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? (1725) Peter Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Peter Paul Rubens at the age of 30, chalk, pen and ink on paper, Jean Antoine Watteau (1684-1721)
    Oct. 14, 2024

    Peter Paul Rubens at the age of 30, chalk, pen and ink on paper, Jean Antoine Watteau (1684-1721)

    Est: $500 - $10,000

    Peter Paul Rubens at the age of 30, chalk, pen and ink on paper, attributed to Jean Antoine Watteau (1684-1721). Framed size: 18" x 20.5". Sight size: 9" x 6 5/8. We found an extent print online dated to 1732 from engraver Gilles Demarteau that appears to be from this original drawing. We included an image of this print in the listing (though the print is not included, it is just included for reference). Part two of a single-owner Lancaster, Ohio collection. We sold the first part of this collection last July. All sales final. Invoices above $2500 must be paid with cash, cashier's check or wire transfer. In-house shipping is available. Pickup is Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 1 pm to 3 pm in Carroll, OH or by appointment by Nov. 1. We can provide in-house shipping for this item. We pack once the lot is paid for. Once packed up we will send you an invoice for shipping and handling. Shipping questions: shipping@burnsbid.com Sales tax will be collected on all bidders. If tax exempt, make sure your certification is submitted with the bid platform.

    Burns Auction & Appraisal, LLC.
  • Russian Empire and Federation Peter I Medal.
    Dec. 15, 2022

    Russian Empire and Federation Peter I Medal.

    Est: $200 - $400

    Bronze medal 1721. For the peace of Nystadt. Dies by S. Yudin. Noah's Ark at sea, dove flying left above with an olive branch, across the sky a rainbow connects the two cities of St. Petersburg and Stockholm. Rv. 13-line Latin inscription. 60.6 mm. 87.78 g. Diakov 57.7 This lot is being sold on behalf of the New York County Public Administrators Office from the Estate of Rene Fuss.

    Weiss Auctions
  • Peter Lely, 1618 – 1680, Kreis des
    Sep. 22, 2022

    Peter Lely, 1618 – 1680, Kreis des

    Est: €6,000 - €10,000

    Portrait des James Cecil, 5. Earl of Salisbury (1691 – 1728) Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 126 x 101 cm. Links unten betitelt „The Earls of Salisbury“. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Im Zentrum der in einem Innenraum an einem steinernen Podest mit Wappenrelief stehende James Cecil. Er trägt antikisierende Kleidung mit goldenen Sandalen, an der Hüftseite einen Degen sowie einen blauen langen Umhang mit Goldrand. Auf dem Podest ist zudem ein mit Federn besetzter Helm abgelegt. Der Dargestellte hat ein zartes Inkarnat, gerötete Wangen und schaut bei würdevoller Haltung mit seinen dunklen Augen aus dem Bild heraus. Nach rechts fällt der Blick ins Freie auf einen Springbrunnen vor einer Brüstung unter blauem Himmel. James Cecil ist wohl hier als vier- oder fünfjähriger Junge dargestellt, zu einem Zeitpunkt, als er beim Tod seines Vaters dessen Adelstitel als Earl of Salisbury, Viscount Cranborne und Baron Cecil erbte. Anmerkung 1: Es existiert eine fast identische, jedoch seitenverkehrte Mezzotintoradierung des Dargestellten von John Smith (1652-1743), die auf 1695 oder 1696 datiert wird. (1300451) (18) Peter Lely, 1618 – 1680, circle of PORTRAIT OF JAMES CECIL, 5TH EARL OF SALISBURY (1691 – 1728) Oil on canvas. Relined. 126 x 101 cm. Titled “The Earl of Salisbury“ lower left. Notes: There is an almost identical but inverted mezzotint etching of the depicted by John Smith (1652-1743), dating to 1695 or 1696.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Sultan auf Elefant. Wohl Johann Joachim Kaendler und Peter Reinicke für Meissen. Um 1750.
    Sep. 17, 2022

    Sultan auf Elefant. Wohl Johann Joachim Kaendler und Peter Reinicke für Meissen. Um 1750.

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    Johann Joachim Kaendler 1706 Fischbach/Dresden – 1775 Meißen Charles de Ferriol 1652 ? – 1722 Porzellan, glasiert und in polychromen Aufglasurfarben in Außerhausmalerei eines Meissner Manufakturmalers staffiert sowie goldgehöht. Im Nacken des Elefanten ein Afrikaner als Mahaut. Verso am Bauch des Tieres Schwertermarke und Glasurzeichen in Unterglasurblau, geritzte Formnummer "67019"sowie Bossierernummer "134" mit Jahreszeichen. Ausformungsjahr: 1985. Es liegen leider keine zeitgenössischen Quellen darüber vor, ob dieser "Sultan auf Elefant" von Johann Joachim Kaendler und seinem Mitarbeiter Peter Reinicke modelliert bzw. bossiert wurde. Jedoch ist gesichert, dass Kaendler im Februar / März 1741 einen großen Elefanten und Reinicke 1743 einen Elefanten modellierten "1 Elephanten 9 Zoll hoch mit einer verzierten Decke überhangend, in Thon bossirt". Reinicke war zudem 1747 mit der Reparatur von zwei Elefantenmodellen beschäftigt "2 Elephanten mit Decken in Thon repariret". Der "Sultan auf Elefant" gehört mit seinem offensichtlich kurze Zeit später entstandenen Gegenstück "Orientale auf einem Nashorn", Anfang 1752 modelliert, zu den in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts vermehrt in der Meissner Manufaktur gefertigten Darstellungen fremder Volkstypen, welche teilweise nach Radierungen zu Charles de Ferrioll''s "Différentes Nations du Levant" variiert wurden. Vgl. Hermann Jedding: Meissener Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts in Hamburger Privatbesitz. Hamburg, 1982. S. 210, Kat.Nr. 221. sowie Rainer Rückert: Meissener Porzellan 1710–1810. München, 1966. S. 191–192, KatNr. 1060 und 1061, Abb. Taf. 263. Zu dem um 1741/43 von Kaendler und Reinicke modellierten "Elefant mit Obelisk" vgl. Hermann Jedding: Meißner Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts. München, 1979. S. 76, KatNr. 116 mit Abb. Johann Joachim Kaendler 1706 Fischbach/Dresden – 1775 Meißen Kaendlers Laufbahn begann 1723 als Lehrling des Dresdener Hofbildhauers Benjamin Thomae. Durch seine Arbeiten für das Grüne Gewölbe wurde August der Starke auf ihn aufmerksam, der ihn 1731 zum Hofbildhauer ernannte u. an die Meissener Manufaktur berief. Dort verhalf Kaendler als Modellmeister der zuvor wenig erfolgreichen Porzellanplastik zu Weltruhm. Bekannt wurde er mit seinen Tierdarstellungen, welche durch ihre lebensechte u. detailgenaue Wiedergabe überzeugten, ebenso wie mit dekorativen Kleinplastiken, die sich in ihrer verspielten Art dem Rokoko zuwandten. Zu seinen größten Erfolgen gehört das Design des sog. Schwanenservices für den sächsischen Kabinettsminister Heinrich Graf von Brühl. Charles de Ferriol 1652 ? – 1722 Französischer Botschafter, von 1692 bis 1711 auf Geheiß Ludwig XIV. während der Regentschaft Sultans Ahmed III. in das Osmanischen Reich entsandt. 1714 Publikation der "Explication des cent estampes qui representent differentes nations du Levant. Avec de nouvelles estampes de ceremonies turques qui ont aussi leurs explications" gemeinsam mit Jaques Le Hay. 1707 hatte Ferriol dafür Jean Baptiste van Mour beauftragt, hundert Bilder verschiedener Beamter und Völker in ihren Trachten zu malen, die auf Kupfertafeln in dieser Publikation wiedergegeben sind.

    Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
  • - Bemmel, Peter von (Nürnberg 1685-1754 Regensburg),
    Dec. 15, 2021

    - Bemmel, Peter von (Nürnberg 1685-1754 Regensburg),

    Est: - €1,600

    Gewitterlandschaft mit Reiter. Öl auf Kupfer. Verso sign. und dat. 1723. 12,3 x 16,5 cm. - - Gerahmt. - Auf dem kleinen Gemälde durchzucken Blitze den Himmel über einer felsigen und hügeligen Landschaft. Ganz links im Vordergrund hat ein Blitz einen Baum erfaßt, von dem nur noch ein glimmender Stumpf übrig ist. Der Sturm weht so stark, daß er die Bäume auf dem Felsen am Weg umbiegt. Auf dem Weg, der über einen Wildbach führt, wurde ein Wanderer von dem Unwetter überrascht, und von rechts prescht ein Reiter heran. - Farbigkeit, Komposition und Elemente sind typisch für den auch "Gewitterbemmel" genannten Maler, der der aus Utrecht stammenden Malerfamilie Bemmel entstammte.

    Zisska & Lacher
  • Van der Aa - Map of the World published 1729 - Mappe Monde
    Apr. 03, 2021

    Van der Aa - Map of the World published 1729 - Mappe Monde

    Est: $1,500 - $3,500

    This world map is entitled Mappe Monde and was done by Peter van der Aa for his work Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde. It was published in 1729 in Leiden. This is a scarce double hemisphere world map. The map shows the routes of early explorers including Tasman, Magellan, Chevalier de Chermont, Mendana, and more. It does show partial coast lines of New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania. California is shown as a peninsula with the northwest coast above incomplete. The map features scenes that symbolize the four known continents in each corner. There are cartouches at the center that title the work (above) and have an advertisement (below). Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733) was a Dutch cartographer, publisher, and book seller. He was appointed to the bookseller trade from the age of 9 and went on to own a bookshop and auction house. He published many maps in his time, and became best known for his atlases on exploration and noted voyages. Much of what he published was composite atlases in which he utilized many other publishers plates and prints including Carel Allard and Frederik De Wit as well as his own work.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • GIAMBATISTA PITTONI. After. Delivery of the keys to Saint Peter.
    Dec. 16, 2020

    GIAMBATISTA PITTONI. After. Delivery of the keys to Saint Peter.

    Est: €450 - €550

    Oil on canvas According to the original made in 1730 and kept in the Louvre (inv. 563) 81x43.5 cm.

  • * Eastern Europe. Moll (H.), ..., This map of Moscovy, Poland, Tartary and ye Black Sea, circa 1730
    Jun. 24, 2020

    * Eastern Europe. Moll (H.), ..., This map of Moscovy, Poland, Tartary and ye Black Sea, circa 1730

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    * Eastern Europe. Moll (Herman), To His Most Serene and August Majesty Peter Alexovitz Absolute Lord of Russia &c. This Map of Moscovy, Poland, Tartary and ye Black Sea &c. is most Humbly Dedicated, London: J. Bowles, P. Overton. T. Bowles & J. King, circa 1730, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring and some later enhancement, inset maps of Northern Russia, the lower course of the River Volga and the vicinity of Asov, large allegorical cartouche, old folds, some folds show areas of repair, one small area of loss in publisher's details, skilfully repaired and replaced in facsimile, 610 x 980 mm, mounted, framed and glazed (Qty: 1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Johann Peter Schwanthaler der Ältere
    Dec. 07, 2019

    Johann Peter Schwanthaler der Ältere

    Est: -

    (1720 Ried - 1795 ebenda) Umkreis Kruzifix Buchsbaum, vollplastisch geschnitzt; Plinthe aus Nussbaum. Sehr feine und detailreiche Darstellung des Gekreuzigten im Dreinageltypus mit Dornenkrone auf dem Haupt, das Lendentuch vom Wind bewegt; das Kreuz aus Baumstämmen, am Fuß des Kreuzes eine Schlange mit einem Apfel im Maul. Eine in ihrer s-förmig gewundenen, anatomisch detailreichen, expressiv geschilderten Figur Christi künstlerisch herausragende Skulptur des Spätbarock. Durch die Darstellung der Schlange mit dem Apfel nimmt der Bildhauer ikonographisch Bezug auf Adam und das Paradies, da Christus theologisch als der "Neue Adam" gilt und zugleich das Böse überwindet. H. 62 cm. Circle of Johann Peter Schwanthaler (1720 - 1795). Carved boxwood crucifix. Walnut base. $P#

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Russia & Eastern Europe. Moll (Herman), circa 1730
    Nov. 06, 2019

    Russia & Eastern Europe. Moll (Herman), circa 1730

    Est: £400 - £600

    Russia & Eastern Europe. Moll (Herman), To his Most Serene and August Majesty Peter Alexovitz, Absolute Lord of Russia &c. This Map of Moscovy, Poland, Little Tartary and ye Black Sea &c. is most Humbly Dedicated..., published J & T Bowles, P.Overton & J.King, c.1730, large engraved map on two conjoined sheets, contemporary hand colouring with some later enhancement to the cartouche, inset maps of the Northern part of European Russia and the lower course of the Volga in the vicinity of Asov, old folds strengthened on verso, one closed tear and two small holes professionally repaired on verso, the whole backed with archival tissue, 620 x 975 mm (Qty: 1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Piranesi Print St Peter's Basilica in Vatican
    Sep. 15, 2018

    Piranesi Print St Peter's Basilica in Vatican

    Est: $300 - $500

    Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Italian, 1720-1788), 'Veduta Interna della Basilica di S. Pierto in Vaticano vicino alla Tribuna', print, signed Caval Piranesi F in plate, 19 1/2" x 27 1/4" (sight), frame 26 1/4" x 33 3/4". Provenance: Cambridge, Massachusetts collection.

    Kaminski Auctions
    Oct. 28, 2017


    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    A PATENT FOR THE PROMOTION OF CAPTAIN PETER SCA- LONE IN SECONDS-MAJORS State Stamp of Russian Empire (good conservation): handwritten signatu- res of Catherine II 28 July 1793, Saint-Petersburg Engraving on parchment Sheet: 24 x 38 cm. ЕКАТЕРИНА II АЛЕКСЕЕВНА (1729-1796), ИМПЕРАТРИЦА ВСЕРОССИЙСКАЯ Патент о производстве капитана Петра СКАЛОНА в секунд- майоры. 28 июля 1793 г., Санкт-Петербург. 24 х 38 см. Гравюра на пергамене. Оттиск Государственной печати Российской империи (прекрасной сохранности). С собственноручной подписью императрицы.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • Ignazio e Filippo Collino Figure dei Santi Pietro e Paolo in terracotta Ignazio and Filippo Collino Figures of Sts. Peter and Paul in terracotta
    Nov. 05, 2015

    Ignazio e Filippo Collino Figure dei Santi Pietro e Paolo in terracotta Ignazio and Filippo Collino Figures of Sts. Peter and Paul in terracotta

    Est: -

    Ignazio (Torino 1724-1793) e Filippo (Torino 1737 ca. – 1793) Collino Figure dei Santi Pietro e Paolo in terracotta, alt. cm 41,5 e cm 40. Rotture, mancanze e restauri. € 5.000,00

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Historia Ducum Styriae in Spendid Binding, Graz, 1728
    Nov. 19, 2014

    Historia Ducum Styriae in Spendid Binding, Graz, 1728

    Est: €480 - €600

    Peter Schez Historia ducum Styriae In tres partes ... Three parts in noe volume, written in Latin Printed by Widmanstetter in Graz, 1728 One large multiple folding copper portrait and 22 splendid full-page portrait plates Original and splendid master binding with rich gilt-tooled ornamentation such as crowns and blossoms Dimensions of folio volume: 31.5 x 21 x 4.5 cm Complete and well-preserved copy in an unusual binding The Chronicle of the Dukes of Styria from Ottokar I. to the Emperor Joseph I. is an important witness of Styrian history. It was commissioned by the Grazer Jesuit College as a birthday gift for the Emperor Charles VI. It is equipped with a large, multi-folded copper engraved frontispiece and 22 beautiful full-page portrait plates. Collation 1 frontispiece, 4 leaves, 186 pages, 108 pages and 84 pages. Followed by 10 pages index. Complete Condition In very good condition. Clean and neat print. Slightly discolored only in outer margins. Leaf 63 in third volume with larger split in lower margin. Binding Original, unusually splendid master binding. Blind- and gilt-tooled roll-stamp borders (blossom roll) and slate iron lines. Center panels on boards magnificently adorned with crowns and blossoms and splendid tendrils. Spine with blind-tooled ornamental decorations. Three gilt edges. Presumably Austrian master binding. Six raised bands. In good condition. Boards and joints rubbed. Gilt embossing partly quite oxidized. Edges and corners with strong scuff marks. Upper spine end chipped and with small defective spots in leather. Inner joints broken. Index detached from book block at top and somewhat cocked in binding. However, book block and binding all in all firm and stable. Dimensions of folio volume: 31.5 x 21 x 4.5 cm. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Peter Acquisto Miniature Sterling
    Oct. 26, 2013

    Peter Acquisto Miniature Sterling

    Est: $100 - $200

    Pair French candlesticks circa 1728, original by Messonnier #156, cherub figurine, 18th century #155, 2 handled green vase form circa 1854, original by American Victorian Silver #155, chamber candlestick circa 1734, original by James Gould, London #143, all marked A Sterling in original boxes

    Ron Rhoads Auctioneers
  • Peter Acquisto Miniature Sterling
    Oct. 26, 2013

    Peter Acquisto Miniature Sterling

    Est: $100 - $200

    Pair of Williamsburg Candlesticks circa 1723-1724, original by David Green # 153, 2 mugs circa 1752-1753, original by John White, London #176, covered platter 1/2 in. scale circa 1718-1719, original by Richard Bayley #232, hot milk jug circa 1720, original by Richard Bayley, London #165, unicorn table ornament, medieval unicorn on an oval base #132, all marked A Sterling

    Ron Rhoads Auctioneers
  • SHAW, PETER. Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemistry . . . Drawn from the Collegium Jenense of Dr. George Ernest Stahl. 1730
    Oct. 17, 2011

    SHAW, PETER. Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemistry . . . Drawn from the Collegium Jenense of Dr. George Ernest Stahl. 1730

    Est: $600 - $900

    SHAW, PETER. Philosophical Principles of Universal Chemistry . . . Drawn from the Collegium Jenense of Dr. George Ernest Stahl. xxviii, 424, [28] pages, including initial ad leaf and 2 ad leaves at end. 8vo, contemporary calf, joints and top of spine reinforced; contents clean. London: John Osborn and Thomas Longman, 1730

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • PETER I, the Great -- Pravda voli monarshei, vo opredelenii naslednika derzhavy svoei . [The Justice of the Monarch's Right to Appoint the Heir to His Throne.] [Moscow: 1722 [but 1726]. 4° (314 x 195mm). (Dampstain mostly in the margins, a few
    Nov. 23, 2009

    PETER I, the Great -- Pravda voli monarshei, vo opredelenii naslednika derzhavy svoei . [The Justice of the Monarch's Right to Appoint the Heir to His Throne.] [Moscow: 1722 [but 1726]. 4° (314 x 195mm). (Dampstain mostly in the margins, a few

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    PETER I, the Great -- Pravda voli monarshei, vo opredelenii naslednika derzhavy svoei. [The Justice of the Monarch's Right to Appoint the Heir to His Throne.] [Moscow: 1722 [but 1726]. 4° (314 x 195mm). (Dampstain mostly in the margins, a few old repairs, some soiling.) Contemporary Russian calf (text block detached, worn, spine chipped). Provenance: an early reader (light marginalia). PETER CLAIMS ULTIMATE AUTHORITY IN DECIDING HIS SUCCESSION. The second edition. RARE: ABPC records no copy selling at auction in over 30 years. WorldCat locates copies only at Harvard, the New York Public Library, and the State Library in Berlin; apparently no copies in the UK. Bitovt 340; Opisanie Izd. Grazhd. Pechati 696; Smirnov-Sokol'ski 15 (for the 1722 edition).

  • 9 FLB Early Poetry Books 1730-1857
    Jun. 30, 2007

    9 FLB Early Poetry Books 1730-1857

    Est: $250 - $350

    (9) SCARCE EARLY FLB POETRY TITLES - Including: 'The Beauties of Hervey', Wilmington, De, Peter Drynberg, 1797; 'Essays of Rhetorics Abridged Chiefly from Dr. Blair's Letters on That Science', Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1793; Watts, Isaac; 'The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament', Keene, NH, John Prentiss, 1803; 'The Poetical Works of Collins, Gray and Beattie, with a Memoir of Each', NY, Turner & Hayden, 1844; 'The Works of Edmund Waller, Esq. In Verse and Prose', publ by Mr Fenton, London, J. Tonson, 1730; Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 'Aurora Leigh', first American edition, NY, C.S. Francis & Co., 1857; Watts, C.; Poems Chiefly of the Lyric Kind', NY, Ducykinch, 1813; 'Beauties of Poetry', Albany, Churchill & M'Glashaw, 1814; Thomson, James; 'The Seasons', Wrentham, Mass., Nathart Heaton, 1800.

    Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
    Nov. 23, 2006


    Est: £3,000 - £4,000

    PORTRAIT OF JOHN KYRLE OF ROSSHIRE, THE MAN OF ROSS (1637-1724) measurements note 73 by 61 cm., 28¾ by 24 in. Half length, wearing brown robes later inscribed u.l. with the identity of the sitter, and later inscribed on the reverse, transcribed from an inscription on the original canvas:Mr Iohn Kyrle of Rofse / Aetatis sua 35 oil on canvas PROVENANCE Anne, Lady Wynford, Wynford Eagle, Dorset NOTE The sitter was the eldest son of Walter Kyrle (d. 1660) of Ross, Herefordshire, barrister, JP, and MP for Leominster in 1640, and his wife, Alice Mallet (d. 1663), daughter and heir of John Mallet of Berkeley, Gloucestershire. During his lifetime Kyrle seems to have earned the title of the 'Man of Ross' or, according to Thomas Hearne, the 'Great Man of Ross'. He seems to have regularly acted on behalf of his neighbours in legal matters, and may have acted on behalf of Ross, Lord Weymouth, as the absentee lord of the manor. Kyrle was famed as a philanthropist, and it was claimed that he had performed innumerable acts of kindness, ensuring decent funerals for the poor and providing medicines for the sick. It would seem that his reputation for this philanthropy is largely owed to Alexander Pope's posthumous eulogy of him in his third 'Moral Epistle', published in 1732.

    Jun. 29, 2004


    Est: £800 - £1,200

    oval, the lid impressed with an equestrian portrait of Peter the Great, wearing armour and a laurel wreath, holding a sword, the horse prancing through a flowery meadow with shipping in the distance, reeded border and sides

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