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Giovanni Francesco (1610) Romanelli Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Freskant, b. 1610 - d. 1662

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  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610 – 1662) – Taste of
    Oct. 16, 2024

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610 – 1662) – Taste of

    Est: €480 - €960

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610 – 1662) – Taste of, the cumaean sybillel. Oil on canvas. In a dutch carved frame. 60 x 50 cm.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese (seguace di) Sybil
    Apr. 18, 2024

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese (seguace di) Sybil

    Est: €700 - €1,200

    Oil on canvas Canvas cm. 62x50. Framed The painting is an early replica of the painting by Giovan Francesco Romanelli now in the Galleria Borghese in Rome.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli "Allegory of Fame (Clio?)" oil on canvas (130x100 cm.) label on verso "C.F.B" in 19th-century frame Provenance Collezione Sciarra Collezione privata Literature M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, Pietro da Cortona e "I cor...
    Mar. 26, 2024

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli "Allegory of Fame (Clio?)" oil on canvas (130x100 cm.) label on verso "C.F.B" in 19th-century frame Provenance Collezione Sciarra Collezione privata Literature M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, Pietro da Cortona e "I cor...

    Est: €11,000 - €12,000

    (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) "Allegory of Fame (Clio?)" oil on canvas (130x100 cm.) label on verso "C.F.B" in 19th-century frame Provenance Collezione Sciarra Collezione privata Literature M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, Pietro da Cortona e "I cortoneschi", Milano 2001, p. 116, p. XXVII, fig. 51 IT "Allegoria della Fama (Clio?)" olio su tela (cm 130x100) etichetta al verso "C.F.B." in cornice del secolo XIX Provenienza Collezione Sciarra Collezione privata Bibliografia M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, Pietro da Cortona e "I cortoneschi", Milano 2001, p. 116, p. XXVII, fig. 51

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (after): painting (o/c) 'Sibyl' (*)
    Mar. 19, 2024

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (after): painting (o/c) 'Sibyl' (*)

    Est: €300 - €400

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (after): painting (o/c) 'Sibyl' (*)

    Veilinghuis Loeckx
  • GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Cerchia di), Olio su tela
    Nov. 24, 2023

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Cerchia di), Olio su tela

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Cerchia di) (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) Sibilla Olio su tela Cornice a canna ciaccata in legno dorata ad argento e mistura Provenienza: Nobile famiglia siciliana. cm 60 x 47,5.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
    Nov. 14, 2023


    Est: -

    Anonymous copyist c. 1900 after Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662), ''Sibyl'', oil on canvas, unsigned, verso signed & dated 1891, 48 x 37 cm, framed 58 x 47 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (attr.) "Ecce Homo" oil on canvas (84x61 cm.) in antique frame, inscribed on the verso (defects)...
    Oct. 18, 2023

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (attr.) "Ecce Homo" oil on canvas (84x61 cm.) in antique frame, inscribed on the verso (defects)...

    Est: €8,500 - €9,000

    (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) (attr.) "Ecce Homo" oil on canvas (84x61 cm.) in antique frame, inscribed on the verso (defects) IT (attr.) "Ecce Homo" olio su tela (cm 84x61) in cornice antica, iscrizioni al retro (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (VITERBO 1610-1662) A sibyl oil on canvas 29 3
    Jul. 06, 2023

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (VITERBO 1610-1662) A sibyl oil on canvas 29 3

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (VITERBO 1610-1662) A sibyl oil on canvas 29 3/4 x 24 3/8 in. (75.6 x 62 cm.)

  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, attributed to, Diana and Endymion
    May. 20, 2023

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, attributed to, Diana and Endymion

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Certificate Mario F. Samoticha, 15.06.1999. On square canvas, 41 x 41 cm. Giltwood frame with inset mount. The attribution to Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, who trained in Rome under Domenichino and Pietro da Cortona, proposed by Mario Samoticha in 1999, is based on stylistic arguments. Like his two teachers, Romanelli executed larger fresco cycles, including motifs from the mythology of Diana and Endymion for the French royal family.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli
    May. 03, 2023

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli

    Est: €40,000 - €60,000

    (Viterbo 1610–1662) Angelica and Medoro, oil on canvas, 121 x 172.5 cm, framed Provenance: Villa Stella Maris, Camogli; sale, Finarte, Milan, 18 October 1995, lot 381 (as Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, il Viterbese); where acquired by the present owner; Private European collection The present painting represents an episode from Ludovico Ariosto’s epic poem Orlando Furioso (canto XIX, verse 17–42) which was published in 1516. Gravely injured in battle, Medoro is aided by Angelica with whom Orlando, the hero of the chivalric poem, is in love. Initially Angelica tends to Medoro’s wounds in a spirit of pity, however, in time this turns to romance. The two young people live an idyllic period of love and later the two lovers are married and Angelica decides to return to the Orient with Medoro, at which point, unexpectedly, the anger of Orlando is unleashed. Romanelli’s painting, which is characterised by its refinement of composition and its rich pallette, immortalises the episode when the lovers carve their names on the trunk of a tree, watched over by Cupid and an attendant putto, suspended against the blue sky, bearing the symbols of love: the bow and a torch to inflame the heart with love. Following a brief period of training at Rome with Domenichino, Giovanni Francesco Romanelli was introduced into the studio of Pietro da Cortona with whom he collaborated on the fresco decoration of the Palazzo Barberini alle Quattro Fontane. This experience marked the beginning of the artist’s long association with the family of Urban VIII. With his first public commissions for the Vatican Basilica, as well as for works in the Vatican Palace, Romanelli began to significantly develop his own baroque language. Finding inspiration in works ranging from those of Raphael to those of Francesco Albani and Guido Reni, he formulated a simplified, functional almost neo-renaissance manner, with which he asserted himself within the more broadly diffused classicist fashion. He was elected Principe of the Accademia di San Luca at Rome, and he was called to the French court in 1648 and again in 1659. Here he decorated the Gallery of the palace of Cardinal Mazzarin (today the Bibliothèque Nationale de France) with subjects drawn from history and mythology. At the Louvre he painted four rooms of the Summer Apartment of the Queen Mother, Anna of Austria, deploying scenes drawn from myth, from biblical history and from Roman history.

