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Giovanni Paolo Pannini Sold at Auction Prices

Architecture painter, Landscape painter, Painter, b. 1691 - d. 1765

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  • Giovanni Paolo Panini - Oil on Canvas Painting
    Mar. 01, 2025

    Giovanni Paolo Panini - Oil on Canvas Painting

    Est: $5,000 - $6,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Oil on canvas 24.25" x 35.25" Greek or Roman Scene. Written on the back: N.35

  • Giovanni Paolo Pannini o Panini ( Piacenza 1691 - Roma 1765)
    Feb. 25, 2025

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini o Panini ( Piacenza 1691 - Roma 1765)

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini o Panini ( Piacenza 1691 - Roma 1765) Capriccio Olio su tela 47,2 x 36,4 cm Expertise su fotografia del professore Ferdinando Arisi, disponibile via email. Opera pubblicata dal professore Ferdinando Arisi in Strenna Piacentina 2009, Associazione Amici dell'Arte Piacenza, foto 33. Studiò inizialmente nella sua città natale scenografia teatrale, passando poi a Roma, nel 1711, nella bottega di Benedetto Luti. Affascinato dai resti dell'antica Roma, prese a modello altri protagonisti della scena romana, formandosi una personale produzione artistica, ove le rovine erano testimoni di scena tratte da testi sacri o di letteratura antica. Le sue quinte architettoniche, quanto le sue vedute, non sono allusioni al tempo e alla caducità dell'uomo ma luoghi di cristallina bellezza che esalta la grandezza del tempo antico e la bellezza della città eterna. Ebbe l'intelligenza di usare la sua straordinaria tecnica in temi a lui congeniali dopo aver osservato e meditato quanto avessero dipinto altri interpreti della cultura pittorica romana a lui affini, come Alberto Carlieri, Stefano Orlandi, Gaspare Vanvitelli, Jan Frans van Bloemen e Andrea Locatelli e soprattutto di Giovanni Ghisolfi. Ebbe molto successo sia di pubblico sia accademico, nel 1718 fu ammesso alla Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, ed insegnò sia all’Accademia di San Luca sia all’Académie de France. Nella sua bottega si formarono numerosi artisti, tra i quali Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, Antonio Ioli, Charles-Louis Clérisseau, Claude-Joseph Vernet, Jean-Honoré Fragonard e, soprattutto, Hubert Robert, che fu il suo miglior allievo. Giovanni Paolo Pannini or Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Rome 1765) Capriccio Oil on canvas 47,2 x 36,4 cm Expertise in photography by Professor Ferdinando Arisi, available by email. Artwork published by Professor Ferdinando Arisi in Strenna Piacentina 2009, Associazione Amici dell'Arte Piacenza, photo 33.

    Lucas Aste
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini 1692 Piacenza-1765 Roma, attribuito a Capriccio con rovine romane e figure di contadini
    Dec. 12, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini 1692 Piacenza-1765 Roma, attribuito a Capriccio con rovine romane e figure di contadini

    Est: €30,000 - €40,000

    Capriccio con rovine romane e figure di contadini Cm 93X151 olio su tela Collezione privata, Milano

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 – 1765
    Dec. 05, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 – 1765

    Est: €18,000 - €20,000

    GROSSES RÖMISCHES RUINENCAPRICCIO Öl auf Leinwand. 69 x 109 cm. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri, Rom, 27. Juni 2022, in Kopie. Das Gemälde in betontem Querformat, bietet den Blick über antike Steinfragmente hinweg auf Ruinen römischer Bauwerke der Antike. Während das Kolosseum im Bildhintergrund zu versinken scheint, durch Beleuchtung und Durchlichtung der Bögen dramatisiert, erheben sich davor leicht verschattete Tempelsäulen mit Gebälk aus dem mit Gras bewachsenen Gelände, das an den Campo Vaccino erinnern soll. Im Vordergrund Reliefs. (1400761) (11) Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 – 1765 LARGE ROMAN RUIN CAPRICCIO Oil on canvas. 69 x 109 cm. Accompanied by an expert’s report by Prof Giancarlo Sestieri, Rome, dated 27 June 2022, in copy.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Rom 1765), circle of. Capriccio with Ruins.
    Nov. 30, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Rom 1765), circle of. Capriccio with Ruins.

    Est: -

    Mid 18th cent. Oil/canvas. 63,5 x 76 cm. Inconspicuous rest., relined. - Provenance: From a Schleswig-Holstein Manor - Italian landscape and veduta painter and architect, one of the main masters of European architecture and ruin painting of the 18th century. P. initially trained as a stage designer, and from 1711 he was taught by Benedetto Luti in Rome. In addition to paintings, he also executed numerous decorations for Roman palaces. In 1755 he became director of the Accademia di S. Luca. P. was also a member of the French Academy in Rome. It was there that he met the French ruin painter Hubert Robert, who continued P.'s legacy with virtuosity. Mus.: Paris (Louvre), New York (Metrop. Mus.), St. Petersburg (Hermitage), Berlin (Gem.-Gal.), Naples (Capodimonte), Madrid (Mus. Thyssen-Bornemisza), Boston, Warsaw a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • The Marquess Molinari ordained Archbishop by the Pope Benedict XIV
    Nov. 26, 2024

    The Marquess Molinari ordained Archbishop by the Pope Benedict XIV

    Est: €600,000 - €800,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome The Marquess Molinari ordained Archbishop by the Pope Benedict XIV Oil on canvas 120,8 x 170,8 cm; 47½ by 67¼ in.

  • Architectural capriccio with a Sibyl in front of the pyramid of Cestius; Capriccio with an apostle preaching in Roman ruins
    Nov. 26, 2024

    Architectural capriccio with a Sibyl in front of the pyramid of Cestius; Capriccio with an apostle preaching in Roman ruins

    Est: €80,000 - €120,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome Architectural capriccio with a Sibyl in front of the pyramid of Cestius Capriccio with an apostle preaching in Roman ruins  A pair, both oil on canvas The former, signed and dated left center I.P.P. Romae 1739.; the latter inscribed lower left I.P. PANINI (partially legible) (I) 49,5 x 64,7 cm; 19½ by 25½ in.; (II) 50,3 x 66,4 cm; 19¾ by 26⅛ in. (2)

  • Attributed to GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 1691 - Rome, 1765). "St. Paul in the Areopagus of Athens". Oil on canvas. It has Italian frame of the eighteenth century. Provenance: Infante Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón.
    Nov. 25, 2024

    Attributed to GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 1691 - Rome, 1765). "St. Paul in the Areopagus of Athens". Oil on canvas. It has Italian frame of the eighteenth century. Provenance: Infante Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón.

