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Francesco Morandini Sold at Auction Prices

Historical-scenes painter, Portrait painter, b. 1544 - d. 1597

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  • Francesco Morandini, called Il Poppi (Poppi - Five studies of the head of Giuliano de' Medici, after Michelangelo
    Jul. 05, 2017

    Francesco Morandini, called Il Poppi (Poppi - Five studies of the head of Giuliano de' Medici, after Michelangelo

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Francesco Morandini, called Il Poppi (Poppi Five studies of the head of Giuliano de' Medici, after Michelangelo black chalk on blue paper 9 x 6¼ in. (22.9 x 16 cm.)

  • FRANCESCO MORANDINI, CALLED IL POPPI | Saint John the Baptist and a young standing man
    Jul. 05, 2017

    FRANCESCO MORANDINI, CALLED IL POPPI | Saint John the Baptist and a young standing man

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    Black chalk, stumping and red chalk

  • Francesco Morandini, called Il Poppi (Poppi The Lamentation oil on poplar p
    Jan. 28, 2015

    Francesco Morandini, called Il Poppi (Poppi The Lamentation oil on poplar p

    Est: $100,000 - $150,000

    Francesco Morandini, called Il Poppi (Poppi The Lamentation oil on poplar panel 41 3/8 x 33 in. (105 x 83.8 cm.)

  • MORANDINI, FRANCESCO called IL POPPI(Poppi 1544 -
    Sep. 19, 2014

    MORANDINI, FRANCESCO called IL POPPI(Poppi 1544 -

    Est: CHF8,000 - CHF12,000

    MORANDINI, FRANCESCO called IL POPPI (Poppi 1544 - 1597 Florence) Saint Catherine. Oil on panel. 58 x 45 cm. MORANDINI, FRANCESCO genannt IL POPPI (Poppi 1544 - 1597 Florenz) Heilige Katharina. Öl auf Holz. 58 x 45 cm. Diese Heilige Katharina zählt zu einer Serie, die den selben Frauentypus aufgreift und die Francesco Morandini um 1570 malte. Sie ist an Vorbildern des florentinischen Malers Michele di Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio (1503-1577) orientiert und besonders zwei Darstellungen der Heiligen Katharina, die eine im Snite Museum of Art der University of Notre Dame (Indiana), die andere in der Sammlung des Herzogs d'Alba in Madrid, sind stilistisch mit dem hier angebotenen Gemälde zu vergleichen. Nicht nur die Pose der Dargestellten auch die prächtigen Kleider, die sich an der Antike orientieren, sind dabei sehr verwandt (siehe Giovannetti, A.: Francesco Morandini detto il Poppi, Firenze 1995, S. 85, 90-91).

    Koller Auctions
  • Morandini, Francesco gen. Il Poppi (attr.) Poppi
    Feb. 21, 2013

    Morandini, Francesco gen. Il Poppi (attr.) Poppi

    Est: - €9,500

    Morandini, Francesco gen. Il Poppi (attr.) Poppi (Arezzo) 1544 - Florenz 1597 73 x 58 cm

    Nagel Auction
    Dec. 06, 2012


    Est: £40,000 - £60,000

    PROPERTY  FROM  A  PRIVATE  COLLECTION POPPI  1544  -  1597  FLORENCE THE  MADONNA  AND  CHILD  WITH  SAINT  ANNE,  THE  INFANT  JOHN  THE  BAPTIST  AND  THE  ARCHANGEL  MICHAEL oil  on  panel 126.4  by  98.4  cm.;  49  3/4    by  38  3/4    in.

  • Francesco Morandini, called il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence?)
    Dec. 04, 2012

    Francesco Morandini, called il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence?)

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    Francesco Morandini, called il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence?) Portrait of Francesco I de' Medici (1541-1587), Grand Duke of Tuscany, three-quarter-length, in a fur-trimmed coat and a white ruff, his hand resting on the pages of Mattioli's 'Commentarii in sex Libros Pedacii Dioscoridis', on a draped table with an armillary sphere, before a curtain oil on panel 45 3/8 x 53 7/8 in. (115.2 x 86 cm.)

    Jul. 04, 2012


    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    POPPI  1544  -  1597  FLORENCE WATER  DEITIES oil  on  panel 121.4  by  185.5  cm.;  47  3/4    by  73  in.

  • Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence)
    Jul. 05, 2011

    Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence)

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence) Studies of the dead Christ supported by angels, with subsidiary studies for the same composition red and black chalk, watermark mermaid with two tails surmounted by a five-point crown 14 3/8 x 10¼ in. (36.6 x 26.2 cm.)

  • Attributed to Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence)
    Jul. 28, 2009

    Attributed to Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence)

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Attributed to Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (Poppi 1544-1597 Florence) Studies of a female head red chalk 8½ x 7 in. (21.5 x 17.8 cm.)

    Jan. 25, 2007


    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    THE HOLY FAMILY WITH THE INFANT SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST measurements note 35 5/8 by 29 1/8 in.; 90.5 by 74 cm. inscribed in an old hand on the reverse: Parigi oil on panel NOTE Under the supervision of Giorgio Vasari, Morandini (called 'il Poppi' after his birthplace) was employed along with the best contemporary painters in Florence at that time - Giovanni Battista Naldini, Mirabello Cavalori, Girolamo Macchietti and Jacopo Zucchi amongst them - to decorate the Studiolo built by Francesco I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, in 1570-72. Inspired by Pontormo in his use of 'fired' colours, Poppi's style shows a greater affinity with Naldini than Vasari and indeed their works have often been confused. Poppi's figures (like Naldini's) have idealized faces, their noses squared, and the contrapposto pose of so many of his figures is typical of mannerist painting and is a characteristic shared by both artists' works. This particular painting, with its bright coloring and loose handling, is probably a late work by Poppi. The pentimento in the head of the Infant Saint John the Baptist and the sketchy manner in which Christ's legs have been painted both indicate that the picture may be unfinished, or that it is at least unresolved in parts. The figure of the Madonna and Saint Joseph are complete, however, and they demonstrate all the elegance of Poppi's manner. The painting may be compared to a number of late works of analogous subject matter: The Madonna and Child with Saints Elisabeth, John the Baptist and the Archangel Michael and its variant showing The Madonna and Child with Saints Elisabeth, John the Baptist and a female saint.1 In both these works, as well as in Poppi's Personification of Charity,2 the hair of Christ and John the Baptist is painted in a very similar manner to that in the present painting. The compositions of this and the two aforementioned Madonna and Child paintings are constructed under similar principles: the Madonna placed centrally with the Christ Child before her, subsidiary figures filling in the background and upper corners of the composition (the second figure here is replaced by a hint of architectural setting upper right). The Christ Child is asleep in the foreground and the Madonna is shown covering him with a white cloth; a gesture that is both maternal and symbolic, foreseeing the enveloping of Christ's body in a shroud after His crucifixion. 1 The first formerly in the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara (California), until sold New York, Christie's, January 11, 1991, lot 1; the second formerly with Semenzato, Venice. Both are published in A. Giovannetti, Francesco Morandini detto il Poppi, Florence 1995, pp. 108-9, cat. nos. 64 and 65, reproduced pp. 182-3, figs. 80 and 81. 2 Sold New York, Sotheby's, January 14, 1994, lot 57.

  • Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (1544-1597)
    Dec. 16, 2005

    Francesco Morandini, il Poppi (1544-1597)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    La tête d'un homme chauve tourné à gauche et la tête d'un enfant craie noire 69 x 102 mm.

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