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Eun Nim Ro Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1946 -

Eun Nim Ro was born in South Korea in 1946. In 1970, she moved to Germany and studied fine art at the Hamburger Hochschule für Bildende Künste under Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek. During this time, she developed a style of painting that combines the traditional Korean ink painting with the expressive styles of western art. Since 1990, Eun Nim Ro has been working as a professor at the Universitiy of Applied Science in Hamburg, where she still lives and works.

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  • FR EU NIM RO (1946 KOREA - 2022 HAMBURG)
    May. 05, 2024

    FR EU NIM RO (1946 KOREA - 2022 HAMBURG)

    Est: -

    FR EU NIM RO (1946 Korea - 2022 Hamburg) Mischtechnik auf Papier, "Fuchs-ähnliches Gesicht mit grünen Augen" (1993), unten rechts signiert "Eu Nim Ro" und datiert, ca. 94x62cm (montiert), gerahmt (114x84cm)

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • FR EU NIM RO (1946 KOREA - 2022 HAMBURG)
    May. 05, 2024

    FR EU NIM RO (1946 KOREA - 2022 HAMBURG)

    Est: -

    FR EU NIM RO (1946 Korea - 2022 Hamburg) Mischtechnik auf Papier, "Vogelfigur" (1997), unten links in Bleistift signiert "Eu Nim Ro" und datiert, verso auf Aufkleber abweichend bezeichnet ("Komischer Vogel") und datiert "1995", ca. 50x59,5cm (montiert), gerahmt (74,5x89cm), leicht fleckig, stärker (montierungsbedingt) gewellt

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Eun-Nim Ro (Jeonju/Südkorea 1946 - Hamburg 2022). Fishes.
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Eun-Nim Ro (Jeonju/Südkorea 1946 - Hamburg 2022). Fishes.

    Est: -

    2003. Öl and acrylic/paper. 50 x 70 cm. Lo. le. sign. and dat. Eun-Nim Ro 2003, matted and framed under glass. - Provenance: Private collection Niedersachen. The consignor was acquainted with the artist - Korean painter. R. moved to Germany in 1970 as a nurse, where she had the opportunity to exhibit her first works. This exhibition prompted Hans Thiemann, professor at the HfBK in Hamburg, to allow her to study, which she completed in 1979.In 1990 she took a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. In 1995 she became an honorary citizen of Seoul, and in 2015 she was also awarded the title of professor in Korea. In Hamburg she designed, among other things, the windows of the St. Johanniskirche in Altona.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Prof. Eun Nim Ro, Abstrakte Komposition
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Prof. Eun Nim Ro, Abstrakte Komposition

    Est: -

    Prof. Eun Nim Ro, Abstrakte Komposition kraftvoller, spontaner Pinselschwung in Schwarz, Tusche auf Papier, rechts unten in Blei signiert und datiert "Eun Nim Ro 2004", Papier vorwiegend im Randbereich etwas beschädigt, hinter Acrylscheibe gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 50 x 70 cm. Künstlerinfo: auch Eun-Nim Ro, südkoreanische Malerin und Zeichnerin (1946 Chonju/Südkorea bis 2022 Hamburg), ab 1966 Studium der Medizin an der Universität in Seoul, 1970 Übersiedlung nach Deutschland, 1973–79 Studium an der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste in Hamburg bei Kai Sudek und Hans Thielmann, ab 1990 Professur an der Fachhochschule in Hamburg, ab 1994 Leitung der Sommerakademie „Pentiment“, 1997 Gestaltung der Glasfenster für die St. Johannis-Kirche in Hamburg, Quelle: Internet. Prof. Eun Nim Ro, Abstract Composition Powerful, spontaneous brushstroke in black, India ink on paper, signed and dated "Eun Nim Ro 2004" in lead lower right, paper slightly damaged mainly in the margin, framed behind acrylic panel, folded dimensions approx. 50 x 70 cm. Artist information: also Eun-Nim Ro, South Korean painter and draughtswoman (1946 Chonju/South Korea - 2022 Hamburg), from 1966 studied medicine at the University of Seoul, 1970 moved to Germany, 1973-79 studied at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste in Hamburg under Kai Sudek and Hans Thielmann, from 1990 professor at the Fachhochschule in Hamburg, from 1994 director of the summer academy "Pentiment", 1997 designed the stained glass windows for the St. Johannis Church in Hamburg, source: Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Eun-Nim Ro (Jeonju/Südkorea 1946 - Hamburg 2022). Fishes.
    Sep. 23, 2023