  • ROMANELLI il VITERBESE Giovanni Francesco (1610 - 1662) Dessins
    Feb. 14, 2023

    ROMANELLI il VITERBESE Giovanni Francesco (1610 - 1662) Dessins

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Dessins ROMANELLI il VITERBESE Giovanni Francesco (1610 - 1662) "Exode 15-22-27 : Dieu satisfait la faim et la soif" pinceau et lavis d'encre grise sur papier. Signé en bas à droite Romanelli pour Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese. Ecole italienne. Voir au dos une étiquette avec le cachet de collection de Charles Hippolyte Vilain XIIII. Chargé d'affaires, puis ministre résident près les cours de Sardaigne et de Toscane entre 1840 et 1848, il ramena de ce séjour, des œuvres d'art en Belgique. Dim.:+/-225x157mm.

  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo, 1610 - Viterbo, 1662), Allegoria dell’Inverno
    Nov. 03, 2022

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo, 1610 - Viterbo, 1662), Allegoria dell’Inverno

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Allievo di Domenichino prima e Pietro da Cortona poi, il viterbese Francesco Romanelli è a Roma - stando alle fonti - a partire dal 1617; ma è dal 1631 che sono registrati i legami con la famiglia del papa Urbano VIII, i potenti Barberini, grandi committenti del Cortona. La fortuna del Romanelli è strettamente legata ad un suo affezionato e prestigioso committente, il cardinale Francesco Barberini; ma ciò che prova più di tutto il successo riscosso presso i suoi contemporanei, sono i due soggiorni in Francia (1646 - 47 e 1655 - 57) e le numerose commissioni ad essi legate, come quelle richieste dal Cardinale Mazarino e della regina madre Anna d’Austria. Lo stile del Romanelli non subì mai delle grosse evoluzioni, nel corso della sua carriera: legato tanto ai temi sacri quanto a quelli mitologici, in questa tela vediamo raffigurata un’Allegoria dell’Inverno, probabilmente della metà del XVII secolo. Un anziano - rappresentante l’“inverno della vita”, la fase finale dell’esistenza dell’uomo - col capo coperto da uno scuro mantello, si scalda le mani al calore di un tiepido braciere; la pennellata è sicura, attenta ai particolari del volto, delle mani e il panneggio è reso con la raffinata morbidezza tipica dell’artista.

  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese, 1610 – 1662
    Sep. 22, 2022

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese, 1610 – 1662

    Est: €40,000 - €60,000

    TRIUMPH DER GALATEA Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 79 x 114 cm. In vergoldetem profilierten und geschnitzten Rahmen. Beigegeben ein Gutachten von Silvia Bruno vom 14.10.2014. Ein weiterer „Triumph der Galatea“ von Romanelli ist unter der Nummer 48113 in der Fototeca Zeri verzeichnet, das dortige Gemälde mit unterschiedlicher figürlicher Darstellung jedoch ebenfalls mit mittig zentraler Darstellung der Galateia. Ovids Thema aus den Metamorphosen XIII, 238-893. Dargestellt als offener Blick ins Meer mit rechts am Horizont sichtbaren Hügeln mit in einem gemuscheltem Boot sitzender Galateia, deren rotes Gewand im Winde weht und die von zwei Nereiden und einem Armorknaben begleitet wird, das Schiff von zwei Delfinen gezogen. (13306224) (10) Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese, 1610 – 1662 TRIUMPH OF GALATEA Oil on canvas. Relined. 79 x 114 cm. In profiled, carved gilt frame. Accompanied by an expert´s report by Silvia Bruno dated 14 October 2014. Another “Triumph of Galatea” by Romanelli is listed with no. 48113 at the Fototeca Zeri. However, this painting shows different figural depictions.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Scuola Italiana del XIX secolo da Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo 1610 - 1662)
    Sep. 20, 2022

    Scuola Italiana del XIX secolo da Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo 1610 - 1662)

    Est: €600 - €900

    Scuola Italiana del XIX secolo da Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) Figura allegorica femminile (Sibilla Cumana o allegoria del Rimorso, della Penitenza o Malinconia?) Olio su tela 63 x 50 cm Italian school of the 19th century from Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) Allegorical female figure (Cumaean Sibyl or allegory of Remorse, Penance or Melancholy?) Oil on canvas 63 x 50 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • After Giovanni Francesco Romanelli,
    Jul. 19, 2022

