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? (1780) Perrault Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Perrault,C.
    Dec. 15, 2022


    Est: €1,600 - €2,400

    Contes des Fees. Nouvelle ed. Paris, chez Fournier et Onfroy 1782. 12°. Mit Holzschn.-Front. u. 13 (davon 1 wdh.) Holzschn.-Kopfvign. VIII, 328 S. Mod. Hlwd. Vgl. Brunet IV, 508, Gumuchian 4415 u. Cohen-de Ricci 790. - Zweite Auflage (EA 1781) der ersten vollständigen Ausgabe, selten. Enthält zwölf Märchen: Le Chaperon Rouge, Les Fees, La Barbe Bleue, La Belle au bois dorm, Le Chat botte, Cendrillon, Riquet a la Houpe, Le Petit Poucet, L'Adroite Princesse, Griselidis, Peau d'Ane (in zwei Versionen) und Les Souhaits ridicul. - Etw. fleckig u. gebräunt.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Perrault (Charles) Histories or Tales of Past Times, told by Mother Goose, ninth edition, woodcuts, Salisbury, 1783 & others, fairy tales (7)
    Jun. 09, 2020

    Perrault (Charles) Histories or Tales of Past Times, told by Mother Goose, ninth edition, woodcuts, Salisbury, 1783 & others, fairy tales (7)

    Est: £500 - £700

    [Perrault (Charles)] Histories or Tales of Past Times, told by Mother Goose, ninth edition, lacking A1 & 6 (frontispiece and pp.11/12), 7 woodcut chapter headings only (of 8, lacking that to 'The Fairy'), contemporary ink inscription to head of title, light browning, stab-hole to a few leaves, becoming loose, original "Dutch" floral boards, rubbed, lacking backstrip, Salisbury, Collins and Johnson...S.Crowder, 1783 § [Aulnoy (Marie-Catherine d')] The History of the Tales of the Fairies, 7 woodcut illustrations, a little soiled and stained, title frayed and lacking portion from inner margin, D2 torn without loss and D12 (final leaf) defective at lower outer corner with loss to final two lines, embossed stamp to final leaf, stitched in old boards ready for binding in leather, for C. and R.Ware..., 1769 § Famous History of Tom Thumb (The). Wherein is declared, his Marvellous Acts of Manhood...Performed after his First Return from Fairy-land, Parts II & III only (of 3), each with 24pp., titles with large woodcut, Part II with 8 woodcut illustrations and Part III with 12, lightly browned, original printed pictorial wrappers, a little soiled and stained, Printed for the Booksellers, [?1780] § [Peacock (Lucy)] The Adventures of the Six Princesses of Babylon, in their Travels to the Temple of Virtue..., first edition, signed by the author on final leaf, lacking half-title and pp.ix-xxiv of preliminaries, stab-holes, some damp- or water-staining, no endpapers, contemporary marbled boards, lacking backstrip, for the Author, by T.Bensley, 1785 § History of Valentine and Orson (The), 16pp., single folded sheet, woodcut title-vignette, browned, [Nottingham], Printed [by Charles Sutton] for the Company of Walking Stationers, [?1790]; and another later fairy tale, v.s. (7) ⁂ The first two are translated from the French, the fourth is an adaptation for children of Spenser's Fairy Queene. ESTC lists only one copy of each of the first and fourth items (both Oxford Bodleian Library).

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • VITRUVIUS POLLO (MARCUS)- Les dix livres d'architecture, Paris, Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1784
    Mar. 25, 2014

    VITRUVIUS POLLO (MARCUS)- Les dix livres d'architecture, Paris, Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1784

    Est: £300 - £500

    Les dix livres d'architecture, second edition of Perrault's translation, engraved allegorical frontispiece by G. Scotin after Le Clerc, 68 engraved illustrations (many full-page), woodcut illustrations, engraved head- and tail-pieces, single wormhole after p.92 (extending to trail on some 9 leaves and final few), contemporary calf, rebacked in calf gilt retaining 2 early morocco lettering labels [Cicognara 730; Fowler 418], folio (430 x 280mm.), Paris, Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1784

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