    Eun-Nim Ro (Jeonju/Südkorea 1946 - Hamburg 2022). Fishes.

    Est: €6,000 -

    2003. Öl and acrylic/paper. 50 x 70 cm. Lo. le. sign. and dat. Eun-Nim Ro 2003, matted and framed under glass. - Provenance: Private collection Niedersachen. The consignor is acquainted with the artist - Korean painter. R. moved to Germany in 1970 as a nurse, where she had the opportunity to exhibit her first works. This exhibition prompted Hans Thiemann, professor at the HfBK in Hamburg, to allow her to study, which she completed in 1979.In 1990 she took a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. In 1995 she became an honorary citizen of Seoul, and in 2015 she was also awarded the title of professor in Korea. In Hamburg she designed, among other things, the windows of the St. Johanniskirche in Altona.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Ro, Eun Nim (geb. 1946 in Jeonju-si, Südkorea),
    Jun. 01, 2023

    Ro, Eun Nim (geb. 1946 in Jeonju-si, Südkorea),

    Est: -

    Ro, Eun Nim (geb. 1946 in Jeonju-si, Südkorea), "Ohne Titel", Serigrafie auf Papier, signiert, datiert 2001 und nummeriert 3/50, 85 x 65 cm

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Eun Nim Ro, Semiotische Komposition (Zwei Gesichter). 1998.
    Sep. 17, 2022

    Eun Nim Ro, Semiotische Komposition (Zwei Gesichter). 1998.

    Est: €500 - €600

    Eun Nim Ro 1946 Chonju/Südkorea Pinselzeichnung in Tusche auf Reispapier. U.li. in Blei signiert "Eun Nim Ro" sowie datiert. Hinter Glas in einer Holzleiste gerahmt. Eun Nim Ro 1946 Chonju/Südkorea 1966 ein Studium der Medizin an der Universität Seoul, Abbruch des Studiums nach dem Tod der Mutter. 1970 Übersiedlung nach Hamburg. 1973–79 Studium der Malerei an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, bei Hans Thielmann und Kai Sudek. Mehreren Stipendien, u.a. vom DAAD. Seit 1990 Professur an der Fachhochschule Hamburg und Leitung der seit 1994 jährlich stattfindenden internationalen Sommerakademie "Pentiment".

    Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
  • Eun Nim Ro (Conju, Süd-Korea 1946 - lebt in Hamburg) - o.T.
    Apr. 30, 2022

    Eun Nim Ro (Conju, Süd-Korea 1946 - lebt in Hamburg) - o.T.

    Est: -

    Eun Nim Ro (Conju, Süd-Korea 1946 - lebt in Hamburg) o.T. Serie von fünf Blatt Gouachen auf Pergamin. 1996. Jeweils 25 x 18,5 cm. Beidseitig sichtbar unter Glas gerahmt. Jeweils signiert u. datiert. Ro übersiedelte 1970 nach Hamburg, wo sie Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste studierte. Ab 1990 war sie Professorin an der Fachhochschule Hamburg sowie an der Seoul-Frauenuniversität. - Die Blätter in den Ecken jeweils am Glas fixiert. Schaetzpreis €500

    Dr. Irene Lehr Kunstauktionen GmbH
  • Signed gouache by Eun Nim Ro
    Oct. 17, 2017

    Signed gouache by Eun Nim Ro

    Est: €500 - €700

    - RO, Eun Nim (South Korean 1946). Untitled (Floating creature with a leaf), 2000. Gouache on paper, signed 'Eun Nim Ro' and dated (lower right); framed under passe-partout behind glass. Very good condition.

    Adams Amsterdam Auctions
  • Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946), Compositions, 3 Works on Paper, c. 2000
    Jan. 18, 2017

    Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946), Compositions, 3 Works on Paper, c. 2000

    Est: €1,760 - €2,200

    Acrylic resp. gouache on wove papers Germany, around 2000 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) - German Korean artist Two sheets signed and dated ‘Eu Nim Ro 99’ and 1 sheet signed ‘Eu Nim Ro’ and indistinctly dated ‘2007’ (?) in pencil Sheet dimensions: 21 x 29 cm, 30 x 38 cm resp. 38 x 28.5 cm Each sheet matted behind glass in parcel-silvered wooden frame: 46 x 43.5 cm, 54 x 63 cm resp. 64 x 53 cm Very good condition Provenance: Private property, Netherlands Condition: The works have been float mounted on cardboard at multiple points. They are in good condition, showing soft squeeze and crease marks from handling. The frames come with minor signs of wear. The sheets measure 21 x 29 cm, 30 x 38 cm resp. 38 x 28.5 cm. The frames are 46 x 43.5 cm, 54 x 63 cm resp. 64 x 53 cm in size. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) Eun Nim Ro was born in South Korea in 1946. In 1970, she moved to Germany and studied fine art at the Hamburger Hochschule für Bildende Künste under Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek. During this time, she developed a style of painting that combines the traditional Korean ink painting with the expressive styles of western art. Since 1990, Eun Nim Ro has been working as a professor at the Universitiy of Applied Science in Hamburg, where she still lives and works. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999
    Dec. 29, 2016

    Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999

    Est: €1,920 - €2,400

    Ink and watercolor on creased Japan Korea/Hamburg, 1999 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) – Korean artist, based in Hamburg Signed and dated lower left in lead ‘Eun Nim Ro 99’ Narrow wooden frame Total dimensions, framed: 68.5 x 103.5 cm Good condition Provenance: formerly Galerie von Loeper, Hamburg Characteristic composition with animal figure in abstract reduced and expressive stylistic elements; Eun Nim Ro’s works fetch up to 5,000 Euros at international auctions Object is taxed regularly. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. This drawing in watercolor and ink on creased Japan was created by the Korean artist Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) in 1999. The work bears the signature of the artist. The works by Eun Nim Ro are characterized by an intuitive style, which combines the tradition of Korean ink drawing with the expressive of Western art. The artist sees the paper of natural fiber not only as a painting surface but also as an artistic means of expression. Thus, a close connection to nature is created, which is also mirrored in the choice of subject matter of the artist, taken mainly from Korean culture. She often chooses animals, as in this case a caterpillar with two large leaves, and depicts them in a naïve way. Since 1970, the artist lives and works in Hamburg and is the director of the summer academy ‘Pentiment’ at the Fachhochschule. Work and frame are in good condition with traces of wear. The paper is slightly wavy and with some slight creases. The corners are verso mounted on support. The paper format is 36 x 78 cm and the total dimensions are framed 68.5 x 103.5 cm. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) The South Korean Eun Nim Ro originally studied medical science at the University of Seoul. When her mother suddenly died, she stopped studying and went to work as a development aid volunteer to North Korea. Here she came into close contact with shamanism, which inspired her to create her first works of art and that would have a lasting effect on her. In 1970, she moved to Hamburg to work as a nurse assistant. She went to the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg and studied from 1973 until 1979 at Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek painting. She received support from a DAAD grant. In 1990, she was called as a professor to the Fachhochschule Hamburg, where she is the director of the summer academy ‘Pentiment’ since 1994. Her work also comprises sculpture and performances. The glass windows in the St. Johannis Church in Hamburg are a work of hers for example. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999
    Aug. 10, 2016

    Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999

    Est: €1,200 - €1,560

    Ink and watercolor on creased Japan Korea/Hamburg, 1999 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) – Korean artist, based in Hamburg Signed and dated lower left in lead ‘Eun Nim Ro 99’ Narrow wooden frame Total dimensions, framed: 68.5 x 103.5 cm Good condition Provenance: formerly Galerie von Loeper, Hamburg Characteristic composition with animal figure in abstract reduced and expressive stylistic elements; Eun Nim Ro’s works fetch up to 5,000 Euros at international auctions Object is regular taxed. 19% VAT is added to the purchase price for deliveries within the EU. This drawing in watercolor and ink on creased Japan was created by the Korean artist Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) in 1999. The work bears the signature of the artist. The works by Eun Nim Ro are characterized by an intuitive style, which combines the tradition of Korean ink drawing with the expressive of Western art. The artist sees the paper of natural fiber not only as a painting surface but also as an artistic means of expression. Thus, a close connection to nature is created, which is also mirrored in the choice of subject matter of the artist, taken mainly from Korean culture. She often chooses animals, as in this case a caterpillar with two large leaves, and depicts them in a naïve way. Since 1970, the artist lives and works in Hamburg and is the director of the summer academy ‘Pentiment’ at the Fachhochschule. Work and frame are in good condition with traces of wear. The paper is slightly wavy and with some slight creases. The corners are verso mounted on support. The paper format is 36 x 78 cm and the total dimensions are framed 68.5 x 103.5 cm. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) The South Korean Eun Nim Ro originally studied medical science at the University of Seoul. When her mother suddenly died, she stopped studying and went to work as a development aid volunteer to North Korea. Here she came into close contact with shamanism, which inspired her to create her first works of art and that would have a lasting effect on her. In 1970, she moved to Hamburg to work as a nurse assistant. She went to the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg and studied from 1973 until 1979 at Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek painting. She received support from a DAAD grant. In 1990, she was called as a professor to the Fachhochschule Hamburg, where she is the director of the summer academy ‘Pentiment’ since 1994. Her work also comprises sculpture and performances. The glass windows in the St. Johannis Church in Hamburg are a work of hers for example. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946), Compositions, 3 Works on Paper, c. 2000
    Aug. 10, 2016

    Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946), Compositions, 3 Works on Paper, c. 2000

    Est: €1,100 - €1,430

    Acrylic resp. gouache on wove papers Germany, around 2000 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) - German Korean artist Two sheets signed and dated ‘Eu Nim Ro 99’ and 1 sheet signed ‘Eu Nim Ro’ and indistinctly dated ‘2007’ (?) in pencil Sheet dimensions: 21 x 29 cm, 30 x 38 cm resp. 38 x 28.5 cm Each sheet matted behind glass in parcel-silvered wooden frame: 46 x 43.5 cm, 54 x 63 cm resp. 64 x 53 cm Very good condition Provenance: Private property, Netherlands Condition: The works have been float mounted on cardboard at multiple points. They are in good condition, showing soft squeeze and crease marks from handling. The frames come with minor signs of wear. The sheets measure 21 x 29 cm, 30 x 38 cm resp. 38 x 28.5 cm. The frames are 46 x 43.5 cm, 54 x 63 cm resp. 64 x 53 cm in size. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) Eun Nim Ro was born in South Korea in 1946. In 1970, she moved to Germany and studied fine art at the Hamburger Hochschule für Bildende Künste under Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek. During this time, she developed a style of painting that combines the traditional Korean ink painting with the expressive styles of western art. Since 1990, Eun Nim Ro has been working as a professor at the Universitiy of Applied Science in Hamburg, where she still lives and works. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Eun-Nim Ro. Blatt Werke.
    May. 20, 2016

    Eun-Nim Ro. Blatt Werke.

    Est: €240 - €300

    Ausstellungskatalog Oldenburger Kunstverein und Überseemuseum Bremen. 1988. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Originalbroschur. Exemplar 30/30 der Vorzugsausgabe mit einer Papiercollage auf dem Vorsatzblatt, dort signiert und nummeriert. – Beilagen: Farbige Zeichnung (Tempera, Fettkreide). 1987. 20,7 : 13,5 cm. Signiert und datiert. Auf ein Kartonblatt im Format des Kataloges montiert. – Zwei Fabelwesen. Pappobjekte, bemalt. 40 : 5 : 8 cm. Wellpappe, geschnitten, gefaltet und geklebt. Mit grüner Temperafarbe und schwarzer Tusche bemalt. Auf der Unterseite signiert und datiert. – Eun-Nim Ro, geboren 1946, lebt und arbeitet seit 1970 in Hamburg (und Michelstadt). Seit 1990 lehrt sie als Professorin an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Hamburg.

    Christian Hesse Auktionen
  • Eun-Nim Ro. Ohne Titel.
    May. 20, 2016

    Eun-Nim Ro. Ohne Titel.

    Est: €160 - €200

    Farbige Kreidezeichnung. 1986. 10,5 : 10,0 cm. Signiert und datiert. In: Eun Nim Ro. Versuch, die Sterne zu fangen. Ausstellungskatalog der Galerie Renate Kammer, Hamburg. 1986. Mit Porträt und 20 blattgroßen Abbildungen. Originalbroschur mit Originaltuschezeichnung auf Büttenpapier als Umschlag. 16,5 : 22,0 cm. [44] Seiten. – Exemplar 2 von 30 der Vorzugsausgabe mit der signierten Zeichnung. – Druckvermerk von der Künstlerin signiert und nummeriert. – Klebebindung teils gelöst.

    Christian Hesse Auktionen
  • Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946), Compositions, 3 Works on Paper, c. 2000
    Apr. 29, 2016

    Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946), Compositions, 3 Works on Paper, c. 2000

    Est: €1,500 - €1,950

    Acrylic resp. gouache on wove papers Germany, around 2000 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) - German Korean artist Two sheets signed and dated ‘Eu Nim Ro 99’ and 1 sheet signed ‘Eu Nim Ro’ and indistinctly dated ‘2007’ (?) in pencil Sheet dimensions: 21 x 29 cm, 30 x 38 cm resp. 38 x 28.5 cm Each sheet matted behind glass in parcel-silvered wooden frame: 46 x 43.5 cm, 54 x 63 cm resp. 64 x 53 cm Very good condition Provenance: Private property, Netherlands Condition: The works have been float mounted on cardboard at multiple points. They are in good condition, showing soft squeeze and crease marks from handling. The frames come with minor signs of wear. The sheets measure 21 x 29 cm, 30 x 38 cm resp. 38 x 28.5 cm. The frames are 46 x 43.5 cm, 54 x 63 cm resp. 64 x 53 cm in size. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) Eun Nim Ro was born in South Korea in 1946. In 1970, she moved to Germany and studied fine art at the Hamburger Hochschule für Bildende Künste under Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek. During this time, she developed a style of painting that combines the traditional Korean ink painting with the expressive styles of western art. Since 1990, Eun Nim Ro has been working as a professor at the Universitiy of Applied Science in Hamburg, where she still lives and works. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999
    Jul. 22, 2015

    Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999

    Est: €1,400 - €1,820

    Ink and watercolor on creased Japan Korea/Hamburg, 1999 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) – Korean artist, based in Hamburg Signed and dated lower left in lead ‘Eun Nim Ro 99’ Narrow wooden frame Total dimensions, framed: 68.5 x 103.5 cm Good condition Provenance: formerly Galerie von Loeper, Hamburg Characteristic composition with animal figure in abstract reduced and expressive stylistic elements; Eun Nim Ro’s works fetch up to 5,000 Euros at international auctions Object is regular taxed. Differential taxation is not possible This drawing in watercolor and ink on creased Japan was created by the Korean artist Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) in 1999. The work bears the signature of the artist. The works by Eun Nim Ro are characterized by an intuitive style, which combines the tradition of Korean ink drawing with the expressive of Western art. The artist sees the paper of natural fiber not only as a painting surface but also as an artistic means of expression. Thus, a close connection to nature is created, which is also mirrored in the choice of subject matter of the artist, taken mainly from Korean culture. She often chooses animals, as in this case a caterpillar with two large leaves, and depicts them in a naïve way. Since 1970, the artist lives and works in Hamburg and is the director of the summer academy ‘Pentiment’ at the Fachhochschule. Work and frame are in good condition with traces of wear. The paper is slightly wavy and with some slight creases. The corners are verso mounted on support. The paper format is 36 x 78 cm and the total dimensions are framed 68.5 x 103.5 cm. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) The South Korean Eun Nim Ro originally studied medical science at the University of Seoul. When her mother suddenly died, she stopped studying and went to work as a development aid volunteer to North Korea. Here she came into close contact with shamanism, which inspired her to create her first works of art and that would have a lasting effect on her. In 1970, she moved to Hamburg to work as a nurse assistant. She went to the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg and studied from 1973 until 1979 at Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek painting. She received support from a DAAD grant. In 1990, she was called as a professor to the Fachhochschule Hamburg, where she is the director of the summer academy ‘Pentiment’ since 1994. Her work also comprises sculpture and performances. The glass windows in the St. Johannis Church in Hamburg are a work of hers for example. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999
    Apr. 16, 2014

    Eun Nim Ro, Watercolor/Ink, Animal Figure, 1999

    Est: €3,200 - €4,000

    Ink and watercolor on creased Japan Korea/Hamburg, 1999 Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) - Korean artist, based in Hamburg Signed and dated lower left in lead 'Eun Nim Ro 99' Narrow wooden frame Total dimensions, framed: 68.5 x 103.5 cm Good condition Provenance: formerly Galerie von Loeper, Hamburg Characteristic composition with animal figure in abstract reduced and expressive stylistic elements; Eun Nim Ro's works fetch up to 5,000 Euros at international auctions This drawing in watercolor and ink on creased Japan was created by the Korean artist Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) in 1999. The work bears the signature of the artist. The works by Eun Nim Ro are characterized by an intuitive style, which combines the tradition of Korean ink drawing with the expressive of Western art. The artist sees the paper of natural fiber not only as a painting surface but also as an artistic means of expression. Thus, a close connection to nature is created, which is also mirrored in the choice of subject matter of the artist, taken mainly from Korean culture. She often chooses animals, as in this case a caterpillar with two large leaves, and depicts them in a naïve way. Since 1970, the artist lives and works in Hamburg and is the director of the summer academy 'Pentiment' at the Fachhochschule. Work and frame are in good condition with traces of wear. The paper is slightly wavy and with some slight creases. The corners are verso mounted on support. The paper format is 36 x 78 cm and the total dimensions are framed 68.5 x 103.5 cm. Eun Nim Ro (b. 1946) The South Korean Eun Nim Ro originally studied medical science at the University of Seoul. When her mother suddenly died, she stopped studying and went to work as a development aid volunteer to North Korea. Here she came into close contact with shamanism, which inspired her to create her first works of art and that would have a lasting effect on her. In 1970, she moved to Hamburg to work as a nurse assistant. She went to the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg and studied from 1973 until 1979 at Hans Thielmann and Kai Sudek painting. She received support from a DAAD grant. In 1990, she was called as a professor to the Fachhochschule Hamburg, where she is the director of the summer academy 'Pentiment' since 1994. Her work also comprises sculpture and performances. The glass windows in the St. Johannis Church in Hamburg are a work of hers for example. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
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