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Hui'an Qian Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1833 - d. 1911

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  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Feb. 01, 2025

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Dec. 28, 2024

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Nov. 17, 2024

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui'an (1833 - 1911)
    Nov. 06, 2024

    Qian Hui'an (1833 - 1911)

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Qian Hui'an (1833 - 1911) ‘Immortals’, ink and colour on paper, dated 1897, signed by the artist with a seal, 143x 79cm, framed and glazed. 钱慧安 (1833 - 1911) 仙人像,设色纸本,玻璃画框 Provenance: Dreweatts, 14 November 2011, lot 17. Formerly the property of a Lady of Title.

  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Oct. 12, 2024

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Huian(1833-1911)
    Sep. 22, 2024

    Qian Huian(1833-1911)

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    Qian Huian(1833-1911) Ink And Color On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seals 88.5 cm X 29 cm 錢慧安(1833-1911) 軸心:設色紙本 款識:耽耽醜石羆當道,矯矯長松㡣上天,滿地凌霄花不掃,我來六月聽鳴蟬。石庵居士大雅之屬,癸卯嘉平之百福日仿新羅本,清溪樵子錢慧安,時年七十有一。 鈐印:吉生,吳越王孫藏印:XX 樓主珍藏書畫 Exhibited 展覽:British Empire And Commonwealth Museum,June 1st 2003-November 30th 2003. 此畫曾在英國 2003年6 月至11 月30 號,在大英帝國及聯邦博物館展覧。 (有展出簡介冊) 錢慧安(1833 年—1911 年),初名貴昌,字吉生,號清溪樵子,是一名中國畫家。 寶山(今屬上海)人。生於道光癸巳(1833 年)年,以人物仕女為專長,畫風受陳洪綬、黃慎、費丹旭等人影響,又能突破傳統人物畫「名隨意立」的局限,亦作花卉和山水,於上海邑廟一帶賣畫自給。 $1,500

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Sep. 14, 2024

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
    Aug. 04, 2024


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    A CHINESE PAINTING OF FIGURAL STORY SIGNED QIAN HUIAN Paintings depicting Figural Story, album leaves, mounted, ink and color on paper, inscribed and signed Qian Huian, titleslip at the cover, with seals of artist. Dimension: Image only size 34 cm by 25 cm.

    Berkeley Auction Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Aug. 03, 2024

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • QIAN HUIAN 錢慧安 (1833-1911): 'PLAYING BOYS', INK AND COLOUR ON SILK, 19/20TH C.
    Jul. 03, 2024

    QIAN HUIAN 錢慧安 (1833-1911): 'PLAYING BOYS', INK AND COLOUR ON SILK, 19/20TH C.

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Dim.: 220 x 50 cm (each scroll) Dim.: 220 x 41 cm (each work)

    Rob Michiels Auctions
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Jun. 22, 2024

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui'an (1833 - 1911)
    May. 15, 2024

    Qian Hui'an (1833 - 1911)

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Qian Hui'an (1833 - 1911) 'Three Heroes in the style of Chen Chun' Ink and colour on paper, titled with a line of inscription, signed Qian Hui'an with two seals, 136cm x 63cm, mounted on silk. 錢慧安 設色紙本 題識:風塵三俠。仿白陽山人筆法清□樵子錢慧安。 鈴印:「慧安」、「□」

  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    May. 11, 2024

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Attributed to Qian Hui'an (1833-1911) 3 x Watercolours, Figures within landscapes. 60 cm x 42 cm.
    Apr. 25, 2024

    Attributed to Qian Hui'an (1833-1911) 3 x Watercolours, Figures within landscapes. 60 cm x 42 cm.

    Est: £200 - £300

    Attributed to Qian Hui'an (1833-1911) 3 x Watercolours, Figures within landscapes. 60 cm x 42 cm.

