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Luigi Premazzi Sold at Auction Prices

Water colorist

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  • Luigi Premazzi
    Sep. 09, 2023

    Luigi Premazzi

    Est: €3,600 - €7,200

    (1814 Mailand - 1891 Konstantinopel) Betendes Mädchen in tiefer Andacht Realistisches Profilbildnis des Mädchens in weißer Bluse und Haube. Durch sein figürliches Motiv und seine Technik höchst außergewöhnliches Werk im Oeuvre Premazzis, der sonst fast ausschließlich Landschaften und Architekturveduten in Aquarell- bzw. Gouachetechnik ausführte. Premazzi studierte an der Brera-Akademie und in der Kunstschule von Giovanni Migliara, 1842-1848 stellte er regelmäßig in der Brera-Akademie aus. Um 1850 ging Premazzi nach St. Petersburg, wo er Zar Nikolaus I. auffiel, der den Künstler mit Ansichten von Alexandria und Kronstadt beauftragte. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an begann Premazzis Aufstieg als Künstler am Zarenhof und in den höchsten Kreisen der Aristokratie. 1854 wurde Premazzi zum Akademiker ernannt, 1861 begann er als Professor seine Lehrtätigkeit an der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Künste, 1880 wurde auf Anregung Premazzis die Kaiserliche Gesellschaft der Aquarellisten gegründet. Eine Kollektion von Werken Premazzis befindet sich im Russischen Museum in Sankt Petersburg, mehr als 70 Aquarelle und Zeichnungen in der Eremitage. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; R. u. sign.; 60 cm x 49 cm. Rahmen. Abgebildet in: Guiseppe Luigi Marini: "Il valore dei dipinti dell'Ottocento e del primo Novecento", XXIX. Auflage (2011-2012), Hrsg. Umberto Allemandi, Turin 2011. Beigefügt: Schreiben von G. L. Marini vom 3.11.2010 zum Gemälde. Oil on canvas, relined. Signed. Accompanied by a letter from G. L. Marini, 3rd of November 2010, concerning the painting.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • LUIGI PREMAZZI (Milan, 1814 - Istanbul, 1891)
    Apr. 27, 2023

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (Milan, 1814 - Istanbul, 1891)

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    a) Portrait of Countess Beatrice Giulini born Belgioioso; b) Portrait of a Lombard gentleman linked to the Belgioiso family; c) Portrait of Count Cesare Giulini; d) Portrait of Count Giorgio Giulini della Porta; e) Portrait of a Lombard nobleman linked to the Belgioiso family. Series of five drawings Pencil and ink on paper; a) cm. 24,9x19,5; b) cm. 25,5x20; c) cm. 12x18,5; d) cm. 11,9x17,8; e) cm. 19x12. a) The drawing bears the pencil signature in the lower right-hand corner: "L.GI PREMAZZI 1839" and bears an ink inscription in the lower margin: "CONTESSA M. BEATRICE GIULINI NATA BELGIOISO / AUTUNNO 1839 IN ETÀ D'ANNI 45".. b) The drawing bears the pencil signature in the right-hand corner: "L.GI PREMAZZI 1839" and is inscribed in ink: "ING [...] GIULIO / MORÌ NEL 1859". c) The drawing bears the pencil signature at lower left: "PREMAZZI 1839" and bears the ink inscription: "C.TE CESARE GIULINI / 1839 AUTUNNO". d) The drawing bears the pencil signature at lower right: "PREMAZZI 1839" and bears an ink inscription in the lower margin: "CONTE GIORGIO GIULINI DELLA PORTA 1839 / AUTUNNO". e) The drawing bears an ink inscription in the lower margin: "1839 AUTUNNO / ANTONIO [...] / MORÌ NEL 1853". PROVENANCE: Private collection, Lombardy.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814 – 1891) Port of Civitavecchia
    Mar. 08, 2023

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814 – 1891) Port of Civitavecchia

    Est: €4,750 - €5,200

    signed and dated ‘L Premazzi 1871’ lower left, old label on reverse bearing inscription ‘N2 L Premazzi / c/o Lloyd / 32 Cornhill London/ Civitavecchia The Harbour’ watercolour on paper 24.5 x 35 cm (a vue) An Italian painter, Luigi (Ludwig Ossipovich) Premazzi, lived and worked in Italy, Russia, and Turkey. Luigi Premazzi was born in Milan and studied in Milan at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. He presented work regularly at the exhibitions of the Società Promotrice di Belle Arti in Turin from 1842 to 1848 as well as those of the Brera Academy. When he moved to Russia, he became one of the most popular masters amongst Russian aristocrats in the middle of 19th century. From 1854, he bore the title of Academician of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg.

    Hermitage Fine Art
    Nov. 30, 2022


    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Milano, 1814 - Costantinopoli, 1891 Veduta di Sant'Eustorgio a Milano Firmato L Premazzi e datato 1844 in basso a sinistra Olio su tela, cm 45X34 Insieme ad altri importanti artisti quali Giovanni Migliara, Luigi Bisi, Canella e Inganni, il Premazzi rappresenta al meglio un'importante stagione pittorica lombarda, quella del Romanticismo. Molto apprezzato come acquarellista, l'artista frequenta l'Accademia di Belle Arti sotto la guida di Migliara e Corrodi, nel 1834 viene chiamato a San Pietroburgo dove si stabilisce e dove, in seguito, insegnerà all'Accademia Russa: nel 1887 fonda a San Pietroburgo il Circolo degli acquarellisti russi. Un dipinto raffigurante la Chiesa di Sant'Eustorgio, di proprietà del Cavalier G.B. Biscarra, è stato presentato alla IV Esposizione di Belle Arti alla Promotrice di Torino nel 1845. Rimane iconica la Veduta del Duomo di Milano visto da Corso Francesco della collezione Poggi esposto nel 1941 nelle Grandi Raccolte dell'Ottocento. Le sue opere documentano in maniera eccellente le trasformazioni della città, rappresentata non solo nel suo solenne centro monumentale con i suoi importanti edifici, ma anche nella vivacità quotidiana dei quartieri più popolari, come quelli lungo le rive dei Navigli. L'opera qui illustrata ben mostra la sua pittura scrupolosa e attenta al dettaglio, che conferisce ai suoi dipinti una preziosa valenza documentaria, senza tralasciare la descrizione della vita quotidiana, come le donne intente a stendere i panni. Bibliografia di riferimento: O. Vergani, Addio Vecchia Milano, Milano 1958, ad vocem M. C. Gozzoli, M. Rosci, Il volto della Lombardia, Milano 1975, ad vocem

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814-1891) - Port of Civitavecchia
    Oct. 29, 2022

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814-1891) - Port of Civitavecchia

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814-1891) Port of Civitavecchia signed and dated ‘L Premazzi 1871’ lower left, old label on reverse bearing inscription ‘N2 L Premazzi / c/o Lloyd / 32 Cornhill London/ Civitavecchia The Harbour’ watercolour on paper 24.5 x 35 cm (a vue) An Italian painter, Luigi (Ludwig Ossipovich) Premazzi, lived and worked in Italy, Russia, and Turkey. Luigi Premazzi was born in Milan and studied in Milan at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. He presented work regularly at the exhibitions of the Società Promotrice di Belle Arti in Turin from 1842 to 1848 as well as those of the Brera Academy. When he moved to Russia, he became one of the most popular masters amongst Russian aristocrats in the middle of 19th century. From 1854, he bore the title of Academician of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg.

    Hermitage Fine Art
    Feb. 08, 2022


    Est: €400 - €500

    Milano 1814 - Costantinopoli 1891 Scorcio con arco e figure Firmato L Premazzi e datato 1843 in basso a destra Acquerello su cartone, cm 23X18,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814 – 1891) Bords de rives en Italie Deux aquarelles sur p
    Dec. 19, 2021

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814 – 1891) Bords de rives en Italie Deux aquarelles sur p

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (1814 – 1891) Bords de rives en Italie Deux aquarelles sur papier contrecollées sur papier fort Haut. 32.2 cm – Larg. 27.1cm et Haut. 29 cm – Larg. 39.5 cm

  • Luigi Premazzi (Milano 1814-Istanbul 1891) - Devotion in the cloister
    Jul. 06, 2021

    Luigi Premazzi (Milano 1814-Istanbul 1891) - Devotion in the cloister

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    mixed media on card signed and dated lower left: L. Premazzi ... 1856

  • Luigi Premazzi ...
    Nov. 11, 2020

    Luigi Premazzi ...

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    (Milano 1814 - Istanbul 1891) "Piazza San Babila" 1840 acquerello su carta (cm 16,5x23) Firmato e datato in basso a destra

    Il Ponte Auction House
    Jul. 25, 2020


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (ITALIAN 1814-1891) Crimean Harbor, 1891 watercolor on paper 25.5 x 37 cm (10 x 14 5/8 in.) [sight] signed and dated lower left CONDITION Observed in frame, some ghosting apparent at the perimeter. Some darkening apparent on the horizon. Otherwise, no significant issues apparent to the naked eye. N.B. All lots are sold in as-is condition at the time of sale. Please note that any condition statement regarding works of art is given as a courtesy to our clients in order to assist them in assessing the condition. The report is a genuine opinion held by Shapiro Auctions and should not be treated as a statement of fact. The absence of a condition report or a photograph does not preclude the absence of defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. Shapiro Auctions, LLC., including its consultants and agents, shall have no responsibility for any error or omission.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • LUIGI PREMAZZI (MILAN 1814-1891 CONSTANTINOPLE) Intérieur du cabinet de travail du Grand-Duc Mikhaïl Nikolaïevitch à... plume et encre brune, aquarelle, rehaussé de blanc 22 x 30,6 cm. (8 5/8 x 12 in.)
    May. 27, 2020

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (MILAN 1814-1891 CONSTANTINOPLE) Intérieur du cabinet de travail du Grand-Duc Mikhaïl Nikolaïevitch à... plume et encre brune, aquarelle, rehaussé de blanc 22 x 30,6 cm. (8 5/8 x 12 in.)

    Est: €3,500 - €4,500

    LUIGI PREMAZZI (MILAN 1814-1891 CONSTANTINOPLE) Intérieur du cabinet de travail du Grand-Duc Mikhaïl Nikolaïevitch à Saint-Pétersbourg signé et daté 'L. Premazzi/ 1856.' (en bas à droite) plume et encre brune, aquarelle, rehaussé de blanc 22 x 30,6 cm. (8 5/8 x 12 in.)

  • Luigi Premazzi (Milano 1814-Istanbul 1891) - View of a bridge in a city along a river
    May. 27, 2019

    Luigi Premazzi (Milano 1814-Istanbul 1891) - View of a bridge in a city along a river

    Est: €500 - €800

    watercolour on card cm 39 x 55 signed lower left

    Finarte Roma
  • Southern city; Luigi Ossipovitch Premazzi (1814-1891)
    May. 19, 2018

    Southern city; Luigi Ossipovitch Premazzi (1814-1891)

    Est: €3,800 - €9,500

    19/20th century. Paper. watercolor. 30x41 cm

  • Crimean landscape; Luigi Ossipovitch Premazzi (1814-1891)
    May. 19, 2018

    Crimean landscape; Luigi Ossipovitch Premazzi (1814-1891)

    Est: €3,800 - €9,500

    1884. Paper. watercolor. 33x46 cm

  • Luigi Premazzi (Italian, 1814-1891) The harbour
    May. 24, 2017

    Luigi Premazzi (Italian, 1814-1891) The harbour

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Luigi Premazzi (Italian, 1814-1891) The harbour

    Mar. 11, 2017


    Est: -

    LUIGI OSSIPOVITCH PREMAZZI 1814 Mailand - 1891 Konstantinopel Ein sonniger Tag auf der italienischen Piazza Öl auf Leinwand, auf Platte maroufliert. 59 x 81 cm. Signiert und datiert unten rechts ' L. Premazzi; 1841'. Rahmen.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    Dec. 12, 2015


    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    LUIGI OSIPOVICH PREMAZZI (RUSSIAN 1814-1891) An Italian Country Market, oil on board 34.3 x 24.8 cm (13 1/2 x 9 3/4 in.) EXPERTISE An attributing inscription, written and signed by Albert Benois in 1919, attached to verso.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Luigi Premazzi, The Zaren Villa, Crimea, Signed an
    Nov. 25, 2015

    Luigi Premazzi, The Zaren Villa, Crimea, Signed an

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Luigi Premazzi, The Zaren Villa, Crimea, Signed and dated in pen and brown ink lower left: Luigi Premazzi 1850, Watercolour and gouache over pencil on paper, 1850, 9 5/8 x 14 in.

    Feb. 28, 2015


    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    LUIGI OSSIPOVICH PREMAZZI (RUSSIAN-ITALIAN 1814-1891) Rider at the Top of the Mountain, 1877 watercolor on paper 30 x 40 cm (12 x 14 3/4 in.) signed and dated lower right and on verso PROVENANCE Macdougall's, London, November 28, 2012, Lot 27 LOT NOTES Born in Milan in 1814, Luigi Premazzi was a renowned watercolorist and celebrated especially for his vedute, before moving to Saint Petersburg in 1850, where he became a teacher at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in 1861. While in Russia, Premazzi traveled frequently to the Caucuses and Middle East, which provided new subjects for his paintings, such as the present lot. He would often send his Caucausian watercolors to Italian exhibitions, were they were received with great acclaim and provided Italians with a glimpse of exotic lands.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • PREMAZZI, LUIGI (1814-1891) - Mountainous Landscape
    Nov. 28, 2012

    PREMAZZI, LUIGI (1814-1891) - Mountainous Landscape

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    PREMAZZI, LUIGI (1814-1891) Mountainous Landscape , signed and dated 1877, also further signed and dated on the reverse. Pencil and watercolour on cardboard, 30.5 by 40 cm.

  • PREMAZZI, LUIGI 1814-1891 Italian View and
    Dec. 03, 2009

    PREMAZZI, LUIGI 1814-1891 Italian View and

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    PREMAZZI, LUIGI 1814-1891 Italian View and Nobleman at the Walls of the Colliseum two works One watercolour, heightened with white, and pencil on paper, the other gouache on paper, 16.5 by 22.5 cm. and 13 by 19.5 cm. respectively.

  • Luigi Premazzi (Italian, 1814-1891) San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
    Oct. 27, 2009

    Luigi Premazzi (Italian, 1814-1891) San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice

    Est: £500 - £700

    San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice signed 'L. Premazzi' (lower right), watercolour, unframed 22 x 39cm (8 11/16 x 15 3/8in).

  • PREMAZZI, Luigi Ossipovitch (1814-1891) (2)
    Jul. 04, 2009

    PREMAZZI, Luigi Ossipovitch (1814-1891) (2)

    Est: $400 - $700

    Walled City Landscape, full signature; & Old Italian Town on the River. The latter partially finished, initialled 'L.P' lower left.

    Davidson Auctions
  • PREMAZZI, Luigi Ossipovitch (1814-1891) (2)
    Apr. 04, 2009

    PREMAZZI, Luigi Ossipovitch (1814-1891) (2)

    Est: $800 - $1,500

    Walled City Landscape, full signature; & Old Italian Town on the River. The latter partially finished, initialed 'L.P' lower left. 12x32cm & 16x37cm W/Clr (2)

    Davidson Auctions
  • PREMAZZI, LUIGI Years: 1814-1891 Italian View and
    Nov. 27, 2008

    PREMAZZI, LUIGI Years: 1814-1891 Italian View and

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    PREMAZZI, LUIGI Years: 1814-1891 Italian View and Nobleman at the Walls of Colloseum One watercolour, heightened with white, and pencil on paper, the other gouache on paper, 16.5 by 22.5 cm. and 13 by 19.5 cm. respectively.

  • Ludwig Ossipovich Premazzi, 1814-1891
    May. 31, 2001

    Ludwig Ossipovich Premazzi, 1814-1891

    Est: £1,800 - £2,200

    Ludwig Ossipovich Premazzi, 1814-1891 afternoon pursuits of a lady signed l.l. and indistinctly dated watercolour over pencil on paper 16 by 24cm., 6I by 9Iin.

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