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Robert Sayer Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1725 - d. 1794

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    Sep. 21, 2024


    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    SAYER, Robert (1725-1794). A Map of South America...from Mr. D'Anville with Several Improvements and Additions, and the Newest Discoveries. Two Part engraved map with original hand color in outline. London: Sayer, September 20, 1775. 21 1/2" x 48 1/2" sheet, 21 3/4" x 48 1/4" sheet. Comparable: Freeman's, 2010 - $1,500. This stunning, large-scale map of South America is beautifully engraved and filled with information. A baroque cartouche incorporates a river scene, an Amazon queen, exotic animals and a treasure chest of gold and silver bars and coins.

    Arader Galleries
    Jun. 22, 2024


    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    SAYER, Robert (1725-1794). Asia and its islands according to d'Anville... Engraved map with original hand color in outline in two parts. London, printed for Robert Sayer, Fleet Street as the Act directs, 6 Jany. 1787. 21 1/2" x 27" sheet, each. Beautifully Detailed Wall Map of Asia. From Thomas Kitchin's A General Atlas, describing the whole Universe. Full Title:... divided into empires, kingdoms, states, regions, &ca. with the European possessions and settlements in the East Indies and an exact delineation of all the discoveries made in the eastern parts by the English under Captn. Cook.

    Arader Galleries
  • Sayer (Robert, publisher) The Neglected Fair: a parody on the Neglected Tar, Printed for Robert Sayer, 1791; and 4 others, 2 published by Sawyer (including Autumn, 1786) (5)
    Apr. 25, 2024

    Sayer (Robert, publisher) The Neglected Fair: a parody on the Neglected Tar, Printed for Robert Sayer, 1791; and 4 others, 2 published by Sawyer (including Autumn, 1786) (5)

    Est: £150 - £200

    Sayer (Robert, publisher) The Neglected Fair: a parody on the Neglected Tar, hand-coloured mezzotint, sheet 360 x 266mm., central horizontal fold, couple of repaired tears, some staining, lightly browned, Printed for Robert Sayer, 1 August, 1791; and 4 others, 2 published by Sawyer (including Autumn, 1786) (5)

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Belgium.- Sayer (Robert) Plan Routier de la Ville de Bruxelles, engraved plan, 1783
    Mar. 07, 2024

    Belgium.- Sayer (Robert) Plan Routier de la Ville de Bruxelles, engraved plan, 1783

    Est: £150 - £200

    Belgium.- Sayer (Robert) Plan Routier de la Ville de Bruxelles, detailed city plan, engraving, 540 x 790 mm (21 1/4 x 31 in), dissected and mounted on linen, minor spotting and surface dirt, folding into near contemporary slipcase, for another map, the upper cover with label attached over a previous one, 8vo, 1783

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Science & Exploration - Robert Sayer (1725 - 1794), publisher, Astronomy, coloured engraving, 25.5cm x 36cm
    Feb. 29, 2024

    Science & Exploration - Robert Sayer (1725 - 1794), publisher, Astronomy, coloured engraving, 25.5cm x 36cm

    Est: £40 - £60

    Science & Exploration - Robert Sayer (1725 - 1794), publisher, Astronomy, coloured engraving, 25.5cm x 36cm

    Bamfords Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd
  • Miscellaneous Group of Five Framed Prints
    Jan. 25, 2024

    Miscellaneous Group of Five Framed Prints

    Est: $200 - $400

    (American and British, 18th-19th century) Robert Sayer (British, 1725-1794), "The Right Honourable William Pitt Esq., One of the Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State," engraving with hand coloring, reverse mounted to glass; Mount Vernon by C.H. Wells, Philadelphia, J.H. Byram, 1859, lithograph; Tom Jones, London, Boydell, publisher, engraving; two after George Morland (British 1763-1804),The Farmer's Visit to his Married Daughter in Town, The Visit Returned in the Country, London, Frost & Reed, publisher, engravings, largest image 21-1/2 x 23-1/2 in.; 19th century and 20th century frames, largest, 21-5/8 x 23-5/8 x 1 in. Provenance: Montague Family Collection from Toddsbury, Gloucester County, Virginia

    Brunk Auctions
  • [MAPS]. SAYER, Robert (1725-1794) and Richard Bennett. A Ne...
    Oct. 12, 2023

    [MAPS]. SAYER, Robert (1725-1794) and Richard Bennett. A Ne...

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    [MAPS]. SAYER, Robert (1725-1794) and Richard Bennett. A New map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies. London: Robert Sayer, 1786. Engraved wall map on four sheets joined into two (1029 x 1219 mm), skillful modern hand-coloring, wooden poster rails (conserved and backed on modern linen, numerous repairs including some losses near top edge, wear mostly at sheet breaks). An important and highly accurate map of the Americas, first issued in 1763 by John Gibson and re-issued six times over a thirty-one-year period with geographical updates, new titling and other revisions. Depicts the rarely noted mythical Chinese colony of “Fou Sang” on the northwest coast. Includes an elaborate title cartouche with an alligator, waterfall, palm trees and other flora. With an inset map of northern Canada featuring Hudson and Baffin Bays, and an inset listing political land holdings. This is one of the earliest obtainable English language wall maps of the Americas and one of the earliest maps printed in England to acknowledge America’s independence. Wheat, Transmississippi West 206; Wagner, Northwest Coast 692.

    Potter & Potter Auctions Inc.
  • Sayer Map of Russia
    Oct. 07, 2023

    Sayer Map of Russia

    Est: $1,000 - $1,800

    [Europe, Russia]. SAYER, Robert (1725-1794). The European Part of the Russian Empire [Joined With] The Asiatic Part of the Rissian Empire... Engraved map with original hand color in outline. London: Robert Sayer, 1788. 21 1/2” x 52” sheet. Two tremendously detailed maps, with two title cartouches, joined (as issued) to cover the whole of Russia and showing the full extent of the empire with its new provinces on the Black Sea. The map was compiled from the maps of the Imperial Academy at St. Petersburg with additional information from Capt. Cook in Kamchatka. From Thomas Kitchin's A General Atlas, describing the whole Universe.

    Arader Galleries
  • Robert Sayer | Ruins of Athens, London, 1759, first edition, calf-backed marbled boards
    Sep. 21, 2023

    Robert Sayer | Ruins of Athens, London, 1759, first edition, calf-backed marbled boards

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Property from the Loverdos Collection Robert Sayer (1725-1794, English map publisher) Ruins of Athens with remains and other valuable antiquities in Greece. London, 1759 First edition, folio (575 x 382mm.), 27 engraved plates (including frontispiece), calf-backed marbled boards, uncut, frontispiece detached, some light offsetting, binding worn An uncommon work. This is an adaptation of Le Roy's Ruines des plus beaux monumens de la Grece, Paris, 1758 (see lot 150), with the plates re-engraved. LITERATURE: not in Blackmer; Contominas 646; Harris, British Architectural Books and Writers 1556-1785, 493

  • ROBERT SAYER, (1725-1794), The Artist€™s Vade Mecum; being the whole Art of Drawing, taught in a new work, elegantly engraved on one hundred folio copper plates; containing great variety of examples in every branch of that noble art; as parts of th
    Aug. 27, 2023

    ROBERT SAYER, (1725-1794), The Artist€™s Vade Mecum; being the whole Art of Drawing, taught in a new work, elegantly engraved on one hundred folio copper plates; containing great variety of examples in every branch of that noble art; as parts of th

    Est: $1,200 - $1,500

    ROBERT SAYER, (1725-1794), The Artist’s Vade Mecum; being the whole Art of Drawing, taught in a new work, elegantly engraved on one hundred folio copper plates; containing great variety of examples in every branch of that noble art; as parts of the face, heads, hands, feet, academy, antiques, and groups of figures, beasts, birds, insects, flowers, fruit, shells, ornaments, buildings, landscapes. Collected from the works of the greatest masters. To which is prefixed, an Essay on Drawing: with introductory rules for the use of learners: in which the first principles of that useful and noble art are explained in such manner that it may be attained in a short time without a master. 1762; 8pp., 100 numbered copper plates [lacks #46]. Light foxing and browning to the paper throughout, several ink markings, mainly to the title page; Contemporary boards but lacks spine; pages mainly in bundles. Contemporary ownership name of Mary Hanbury, June 1738. 4to.; [Printed and published according to Act of Parliament: and sold by R. Sayer, at the Golden-Buck, in Fleet-Street. MDCCLXII]. Despite its authoritative title, this is not so much a detailed drawing manual as a rare and fascinating cross section of the stock of the print seller and publisher Robert Sayer in 1762. The Vade Mecum was first published in 1762, of which just 6 copies - British Library, Getty, Yale Center, DeWint, State Library of Australia, one sold in London in 2015, and this example are recorded. The second edition is recorded in just two copies (Yale, and University of California). A third edition appeared in 1776 (BL, Leeds, Columbia, Yale Center only).

    Leski Auctions Pty Ltd
  • Print, Robert Sayer
    Jan. 16, 2023

    Print, Robert Sayer

    Est: $100 - $200

    Robert Sayer (British, 1725-1794), "The Right Honourable William Pitt Esq., One of the Majesty's Principal Secretairn's of State," engraving with hand coloring, after the painting by William Hoare, overall (with frame): 18.75"h x 14.75"w. Provenance: Estate of Joanna Barnes and Jack Warner (Santa Barbara, California). Ms. Barnes was a Hollywood film actress featured in movies such as "Auntie Mame (1958)" and "The Parent Trap (1961)". Mr. Warner was a prominent architect.

    Clars Auctions
  • Sayer & Bennet, Captain Paul Jones
    Nov. 19, 2022

    Sayer & Bennet, Captain Paul Jones

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    SAYER, Robert (ca. 1724-1794) and BENNETT, John (fl. 1760-d.1787). Capt. Paul Jones Shooting a Sailor who had Attempted to Strike his Colours in an Engagement. Mezzotint with original hand color. London: Sayer & Bennett, January 1, 1780. 13 3/4 x 9 3/4" plate mark, 14 7/16" x 10 1/2" sheet, 16 3/4" x 12 5/8" framed. A dramatic rendering of one of the most memorable naval battles of the War of Independence. Jones' engagement with the H.M.S. Serapis is captured here in its late stages as Jones prepares to shoot one of his own seamen for attempting to strike the American colors. The 1779 action at Flamborough Head is regarded widely as the place where Jones, responding to British demands to surrender, responded: "I have not yet begun to fight." This image was produced for British consumption--playing into the perception of Jones as a bloodthirsty pirate: "The British public liked to make its flesh creep with tales of the terrible Jones, and this print, manifestly designed for nonaristocratic consumption, is a good specimen of such thrillers" (An Album of American Battle Art p. 40). Smith, American Naval Broadsides, p. 24

    Arader Galleries
  • (Map - Colonial Eastern United States & Canada) The Theatre of War in North America, with the Roads and a Table of the Distances
    Oct. 13, 2022

    (Map - Colonial Eastern United States & Canada) The Theatre of War in North America, with the Roads and a Table of the Distances

    Est: $10,000 - $13,000

    Early Broadside Informing British Readers of the Brewing War - First State. Colonial Eastern United States & Canada. Robert Sayer & John Bennett, The Theatre of War in North America, with the Roads and a Table of the Distances, 1776 (dated). Hand Color. This is the first state of an important early broadside by Sayer & Bennett, one of the first printed accounts to inform British readers of the brewing war in America. The map fills the top half of the sheet, extending from the eastern United States and Canada to well beyond the Mississippi River and the "Extensive Meadows" of Louisiana. The southern colonies of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia have open-ended western boundaries with numerous Indian tribes occupying the trans-Appalachian west. The map is based in part on Lewis Evans' earlier map with up-to-date details including settlements, forts, roads, rivers, topography and more. The broadside was widely distributed in England for 1 shilling each and provided readers with a view of the North American "theater." The map carries over Evans' use of a distance table between principal cities to convey the colonies' scale. As Nebenzahl notes, the "972 miles shown in the table between Williamsburg and Quebec was considerably farther than the entire north-south length of Great Britain." The bottom half of the sheet features three panels of text primarily describing the physical features and chief towns of each colony. The text does include some more descriptive passages, however, including an account of Charleston which "for size, beauty, and trade, views with the first towns in America" or Virginia which "seems unrivalled throughout the universe for convenience of inland navigation...that every planter here has a river at his door." At bottom is a population table from 1765 showing that the colonies had 600,000 "Men (White and Black) able to bear Arms" out of a total population of 2.4 million. While this figure overstated the actual size of the Continental Army (estimated at 231,000 served, but no more than 48,000 at one time), it dwarfed the size of the British Army at time of publication (approximately 48,000). This is the first state dated March 20th, 1776. A second entirely different plate was issued just eight months later on November 20, 1776. On a full sheet of English text measuring 20.8 x 28.7".

    Old World Auctions
  • ROBERT SAYER, (1725-1794) The Artist€™s Vade Mecum; being the whole Art of Drawing, taught in a new work, elegantly engraved on one hundred folio copper plates; containing great variety of examples in every branch of that noble art; as parts of the
    Sep. 11, 2022

    ROBERT SAYER, (1725-1794) The Artist€™s Vade Mecum; being the whole Art of Drawing, taught in a new work, elegantly engraved on one hundred folio copper plates; containing great variety of examples in every branch of that noble art; as parts of the

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    ROBERT SAYER, (1725-1794) The Artist’s Vade Mecum; being the whole Art of Drawing, taught in a new work, elegantly engraved on one hundred folio copper plates; containing great variety of examples in every branch of that noble art; as parts of the face, heads, hands, feet, academy, antiques, and groups of figures, beasts, birds, insects, flowers, fruit, shells, ornaments, buildings, landscapes, &c &c &c. Collected from the works of the greatest masters. To which is prefixed, an Essay on Drawing: with introductory rules for the use of learners: in which the first principles of that useful and noble art are explained in such manner that it may be attained in a short time without a master. 1762; 8pp., 100 numbered copper plates [lacks #46]. Light foxing and browning to the paper throughout, several ink markings, mainly to the title page; Contemporary boards but lacks spine; pages mainly in bundles. Contemporary ownership name of Mary Hanbury, June 1738. 4to.; [Printed and published according to Act of Parliament: and sold by R. Sayer, at the Golden-Buck, in Fleet-Street. MDCCLXII]. Despite its authoritative title, this is not so much a detailed drawing manual as a rare and fascinating cross section of the stock of the print seller and publisher Robert Sayer in 1762. The Vade Mecum was first published in 1762, of which just 6 copies - British Library, Getty, Yale Center, DeWint, State Library of Australia, one sold in London in 2015, and this example are recorded. The second edition is recorded in just two copies (Yale, and University of California). A third edition appeared in 1776 (BL, Leeds, Columbia, Yale Center only).

    Leski Auctions Pty Ltd
  • (Map - South America) A New Map of South America, Divided Into Its Several Provinces &c, Drawn from the Most Approved Geographers, with Improvements from the Sieurs D'Anville & Robert
    Mar. 15, 2022

    (Map - South America) A New Map of South America, Divided Into Its Several Provinces &c, Drawn from the Most Approved Geographers, with Improvements from the Sieurs D'Anville & Robert

    Est: $400 - $500

    South America. Robert Sayer, A New Map of South America, Divided Into Its Several Provinces &c, Drawn from the Most Approved Geographers, with Improvements from the Sieurs D'Anville & Robert, 1760 (circa). Hand Color. This uncommon two-sheet map of South America is based on the work of D'Anville and Robert de Vaugondy. Political boundaries are depicted and described in a large table in the south Atlantic. Place names are focused along the coastlines, with Patagonia and Brazil largely unexplored. The mythical Parime Lake and Larajes or Xarayes Lake are depicted in the interior. The map extends east to Africa and west to the Solomon Islands with directional lines and arrows denoting the trade winds throughout the oceans. A few notations of explorers' discoveries are also included, such as those of Le Maire and Captain Cowley.

    Old World Auctions
  • Essex.- Sayer & John Bennett (Robert) Twelve Views in Middlesex and Essex, Drawn from Nature, 1779.
    Oct. 28, 2021

    Essex.- Sayer & John Bennett (Robert) Twelve Views in Middlesex and Essex, Drawn from Nature, 1779.

    Est: £100 - £150

    Essex.- Sayer & John Bennett (Robert) Twelve Views in Middlesex and Essex, Drawn from Nature, set of twelve numbered engravings, each platemark approx. 175 x 275 mm (6 7/8 x 10 3/4 in), with large margins, some minor surface dirt and browning, stitched binding but split thread, without covers, oblong 4to, 1779.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • (Map - Red Sea) A Chart of the Red Sea from Geddah to Suez, According to the General Chart of Mr. d'Apres de Mannevillette...
    Oct. 14, 2021

    (Map - Red Sea) A Chart of the Red Sea from Geddah to Suez, According to the General Chart of Mr. d'Apres de Mannevillette...

    Est: $400 - $475

    Red Sea. Robert Sayer & John Bennett, A Chart of the Red Sea from Geddah to Suez, According to the General Chart of Mr. d'Apres de Mannevillette..., 1781 (dated). Black & White. This uncommon chart covers the Red Sea from Mecca to the Gulf of Suez. It is based on Jean B. N. D. Apres de Mannevillette's chart, originally published in Neptune Oriental in 1745, and incorporates new information from the 1762-63 surveys of explorer and cartographer Carsten Niebuhr. The sea is crisscrossed with rhumblines and includes soundings, anchorages, and other navigational information. On land, there are place names and some topographical detail, with an emphasis on coastal mountains. Mount Sinai is located east of El Tor and the Desert of Sin. There are two inset plans at top left that zoom in on the harbors of Suez and El Tor. This is the second edition of this map published by Sayer & Bennett; it was later reissued by Laurie & Whittle.

    Old World Auctions
  • Angling's Age of Romance.- Sayer (Robert) Straphon & Chloe, mezzotint, c. 1760-1794; Strephon & Phillis, mezzotint, 1786 (2)
    May. 20, 2021

    Angling's Age of Romance.- Sayer (Robert) Straphon & Chloe, mezzotint, c. 1760-1794; Strephon & Phillis, mezzotint, 1786 (2)

    Est: £200 - £300

    NO RESERVE Angling's Age of Romance.- Sayer (Robert, publisher) Straphon & Chloe, mezzotint, numbered '151' in the lower right corner, platemark approx. 150 x 115 mm (5 7/8 x 4 1/2 in), under glass, minor damp-stains and surface dirt, framed, circa 1760-1794; together with Sayer's Strephon & Phillis, mezzotint with engraving, numbered '196', on coarse wove paper, sheet 152 x 112 mm (6 x 4 1/2 in), thread margins, minor spotting and surface dirt, unframed, 1787 (2) Literature: Beazley, David, Images of Angling. Three Centuries of British Angling Prints, Creel Press, 2010, nos. 43 and 44

    Forum Auctions - UK
    Apr. 29, 2021


    Est: -

    Printed by Henry Parker (1725-1809) and Elizabeth Bakewell (1749-1770) opposite Birchin Lane in Cornhill, Robert Sayer (1725-1794) at The Golden Buck in Fleet Street. John Bowles (1688-1767) & Son, at the Black Horse in Cornhill & Thomas Bowles (1688-1767) in S.t. Pauls Church yard. & Thomas Jefferys at Charing Cross. Engraving 34 x 46 cm (image), 37 x 50 cm (sheet) excellent conditions except for sparse foxing

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    Apr. 15, 2021


    Est: £800 - £1,200

    ROBERT SAYER, PUBLISHER The Seasons - a set of four mezzotints, London, 1786 Images: 290 x 223 mm (4)

  • Sayer. Engraving. Frederick Duke of York. 1790.
    Oct. 29, 2020

    Sayer. Engraving. Frederick Duke of York. 1790.

    Est: $200 - $300

    [Engraving] Sayer, Robert (English, 1725-1794). "His Royal Highness Frederick Duke of York, Colonel of the Coldstream Guards." Hand colored copperplate engraving. Published 10th Augt. 1790 by Robt. Sayer of 53 Fleet Street, London. Sheet: 9 5/8" x 12 5/8". Framed: 15 3/4" x 20 1/4". Condition Under glass, not examined out of frame. Toning. Small dampstain to bottom l.r.

    Quinn's Auction Galleries
  • José de Ribera, Saint Matthew, Edward Fisher
    Oct. 15, 2020

    José de Ribera, Saint Matthew, Edward Fisher

    Est: €275 - €350

    Saint Matthew. Mezzotint engraving after a painting of José de Ribera (Spagneletto), engraved by Edward Fisher. Published by Robert Sayer in London. In perfect condition , very dark good impression with the velouté of the mezzotint. With 1-3 cm margins.

    Old Master Print
  • Oxford.- Sayer (Robert) A View of Queen's College (a), University College (b), All Souls College (c), the Steeple of St. Mary's Church (d), &c. in the University of Oxford, [c. 1770].
    Oct. 08, 2020

    Oxford.- Sayer (Robert) A View of Queen's College (a), University College (b), All Souls College (c), the Steeple of St. Mary's Church (d), &c. in the University of Oxford, [c. 1770].

    Est: £200 - £300

    Oxford.- Sayer (Robert, publisher) A View of Queen's College (a), University College (b), All Souls College (c), the Steeple of St. Mary's Church (d), &c. in the University of Oxford, vue d'optique engraving by John Donowell, with fine early hand-colouring heightened with gouache, platemark 295 x 435 mm (11 3/4 x 17 1/4 in), sheet 340 x 490 mm (13 1/2 x 19 1/4 in), some surface dirt, damp-stains and handling creases within the margins, minor spotting and browning, unframed, [circa 1770 or slightly later].

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Azores.- Sayer (Robert) Chart of the Açores (Hawks) Islands, called also Flemish and Western Islands, 1787.
    Oct. 08, 2020

    Azores.- Sayer (Robert) Chart of the Açores (Hawks) Islands, called also Flemish and Western Islands, 1787.

    Est: £300 - £400

    Azores.- Sayer (Robert) Chart of the Açores (Hawks) Islands, called also Flemish and Western Islands, chart showing all the Azores islands with currents, rumb lines, anchorages, and includes 6 coastal profiles and 3 inset maps, engraving on laid paper with Strasburg lily watermark, sheet 540 x 730 mm (21 1/4 x 28 3/4 in), good margins, central vertical fold with expert repairs to minor splitting, some small repairs to perforations, otherwise minor handling creases, unframed, 1787.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Americas.- Sayer (Robert) and John Bennett. A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies, 1777.
    Oct. 08, 2020

    Americas.- Sayer (Robert) and John Bennett. A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies, 1777.

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Americas.- Sayer (Robert) and John Bennett. A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies, large-scale 4 sheet map, with extensive details and rococo-style cartouche, inset map of 'The Supplement to North America containing the Countries adjoining Baffins & Hudson's Bays' and 'The Passage of Land to California Discovered by Father Eusebius Francis Kino', engraving with outline hand-colouring, four sheets, conjoined in two horizontal sections, each approx. 535 x 1180 mm (21 x 46 1/2 in), minor offsetting, a small tear in the left side of the lower sheet, old folds and handling creases, unframed, 1777.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Robert Sayer (English, 1725-1794)
    Sep. 11, 2020

    Robert Sayer (English, 1725-1794)

    Est: $600 - $900

    Robert Sayer (English, 1725-1794), "Curacao, from the Original, of Gerard van Keulen, Regulated by Astronomical Obervations", London, 1775, with inset "Plan of Fort Amsterdam", 18 1/4 in. x 24 1/8 in., unframed Provenance: Collection of Brooke and Maria Fox, Metairie, LA

    Neal Auction Company
  • Early mezzotints.- Sayer (Robert) [The Four Elements] Earth; Water; Air; Fire, [c. 1760]; with 5 others (9)
    Jul. 30, 2020

    Early mezzotints.- Sayer (Robert) [The Four Elements] Earth; Water; Air; Fire, [c. 1760]; with 5 others (9)

    Est: £150 - £200

    Early mezzotints.- Sayer (Robert, publisher) [The Four Elements] Earth; Water; Air; Fire, after Robert Pyle, mezzotints on laid paper without watermarks [one with possible partial indistinct letter], each platemark approx. 152 x 112 mm (6 x 4 1/4 in), sheets approx. 215 x 142 mm (8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in), 'Water' with blue paint within image and in margin, 'Earth' with spotting, mainly visible within margins, otherwise occasional spotting, surface dirt, minor nicks and and handling creases, all unframed, [circa 1760 or later]; together with five further mezzotints published by Sayer, including 'Miss returning from a visit, or Thomas Fording a Brook with his Mistress', 'The Favourite Footman or Miss Well Mounted', 'Corporal Cartouch teaching Miss Camp-Love her Manual Exercise', 'Domestick Employment. Needlework', and 'The Smoaker' after van Ostade, mezzotints, each platemark approx. 155 x 110 mm (6 1/8 x 4 1/4 in), spotting, browning, surface dirt, nicks and tears, all unframed, [circa 1760-1790] (9)

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • (Map - Havana & Matanzas, Cuba) Plan of the City and Harbour of Havanna [on sheet with] Plan of the Bay of Matanzas, on the North Side of Cuba
    May. 21, 2020

    (Map - Havana & Matanzas, Cuba) Plan of the City and Harbour of Havanna [on sheet with] Plan of the Bay of Matanzas, on the North Side of Cuba

    Est: $450 - $550

    Havana & Matanzas, Cuba. Robert Sayer, Plan of the City and Harbour of Havanna [on sheet with] Plan of the Bay of Matanzas, on the North Side of Cuba, from West-India Atlas, 1788 (dated). Hand Color. This sheet includes two well-engraved maps, each printed from a separate plate. At top is Havana harbor with the fortified town and surrounding area, including Morro Castle, the batteries, storehouse, powder magazines, and hospital. At bottom is Matanzas Bay, identifying the town, fort, plantations, "best anchoring ground" and "best watering place." There are numerous soundings and anchorages located in each map, as well as a compass rose. Although Sayer largely copied these two maps from Jefferys, Sayer greatly improved the shape of Havana Bay.

    Old World Auctions
  • South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville, 1772.
    Mar. 05, 2020

    South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville, 1772.

    Est: £100 - £150

    South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville, impressive large map on four sheets conjoined, with an inset plan of the Falkland's Islands in the upper right corner, descriptive text in the lower left corner, and an elegant rococo-style cartouche in the lower right corner, engraving with outline hand-colouring, total sheet 1050 x 1230 mm. (41 1/4 x 48 1/2 in), scattered surface dirt, spotting, browning and handling creases, with some marginal nicks and tears, unframed, 1772.

    Forum Auctions - UK
    Jan. 24, 2020


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    hand-colored mezzotint and etching, circa 1780, on wove paper, framed

  • Europe.- Sayer (Robert) and Thomas Kitchin. A New and Accurate Map of Europe. Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics &c..., 1772.
    Dec. 06, 2019

    Europe.- Sayer (Robert) and Thomas Kitchin. A New and Accurate Map of Europe. Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics &c..., 1772.

    Est: £300 - £500

    Europe.- Sayer (Robert) and Thomas Kitchin. A New and Accurate Map of Europe. Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics &c..., large wall map of Europe, based on the cartography of Robert de Vaugondy, showing from the British Isles and Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, North African coast and the Black Sea, with inset map of Iceland, including tables at sides, and numerous flags of the World along the lower edge, engraving with hand-colouring, on four sheets of laid paper conjoined, total sheet 1020 x 1250 mm. (40 1/4 x 49 1/4 in), numerous handling creases, light surface dirt and minor browning, marginal nicks and tears, unframed, 1772

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville, 1772.
    Dec. 06, 2019

    South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville, 1772.

    Est: £300 - £500

    South America.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr. d'Anville, impressive large map on four sheets conjoined, with an inset plan of the Falkland's Islands in the upper right corner, descriptive text in the lower left corner, and an elegant rococo-style cartouche in the lower right corner, engraving with outline hand-colouring, total sheet 1050 x 1230 mm. (41 1/4 x 48 1/2 in), scattered surface dirt, spotting, browning and handling creases, with some marginal nicks and tears, unframed, 1772.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Americas.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of the Whole Continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copious table, 1772.
    Dec. 06, 2019

    Americas.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of the Whole Continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copious table, 1772.

    Est: £600 - £800

    Americas.- Sayer (Robert) A Map of the Whole Continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copious table, large wall map with impressive detail, based on the cartography of D'Anville, with inset map showing "the countries adjoining to Baffins and Hudsons Bay, numerous descriptive text and rococo-style cartocuhe in the lower right corner, engraving with some outline hand-colouring, on four sheets conjoined, total sheet approx. 1050 x 1230 mm. (41 1/4 x 48 1/2 in), several folds and handling creases, minor surface dirt and damp-stains, light offsetting and browning, unframed, 1772.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Africa.- Sayer (Robert) Africa According to Mr. D'Anville with Several Additions and Improvements, 1772.
    Dec. 06, 2019

    Africa.- Sayer (Robert) Africa According to Mr. D'Anville with Several Additions and Improvements, 1772.

    Est: £300 - £500

    Africa.- Sayer (Robert) Africa According to Mr. D'Anville with Several Additions and Improvements, large wall map with inset chart of the Gold Coast in the lower left corner, numerous descriptive texts, and a large title cartouche decorated with local figures, engraving on four sheets conjoined, total sheet 1050 x 1260 mm. (41 1/4 x 49 1/2 in), numerous folds and handling creases, upper right edge carefully re-margined, minor surface dirt and browning, unframed, 1772.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Sayer & Bennett Map of the American Revolutions
    Sep. 28, 2019

    Sayer & Bennett Map of the American Revolutions

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    SAYER, Robert (1725-1794) & BENNETT, John (D.1787). The Theatre of War in North America, with the Roads and a Table of the Distances. Engraved map with original hand color in outline. London, 1776. 29" x 20 3/4" sheet. This rare broadside was published just days after the British evacuation of Boston. The bottom text portion includes descriptions of each of the British colonies, soon to be the independent states.

    Arader Galleries
  • Netherlands.- Sayer (Robert) The Catholic Netherlands, divided into their several Provinces with roads, 1772.
    Aug. 29, 2019

    Netherlands.- Sayer (Robert) The Catholic Netherlands, divided into their several Provinces with roads, 1772.

    Est: £80 - £120

    Netherlands.- Sayer (Robert) The Catholic Netherlands, divided into their several Provinces with roads, engraving with hand-colouring on laid paper without watermark, sheet 510 x 675 mm. (20 x 26 1/2 in), central vertical fold as issued, minor offsetting, unframed, 1772.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Robert Sayer Map, 1790
    Jan. 26, 2019

    Robert Sayer Map, 1790

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Robert Sayer, "A New General Chart of the West Indies from the Latest Marine Journals and Surveys...", London, 1790, hand-colored in outline, printed on two separate sheets, very detailed large-format map, of note, present-day Belize is shown as British Logwood Cutters, referring to the wood used in dyeing wool, 40 in. x 27 1/2 in. (if joined), unframed. Provenance: Old World Auctions, Sedona, AZ, 2/20/2008, lot# 379

    Neal Auction Company
    Oct. 03, 2018


    Est: £700 - £900

    ROBERT SAYER (BRITISH c. 1770) Publisher. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter Set of four reverse glass prints, original hand-coloured mezzotints each c.355 x 250 mm. (14 x 9 3/4 in), in uniform antique ebonised frames, c.1770 (4)

    Chiswick Auctions
    Jun. 23, 2018


    Est: $50 - $80

    ROBERT SAYER (ENGLISH, 1725-1794) HISTORICAL MILITARY PRINTS, SET OF FIVE, hand-colored engraving on laid paper, comprising five scenes depicting the siege of Barcelona (1713-1714), during the War of Spanish Succession, titled to lower margins respectively "The REPRESENTATIONS of the most Considerable ACTIONS in the SIEGE of a Place", "How SALLIES are defended ad repulsed", "An ATTACK and LODGEMENT on the COVERT WAY: i.e. The part which lies between the Ditch and the Glacis", "The ATTACK of two BASTIONS, the Breaches being made by the Miner", and "The PLACE given up to PLUNDER", each with description below the title, and "Printed for Rob.t Sayer, Map & Printseller, at the Golden Buck near Sarjeants Inn, Fleet Street." Together with a duplicate example of "The PLACE given up to PLUNDER". Six pieces total. Unframed.

    Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates
  • Robert Sayer Map, 1790
    May. 19, 2018

    Robert Sayer Map, 1790

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Robert Sayer, "A New General Chart of the West Indies from the Latest Marine Journals and Surveys...", London, 1790, hand-colored in outline, printed on two separate sheets, very detailed large-format map, of note, present-day Belize is shown as British Logwood Cutters, referring to the wood used in dyeing wool, 40 in. x 27 1/2 in. (if joined), unframed. Provenance: Old World Auctions, Sedona, AZ, 2/20/2008, lot# 379

    Neal Auction Company
  • ROBERT SAYER (Pubs) 'Asia', double page engraving, c.1787, 51 x 73cm; and
    Feb. 28, 2018

    ROBERT SAYER (Pubs) 'Asia', double page engraving, c.1787, 51 x 73cm; and

    Est: £80 - £120

    ROBERT SAYER (Pubs) 'Asia', double page engraving, c.1787, 51 x 73cm; and two further maps, titles to include: 'Entrance to the Chou-Kiang or Canton River' and 'Turon-Bay in Cochin-China to the mouth of the Pei-Ho River in the Gulph of Pe-Tche-Lee or Pekin', all unframed (3)

  • Robert Sayer (Great Britain, 1725-1794)
    Feb. 11, 2018

    Robert Sayer (Great Britain, 1725-1794)

    Est: $100 - $200

    DESCRIPTION: Robert Sayer (Great Britain, 1725-1794). Handcolored mezzotint. "The Dream". Published by Robert Sayer, London, 1787. Wood frame. MEASUREMENTS: 13-5/8" x 9-5/8". Overall with frame 17-1/2" x 13-1/2". CONDITION: Wear including tears, toning, and creasing. Wear to frame.

    Cordier Auctions & Appraisals
  • AMERICAN REVOLUTION – SAYER, Robert (1725-1794), and BENNETT, John (fl. 177
    Dec. 05, 2017

    AMERICAN REVOLUTION – SAYER, Robert (1725-1794), and BENNETT, John (fl. 177

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    AMERICAN REVOLUTION – SAYER, Robert (1725-1794), and BENNETT, John (fl. 1770s)...

  • * Sayer (Robert, 1725-1794). The Miller's Maid grinding old men young, & The Miller grinding old women young, circa 1750-1775,
    Jun. 15, 2017

    * Sayer (Robert, 1725-1794). The Miller's Maid grinding old men young, & The Miller grinding old women young, circa 1750-1775,

    Est: £150 - £200

    2 copper engravings printed on one sheet of laid paper, with uniform decorative border, some minor marks and light soiling, each plate approximately 25 x 41.5 cm (9.8 x 16.3 ins), overall sheet size 60 x 48 cm (23.6 x 18.9 ins) - Quantity (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • SAYER, ROBERT. 1725-1794; & AND JOHN BENNET. fl. 1770-1784. The American Military Pocket Atlas; being an approved Collection of Correct Maps, both General and Particular, of the British Colonies; Especially those which now are, or probably may be the
    Sep. 20, 2016

    SAYER, ROBERT. 1725-1794; & AND JOHN BENNET. fl. 1770-1784. The American Military Pocket Atlas; being an approved Collection of Correct Maps, both General and Particular, of the British Colonies; Especially those which now are, or probably may be the

    Est: $14,000 - $16,000

    SAYER, ROBERT. 1725-1794; & AND JOHN BENNET. fl. 1770-1784. The American Military Pocket Atlas; being an approved Collection of Correct Maps, both General and Particular, of the British Colonies; Especially those which now are, or probably may be the Theatre of War. London: R. Sayer and J. Bennet, [1776]. 8vo (224 x 142 mm). viii, [2] pp. With 6 engraved folding maps hand-colored in outline, the largest 660 x 480 mm. Contemporary calf-backed boards with remains of red-and-gilt title on spine. Black morocco gilt clamshell box. Internally very clean and fresh, several expertly repaired closed tears to map #6 (Lake Champlain); boards rubbed, front joint splitting, spine chipped. Provenance: Sold by [Louis-Charles] Desnos, bookseller, Rue St. Jacques, Paris, active from aprox. 1771-1796 (small address label to verso of flyleaf). A VERY FINE COPY OF THE "HOLSTER ATLAS" SOLD BY A PARISIAN BOOKSELLER. Prepared shortly after the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, this atlas was intended for British officers in the field. Its portable format allowed it to be carried into battle, earning it the nickname of the "Holster Atlas." The set comprises North America, the West Indies, the Northern Colonies, the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies, and Lake Champlain— "maps that the British high command regarded as providing the essential topographical information in the most convenient form" (Schwartz & Ehrenberg, p 190). Often found disbound into individual maps, the present copy is preserved in contemporary boards with a bookseller's ticket that suggests that this example was sold to American revolutionaries in Paris. Howes A208; Nebenzahl Amer. Rev. pp 11-17; Sabin 1147.

    Feb. 04, 2016


    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    1) Hand-colored map of the attacks on Fort Washington, 1861. Hand-colored lithograph map "Attacks of Fort Washington by His Majestys Forces under the command of General Sir William Howe K. B. 16 Nov'r 1776". Published for David T. Valentine for "D. T. Valentine's Manual, for 1861" by George Hayward, New York within cartouche. The colorful images show American and British forces, Forts Lee, Washington, Independence and Constitution, British vessels used for landings from Long Island, roads, fields, forests and rivers. Minor tears at fold creases. 2) Mr. D'Anville, 1779. NORTH AMERICA / from the French ? of Mr. D'ANVILLE / IMPROVED / with THE ENGLISH SURVEYS made Since the Peace / NB. The Boundaries of the Provinces since the conquest of Canada are laid down as settled by the King in Council. Printed by Robert Sayer & J. Bennett London June 1779 within cartouche. Map depicts Eastern United States including Nova Scotia, New Foundland and the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River. With colored borders. 3) Mr. Rigobert Bonne, Theatre de la Guerre en Amerique, 1776. CANADA 1RE. FEUILLE. PARTIE / DE L'AMERIQUE / SEPTENTRIONALE / qui comprend / le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, / le Groenland, la Nouvelle Angleterre, / la Floride & c. / Projettee et assujettie aux Observations / par Mr. Bonne. / A Paris chez Lattre, rue St. Jacques. / a la Ville de Bordeaux. / avec Priv. du Roy. / Revue et corrigee / 1776 within cartouche. Map depicts Upper Canada including Hudson Bay, Labrador, the Bay of Baffin and Southern Greenland. With colored borders. 4) Eman. Bowen, 1747. A New General Map of America. Drawn from several Accurate / particular Maps and Charts, / and Regulated by / Astronomical Observations / By Eman. Bowen within cartouche. Framed hand-colored engraved map of North and South America, the Solomon Islands to the West and Cape Verde and Canary Islands to the East. Housed in a simple modern frame. 5) Eman. Bowen, 1740's edition. A New and Accurate Map of New Jersey, Pennsilvania, New York and New England / with the Adjacent Countries / Drawn from Surveys, "afforded" by / the most approved Modern / Maps & Charts / and Regulated by Astronomical Observations / By Eman. Bowen. Housed in a modern frame. SIZE: 1) Map size: 16-1/2" x 21-3/4". 2) Map size: 18" x 20-1/4". Sheet size: 21" x 23-1/2". 3) Map size: 11-3/4" x 17". Sheet size: 15-1/4" x 20". 4) Map size: 14" x 17". 5) Map size: 17" x 14". Sheet size site: 17-1/4" x 21". PROVENANCE: Private Central Maine Collection. CONDITION: 1) Margins beyond map border clipped. Minor toning, colors remain crisp. Good overall. 2) With overall minor toning, most notable in sheet borders. Otherwise very good. 3) Map with overall slight toning, notably in outer sheet borders and surface soiling. Some foxing in lower third of map. 4) Toning throughout, otherwise good. 5) Slight toning overall. Central lower and upper sheet borders with discoloration from tape stabilizing old tears, otherwise colors remain strong. Break in glass of frame, upper left quadrant. Generally good. 49794-11

    James D. Julia
  • Robert Sayer (active 1750-1780) and Bennett (18th
    Dec. 08, 2015

    Robert Sayer (active 1750-1780) and Bennett (18th

    Est: £100 - £150

    Robert Sayer (active 1750-1780) and Bennett (18th Century) - Three coloured mezzotints - "Corporal Cartouch teaching Miss Camp-Love her manual exercise", "The Musical Charmer" and "The Angelic Angler", all approximately 12.5ins x 9.75ins, framed and glazed

    Canterbury Auction Galleries
  • A Chart of the Straight of Magellan
    Sep. 19, 2015

    A Chart of the Straight of Magellan

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Robert Sayer (1725-1794) and John Bennett. Engraved map with original hand-color in full. London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1775. 22 1/4 x 29 1/2 inches, 27 1/2 x 34 1/2 inches framed.

    Arader Galleries
Lots Per Page: