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Domenico Puligo Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1492 - d. 1527

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    Oct. 02, 2024


    Est: €6,000 - €12,000

    DOMENICO PULIGO (1492-1527) La Madonne à l'Enfant avec Saint-Jean le Baptiste Huile sur panneau composé de quatre planches. Dimensions : 82,5 x 62,5 cm Peintre florentin de portraits, mais surtout de compositions religieuses, Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini dit « Domenico Puligo » est un formé par Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) mais il a surtout pour maître Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) qui est également son ami intime et qui l’influencera toute sa carrière. Dès son époque, Puligo a la réputation d’un excellent peintre de portraits et de tableaux de chevalets, mais ce sont surtout ses compositions religieuses comme « La Sainte Famille » qui feront sa renommée. Il sera également le collaborateur de Ridolfi Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). Œuvres dans les Musées de Cherbourg, Palais Pitti Florence, Madrid, Palais Borghèse Rome, Musée Colonna Rome, Galerie Doria Pamphili, Galerie Czernin et Musée Harrach Vienne.

    Accademia Fine Art
  • Naar Domenico Puligo (19de eeuw) - Maria Magdalena met zalfpot
    Feb. 28, 2024

    Naar Domenico Puligo (19de eeuw) - Maria Magdalena met zalfpot

    Est: €400 - €600

    Naar Domenico Puligo (19de eeuw) Maria Magdalena met zalfpot olieverf op doek 61x49 cm (met lijst: 77x64 cm) Conditie: vernis vergeeld, craquelé, stukjes verfverlies, enkele krassen, verder goedDit schilderij is een kopie naar een werk van Domenico Puligo (1492-1527) in de collectie van de Galleria Borghese, inv. nr. 328.

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Portrait of a Young Woman in a Purple Gown
    Feb. 01, 2024

    Portrait of a Young Woman in a Purple Gown

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    Property from a European Private Collection Domenico Puligo Florence 1492 - 1527 Portrait of a Young Woman in a Purple Gown oil on panel panel: 18 ⅞ by 14 ¼ in.; 48.0 by 36.2 cm. framed: 27 ¼ by 23 ¼ in.; 69.2 by 59.1 cm.

  • Madonna and Child with Young Saint John the Baptist with the Madonna and Child Adored by Angels Beyond
    Jan. 31, 2024

    Madonna and Child with Young Saint John the Baptist with the Madonna and Child Adored by Angels Beyond

    Est: $400,000 - $600,000

    Domenico Puligo Florence 1492 - 1527 Madonna and Child with Young Saint John the Baptist with the Madonna and Child Adored by Angels Beyond oil on panel panel: 34 by 25 in.; 86.4 by 63.5 cm. framed: 43 by 33 ⅝ in.; 109.2 by 85.4 cm.

  • Scuola umbra del XVI secolo, Madonna con Bambino e san Giovannino
    Nov. 30, 2023

    Scuola umbra del XVI secolo, Madonna con Bambino e san Giovannino

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527) Madonna with a Child and an Angel
    Nov. 20, 2023

    Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527) Madonna with a Child and an Angel

    Est: €6,000 - €12,000

    The Florentine Domenico Puligo learned in the workshop of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483–1561) and worked as an assistant to Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530), they became friends soon. In addition to Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo Pontormo (1494–1557) and Rosso Fiorentino (1495–1540) also influenced his style. He was a victim of the plague. The painting shows Madonna with the child in her arms, an angel dressed in green to the right behind Madonna has crossed arms in front of their chest in adoration. Maria is wearing a red dress and is wrapped in a blue coat. The child is wearing a sleeveless dress made of a transparent fabric. A strong sfumato, invented by Leonardo da Vinci and adopted and developed by many artists, gives the faces a gentle expression and a mysterious aura. After Vasari Puligo painted "dolcezza senza tignere l'opere o dar loro crudezza a poco a poco sfuggire i lontani, come velati da una certa nebbia, dava rilievo e grazia alle sue pitture" ("sweetness without affecting the works or giving them crudeness, and gradually escape from the distant, like veiled by a certain fog, gave relief and grace to his paintings ”). Puglio has worked on the theme of Maria (mostly as a half figure) with the child and angels or other accompanying figures several times. The Madonna and Child with Two Angels in the Palazzo Martelli, Florence, can be mentioned as a comparison. Franco Moro dated the picture offered here to the mature phase of the artist from approx. 1523. Expert opinion by doc von Franco Moro, 28 May 2018 77,5 × 52 cm, Oil on wood

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puligo, 1492 Florenz – 1527
    Sep. 28, 2023

    Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puligo, 1492 Florenz – 1527

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    MARIA MIT DEM KINDE UND EINEM ENGEL Öl auf Holz, auf Platte montiert. 77,5 x 52 cm. In vergoldetem ornamental verziertem Ädikularahmen. Beigegeben eine ausführlich dokumentierte Expertise von Franco Moro, datiert 28. Mai 2018, in Kopie. Darin zahlreiche Vergleichsbeispiele sowie zeitliche Einordnungen, Werknachweise in verschiedenen Sammlungen sowie Literaturangaben. Madonna in Dreiviertelansicht wiedergegeben, das Gesicht betont jugendlich. Das Jesusknäblein in ihrem rechten Arm, es hat seinen Körper der Maria zugewandt, beide blicken dem Betrachter entgegen. Ein Engel in smaragdgrünem Kleid, auf das er die beiden Hände überkreuzt gelegt hat, steht mit gesenktem Haupt am rechten Bildrand. Die Gesamtwirkung des Bildes besticht durch den auffallenden Kontrast zwischen den Farben der Kleidung, wie etwa des roten Kleides der Maria mit einem nahezu aquamarinblauen Mantel. Im Gegensatz dazu die stark im Sfumato gemalten Gesichter. Diese Farbqualitäten kommen umso deutlicher zur Wirkung, da der Hintergrund sich in olivgrünem Ton zurückhält. Der Maler studierte zunächst unter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561) und arbeitete dann als Gehilfe des Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530/31), mit dem er eng befreundet war. Die Betonung der Farbigkeit ist ein Ergebnis des manieristischen Einflusses von Jacopo da Carucci Pontormo (1494-1556/57) und Fiorentino Rosso (1494-1540). Bemerkenswert ist, dass zahlreiche, vielleicht sogar die Mehrheit seiner Madonnen-Bilder diesen starken Sfumato-Effekt aufweisen, welcher diesen Heiligengestalten eine gewisse Unnahbarkeit vermitteln sollte, während der Maler bei profanen Bildnissen durchaus einen harten Konturstil bevorzugt hat. Literatur: Vgl. Elena Capretti, Domenico Puligo, un protagonista „ritrovato“ dell'arte fiorentina del Cinquecento, in: Domenico Puligo, Ausstellungskatalog Palazzo Pitti 2002. (13703364) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Jun. 09, 2022


    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    DOMENICO DI BARTOLOMEO UBALDINI, CALLED DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) The Holy Family oil on panel 36 x 26 1/4 in. (91.5 x 66.7 cm.)

    May. 25, 2022


    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    DOMENICO PULIGO, bottega di (Firenze 1492 - 1527) MADONNA CON BAMBINO E SAN GIOVANNINO Olio su tavola, cm. 65 x 49 CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Tavola leggermente curvata con barra orizzontale coeva di supporto. Piccoli punti di restauro sparsi sugli incarnati CORNICE Cornice modanata in legno dorato, del XVIII secolo

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
    Mar. 12, 2022


    Est: €6,000 - €12,000

    WORKSHOP OR FOLLOWER OF DOMENICO DI BARTOLOMEO CALLED 'IL PULIGO' 1492 Florence - after 27.09.1527 Ibid PORTRAIT OF PIETRO CORNESECCHI Oil on poplar (?) panel. 64 x 52,5 cm (F. 83,5 x 71,5 cm). Part. rest. Florentine frame of the 16th/17th century. Provenance: International collection. Dreiviertelporträts, das Domenico Puligo um 1525 gemalte. Dieses Gemälde befindet sich The bust portrait of Pietro Cornesecchi presented here is a variant of a three-quarter portrait painted by Domenico Puligo around 1525. This painting is now in Florence in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. Cf. also Fondazione Zeri, archive no. 33177. Provenienz: Internationaler Sammlungsbesitz. DOMENICO DI BARTOLOMEO GENANNT 'IL PULIGO' (ODER WERKSTATT/NACHFOLGE) 1492 Florenz - nach 27.09.1527 Ebenda PORTRAIT OF PIETRO CORNESECCHI Öl auf Pappelholz (?). 64 x 52,5 cm (R. 83,5 x 71,5 cm). Part. rest. Florentinischer Rahmen des 16./17. Jh. Das hier vorliegende Brustbild des Pietro Cornesecchi ist eine Variante eines Dreiviertelporträts, das Domenico Puligo um 1525 gemalte. Dieses Gemälde befindet sich heute in Florenz im Palazzo Pitti in Florenz. Vgl. hierzu auch Fondazione Zeri, Archiv-Nr. 33177. Provenienz: Internationaler Sammlungsbesitz.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • DOMENICO UBALDINI IL PULIGO (1492-1527) Saint-Jean Baptiste
    Dec. 09, 2021

    DOMENICO UBALDINI IL PULIGO (1492-1527) Saint-Jean Baptiste

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    DOMENICO UBALDINI IL PULIGO (1492-1527) Saint-Jean Baptiste Huile sur toile Dimensions totales : 89 x 66,5 cm - Toile : 61 x 43 cm Provenance : Collection privée, Monte-Carlo Né et décédé à Florence, Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini dit « Domenico Puligo » est un peintre italien de portraits, mais surtout de compositions religieuses. Formé par Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494), il a surtout pour maître Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) qui est également son ami intime et qui l’influencera toute sa carrière. Dès son époque, Puligo a la réputation d’un excellent peintre de portraits et de tableaux de chevalets, mais ce sont surtout ses compositions religieuses comme « La Sainte Famille » qui feront sa renommée. Il sera également le collaborateur de Ridolfi Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). Œuvres dans les Musées de Cherbourg, Palais Pitti Florence, Madrid, Palais Borghèse Rome, Musée Colonna Rome, Galerie Doria Pamphili, Galerie Czernin et Musée Harrach Vienne.

    Accademia Fine Art
  • Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527), Madonna with a Child and an Angel
    Nov. 27, 2021

    Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527), Madonna with a Child and an Angel

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    The Florentine Domenico Puligo learned in the workshop of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483–1561) and worked as an assistant to Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530), they became friends soon. In addition to Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo Pontormo (1494–1557) and Rosso Fiorentino (1495–1540) also influenced his style. He was a victim of the plague. The painting shows Madonna with the child in her arms, an angel dressed in green to the right behind Madonna has crossed arms in front of their chest in adoration. Maria is wearing a red dress and is wrapped in a blue coat. The child is wearing a sleeveless dress made of a transparent fabric. A strong sfumato, invented by Leonardo da Vinci and adopted and developed by many artists, gives the faces a gentle expression and a mysterious aura. After Vasari Puligo painted "dolcezza senza tignere l'opere o dar loro crudezza a poco a poco sfuggire i lontani, come velati da una certa nebbia, dava rilievo e grazia alle sue pitture" ("sweetness without affecting the works or giving them crudeness, and gradually escape from the distant, like veiled by a certain fog, gave relief and grace to his paintings ”). Puglio has worked on the theme of Maria (mostly as a half figure) with the child and angels or other accompanying figures several times. The Madonna and Child with Two Angels in the Palazzo Martelli, Florence, can be mentioned as a comparison. Franco Moro dated the picture offered here to the mature phase of the artist from approx. 1523. Expert opinion by doc von Franco Moro, 28 May 2018

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
    Sep. 11, 2021


    Est: €12,000 - €24,000

    DOMENICO UBALDINI (CALLED: PULIGO) 1492 Florenz - after 1527 Ibid MADONNA WITH CHILD, SAINT JOHN AND SANIT ANTONIUS OF PADUA Oil on poplar wood panel(?). 73 x 58,5 cm (F. 103 x 86 cm). Verso: On the panel with an old inventory or auction number: '136 SG' and inscription: 'Virgin and Child with St. John Andrea del Sarto. 43 Lucca Gallery' (London). Part. old restored, min. retouchings, slightly over restored. Italian frame of the early 17th century. Domenico Ubaldini, who was located in Florence, was a student of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio and a very close friend of Andrea del Sarto. This is able to explain the stylistic closeness and the backside old attribution of the work to Andrea del Sarto. The inscription on the back and the provenance of the 'Lucca Gallery' the painting offered here was a part from the collection of the Duke of Lucca, Karl Ludwig of Bourbon-Parma (1799-1883). Provenance: Westphalian Private Collection. DOMENICO UBALDINI (GENANNT: PULIGO) 1492 Florenz - Nach 1527 Ebenda MADONNA MIT DEM CHRISTUSKNABEN, JOHANNES UND DEM HEILIGEN ANTONIUS VON PADUA Öl auf Pappelholztafel(?). 73 x 58,5 cm (R. 103 x 86 cm). Verso: Auf der Tafel mit alter Inventar- oder Auktionsnummer: '136 SG' sowie Inschrift: 'Virgin and Child with St. John Andrea del Sarto. 43 Lucca Gallery' (London). Part. altrest., min. Retuschen, leichte Verputzungen. Italienischer Rahmen des frühen 17. Jhs. Der in Florenz ansässige Domenico Ubaldini war Schüler von Ridolfo Ghirlandaio und eng befreundet mit Andrea del Sarto, was die stilistische Nähe und die rückseitige Zuweisung des Werkes an Andrea del Sarto zu erklären vermag. In Bezug auf die rückseitige Inschrift und der Provenienzangabe der 'Lucca Gallery' war die hier angebotene Tafel Teil der Sammlung des Herzogs von Lucca, Karl Ludwig von Bourbon-Parma (1799-1883). Provenienz: Westfälische Privatsammlung.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puligo, 1492 Florenz – 1527
    Jun. 24, 2021

    Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puligo, 1492 Florenz – 1527

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    MADONNA MIT KIND UND EINEM ENGEL Öl auf Holz. 77,5 x 52 cm. Im Goldrahmen. Dem Gemälde ist ein Gutachten beigegeben von Franco Moro, Piacenza, 28 Mai 2018. Die Gemäldetafel in betont schlankem Hochformat, wodurch die Mariendarstellung in Dreiviertelfigur gegeben werden kann. Maria ist mit jugendlichem Gesicht dargestellt, der Kopf leicht nach rechts geneigt, über dem braunen mittelgescheitelten Haar wird der Saum des türkisblauen Mantels sichtbar. Trotz der Jugendlichkeit ist im Gesichtsausdruck, besonders in den Augen, eine schmerzliche Nachdenklichkeit zu sehen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem künftigen Leiden des Kindes zu erklären ist. Das Jesuskind dagegen, in kindlich unbewusster Unbefangenheit, schmiegt sich eng an die Mutter, aber blickt gleichzeitig dem Betrachter entgegen. Im rechten Händchen ein kleines Kreuz. Die adorierende Engelsfigur rechts hält den Kopf leicht geneigt, beide Hände über der Brust gekreuzt. Nicht zufällig hat der Maler das kleine Kreuz nahezu exakt in der Mittelachse der Komposition eingebracht. Dessen X-Form bedeutet auch das Zentrum der gesamten gekreuzt-diagonalen Bildkomposition. Auch die traditionelle Farbtrias Rot, Blau und (abgeschwächtem) Gelb ist in der Kleidung Mariens und des Kindes aufgegriffen, komplementär dazu das Grün im Engelsgewandes. Der Künstler hat hier ein Werk geschaffen, das über die technischen und kompositorischen Qualitäten weit hinausgeht, und zwar in eben diesen menschlich-psychologischen Aussagen, die mit der Leidensgeschichte von Maria und Jesus visionär im Zusammenhang stehen. Der Malstil weist eindeutig auf den genannten Künstler, der als Zeitgenosse von Andrea del Sarto und in der künstlerischen Nähe der Maler Fra Bartolomeo, del Rosso oder Pontormo stand. Ausgebildet wurde er von Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, Sohn des Domenico Ghirlandaio. Er stand auch in Kontakt mit Giorgio Vasari. Zusammen mit C. Fr. Rustici gehörte er zum Werkstattkreis des Paiuolo, der sich an der Universität weiterbildete. Puligo starb im Pestjahr 1527 und wurde in der Kirche San Lorenzo, Florenz beigesetzt. Insbesondere die Farbigkeit des Inkarnats findet sich auch in den weiteren Werken von Domenico Puligo. Zum Werkvergleicht können weitere Gemälde herangezogen werden, wie etwa „Sacra Famiglia“ (Palazzo Pitti, Florenz, inv. 1912/486), - „Madonna mit Kind, St. Johannes und St. Lorenz“ (ebd.), - „Frauenbildnis“, Nationalgalerie Ottawa, Canada (inv. 567), sowie weiteren Werken in berühmten Sammlungen, wie Walters Art Gallery Baltimore oder Galleria Borghese Rom. A. R. Spezielle und weiterführende Literatur: Ausstellungskatalog Palazzo Pitti, Florenz, Domenico Puligo (1492-1527). Un protagonista dimenticato della pittura fiorentina, della mostra a cura di Elena Capretti e Serena Padovani, Livorno 2002. Alexander Rauch, Malerei der Hochrenaissance und des Manierismus in Rom und Mittelitalien - Malerei der Renaissance in Venedig und Norditalien, Köln 1994. Vasari, Giorgio (1913), Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 4. Translated by Du C. De Vere, Gaston. London, Philip Lee Warner. (1271425) (11)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492-1527), San Giovanni Battista
    Jun. 16, 2021

    Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492-1527), San Giovanni Battista

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    olio su tela, cm 61x43

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Domenico Puligo (Italian 1492-1527), Madonna and Child with the infant St John the Baptist
    May. 27, 2021

    Domenico Puligo (Italian 1492-1527), Madonna and Child with the infant St John the Baptist

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    Domenico Puligo (Italian 1492-1527)Madonna and Child with the infant St John the BaptistOil on panel 95 x 70cm (37¼ x 27½ in.)Provenance:Sale, Sotheby's, New York, 25 January 2001, lot 72, sold for $52,000, where it was attributed as an authentic work by Domenico Puligo by Everett Fahy.Dr Elena Capretti has suggested that this may be a later work, with possible studio assistance, made around the same moment as the altarpieces in the church of S. Maria degli Angiolini and Santa Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi in Florence. Domenico Puglio was an Italian Renaissance painter who worked primarily in Florence. As a pupil of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, his tutor's influence can be seen in much of Puglio's work. Other influences included Jacopo Pontormo and Il Rosso, as well as Andrea del Sarto for whom Puglio acted as an assistant. During this period Puglio is believed to have met and formed a friendship with the author and artist Giorgio Vasari, the latter also working in Sarto's workshop for a time. Puglio is therefore mentioned in the author's Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects:He, considering that his method of painting with softness, without overloading his works with colour or making them hard, but causing the distances to recede little by little as though veiled with a kind of mist, gave his pictures both relief and grace, and that although the outlines of the figures he made were lost in such a way that his errors were concealed and hidden from view in the dark grounds into which the figures merged, nevertheless his colouring and the beautiful expressions of his heads made his works pleasing, always kept to the same method of working and to the same manner, which caused him to be held in esteem as long as he lived (Vasari, Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, 1913, Vol. IV, p.281)There is a lack of information and documentation on Puligo's life and works, making it hard to determine and understand the chronology and background of his output. In his writing Vasari does not mention any works pre-dating 1525. However, it is believed that it was during the artist's early career that most of his Madonna and Child paintings were produced. Puligo was especially interested in compositions around the Madonna of Humility, as is depicted in the present lot, and created several paintings related to the subject. The work offered here, is smaller and more compact than the later life-sized voluminous figures which make up the large-scale altarpieces of Puligo's mature oeuvre. It is therefore possible that this work was produced before 1520. Dr Elena Capretti, however, has suggested that this may be a later work, with possible studio assistance, made around the same moment as the altarpieces in the church of S. Maria degli Angiolini and Santa Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi in Florence.

    Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
  • Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puligo, 1492 - 1527, zug.
    Mar. 25, 2021

    Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puligo, 1492 - 1527, zug.

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    DIE MADONNA MIT DEM KIND UND JOHANNES DEM TÄUFER Öl auf Holz. 86 x 62 cm. In vergoldetem Rahmen. Vor einer halbrunden Steinnische die Madonna in rotem Gewand, grauem Schleier und ihrem blau-grünen Mantel über dem rechten Bein liegend. Ihr leicht trauriger Blick mit den dunklen Augen ist aus dem Bild heraus gerichtet. In ihrem Schoß der sitzende Jesusknabe, mit einem weißen Tuch bekleidet und in seiner linken Hand einen kleinen Vogel haltend. Er hat seinen Kopf gedreht und schaut auf den neben ihnen stehenden jungen Johannes, der mit seinen typischen Attributen wiedergegeben wird: einem Fellgewand und einem langen Kreuzstab mit Spruchband in seiner linken Hand. Beide sehen sich mit ihren dunklen Augen innig an. Malerei in der typischen Manier des Künstlers in reduzierter Farbigkeit. Mehrere seiner frühen Werke zeigen die dargestellte Dreieckskomposition sowie die Heilige Familie. Retuschen. (1260582) (3) (18) Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini il Puglio, 1492 - 1527, attributed THE VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on panel. 86 x 62 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527), Madonna with a Child and an Angel
    Jan. 26, 2021

    Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527), Madonna with a Child and an Angel

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    The Florentine Domenico Puligo learned in the workshop of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483–1561) and worked as an assistant to Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530), they became friends soon. In addition to Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo Pontormo (1494–1557) and Rosso Fiorentino (1495–1540) also influenced his style. He was a victim of the plague. The painting shows Madonna with the child in her arms, an angel dressed in green to the right behind Madonna has crossed arms in front of their chest in adoration. Maria is wearing a red dress and is wrapped in a blue coat. The child is wearing a sleeveless dress made of a transparent fabric. A strong sfumato, invented by Leonardo da Vinci and adopted and developed by many artists, gives the faces a gentle expression and a mysterious aura. After Vasari Puligo painted "dolcezza senza tignere l'opere o dar loro crudezza a poco a poco sfuggire i lontani, come velati da una certa nebbia, dava rilievo e grazia alle sue pitture" ("sweetness without affecting the works or giving them crudeness, and gradually escape from the distant, like veiled by a certain fog, gave relief and grace to his paintings ”). Puglio has worked on the theme of Maria (mostly as a half figure) with the child and angels or other accompanying figures several times. The Madonna and Child with Two Angels in the Palazzo Martelli, Florence, can be mentioned as a comparison. Franco Moro dated the picture offered here to the mature phase of the artist from approx. 1523. Expert opinion by doc von Franco Moro, 28 May 2018

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
    Sep. 24, 2020


    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    (attivo nel XV secolo) Madonna con il Bambino e San Giovannino Olio su tavola, cm 87X63 Il dipinto reca una tradizionale attribuzione a Domenico Puligo (Firenze, 1492 - 1527). La composizione, i tratti stilistici e la stesura rimandano al lessico del maestro, artista sensibile e delicato, abilissimo nel replicare con brillante originalità le forme classicheggianti della sua epoca. Formatosi con Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, da cui apprese secondo il Vasari il colorito vaghissimo e la maniera abbagliata, con perdere i contorni negli scuri de' suoi colori, che piacendogli dare alle sue figure una aria gentile, fece in sua gioventù infiniti quadri con buona grazia, fu altresì influenzato dall'arte di Andrea del Sarto, da cui trarrà alcuni modelli compositivi. Non a caso, la Madonna col Bambino, San Giovannino e due angeli della Borghese, che segue una struttura illustrativa prossima a questa in esame, recava un'attribuzione al Sarto ma le difficoltà attributive sono altrettanto evidenti sfogliando le opere dei collaboratori, spesso di alta qualità, come a esempio il Maestro di Volterra (attivo tra il 1530-1570), forse da indentificarsi con l'allievo del Puligo indicato dal Vasari con il nome di Domenico Beceri. A tale proposito, sono interessanti i confronti con le tavole custodite nella Villa di Poggio Imperiale presso Firenze e alla Pinacoteca di Siena (Capretti 2002, pp. 95 - 95, n. 15, fig. 57). Bibliografia di riferimento: E. Capretti, S. Padovani, S. Casciu, Domenico Puligo 1492 ; 1527, catalogo della mostra, Firenze 2002, ad vocem

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Domenico Puligo Umkreis, 1492 Florenz- 1527 ebenda
    Aug. 24, 2020

    Domenico Puligo Umkreis, 1492 Florenz- 1527 ebenda

    Est: -

    Öl/Leinwand doubliert, Felsgrottenmadonna. Die Thematik dieses Gemäldes ist in den apokryphen Evangelien zu finden. Sie bezieht sich auf die Geschichte als Johann der Täufer vor dem Kindsmord in Bethlehem gerettet und zur Madonna gebracht wurde. Das Gemälde zeigt die betende Madonna vor einer Hochgebirgslandschaft, mit zwei Kindern in liebevoller Umarmung. Das Detail dieser Umarmung war sehr populär für niederländische Künstler wie Joos van Cleve (1485 1541). Dieses Gemälde ist eine zusätzliche Version des Gemäldes in der Galleria Manfrediana in Venedig, Einem Schüler von Domenico Ghirlandaio, Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini genannt Puligo zugeschrieben. Unser Gemälde ist in Bernard Berensons Database „Homeless Paintings of the Italian Renaissance” registriert und mit einem Foto belegt. Min. ret., Rahmen teil rest. ansonsten gut erhalten. Italien, 16. Jh. H x B ca. 76 x 64 cm. Ger.

