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Pierre (1648) Patel Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, copperplate engraver

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    Oct. 26, 2024


    Est: -

    PATEL, Pierre Antoine(1648 Paris - 1707 ebd.) Landschaft mit elegantem Paar Öl/Leinwand. Rechts unten schwach an der Säule signiert. 43,5 x 32 cm. Gerahmt : 56,4 x 43,5 cm (Goldstuckrahmen). Das Paar an einer Ruine mit Schwänen im Wasser unweit einer Küstenstadt . Leinwand doubliert. Französischer Maler und Kupferstecher. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 26. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 11:29 Uhr (CET) PATEL, Pierre Antoine(1648 Paris - 1707 ibid.) Landscape with an elegant couple Oil/canvas. Faintly signed on the column lower right. 43.5 x 32 cm. Framed : 56.4 x 43.5 cm (gold stucco frame). The couple at a ruin with swans in the water not far from a coastal town . Doubled canvas. French painter and engraver. Literature : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 26. | Oct. 2024 | probably 11:29 am (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Landscape with Flight Into Egypt, Pierre-Antoine Patel/Patel the Younger (1646-1707)
    Oct. 14, 2024

    Landscape with Flight Into Egypt, Pierre-Antoine Patel/Patel the Younger (1646-1707)

    Est: $500 - $10,000

    Landscape with Flight Into Egypt. Attributed to Pierre-Antoine Patel/Patel the Younger (1646-1707). Repairs. There is a crack in the paint at the center top. Has craquelure. Framed size: 47.5" x 41.25". Sight size: 42" x 35.5". Part two of a single-owner Lancaster, Ohio collection. We sold the first part of this collection last July. All sales final. Invoices above $2500 must be paid with cash, cashier's check or wire transfer. In-house shipping is available. Pickup is Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 1 pm to 3 pm in Carroll, OH or by appointment by Nov. 1. We can provide in-house shipping for this item. We pack once the lot is paid for. Once packed up we will send you an invoice for shipping and handling. Shipping questions: shipping@burnsbid.com Sales tax will be collected on all bidders. If tax exempt, make sure your certification is submitted with the bid platform. .

    Burns Auction & Appraisal, LLC.
  • Pierre-Antoine PATEL
    Sep. 23, 2024

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL (Paris, 1648-1707) Paysages animés de personnages Paire de gouaches Signées 'PATEL' en bas à droite et en bas à gauche (Déchirure) 16.5 x 23.5 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Me Oger, 23 juin 1975 (comme école française du XVIIIe siècle) ; Collection particulière, Paris Pierre-Antoine PATEL (Paris, 1648-1707) 16.5 x 23.5 cm

  • Pierre Antoine Patel der Jüngere
    Sep. 07, 2024

    Pierre Antoine Patel der Jüngere

    Est: €1,400 - €2,800

    (1648 Paris - 1707 ebenda) attr.; Italienische Landschaft mit Ruinen und Figuren Blick auf eine arkadische, südliche Ideallandschaft, die durch eine fantasiereiche Staffage aus unterschiedlichsten Figuren belebt wird. In pastelltonigem, hellen Kolorit duftig gemaltes Werk des französischen Landschaftsmalers. Wie sein Vater Pierre Patel, mit dem seine Bilder vielfach verwechselt werden, schuf auch er italienisierende, von Claude Lorrain inspirierte Landschaftskompositionen mit antiken römischen Ruinen als Versatzsstücke. Im Gegensatz zu ihm erscheinen die Bilder des Sohnes jedoch freier, malerisch bewegter und zeigen eine unmittelbarere Naturauffassung. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; 62 cm x 85 cm. Rahmen. Provenienz: deutsche Privatsammlung, erworben 1980 in der Galerie Frye & Sohn, Münster. Attributed to Pierre Antoine Patel (1648 - 1707). Oil on canvas. Relined.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
    Jun. 15, 2024


    Est: -

    PATEL, Pierre Antoine(1648 Paris - 1707 ebd.) Landschaft mit elegantem Paar Öl/Leinwand. Rechts unten schwach an der Säule signiert. 43,5 x 32 cm. Gerahmt : 56,4 x 43,5 cm (Goldstuckrahmen). Das Paar an einer Rune mit Schwänen im Wasser unweit einer Küstenstadt . Leinwand doubliert. Französischer Maler und Kupferstecher. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 15. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 13:11 Uhr (CET) PATEL, Pierre Antoine(1648 Paris - 1707 ibid.) Landscape with an elegant couple Oil/canvas. Faintly signed on the column lower right. 43.5 x 32 cm. Framed : 56.4 x 43.5 cm (gold stucco frame). The couple at a rune with swans in the water not far from a coastal town . Doubled canvas. French painter and engraver. Literature : Thieme/Becker. Call time 15 | June 2024 | probably 13:11 (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) - A capriccio of a Roman palace with a garden
    May. 23, 2024