    After Giovanni Francesco Romanelli,

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    After Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, Italian 1610-1662- The Cumean Sybil; oil on canvas, scrubbed signature (lower right), indistinctly inscribed and dated '1806' on the reverse, 104.5 x 77.2 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, UK. Note: An early 19th-century copy after the original painting by Romanelli, held in the collection of the Galleria Borghese, Rome. The Cumaean Sybil was a historical priestess of the oracle at Cumae, an Ancient Greek colony near Naples, largely known to Romans through her appearance in Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’. Serving as a popular subject amongst 16th-century Italian artists, including Raphael (1483-1520) and in Michelangelo’s (1475-1564) fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Romanelli’s treatment of the subject imparts her with a sense of learned authority, emphasised through the book in her hands, whilst her demeanour expresses a calm composure. Please refer to department for condition report

  • After Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, 19th Century A sibyl
    Apr. 12, 2022

    After Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, 19th Century A sibyl

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    After Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, 19th Century A sibyl bears signature and date 'P. Brandl/ *** 1785' (lower right) oil on canvas 68.8 x 50.4cm (27 1/16 x 19 13/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Attributed to GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Italy, 1610 – 1662) "Moses saved from the waters." Oil on canvas. Relined. Keep labels on the back. It presents repainting and restorations. It has a gilded and repainted 17th century frame.
    Mar. 09, 2022

    Attributed to GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Italy, 1610 – 1662) "Moses saved from the waters." Oil on canvas. Relined. Keep labels on the back. It presents repainting and restorations. It has a gilded and repainted 17th century frame.

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    Attributed to GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Italy, 1610 - 1662) "Moses saved from the waters". Oil on canvas. Re-coloured. Retains labels on the back. It has repainting and restorations. It has a 17th century frame redecorated and repainted. Measurements: 149 x 200 cm; 171 x 222 cm (frame). The dynamism and intensity of this baroque image has been conceived with a composition that exalts the dramatism of the biblical scene. The author depicts the moment when Moses is found and rescued from the waters (Exodus 2: 1-10). The Pharaoh's daughter, on going to bathe, notices the presence of the basket with the child and, taking pity on him, decides to take charge of the child and look for a matron to feed him. The scene is composed with the presence of the Pharaoh's daughter, who stands wearing a richly jewelled headdress. The young woman is accompanied by two maidens, one of whom holds the baby's cot, and the other who holds the young woman's arm to prevent her from falling into the water. Surely one of these young women is Miriam, since, in the biblical account, it is she who, after Moses is rescued, comes to ensure the child's salvation and offers her mother's services as a wet nurse. Due to its formal and compositional characteristics, this work is related to the style of Giovanni Francesco Romanelli. This subject had already been painted by the artist, as can be seen in the work in the collection of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. It was painted by Romanelli in 1656. The Finding of Moses was executed during Romanelli's second stay in Paris (1655-1656), when he was decorating the apartments of the Queen Mother, Anne of Austria, in the Louvre. The simplified composition and clearly delineated forms suggest that this jewel-toned canvas also functioned as a decorative element, unlike the work presented here. Romanelli had assisted Pietro da Cortona on his ambitious ceiling fresco The Triumph of Divine Providence in the Palazzo Barberini. Like his master, he enjoyed the patronage of Cardinal Francesco Barberini and his uncle, Pope Urban VIII. The Barberini's exile to France in 1646 led Romanelli to follow his patrons to Paris. Giovanni Francesco Romanelli was a painter from Viterbo who developed his career during the second third of the 17th century. He trained in Rome with Pietro da Cortona, which brought him into the orbit of the Baberini. He remained close to the family of Pope Urban VIII throughout his life, especially to Cardinal Francesco, who hosted him in the Chancellery Palace as early as 1632. His work immediately earned him an enormous public fortune, and before the age of thirty he received the most important commissions in the Eternal City, including a large canvas for St Peter's Basilica. Due to the great fame and success that accompanied him throughout his life, he had a large number of followers, painters who were able to learn from the master the advances and fundamental values of his painting. In the 1640s Romanelli's style evolved towards greater classicism in a new compositional balance influenced by the contemporary triumph of forms increasingly typical of the classicising Baroque, the dominant trend in Rome at the time.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco
    Feb. 19, 2022

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco

    Est: €60 - €90

    (1610 Viterbo 1662) nach. Moyse trouvé sur le Nil. Moses wird im Körbchen am Ufer des Nils gefunden. Kupferstich v. Simon Vallé, um 1730. 39,8 x 28, Blgr. 54,5 x 40,5 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. Titel i.d. Platte. - Re. Knickf. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Dec. 14, 2021


    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (1610 (?) - 1662) ATTRIBUÉ À Sainte Cécile Toile d’origine 74,5 x 61 cm Restaurations anciennes Reprise de la composition de Romanelli conservée à Rome (Galleria Capitolina). Une autre version est passée en vente à New-York (Sotheby’s) le 31 janvier 2013, n° 249 (toile 76,5 x 52cm).

    HVMC - Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo
  • Romanelli, Giovanni-Francesco - Kopie nach: Sibylle von Cumae
    Nov. 26, 2021

    Romanelli, Giovanni-Francesco - Kopie nach: Sibylle von Cumae

    Est: -

    Romanelli, Giovanni-Francesco - Copy after — Sibyl of Cumae (Viterbo 1610-1662 ibid.) Young woman sitting in a landscape and leaning against a stone postament, holding a book with the biblical psalm ''Ut non confundar'' in her hands. Oil on canvas, relined. 100,5 x 74,5 cm. - Damage due to age, flaking, varnish damage, three cleaned areas. - Original in the Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples. // Romanelli, Giovanni-Francesco - Kopie nach — Sibylle von Cumae — (Viterbo 1610-1662 ebd.) In Landschaft sitzende und an ein Steinpostament gelehnte junge Frau, in den Händen ein Buch mit dem Bibelpsalm "Ut non confundar" haltend. Öl/Lwd., doubl. 100,5 x 74,5 cm. - Altersschäden, Schollenbildung, Firnisschäden, drei Reinigungsfenster. - Original im Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Neapel.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Viterbo 1610-1662 Viterbo) An Allegory of the Virtues of the Roman Republic.
    Nov. 03, 2021

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Viterbo 1610-1662 Viterbo) An Allegory of the Virtues of the Roman Republic.

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Viterbo 1610-1662 Viterbo) An Allegory of the Virtues of the Roman Republic. Pen and ink and wash and black chalk on cream laid paper. 258x156 mm; 10x6 inches. Coat-of-arms watermark. Provenance: William Miller, New York; private collection, New York. Romanelli was a pupil of Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669) and this is a copy after a corner of Cortona's ceiling decoration in the Grand Salone of the Palazzo Barberini in Rome.

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Oct. 22, 2021


    Est: €700 - €1,000

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (Copia da) (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) Sibilla Olio su tela entro cornice in legno laccato e dorato del XIX secolo. cm 60 x 48.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
  • * Romanelli (Giovanni Francesco, 1610-1662, attributed to). Moses striking water from the rock,
    Oct. 13, 2021

    * Romanelli (Giovanni Francesco, 1610-1662, attributed to). Moses striking water from the rock,

    Est: £500 - £700

    * Attributed to Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662). Moses striking water from the rock, circa 1640-50, large-scale composition in pen and brown ink with brown wash over black chalk, on two conjoined sheets of laid paper, with watermark of an anchor within a circle with letters (J M ?) and star above (similar to Gravell Anchor 440.1 or 442.1), additional studies in black chalk of Carita Romana to verso, neat archival restorations to sheet edges and central crease, with some small losses, sheet size 390 x 532 mm (15.3 x 21 ins) Qty: (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Santa Cecília, Óleo s/tela, 99 x 73,5 cm.
    Oct. 12, 2021

    Santa Cecília, Óleo s/tela, 99 x 73,5 cm.

    Est: €2,600 - €3,600

    Segundo original de Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662) Santa Cecília Óleo sobre tela Não assinado Dim. aprox.: 99 x 73,5 cm.

    Palácio do Correio Velho
  • Allegory of Winter
    Sep. 29, 2021

    Allegory of Winter

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    First a pupil of Domenichino and then of Pietro da Cortona, the Viterbese Francesco Romanelli was in Rome - according to the sources - from 1617 onwards. However, from 1631, his connection with Pope Urban VIII’s family, the powerful Barberini, Cortona’s great patrons, is recorded. Romanelli’s fortune is closely linked to his affectionate and prestigious patron, Cardinal Francesco Barberini. But the most important proof of his success among his contemporaries is his two stays in France (1646-47 and 1655-57) and the numerous commissions linked to them, such as those requested by Cardinal Mazarin and Queen Mother Anne of Austria. Romanelli’s style never underwent any significant changes during his career: linked to both sacred and mythological themes, this canvas depicts an Allegory of Winter, probably from the middle of the XVII century. An old man - representing the 'winter of life', the final phase of man’s existence - with his head covered by a dark cloak, warms his hands in the warmth of a brazier. The brushwork is firm, attentive to the details of the face and hands, and the drapery is rendered with the refined softness typical of the artist.

    Sep. 21, 2021


    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    (Viterbo, 1612? - 1662) Davide Olio su tela, cm 62X48 La personalità di Giovanni Francesco Romanelli è stata rivalutata grazie alle pionieristiche ricerche di Italo Faldi pubblicate nel 1970 e in modo particolare dagli studi di Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco raccolti in un volume edito nel 2001. L'esordio dell'artista avviene a Roma nell'ambito di Pietro da Cortona, che gli consente di entrare in diretto contatto con la committenza Barberini, in modo particolare con il Cardinale Francesco, suo mecenate ed estimatore. Sarà sempre il favore barberiniano ad offrirgli l'opportunità di ornare con le Storie delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio le volte della Galleria parigina del Mazzarino. La sua trasferta francese segnerà la diffusione del barocco romano in Europa e la sua evoluzione verso un linguaggio 'alessandrino', elegante e stilizzato. In questo arco di tempo, attorno al quinto decennio, il Romanelli reinventerà anche il quadro allegorico a mezze figure, spesso dedicato a soggetti raffaellescamente graziosi, come ben documenta la tela in esame. Bibliografia di riferimento: I. Faldi, Pittori viterbesi di cinque secoli, Roma 1970, ad vocem L. Barroero, Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, in Pietro da Cortona 1597-1669, catalogo della mostra a cura di A. Lo Bianco, Milano 1997, pp. 181 ; 186 M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, Pietro da Cortona e i cortoneschi, Milano 2001, pp. 111 ; 124

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco
    Jul. 10, 2021

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco

    Est: €80 - €120

    (1610 Viterbo 1662) nach. Moyse trouvé sur le Nil. Moses wird im Körbchen am Ufer des Nils gefunden. Kupferstich v. Simon Vallé, um 1730. 39,8 x 28, Blgr. 54,5 x 40,5 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. Titel i.d. Platte. - Re. Knickf. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, The Virgin and Child with the Infant John the Baptist and Saint Francis of Assisi
    Jun. 05, 2021

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, The Virgin and Child with the Infant John the Baptist and Saint Francis of Assisi

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Inscribed lower centre: Romanelli Framed under glass. The attribution to Romanelli was first suggested by Dr. Jörg Merz in the catalogue for the exhibition of the Weld-Blundell collection in Liverpool and London in 1998.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco
    May. 08, 2021

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco

    Est: €70 - €100

    (1610 Viterbo 1662) nach. Le Frapement du Rocher. Moses schlägt Wasser aus dem Felsen. Kupferstich auf Bütten v. Jean Hussart, um 1730. Blgr. 52,5 x 38,5 cm. - Ob. li. Eckabriss, li. w. Rd. mit Dünn- u. kl. Fehlst. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco
    May. 08, 2021

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1610 Viterbo 1662) nach. Moyse trouvé sur le Nil. Moses wird im Körbchen am Ufer des Nils gefunden. Kupferstich v. Simon Vallé, um 1730. 39,8 x 28, Blgr. 54,5 x 40,5 cm. Mit den Namensz. u. Titel i.d. Platte. - Re. Knickf. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Apr. 29, 2021


    Est: -

    Allegory of the eternal strength of Spain: Christ lifts with his left hand Time, loosened from the chains, while with his right points to the Spanish royal coat of arms; at the top an eagle holds a cartouche with the inscription in its beak, while from Time's mouth comes out a phylactery with the words “Fodes unda, fave puppi”. Below left, engraved with “Fr Romanelli Viterb. of the.". Etching, 237x175mm Rare copy in fairly good condition with some minor restoration and a clear line at the height of the saint's chest.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • * Romanelli (Giovanni Francesco, 1610-1662, attributed to). Moses striking water from the rock,
    Mar. 25, 2021

    * Romanelli (Giovanni Francesco, 1610-1662, attributed to). Moses striking water from the rock,

    Est: £700 - £1,000

    * Attributed to Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662). Moses striking water from the rock, circa 1640-50, large-scale composition in pen and brown ink with brown wash over black chalk, on two conjoined sheets of laid paper, with watermark of an anchor within a circle with letters (J M ?) and star above (similar to Gravell Anchor 440.1 or 442.1), additional studies in black chalk of Carita Romana to verso, neat archival restorations to sheet edges and central crease, with some small losses, sheet size 390 x 532 mm (15.3 x 21 ins) Qty: (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • 18th c. Italian Portrait Painting, Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, THE CUMAEAN SYBIL
    Jan. 24, 2021

    18th c. Italian Portrait Painting, Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, THE CUMAEAN SYBIL

    Est: $2,500 - $5,000

    17th c. Italian Portrait Painting after Italian Master Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Italian, 1610-1662) Entitled THE CUMAEAN SYBIL | Oil on Canvas | Housed in a gold gilded gesso wood frame| Approx. Dimensions: Sight: 19" H x 14" W; Frame: 26" H x 21" W | Provenance: From a Private New Jersey Collection, Conservation performed by Swain Galleries, Plainfield, NJ 2007, label on verso | Romanelli was a major Italian painter of the Baroque period, celebrated for his use of bright, vivid colors and clarity of detail. Many of his works are on display in museums throughout the world including the Louvre.

    Worthington Galleries
  • Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (1610
    Jan. 23, 2021

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (1610

    Est: -

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (1610-1662), Copy after, St. Magdalene, c. 1800/early 19th c. Oil/canvas, unsigned, in the open book in her hands is legible the Latin phrase ''Ut non confundar'' (''...that I may not be damned'', Psalm 119, verse 80); the erotic depiction confirms the meaning of the phrase, 106 x 80.5 cm, framed in magnificent frame 130.5 x 103.5 cm.- Provenance: family property Latvia (Riga)

    Historia Auctionata
    Dec. 21, 2020


    Est: €500 - €800

    (Viterbo 1612? - 1662) Allegoria dell'Innocenza Olio su tela, cm 68X50 Il prototipo del dipinto, già in collezione Sacchetti, si custodisce ai Musei Capitolini (olio su tela, cm 63X49, inv. PC 234). Il soggetto, negli inventari antichi (1688) era descritto come Una donna con turbante bianco in testa, et un piccione in mano e solo nel 1817 con la catalogazione del Tofanelli l'opera viene intitolata: L'innocenza con colomba. L'esordio dell'artista avviene a Roma nell'ambito di Pietro da Cortona, che gli consente d'entrare in diretto contatto con la committenza Barberini, in modo particolare con il Cardinale Francesco, suo mecenate ed estimatore e sarà sempre il favore barberiniano a offrirgli l'opportunità d'ornare con Storie delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio le volte della Galleria parigina del Mazzarino. La trasferta francese segna la diffusione del barocco romano in Europa e la sua evoluzione verso un linguaggio Alessandrino, elegante e stilizzato ed è in questo arco di tempo, attorno al quinto decennio che il Romanelli reinventa il quadro allegorico a mezze figure, spesso dedicato a soggetti femminili raffaellescamente graziosi, come ben documenta la tela in esame, in cui la presenza della colomba allude all'amore e alla sua costanza. Bibliografia di riferimento: Pinacoteca capitolina. Catalogo generale, a cura di S. Guarino e P. Masini, Milano 2006, pp. 408 ; 409, n. 186

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Romanelli, Giovan Francesco: Allegory of Truth
    Nov. 19, 2020

    Romanelli, Giovan Francesco: Allegory of Truth

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Romanelli, Giovan Francesco Viterbo 1610 - 1662 Chalk on paper. Mounted. 37,5 x 29cm. Old collection stamp \"Marquis de Lagoy\" bottom right. Provenance: Joseph-Hyacinthe-François de Paule de Rigaud collection, comte de Vaudreuil (1780s), Paris Art market, Paris (1791) Vincent Donjeux collection (1793), Paris Art market, Paris (1794) Jean-Baptiste-Florentin-Gabriel de Meryan Marquis de Lagoy collection (1764-1829), Aix-en-Provence, France Private ownership, Germany. Giovanni Francesco Romanelli was considered one of the Italian painters of the Baroque period, who was successful both in his home country and abroad, especially in France. After he had executed some paintings for the French minister of finance Michel Particelli d'Émery in 1640, through the mediation of Cardinal Giulio Mazzarino, the artist was able to make his first trip to France between June 1646 and September 1647. Among the first commissions in Paris were the decoration of several rooms in the Duret-Tubeuf Palace and the cabinet of the Hôtel Lambert. Romanelli's second stay in Paris (1655-57) was at the request of Queen Mother Anne of Austria, who commissioned Romanelli to decorate five rooms of her summer residence at the Palais du Louvre. Besides making canvases, Romanelli also made drawings, which served as preliminary studies for decorations or can be regarded as independent works of art. Among these can be counted the present Allegory of Truth, whose presence in France is documented at least from the end of the 18th to the middle of the 19th century. It appears in the sales catalogue of the collection of Joseph-Hyacinthe-François de Paule de Rigaud, Count of Vaudreuil, 26 November 1787: \"F. Romanelly. Une Femme debout relevant un voile qui lui couvre la tête elle est appuyée contre un tertre au bas duquel on voit deux masques. Ce dessin agréable, précieux & très-terminé, est aux trois crayons sur papier blanc. Pastel trois coloured pencils on paper blank, hauteur 20 pouces, largeur 15 p.\". Until 1794 the sheet appeared in further sales in Paris, organized by the famous art dealer and collector Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Lebrun. Finally the paper work came into the famous collection of Jean-Baptiste-Florentin-Gabriel de Meryan, Marquis de Lagoy. The famous \"marque de collection\" with a large L in the triangle in black ink, which is shown at the bottom right, refers to this provenance. Explanations to the Catalogue Giovan Francesco Romanelli Baroque 17th C. Watercolour / Drawings Allegory Drawing Nudes Estimated Shippingcost for this lot: Germany: 31,93 Euro plus 6,07 Euro VAT EU: 58,82 Euro plus 11,18 Euro VAT Worldwide: 84,03 Euro plus 15,97 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    Nov. 17, 2020


    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Atribuível a VIEIRA PORTUENSE, Francisco Vieira O. (1765-1805), segundo original de Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662) Santa Cecilia Óleo sobre tela Não assinado Dim. aprox.: 99 x 73,5 cm.

    Palácio do Correio Velho
  • Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco
    Sep. 26, 2020

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco

    Est: -

    Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (1610-1662), Kopie nach. Die Hl. Magdalena. Um 1800/Anfg. 19. Jh. Öl/Lwd., unsign., im geöffnetem Buch in ihren Händen ist der lateinische Satz lesbar ''Ut non confundar'' (''...dass ich nicht verdammt sein möge'', Psalm 119, Vers 80); die erotische Darstellung bestätigt die Bedeutung des Satzes, 106 x 80,5 cm, in Prunkrahmen ger. 130,5 x 103,5 cm.- Provenienz: Familienbesitz Lettland (Riga)

    Sep. 24, 2020


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Ultima cena Olio su tela, cm 150X220 Riferita a Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo, 1610 - 1662) la tela puì trovare spunti di confronto con quella di medesimo soggetto custodita nel duomo di Rieti e databile al 1653. Tuttavia, la forte ossidazione non consente una agile lettura e in modo particolare delle cromie. Si evidenziano perì i brani di natura morta, ovvero i piatti e le stoviglie con i tovaglioli posti sulla tavola e in modo particolare la saliera e i coltelli in primo piano, che presentano una notevole qualità d'esecuzione e sono un buon indice per valutare la valente conservazione delle stesure. L'osservazione dei brani di figura evocano altresì ricordi guercineschi evidenti e tratti naturalistici ben percepibili a esempio guardando il volto dell'apostolo a sinistra.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jun. 25, 2020


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Viterbo, 1610 - 1662) L'armonia tra storia e poesia Olio su tela, cm 144X128,5 La personalità di Giovanni Francesco Romanelli è stata rivalutata grazie alle pionieristiche ricerche di Italo Faldi pubblicate nel 1970 e in modo particolare dagli studi di Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco raccolti in un volume edito nel 2001. L'esordio dell'artista avviene a Roma nell'ambito di Pietro da Cortona, che gli consente di entrare in diretto contatto con la committenza Barberini, in modo particolare con il Cardinale Francesco, suo mecenate ed estimatore. Sarà sempre il favore barberiniano ad offrirgli l'opportunità di ornare con le Storie delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio le volte della Galleria parigina del Mazzarino. La trasferta francese segna la diffusione del barocco romano in Europa e la sua evoluzione verso un linguaggio 'alessandrino', elegante e stilizzato. In questo arco di tempo, attorno al quinto decennio, il Romanelli reinventerà il quadro allegorico a mezze figure, spesso dedicato a soggetti femminili 'raffaellescamente graziosi', come ben documenta la tela in esame. Bibliografia di riferimento: I. Faldi, Pittori viterbesi di cinque secoli, Roma 1970, ad vocem L. Barroero, Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, in Pietro da Cortona 1597-1669, catalogo della mostra a cura di A. Lo Bianco, Milano 1997, pp. 181-186 M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, Pietro da Cortona e i cortoneschi, Milano 2001, pp. 111 ' 124, con bibliografia precedente

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (1610 - 1662) BACCHANALE Toile Restaurations anciennes Bacchanalia, canvas 39 x 66 CM • 15 3...
    Jun. 24, 2020

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (1610 - 1662) BACCHANALE Toile Restaurations anciennes Bacchanalia, canvas 39 x 66 CM • 15 3...

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI (1610 - 1662) BACCHANALE Toile Restaurations anciennes Bacchanalia, canvas 39 x 66 CM • 15 3/8 x 26 IN. €8,000-12,000 PROVENANCE : étiquette au dos de Galard Terraube Originaire de Viterbo, Romanelli est l'élève du Dominiquin. Vers 1630, il s'installe à Rome et entre dans le cercle d'artistes et d'intellectuels qui se constitue autour du pape Urbain VIII et du cardinal Francesco Barberini. En 1631, il travaille aux côtés de Pierre de Cortone et devient son élève. Il effectue deux séjours à Paris, le premier entre1646 et1647 pendant lequel il décore pour Mazarin la galerie du palais Mazarin. Il vient une seconde fois entre1654 et1657 afin de peindre les plafonds des appartements d'été d'Anne d'Autriche au Louvre. Signalons un dessin de l'artiste ayant figuré à la vente à Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 10décembre 2003 (PIASA), n°7

  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, Kopie nach, um 1800/frühes 19. Jh., Junge attraktive Frau ein Buch mit mahnenden Worten haltend, allegorisches Ölgemälde, Goldrahmen
    Jun. 19, 2020

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, Kopie nach, um 1800/frühes 19. Jh., Junge attraktive Frau ein Buch mit mahnenden Worten haltend, allegorisches Ölgemälde, Goldrahmen

    Est: €180 - €200

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, Kopie nach, um 1800/frühes 19. Jh., Junge attraktive Frau ein Buch mit mahnenden Worten haltend, allegorisches Ölgemälde, Goldrahmen Anonyme Kopie nach der beliebten Vorlage von Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662), im geöffnetem Buch in den Händen der jungen Frau (Magdalena) ist eine lateinische Inschrift sichtbar: "Ut non confundar" ("...dass ich nicht verdammt sein möge", ein Teil von Vers 80 aus Psalm 119 des AT), die erotische Darstellung untermalt die Bedeutung des Satzes, Öl/Lw, kl. Retuschen, 29,5 x 23 cm, im gestaffelten Goldrahmen, 42 x 35,5 cm

    K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
    May. 26, 2020


    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI, workshop of (Viterbo 1610 - 1662)   THE ANNUNCIATION Oil on canvas, cm. 87.5 x 113   PROVENANCE Illustrious private Roman collection   CONDITION OF THE PAINTING Recent re-lining. A restoration line in the upper right corner, some restoration points around the Virgin's hand. The painting is in good condition   FRAME Swept frame with palmette, pods and pearl decorations of the 19th century GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ROMANELLI, bottega di (Viterbo 1610 - 1662) L'ANNUNCIAZIONE Olio su tela, cm. 87,5 x 113 PROVENIENZA Illustre collezione privata romana Il dipinto in questione, benché sia assegnato alla bottega, costituisce comunque un documento artistico interessante in quanto trae spunto dall'Annunciazione conservata in collezione privata parigina, datata al 1658, realizzata dal Romanelli, probabilmente come modello per arazzo (M. Fagiolo dell'Arco Pietro da Cortona e i Cortoneschi, Roma 1998, fig. 44) CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo recente. Una linea di restauro in alto a destra, alcuni punti di restauro intorno alla mano della Vergine. Il dipinto è in buono stato di conservazione CORNICE Cornice a guantiera con decori a palmette, baccelli e perlatura, del XIX secolo

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
    Jan. 21, 2020


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Italian School large oil painting on canvas by Emilia Acierno (ITALIAN, 19th century) after Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (ITALIAN, 1610 - 1662) depicting a prophetess titled "The Sybil". Lower right inscribed "LaSibilla Emilia Acierno da Romanelli Musee Nazional Napoli". Mounted in a gold painted wooden frame. Canvas on stretcher measures approx. 46 1/2" height x 32" width (118.1cm x 81.3cm). Measuresapprox. 53 1/2" height x 39 1/2" width (135.9cm x 100.3cm) overall including frame.

    Elite Auctioneers, LLC
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo 1610-1662), Allegoria dell'Aurora che trionfa sull'ozio accompagnata dalla scienza (r) Studio di nudo maschile ed altre figure (v)
    Dec. 13, 2019

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Viterbo 1610-1662), Allegoria dell'Aurora che trionfa sull'ozio accompagnata dalla scienza (r) Studio di nudo maschile ed altre figure (v)

    Est: €3,500 - €4,000

    gesso ed acquerello rosso su tracce di matita nera (r) e gesso rosso e gesso nero (v), mm 330x245 reca al recto antica iscrizione in basso a destra "Romanelli" e al verso "Aurora che calpesta Lotio/ e lo studio che caccia le tenebre", Bibliografia: B. Kerber, "Erganzungen zu Romanelli" in Giessener Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte, 1983, pp. 33-137 U. Fischer Pace, "Un décor inédit de Romanelli e de son atelier au Palais de Justice de Carpentras", in Seicento. La peinture italienne du XVIIe siècle et la France, Parigi 1990, pp. 81-93 Provenienza: Collezione Privata, Torino Galleria Stanza del Borgo, Milano Collezione H. Beckmann (L.2756)

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese, 1610 – 1662, Kopie nach
    Dec. 05, 2019

    Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese, 1610 – 1662, Kopie nach

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    HEILIGE CÄCILIA Öl auf Leinwand. 54 x 38 cm. 19. Jahrhundert. Unter ovalem vergoldeten hölzernen Passepartout in vergoldetem Rahmen. Die Heilige Cäcilia in einem beige-braunen glänzenden faltenreichen Gewand mit blauem Überwurf, dazu auf ihrem Haupt ebenfalls ein beige-brauner Turban, geschmückt mit einer Kette. Sie steht unter freiem Himmel an einer steinernen Brüstung, auf der sie eine Geige abgelegt hat, die sie mit ihrer linken Hand sanft berührt. In ihrer rechten erhobenen Hand, mit den feinen zarten Fingern, hält sie ein zusammengerolltes Notenblatt. Sie steht nach links, wobei ihr Kopf leicht gewendet ist und sie mit dunklen Augen seitlich aus dem Gemälde herausblickt. Malerei in weicher Farbgebung. Anmerkung: Ein Gemälde von Giovanni Francesco Romanelli il Viterbese mit dem gleichen Motiv der Heiligen Cäcilia wurde im Januar 2013 bei Sotheby‘s in New York versteigert. (1211302) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Dec. 03, 2019


    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    (Viterbo, 1610 - 1662) L'armonia tra storia e poesia Olio su tela, cm 144X128,5 La personalità di Giovanni Francesco Romanelli é stata rivalutata grazie alle pionieristiche ricerche di Italo Faldi pubblicate nel 1970 e in modo particolare dagli studi di Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco raccolti in un volume edito nel 2001. L'esordio dell'artista avviene a Roma nell'ambito di Pietro da Cortona, che gli consente di entrare in diretto contatto con la committenza Barberini, in modo particolare con il Cardinale Francesco, suo mecenate ed estimatore. Sarà sempre il favore barberiniano ad offrirgli l'opportunità di ornare con le 'Storie delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio' le volte della Galleria parigina del Mazzarino. La trasferta francese segna la diffusione del barocco romano in Europa e la sua evoluzione verso un linguaggio 'Alessandrino', elegante e stilizzato. In questo arco di tempo, attorno al quinto decennio, il Romanelli reinventerà il quadro allegorico a mezze figure, spesso dedicato a soggetti femminili 'raffaellescamente graziosi', come ben documenta la tela in esame. Bibliografia di riferimento: I. Faldi, 'Pittori viterbesi di cinque secoli', Roma 1970, ad vocem L. Barroero, 'Giovanni Francesco Romanelli', in 'Pietro da Cortona 1597-1669', catalogo della mostra a cura di A. Lo Bianco, Milano 1997, pp. 181-186 M. Fagiolo dell'Arco, 'Pietro da Cortona e i cortoneschi', Milano 2001, pp. 111 ' 124, con bibliografia precedente

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Attributed to ROMANELLI, Giovanni Francesco Emperor Nero kicking his wife P
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Attributed to ROMANELLI, Giovanni Francesco Emperor Nero kicking his wife P

    Est: €600 - €700

    Attributed to ROMANELLI, Giovanni Francesco Emperor Nero kicking his wife Poppaea. C. 1630-1660 Drawing, pen and brown ink, brown wash over black chalk, traces of graphite, 40,3 x 28,5 cm, underlaid, unsigned (prick holes in upper corners, dampstains at lower edge, several lacunes with loss of paper). Glued on cardb. support. This scene is taken from Suetonius (Life of Nero 35.3) who relates that while Poppaea was awaiting the birth of her second child in the summer of 65, she quarreled fiercely with Nero over his spending too much time at the races. In a fit of rage, Nero kicked her in the abdomen, causing her death. This gruesome scene from Roman history is rarely depicted in art. One of the few artists who tackled the subject was Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669). The present drawing copies many of the elements also present in da Cortona's composition such as the two chambermaids in the background and the dagger in Nero's hand. In style the sheet comes very close to that of Giovanni Romanelli (1610-1662), who worked in da Cortona's workshop untill 1630. In particular, the rendering of draperies, the locks of curly hair and the treatment of Nero's left foot are elements which make attribution to Romanelli very plausible. Comparable drawings are "The Banquet of Dido and Aeneas" and "Juno asking Jupiter for Custody of Io" in the British Museum (inv. Ff,3.195 and Ff,3.196). Ref. N. Turner, "Roman Baroque Drawings, 1620-1700", London 1980, nos. 21, 273.

    Arenberg Auctions
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