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Italo Amerigo Passani Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Italo Passani Illustration Drawing
    Apr. 24, 2024

    Italo Passani Illustration Drawing

    Est: $100 - $300

    Italy 1882 -1963 Depicts the portrait of a young woman with two braids framing her face. Passano studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence under Augusto Rivalta and took part in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad.

    Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers
  • Italo Passani Dog Still Life Illustration Drawing
    Apr. 24, 2024

    Italo Passani Dog Still Life Illustration Drawing

    Est: $200 - $600

    Italy 1882 -1963 Depicts a diminutive Pekingese dog seated sculpture behind a single plucked flower. Passano studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence under Augusto Rivalta and took part in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad.

    Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers
  • Italo Passani Still Life Illustration Drawing
    Apr. 24, 2024

    Italo Passani Still Life Illustration Drawing

    Est: $200 - $600

    Italy 1882 -1963 Depicts a glass half full of water holding a single orchid. Passano studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence under Augusto Rivalta and took part in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad.

    Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers
  • Italo Passani Cartoon Dog Illustration Drawing
    Apr. 24, 2024

    Italo Passani Cartoon Dog Illustration Drawing

    Est: $600 - $1,500

    Italy 1882 -1963 Depicts a caricature of a seated dog leaning back with a satisfied grin in front of a mostly eaten pile of grapes. Passano studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence under Augusto Rivalta and took part in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad.

    Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers
  • Italo Amerigo Passani, Herrenbüste
    Feb. 27, 2021

    Italo Amerigo Passani, Herrenbüste

    Est: -

    Italo Amerigo Passani, Herrenbüste um 1930, verso signiert "I. Amerigo Passani", Bronze in sattem Braun patiniert, Kopfdarstellung eines jungen Mannes mit schmunzelnd zur Seite gedrehtem Kopf, sein Lächeln zu verbergen versuchend, auf mehrteiligem Marmorsockel, sehr gut erhalten, H Büste ca. 32 cm, H gesamt ca. 48 cm. Künstlerinfo: italienischer Bildhauer (1882 Carrara bis 1963?), älterer Bruder von Decimo Passani, studierte an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Florenz unter anderem unter Augusto Rivalta, dank des in den ersten vierzig Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts günstigen Klimas für junge Künstler in Italien nahm er an zahlreichen Ausstellungen im italienischen In- und Ausland teil, 1924 sogar in New York, schuf unter anderem monumentale Werke und Monumente für Kriegstote, ab 1923 Ehrenakademiker der Akademie der Zeichenkünste in Florenz und seit 1933 korrespondierendes Mitglied. Quelle: Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Italo Amerigo Passani (1882 - ? ), Ritratto di Paolo Fabbrini. 1919
    Jun. 15, 2016

    Italo Amerigo Passani (1882 - ? ), Ritratto di Paolo Fabbrini. 1919

    Est: €160 - €320

    Matita sanguigna su carta. mm 480x240. Firmato "Japas" e datato in alto a destra. In basso a destra dedica: "Al Carissimo Giornalista Paolo Fabbrini con stima I. Amerigo Passani". Paolo Fabbrini era il proprietario e direttore del quotidiano "Corriere di Livorno". Fu amico degli artisti, mecenate di Giovanni Bartolena e curatore di una monografia su Benvenuto Benvenuti. Fu sua nel 1921 l'idea di creare il Circuito di Montenero, che negli anni cambiò ripetutamente nome in Coppa di Montenero o Coppa Ciano.

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Italo Amerigo Passani, Testa femminile.
    May. 28, 2015

    Italo Amerigo Passani, Testa femminile.

    Est: €250 - €500

    Pastello marrone e sanguigna su carta avana. mm 355x280. Firmato e dedicato a matita in basso a destra: "A Ugo Pieri con sincera amicizia / Italo Amerigo Passani scultore".

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
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