    Hannam's Auctioneers
  • 錢慧安 福自天來 | Qian Hui'an, Zhong Kui Carrying Child on Back
    Apr. 08, 2024

    錢慧安 福自天來 | Qian Hui'an, Zhong Kui Carrying Child on Back

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    錢慧安 福自天來 硃砂紙本 鏡框 一八九二年作 款識:福自天來。 光緒十有八年,太歲在壬辰端陽日,蒲觴醉餘,仿冬心本,清谿樵子錢慧安並記於雙管廔。 鈐印:「吉生」。 藏印:「淳盦」。 著錄:〈終南進士‧威震八方〉刊於〈大觀〉月刊第九期(臺北,雅墨文化事業有限公司,二○一○年六月),頁24 〈清谿樵子‧人物畫執牛耳也─錢慧安生平及作品賞析〉刊於〈大觀〉月刊第六十九期(臺北,雅墨文化事業有限公司,二○一五年六月),頁22 131 x 65.5 cm 51½ x 25¾ in. ---------------------------------------------- Qian Hui'an 1833 - 1911 Zhong Kui Carrying Child on Back cinnabar on paper, framed signed, dated 1892, inscribed, with 1 seal of the artist and 1 collector's seal 131 x 65.5 cm 51½ x 25¾ in.

  • 錢慧安 西園醉摘; 吳淦 行書節錄《庚子銷夏記》|Qian Huian, Picking Loquats; Wu Gan, Calligraphy in Running Script
    Apr. 07, 2024

    錢慧安 西園醉摘; 吳淦 行書節錄《庚子銷夏記》|Qian Huian, Picking Loquats; Wu Gan, Calligraphy in Running Script

    Est: $150,000 - $250,000

    Property From a Private North American Collection, Lot 2514-2548 Qian Huian (1833-1911); Wu Gan (1827-after 1889) Picking Loquats; Calligraphy in Running Script ink and colour on paper; ink on gold paper, folding fan (Qian) signed Qingxin Qianzi Qian Huian, dated bingzi (1876), with a dedication and with 1 seal of the artist (Wu) signed Jutan Wu Gan, dated bingzi (1876), with a dedication and with 1 seal of the artist 18 x 47.5 cm. 7⅛ x 18⅝ in. ---------------------------------------------- 北美私人收藏,拍品編號2514-2548 錢慧安; 吳淦 《西園醉摘》;行書節錄《庚子銷夏記》 設色紙本;水墨金箋 成扇 (錢)款識:東園載酒西園醉,摘盡枇杷一樹金。戊子 (1888)長夏,仿白陽山人本,為企雲仁兄大人雅屬。清谿樵子錢慧安。鈐印:「吉生」 (吳) (節錄《庚子銷夏記》文略,不錄)。款識:孫退谷銷夏記一則,企雲仁兄大人雅屬。戊子(1888)六月鞠潭吳淦書。鈐印:「吳鞠潭」 18 x 47.5 cm. 7⅛ x 18⅝ in.  

  • A large late 19th or early 20th century Chinese 'Assembly of Gods' picture signed 'Qian Hui An' (
    Mar. 19, 2024

    A large late 19th or early 20th century Chinese 'Assembly of Gods' picture signed 'Qian Hui An' (

    Est: £400 - £600

    A large late 19th or early 20th century Chinese 'Assembly of Gods' picture signed 'Qian Hui An' (1833-1911) painted and printed with Buddhist, Daoist and Confucian deities as well as various mythical beasts and other iconography, lower left calligraphy inscription and red artist seal, 142 cm x 78 cm silk mounted within a decorative gilt frame

    Andrew Smith & Son
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Feb. 25, 2024

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Jan. 14, 2024

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Dec. 02, 2023

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Oct. 28, 2023

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • A Chinese painting of figures in a landscape, signed Qian Huian (Chinese, 1833–1911)
    Sep. 18, 2023

    A Chinese painting of figures in a landscape, signed Qian Huian (Chinese, 1833–1911)

    Est: $100 - $200

    A Chinese painting of figures in a landscape signed Qian Huian (Chinese, 1833–1911) With inscription, signature, and one seal. H: 31 1/2, W: 16 1/4 in. H: 80.01, W: 41.27 cm. (sight) Click here for high resolution images. ?????????

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Sep. 16, 2023

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Jul. 29, 2023

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Jun. 24, 2023

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    May. 20, 2023

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
    Apr. 14, 2023


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    A FRAMED CHINESE PAINTING OF FIGURE STORY,SIGNED QIAN HUIAN Image only size 45 cm by 40 cm. The paintings depict two old people are talking by a tree with a dog beside them. A boy is reading a book in a room . On the left are inscriptions and seals. Framed with wood frame.

    Wilmington Gallery
    Mar. 15, 2023


    Est: £300 - £500

    INK PAINTING OF GREETING TO XI WANGMU, THE QUEEN MOTHER OF THE WEST ATTRIBUTED TO QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) 錢慧安款 富貴壽考 拜見西王母 絹本設色 鏡框 ink and colour on silk, inscribed upper right with title, signed and sealed, framed (79.5cm x 33cm) Qty: (1) Provenance: Private London collection

    Lyon & Turnbull
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Feb. 19, 2023

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Jan. 15, 2023

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Figures and Zodiac Album
    Dec. 14, 2022

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Figures and Zodiac Album

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Figures and Zodiac Album Ink and color on paper, mounted as a four-panel folding screen, each panel titled, inscribed, and signed Qian Hui'an, with three artist's seal. 62 1/2 x 15 1/4in (158.8 x 38.7cm) each panel

  • QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) AND LU JINGTAO (19TH-20TH CENTURY) Portrait of Haio
    Dec. 07, 2022

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) AND LU JINGTAO (19TH-20TH CENTURY) Portrait of Haio

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) AND LU JINGTAO (19TH-20TH CENTURY) Portrait of Haiou at Sixty-eight Horizontal scroll, ink and colour on paper 25 x 178.5 cm. (9 7/8 x 70 1/4 in.)

  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Oct. 30, 2022

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Sep. 25, 2022

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Scholar Holding Stick Hanging scroll, ink and colo
    Sep. 01, 2022

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Scholar Holding Stick Hanging scroll, ink and colo

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Scholar Holding Stick Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 136.5 x 67.8 cm. (53 3/4 x 26 3/4 in.)

  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Aug. 14, 2022

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Jun. 26, 2022

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Dragon and Cloud Deity Fan leaf, mounted for framin
    May. 30, 2022

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Dragon and Cloud Deity Fan leaf, mounted for framin

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) Dragon and Cloud Deity Fan leaf, mounted for framing, ink on gold paper 19.5 x 56 cm. (7 5/8 x 22 in.)

  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    May. 22, 2022

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Apr. 10, 2022

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Feb. 20, 2022

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Jan. 09, 2022

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
    Dec. 04, 2021


    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Dim.: 215 x 71 cm (the frame) Dim.: 174 x 45,5 cm (the work)

    Rob Michiels Auctions
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Nov. 28, 2021

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Oct. 24, 2021

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
    Oct. 03, 2021


    Est: $200 - $1,000

    钱慧安人物绢本 QIAN HUI AN

    Wichita Auctioneers
  • Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking
    Sep. 12, 2021

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, attr. Qian Hui An (1833-1911), Three wise men talking

    Est: $10,000 - $25,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men talking, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911). Stock # 1615. Scroll size: 72 in. x 17.4 in. = 180 cm x 43.5 cm. Painting size: 25.5 in x 9.8 inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm. Material: ink and water colors on paper. Hand-painted (verified under x 100-magnification microscope). Shipping in USA: We suggest USPS Priority Express, FEDEX ground or UPS ground- below $30. International Shipping: We ship worldwide, please, contact about shipping rates. We suggest USPS Express Mail. Condition of the painting is good, refer to aging creases, folds and stains. Condition of the base scroll is fair - refer to repaired tears at the top, near the wooden bars. Auction results: from $1,153 up to $37,065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153 Low Estimate: 1500; High Estimate: 25000;

    Eternity Gallery
  • Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting
    Aug. 01, 2021

    Qian Hui An, "Three wise men talking", Chinese hanging scroll painting

    Est: $1,500 - $5,000

    Chinese hanging scroll painting, -Three wise men, - attributed to Qian Hui An (1833-1911) #P001615. Scroll size: 72” x 17.4” = 180 cm x 43.5 cm Painting size: 25.5” x 9.8” inches = 64 cm x 24.7 cm Material: ink and water colors on paper Condition: Good, refer to several aging creases, some repaired tears near wooden bars Hand-painted (verified under x100-magnification microscope). Auction results: from $1153 up to $37065 (from 1 thousand to 37 thousand dollars) $37065, $23166, $19293, $15444, $12500, $11254, $11119, $10625; $8870, $6563, $5627, $5240, $4942, $4180, $3600, $2895, $2129, $1209, $1153

    Eternity Gallery
Lots Per Page: