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Jan Thorn Prikker Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Commercial artist, Glass painter, Etcher, Mosaizist, Lithographer, Sculptor, b. 1868 - d. 1932

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  • Thorn Prikker, Johan: Abstrakte Komposition (Glasfenster)
    Nov. 30, 2024

    Thorn Prikker, Johan: Abstrakte Komposition (Glasfenster)

    Est: €2,600 - €3,500

    Abstrakte Komposition (Glasfenster) Bleiglasfenster. Farbiges Mosaik mit Bleiruten. Um 1928. 106 x 41,4 cm. In hellem Blau und Grün schimmern die farbigen Glasfelder aus der dunkeltonigen abstrakten Komposition hervor. Die Bleiruten besitzen darin eine sowohl tragende als auch zugleich strukturierende Funktion. Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen dem fragilen, transparenten Material Glas, den schimmernden metallischen Elementen und dem ständig wechselnden, die Farben zum Leben erweckenden Licht ist charakteristisch für die Glasmalereien und Mosaike des niederländischen Künstlers Johan Thorn Prikker. Während er in seinem Frühwerk mit expressionistischen und neoimpressionistischen Techniken experimentierte, nähert er sich schließlich künstlerisch dem späten Jugendstil an. So fand er zu seinem ganz eigenen Stil, der sich von den anfänglich intensiv genutzten figurativen Elementen zu einer streng geometrischen Formsprache hin entwickelte. Im Zentrum seiner Kunst stehen der Mensch und eine tiefe Religiosität. 1926 ließ sich Thorn Prikker, nach sechs Jahren Lehre für Glasmalerei an der Königlichen Kunstgewerbeschule in München und an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, in Köln als Professor nieder. In dieser Zeit fertigte er die vorliegende Arbeit an. - Provenienz: Sammlung Derix, Kevelaer - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)
    Nov. 14, 2024

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Bearing of the cross, signed 'J Thorn Prikker.' (lower right), pencil and watercolour on paper, 29,5x9 cm,

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Original Vintage 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Apr. 20, 2024

    Original Vintage 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,000 - $1,200

    Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932 Niederländisch-Indische Kunstausstellung Krefeld Lithograph 1906 28.7 x 36.6 in. (73 x 93 cm) Printer: no information Condition Details: (A-) on linen, small margin tears, minimal staining at the bottom#Germany #Netherlands #Art #Rare #Art Nouveau #Horizontal

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Original 1903 Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Apr. 20, 2024

    Original 1903 Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,800 - $2,200

    Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932 Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld Lithograph 1903 33.4 x 47.6 in. (85 x 121 cm) Printer: S. Lankhout & Co. Haag Condition Details: (A) tiny tears and minimal creasing in the top and bottom margins on the left#Germany #Netherlands #Art #Rare #Art Nouveau #Horizontal

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Hollandische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1905.
    Mar. 03, 2024

    Hollandische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1905.

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    ARTIST: JOHAN THORN-PRIKKER (1868-1932) SIZE: 47 3/8 x 33 7/8 in./120.2 x 86 cm PRINTER: Lith. S. Lankhout, Haag DESCRIPTION: Thorn-Prikker was best known for his religious stained-glass work, and that influence is fully on display in this poster, which combines the organic embellishments of Art Nouveau with the fragmented lines of soon-to-come German Expressionism. Announced is a Dutch art exhibition at Krefeld's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. This is the second-printing edition of the design. (Art Nouveau; Exhibitions)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • JOHAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L'ART APPLIQUÉ. 1896. 53x36¾ inches, 134½x93¼ cm. S. Lankhout en Co., The Hag
    Feb. 29, 2024

    JOHAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L'ART APPLIQUÉ. 1896. 53x36¾ inches, 134½x93¼ cm. S. Lankhout en Co., The Hag

