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Judy Prosser Art for Sale and Sold Prices

Judy's artistic career began at the very early age of 6, when she spent afternoons after school drawing pictures in chalk on the blackboard of the school where her father was a schoolteacher. Encouraged by him to draw, she filled sketchbooks throughout her childhood and teens, with drawings mostly of animals, and especially of horses, her passion.
After studying art for three years and attaining a Diploma in Fine Art at the Claremont School of Art, in Perth, Western Australia in 1978, she headed north to the Kimberley , W.A., and on to Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory. In the north of Australia she discovered all the subjects of her dreams; wetlands, rivers and billabongs full of crocodiles, waterbirds and wildlife, and a vast and changing wild landscape.

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About Judy Prosser


Judy's artistic career began at the very early age of 6, when she spent afternoons after school drawing pictures in chalk on the blackboard of the school where her father was a schoolteacher. Encouraged by him to draw, she filled sketchbooks throughout her childhood and teens, with drawings mostly of animals, and especially of horses, her passion.
After studying art for three years and attaining a Diploma in Fine Art at the Claremont School of Art, in Perth, Western Australia in 1978, she headed north to the Kimberley , W.A., and on to Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory. In the north of Australia she discovered all the subjects of her dreams; wetlands, rivers and billabongs full of crocodiles, waterbirds and wildlife, and a vast and changing wild landscape.