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John Radecker Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1885 - d. 1956

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  • John Radecker (1885-1956), lithograph, Midsummer N…
    Dec. 09, 2024

    John Radecker (1885-1956), lithograph, Midsummer N…

    Est: €120 - €240

    John Radecker (1885-1956), lithograph, Midsummer Night, monogrammed b.r. in print and signed. b.r., dim. 63 x 55 cm (with frame 69.5 x 61 cm)

    Venduehuis Dickhaut Maastricht
  • Rädecker, John (1885-1956). (Man under a starry sky).
    May. 16, 2024

    Rädecker, John (1885-1956). (Man under a starry sky).

    Est: €50 - €70

    Rädecker, John (1885-1956). (Man under a starry sky). Colour lithograph, 48x29,5 cm., monogrammed "J.R." in pencil and on the stone. Idem. (Ballerina). Lithograph printed in brown on cream ground, 60,8x37,6 cm., monogrammed "J.R." in pencil and on the stone. - AND 3 other lithographs by the same, 1x monogrammed in pencil. - AND 4 colour lithographs by Charles EYCK, all unsigned. = All from the series of so-called Schildersprenten. Complete set of Rädecker's and Eyck's work published in the series.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Rädecker, John: Les acrobates
    Nov. 04, 2023

    Rädecker, John: Les acrobates

    Est: €1,800 - €2,200

    John Rädecker 1885 - 1956 Les acrobats Plaster Marquette, 1923; H 37.5 cm, W 15.5 cm, L 33 cm; Signed and dated ''J. Rädecker 1923'' verso

    Peter Karbstein - Kunst und Auktionshaus
  • JOHN RÄDECKER (1885-1956)
    Nov. 28, 2022

    JOHN RÄDECKER (1885-1956)

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Saar Oppenheimer (c. 1910) Cast in 1962 in an edition of 3 by bronze Foundry Steylaert, Rumpt Bronze, H.42.1 cm Provenance: Collection of Germ de Jong and Sarah (Saar) Oppenheimer, thence by descent Literature: Y. Koopmans, John Rädecker, De droom van het levende beeld, Waanders Uitgevers, Zwolle, 2006, pp. 35 & 38 (ill. no. 23) and pp. 306 & 307,no. 1a-11 (ill. design in plaster) Note: According to many critics, John Rädecker was born a natural sculptor: the incarnation of an archetypal sculptor. He was born in 1885 in Amsterdam into a family of six children as the son of a woodcarver. At the age of thirteen, he had already started working for furniture factories and stonemasons, following his father. For a short time, he assisted Joseph Mendes da Costa in his studio, an artist he greatly admired. At the age of seventeen, Rädecker attended some classes at the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam under the guidance of Bart van Hove, and at the Academy of Antwerp. He stayed in Paris several times to study, together with his artist friends Jacob Bendien (1890-1933) and Jan van Deene (1886-1973). He was admired and supported by two of the most influential art critics of his time: H.P. Bremmer and A.M. Hammacher. Bremmer, in particular, acted as an avant-garde artist-manager, publishing articles, seeking sponsors, and selling his work (for example, to Mrs. H. Kröller-Müller).Rädecker executed his works in all possible materials, like stone, wood, and clay, focusing mainly on his two favourite subjects: nudes and mask portraits. Rädecker’s masks, mainly in stone, are constructed with broad lips and closed eyes lying deep, placed far from each other, both threatening and protecting at the same time. This present lot is a mask portrait he created of Sara Oppenheimer (1881-1962), a merchant’s daughter who was Rädecker’s girlfriend at the time. "Saar" worked as a telephone operator at the PTT and was a niece of the Bendiens. She would later marry Rädecker's artist friend Germ de Jong, from whom she divorced in 1922. She also appears in the painting 'Sculptor's Atelier' (1909) by Jan Sluijters, in which she is depicted reading in the studio of Gijs Jacobs and Rädecker. Rädecker's stylization in this bronze clearly shows the influence of Mendes da Costa, with whom he must have worked around this time. Please note: condition reports and additional photos are available upon request. For more information please visit our website: www.aagauctioneers.com.