    Est: €16,000 - €20,000

    Attributed to GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 1691 - Rome, 1765). "St. Paul in the Areopagus of Athens". Oil on canvas. It has Italian frame of the eighteenth century. Provenance: Infante Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón. Measurements: 48 x 72 cm; 65 x 89 cm (frame). The composition of this scene follows a triangular pattern of classical character. This allows an easy reading of the theme represented. It is worth mentioning the treatment of color, with a palette of bright and saturated colors that brings expressiveness to the work, thus harmonizing with the subject matter represented and which was a common characteristic in the Spanish Mannerist school. St. Paul was a Hellenized Jew from the Diaspora, born in Tarsus. He was therefore Jewish by ethnicity, Greek by culture and Roman by nationality. He received the name Saul, which he changed to Paul after his conversion. Born at the beginning of the first century, he studied in Jerusalem with Rabbi Gamaliel, who was known for his hatred of Christians. One day, when around the year 35 he was on his way from Jerusalem to Damascus, he was dazzled by lightning and fell from his horse. Then he heard the voice of Jesus saying to him: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? As a result of this experience, the saint went abruptly from persecutor to zealot of Christianity. After curing the blindness of a Christian from Damascus, he began his life as a missionary, until he arrived in Jerusalem where he came into contact with Peter and the other apostles. In the Middle Ages numerous corporations were placed under his patronage, due to different aspects of his iconography, life and miracles. However, St. Paul was never a popular saint, which proves the relative poverty of his iconography. In fact, the role he occupies in art is out of proportion to his importance in the spread of Christianity. In early Christian art, his only attributes are a book or a scroll, and in the 13th century his emblem appears, the sword that was the instrument of his martyrdom.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Follower of Giovanni Panini (Italian 1691-1765) Figures in a landscape with Roman ruins
    Nov. 21, 2024

    Follower of Giovanni Panini (Italian 1691-1765) Figures in a landscape with Roman ruins

    Est: £1,500 - £2,500

    Follower of Giovanni Panini (Italian 1691-1765) Figures in a landscape with Roman ruins oil on canvas, 68 x 131 cm, in an ornate giltwood frame, 101 x158 cm Provenance Deceased estate, UK.

    Dawsons Auctioneers
  • Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765)
    Nov. 19, 2024

    Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765)

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765) An architectural capriccio with figures admiring classical statues inscribed 'Panini fece' and dated 1761(?) l.l., pencil, pen and ink and watercolour 34 x 26.5cm Condition Report: Framed: 50.5 x 40cm Time staining with some small spots and speckles of foxin, predominantly to the margins. The colours are a little muted however in our opinion the work presents well overall. \not viewed out of glazed frame.

  • PANINI, GIOVANNI PAOLO, Nach - After: "Portique et Ruines Antiques".
    Nov. 08, 2024

    PANINI, GIOVANNI PAOLO, Nach - After: "Portique et Ruines Antiques".

    Est: CHF500 - CHF1,000

    PANINI, GIOVANNI PAOLO (Piacenza 1691/92 - 1765 Rom); Nach - After : "Portique et Ruines Antiques"; Öl auf Holz; 41x33 cm; verso a. Eikett betitelt u. bez. "Paul Vincent 1939"

    Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
  • Circle of Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691 - 1765). Pair of architectural capriccio. Oil on canvas. 75x60cm. XVIII century.
    Oct. 30, 2024

    Circle of Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691 - 1765). Pair of architectural capriccio. Oil on canvas. 75x60cm. XVIII century.

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    Entourage de Giovanni Paolo Panini (Plaisance 1690-1765 Rome) Paire de caprices architecturaux une paire, huile sur toile a pair, oil on canvas 50 x 66.5cm (19 11/16 x 26 3/16in). (2)

  • GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI, 1691 – 1765
    Sep. 26, 2024

    GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI, 1691 – 1765

    Est: €25,000 - €35,000

    GROSSES RÖMISCHES RUINENCAPRICCIO Öl auf Leinwand. 69 x 109 cm. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri, Rom, 27. Juni 2022, in Kopie. Das Gemälde in betontem Querformat, bietet den Blick über antike Steinfragmente hinweg auf Ruinen römischer Bauwerke der Antike. Während das Kolosseum im Bildhintergrund zu versinken scheint, durch Beleuchtung und Durchlichtung der Bögen dramatisiert, erheben sich davor leicht verschattete Tempelsäulen mit Gebälk aus dem mit Gras bewachsenen Gelände, das an den Campo Vaccino erinnern soll. Im Vordergrund Reliefs. (1400761) (11) Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 – 1765 LARGE ROMAN RUIN CAPRICCIO Oil on canvas. 69 x 109 cm. Accompanied by an expert’s report by Prof Giancarlo Sestieri, Rome, dated 27 June 2022, in copy.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691 - 1765), A Capriccio of Roman ruins with figures
    Sep. 19, 2024

    Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691 - 1765), A Capriccio of Roman ruins with figures

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691 - 1765) A Capriccio of Roman ruins with figures, circa 1740 Professor Ferdinando Arisi supports an attribution to Giovanni Paolo Panini and suggests that it should be compared to Capriccio con Figure (private collection, Piacenza), no. 320 of his monograph, 'Gian Paolo Panini, el fasti della Roma del '700' (1986). Correspondence from Professor Arisi dated 7th November 1988 outlines the attribution. A letter written by Marcelo Violante of Chaucer Fine Art (enclosed) confirms the attribution. Provenance: Chaucer Fine Art, London, 1988; Private Collection, United Kingdom. Dimensions: (Canvas) 39 in. (H) x 29 in. (W) (Frame) 36 in. (H) x  44.5 in. (W)