    Kunst & Auktionshaus Walter Ginhart
  • Old Masters, Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527) Madonna with a Child and an Angel
    Aug. 17, 2020

    Old Masters, Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527) Madonna with a Child and an Angel

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    The Florentine Domenico Puligo learned in the workshop of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483–1561) and worked as an assistant to Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530), they became friends soon. In addition to Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo Pontormo (1494–1557) and Rosso Fiorentino (1495–1540) also influenced his style. He was a victim of the plague. The painting shows Madonna with the child in her arms, an angel dressed in green to the right behind Madonna has crossed arms in front of their chest in adoration. Maria is wearing a red dress and is wrapped in a blue coat. The child is wearing a sleeveless dress made of a transparent fabric. A strong sfumato, invented by Leonardo da Vinci and adopted and developed by many artists, gives the faces a gentle expression and a mysterious aura. After Vasari Puligo painted "dolcezza senza tignere l'opere o dar loro crudezza a poco a poco sfuggire i lontani, come velati da una certa nebbia, dava rilievo e grazia alle sue pitture" ("sweetness without affecting the works or giving them crudeness, and gradually escape from the distant, like veiled by a certain fog, gave relief and grace to his paintings ”). Puglio has worked on the theme of Maria (mostly as a half figure) with the child and angels or other accompanying figures several times. The Madonna and Child with Two Angels in the Palazzo Martelli, Florence, can be mentioned as a comparison. Franco Moro dated the picture offered here to the mature phase of the artist from approx. 1523. Expert opinion by doc von Franco Moro, 28 May 2018

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Old Masters, Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527) Madonna with a Child and an Angel
    Aug. 01, 2020

    Old Masters, Domenico die Bartolomeo Ubaldini, called Domenico Puligo (1492–1527) Madonna with a Child and an Angel

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    The Florentine Domenico Puligo learned in the workshop of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483–1561) and worked as an assistant to Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530), they became friends soon. In addition to Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo Pontormo (1494–1557) and Rosso Fiorentino (1495–1540) also influenced his style. He was a victim of the plague. The painting shows Madonna with the child in her arms, an angel dressed in green to the right behind Madonna has crossed arms in front of their chest in adoration. Maria is wearing a red dress and is wrapped in a blue coat. The child is wearing a sleeveless dress made of a transparent fabric. A strong sfumato, invented by Leonardo da Vinci and adopted and developed by many artists, gives the faces a gentle expression and a mysterious aura. After Vasari Puligo painted "dolcezza senza tignere l'opere o dar loro crudezza a poco a poco sfuggire i lontani, come velati da una certa nebbia, dava rilievo e grazia alle sue pitture" ("sweetness without affecting the works or giving them crudeness, and gradually escape from the distant, like veiled by a certain fog, gave relief and grace to his paintings ”). Puglio has worked on the theme of Maria (mostly as a half figure) with the child and angels or other accompanying figures several times. The Madonna and Child with Two Angels in the Palazzo Martelli, Florence, can be mentioned as a comparison. Franco Moro dated the picture offered here to the mature phase of the artist from approx. 1523. Expert opinion by doc von Franco Moro, 28 May 2018

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Domenico Puligo Umkreis, 1492 Florenz- 1527 ebenda
    Jul. 25, 2020

    Domenico Puligo Umkreis, 1492 Florenz- 1527 ebenda

    Est: -

    Öl/Leinwand doubliert, Felsgrottenmadonna. Die Thematik dieses Gemäldes ist in den apokryphen Evangelien zu finden. Sie bezieht sich auf die Geschichte als Johann der Täufer vor dem Kindsmord in Bethlehem gerettet und zur Madonna gebracht wurde. Das Gemälde zeigt die betende Madonna vor einer Hochgebirgslandschaft, mit zwei Kindern in liebevoller Umarmung. Das Detail dieser Umarmung war sehr populär für niederländische Künstler wie Joos van Cleve (1485 1541). Dieses Gemälde ist eine zusätzliche Version des Gemäldes in der Galleria Manfrediana in Venedig, Einem Schüler von Domenico Ghirlandaio, Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini genannt Puligo zugeschrieben. Unser Gemälde ist in Bernard Berensons Database „Homeless Paintings of the Italian Renaissance” registriert und mit einem Foto belegt. Min. ret., Rahmen teil rest. ansonsten gut erhalten. Italien, 16. Jh. H x B ca. 76 x 64 cm. Ger.

    Kunst & Auktionshaus Walter Ginhart
  • Studio of Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
    Jul. 08, 2020

    Studio of Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    Studio of Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine oil on panel 99.8 x 74.2cm (39 5/16 x 29 3/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) and Studio Cleopatra
    Jun. 19, 2020

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) and Studio Cleopatra

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) and Studio Cleopatraoil on panel, unframed203⁄8 x 161⁄4 in. (51.8 x 41.3 cm.)

  • DOMENICO PULIGO (cerchia di)
    Mar. 05, 2020

    DOMENICO PULIGO (cerchia di)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Firenze, 1492 - 1527) Sacra Famiglia Olio su tavola, cm 39X31 La tavola già attribuita a un maestro senese prossimo ad Andrea Brescianino (documentato a Siena tra il 1506 e il 1524 - documentato a Firenze nel 1525), presenta una struttura formale e una tipologia espressiva dei volti così come le formule fisionomiche di Domenico Puligo. La confusione attributiva tra i due autori è d'altronde nota, quanto il loro parallelismo cronologico e stilistico seppur inequivocabile è la loro distinzione. Il nostro dipinto presenta discordanze di carattere tecnico che suggeriscono una datazione più matura e successiva alla metà del XVI secolo.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini, bekannt als „il Puligo“, 1492 Florenz – 1527, zug.
    Dec. 05, 2019

    Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini, bekannt als „il Puligo“, 1492 Florenz – 1527, zug.

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    MARIA MAGDALENA IM ANBLICK DES KREUZES Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 78,6 x 65 cm. Die Heilige ist – wie in der Bildtradition üblich – jugendlich dargestellt, und ihrer Herkunft gemäß nobel gekleidet. Hier in einem Innenraum, an einem Tisch sitzend mit nachdenklichem Blick auf einen Corpus Christi am Kreuz, das auf dem grün gedeckten Tisch liegt. Ihr linker Arm leicht nach außen abgewinkelt, zeigt ihre Hand in abweisender Geste, was ihren Entschluss, dem Laster zu wiederstehen, ausdrücken soll. Der Raum ganz in der Stilistik der Florentiner Renaissance mit gegliederten Mamorwänden und Nischenfiguren ausgestattet. Im Zentrum rückwärts ein Fensterausblick in hügelige Landschaft. Markantes Merkmal der Malerei Puligos ist, neben dem Sfumato von Gesicht und Händen, vor allem im Rot des Kleides zu erkennen. Diese, in aufgehelltem Glanz, wie aus sich selbst leuchtende Farbigkeit, ist Merkmal des Florentiner Manierismus, was sich auch daraus erklärt, dass Puligo bei Rifolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561) und Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530/31) gearbeitet hat und gerade was die Farbe betrifft, den Einfluss des Jacopo da Carucci Pontormo (1494-1556/57) sowie Il Rossos in sein Werk aufnahm. Als stilverwandt kann auch das große Tafelbild der Madonna mit Kind und Heiligen von 1525/26 in der Kirche Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi genannt werden. Die selbe Wiedergabe der leuchtenden Rotfarbe findet sich in dem Gemälde „Die Heilige Familie mit dem Heiligen Johannesknaben“ im Columbus Museum of Art. (1211827) (11) Domenico Bartolomeo Ubaldini, also known as “il Puligo”, 1492 Florence – 1527, attributed MARY MAGDALENE BEHOLDING THE CROSS Oil on canvas. Relined. 78.6 x 65 cm. As is typical for the iconography of this saint, Mary Magdalene is depicted youthful and dressed nobly according to her origins. A large panel painting of The Virgin and Christ Child with Saints dated 1525/26 at Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi is similar in style. The same luminous red can also be found in a painting titled The Holy Family with the young Saint John the Baptist held at the Columbus Museum of Art.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) - The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
    Dec. 04, 2019

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) - The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

    Est: £25,000 - £35,000

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel 37 ½ x 27 ½ in. (95.2 x 69.8 cm.)

  • DOMENICO PULIGO | Madonna and Child
    Jul. 04, 2019

    DOMENICO PULIGO | Madonna and Child

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    oil on poplar panel

  • Domenico di BARTOLOMEO UBALDINI, dit Domenico PULIGO (Florence 1492-1527)
    Jun. 26, 2019

    Domenico di BARTOLOMEO UBALDINI, dit Domenico PULIGO (Florence 1492-1527)

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Domenico di BARTOLOMEO UBALDINI, dit Domenico PULIGO (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait de femme au rideau vert Panneau transposé sur toile Au revers du châssis, une mention: attribué à Sarto Au revers de la toile, une inscription en Russe: transposition de bois sur toile Saint Pétersbourg Tabuntzo 1849 (NdAT) Restaurations anciennes Sans cadre Portrait of a woman before a green curtain, panel transferred to canvas, on the frame’s reverse, a note: attribué à Sarto, on the canvas’ reverse, an inscription in Russian: transposition de bois sur toile Saint Pétersbourg Tabuntzo 1849 (NdAT) 57 x 48,5 CM • 22 1/2 X 19 1/8 IN. €15,000-20,000 Élève très doué de Ridolfo Ghirlandajo et d’Andrea del Sarto, Puligo était au moment de sa mort relativement précoce en 1527, un des artistes les plus recherchés de Florence, tant pour des commandes publiques de retables et de sujets religieux que de la part de particuliers qui souhaitaient obtenir leur portait. Près de trente d’entre eux nous sont parvenus: vingt-cinq ont été listés par Elena Capretti et Serena Padovani dans le catalogue de l’exposition Domenico Puligo (1492-1527), Un protagonista dimenticato della pittura fiorentina, Florence, 2002, et quelques-uns ont pu être ajoutés depuis, par exemple à Haddo House, (National Trust for Scotland). Notre panneau peut être rapproché des plusieurs portraits féminins, dans la collection royale anglaise, celui anciennement dans la collection Kisters à Kreuzlingen (vente anonyme Christie’s, Londres, 6décembre 2018, n°25), au musée national d’art occidental de Tokyo (acquis en 2014). Cette peinture appartient à la Haute Renaissance (1500-1530), moment où l’art occidental atteint un de ses sommets, lorsque les peintres florentins créèrent des œuvres d’art d’une portée universelle, considérés comme des étalons de la beauté absolue. L’extraordinaire souffle créateur de ce creuset se perçoit ici. Puligo assimile les avancées de Léonard dans le domaine du portrait psychologique situé dans un paysage mystérieux (Ginevra de’ Benci, la Joconde), de la monumentalité et de l’assurance des portraits de Raphaël, et la douceur des accords de couleurs suaves et raffinés de ses maîtres, Sarto, Pontormo et Rosso, juste avant le basculement dans le Maniérisme.

  • Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) - Portrait of a lady, as Mary Magdalene
    Dec. 06, 2018

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) - Portrait of a lady, as Mary Magdalene

    Est: £150,000 - £250,000

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait of a lady, as Mary Magdalene oil on panel 29 5/8 x 23 in. (75.2 x 58.4 cm.)

  • DOMENICO PULIGO (1492–1527) - Madonna and Child With Guardian Angel
    Nov. 18, 2018

    DOMENICO PULIGO (1492–1527) - Madonna and Child With Guardian Angel

    Est: Kč500,000 - Kč600,000

    Oil on panel. 78 x 53 cm.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527), Madonna con Bambino
    Nov. 14, 2018

    Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527), Madonna con Bambino

    Est: €14,000 - €18,000

    olio su tavola, cm 70x55

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • ATTRIBUTED TO DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) - Portrait of a young woman as a Sibyl
    Jul. 04, 2018

    ATTRIBUTED TO DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) - Portrait of a young woman as a Sibyl

    Est: £25,000 - £35,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) Portrait of a young woman as a Sibyl oil on panel 48.3 x 36.5cm (19 x 14 3/8in).

  • DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) - The Madonna and Child with attendant angels
    Jul. 04, 2018

    DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) - The Madonna and Child with attendant angels

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) The Madonna and Child with attendant angels oil on panel 75.3 x 53.3cm (29 5/8 x 21in).

  • Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527), Madonna con Bambino
    May. 30, 2018

    Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527), Madonna con Bambino

    Est: €20,000 - €25,000

    olio su tavola, cm 70x55

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • DOMENICO PULIGO | Madonna and Child
    Feb. 01, 2018

    DOMENICO PULIGO | Madonna and Child

    Est: $200,000 - $300,000

    oil on panel

  • DOMENICO PULIGO | The Madonna and Child, with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Apollonia in a landscape
    Jul. 06, 2017

    DOMENICO PULIGO | The Madonna and Child, with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Apollonia in a landscape

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    oil on poplar panel

    Mar. 11, 2017


    Est: -

    DOMENICO PULIGO (CIRCLE) Florence 1492 - 1527 ibid. THE HOLY FAMILY Oil on poplar (?), 87.5 cm by 66.5 cm. Verso: Old label with no. '67'; Old handwritten comment (illegible). Rest.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Attribué à Domenico PULIGO (1492-1527) La Vierge à l’Enfant avec le petit saint Jean et deux anges Panneau parqueté 108 × 81 cm (Res...
    Jun. 18, 2015

    Attribué à Domenico PULIGO (1492-1527) La Vierge à l’Enfant avec le petit saint Jean et deux anges Panneau parqueté 108 × 81 cm (Res...

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Attribué à Domenico PULIGO (1492-1527) La Vierge à l'Enfant avec le petit saint Jean et deux anges Panneau parqueté 108 × 81 cm (Restaurations et usures) Sans cadre Reprise avec de très légères variantes dans les fonds de l'oeuvre d'Andrea del Sarto (Panneau, 106,5 × 81 cm) monogrammée et conservée à la Wallace Collection à Londres (A. Natali et A. Cecchi, Andrea del Sarto. Catalogue complet des peintures, Paris, 1992, n° 30, reproduit en couleur).

  • CIRCLE OF DOMENICO PULIGO (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait of a bearded gentleman, bust-length, in black costume
    Apr. 29, 2015

    CIRCLE OF DOMENICO PULIGO (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait of a bearded gentleman, bust-length, in black costume

    Est: -

    CIRCLE OF DOMENICO PULIGO (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait of a bearded gentleman, bust-length, in black costume

  • Studio di Domenico di Bartolommeo Ubaldini, detto Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527) Madonna con Bambino e un Angelo
    Nov. 25, 2013

    Studio di Domenico di Bartolommeo Ubaldini, detto Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527) Madonna con Bambino e un Angelo

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Studio di Domenico di Bartolommeo Ubaldini, detto Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492 - 1527) Madonna con Bambino e un Angelo olio su tela, cm 94 x 72 Provenienza: Collezione Giudice J. A. Murnagham, asta Christie's, Dublino, 14 ottobre 1999, lotto 413 come "Scuola senese, fine del secolo XVI" STUDIO OF DOMENICO PULIGO (FLORENCE 1492-1527) MADONNA WITH THE CHILD AND AN ANGEL, OIL ON CANVAS, 94 X 72 CM

    Finarte Roma
  • Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527)
    Jul. 03, 2013

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527)

    Est: -

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) The Madonna and Child oil on panel 30 3/8 x 23 in. (77 x 58.4 cm.)

  • Attributed to Domenico Puligo. Florence 1492-1527. The Holy Family with Baby Saint John. Oil on panel. 115X96 cm
    Mar. 01, 2012

    Attributed to Domenico Puligo. Florence 1492-1527. The Holy Family with Baby Saint John. Oil on panel. 115X96 cm

    Est: €40,000 -

    Attributed to Domenico Puligo. Florence 1492-1527. The Holy Family with Baby Saint John. Oil on panel. 115X96 cm Atribuido a Domenico Puligo Florencia 1492 - 1527 Sagrada Familia con San Juanito Óleo sobre tabla 115x96 cm

    Dec. 08, 2011


    Est: £50,000 - £80,000


  • Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492-1527)
    Nov. 25, 2011

    Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492-1527)

    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    Domenico Puligo (Firenze 1492-1527) Madonna col Bambino e San Giovannino olio su tavola 97,5x72,5 cm

  • Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-after 1527)
    Apr. 13, 2011

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-after 1527)

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-after 1527) attributed to

  • Attributed to Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait of a young lady, bust-length,
    Apr. 13, 2011

    Attributed to Domenico Puligo (Florence 1492-1527) Portrait of a young lady, bust-length,

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Portrait of a young lady, bust-length, in a grey dress and a green turban oil on panel 48.5 x 37cm (19 1/8 x 14 9/16in).

Lots Per Page: