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Marco Pino Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1525 - d. 1587

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  • ATTRIBUÉ À MARCO PINO (1521-1583)
    Jun. 21, 2023

    ATTRIBUÉ À MARCO PINO (1521-1583)

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    ATTRIBUÉ À MARCO PINO (1521-1583) LE CHRIST EN CROIX DANS LES BRAS DE DIEU LE PÈRE ENTOURÉ DE SCÈNES DE LA VIE DU CHRIST Panneau de peuplier ( ), deux planches, renforcé Sans cadre Restaurations anciennes Att. to Marco Pino, Christ on the cross surrounded by scenes from the life of Christ, poplar panel ( ), two boards, reinforced, without frame, old restorations 104 x 87 CM - 40,9 x 34,3 IN.

  • Marco dal Pino, genannt „Marco da Siena“, um 1520 Siena – um 1590 Neapel
    Mar. 30, 2023

    Marco dal Pino, genannt „Marco da Siena“, um 1520 Siena – um 1590 Neapel

    Est: €25,000 - €35,000

    HEILIGE LUCIA Öl auf Holz. 76 x 61 cm. In breitem ornamental reliefiertem und vergoldetem Rahmen. Beigegeben ein Gutachten von Marco Ciampolini, Siena, 5. Dezember 2010, in Kopie. Vor unbestimmtem Hintergrund die Halbfigur der mit verschränkten Händen dargestellten Heiligen mit nach rechts oben gerichtetem Blick und einem Dolch in ihrem Hals. Marco Pino war in den 1540er bis 1570er Jahren des 16. Jahrhunderts einer der Protagonisten der zweiten Welle des italienischen Manierismus. Er wurde in Siena geboren und absolvierte seine Lehre bei Domenico Beccafumi, dem wichtigsten in Siena tätigen Künstler in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. In seinem Frühwerk blieb Marco Pino dem originellen und innovativen Stil seines Meisters eng verbunden. Erst während der römischen Periode von 1544 bis 1551 kehrte er sich allmählich von diesem Stil ab und näherte sich der Bildsprache Michelangelos. Während seines langen ersten Aufenthalts in Neapel, von 1551 bis 1568, erreichte Marco Pino schließlich einen ganz eigenen und unverkennbaren Stil, den wir in dem hier vorliegenden Gemälde bewundern können. Literatur: Vgl. Andrea Zezza, Marco Pino. L´opera completa, Neapel 2003, S. 363, Nr. A17, Abb. IV 11, S. 172. (1341141) (13) Marco dal Pino, also known as “Marco da Siena”, ca. 1521 Siena – 1583 Naples SAINT LUCY Oil on panel. 76 x 61 cm. Accompanied by an expert´s report by Marco Ciampolini, Siena, 5 December 2010, in copy.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Marco Pino - The Adoration of the Shepherds
    Sep. 22, 2022

    Marco Pino - The Adoration of the Shepherds

    Est: €300 - €360

    Rare engraving after(?) the engraving by Cornelis Cort from 1568 . The design is by Marco da Pino (also called Marco da Siena). The engraving is in counter part, has the same text line but other capitals. It differs in several elements, so is the ladder held by the angels lacking, as is the bagpipe playing shepherd bottom left. --- The Adoration of the Shepherds [Luke 2:15-20]. Landscape with the Holy Family at centre, angels above, a wide landscape in background, after Marco Pino. 1568. Engraving made by unknown (Maybe, possibly Cherubino Alberti ? who's engraved of the circumcision after Marco da Pino has more or less the same size)

    Old Master Print
  • Marco dal Pino o Marco Pino detto Marco da Siena (Siena 1525 - Napoli 1587)
    Feb. 22, 2022

    Marco dal Pino o Marco Pino detto Marco da Siena (Siena 1525 - Napoli 1587)

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Marco dal Pino o Marco Pino detto Marco da Siena (Siena 1525 - Napoli 1587) Adorazione dei pastori Olio su tavola 98 x 74 cm L’opera è una versione dell’adorazione dei pastori, tema più volte affrontato dal maestro. Si vedano i dipinti con questo soggetto conservati a Napoli: chiesa di Gesù Vecchio, chiesa di San Severino e Sossio, chiesa di Santa Chiara, nonché il Museo di Capodimonte. Inoltre, va citato il disegno conservato al Louvre di Parigi. Fu allievo di Domenico Beccafumi, poi si trasferì a Roma, dove collaborò con Perin del Vaga e Daniele da Volterra. Dal 1557 fu quasi ininterrottamente a Napoli, dove riscosse ampia fama. Il suo stile è contraddistinto da elementi del manierismo toscano e romano: in particolare, si rifà agli esempi compositivi di Raffaello, vivacizzati dalla plasticità delle figure derivate dalla lezione del Michelangelo visto a Roma. Un altro tassello importante per la sua formazione stilistica fu l’incontro, avvenuto a Napoli, con la scuola spagnola e fiamminga, che apportarono una componente di pathos emotivo derivato dal loro naturalismo nelle scene sacre da lui dipinte. Dalla somma di queste esperienze eterogene ne derivò uno stile complesso, dalle figure umane allungate e mosse che ricordano i medesimi risultati stilistici raggiunti da Hans von Aachen e Bartholomeus Spranger alla corte di Praga. Le opere di Marco Pino sono conservate a Siena nella Pinacoteca Nazionale, nella Collezione Chigi Lucarini Saracini, nella Fondazione del Monte dei Paschi di Siena, nel Museo nazionale di Capodimonte, a Castel Sant'Angelo e alla Galleria Borghese. Inoltre, innumerevoli opere sono sparse nelle chiese di Napoli e territorio circostante, Salerno, Caserta e in Puglia. Marco dal Pino or Marco Pino known as Marco da Siena (Siena 1525 - Naples 1587) Adoration of the shepherds Oil on panel 98 x 74 cm The artwork is a version of the adoration of the shepherds, a theme addressed several times by the master. See the paintings with this subject preserved in Naples: the church of Gesù Vecchio, the church of San Severino and Sossio, the church of Santa Chiara, as well as the Capodimonte Museum. In addition, the drawing preserved in the Louvre in Paris should be mentioned.

    Lucas Aste
  • Marco Pino (1525 – 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist
    Nov. 27, 2021

    Marco Pino (1525 – 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Marco Pino started his apprenticeship with Domenico Beccaffumi, in Siena. In 1543 he moved to Rome, and in 1557 he settled in Naples. Madonna is sitting; the child on her lap. She has her eyes on her son; her left hand holding his left leg. Behind her stands Joseph. On the right, John the Baptist as a small child. Madonna has a blue coat over her head, which gives her figure a compact outline that sets her apart from the two accompanying figures. The cool color enhances the inward-looking mood.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Marco Pino (1525 – 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist
    Jun. 05, 2021

    Marco Pino (1525 – 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    Marco Pino started his apprenticeship with Domenico Beccaffumi in Siena. In 1543 he moved to Rome and in 1557 he settled in Naples. Madonna is sitting, the child on her lap. She has her eyes on her son, her left hand holding his left leg. Behind her stands Joseph, on the right John the Baptist as a small child. Madonna has a blue coat over her head, which gives her figure a compact outline that sets her apart from the two accompanying figures. The cool color enhances the inward-looking mood.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Marco Pino (1525 – 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist
    May. 22, 2021

    Marco Pino (1525 – 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    Marco Pino started his apprenticeship with Domenico Beccaffumi in Siena. In 1543 he moved to Rome and in 1557 he settled in Naples. Madonna is sitting, the child on her lap. She has her eyes on her son, her left hand holding his left leg. Behind her stands Joseph, on the right John the Baptist as a small child. Madonna has a blue coat over her head, which gives her figure a compact outline that sets her apart from the two accompanying figures. The cool color enhances the inward-looking mood.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Marco Pino (um 1525 – um 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist
    Jan. 26, 2021

    Marco Pino (um 1525 – um 1587), Holy Family and John the Baptist

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Marco Pino started his apprenticeship with Domenico Beccaffumi in Siena. In 1543 he moved to Rome and in 1557 he settled in Naples. Madonna is sitting, the child on her lap. She has her eyes on her son, her left hand holding his left leg. Behind her stands Joseph, on the right John the Baptist as a small child. Madonna has a blue coat over her head, which gives her figure a compact outline that sets her apart from the two accompanying figures. The cool color enhances the inward-looking mood.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • Marco Pino (um 1525 – um 1587) Holy Family and John the Baptist
    Aug. 01, 2020

    Marco Pino (um 1525 – um 1587) Holy Family and John the Baptist

    Est: €9,000 - €14,000

    Marco Pino started his apprenticeship with Domenico Beccaffumi in Siena. In 1543 he moved to Rome and in 1557 he settled in Naples. Madonna is sitting, the child on her lap. She has her eyes on her son, her left hand holding his left leg. Behind her stands Joseph, on the right John the Baptist as a small child. Madonna has a blue coat over her head, which gives her figure a compact outline that sets her apart from the two accompanying figures. The cool color enhances the inward-looking mood.

    Fine Antiques Prague s.r.o.
  • MARCO PINO (SIENNE VERS 1525-VERS 1587 NAPLES) Frise décorative avec une scène de sacrifice tirée de l’Ancient Testament... pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 21,5 x 38 cm. (8 ½ x 15 in.)
    May. 27, 2020

    MARCO PINO (SIENNE VERS 1525-VERS 1587 NAPLES) Frise décorative avec une scène de sacrifice tirée de l’Ancient Testament... pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 21,5 x 38 cm. (8 ½ x 15 in.)

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    MARCO PINO (SIENNE VERS 1525-VERS 1587 NAPLES) Frise décorative avec une scène de sacrifice tirée de l’Ancient Testament pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 21,5 x 38 cm. (8 ½ x 15 in.)

  • MARCO PINO (attr. a)
    Nov. 29, 2018

    MARCO PINO (attr. a)

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    (Siena, 1525 circa - Napoli, 1587 circa) Resurrezione Olio su tavola, cm 55X43 Già attribuita a Federico Zuccari, l'opera si può riferire a Marco Pino (Siena, 1525 circa - Napoli, 1587 circa). Il formato e il soggetto, infatti, suggeriscono che in origine appartenesse a una pala d'altare e collocata con altre immagini dedicate alla vita di Cristo attorno alla tavola principale, verosimilmente raffigurante 'La Madonna con il Bambino e Santi'. Lo stile, invece, indica una datazione matura, quando il pittore è oramai attivo a Napoli ossia dopo il 1657 e le suggestioni manieristiche romane vengono esasperate dal punto di vista cromatico e narrativo. In questo caso il Pino cita sé stesso riguardando alcuni brani della 'Resurrezione', oggi alla Galleria Borghese che a sua volta riprende fedelmente l'affresco eseguito dall'artista per l'Oratorio del Gonfalone a Roma. Tuttavia, in questo caso ne accentua l'esasperazione formale e cromatica, e modella le figure in pose ancor più innaturali, quasi a stravolgere del tutto i modelli dei grandi maestri di inizio secolo. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. Zezza, 'Marco Pino', Napoli 2002, ad vocem

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • marco pino (1525- 1587/88)Le Christ portant la croix
    Dec. 09, 2016

    marco pino (1525- 1587/88)Le Christ portant la croix

    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    marco pino (1525- 1587/88) Le Christ portant la croix Panneau de tilleul, parqueté 77 × 63 cm Entré enfant dans l''atelier de Beccafumi à Sienne, Marco Pino intégre le cercle de Michel-Ange, Danielle da Volterra et Perino del Vaga à Rome à la fi 1543. A partir des années 1560, il partage son temps entre Naples et Rome, entrecoupé par un séjour en Espagne (où il rencontre Juan de Flandres et Morales). Son style est représentatif du second maniérisme et de la peinture de la ContreRéforme.

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