    AAG Auctioneers
  • John Rädecker
    Sep. 05, 2020

    John Rädecker

    Est: -

    (1885 Amsterdam - 1956 ebenda) /T/Gruppe mit zwei Schleiereulen// Bronze, dunkel bzw. grün patiniert, 1924. Monogr. u. dat. (19)24. In moderner Weise stilisierte, seltene Figur Rädeckers, einem der bedeutendsten niederländischen Bildhauer der 1920er/30er Jahre, der zu der "Amsterdamer Schule" bzw. "Bergener Schule" zählt. Rädecker studierte an den Akademien in Rotterdam und Amsterdam, 1911-1914 lernte er in Paris die aktuellen Kunstströmungen wie den Kubismus kennen. Nach dem I. Weltkrieg schuf Rädecker menschliche Figuren und Tierfiguren in einem innovativen Stil. 1926 wurde er Mitbegründer der Künstlervereinigung "De Brug". Eine große Sammlung von Werken Rädeckers befindet sich im Kröller-Müller-Museum, Otterloo. H. 12 cm. /V/Green and dark patinated bronze, 1924. Monogrammed and dated.// $P#

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • John Rädecker (Amsterdam 1885 - 1956)
    Jun. 24, 2019

    John Rädecker (Amsterdam 1885 - 1956)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    A head of a woman (c. 1950) Marble, H. 30.5 cm Provenance: Family of the artist Literature: Y. Koopmans, John Rädecker 1885-1956: De droom van het levende beeld, W-Books, Zwolle, 2006, p. 328, no. 79 (ill.)

    AAG Auctioneers
  • John Rädecker (Amsterdam 1885 - 1956)
    Jun. 24, 2019

    John Rädecker (Amsterdam 1885 - 1956)

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Monnik (Monk) Signed with initials and dated 1924 on the back Edition of circa 8 Bronze, H. 29.5 cm Provenance: Family of the artist Literature: - VANK jaarboek 1923 - 1924 (ill. of another cast) - H.P. Bremmer, John Rädecker: De beeldhouwer en zijn werk, De Spieghel, Amsterdam, 1926, no. XVIII & XIX (ill. of another cast) - A. van der Boom, Nieuwe beeldhouwkunst in Nederland: John Rädecker, Kosmos, Amsterdam, 1928, no. V (ill. of another cast) - A.M. Hammacher, De beeldhouwer John Rädecker, Het Kompas, Antwerpen, 1940, p. 34 (dated 1923), p. 79 (ill. of another cast) & p. 81 (ill. of another cast) - H.P.L. Wiessing, Les beaux-arts aux Pays-Bas: John Rädecker, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1964, no. 5 (ill. of another cast) - Y. Koopmans, John Rädecker 1885-1956: De droom van het levende beeld, W-Books, Zwolle, 2006, p. 314, no. 78 (ill. of this cast) Exhibited: - Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, John Rädecker 1885-1956, 1956, cat.no. 19 (this cast) - Haarlem, Teylers Museum, John Rädecker 1885-1956. Beeldhouwwerken, schilderijen, tekeningen, 8 September - 18 November 1985, cat.no. 21 (another cast)

    AAG Auctioneers
  • Rädecker, J.A. (1885-1956). (A violinist). Drawing, pencil, 29,2x23 cm., signed "John Rädecker" in p
    Nov. 29, 2018

    Rädecker, J.A. (1885-1956). (A violinist). Drawing, pencil, 29,2x23 cm., signed "John Rädecker" in p

    Est: €100 - €150

    Rädecker, J.A. (1885-1956). (A violinist). Drawing, pencil, 29,2x23 cm., signed "John Rädecker" in pencil, on yellowish paper (verso w. the collector's mark of Van Eekelen). - AND a pen and ink drawing of a girl reading by JOH. MOESMAN (laid down on mount w. defects), 2 black crayon drawings of a rabbit by G.C. HAVERKAMP and a drawing of fish by monogrammist "W.K." (Willem van Konijnenburg?).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • A tropical hardwood statue 'Hoofd van een Javaansche vrouw'
    Jul. 02, 2018

    A tropical hardwood statue 'Hoofd van een Javaansche vrouw'

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Design and execution by John Rädecker (1885-1956), circa 1925 The head bend downwards. The dark wood with marbled colour, with plaque with the artist's name. H. 39 cm Provenance: Acquired directly from Rädecker by the family of the present owner

    AAG Auctioneers
  • John Rädecker (1885-1956)
    Jun. 27, 2018

    John Rädecker (1885-1956)

    Est: €500 - €700

    Staand naakt, op de rug gezien , bruin en zwart krijt op papier, zonder lijst, 62x42 cm middenonder get. in initialen Herkomst: -Kunsthandel Huinck & Scherjon N.V., Amsterdam, no. 1731. Tentoonstelling: -Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, Herdenkingstentoonstelling 1956. -Leiden, stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal, 26-06 t/m 29-08-1963.

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Circle of John Rädecker (1885-1956)
    May. 30, 2018

    Circle of John Rädecker (1885-1956)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    A colourful landscape with a village on the horizon, inscribed by the artist’s son Max Rädecker 'J. Rädecker/1910/Paris 1910' (on the reverse) oil on painter's board, 20x48 cm . Resale right is applicable

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • John Rädecker (1885-1956) 'Liggend naakt', gemonogrammeerd midden, houtskooltekening. Afm. 29 x 48 cm. Provenance: Christie's Amsterdam, veiling 2040, 30 augustus 1988, nr. 300.
    Dec. 06, 2017

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) 'Liggend naakt', gemonogrammeerd midden, houtskooltekening. Afm. 29 x 48 cm. Provenance: Christie's Amsterdam, veiling 2040, 30 augustus 1988, nr. 300.

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) 'Liggend naakt', gemonogrammeerd midden, houtskooltekening. Afm. 29 x 48 cm. Provenance: Christie's Amsterdam, veiling 2040, 30 augustus 1988, nr. 300.

    Zeeuws Veilinghuis
  • John Rädecker (1885-1956) Maskertje bronze with brown patina 15 x 14.5 cm.
    Dec. 13, 2016

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) Maskertje bronze with brown patina 15 x 14.5 cm.

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) Maskertje bronze with brown patina 15 x 14.5 cm.

  • John Rädecker (1885-1956) Horse painted terracotta 24.5 cm. hi
    Jun. 09, 2015

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) Horse painted terracotta 24.5 cm. hi

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) Horse painted terracotta 24.5 cm. high

  • Rädecker, J.A. (1885-1956). (Standing female nude seen from behind). Drawing, pink pencil, 40,6x12 cm., signed "John Rädecker' in pencil. - AND a sm. drawing w. sketches in pencil by the same ("Parijs 1913 schetsjes v- John" in pen and ink on verso).
    Nov. 27, 2014

    Rädecker, J.A. (1885-1956). (Standing female nude seen from behind). Drawing, pink pencil, 40,6x12 cm., signed "John Rädecker' in pencil. - AND a sm. drawing w. sketches in pencil by the same ("Parijs 1913 schetsjes v- John" in pen and ink on verso).

    Est: €150 - €250

    Rädecker, J.A. (1885-1956). (Standing female nude seen from behind). Drawing, pink pencil, 40,6x12 cm., signed "John Rädecker' in pencil. - AND a sm. drawing w. sketches in pencil by the same ("Parijs 1913 schetsjes v- John" in pen and ink on verso).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Johann Anton (John) RÄDECKER (1885 - 1956) VISAGE D'ENFANT Bronze poli
    Oct. 24, 2012

    Johann Anton (John) RÄDECKER (1885 - 1956) VISAGE D'ENFANT Bronze poli

    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    Johann Anton (John) RÄDECKER (1885 - 1956) VISAGE D'ENFANT Bronze poli monogrammé "JR", et marque du fondeur sur la terrasse "KUNSTBRONSGIETERLY DE PLASTIEK BLOEMENDAAL" "VISAGE D'ENFANT"; BRONZE; SIGNED WITH MONOGRAM AND FOUNDRY MARK ON THE BASE h: 22 cm

  • John Rädecker (1885 Amsterdam - 1956 ebenda)
    May. 05, 2012

    John Rädecker (1885 Amsterdam - 1956 ebenda)

    Est: - €750

    John Rädecker (1885 Amsterdam - 1956 ebenda) Pierrot mit Blumenstrauß Getönte Gipsplastik. Sign. u.... [Details]

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956)
    Mar. 10, 2009

    John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956) Reehinde (springend) - Roe (jumping) signed with initials 'J.R.' (on the bronze base) bronze with a brown patina 19.5 cm. high (incl. the bronze base) Conceived in 1923 and cast in an edition of circa 9.

  • John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956)
    Sep. 10, 2008

    John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956)

    Est: -

    John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956) Portrait of a man signed 'J Rädecker' (on the left shoulder) clay 22 cm. high This piece is unique

  • John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956)
    Sep. 09, 2008

    John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956)

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    John Rädecker (DUTCH, 1885-1956) Faun signed 'J Rädecker' (on the side) green painted plaster 46.5 cm. high (excluding the wooden base) This piece is unique.

  • John Rädecker (1885-1956) , dametje
    May. 23, 2007

    John Rädecker (1885-1956) , dametje

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    carved with the initials ebony

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