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    JOHAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932) REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L'ART APPLIQUÉ. 1896. 53x36¾ inches, 134½x93¼ cm. S. Lankhout en Co., The Hague. Condition B / B+: repaired tears, minor replaced losses, creases and abrasions in margins and image and along vertical and horizontal folds; repaired tears and restoration along seam; repaired pin holes in top corners; Ed. Sagot ink stamp in bottom margin. Two-sheets. A graduate of the Academy of Fine arts in The Hague, Thorn Prikker went on to become an artist in many fields, including painting, stained glass and mosaics. In 1903 he moved to Germany where he began teaching at the art school in Krefeld. Dutch Poster 83, Modern Dutch Poster 6.

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Dec. 07, 2023


    Est: €700 - €1,200

    The Hague, S. Lankhout, 1903. Lithography, 121.5 x 86 cm. Excellent condition.

    Zwiggelaar Auctions
  • Prikker, Johan Thorn: Abstrakte Komposition (Glasfenster St. Georg, Köln)
    Dec. 02, 2023

    Prikker, Johan Thorn: Abstrakte Komposition (Glasfenster St. Georg, Köln)

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    Abstrakte Komposition (Glasfenster St. Georg, Köln) -- Bleiglasfenster. Farbiges Mosaik mit Bleiruten. Um 1928. -- 106 x 101 cm. -- -- Zahlreiche dunkle und vereinzelt farbige Glasfelder ergeben in Kombination mit den tragenden und zugleich strukturierenden Bleistreben eine eindrucksvolle Komposition. Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen dem Material Glas, metallischen Elementen und dem ständig wechselnden, die Farben zum Leben erweckenden Licht ist charakteristisch für die monumentalen Wandgemälde, Glasmalereien und Mosaike, die das künstlerische Werk des niederländischen Künstlers Johan Thorn Prikker bestimmen. Während er in seinem Frühwerk mit expressionistischen und neoimpressionistischen Techniken experimentierte, nähert er sich schließlich künstlerisch dem späten Jugendstil an, welcher ihm für die Entwicklung seiner eigenen Malweise als Ausgangspunkt diente. Im Zentrum seiner Kunst stehen der Mensch und religiöse Motive. 1926 ließ sich Prikker, nach sechs Jahren Lehre für Glasmalerei an der Königlichen Kunstgewerbeschule in München und an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, in Köln als Professor an der Werkschule nieder. In dieser Zeit fertigte er die vorliegende Arbeit als Auftragsarbeit für die Romanische Basilika St. Georg in Köln an. Die tiefe Religiosität des Künstlers zieht sich durch einen großen Teil seiner Werke. Dabei fand Johan Thorn Prikker zu seinem ganz eigenen Stil, der sich von den anfänglich intensiv genutzten figurativen Elementen zu einer streng geometrischen Formsprache hin entwickelte. Das Fenster wurde in den Kriegsjahren aus der Basilika St. Georg in Köln ausgebaut. -- -- - Provenienz: Sammlung Derix, Kevelaer -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Prikker, Johan Thorn: Abstrakte Komposition (Heillige Drei Könige, Neuss)
    Dec. 02, 2023

    Prikker, Johan Thorn: Abstrakte Komposition (Heillige Drei Könige, Neuss)