    Sloane Street Auctions
  • Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765). Interior of a Church, Rome
    Jul. 25, 2024

    Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765). Interior of a Church, Rome

    Est: £300 - £500

    Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765). Interior of a Church, Rome * Attributed to Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765). Interior of a Church, Rome, pen, brown ink, and brown wash on thick pale grey-brown laid paper, a few small stains, very small losses to sheet edges, and creases to lower portion of the sheet, later pencil inscription to verso (probably early 20th century): 'Pannini ou Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 1691 à Plaisance, 1768 à Rome', verso with several small repairs and paper restrengthening to lower edge of the sheet, sheet size 365 x 204 mm (14 1/4 x 8 ins), window-mounted QTY: (1) NOTE: Giovanni Paolo Panini, an architect and painter who taught perspective at the French Academy in Rome, glorified that city in countless realistic views of its monuments as well as in architectural fantasies in which imaginary ruins and identifiable buildings coexist.

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI (1691 Piacenza - 1765 Rom)
    Jul. 07, 2024

    GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI (1691 Piacenza - 1765 Rom)

    Est: -

    GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI (1691 Piacenza - 1765 Rom) Öl auf Leinwand (doubliert), "Figuren in römischer Ruinenlandschaft mit Obelisk" (wohl 1750), unten rechts in rot signiert "G.P. Pannini", ortsbezeichnet "Roma" und undeutlich datiert "MDCCL" (berieben), ca. 123x173cm, in vergoldetem Rahmen (132,5x184cm), Firnis, umfangreiche und größere Retuschen, stark craqueliert, Nässeschaden (Leinwand stockig, Rahmen stark porös und bestoßen), Galerieton

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini (After) "Ancient Rome" Vintage Fine Art Print
    Jul. 06, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (After) "Ancient Rome" Vintage Fine Art Print

    Est: -

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (After) "Ancient Rome" Vintage Fine Art Print in Custom Wood and Acrylic Frame - This is a rare vintage fine art print after a work titled "Ancient Rome" by Italian artist Giovanni Paolo Panini, which captures the grandeur and splendor of one of history's most iconic cities. Panini, renowned for his masterful depictions of architectural marvels and ancient ruins, offers viewers a mesmerizing glimpse into the heart of Rome at its zenith. The print, expertly crafted to replicate Panini's original masterpiece, invites viewers to step back in time and immerse themselves in the bustling streets and majestic landmarks of ancient Rome. Like luxurious postcards, the paintings depicted in the piece in miniature present a condensed itinerary of must-see sights. The comte de Stainville (later the duc de Choiseul), the French ambassador to Rome who commissioned the original work, appears at the center holding a guidebook; Panini included himself behind the chair. The Pantheon, the Colosseum, Trajan's Column, and the Laocoon are among the sites depicted. The custom wood and acrylic frame that encases the print serves as a fitting complement to the artwork, enhancing its beauty and elegance. Crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, the frame adds a touch of sophistication to any space, making it the perfect centerpiece for both traditional and contemporary interiors. Panini's original "Ancient Rome" painting is currently on view at the prestigious MET Museum. Please Note: This item is located in Orlando, Florida. Shipping will be at the expense of the buyer, and the auction house will help facilitate shipping arrangements, if necessary. Condition Note: The frame has one chip in the bottom corner. This chip is solely in the frame and does not effect the art piece itself. Measurements: 57.5 x 43 inches.

    GWS Auctions
  • Circle of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1690-1765 Rome) A capriccio with figures resting amongst ruins in a fine swept and pierced giltwood frame
    Jul. 03, 2024

    Circle of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1690-1765 Rome) A capriccio with figures resting amongst ruins in a fine swept and pierced giltwood frame

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    Circle of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1690-1765 Rome) A capriccio with figures resting amongst ruins oil on canvas 91.4 x 109.8cm (36 x 43 1/4in). in a fine swept and pierced giltwood frame

  • Giovanni Paolo Pannini, Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome, attributed, Joseph is sold by his brothers
    Jul. 02, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini, Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome, attributed, Joseph is sold by his brothers

    Est: €4,000 - €8,000

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome, attributed Joseph being sold by his brothers Oil on canvas, relined 72.5 x 98 cm, with frame 97 x 112.5 Inscribed on the reverse Giovanni Paolo Pannini was a famous Italian painter and architect of the Baroque period. He was initially trained in his home town before moving to Rome, where he enjoyed great success and became one of the leading figures of the Roman art scene. Pannini's works were characterised by their intricate detail and skilful use of perspective, earning him widespread recognition and the patronage of prominent figures of his time. This painting depicts a scene from the biblical tale of Joseph being sold by his brothers. Set against a backdrop of ancient ruins, the painting captures the dramatic moment with impressive realism and emotional depth. In the foreground, a young Joseph stands in front of a well, his figure characterised by vulnerability and innocence, in stark contrast to the scheming faces of his brothers, who sit on the left. The surrounding ruins in the manner of a capriccio's architectural fantasy, including a monumental arch with fragments of a temple and towering Ionic columns, convey a sense of the transience of human endeavour. On the right-hand side of the painting is a group of people on horseback and with camels, presumably trying to buy Joseph. Their presence lends the scene an aspect of urgency and impending doom, as the boy's fate hangs in the balance. In the distance, a mountainous landscape stretches out, poignantly evoking the vastness of the world beyond the limits of the moment. The masterful composition and his meticulous attention to detail bring the biblical story to life and invite the viewer to reflect on themes such as betrayal, redemption, and the complexity of human nature. Through skilful brushwork and a deep understanding of light and space, the artist creates a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences centuries after its creation.