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) - A capriccio of a Roman palace with a garden

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) A capriccio of a Roman palace with a garden oil on canvas 17 ¼ x 25 ¾ in. (43.8 x 65.4 cm.)

  • Pierre Antoine Patel, 1648 Paris – 1707 ebenda, zugeschrieben
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Pierre Antoine Patel, 1648 Paris – 1707 ebenda, zugeschrieben

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    ITALIENISCHE LANDSCHAFT MIT DER ANTIKEN RUINE EINES NYMPHÄUMS Öl auf Leinwand. 50 x 60,5 cm. In dekorativem Rahmen. Blick auf die Reste eines mit herabhängenden Pflanzen bewachsenen antiken Nymphäums, dessen sonnenbeschienene Seite reich mit Friesen, Pilastern und Säulen verziert sind. Durch einen großen Bogen ist dessen halbkreisförmiges Inneres in diffusem Licht zu erkennen; unterhalb des Bogens zwei Schäfer mit Hund und ihrer Schaf- und Ziegenherde. Linksseitig im Schatten liegend zwei große kannelierte Säulen und weitere antike Gebäudereste mit einer Skulptur. Im Hintergrund die weite bergige Landschaft im stimmungsvollen Licht der untergehenden Sonne. Malerei in der sich der Einfluss von Claude Lorrain (1600-1682) auf den Künstler erkennen lässt. (13916016) (1) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attributed to Pierre Antoine Patel (1648 - 1707): Landscape with Figures
    Feb. 21, 2024

    Attributed to Pierre Antoine Patel (1648 - 1707): Landscape with Figures

    Est: $600 - $800

    Attributed to Pierre Antoine Patel (1648 - 1707): Landscape with Figures oil on relined canvas; unsigned, with plaque inscribed "Pierre Antoine Patel 1648 - 1707"

    Abell Auction
  • Apollo and Daphne | Apollon et Daphné
    Dec. 19, 2023

    Apollo and Daphne | Apollon et Daphné

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Pierre-Antoine Patel the Younger Paris 1648 - 1707 Apollo and Daphne  Gouache; signed and dated, in white gouache, lower centre:  PATEL/1697 160 by 270 mm ______________________________________________________ Pierre-Antoine Patel le Jeune Paris 1648 - 1707 Apollon et Daphné Gouache Signé et daté à la gouache blanche en bas au centre PATEL/1697 160 x 270 mm

  • A landscape with antique ruins and a washerwoman | Lavandière dans un paysage de ruines antiques
    Dec. 19, 2023

    A landscape with antique ruins and a washerwoman | Lavandière dans un paysage de ruines antiques

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Pierre Antoine Patel Paris 1648 - 1707 A landscape with antique ruins and a washerwoman  Gouache; bears a pen and brown ink old inscription (only partly legible) on the wooden backing: Marie Françoise Moreau. 188 x 243 mm ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Pierre Antoine Patel Paris 1648 - 1707 Lavandière dans un paysage de ruines antiques Gouache Porte une ancienne inscription à la plume et encre brune (partiellement lisible) sur le montage au revers Marie Françoise Moreau. 188 x 243 mm

  • Figures before a classical ruin | Figures devant un temple en ruines
    Dec. 19, 2023

    Figures before a classical ruin | Figures devant un temple en ruines

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Pierre-Antoine Patel the Younger Paris 1648 - 1707 Figures before a classical ruin Gouache signed and dated, lower right:  A.PATEL / 1688 164 by 280 mm _______________________________________________________________________ Pierre-Antoine Patel le Jeune Paris 1648 - 1707 Figures devant un temple en ruines Gouache Signé et daté en bas à droite A.PATEL / 1688 164 by 280 mm

  • Pierre Antoine Patel, 1648 – 1707, zugeschrieben
    Dec. 07, 2023

    Pierre Antoine Patel, 1648 – 1707, zugeschrieben

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    KLASSISCHE ANSICHT MIT RUINEN Gouache auf Papier, auf Holz aufgezogen. 24 x 36 cm. Hinter Glas gerahmt. Weite Flusslandschaft bei stürmischem Wetter mit starkem Wind, linksseitig antike Ruine mit Staffagefiguren, eine weitere Ruine rechtsseitig am Hang des Ufers stehend. (1380411) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Pierre Antoine Patel
    Dec. 02, 2023

    Pierre Antoine Patel

    Est: €4,500 - €9,000

    (1648 Paris - 1707 ebenda) Südliche Landschaft mit Ruinen und Liebespaar Abendlich gestimmte, baumbestandene Landschaft, im Vordergrund antike Ruinen mit flanierendem, höfischem Liebespaar, neben ihnen ein Schwanenpaar als Liebessymbol, im Hintergrund ein weiteres, ruhendes Liebespaar und eine Küstenlandschaft mit alter Stadt. Pierre Antoine Patel war der Sohn des aus der Picardie stammenden, schon in den 1630er Jahren in Paris tätigen Künstlers Pierre Patel (1605 - 1676), bei dem er wahrscheinlich lernte. Wie sein Vater spezialisierte sich auch er auf imaginäre, idealisierende Landschaftsdarstellungen von Italien mit griechisch-römischen Ruinen, allerdings in malerisch freierer Naturauffassung, getaucht in ein warmes Sonnenlicht. Seine Gemälde hängen u.a. in der Eremitage, im Warschauer Nationalmuseum, im Princeton University Art Museum und im Louvre. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; R. u. an der Säule sign.; 44 cm x 32 cm. Rahmen. Oil on canvas, relined. Signed.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • ¤ Attribué à Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit Patel le Fils Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage arcadien avec des figures près de ruines Tempera sur v.
    Sep. 26, 2023

    ¤ Attribué à Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit Patel le Fils Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage arcadien avec des figures près de ruines Tempera sur v.

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Attribué à Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit Patel le Fils Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage arcadien avec des figures près de ruines Tempera sur vélin marouflé sur panneau (Soulèvements et restaurations) Acardian landscape with figures next to ruins, tempera on vellum, laid down on panel, attr. to P-A. Patel h: 22,50 w: 32 cm Provenance : Collection du comte A. G. Costantino, selon une étiquette au verso ; Vente anonyme ; New York, Bonhams, 4 mai 2011, n°48 Commentaire : Lot en importation temporaire L'acquéreur devra acquitter des frais d'importation, soit 5,5% en sus du prix d'adjudication sauf s'il réexporte immédiatement le lot hors de l'Union Européenne. Lot in temporary importation. In addition to the commissions and taxes, and additional import fees of 5,5% of the hammer price will be charged. The import fees can be retroceded to the purchaser on presentation of written proof of exportation outside European Union. Estimation 800 - 1 200 €

  • PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) Architectural capriccio with figures
    Jul. 04, 2023

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) Architectural capriccio with figures

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) Architectural capriccio with figures and a temple bodycolour on vellum laid down on panel, heightened with Arabic gum 16 1/4 x 25 3/4 in. (41,2 x 65,4 cm.)

    Jun. 04, 2023


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Antoine Pierre II Patel, dit le Jeune (Français, 1648-1707) La vocation de Simon, Jacques et Jean sur le lac de Tibériade, 1670 Gouache sur vélin tendu sur panneau. Signé et daté « AP.Patel 1670 » en bas à gauche. Haut. 22,5 Larg. 30 cm. Provenance : - collection Colas, Dijon ; - Louis Henri Girard (1881-1973), industriel à Champagnole, Jura ; - par descendance, collection particulière, Tours. A 1670 gouache painting by Antoine Pierre II Patel the Younger depicting the calling of Simon, James and John.

  • PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) A pair of architectural capriccios, the first known as 'L'Agréable... oil on canvas 25 3/4 x 32 1/4 in. (65.4 x 81.9 cm.), each 75
    May. 25, 2023

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) A pair of architectural capriccios, the first known as 'L'Agréable... oil on canvas 25 3/4 x 32 1/4 in. (65.4 x 81.9 cm.), each 75

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) A pair of architectural capriccios, the first known as 'L'Agréable... oil on canvas 25 3/4 x 32 1/4 in. (65.4 x 81.9 cm.), each

    Mar. 23, 2023


    Est: €3,500 - €5,000

    ATTRIBUÉ À PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL LE JEUNE (PARIS 1648-1707) PAYSAGE CLASSIQUE AVEC DES RUINES D’UN TEMPLE ROMAIN Toile et châssis d’origine Attr. to P.-A. Patel the younger, Classical landscape with ruins of a Roman temple, original canvas and stretcher, trace of signature in the center 32 x 40 cm - 12,6 x 15,7 in.

