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Carlo Portelli Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1510 - d. 1574

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  • Carlo Portelli 1510 ca. Loro Ciuffenna-1574 Firenze, attribuito a San Sebastiano
    Dec. 12, 2024

    Carlo Portelli 1510 ca. Loro Ciuffenna-1574 Firenze, attribuito a San Sebastiano

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    olio su tavola ovale, da Andrea del Sarto

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
    Sep. 26, 2024


    Est: €16,000 - €20,000

    DIE MADONNA MIT DEM JESUSKNABEN UND JOHANNES DEM TÄUFER Öl auf Holz. 113 x 83 cm. Gerahmt. Die das Bild fast gänzlich einnehmenden Figuren in Nahsicht vor einem großen hellbraunen Baumstumpf. Die sitzende Madonna in altrosafarbenem Gewand und hellblauem faltenreichem Mantel, der ihre Beine bedeckt. Sie trägt als Kopfbedeckung ein beiges, bis zum Hals reichendes Tuch und hat um ihr Haupt zudem einen Strahlennimbus. Sie hält mit den zarten schmalen Fingern ihrer rechten Hand den seitlich ihres Schoßes friedlich schlafenden nackten Jesusknaben, den sie liebevoll anblickt. Dieser hat gold-blond gelocktes Haar, eine kleine Stupsnase und leicht gerötete Wangen, seinen linken Arm ausgestreckt auf der Madonna liegend. Mit ihrem leicht nach hinten ausgestreckten linken Arm hält die Madonna den nur mit einem leichten Fellgewand bekleideten Johannesknaben zurück, der in seiner rechten Hand einige Blumen hält und verhindert so, dass der Schlafende aufgeweckt wird. Feine einfühlsame Darstellung in weicher harmonischer Farbgebung mit besonderer Herausstellung der Kleidung Mariens und des feinen Inkarnats der Dargestellten. Der Künstler war ein italienischer Maler der Renaissance, der hauptsächlich in Florenz tätig war. Er war ein Schüler von Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). Der Künstler Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) nahm seine Fähigkeiten zur Kenntnis. Portelli malte u.a. mehrere Altarbilder für Kirchen in Florenz, darunter für die Kirche Santa Maria Maggiore. Anmerkung: Die Darstellung der Madonna mit dem Jesusknaben und Johannes findet sich mehrfach im Werk des Künstlers wieder, dabei die Madonna häufig in zartem altrosafarbenem Gewand und die Figuren jeweils großformatig in Nahsicht. Der Künstler war ein italienischer Maler der Renaissance, der hauptsächlich in Florenz tätig war. Er war ein Schüler von Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). Der Künstler Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) nahm seine Fähigkeiten zur Kenntnis. Portelli malte u.a. mehrere Altarbilder für Kirchen in Florenz, darunter für die Kirche Santa Maria Maggiore. (1411196) (4) (18) Carlo Portelli, ca. 1508 – 1574, attributed THE VIRGIN AND CHRIST CHILD WITH SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on panel. 113 x 83 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    Nov. 20, 2023

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting. Dimensions 13 x 10 cm, Oil on canvas and wood

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    Sep. 18, 2023

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, zugeschrieben
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, zugeschrieben

    Est: €14,000 - €18,000

    Die Madonna mit dem Jesusknaben und Johannes dem Täufer Öl auf Holz. 113 x 83 cm. Gerahmt. Die das Bild fast gänzlich einnehmenden Figuren in Nahsicht vor einem großen hellbraunen Baumstumpf. Die sitzende Madonna in altrosafarbenem Gewand und hellblauem faltenreichem Mantel, der ihre Beine bedeckt. Sie trägt als Kopfbedeckung ein beiges, bis zum Hals reichendes Tuch und hat um ihr Haupt zudem einen Strahlennimbus. Sie hält mit den zarten schmalen Fingern ihrer rechten Hand den seitlich ihres Schoßes friedlich schlafenden nackten Jesusknaben, den sie liebevoll anblickt. Dieser hat gold-blond gelocktes Haar, eine kleine Stupsnase und leicht gerötete Wangen, seinen linken Arm ausgestreckt auf der Madonna liegend. Mit ihrem leicht nach hinten ausgestreckten linken Arm hält die Madonna den nur mit einem leichten Fellgewand bekleideten Johannesknaben zurück, der in seiner rechten Hand einige Blumen hält und verhindert so, dass der Schlafende aufgeweckt wird. Feine einfühlsame Darstellung in weicher harmonischer Farbgebung mit besonderer Herausstellung der Kleidung Mariens und des feinen Inkarnats der Dargestellten. Der Künstler war ein italienischer Maler der Renaissance, der hauptsächlich in Florenz tätig war. Er war ein Schüler von Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). Der Künstler Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) nahm seine Fähigkeiten zur Kenntnis. Portelli malte u.a. mehrere Altarbilder für Kirchen in Florenz, darunter für die Kirche Santa Maria Maggiore. Anmerkung: Die Darstellung der Madonna mit dem Jesusknaben und Johannes findet sich mehrfach im Werk des Künstlers wieder, dabei die Madonna häufig in zartem altrosafarbenem Gewand und die Figuren jeweils großformatig in Nahsicht. (1330362) (4) (18) Carlo Portelli, ca. 1508 – 1574, attributed THE VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on panel. 113 x 83 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574

    Est: €25,000 - €35,000

    Maria mit dem Kind und dem Johannesknaben Öl auf Pappelholz. 122 x 87 cm. In breitem mit Maskarons und Cherubim verziertem Rahmen. Beigegeben ein Gutachten von Pierluigi Carofano, in Kopie. Dem Vorbild der „Madonna col Bambino e san Giovannino“ in der Galleria Borghese in Rom (Inventar.Nr. 334) folgendes Gemälde, wobei das erste sogar schon in Giorgio Vasaris Viten erwähnt worden ist. In weiten Teilen ist das Gemälde auch mit Werken etwa von Rosso Fiorentino vergleichbar. Literatur: Vgl. Dominic Ellis Colnaghi, A dictionary of Florentine painters from the 13th to the 17th centuries, London 1928, S. 222. Vgl. Carlo Portelli. Pittore eccentrico fra Rosso Fiorentino e Vasari, Ausstellungskatalog, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florenz, 22. Dezember 2015 - 30. April 2016, hrsg. von Lia Brunori und Alessandro Cecchi, Florenz/ Mailand 2015. (1340721) (13) Carlo Portelli, ca. 1508 – 1574 THE VIRGIN AND CHRIST CHILD AND YOUNG SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on poplar wood. 122 x 87 cm. Accompanied by a copy of the expert’s report by Pierluigi Carofano, in copy.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574), Madonna and Child
    Nov. 26, 2022

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574), Madonna and Child

    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, zugeschrieben
    Sep. 22, 2022

    Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, zugeschrieben

    Est: €18,000 - €20,000

    Die Madonna mit dem Jesusknaben und Johannes dem Täufer Öl auf Holz. 113 x 83 cm. Gerahmt. Die das Bild fast gänzlich einnehmenden Figuren in Nahsicht vor einem großen hellbraunen Baumstumpf. Die sitzende Madonna in altrosafarbenem Gewand und hellblauem faltenreichem Mantel, der ihre Beine bedeckt. Sie trägt als Kopfbedeckung ein beiges, bis zum Hals reichendes Tuch und hat um ihr Haupt zudem einen Strahlennimbus. Sie hält mit den zarten schmalen Fingern ihrer rechten Hand den seitlich ihres Schoßes friedlich schlafenden nackten Jesusknaben, den sie liebevoll anblickt. Dieser hat gold-blond gelocktes Haar, eine kleine Stupsnase und leicht gerötete Wangen, seinen linken Arm ausgestreckt auf der Madonna liegend. Mit ihrem leicht nach hinten ausgestreckten linken Arm hält die Madonna den nur mit einem leichten Fellgewand bekleideten Johannesknaben zurück, der in seiner rechten Hand einige Blumen hält und verhindert so, dass der Schlafende aufgeweckt wird. Feine einfühlsame Darstellung in weicher harmonischer Farbgebung mit besonderer Herausstellung der Kleidung Mariens und des feinen Inkarnats der Dargestellten. Anmerkung: Die Darstellung der Madonna mit dem Jesusknaben und Johannes findet sich mehrfach im Werk des Künstlers wieder, dabei die Madonna häufig in zartem altrosafarbenem Gewand und die Figuren jeweils großformatig in Nahsicht. Der Künstler war ein italienischer Maler der Renaissance, der hauptsächlich in Florenz tätig war. Er war ein Schüler von Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). Der Künstler Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) nahm seine Fähigkeiten zur Kenntnis. Portelli malte u.a. mehrere Altarbilder für Kirchen in Florenz, darunter für die Kirche Santa Maria Maggiore. (1330362) (4) (18) Carlo Portelli, ca. 1508 - 1574, attributed THE VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on panel. 113 x 83 cm.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574), Madonna and Child
    Jul. 23, 2022

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574), Madonna and Child

    Est: €1,800 - €2,800

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574), Madonna and Child
    Jun. 11, 2022

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574), Madonna and Child

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    Nov. 27, 2021

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches; including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless, it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    Mar. 24, 2021

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: €3,000 -

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • CARLO PORTELLI (cerchia di)
    Mar. 18, 2021

    CARLO PORTELLI (cerchia di)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Loro Ciuffenna, 1510 circa - Firenze, 1574) Madonna con il Bambino, San Giovannino, Santa Maria Maddalena e Santa Chiara Olio su tavola, cm 109X84,5 Databile alla fine del XVI secolo, la tavola reca un'attribuzione collezionistica a Carlo Portelli, pittore eccentrico, influenzato da Rosso Fiorentino e collaboratore di Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio e Cecchino Salviati. Nel 1538 lo sappiamo iscritto alla Compagnia di San Luca, dimostrandosi quale originale interprete del manierismo fiorentino e il suo stile, oltre a caratterizzarsi sugli esempi del Rosso, è connotato da un curioso espressionismo dei volti e da costruzioni compositive complesse. Bibliografia di riferimento: Brunori L., Cecchi A., Carlo Portelli Pittore eccentrico fra Rosso Fiorentino e Vasari, Catalogo della mostra, Firenze 2015, ad vocem

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Oil paint on wood depicting Christ taken down. 52x42 cm, attributed Carlo Portelli (Loro Ciuffenna,
    Dec. 19, 2020

    Oil paint on wood depicting Christ taken down. 52x42 cm, attributed Carlo Portelli (Loro Ciuffenna,

    Est: -

    Oil paint on wood depicting Christ taken down. 52x42 cm, attributed Carlo Portelli (Loro Ciuffenna, 1510 - Florence, 1574) . Expertis by Emilio Negro. The piece is enable for exportation, paper included. “This interesting painting is well preserved and bears the inscription "... Guad ... d’our / Coirna ... Lzz" on the reverse of the table in nineteenth-twentieth-century spelling. It depicts the classic representation of the theme of the "Pietà" or "Christ Pass" which constitutes one of the most ancient and moving iconographies of the Christian tradition; despite this it is a theme that has no comparison in the Gospels, since it is remembered only in the mystical literature of Thirteenth and fourteenth centuries - for example in the Meditationes by Giovanni de 'Cauli and in the Rivelationes by S. Brigida of Sweden -, when this specific image began to assert itself with greater frequency. As in most of the similar iconographic representations, also in this table the lifeless body of the Savior is portrayed lying on the threshold of the sepulcher, two-thirds of the figure and slightly sideways, to allow a glimpse of the wound on the right side of the side caused by the spear of St. Longinus. The Apollonian physicality of Jesus, suitable for recalling its dual terrestrial essence combined with the otherworldly one, is well framed in the available stage space, while the the tenderly natural pearly complexions were obtained using the appropriate use of algid and seductive shades, albeit with a limited color range. The setting of the tragic event therefore takes place against a deliberately cold and essential backdrop in which hilly profiles and bare branches can be glimpsed against the light, useful for bringing out the drama of the moment and also the "natural" morphology of this expired Jesus, whose peculiar semblants suggest evident links with the best figurative culture of central Italy of the sixteenth century: stylistically the representation is distinguished in fact by the pleasant elaboration of the pictorial fabric, the discreet incidence of the lights that illuminate the face and body of the son of God, where the good proportions of the anatomical drawing testify the execution of a valid artist of the Tuscan school in whose style characters we recognize the modus pingendi of Carlo Portelli (Loro Ciuffenna / AR, ca 1510-Florence, 1568), in its major phase adherence to sartesque models. It should be remembered that Portelli was a pupil of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio and already in 1535 he had become a member of the Florentine Compagnia di S.Luca, while ten years later he enrolled in the Guild of Doctors and Apothecaries; therefore he was also among the members of the two prestigious and powerful artistic associations of the grand-ducal capital, which allowed him to freely exercise the profession of painter. Consequently, Portelli became one of the most interesting and sought-after artists among the many who during the sixteenth century worked at the service of the very demanding Medici court: in he took part in the preparation of the ephemeral apparatuses for the wedding celebrations between Cosimo I and Eleonora di Toledo and it was on that festive occasion that he transposed an invention by Francesco Salviati onto canvas. From the latter, as well as from the eccentrics Andrea del Sarto and Rosso Fiorentino, he derived the fundamental inspiration for his most innovative works, with which he abandoned the calm classicism of the first master Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio in favor of more daring figurative solutions. Therefore, in his most significant paintings endowed with an undoubted originality, evident suggestions from Sarto and Rosso are highlighted, as well as an accurate turning of the forms derived from the study of Bronzino's paintings: peculiar characters that are also found in this remarkable Cost deposited . So, to have proof of the attribution advanced, it will be enough to compare it with other important works by Portelli such as the Dispute on the Immaculate Conception (Florence, Basilica of Santa Croce), the Madonna and Child with Saints Margaret and John the Baptist (Princeton, University Art Museum) and the Immaculate Conception (Florence, Accademia Gallery), all works, such as the one examined here, in which a compact and smooth pictorial material is highlighted, typical of the most evocative works performed by Carlo Portelli in the years of his full maturity artistic “

  • Carlo Portelli, Portrait of Alessandro de' Medici, Duke of Florence
    Nov. 14, 2020

    Carlo Portelli, Portrait of Alessandro de' Medici, Duke of Florence

    Est: €40,000 - €50,000

    The present portrait, which until recently was attributed to Giorgio Vasari, is a later version of the famous portrait by Vasari in the Gallerie degli Uffizi in Florence, with small differences in the background. Roberto Ciabattini (2006, p. 136) suggests that Vasari himself, when asked for a later version of the portrait of Alessandro de´ Medici, forwarded the commission to Carlo Portelli. The portrait displays interesting stylistic similarities to other portraits in armor by the artist, such as the Allegorical Portrait of Giovanni della Bande Nere (Minneapolis Institute of Art) and the Portrait of Cosimo I (Robert Simon Fine Art, NY). The Duke is depicted in full armor, seated before the city of Florence. As we know from Vasari´s letter to Ottaviano de Medici in 1534, the iconography is rather complex. It celebrates the Duke and his rise to power: The shining armor refers to the bright example that the sitter should provide, the round seat to his perpetual reign, and the red carpet is a symbol of the blood shed during the rebellion against the Medici. Alessandro de´ Medici governed the city of Florence between 1531 and his assassination in 1537. Duca Alessandro, as he was known, was thought to be an illegitimate son of Cardinal Giulio de' Medici (later Pope Clemente VII, who was himself an illegitimate son of Giuliano De Medici) and a black servant. At least this was what many of his contemporaries thought, and what was suggested by Francesco Berni in his satirical poems (XXIX Sonetto di Papa Chimente). Alessandro became Duke and Gonfalonier of Florence for life in 1532. In 1534 - the date of Vasari's portrait - he married Margherita d'Austria, illegitimate daughter of Charles V. Thus, this pair of illegitimate children came to embody the two highest authorities: Empire and Papacy.

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, zug.
    Jul. 02, 2020

    Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, zug.

    Est: €35,000 - €40,000

    MADONNA MIT DEM JESUSKNABEN UND JOHANNES DEM TÄUFER Öl auf Holz. 86,5 x 71,5 cm. In prachtvollem vergoldeten Rahmen. Die Madonna in rotem Kleid und türkisfarbenem Mantel nach rechts vor einem hohen beige-braunen Berg, in ihrem rechten Arm den nackten Jesusknaben haltend. Rechts von beiden steht, als Knabe, in Fellgewand, dunkelblonden lockigen Haaren und einem Kreuzstab, Johannes der Täufer. Johannes hat braune Augen und seinen Blick gen Himmel gerichtet, er folgt damit dem Zeigegestus von Maria, die mit dem Zeigefinger ihrer Hand nach oben weist. Der Jesusknabe mit halb geschlossenen Augen greift interessiert nach dem Kreuzesstab. Im Hintergrund links und rechts des Berges fällt der Blick auf eine weite bergige Landschaft, in überwiegend blaugrüner Farbgebung. Malerei in der Manier des Künstlers, überwiegend in beigen, roten und türkisen Farbtönen, jeweils mit Ausblicken in die Ferne. Die Häupter der Dargestellten zudem jeweils mit einem dünnen Nimbus versehen. Retuschen. (1221665) (3) (18) Carlo Portelli, ca. 1508 – 1574, attributed MADONNA AND CHRIST CHILD AND SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on panel. 86.5 x 71.5 cm. In magnificent gilt frame. With retouching.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    May. 09, 2020

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, Kreis des
    Dec. 05, 2019

    Carlo Portelli, um 1508 – 1574, Kreis des

    Est: €15,000 - €18,000

    DIE HEILIGE FAMILIE MIT JOHANNES DEM TÄUFER Öl auf Holz. Parkettiert. 119 x 87 cm. Ungerahmt. Vor dem Hintergrund einer bergigen Landschaft mit der Kulisse einer Stadt, im Licht der untergehenden Sonne, die großformatig dargestellten Figuren der Heiligen Familie mit Johannes dem Täufer. Die sitzende Maria in rot-blauem Gewand mit sorgsam geflochtenem Haar, hält in ihrem Schoß den kräftigen, blond gelockten Jesusknaben. Dieser wird von dem stehenden jungen Johannes in einem Fellgewand umarmt und auf die Wange geküsst. Jesus blickt mit seinen dunklen Augen nachdenklich zum Boden, auf dem auf der rechten unteren Seite neben einer stehenden kleinen Schale ein angebrochenes Holzkreuz mit Band liegt. Hinter den beiden, stehend in einem braunen Gewand, Josef mit dunklen Augen, in die Ferne schauend. Maria, in ihrer linken Hand ein geschlossenes kleines Buch haltend, beobachtet mit dunklen Augen aufmerksam die Umarmung. Rest., Retuschen. (1211662) (18) Carlo Portelli, ca. 1508 – 1574, circle of THE HOLY FAMILY WITH SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Oil on panel. Parquetted. 119 x 87 cm. Unframed. Restored, with retouching.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    Sep. 30, 2019

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: Kč150,000 - Kč200,000

    Oil on canvas mounted on wood panel. Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting. (expert opinion: Alessandro Delpriori, PhD, Università di Firenze)

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child
    Sep. 14, 2019

    Carlo Portelli (c.1508 - 1574) - Madonna and Child

    Est: Kč150,000 - Kč200,000

    Oil on canvas mounted on wood panel. Carlo Portelli was active primarily in Florence, where he painted a number of major commissions for local churches, including, for example, Santa Maria Maggiore. He was a student of the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The small canvas depicts a three-quarter figure of the Virgin Mary holding a naked, slightly chubby child. The infant Jesus is portrayed as a restless child in the arms of his mother, which contrasts with the typical gesture of blessing with his right hand. Due to the proportions of the female figure and the child’s downward gaze, we can assume that at the bottom there was another character that is missing because the image was cropped. The painting bears an old label from a previous auction at which it was attributed to Francesco Salviati, but from a chronological point of view, it is likely an erroneous attribution. Nevertheless it is fairly certain that this is a legacy of the artist and a Florentine painting. (expert opinion: Alessandro Delpriori, PhD, Università di Firenze)

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    May. 06, 2019


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    ITALIAANSE SCHOOL / ECOLE ITALIENNE XIX navolger Carlo Portelli (1510-1574) Madonna. Paneel. Overschilderingen. Met expertiseverslag van Eric Turquin als toe te schrijven aan Carlo Portelli, 22.5.2002 78 x 60 French Translation ITALIAANSE SCHOOL / ECOLE ITALIENNE XIX La Vierge à l'Enfant Jésus. Panneau. Repeints. Avec rapport d'expertise d'Eric Turquin attribuant le tableau à Carlo Portelli. 78 x 60 English Translation ITALIAANSE SCHOOL / ECOLE ITALIENNE XIX ITALIAN SCHOOL XIX follower Carlo Portelli (1510-1574) Virgin and Child. Panel. Restorations. With expertise by Eric Turquin as to be attributed to Carlo Portelli, 22.5.2002 78 x 60

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
    Mar. 29, 2019


    Est: CHF6,000 - CHF8,000

    CARLO PORTELLI (Loro 1539 – 1574 Florence) Portrait of Saint John Chrysostom Oil on panel 34 x 25.3 cm. Provenance: European private collection. --------------- CARLO PORTELLI (Loro 1539 – 1574 Florenz) Porträt des Hl. Johannes Chrysostomos. Öl auf Holz. 34 x 25,3 cm. Provenienz: Europäischer Privatbesitz.

    Koller Auctions
  • CARLO PORTELLI DA LORO | The Madonna and Child with the infant Saint John the Baptist
    Jul. 05, 2018

    CARLO PORTELLI DA LORO | The Madonna and Child with the infant Saint John the Baptist

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    oil on panel

  • Attribué à Carlo Portelli Loro, 1539 - Florence, 1574 Scène de bataille Plume et encre brune, lavis brun
    Mar. 21, 2018

    Attribué à Carlo Portelli Loro, 1539 - Florence, 1574 Scène de bataille Plume et encre brune, lavis brun

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Attribué à Carlo Portelli Loro, 1539 - Florence, 1574 Scène de bataille Plume et encre brune, lavis brun (Pliures, déchirures et restaurations) Sans cadre Battle scene, pen and brown ink, brown wash, attr. to C. Portelli h: 26 w: 40 cm Provenance : Collection Alain et Catherine Monbeig Goguel, Paris Commentaire : Notre dessin est à mettre en rapport avec la décoration de la grande salle du conseil du Palazzo Vecchio à Florence, chantier sur lequel Carlo Portelli assista Vasari. Estimation 2 000 - 3 000 €

  • Carlo Portelli da Loro, Madonna with Child and St. John / La Madonna col Bambino e san Giovannino
    Jul. 03, 2015

    Carlo Portelli da Loro, Madonna with Child and St. John / La Madonna col Bambino e san Giovannino

    Est: €15,000 - €25,000

    Carlo Portelli da Loro, Madonna with Child and St. John / La Madonna col Bambino e san Giovannino, Tempera on walnut, Centre 16th century, On the reverse: black stamped imprint (historical) Miss Burdett Coutts / (195) / traces of chalk, 33 1/8 x 23 3/8 in., Two-part plate with traces old bindings

    Jul. 07, 2011


    Est: £4,000 - £5,000

    LORO CIUFFENNA BEFORE 1510 (?) - 1574 FLORENCE A BATTLE SCENE Pen and brown ink and reddish-brown wash 260 by 401 mm

    Apr. 29, 2010


    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    CARLO PORTELLI DA LORO LORO CIUFFENNA BEFORE 1510 (?) - 1574 FLORENCE THE VIRGIN AND CHILD SEATED WITH A BOOK OF HOURS oil on panel 82 by 60.5 cm.; 32 1/4 by 23 3/4 in.

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