    Est: €2,600 - €3,500

    Abstrakte Komposition (Heillige Drei Könige, Neuss) -- Bleiglasfenster. Farbiges Mosaik mit Bleiruten in Holzrahmen. Um 1912. -- 72 x 52 cm. -- -- Feinteilig und mit zart abgestimmter Farbigkeit strukturieren abstrahierte Elemente den Fensterentwurf für die Dreikönigskirche der gleichnamigen römisch-katholischen Pfarrgemeinde in Neuss. Der niederländische Künstler Johan Thorn Prikker wurde im Jahr 1911 damit beauftragt, alle sechs Chorfenster sowie die vier Fenster des Querschiffs der dreischiffigen Basilika zu gestalten. Bereits im ersten Halbjahr 1912 stellte er seine Auftragsarbeit fertig, der Einbau wurde jedoch vom Kölner Generalvikariat vorerst untersagt. Eine überwältigende Zustimmung der Kunstwelt erfuhren die Fensterentwürfe trotzdem, da sie 1913 auf der Kölner Ausstellung des Deutschen Werkbundes gezeigt wurden. Erst 1919 wurde der Einbau von der erzbischöflichen Behörde doch genehmigt. In den Jahren 1928-1929 folgten von Prikker neu geschaffene Fenster für das Langhaus, die 1945 durch eine Luftmine zerstört wurden. Die älteren Kirchenfenster waren 1940 vorsorglich ausgebaut worden. -- -- - Provenienz: Sammlung Derix, Kevelaer -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Thorn-Prikker, Johan: Mosaik
    Nov. 04, 2023

    Thorn-Prikker, Johan: Mosaik

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Johan Thorn-Prikker 1868 Den Haag - 1932 Köln Mosaic Colored glass stones on plaster after a design by Johan Thorn-Prikker; H 50.5 cm, W 45.5 cm; verso on the frame with stamped number ''R 988 k''; executed in the Vereinigte Werkstätten für Mosaik und Glasmalerei Berlin

    Peter Karbstein - Kunst und Auktionshaus
  • JOHAN (JAN) THORN PRIKKER, DUTCH 1868-1932, THE THINKER, CIRCA 1925, Mosaic: glass tesserae and mortar, Approx. 57 x 33 1/2 in. (144.8 x 85.1 cm.)
    Oct. 04, 2023

    JOHAN (JAN) THORN PRIKKER, DUTCH 1868-1932, THE THINKER, CIRCA 1925, Mosaic: glass tesserae and mortar, Approx. 57 x 33 1/2 in. (144.8 x 85.1 cm.)

    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    JOHAN (JAN) THORN PRIKKER DUTCH, 1868-1932 THE THINKER, CIRCA 1925 Mosaic: glass tesserae and mortar Produced by Puhl & Wagner, Berlin; verso inscribed: R1040, Detail A.D. Abendmahl, ENTW / Prof. Thorn Prikker, AUSF / Puhl-Wagner-Heinersdorff, Mosaik Größe, 81.5/140, Gewicht, 41kg

    Potomack Company
  • Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). "Het Jongetje door Henri Borel".
    May. 19, 2022

    Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). "Het Jongetje door Henri Borel".

    Est: €100 - €150

    Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). "Het Jongetje door Henri Borel". Uncut and unfolded proof cliche print of the wrapper, 20x30,2 cm., monogrammed in the block. - Waterstain along left edge. = Braches... Monogrammist "CK" (first half 20th cent.). "G.A. van Rossem 1923 1924 Rozen en vruchtboomen Naarden". Col. lithogr. wrapper, 24x31,6 cm., monogrammed on the stone. = Braches 2089 (1898).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Sep. 18, 2021

    RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,200 - $1,500

    Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932 Nederländisch-Indische Kunstausstellung Krefeld Lithograph 1906 28.7 x 36.6 in. (73 x 93 cm) Printer: oV Condition Details: (A/A-) tiny margin tears, 2 in./6 cm tear at the center right edge

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)
    Sep. 08, 2021

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932), “Niederländisch-Indische Kunstausstellung im Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum zu Krefeld vom 5. Oct. bis 4. Nov. 1906”. Col. lithogr. poster with German caption (incl. lithogr. correction slip with amended date “vom 5. Oct.” mounted in lower left part). Signed “Johann Thorn-Prikker” on the stone (in lower right corner). Ca. 72,5 x 93 cm. (image). Framed (behind glass). A few small imperfections (several tiny closed tears in upper margin, occ. sl. soiled in outer margins), but nevertheless an attractive poster in good condition (not examined out of frame).

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Revue Bimestrielle Poster Johan Thorn Prikker,1896
    Jul. 12, 2021

    Revue Bimestrielle Poster Johan Thorn Prikker,1896

    Est: $600 - $1,200

    Original Dutch linen backed lithograph poster REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L ART APPLIQUE, 1896. Artist: Johan Thorn Prikker (The Hague, The Netherlands, 1868-1932 Cologne, Germany). Advertisement poster for publication by H. Kleinmann et Cie., Harlem, Holland, showing the crucifixion of Christ. Lithograph, color. Linen backed. Dimensions: Linen: 36 1/2 in. x 53 in., Poster: 34 3/4 in. x 50 3/4 in. Publisher: The Hague: Lith.S. Lankhout. Good overall estate condition, linen backed, professionally restored. Provenance: Boston, Massachusetts Estate. NOT A REPRINT.

    Kensington Estate Auctions
    Jun. 25, 2021


    Est: €800 - €1,500

    Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld, Kaiser Wilhelm-Museum, vom 20 Mai bis 2 August 1903 - Dutch Art Exhibition in Krefeld, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, from 20 May to 2 August 1903. Lith. S. Lankhout & Co., Den Haag, the Netherlands. 83.5 x 121.5 cm. Excellent copy.

    Zwiggelaar Auctions
  • Original 1903 Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Jun. 19, 2021

    Original 1903 Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932 Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld Lithograph 1903 33.8 x 47.6 in. (86 x 121 cm) Printer: S. Lankhout & Co. Haag Condition Details: (A) slight diagonal crease in the top right corner

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Prikker, Johan Thorn: Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld
    Apr. 15, 2021

    Prikker, Johan Thorn: Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld

    Est: €500 - €800

    Prikker, Johan Thorn. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld vom 20 Mai bis 2 August 1903 im Kaiser Wilhelm-Museum. Farblithographie. 85,5 x 121 cm. Den Haag, S. Lankhout, 1903. -- Müller-Brockmann 51. Wember 751. – "Im Sommer pflegt eine größere, mehrere Gebiete künstlerischer Thätigkeit umfassende oder die moderne Kunst eines ganzen Volkes in vortrefflicher Auslese vorführende Ausstellung weit über den Krefelder Bezirk hinaus Besucher anzulocken ... ziemlich lückenlose Übersicht über die holländische Kunst unserer Zeit" (Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, 12/1903, S. 511). – Auf feinem, glatten Velin, wohlerhalten.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). HOLLÄNDISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG IN KREFELD. 1903. 33x47 inches, 85x120 cm. S. Lankhout & Co., The Hague.
    Feb. 18, 2021

    JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). HOLLÄNDISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG IN KREFELD. 1903. 33x47 inches, 85x120 cm. S. Lankhout & Co., The Hague.

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932) HOLLÄNDISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG IN KREFELD. 1903. 33 1/2x47 1/2 inches, 85x120 1/2 cm. S. Lankhout & Co., The Hague. Condition A. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague, Thorn Prikker went on to become an artist in many mediums, including painting, stained glass and mosaics. In 1903, he moved to Germany, where he began teaching at the art school in Krefeld and designed three posters for Krefeld's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. This is the most famous of the three, consistently exhibited as a classic example of Dutch Art Nouveau style. Dutch Poster 97, Modern Poster 38, Plakat Kunst p. 52, Century p. 182, Wember 753, German Expressionist Art 27, Muller-Brockmann 51, The Poster 68.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Krefeld / Niederlandisch-Indische Kunstausstellung. 1906.
    Jul. 21, 2020

    Krefeld / Niederlandisch-Indische Kunstausstellung. 1906.

    Est: $1,200 - $1,500

    ARTIST: JOHAN THORN-PRIKKER (1868-1932) SIZE: 36 1/2 x 29 in./92.7 x 73.7 cm PRINTER: DESCRIPTION: Thorn-Prikker was a Dutch Art Nouveau painter and designer who also was an important figure in religious art, best known for his stained glass windows. His most famous painting is the mystical “The Bride,” created in 1893. Poster design, however, was not a sideline pursuit—it constituted an important part of his artistic practice. Here, he produces one of the more remarkable fusions of aesthetics one is likely to see: the interlacing of Vienna Secession and Asian patterns, for an exhibition of the arts of the Dutch East Indies at the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum in Germany. (Art Nouveau; Exhibitions; German)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Johan Thorn Prikker, Abstrakte Komposition (Der Tag), Circa 1925-1926
    Jun. 20, 2020

    Johan Thorn Prikker, Abstrakte Komposition (Der Tag), Circa 1925-1926

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Unsigned. With a photo-certificate by Christiane Heiser, Cologne, dated 17 Oct. 2013

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Jan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)
    Oct. 10, 2019

    Jan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    The ThinkerCirca 1925Made by Puhl & Wagner, Berlin, glass terresaeThe back stenciled R1040, Detail A.D. Abendmahl, ENTW: Prof. Thorn Prikker, AUSF:Puhl-Wagner-Heinersdorff, Mosaik Größe, 81,5/140, Gewicht, 41kg.height 56 1/4in (142cm); width 33 1/2in (85cm)

  • RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Jun. 19, 2019

    RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $900 - $1,600

    Artist: Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932. Nederländisch-Indische Kunstausstellung Krefeld. Technique: Lithograph 1906. Size: 28.7 x 36.6 in. (73 x 93 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (kein) tiny margin tears, 2 in./6 cm tear at the center right edge (A/A-). Estimate: $1600. Reserve / Starting Price: $900.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • RARE Original Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Jun. 19, 2019

    RARE Original Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,200 - $2,000

    Artist: Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. Technique: Lithograph 1903. Size: 33.8 x 47.6 in. (86 x 121 cm). Printer: S. Lankhout & Co. Haag. Condition Details: (A) minimal staining in the margins, slight vertical crease in the upper right margin. Estimate: $2000. Reserve / Starting Price: $1200.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Jun. 08, 2019

    RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $900 - $1,600

    Artist: Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932. Nederländisch-Indische Kunstausstellung Krefeld. Technique: Lithograph 1906. Size: 28.7 x 36.6 in. (73 x 93 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (kein) tiny margin tears, 2 in./6 cm tear at the center right edge (A/A-). Estimate: $1600. Reserve / Starting Price: $900.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • RARE Original Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Jun. 08, 2019

    RARE Original Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,200 - $2,000

    Artist: Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. Technique: Lithograph 1903. Size: 33.8 x 47.6 in. (86 x 121 cm). Printer: S. Lankhout & Co. Haag. Condition Details: (A) minimal staining in the margins, slight vertical crease in the upper right margin. Estimate: $2000. Reserve / Starting Price: $1200.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Withdrawn
    May. 22, 2019


    Est: -


    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)
    May. 22, 2019

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)

    Est: €500 - €700

    Bescherming/Christus verschijning droom'/The revelation of Christ in a dream pencil and crayon on paper on board, 36x44 cm signed and dated 'J. Thorn Prikker/1917' (lower left); titled (lower right) Various sketches on the reverse of the board

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1903.
    Feb. 24, 2019

    Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1903.

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    ARTIST: JOHAN THORN-PRIKKER (1868-1932) SIZE: 47 1/2 x 33 3/8 in./121 x 84.8 cm PRINTER: Lith. S. Lankhout, Haag DESCRIPTION: Thorn-Prikker was best known for his religious stained-glass work, and that influence is fully on display in this poster, which combines the organic embellishments of Art Nouveau with the fragmented lines of soon-to-come German Expressionism. Announced is a Dutch art exhibition at Krefeld's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. This is the rare, final state of the design, with gray filling in the previous white areas. (Art Nouveau; Art Exhibitions)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Nov. 03, 2018

    RARE Original 1900s Dutch Art Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,000 - $1,800

    Artist: Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932. Nederländisch-Indische Kunstausstellung Krefeld. Technique: Lithograph 1906. Size: 28.7 x 36.6 in. (73 x 93 cm). Printer: no information. Condition Details: (kein) tiny margin tears. 2 in./6 cm tear at the center right edge (A/A-). Estimate: $1800. Reserve / Starting Price: $1000.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • RARE Original Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER
    Nov. 03, 2018

    RARE Original Dutch Art Exhibition Poster THORN-PRIKKER

    Est: $1,200 - $2,000

    Artist: Thorn-Prikker, Johan 1868 - 1932. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. Technique: Lithograph 1903. Size: 33.8 x 47.6 in. (86 x 121 cm). Printer: S. Lankhout & Co. Haag. Condition Details: (A) minimal staining in the margins, slight vertical crease in the upper right margin. Estimate: $2000. Reserve / Starting Price: $1200.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond,1900, Color lithograph.
    Oct. 10, 2018

    After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond,1900, Color lithograph.

    Est: $100 - $200

    After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond,1900, Color lithograph. H: 32.5 W: 46 in.

    Gray's Auctioneers
  • After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond,1900, Color lithograph.
    Aug. 08, 2018

    After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond,1900, Color lithograph.

    Est: $150 - $250

    After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond,1900, Color lithograph. H: 32.5 W: 46 in.

    Gray's Auctioneers
  • Krefeld / Niederlandisch-Indische Kunstausstellung. 1906.
    Jun. 26, 2018

    Krefeld / Niederlandisch-Indische Kunstausstellung. 1906.

    Est: $1,200 - $1,500

    ARTIST: JOHAN THORN-PRIKKER (1868-1932) SIZE: 36 3/8 x 28 5/8 in./92.2 x 72.7 cm DESCRIPTION: Thorn-Prikker was a Dutch Art Nouveau painter and designer who also was an important figure in religious art, best known for his stained glass windows. His most famous painting is the mystical “The Bride,” created in 1893. Poster design, however, was not a sideline pursuit – it constituted an important part of his artistic practice. Here, he produces one of the more remarkable fusions of aesthetics one is likely to see: the interlacing of Vienna Secession and Asian patterns, for an exhibition of the arts of the Dutch East Indies at the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum in Germany. (Secession; Exhibition)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond, 1900, Color lithograph.
    May. 07, 2018

    After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond, 1900, Color lithograph.

    Est: $300 - $500

    After Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Nieuwe Kunst Rond, 1900, Color lithograph. Framed and glazed. H: 32 1/2 W: 46 in.

    Gray's Auctioneers
  • Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). (Abstract compositi
    Nov. 24, 2016

    Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). (Abstract compositi

    Est: €50 - €70

    Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). (Abstract composition). Lithograph, printed in green, 41,2x36 cm. - ON: Letterpress announcement by H.P. BREMMER, announcing a course in art history. - Folded twice (as published?). AND 1 other by the same.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Plakate - - Thorn-Prikker, Jan. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld (.
    Nov. 05, 2016

    Plakate - - Thorn-Prikker, Jan. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld (.

    Est: €600 - €900

    Plakate - - Thorn-Prikker, Jan. Holländische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld (...) im Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. Farbig lithographiertes Plakat. Den Haag, Druck bei Langhout, 1903. Ca. 86,5 x 121,5 cm. In der Vorlage bezeichnet. - Neu auf Leinwand doubliert. - Minimal gebräunt, gut erhalten.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)
    Aug. 31, 2016

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)

    Est: €300 - €500

    Landschap met boeren en werkpaarden rechtsonder get. in initialen houtskool op papier 28x56 cm Herkomst: Cologne Kölnischer Kunstverein1920 no.8

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)
    May. 25, 2016

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932)

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Landschap met boeren en werkpaarden rechtsonder get. in initialen houtskool op papier, 28x56 cm Herkomst: Cologne, Kölnischer Kunstverein, 1920, no.8

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
  • Hollandische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1903
    May. 15, 2016

    Hollandische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1903

    Est: $3,500 - $4,000

    Artist: JOHAN THORN-PRIKKER (1868-1932) Size: 47 1/2 x 33 7/8 in./121 x 86 cm Lith. S. Lankhout, Haag The fact that Thorn-Prikker was best known for his religious stained glass work is not lost in this poster, which combines the organic embellishments of Art Nouveau with the fragmented lines of soon-to-come German Expressionism. Announced is a Dutch art exhibition at Krefeld's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. This is the second-printing edition of the design.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L'ART APPLIQUÉ. 1896. 53x36 inches, 134x93 cm. S. Lankhout en Co., The Hague.
    Feb. 11, 2016

    JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L'ART APPLIQUÉ. 1896. 53x36 inches, 134x93 cm. S. Lankhout en Co., The Hague.

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932) REVUE BIMESTRIELLE POUR L'ART APPLIQUÉ. 1896. 53x36 3/4 inches, 134 1/2x93 1/4 cm. S. Lankhout en Co., The Hague. Condition B+ / B: repaired tears, minor restored losses, creases and abrasions in margins and image and along vertical and horizontal folds; repaired pin holes in top corners; ink stamp in bottom margin. Two-sheets.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Hollandische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1903
    Jan. 31, 2016

    Hollandische Kunstausstellung in Krefeld. 1903

    Est: $2,500 - $3,000

    Artist: JOHAN THORN-PRIKKER (1868-1932) Size: 47 1/2 x 34 in./120.7 x 86.5 cm Lith. S. Lankhout, Haag The fact that Thorn-Prikker was best known for his religious stained glass work is not lost in this poster, which combines the organic embellishments of Art Nouveau with the fragmented lines of soon-to-come German Expressionism. Announced is a Dutch art exhibition at Krefeld's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. This is the second-printing edition of the design.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). "Emael". Drawing, 1
    Nov. 26, 2015

    Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). "Emael". Drawing, 1

    Est: €80 - €100

    Thorn Prikker, J. (1868-1932). "Emael". Drawing, 1890, black crayon, 27,7x42,8 cm., titled and w. annots. in colours. = From the collection of H.P. Bremmer, with a similar drawing on verso.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Johan Thorn Prikker, Figürliche Szene. Verso mit Bleistiftskizze einer Mutter und Kind-Gruppe, Circa 1890
    May. 29, 2015

    Johan Thorn Prikker, Figürliche Szene. Verso mit Bleistiftskizze einer Mutter und Kind-Gruppe, Circa 1890

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Signed 'J Thorn Prikker' in pencil lower right. 38.3 x 50.6 cm Circa, 1890

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). HOLLÄNDISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG IN KREFELD. 1903. 33x47 inches, 85x121 cm. S. Lankhout & Co., The Hague.
    May. 07, 2015

    JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932). HOLLÄNDISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG IN KREFELD. 1903. 33x47 inches, 85x121 cm. S. Lankhout & Co., The Hague.

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    JAN THORN PRIKKER (1868-1932) HOLLÄNDISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG IN KREFELD. 1903. 33 1/2x47 3/4 inches, 85x121 1/4 cm. S. Lankhout & Co., The Hague. Condition A / A-: tear in upper left corner. Paper. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague, Thorn Prikker went on to become an artist in many mediums, including painting, stained glass and mosaics. In 1903, he moved to Germany, where he began teaching at the art school in Krefeld and designed three posters for Krefeld's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. This is the most famous of the three, consistently exhibited as a classic example of Dutch Art Nouveau style. Dutch Poster 97, Modern Poster 38, Plakat Kunst p. 52, Century p. 182, Wember 753, German Expressionist Art 27, Muller-Brockmann 51, The Poster 68.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • JOHAN THORN PRIKKER, Abstract composition (Der Tag), ca. 1925/26
    Nov. 26, 2013

    JOHAN THORN PRIKKER, Abstract composition (Der Tag), ca. 1925/26

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Mosaic 97 x 197 x 4 cm, framed with metal bars. Unsigned. - Good original condition. With few inconspicuous blemishes and occasional tiny losses of colour to the gilding on few stones. With a photo-certificate from Christiane Heiser, Cologne, dated 11 October 2013 Provenance Former collection Dr. Gustav Stein, Honrath; private possession, Rhineland In 1923, Thorn-Prikker was named professor of monumental art at the academy of arts in Düsseldorf. Here he was able to fulfil a long-term wish of his, to have his own glass painting and mosaic studio. In 1926, the artist moved to Cologne at the invitation of Richard Riemerschmid, where he became head of the newly established department for mosaic, glass painting and mural design at the progressive "Kölner Werkschulen" in Cologne. His many, mainly architecturally bound works show Thorn-Prikker's mastery of the mosaic technique. He was not only perfectly skilled in the use of the material, but also produced varied and high quality works in an unconventional style full of symbolic significance. It was his achievement not only to revive a technique which had been known since antiquity, but also to use and develop it as a modern artistic form of expression. The present mosaic is made up of autonomous lines and rhythmically arranged planar forms. Although the depiction seems primarily ornamental, the irregularly arranged squares appear as spotlights emitting diagonal, dynamic beams of light - the spatial and planar structures change like in a picture puzzle. Through this quality and the use of transparent or gleaming gold mosaic stones, the image acquires a transcendental character. The clever use of light and reflection makes heavy forms appear light, and suggests a reconciled feeling of man's unity with nature and the cosmos. Thorn-Prikker created two mosaics "Der Tag" (The Day) and "Die Nacht" (The Night), as well as a glass window for the corner pavilions in the Düsseldorf Ehrenhof in 1925. They were made in Thorn-Prikker's own studio under the direction of Otto Wiegmann (cf. Christiane Heiser/Mienke Simon Thomas/Barbara Til [ed.], Johan Thorn-Prikker. Mit allen Regeln der Kunst. Vom Jugendstil zur Abstraktion, Rotterdam/Düsseldorf 2010, p.224). The present piece is also part of the mosaic "Der Tag", presumably also carried out under Otto Wiegmann (Christiane Heiser in her certificate; cf. Paul Wember, Johan Thorn-Prikker, mit einem Werkverzeichnis von Johannes Cladders, Krefeld 1966, p. 130 with illus. p. 131).

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • JOHAN THORN PRIKKER, Soleil à midi, c. 1900
    Nov. 26, 2013

    JOHAN THORN PRIKKER, Soleil à midi, c. 1900

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Wax crayon drawing on ivory-coloured laid paper with watermark "INGRES" 46.5 x 59.9/60.2 cm, framed under glass. Inscribed, monogrammed and dated 'Soleil à midi / [with additional illegible toponym] / J T P 00' [?] lower right. - Firmly mounted on ivory-coloured light card. Professionally restored in the upper quarter of sheet due to minor marginal defects. Provenance Private collection, Rhineland Exhibition Rotterdam/Düsseldorf 2010/2011 (Museum Boijmans van Beuningen/museum kunst palast), Johan Thorn Prikker, De Jugendstil vorbij/ Mit allen Regeln der Kunst. Vom Jugendstil zur Abstraktion, p. 94 f. with colour illus.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Boeren met
    May. 29, 2013

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Boeren met

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Johan Thorn Prikker (1868-1932) Boeren met werkpaarden r.o. get. in initialen houtskool op papier, 28x56 cm Herkomst: Cologne, Kölnischer Kunstverein, 1920, No.8

    Venduehuis der Notarissen
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