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom, und Werkstatt
    Jun. 27, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom, und Werkstatt

    Est: €30,000 - €50,000

    ARCHITEKTURCAPRICCIO MIT RÖMISCHEN MONUMENTEN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 73 x 111 cm. In vergoldetem und ornamentreliefierten Rahmen. In mittäglichem Sonnenlicht unter leicht bewölktem blauen Himmel eine flache Landschaft mit architektonischen Versatzstücken aus der Antike, als Überschau römischer Historie: Das Kolosseum ist ebenso zu sehen, wie der Vestatempel, die Cestius Pyramide und andere Monumente. Es wird vermutet, dass er Schüler des Francesco Galli Bibiena (1659-1739) war, der bereits in seinem, auch grafischen Werk, die Fantastik römischer Stadtlandschaften in theatralischer Weise vortrug, was Panini sicher auch ohne persönliche Begegnung hat übernehmen können. Ab 1711 in Rom, wurde er auch mit Giovanni Antonio Canal (1697-1768) bekannt. Zunächst mit Dekorationsmalerei in Palästen wie der Villa Patrizi oder des Palazzo De Carolis tätig, widmete er sich zunehmend dem Thema des Antikenarchitektur-Capriccios. Literatur: Giovanni Gentili, in: Rome, De ses origines à la capitale d‘talie, Ausstellungskatalog, Mailand 2011, S. 255, Nr. 192, Abb. S. 166 (als Giovanni Paolo Panini). Vgl. Ferdinando Arisi, Gian Paolo Panini, Piacenza 1961. Ausstellungen: Québec, Musée de la civilizazion, Rome. De ses origines à la capitale d’Italie, 11. Mai 2011-29. Januar 2012, Nr. 192 (als Giovanni Paolo Panini). (1401692) (13) Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rome, and workshop ARCHITECTURAL CAPRICCIO WITH ROMAN MONUMENTS Oil on canvas. Relined. 73 x 111 cm. Depiction of a flat landscape with architectural elements from antiquity in midday sunlight under a slightly cloudy blue sky. The architectural elements are supposed to give an overview of Roman history with the Colosseum, the Temple of Vesta, the Pyramid of Cestius and other monuments. Literature: G. Gentili (ed.), in: Rome. De ses origines à la capitale d’Italie, exhibition catalogue, Milan 2011, p. 255, no. 192, ill. p. 166 (as Giovanni Paolo Panini). cf. Ferdinando Arisi, Gian Paolo Panini, Piacenza 1961. Exhibitions: Rome. De ses origines à la capitale d’Italie, Québec, Musée de la civilizacion, 11 May 2011 – 29 January 2012, no. 192 (as Giovanni Paolo Panini).

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • An architectural Capriccio with the Roman Forum and the Coliseum; An architectural Capriccio with the Pantheon | Caprice architectural avec le forum romain et le Colisée ; Caprice architectural avec le Panthéon
    Jun. 19, 2024

    An architectural Capriccio with the Roman Forum and the Coliseum; An architectural Capriccio with the Pantheon | Caprice architectural avec le forum romain et le Colisée ; Caprice architectural avec le Panthéon

    Est: €200,000 - €300,000

    Property from an Important Private Collection Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome (I) An architectural Capriccio with the Roman Forum and the Coliseum (II) An architectural Capriccio with the Pantheon A pair, both oil on canvas Signed and dated lower left I.P PANINI romae 1739 Signed and dated lower center I.P.P. ROMAE / 1739 (I) 45,2 x 74,5 cm ; 17¾ by 29⅜ in. ; (II) 45,5 x 74,5 cm ; 17⅞ by 29⅜ in. (2) ____________________________________________ Provenant d'une importante collection particulière Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome (I) Caprice architectural avec le forum romain et le Colisée (II) Caprice architectural avec le Panthéon Huile sur toile, une paire (I) Signé et daté en bas à gauche I.P PANINI romae 1739 (II) Signé et daté en bas au centre I.P.P. ROMAE / 1739 (I) 45,2 x 74,5 cm ; 17¾ by 29⅜ in. ; (II) 45,5 x 74,5 cm ; 17⅞ by 29⅜ in. (2)

  • Giovanni Paolo Panini (After) "Ancient Rome" Vintage Fine Art Print
    May. 25, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (After) "Ancient Rome" Vintage Fine Art Print

    Est: -

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (After) "Ancient Rome" Vintage Fine Art Print in Custom Wood and Acrylic Frame (Benefiting the Blatantly Honest Foundation) - This is a rare vintage fine art print after a work titled "Ancient Rome" by Italian artist Giovanni Paolo Panini, which captures the grandeur and splendor of one of history's most iconic cities. Panini, renowned for his masterful depictions of architectural marvels and ancient ruins, offers viewers a mesmerizing glimpse into the heart of Rome at its zenith. The print, expertly crafted to replicate Panini's original masterpiece, invites viewers to step back in time and immerse themselves in the bustling streets and majestic landmarks of ancient Rome. Like luxurious postcards, the paintings depicted in the piece in miniature present a condensed itinerary of must-see sights. The comte de Stainville (later the duc de Choiseul), the French ambassador to Rome who commissioned the original work, appears at the center holding a guidebook; Panini included himself behind the chair. The Pantheon, the Colosseum, Trajan's Column, and the Laocoon are among the sites depicted. The custom wood and acrylic frame that encases the print serves as a fitting complement to the artwork, enhancing its beauty and elegance. Crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, the frame adds a touch of sophistication to any space, making it the perfect centerpiece for both traditional and contemporary interiors. Panini's original "Ancient Rome" painting is currently on view at the prestigious MET Museum. This piece was donated by Dilip and Dipika Doctor and the proceeds of this item will directly benefit the Blatantly Honest Foundation. The foundation was created to change the stigma behind bullying and other social issues by educating the public, encouraging students to share their stories and to become Blatantly Honest in their own lives. Please Note: This item is located in Orlando, Florida. Shipping will be at the expense of the buyer, and the auction house will help facilitate shipping arrangements, if necessary. Condition Note: The frame has one chip in the bottom corner. This chip is solely in the frame and does not effect the art piece itself. Measurements: 57.5 x 43 inches.

    GWS Auctions
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Rom 1765), circle of. Capriccio with Ruins.
    May. 25, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Rom 1765), circle of. Capriccio with Ruins.

    Est: -

    Mid 18th cent. Oil/canvas. 63,5 x 76 cm. Inconspicuous rest., relined. - Provenance: From a Schleswig-Holstein Manor - Italian landscape and veduta painter and architect, one of the main masters of European architecture and ruin painting of the 18th century. P. initially trained as a stage designer, and from 1711 he was taught by Benedetto Luti in Rome. In addition to paintings, he also executed numerous decorations for Roman palaces. In 1755 he became director of the Accademia di S. Luca. P. was also a member of the French Academy in Rome. It was there that he met the French ruin painter Hubert Robert, who continued P.'s legacy with virtuosity. Mus.: Paris (Louvre), New York (Metrop. Mus.), St. Petersburg (Hermitage), Berlin (Gem.-Gal.), Naples (Capodimonte), Madrid (Mus. Thyssen-Bornemisza), Boston, Warsaw a. others. Lit.: Thieme-Becker, Bénézit a. others.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Rome, A View of the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine
    May. 22, 2024

    Rome, A View of the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine

    Est: $400,000 - $600,000

    Property from a Private Collection Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome Rome, A View of the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine signed and dated lower left on the step: I. P. P. 1734  oil on canvas canvas: 39 ⅛ by 53 ⅜ in.; 99.4 by 135.6 cm. framed: 48 ½ by 62 ⅝ in.; 123.2 by 159.1 cm.

  • Giovanni Paolo Pannini o Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Roma 1765) bottega/allievo di
    May. 14, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini o Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Roma 1765) bottega/allievo di

    Est: €9,000 - €14,000

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini o Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Roma 1765) bottega/allievo di Capriccio con i Templi di Adriano e della Fortuna Virile Olio su tela 69 x 112 cm Riportiamo quanto scrive Ferdinando Arisi nella didascalia dedicata all'opera originale (pag. 409, scheda 357 dal volume Gian Paolo Panini e i fasti della Roma del '700): In collezione privata romana è conservata una versione firmata e datata 1735 che si deve considerare il prototipo. E' un dipinto, che vivo Panini, doveva essere fondamentale, se fu replicato almeno due volte, con lievi varianti e copiato da allievi parecchie volte senza varianti di rilievo. Studiò inizialmente nella sua città natale scenografia teatrale, passando poi a Roma, nel 1711, nella bottega di Benedetto Luti. Affascinato dai resti dell'antica Roma, prese a modello altri protagonisti della scena romana, formandosi una personale produzione artistica, ove le rovine erano testimoni di scena tratte da testi sacri o di letteratura antica. Le sue quinte architettoniche, quanto le sue vedute, non sono allusioni al tempo e alla caducità dell'uomo ma luoghi di cristallina bellezza che esalta la grandezza del tempo antico e la bellezza della città eterna. Ebbe l'intelligenza di usare la sua straordinaria tecnica in temi a lui congeniali dopo aver osservato e meditato quanto avessero dipinto altri interpreti della cultura pittorica romana a lui affini, come Alberto Carlieri, Stefano Orlandi, Gaspare Vanvitelli, Jan Frans van Bloemen e Andrea Locatelli e soprattutto di Giovanni Ghisolfi. Ebbe molto successo sia di pubblico sia accademico, nel 1718 fu ammesso alla Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, ed insegnò sia all’Accademia di San Luca sia all’Académie de France. Nella sua bottega si formarono numerosi artisti, tra i quali Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, Antonio Ioli, Charles-Louis Clérisseau, Claude-Joseph Vernet, Jean-Honoré Fragonard e, soprattutto, Hubert Robert, che fu il suo miglior allievo. Giovanni Paolo Pannini or Panini (Piacenza 1691 - Rome 1765) workshop/pupil of Capriccio With the Temples of Hadrian and Virile Fortune Oil on canvas 69 x 112 cm We report what Ferdinando Arisi writes in the caption dedicated to the original artwork (page 409, form 357 of the book Gian Paolo Panini e i fasti della Roma del '700): In a private Roman collection a version signed and dated 1735 is preserved must be considered the prototype. It is a painting, which Panini lived, must have been fundamental if it was replicated at least twice, with slight variations and copied by students several times without significant variations.

    Lucas Aste
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini Canvas Print
    May. 04, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Canvas Print

    Est: $100 - $200

    Festa In Teatro Aroma good condition 50" w x 52" T

    Heritage Antiques & Auction
  • Giovanni Paolo Pannini (1691-1765) Caprice architectural à Rome, aquarelle
    May. 01, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini (1691-1765) Caprice architectural à Rome, aquarelle

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini (1691-1765) Caprice architectural à Rome, aquarelle et encre de Chine sur papier, signée, 36,5x26 cm

    Geneve Encheres
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini (seguace di) Architectural Capriccio with figures and the Cestia pyramid
    Apr. 18, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (seguace di) Architectural Capriccio with figures and the Cestia pyramid

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Oil on panel Panel cm. 39,5x52,5. Framed

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    Apr. 16, 2024


    Est: -

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765), copy after, Roman Capriccio with Obelisk and Pantheon, anonymous copyist of the late 20th century, oil on canvas, unsigned, small pressure mark, 60 x 80 cm, framed 77 x 97 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Attributed to GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 1691 - Rome, 1765). "St. Paul in the Areopagus of Athens". Oil on canvas. It has Italian frame of the eighteenth century. Provenance: Infante Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón.
    Apr. 10, 2024

    Attributed to GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 1691 - Rome, 1765). "St. Paul in the Areopagus of Athens". Oil on canvas. It has Italian frame of the eighteenth century. Provenance: Infante Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón.

    Est: €22,000 - €24,000

    Attributed to GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 1691 - Rome, 1765). "St. Paul in the Areopagus of Athens". Oil on canvas. It has Italian frame of the eighteenth century. Provenance: Infante Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón. Measurements: 48 x 72 cm; 65 x 89 cm (frame). The composition of this scene follows a triangular pattern of classical character. This allows an easy reading of the theme represented. It is worth mentioning the treatment of color, with a palette of bright and saturated colors that brings expressiveness to the work, thus harmonizing with the subject matter represented and which was a common characteristic in the Spanish Mannerist school. St. Paul was a Hellenized Jew from the Diaspora, born in Tarsus. He was therefore Jewish by ethnicity, Greek by culture and Roman by nationality. He received the name Saul, which he changed to Paul after his conversion. Born at the beginning of the first century, he studied in Jerusalem with Rabbi Gamaliel, who was known for his hatred of Christians. One day, when around the year 35 he was on his way from Jerusalem to Damascus, he was dazzled by lightning and fell from his horse. Then he heard the voice of Jesus saying to him: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? As a result of this experience, the saint went abruptly from persecutor to zealot of Christianity. After curing the blindness of a Christian from Damascus, he began his life as a missionary, until he arrived in Jerusalem where he came into contact with Peter and the other apostles. In the Middle Ages numerous corporations were placed under his patronage, due to different aspects of his iconography, life and miracles. However, St. Paul was never a popular saint, which proves the relative poverty of his iconography. In fact, the role he occupies in art is out of proportion to his importance in the spread of Christianity. In early Christian art, his only attributes are a book or a scroll, and in the 13th century his emblem appears, the sword that was the instrument of his martyrdom.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    SÄULENARCHITEKTUR MIT ZWEI MÄNNERN Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 100 x 60 cm. In teilvergoldetem Rahmen. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Prof. Ferdinando Arisi, in Kopie. Dieses architektonische Capriccio zeigt zwei Männer in orientalischen Gewändern im Gespräch vor den Ruinen eines antiken Gebäudes mit korinthischen Säulen. Nach rechts führt der Blick auf das weite Meer mit Küste unter hohem Himmel. Wiedergabe in der typischen Manier des berühmten Künstlers in zurückhaltender Farbgebung. Laut Arisi entstand das Gemälde von Panini nach seinem Umzug nach Rom im November 1711, wo er im Atelier des Benedetto Luti zusammen mit Placido Costanzi arbeitete. (13803127) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    SÄULENARCHITEKTUR MIT PUTTI Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 100 x 60 cm. In teilvergoldetem Rahmen. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Prof. Ferdinando Arisi, in Kopie. Dieses architektonische Capriccio wurde ebenso wie das vergleichbare, hier angebotene Werk, von Panini gemalt in der Zeit nach seinem Umzug nach Rom im November 1711, als er im Atelier von Benedetto Luti zusammen mit Placido Costanzi arbeitete. Unter den hohen, teils verschattet liegenden Säulen einer antiken Architektur oder eines Tempels, dessen Gebälk teils mit herabhängenden Pflanzen bewachsen ist, fünf nackte Putti und eine breite, am Boden stehende Schale, aus der sie wohl Wasser geschöpft haben, um dann aus zwei kleinen Schalen zu trinken. Zwischen den Säulen rechts fällt der Blick auf ein ruhiges Meer unter hohen Himmel. Die Figuren scheinen fast in den Hintergrund zu treten und lediglich dem Größenvergleich und der Unterstreichung der prächtigen Architektur zu dienen. Die Malerei in überwiegend grau-brauner Farbigkeit, die Architektur zudem durch starke Licht- und Schattenkontraste besonders hervorgehoben. (13803128) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom, zugeschrieben
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom, zugeschrieben

    Est: €15,000 - €30,000

    RUINENCAPRICCIO MIT FIGURENSTAFFAGE Öl auf Leinwand. 60 x 73 cm. Links unten Reste einer verwischten Signatur. Hohe, ruinöse Pfeiler und Gewölbebögen beherrschen das Bildganze. Als Repoussoir links eine kannelierte Säule neben einer großen Steinvase, rechts ein Obelisk. Bögen und Zwischenräume bieten Blicke auf weiter entfernte antike Bauten und Ruinen, so etwa ein im Licht stehender Rundtempel mit noch erhaltener Flachkuppel. Zu den wichtigen Qualitätsmerkmalen im Werk Paninis zählt die Beleuchtung des Bildganzen. Ein lichter Wolkenhimmel zieht zwischen die Architekturen hin. Das Motiv versunkener Bauwerke hat Panini in fast allen seiner Bilder exzessiv vorgeführt. Die antiken Bauten sind stets fantasievoll, selten historisch lokal zugeordnet gezeigt, letztlich sollte hier die versunkene antike Vergangenheit zum Sprechen gebracht werden. Häufig ist die Architektur auch Kulisse für eine Staffage mit eigenem Geschehen, gelegentlich mit religiöser Thematik, oder wie hier, mit Gestalten, die die frühen Epochen vertreten, so etwa der geharnischte Soldat neben einem bärtigen Weisen und einer jungen Frau. Farbkompositorisch hat der Maler hier im Bild ein kräftiges Rot in der Kleidung eines neben dem trockenen Brunnen liegenden Mannes mit Turban eingefügt. A.R. Als Schüler des Bühnengestalters Francesco Galli Bibiena (1659-1739), auf den wohl auch Paninis Sinn für die Theatralik in seinen Antikenlandschaften zurückgeht, zog er 1711 nach Rom, wo er auch mit Canaletto (1697-1768) in Berührung kam. Als Leiter der Dekorationsarbeiten für etliche römische Paläste schuf er nebenbei auch Gemälde, die römische Plätze und Festlichkeiten verewigen sollten, wie etwa das Fest auf der Piazza Navona (Louvre usw.). Besonderen Ruhm brachten ihm seine Festausstattungen für bedeutende Staatsereignisse ein, wie etwa zur Geburtsfeier des französischen Thronfolgers oder 1745 für die Hochzeit des Dauphins. Für Papst Innozenz XIII schuf er Ausmalungen im Quirinalspalast. Er wurde bald als Dozent an die Accademia di San Luca und die Académie de France in Rom berufen. Hier kam auch Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806) unter seinen Einfluss. 1718 wurde er Mitglied der Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon. In seiner Werkstatt arbeiteten auch Hubert Robert (1733-1808) sowie sein Sohn Francesco Panini (1745-1812). Literatur: Vgl. Ferdinando Arisi, Gian Paolo Panini, Piacenza 1961. Vgl. Michael Kiene, Giovanni Paolo Pannini. Römische Veduten aus dem Louvre. Ausstellung im Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig vom 17. Juni bis 15. August 1993, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum 1993. Vgl. Michael Kiene, „Redende Capricci“ von Giovanni Paolo Pannini: Studien zur Zitatmontage im 18. Jahrhundert, in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, Bd. 57, Heft 3: Kunstgeschichte und Gegenwart: 23 Beiträge für Georg Kauffmann zum 70. Geburtstag, 1994. (13908168) (11) Giovanni Paolo Pannini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rome, attributed RUIN CAPRICCIO WITH FIGURAL STAFFAGE Oil on canvas. 60 x 73 cm. Remains of a smudged signature lower left.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Architectural Capriccio with Figures among Classical Ruins
    Jan. 31, 2024

    Architectural Capriccio with Figures among Classical Ruins

    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome Architectural Capriccio with Figures among Classical Ruins Pen and black ink and watercolor over traces of black chalk; signed with the artist's initials in brown ink, lower left: G.P.P. 13 ¼ by 9 ½ in.; 335 by 240 mm

  • Christ chasing the moneylenders from the Temple
    Jan. 31, 2024

    Christ chasing the moneylenders from the Temple

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome Christ chasing the moneylenders from the Temple Pen and brown ink and wash, heightened with white over traces of black chalk 393 by 243 mm; 15 ½ by 9 ½ in.

  • Christ Disputing with the Doctors
    Jan. 31, 2024

    Christ Disputing with the Doctors

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome Christ Disputing with the Doctors Pen and brown ink and wash, heightened with white, over traces of black chalk 385 by 237 mm; 15 ⅛ by 9 ⅜ in.

  • View of the courtyard of the Palazzo Farnese with the statue of Hercules, seen from behind and through an archway, and several figures
    Jan. 31, 2024

    View of the courtyard of the Palazzo Farnese with the statue of Hercules, seen from behind and through an archway, and several figures

    Est: $250,000 - $350,000

    Property of a Private Collector Giovanni Paolo Panini Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome View of the courtyard of the Palazzo Farnese with the statue of Hercules, seen from behind and through an archway, and several figures  Pen and black and gray ink and wash and watercolor, heightened with white. Drawn on two joined sheets. A pentimento in the lower right corner, where Panini has added the two figures conversing; bears old attribution in pen and brown ink on the backing: j.p.panini 419 by 417 mm; 16½ by 16⅜ in

  • Giovanni Paolo Panini Oil on Canvas
    Jan. 01, 2024

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Oil on Canvas

    Est: $10,000 - $12,000

    Giovanni Paolo Panini Oil on canvas 24.25" x 35.25" Greek or Roman Scene. Written on the back: N.35

  • Italian School, 18th century
    Dec. 19, 2023

    Italian School, 18th century

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    A Capriccio with ruins and figures Oil on canvas Signed "G. Panini" to back, possibly Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765) 38x45 cm

    Veritas Art Auctioneers
  • GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (PIACENZA 1691-1765 ROME) A classical capriccio with
    Dec. 07, 2023

    GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (PIACENZA 1691-1765 ROME) A classical capriccio with

    Est: £200,000 - £300,000

    GIOVANNI PAOLO PANINI (PIACENZA 1691-1765 ROME) A classical capriccio with the Colosseum, Trajan's column and the Farnese... oil on canvas 55 ¾ x 49 7⁄16 in. (141.5 x 125.5 cm.)

  • Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom
    Dec. 07, 2023

    Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rom

    Est: €40,000 - €60,000

    RÖMISCHES RUINENCAPRICCIO MIT FIGURENSTAFFAGE Öl auf Leinwand. 41 x 144 cm. Beigegeben eine Expertise von Giuliano Briganti. Fantastische Ruinenlandschaft mit antiken römischen Bauwerken. Das Bildformat zeigt, dass das Gemälde für eine Supraport-Ausstattung geschaffen wurde. In diesem Breitformat fand der Maler allerdings Gelegenheit, nahezu eine Panoramaansicht zu bieten. Dabei zeigt die Darstellung keineswegs reale Gegebenheiten des alten Rom, sondern vielmehr höchst fantasievoll komponierte Versatzstücke, die bereits der Romantik vorweggenommene Idealansichten liefern sollten, was die Bezeichnung Capriccio rechtfertigt. Die artifizielle Zusammenstellung bedeutender Monumente des Altertums ist in der italienischen Malerei mit Panini und Piranesi, dann in der französischen Malerei mit Hubert Robert zum beliebten Bildthema geworden. Gezeigt werden in idealisierter Zusammenstellung mehrere bekannte Bauten, wie im Zentrum das Kolosseum, dahinter ragt ein Obelisk auf, Säulen des Forums, oder die fantastische Rekonstruktion eines Tempels mit darinstehender Steinfigur. Rechts Kastor und Pollux mit ihren Pferden. Die Mitte der Darstellung zeigt uns einen kleinen, auf Stufen erhöhten überkuppelten Bau. Von besonderem Reiz – in der Bildgestaltung wie im farblich-malerischen Effekt – die im Vordergrund scheinbar verstreut liegenden bauplastischen Elemente, Gesimsstücke sowie ein großes Bildrelief, das farbvariierend wiedergegeben ist und die spätnachmittägliche Lichtstimmung mitreflektiert, die über der gesamten Szenerie liegt. Belebung der Ruinenlandschaft durch eine Gruppe sitzender und bewegter Figuren. A.R. Anmerkung: Zum Vergleich siehe „Capriccio con rovine e figure“, Parma, Sammlung Gianni Barilla. Literatur: Vgl. Pietro Zampetti, I vedutisti veneziani del settecento, Ausstellungskataglog Palazzo Ducale, Venedig 1967, S. 54 ff., Abb. S. 66/67 und 68. Vgl. Fernando Arisi, Giovanni Paolo Panini 1691-1765, Werkverzeichnis, Mailand 1993, S. 470, Nr. 481 und 482. Vgl. Leandro Ozzola, Gian Paolo Pannini, pittore, Turin 1921. (1381621) (11) Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Piacenza – 1765 Rome CAPRICCIO OF ROMAN RUINS WITH FIGURAL STAFFAGE Oil on canvas. 41 x 144 cm. Accompanied by an expert‘s report by Giuliano Briganti. Literature: cf. Pietro Zampetti, I vedutisti veneziani del settecento, exhibition catalogue Palazzo Ducale, Venice 1967, pp 54, ill. p. 66/67 and 68. cf. Fernando Arisi, Giovanni Paolo Panini 1691 – 1765, catalogue raisonné, Milan 1993, p. 470, nos. 481 and 482. cf. Leandro Ozzola, Gian Paolo Pannini, pittore, Turin 1921.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Studio of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, circa 1692-1765) An architectural capriccio with the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius
    Dec. 06, 2023

    Studio of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, circa 1692-1765) An architectural capriccio with the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius

    Est: £18,000 - £25,000

    Studio of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, circa 1692-1765) An architectural capriccio with the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius oil on canvas 103.1 x 127.2cm (40 9/16 x 50 1/16in).

  • Pair of Capricci with figures
    Nov. 23, 2023

    Pair of Capricci with figures

    Est: €12,000 - €16,000

    Oil on canvas cm. 90x45 each. Framed The Capriccio with the archaeologist (174a) bears the initials 'I.I.P.' in the lower left-hand corner. The paintings is accompanied by an expertise by Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri who attributes the canvases to Giovanni Paolo Panini with the intervention of assistants. In Panini's catalogue, there are numerous fully autographed replicas of subjects such as the Interno del Pantheon or the Campo Vaccino, or fictional ones such as his typical monuments of ancient Rome, real or grouped as "capriccio". One of Panini's most successful inventions is the pair of Capricci ovali of the Accademia di San Luca, commonly known as L’archeologo and the Predica di un apostolo, the first is initialled and dated "I.P.P. 1749". The two 'Capricci' of the Accademia di San Luca, which perfectly express that atmosphere of 'Romanity', suspended between reality and fantasy, that Panini knew how to convey with irresistible naturalness, admiration and genuine enchantment for the vestiges of classical antiquity. The present pair, although presenting notable and very interesting variants that distance it considerably both from that of the Accademia di San Luca, and from the many later versions based on it, can be confirmed to be in the hand of Gian Paolo Panini with the intervention of helpers: an attribution that is also confirmed by the presence of the initials "I.P.P." affixed to the lower left corner of the scene with the archaeologist.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Giovanni Paolo Panini,  - View of Piazza Colonna with the Column of Marcus Aure…
    Nov. 22, 2023

    Giovanni Paolo Panini,  - View of Piazza Colonna with the Column of Marcus Aure…

    Est: £1,800 - £2,200

    Giovanni Paolo Panini,  Italian 1691-1765-  View of Piazza Colonna with the Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome;  black chalk, pen and grey ink and watercolour on laid paper, watermark fragment fleur-de-lys with a crown, signed with initials ‘G.P.P.’ and indistinctly inscribed (lower left), further inscribed 'P.H.' (lower right), 25.3 x 36 cm.  Provenance:  William Esdaile (1758-1837), London;  His sale, Christie's, London, 20 June 1840, lot 450 (2 gns to Hogarth).  Unidentified collector's mark P. H. (L. 2084).  Lore and Rudolf Heinemann, New York;  Their sale, Christie's, London, 1 July 1997, lot 75.  with Kate de Rothschild, London (Master Drawings, July 2001, no.11, illustrated).  Private Collection, Europe.  Exhibited:  New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library & Museum, 'Drawings from the Collection of Lore and Rudolf Heinemann', 1973, no.32, illustrated.  Note:  By contrast with his extensive output of capricci, Panini’s detailed topographical ‘vedute’ of Rome like this view are rare. In this drawing, several important symbols of modern Rome can be identified around Piazza Colonna: the Palazzo Chigi and the Curia Innocenziana to the right, the Residenza di Monsignor Vicegerente at the centre, and the Chiesa dei Santi Bartolomeo e Alessandro dei Bergamaschi to the left. The same view appears in Panini’s painting ‘Modern Rome’, pendant to Ancient Rome, both in the Louvre [no.R.F. 1944-22; F. Arisi, ‘Gian Paolo Panini, e i fasti della Roma del’700’, Rome, 1986, no.500, ill.]. Other versions of these well-known views can be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York [nos 52.63.1 and 52.63.2], the latter showing the Piazza Colonna from a different viewpoint, and in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [no.1975.805], also showing the Piazza Colonna from a different angle. 

  • School of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765) A capriccio scene 41 x 65in (104.1 x 165.1cm)
    Nov. 15, 2023

    School of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765) A capriccio scene 41 x 65in (104.1 x 165.1cm)

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    School of Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765) A capriccio scene oil on canvas 41 x 65in (104.1 x 165.1cm)

  • Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765) Oil (Italy)
    Oct. 22, 2023

    Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765) Oil (Italy)

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Oil on canvas, untitled, a capriccio of classical ruins with Roman architecture and figures. Housed in white washed frame. Sight - 24 1/4 x 19 1/2, frame - 32 1/2 x 27 1/4.

    Main Auction Galleries
  • Panini, Giovanni Paolo (1691 Piacenza - 1765 Rom, italienischer Maler und Architekt, ist für seine Vedutenmalerei bekannt) Nachfolger,
    Oct. 14, 2023

    Panini, Giovanni Paolo (1691 Piacenza - 1765 Rom, italienischer Maler und Architekt, ist für seine Vedutenmalerei bekannt) Nachfolger,

    Est: -

    Panini, Giovanni Paolo (1691 Piacenza - 1765 Rom, italienischer Maler und Architekt, ist für seine Vedutenmalerei bekannt) Nachfolger, "Capriccio einer Römischen Ruine", Öl auf Leinwand, verso wohl von fremder Hand bezeichnet G. P. Panini, verso Etikett der Spedition Gustav Knauer Berlin 5438 Berlin, 66 x 50 cm

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Giovanni Paolo Pannini (Piacenza, 1691 - Roma, 1765), Capriccio architettonico
    Oct. 03, 2023

    Giovanni Paolo Pannini (Piacenza, 1691 - Roma, 1765), Capriccio architettonico

    Est: €36,000 - €38,000

    Perizia: Giancarlo Sestrieri. Olio su tela, dimensioni 67x110 cm.

Lots Per Page: