3/4in) high

  • John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady of the Lodge family, wearing a white stole over her blue dress and frilled white chemise, a topaz jewel at her corsage, her hair upswept
    Sep. 13, 2023

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady of the Lodge family, wearing a white stole over her blue dress and frilled white chemise, a topaz jewel at her corsage, her hair upswept

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady of the Lodge family, wearing a white stole over her blue dress and frilled white chemise, a topaz jewel at her corsage, her hair upswept. Watercolour on ivory, signed on the obverse, J.S., gold fausse-montre frame, with a border of half pearls, the reverse with a glazed hairwork compartment. Oval, 50mm ( 1 15/16in) high

  • John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman called, Wimburn Sudden Horlock, wearing a brown coat, green waistcoat, white stock and lace cravat, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon
    Sep. 13, 2023

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman called, Wimburn Sudden Horlock, wearing a brown coat, green waistcoat, white stock and lace cravat, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon

    Est: £3,000 - £4,000

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman called, Wimburn Sudden Horlock, wearing a brown coat, green waistcoat, white stock and lace cravat, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon. Watercolour on ivory, signed on the obverse and dated, J.S./ 1777, within a cushion-shaped diamond surround, diamonds approximately 1.00 carat total, bracelet clasp mount with later brooch fitting, pin deficient, mounted in silver and gold. Oval, 38mm ( 1 1/2in) high

  • John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a brown coat, mint green waistcoat edged with gold, white stock and lace cravat, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon
    Sep. 13, 2023

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a brown coat, mint green waistcoat edged with gold, white stock and lace cravat, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a brown coat, mint green waistcoat edged with gold, white stock and lace cravat, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon. Watercolour on ivory, signed on the obverse and dated, J.S./ 1782, gilt-metal frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited hair studded with gilt stars, glass loose. Oval, 37mm ( 1 7/16in) high

  • John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, traditionally identified as Sir John Eden, wearing a brown coat over his green waistcoat, white chemise and stock, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon
    Jun. 28, 2023

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, traditionally identified as Sir John Eden, wearing a brown coat over his green waistcoat, white chemise and stock, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    John Smart (British, 1742-1811) A portrait miniature of a gentleman, traditionally identified as Sir John Eden, wearing a brown coat over his green waistcoat, white chemise and stock, his powdered wig worn en queue and tied with black ribbon. watercolour on ivory, signed and dated on the obverse, JS/ 1779, gold frame, the reverse set with blue foiled glass. Oval, 43mm ( 1 11/16in) high

    Mar. 29, 2023


    Est: £150 - £200

    John Smart,  British 1741-1811-  Two Sketches from the artist's sketchbook: a Portrait of Captain Mackintosh; and a Portrait of Mr Mee;  each pencil on laid paper, the first inscribed 'Capt Mackintosh' (lower centre), the second inscribed 'Mr Mee / Uncle to Lord Palmerson / sect at War / ... [?]' (lower centre), each bear collector's mark L.1405a on the reverse, each bear inscription 'from Smarts sketchbook' on the reverse, each 16 x 19.7 cm.  Provenance:  Sir Bruce Stirling Ingram (1877-1963) (L.1405a).  His sale, Christie's, London, 17 November 2009, lot 336.  Collection of the late Timothy Clowes.  Literature:  D. Foskett, 'John Smart, The Man and His Miniatures', London, 1964, pp.70-71. 

  • John Smart, miniature portrait painter (1741-1811)…
    Mar. 04, 2023

    John Smart, miniature portrait painter (1741-1811)…

    Est: £50 - £100

    John Smart, miniature portrait painter (1741-1811) undated uniface medal (c.1770-1778) 37mm diameter in bronze by J.Kirk after Smith, Obverse: Draped Bust of John Smart right, IOH: SMART PICT: EFFIG: MINUT: , Reverse: blank, BHM 153, Eimer 764, 20.72 grammes, NVF, Rare. John Smart exhibited with the Incorporated Society of Artists between 1762 and 1783. He was elected Director of that Society in 1773 and President in 1778. It is possible that this medal as produced in 1773 when Smart became Director, or when he was elected President.

    London Coin Auction
  • Portrait of a child
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Portrait of a child

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    John Smart Norwich 1742 - 1811 London Portrait of a child Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory; signed lower left: J.S. / 1791 / 'I', gold frame, glazed hair reserve with initials: JEE 6.2 by 4.9 cm.; 2⅜by 1⅞in. Bid on Sotheby's

  • Portrait of General Patrick Duff (1742-1803)
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Portrait of General Patrick Duff (1742-1803)

    Est: £7,000 - £10,000

    John Smart London 1741 - 1811 Portrait of General Patrick Duff (1742-1803) watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gold frame, glazed and hair reverse, set with the initials: PD; signed with the artist's monogram and dated lower right: J.S. / 1791 / I  6.9 by 5.4 cm., 2¾ by 2⅛ in. Bid on Sotheby's

  • John SMART 1740 - 1811 Portrait d'un couple de citoyens anglais
    Dec. 06, 2022

    John SMART 1740 - 1811 Portrait d'un couple de citoyens anglais

    Est: €400 - €600

    John SMART 1740 - 1811 Portrait d'un couple de citoyens anglais Miniatures sur papier, de forme ronde 1795 L'une est signé, la seconde est signée et datée en bas à droite Annotations manuscrites du collectionneur sur le carton au verso, avec étiquette de collection D. : 7,5 cm Portrait of en English Couple signed lower right; signed and dated lower right Pen, black ink, grey wash, watercolor D.: 2 15/16 in. PROVENANCE Collection d'Emile Théodore (1876-1937), avec son étiquette. Originaire de Lille, Théodore était réputé comme un grand collectionneur d'Art, membre de diverses sociétés académiques et d'associations locales d'érudits ; à partir de 1907, il est attaché au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lille dont il prend la direction comme conservateur général de 1912 à 1937. Réalisé sur papier, les couleurs à l'aquarelle étant finement évoquées, il s'agit très probablement du dessin préparatoire à la miniature finale comme l'artiste avait l'habitude de travailler. John Smart fut un des plus remarquables miniaturistes anglais de son époque avec Richard Cosway et Richard Crosse. Finaliste à 15 ans d'un concours de dessin organisé par la Society for the Encouragement of Arts, il reçut sa formation à l'Ecole de dessin de William Shipley à Londres, et exposa régulièrement à la Society of Artists dès 1762. Il se rendit en Inde en 1788 avant de s'installer définitivement à Londres dans les années 1795-1797. Son travail est très caractéristique avec ses différentes touches de gris dans les colorations qui sont rehaussées par les teintes plus chaudes des chairs ; il se distingue encore par la grande précision anatomique apportée aux portraits de ses modèles. Comme le précise la note biographique au verso, « au point de vue technique et sous le rapport de l'exactitude, les portraits dddde Smart sont sans rivaux. »

  • John Smart (1742-1811) Oval, 80 mm. high, in gilt-metal frame, the reverse
    Nov. 22, 2022

    John Smart (1742-1811) Oval, 80 mm. high, in gilt-metal frame, the reverse

    Est: £300 - £500

    John Smart (1742-1811) Oval, 80 mm. high, in gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with gold initials GW, with later brooch fitting

  • John Smart (1742-1811) Oval, 80 mm. high, gold mount within later giltwood
    Nov. 22, 2022

    John Smart (1742-1811) Oval, 80 mm. high, gold mount within later giltwood

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    John Smart (1742-1811) Oval, 80 mm. high, gold mount within later giltwood frame, the reverse with a label inscribed 'Richard Holland by John Smart 1801'

  • * Smart (John 1742-1811 attributed to). Lady Wigram, circa 1800
    Mar. 09, 2022

    * Smart (John 1742-1811 attributed to). Lady Wigram, circa 1800

    Est: £300 - £400

    * Smart (John 1742-1811 attributed to). Lady Wigram, circa 1800 Attributed to Smart (John, 1742-1811). Lady Wigram, circa 1800, gouache and watercolour on ivory, head and shoulders portrait of a young woman wearing a high necked regency dress with a ruffled neck, and a jewelled slide in her hair, image size 7.5 x 6cm (3 x 2 3/8ins), identified as Lady Eleanor Wigram on verso, hand written note to verso 'This miniature was sold at Christie's by Canon Sir Clifford Wigram on 18 June 1974', original ebonised frame, (15.8 x 12.6cm), together with Silhouette Portrait of a lady, unknown artist, painted and highlighted in gilt, head & shoulders of a woman, profile to the right, showing a woman in Romantic style dress with puff sleeves and low shoulders, hair worn up with an ornate high hair comb, tight curls running down the side of her face, cut out and laid onto paper, sheet size 12.1 x 9.8cm (4 3/4 x 3 3/4ins), hand written note on verso 'For my dearest little Fanny given her on the 25th June by her most affectionate friend Louisa Clarke', (17 x 14.4cm), framed and glazed, plus Turner (Charles, 1773-1857). 'The Family of Sir Robert Wigram Bart.', published London, 1826, uncoloured engraving, showing Sir Robert Wigram with his second wife Lady Wigram and his twenty-three children all standing or sitting in a row, a portrait of Sir Robert Wigram deceased first wife hanging above the fireplace in the background, on the right a large urn raised on a platform sitting behind the family members, 50.5 x 92cm (19 7/8 x 36 2/8ins), key on verso, framed and glazed (65.4 x 102.5cm), with a key for the portrait made for 'Thomas Venable Scudamore, Uncle to Barbara Scudamore Mitchell, wife of Anthony James Watson', listing the names of all the family members, and Silhouette Portraits, two painted portraits one of a gentleman and the other of a lady, toned, along with a reverse silhouette of a gentleman looking to the left Qty: (7) Footnote: His number of children is listed as twenty-one in his obituary in the Gentleman’s Magazine (1830) but as twenty-three in the recent ODNB entry by Anne Pimlott Baker.

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Portrait miniature of an official in red uniform and silver epaulettes, London 1741-1811
    Feb. 02, 2022

    Portrait miniature of an official in red uniform and silver epaulettes, London 1741-1811

    Est: €100 - €200

    Attributed to the famous English miniaturist John Smart (Norfolk 1741 - London 1811)

  • Attributed to John Smart (1741-1811)
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Attributed to John Smart (1741-1811)

    Est: £500 - £700

    Attributed to John Smart (1741-1811) Attributed to John Smart (1741-1811) Portrait of an Officer in uniform indistinctly signed l.r., on ivory, oval 6.2 x 5.1cm, in a bejewelled paste frame, with woven hair and initials 'FB' verso

  • JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811)
    Dec. 07, 2021

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811)

    Est: £400 - £600

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811) JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811) Portrait miniature of a Lady, wearing blue cloak trimmed with fur, pearl choker and white frilled cap watercolour on paper 57 x 46 mm (2 1/4 x 2 in) gilt-wood frame PROVENANCE: Christie’s, London, sale, 1938 Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd., London where purchased by Sir Geoffrey Agnew and by descent in the family.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1741-1811) Oval, 76 mm. high, in gilt-metal frame, the
    Nov. 16, 2021

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1741-1811) Oval, 76 mm. high, in gilt-metal frame, the

    Est: £10,000 - £20,000

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1741-1811) Oval, 76 mm. high, in gilt-metal frame, the reverse wtih blue glass and central plaited hair panel

  • JOHN SMART (BRITISH, 1741-1811)
    May. 20, 2021

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH, 1741-1811)

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH, 1741-1811) Oval, 47 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse engraved with monogram FP

  • John Smart (I) (1741-1811) - miniatuurportret met gebogen top in vergulde lijst, gouache op papie
    Dec. 15, 2020

    John Smart (I) (1741-1811) - miniatuurportret met gebogen top in vergulde lijst, gouache op papie

    Est: €700 - €900

    John Smart (I) (1741-1811) miniatuurportret met gebogen top in vergulde lijst, gouache op papier, 11,5 x 11,5, Portret van een adellijke vrouw met parelsnoer, gesigneerd en gedateerd rechtsonder 1806

    Veilinghuis Van Spengen
  • JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811) Portrait miniature of a Gentleman, wearing a pink coat and matching waistcoat and tied cravat, powdered hair worn en queue Watercolour on paper Silver frame 47mm (2in) high
    Mar. 25, 2020

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811) Portrait miniature of a Gentleman, wearing a pink coat and matching waistcoat and tied cravat, powdered hair worn en queue Watercolour on paper Silver frame 47mm (2in) high

    Est: £600 - £800

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1742/3-1811) Portrait miniature of a Gentleman, wearing a pink coat and matching waistcoat and tied cravat, powdered hair worn en queue Watercolour on paper Silver frame 47mm (2in) high

    Chiswick Auctions
  • JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1740-1811) Portrait miniature of a fashionable young Gentleman wearing rust coloured doublet secured with jeweled buttons, a fine white lace Van Dyck style collar and blue robe over his right shoulder  Signed and dated J.S. 1765
    Mar. 25, 2020

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1740-1811) Portrait miniature of a fashionable young Gentleman wearing rust coloured doublet secured with jeweled buttons, a fine white lace Van Dyck style collar and blue robe over his right shoulder  Signed and dated J.S. 1765

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH 1740-1811) Portrait miniature of a fashionable young Gentleman wearing rust coloured doublet secured with jeweled buttons, a fine white lace Van Dyck style collar and blue robe over his right shoulder  Signed and dated J.S. 1765 on the obverse   Watercolour on ivory Gilt-metal frame Oval, 30mm (1 1/4in) high  Exhibited: Comerford Collection at the Irish Architectural Archives, Dublin, 2009  Literature: The Comerford Collection: Portrait Miniatures, (privately published, Dublin, 2009); pp 10, 54 (#232) Although it has not been possible to identify the sitter, he was clearly a man of wealth who followed the "Cavalier" fancy-dress costume called a Van Dyke, which was popular during the reign of George III.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Attributed to John Smart (British, 1741-1811)
    Dec. 13, 2019

    Attributed to John Smart (British, 1741-1811)

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Attributed to John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 37 mm. high, gilt-metal bracelet frame with diamond-set surround, the reverse engraved 'Henry 12th Earl / and / 1st Marquess of Clanricarde'

  • John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 57 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with nine locks of hair of differing colour, eight of which are set with gold initials
    Nov. 13, 2019

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 57 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with nine locks of hair of differing colour, eight of which are set with gold initials

    Est: £10,000 - £20,000

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Mrs Elizabeth Campbell, née Mackay, in blue dress Signed with intials and dated 'JS / 1787 / I' for India (lower left) On ivory Oval, 57 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with nine locks of hair of differing colour, eight of which are set with gold initials

  • John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Ovals, 26 mm. and 58 mm. high
    Nov. 13, 2019

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Ovals, 26 mm. and 58 mm. high

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) A portrait miniature of a lady in aubergine dress, signed with intials and dated 'J.S. / 1777' (lower left) mounted in the secret compartment of a gold-mounted ivory patch-box, the cover set with gold monogram SC on plaited hair ground; together with a portrait of a gentleman, possibly Major Banks of Madras, wearing a portrait miniature, signed with intials and dated 'J.S. / 1789 / I' for India (lower right), in gilt-metal hinged locket case Ovals, 26 mm. and 58 mm. high

  • JOHN SMART (BRITISH, 1741-1811) Oval, 47 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse engraved with monogram FP
    Nov. 13, 2019

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH, 1741-1811) Oval, 47 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse engraved with monogram FP

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    JOHN SMART (BRITISH, 1741-1811) A gentleman in green coat Signed with initials and dated 'J.S. / 1782' (lower left) On ivory Oval, 47 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse engraved with monogram FP

  • John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 42 mm. high, gilt-metal frame
    Nov. 13, 2019

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 42 mm. high, gilt-metal frame

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) A girl in white dress Signed with intials and dated 'JS / 1768' (lower left) On ivory Oval, 42 mm. high, gilt-metal frame

  • John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 83 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with gold monogram 'EY' and plaited hair
    Nov. 13, 2019

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Oval, 83 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with gold monogram 'EY' and plaited hair

    Est: £10,000 - £20,000

    John Smart (British, 1741-1811) Lady Young, née Emily Baring (d. 1847), in her wedding dress Signed with initials and dated 'JS / 1796' (lower left) On ivory Oval, 83 mm. high, gilt-metal frame, the reverse set with gold monogram 'EY' and plaited hair

  • JOHN SMART (1742/43-1811),
    Sep. 26, 2019

    JOHN SMART (1742/43-1811),

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF2,500

    JOHN SMART (1742/43-1811), England, ca. 1780. Sketch of a gentleman in black frock coat, with a white scarf and a white wig. In a rectangular, gilt wooden frame and passepartout. Mixed media on paper. Miniature: 6x5 cm, frame: 9.5x11 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Switzerland. Lit.: Victoria Button, Alan Derbyshire and Emma Rutherford, “The Drawings of John Smart – Line and Function”, in: Bernd Pappe and Juliane Schmieglitz-Otten (eds), Portrait Miniatures. Artists, Functions and Collections, Petersberg 2018, p. 233. - L. Schidlof, La Miniature en Europe, Vol. II, 1964, p. 781. We are grateful to Mr. Bernd Pappe, Berne, for his help in cataloguing the present miniature. --------------- JOHN SMART (1742/43-1811), England, um 1780. Zeichnungsskizze eines Herrn in schwarzem Gehrock, mit weissem Halstuch und weisser Perücke. In rechteckigem, vergoldetem Holzrahmen und Passepartout. Mischtechnik auf Papier. Miniatur: 6x5 cm, Rahmen: 9,5x11 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatbesitz Vom Miniaturisten John Smart sind auch verschiedene Zeichnungen überliefert, oft als Vorbereitung für eine Miniatur. Es ist bekannt, dass er seine Elfenbein Miniaturen direkt nach diesen Studien fertigte und nicht nach dem lebenden Modell. Die hier vorliegende Zeichnung könnte das Gegenstück zu einem Werk sein, welches bei Christie’s angeboten und aus unbekanntem Grund zurückgezogen wurde. John Smart gehört neben Richard Cosway zu den bedeutendsten Bildnisminiaturisten des 18. Jh. Er war Schüler der St. Martin’s Lande Academy und des Daniel Dodd. Lit.: Victoria Button, Alan Derbyshire and Emma Rutherford, “The Drawings of John Smart – Line and Function”, in: Bernd Pappe and Juliane Schmieglitz-Otten (eds), Portrait Miniatures. Artists, Functions and Collections, Petersberg 2018, p. 233. - L. Schidlof, La Miniature en Europe, Bd. II, 1964, 781. Wir danken Herrn Bernd Pappe, Bern, für seine Mithilfe bei der Katalogisierung diese Miniatur.

    Koller Auctions
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