  • Pierre Antoine Patel the Younger (Paris 1648-1707) Italianate wooded landscape with ruins and a stag hunt beyond
    Sep. 14, 2022

    Pierre Antoine Patel the Younger (Paris 1648-1707) Italianate wooded landscape with ruins and a stag hunt beyond

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Pierre Antoine Patel the Younger (Paris 1648-1707) Italianate wooded landscape with ruins and a stag hunt beyond signed and dated 'AP.PATEL/ 1697' (on plinth, lower left, AP in ligature) oil on canvas 90.1 x 116.7cm (35 1/2 x 45 15/16in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    Sep. 10, 2022


    Est: €5,000 - €10,000

    PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL 22 November 1648 Paris - 17 March 1707 Ibid CAPRICCIO WITH ANCIENT RUINS IN A SUMMERY HILLY LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas (old relined). 67x81 cm (F. 84 x 99 cm). Signed lower left (difficult to read). Part. slightly old rest. Frame. Provenance: Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden, auction of 3 May 2008, lot 1536, ill. p. 381. Acquired there by the present owner.Zeichen(10)PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL 22. November 1648 Paris - 17. März 1707 Ebenda CAPRICCIO MIT ANTIKEN RUINEN IN EINER SOMMERLICHEN HÜGELIGEN LANDSCHAFT Öl auf Leinwand (altdoubl.). 67x81 cm (R. 84 x 99 cm). Links unten signiert (schwer leserlich). Part. leicht altrest. Rahmen. Provenienz: Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden, Auktion vom 03. Mai 2008, Lot 1536, Abb. S. 381. Dort erworben vom heutigen Eigentümer.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • ATTRIBUÉ À PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL LE JEUNE (Paris 1648-1707) Paysage classique avec des ruines d’un temple romain Toile et châssis...
    Jun. 22, 2022

    ATTRIBUÉ À PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL LE JEUNE (Paris 1648-1707) Paysage classique avec des ruines d’un temple romain Toile et châssis...

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    ATTRIBUÉ À PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL LE JEUNE (Paris 1648-1707) Paysage classique avec des ruines d’un temple romain Toile et châssis d'origine Trace de signature en bas au centre Attr. to P.-A. Patel the younger, Classical landscape with ruins of a Roman temple, original canvas and stretcher, trace of signature in the center 32 x 40 cm - 12,6 x 15,7 in.

  • Pierre-Antoine Patel (Parigi 1648 - 1707)
    Feb. 22, 2022

    Pierre-Antoine Patel (Parigi 1648 - 1707)

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Pierre-Antoine Patel (Parigi 1648 - 1707) Paesaggio con rovine e figure Olio su tela 92 x 120 cm Figlio del pittore paesaggista Pierre Patel detto il Vecchio, Pierre-Antoine Patel ha seguito la scia paterna, diventando un paesaggista francese seguace di Lorrain, Le Hyre e Lemarie. Si differenzia dal padre e dai suoi ispiratori per una visione meno classicista e idealizzata, alla quale predilige un tono più realistico nella rappresentazione paesaggistica e popolare per quanto riguarda i personaggi. I suoi dipinti si trovano in luoghi come l'Hermitage, il Museo Nazionale di Varsavia, il Princeton University Art Museum, e in diversi musei francesi tra cui il Louvre. Pierre-Antoine Patel (Paris 1648 - 1707) Landscape with Ruins and Figures Oil on canvas 92 x 120 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • Pierre Antoine Patel (1648-1707) – A City on the Seashore – Oil on Panel
    Dec. 21, 2021

    Pierre Antoine Patel (1648-1707) – A City on the Seashore – Oil on Panel

    Est: -

    Pierre Antoine Patel (French; 1648-1707), A City on the Seashore, 1692. Oil on panel. Signed and dated. 17.5X24 cm. Good-fair condition. A crack across panel. Framed, 25X32 cm with frame. Provenance: Private collection. Purchased at the Tajan auction house, Paris, June 13, 2006.

    Kedem Public Auction House Ltd
    Dec. 16, 2021


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) JEUNE FEMME ET SON ENFANT DANS UN PAYSAGE Sur sa toile d’origine Trace de signature en bas à gauche sur le piédestal : Patel Accidents, usures et restaurations anciennes Young woman and her child in a landscape, original canvas, signature trace at lower left on the pedestal: Patel, accidents, wear and old restorations 74 x 92,5 cm - 29,1 x 36,4 in.

  • Pierre-Antoine Patel (Parigi 1648 - 1707)
    Nov. 30, 2021

    Pierre-Antoine Patel (Parigi 1648 - 1707)

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Pierre-Antoine Patel (Parigi 1648 - 1707) Paesaggio con rovine e figure Olio su tela 92 x 120 cm Figlio del pittore paesaggista Pierre Patel detto il Vecchio, Pierre-Antoine Patel ha seguito la scia paterna, diventando un paesaggista francese seguace di Lorrain, Le Hyre e Lemarie. Si differenzia dal padre e dai suoi ispiratori per una visione meno classicista e idealizzata, alla quale predilige un tono più realistico nella rappresentazione paesaggistica e popolare per quanto riguarda i personaggi. I suoi dipinti si trovano in luoghi come l'Hermitage, il Museo Nazionale di Varsavia, il Princeton University Art Museum, e in diversi musei francesi tra cui il Louvre. Pierre-Antoine Patel (Paris 1648 - 1707) Landscape with ruins and figures Oil on canvas 92 x 120 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit le Jeune Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysages classiques animés de personnages Paire d'huiles sur panneaux de chêne..
    Nov. 09, 2021

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit le Jeune Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysages classiques animés de personnages Paire d'huiles sur panneaux de chêne..

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit le Jeune Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysages classiques animés de personnages Paire d'huiles sur panneaux de chêne, une planche (Restaurations et petits manques) Figures in classical landscapes, oil on panels, a pair, by P. A. Patel the Younger h: 19,50 w: 23,50 cm Estimation 8 000 - 12 000 €

  • Anonymous painter c. 1700, i
    Aug. 21, 2021

    Anonymous painter c. 1700, i

    Est: -

    Anonymous painter c. 1700, ideal landscape with overgrown ruins and fishermen, oil on canvas, restored and retouched, unsigned, verso old inventory number ''216'' and old label with handwritten attribution to Pierre Antoine Patel (1648-1707), 62 x 75 cm, framed 76 x 88 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit le Jeune Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage classique avec le Bon Samaritain Huile sur toile
    Jun. 09, 2021

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit le Jeune Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage classique avec le Bon Samaritain Huile sur toile

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL, dit le Jeune Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage classique avec le Bon Samaritain Huile sur toile Signée 'P PATEL' en bas à droite Sans cadre Landscape with the Good Samaritan, oil on canvas, signed, by P. A. Patel the Younger h: 37 w: 46,50 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme; Monaco, Sotheby's, 22 février 1986, n° 267 ; Collection particulière européenne Bibliographie : Nathalie Coural, 'Les Patel', Paris, 2001, p. 261, n° PAP 106, repr. Commentaire : A l'instar de son père, Pierre Patel, surnommé " le Claude Lorrain de la France " par Mariette, Pierre-Antoine Patel se fit une spécialité des paysages de petits formats où se côtoient ruines antiques et figures, dans une harmonie alliant vert, gris et bleu. Si aucun séjour italien n'est attesté pour les Patel père et fils, leurs paysages viennent témoigner de l'enthousiasme des artistes pour la Rome antique et ses monuments, largement diffusés par la gravure en Europe, ainsi que pour l'Italie, sa lumière et le paysage classique, relayé à Paris aussi bien par les œuvres des peintres du Nord ayant voyagé dans la Péninsule que par celles des maîtres italiens présentes dans les collections de la couronne et de nombreux amateurs. Un ciel bleu et rose vient ici se refléter dans un plan d'eau au bord duquel se dressent les ruines d'un antique palais, ainsi qu'une colonne tronquée. A ses pieds, deux hommes entourent un troisième personnage blessé et allongé sur le sol. Cette scène illustre peut-être, comme le propose Nathalie Coural ('op. cit.') la parabole du Bon Samaritain (Lc 10, 30-37). Ce petit paysage animé vient ici nous rappeler qu'avant les ruines et les caprices d'un Hubert Robert ou d'un Demachy, les peintres français du XVIIe siècle s'étaient emparés de ces thématiques, avec des effets d'atmosphère et de lumière différents, teintant leurs paysages d'une certaine douceur élégiaque. Like his father Pierre Patel, whom Mariette nicknamed "the Claude Lorraine of France", Pierre-Antoine Patel specialized in small format landscapes where antique ruins and figures are brought together in a harmony combining green, grey and blue colours. Although neither of the Patels, father or son, seems to have travelled to Italy, their landscapes show enthusiasm for ancient Rome and its monuments, which were widely circulated around Europe by prints, and more generally for Italy, its light and classical landscapes, brought to Paris through paintings by Dutch and Flemish artists who had travelled there and examples by Italian artists in the royal collection and those of connoisseurs. A blue and pink sky is here reflected on an area of water at the edge of which stand the ruins of an ancient palace and a truncated column. Below it, two men surround a third figure lying on the ground, injured. As Nathalie Coural has suggested (op. cit.), this may represent the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke, 10, 30-37). This small lively landscape is a reminder that before the ruins and capricci of artists like Hubert Robert or Demachy, French painters in the 17th century had also adopted these themes, with different atmospheric and lighting effects, colouring their landscapes with a certain nostalgia. Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 €

  • Pierre-Antoine PATEL Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage classique animé de figures Gouache sur vélin tendu sur panneau,
    Feb. 11, 2021

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage classique animé de figures Gouache sur vélin tendu sur panneau,

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL Paris, 1648 - 1707 Paysage classique animé de figures Gouache sur vélin tendu sur panneau, signé 'APATEL' en bas à droite h: 16 w: 23 cm Provenance : Acquis par l'actuel propriétaire à Paris en mai 1981 ; Collection particulière, Paris Bibliographie : Nathalie Coural, 'Les Patel', Paris, 2001, p. 286, n° PAP 161, repr. (historique, dimensions et mention de la signature erronées) Estimation 1 500 - 2 000 €

  • Attribué à Pierre Antoine PATEL ( 1648-1707) Paysa…
    Dec. 19, 2020

    Attribué à Pierre Antoine PATEL ( 1648-1707) Paysa…

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Attribué à Pierre Antoine PATEL ( 1648-1707) Paysage classique animé Toile Cadre: En bois sculpté redoré et ressemelé, travail Français du 18ème Hauteur: 79 cm Largeur: 111 cm Restaurations anciennes

    Dec. 15, 2020


    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) LE CHRIST ET LES PELERINS D’EMMAÜS Gouache sur vélin marouflé sur panneau Christ and Emmaus pilgrims, gouache on vellum laid on panel 17 X 22 CM - 6 3/4 X 8 5/8 IN. €1,500-2,000

    Dec. 15, 2020


    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) PAYSAGE AVEC HERO ET LEANDRE Gouache sur vélin Landscape with Hero and Leander, gouache on vellum 24 X 36 CM . 9 1/2 X 14 1/8 IN. €2,500-3,000

  • Pierre Antoine Patel - The month of July
    Dec. 03, 2020

    Pierre Antoine Patel - The month of July

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Month inscribed ''IVLLIET'' (sic) (on an antique style plate) and signed ''A PATEL'' lower left, above the sign of the lion in relief. Adhesive labels of the art forwarder ''Martinspeed Limited'', Vauxhall/London, with number 4587 and the information ''Ex Wengraf N. Y. 1'' verso. Oil on canvas. 45 x 66 cm. Relined. Restored, minor damage. Framed. From a series of representations of the twelve months (1699). Pierre Antoine Patel was the son of the Picardy-born artist Pierre Patel (1695-1676). Like his father, Patel specialized in landscape paintings with Greek and Roman ruins. When he got the commission for the series 'Les mois de l'année' in 1699, Pierre Antoine Patel had reached his artistic peak. His paintings take up the classicistic compositions by Claude Lorrain. The northern influence can be seen in the picturesque elements of the figures (peasants at work) and in the representation of urban and rural architectural elements. Light is great subtle, bright and dark contrasts are used in a refined and accentuated way. Since the late 18th century, Patels series of the months has been mentioned in literature. In 1787 it is mentioned as being stored in the 'maison de professe' of the Parisian Jesuits, Saint-Louis-de-la-Culture. During the French Revolution, the series was located in the church of Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis, after which it was divided into different properties. Today the paintings from the series are kept in the Louvre in Paris (January, April, August, September), the Museum of Fine Arts in San Francisco (October) and the Staatliches Museum Schwerin (November, December). The representation of the month of March seems to have been offered on 15 June 1994 as lot 84 at Cornette de Saint Cyr, Paris. Literature: Couval, Natalie, Les Patel. Pierre Patel (1605-1676) et ses fils - les paysages de ruines à Paris au XVIIe siècle. Paris 2001, i.a. pp. 123 and 221 f.: about 'Les mois de l'année'. Provenance: Sotheby's London, 7 December 1994, lot 39. - Gallery Alex Wengraf, London. - From the estate of a Hessian collector.

  • * Patel (Pierre Antoine, 1648-1707). Laban Goes Out to Abraham's Manservant (Genesis, Chapter 24, Verses 28-67),
    Nov. 08, 2018

    * Patel (Pierre Antoine, 1648-1707). Laban Goes Out to Abraham's Manservant (Genesis, Chapter 24, Verses 28-67),

    Est: £400 - £600

    fine gouache on paper, signed to the foot of the column at left, titled in French in gold to lower edge, laid down on early wood panel, with contemporary annotation to verso '45', 25.5 x 32.5 cm (10 x 12.75 ins), old gilt moulded frame, glazed - Quantity (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
    Oct. 25, 2018


    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL LE JEUNE (1648-1707) PAYSAGE DE RUINES ANIMEES Gouache sur velin ou papier Restaurations anciennes 34 X 22 CM €3,000-5,000

  • PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL THE YOUNGER | Landscape with classical ruins, a port in the background
    Jan. 31, 2018

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL THE YOUNGER | Landscape with classical ruins, a port in the background

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Gouache on vellum; signed and dated, lower left: PA. PATEL / 1687

    Oct. 18, 2017


    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL THE YOUNGER (FRENCH 1648-1707) Landscape with Antique Ruins and Tobias and the Angel in the Foreground, circa 1690s gouache on vellum, laid down on card 21.3 x 29 cm (8 3/8 x 11 3/8 in.) signed lower left in black ink AP Patel PROVENANCE Sale at Hotel du Palais, Biarritz, August 6-7, 2000, lot 177, illustrated Sale at Hotel Drouot, Paris, September 29, 2000, lot 177 Sotheby`s, New York, January 30, 2013, lot 249 Private Collection, New York(acquired at the above sale) LITERATURE N. Courel, Les Patel (Paris, 2001), p. 281, no. PAP154, illustrated LOT NOTES In her monograph on the Patel artists( loc. cit), Natalie Courel believes the present work to be characteristic of Patel the Younger's work of the 1690s.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL (French, 1648-1707). Figures in a landscape w/rains. Signed and dated 1689 lower center. Gouache on paper. 7.75''H x 9.75''W. Condition: tear on right side. Provenance: Mail Pouch Tobacco Estate.
    Oct. 07, 2017

    PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL (French, 1648-1707). Figures in a landscape w/rains. Signed and dated 1689 lower center. Gouache on paper. 7.75''H x 9.75''W. Condition: tear on right side. Provenance: Mail Pouch Tobacco Estate.

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL (French, 1648-1707). Figures in a landscape w/rains. Signed and dated 1689 lower center. Gouache on paper. 7.75''H x 9.75''W. Condition: tear on right side. Provenance: Mail Pouch Tobacco Estate.

    Dargate Auction Galleries
  • Pierre-Antoine Patel II (Paris 1648-1707) - A stag hunt in an extensive wooded landscape with ruins
    Jul. 07, 2017

    Pierre-Antoine Patel II (Paris 1648-1707) - A stag hunt in an extensive wooded landscape with ruins

    Est: £15,000 - £25,000

    Pierre-Antoine Patel II (Paris 1648-1707) A stag hunt in an extensive wooded landscape with ruins oil on canvas 95 5/8 x 46 1/8 in. (90.4 x 117.2 cm.)

  • Pierre-Antoine PATEL LE JEUNE (PARIS 1648-1707)
    Jun. 22, 2017

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL LE JEUNE (PARIS 1648-1707)

    Est: €7,000 - €8,000

    Pierre-Antoine PATEL LE JEUNE (PARIS 1648-1707) Le Déluge ou l'Eau Toile Intitulée, signée et datée en bas à droite : L'EAU/Le Déluge/PA PATEL/1707 AF ( ) Restaurations anciennes Le Déluge ou l'Eau, canvas, titled, signed, and dated lower right. 91 X 70 cm - 35 7/8 X 27 1/2 IN.

  • Patel, Antoine Pierre d.J. - Nachahmer: Italienisierende Flusslandschaft mit Ruinenarchitektur und Personen
    Nov. 26, 2016

    Patel, Antoine Pierre d.J. - Nachahmer: Italienisierende Flusslandschaft mit Ruinenarchitektur und Personen

    Est: -

    Patel, Antoine Pierre d.J. - Nachahmer—Italienisierende Flusslandschaft mit Ruinenarchitektur und Personen—(Frankreich, 1648-1707) Öl/Lwd., doubl. 24 x 33 cm.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
    Sep. 14, 2016


    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL (PARIS 1648-1707) Paysage avec un grand édifice ruiné animé de figures huile sur toile 74 x 93,5 cm. (29 1/8 x 36 7/8 in.)

    Jun. 15, 2016


    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    PIERRE-ANTOINE PATEL LE JEUNE (PARIS 1648 - 1707) LE DELUGE OU L'EAU Toile Intitulée, signée et datée en bas à droite : L'EAU / Le Déluge / PA PATEL / 1707 AF(?) Restaurations anciennes 91 X 70 CM - 35 7/8 X 27 1/2 IN. The Deluge or Water, canvas, titled, signed, and dated lower right.

    May. 04, 2016


    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    ATTRIBUÉ À PIERRE ANTOINE PATEL DIT LE JEUNE (1648-1707) Paysage classique animé avec un bateau Gouache sur vélin Ecaillures et petits trous Gouache on vellum 16 cm de diamètre - 6 1/4 IN. IN DIAMETER

  • Antoine Pierre II le Jeune Patel, 1648 - 1707
    Dec. 10, 2015

    Antoine Pierre II le Jeune Patel, 1648 - 1707

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    KÜSTENSTÜCK MIT RUINEN Gouache auf Papier. 15,5 x 20,5 cm. Rechts unten teilweise in Ligatur signiert „AP. Patel“ und datiert 1697. Unter Glas gerahmt. Zwei Fischer gehen aus dem Bildvordergrund, welcher rechts durch eine korinthische Säulenarchitektur begrenzt wird, auf das Meer zu, welches auf der linken Seite bis zum Horizont reicht. Bewegte Schiffe dynamisieren die Szenerie, welche im Hintergrund durch ruinenbestandene Hügel begrenzt wird. Streifen am Himmel suggerieren Luftströme. (1030091) (13) Antoine Pierre II Patel the Younger, 1648 - 1707 COASTAL SCENE WITH RUINS Gouache on paper. 15.5 x 20.5 cm. Signed lower right, partly in ligature “AP. Patel“ and dated 1697. Framed with glass.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Circle of Pierre Antoine Patel the Younger (Paris 1648-1707) An Italianate
    Oct. 28, 2015

    Circle of Pierre Antoine Patel the Younger (Paris 1648-1707) An Italianate

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    Circle of Pierre Antoine Patel the Younger (Paris 1648-1707) An Italianate landscape with figures on a riverbank

  • ANTOINE PIERRE PATEL, Südliche Landschaft mit Ruine
    Jun. 17, 2015

    ANTOINE PIERRE PATEL, Südliche Landschaft mit Ruine

    Est: CHF10,000 - CHF12,000

    ANTOINE PIERRE PATEL, Südliche Landschaft mit Ruine, Paris 1648-1707 Paris, Öl auf Lwd., doubliert, 73,5 x 82 cm, in Louis-XIII.-Originalrahmen,

    Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
  • Attribué à Pierre Antoine PATEL (1648-1707) Paysages au temple Paire de toiles Pair of canvasses. On the back several n°, on the bot...
    Jun. 16, 2015

    Attribué à Pierre Antoine PATEL (1648-1707) Paysages au temple Paire de toiles Pair of canvasses. On the back several n°, on the bot...

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Attribué à Pierre Antoine PATEL (1648-1707) Paysages au temple Paire de toiles Pair of canvasses. On the back several n°, on the both: Brookling 39 x 47cm (15 5/16 IN. X 18 1/2 IN.) Au revers des châssis, divers n° Au revers d'un des deux châssis: Brookling Dans des cadres à palmettes

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