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Jiun Pang Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1936 -

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  • Pang Jiun 龎均 | Still Life 靜物
    Jan. 18, 2025

    Pang Jiun 龎均 | Still Life 靜物

    Est: $86,000 - $170,000

    Pang Jiun b. 1936 Still Life signed 龎均 均 and dated 2019 (lower right) oil on canvas 97.5 by 130.5 cm. 38⅜ by 51⅜ in. Executed in 2019. This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued and signed by the artist. ---------------------------------------------- 龎均 1936年生 靜物 款識 龎均 均,2019(右下) 油畫畫布 97.5 x 130.5 公分 38⅜ x 51⅜ 英寸 2019年作 附:藝術家開立並親簽之作品保證書

  • Pang Jiun 龎均 | Spring comes to my home 春到我家
    Nov. 12, 2024

    Pang Jiun 龎均 | Spring comes to my home 春到我家

    Est: $900,000 - $1,500,000

    Pang Jiun b. 1936 Spring comes to my home   signed 龎均 均, dated 2020 (lower right) oil on canvas 150 by 150 cm. 59 by 59 in.  Executed in 2020.  This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued and signed by the artist ---------------------------------------------- 龎均 1936年生 春到我家 款識 龎均 均,2020(右下) 油畫畫布 150 x 150 公分 59 x 59 英寸 2020年作 附:藝術家開立並親簽之作品保證書

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936). Jiang-nan Scenery. oil on canvas 60 x 72 cm. (23 1⁄8 x
    Nov. 09, 2024

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936). Jiang-nan Scenery. oil on canvas 60 x 72 cm. (23 1⁄8 x

    Est: $180,000 - $280,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936). Jiang-nan Scenery. oil on canvas 60 x 72 cm. (23 1⁄8 x 28 1⁄8 in.).

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936). Our Homeland in Spring. oil on canvas 100 x 200 cm. (3
    Sep. 27, 2024

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936). Our Homeland in Spring. oil on canvas 100 x 200 cm. (3

    Est: $600,000 - $1,000,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936). Our Homeland in Spring. oil on canvas 100 x 200 cm. (39 3⁄8 x 78 3⁄4 in.).

  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )
    Jun. 16, 2024

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )

    Est: NT$450,000 - NT$600,000

    淡水河邊 Tamsui Riverside 簽名:龎均 2004 鈐印:均 (朱文) 背面簽名:龎 Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2004 With one seal of the artist Signed on the reverse: Pang in Chinese

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )
    Jun. 16, 2024

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )

    Est: NT$400,000 - NT$600,000

    線菊 Spirea 簽名:龎均 2003 鈐印:均 (朱文) 背面簽名:龐均 PANG JIUN 2003 53 x 45.5 cm (10F) 《線菊》 油畫 Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2003 With one seal of the artist Signed on the reverse: Pang Jiun in Chinese and English, titled and media in Chinese, size 53 x 45.5 cm (10F), dated 2003

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )
    Jun. 16, 2024

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )

    Est: NT$2,200,000 - NT$3,200,000

    若到江南趕上春 千萬同春住 Spring in Jiangnan 簽名:龎均 2012 鈐印:均 (朱文) Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2012 With one seal of the artist

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均PANG JIUN (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Jun. 02, 2024

    龎均PANG JIUN (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$550,000 - NT$650,000

    觀棋 Watching a Chess Game 簽名右下:龎均 1994 手繪鈐印:均 簽名畫背:龎均 12F《觀棋》MONET PANG-JIUN 1994 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese, dated 1994 With one painted seal of the artist Signed reverse PANG JIUN in Chinese and English, titled Watching a Chess Game in Chinese, inscribed 12F and dated 1994

  • PANG JIUN (B.1936) Autumn Rain oil on canvas 72.5 x 60 cm (28 1⁄2 x 23 5⁄8
    May. 29, 2024

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) Autumn Rain oil on canvas 72.5 x 60 cm (28 1⁄2 x 23 5⁄8

    Est: $150,000 - $250,000

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) Autumn Rain oil on canvas 72.5 x 60 cm (28 1⁄2 x 23 5⁄8 in.)

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Lotus Pond in Suzhou oil on canvas 59.5 x 72 cm. (23 1⁄
    May. 29, 2024

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Lotus Pond in Suzhou oil on canvas 59.5 x 72 cm. (23 1⁄

    Est: $220,000 - $320,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Lotus Pond in Suzhou oil on canvas 59.5 x 72 cm. (23 1⁄2 x 28 1⁄4 in.)

  • PANG JIUN (B.1936) Kulangsu oil on canvas 150.4 x 300 cm. (59 1⁄4 x 118 1⁄8
    May. 28, 2024

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) Kulangsu oil on canvas 150.4 x 300 cm. (59 1⁄4 x 118 1⁄8

    Est: $1,500,000 - $2,500,000

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) Kulangsu oil on canvas 150.4 x 300 cm. (59 1⁄4 x 118 1⁄8 in.)

  • Pang Jiun 龎均 | Hong Kong Hong Kong 香港香港
    Apr. 05, 2024

    Pang Jiun 龎均 | Hong Kong Hong Kong 香港香港

    Est: $3,500,000 - $6,500,000

    Pang Jiun b. 1936 Hong Kong Hong Kong oil on canvas (triptych) signed Pang Jiun twice in Chinese, and dated 2017-2018 (lower right) overall: 180.5 by 560.5 cm.; 71 ⅛ by 220 ⅝ in.  Executed in 2017-2018. ---------------------------------------------- 龎均 1936年生 香港香港 油畫畫布(三聯屏) 款識 龎均 均 2017-2018(右下) 全屏:180.5 x 560.5 cm.; 71 ⅛ x 220 ⅝ in. 二〇一七至二〇一八年作

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Dec. 03, 2023

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$3,200,000 - NT$4,600,000

    桂林 Guilin 簽名右下:龎均 2009 手繪鈐印:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2009 With one painted seal of the artist

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Dec. 03, 2023

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$1,900,000 - NT$2,800,000

    輕舟已過萬重山 The Boat Has Already Sailed Through Thousands of Hills 簽名左下:龎均 2001 手繪鈐印:均 簽名題識:龎均 PANG Jiun 輕舟已過萬重山 2001 Signed lower left Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2001 With one painted seal of the artist. Signed on reverse PANG Jiun in Chinese and English, titled The Boat Has Already Sailed Through Thousands of Hills, and dated 2001

  • PANG JIUN (B.1936) - The Footprints of Bai Juyi (Su Zhou Moon Bay Village)
    Nov. 29, 2023

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) - The Footprints of Bai Juyi (Su Zhou Moon Bay Village)

    Est: $300,000 - $500,000

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) The Footprints of Bai Juyi (Su Zhou Moon Bay Village) oil on canvas 130 x 160 cm. (51 1⁄8 x 63 in.)

  • Pang Jiun 龎均 | Female nude 裸女
    Aug. 29, 2023

    Pang Jiun 龎均 | Female nude 裸女

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    Pang Jiun b. 1936 Female nude signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2005 (lower right) oil on canvas 27 by 22 cm. 10 ⅝ by 8 ⅝ in. Executed in 2005. Der-Horng Art Gallery label affixed on the verso. ------------------------------------ 龎均 1936年生 裸女 款識 2005 龎均 均(右下) 油畫畫布 27 x 22 cm. 10 ⅝ x 8 ⅝ in. 二〇〇五年作 註:畫背附有德鴻畫廊標籤

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Jun. 04, 2023

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$1,600,000 - NT$2,400,000

    黃山 Mountain Huangshan 簽名右下:龎均 2000 手繪鈐印:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2000 With one painted seal of the artist.

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Jun. 04, 2023

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$950,000 - NT$1,500,000

    灕江煙雨 Landscape of Lijian River 簽名右下:龎均 1991 手繪鈐印:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 1991 With one painted seal of the artist.

  • PANG JIUN (B.1936) Flower Still Life (Red and Black) oil on canvas 72 x 90
    May. 29, 2023

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) Flower Still Life (Red and Black) oil on canvas 72 x 90

    Est: $350,000 - $550,000

    PANG JIUN (B.1936) Flower Still Life (Red and Black) oil on canvas 72 x 90 cm.(28 3/8 x 35 3/8 in.)

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Sunshine After Snow oil on canvas 91 x 117 cm. (35 7/8
    May. 29, 2023

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Sunshine After Snow oil on canvas 91 x 117 cm. (35 7/8

    Est: $380,000 - $550,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Sunshine After Snow oil on canvas 91 x 117 cm. (35 7/8 x 46 1/8 in.)

  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )
    May. 28, 2023

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )

    Est: NT$800,000 - NT$1,200,000

    灰色頭巾 Gray Bandana 簽名:龎均/ 均 2005 背面簽名:龎均 PANG JIUN <灰色頭巾> Signed Pang Jiun and Jiun in Chinese, dated 2005 Signed on the reverse: Pang Jiun in Chinese and English, titled in Chinese

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )
    May. 28, 2023

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b.1936 )

    Est: NT$700,000 - NT$1,000,000

    向日葵 Sunflower 簽名:龎均/ 均 2002 背面簽名:龎均 PANG JIUN 2002 73 x 61 cm 20F <向日葵> Signed Pang Jiun and Jiun in Chinese, dated 2002 Signed on the reverse: Pang Jiun in Chinese and English, titled in Chinese, size, dated 2002

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN (Taiwanese, b.1936)
    Nov. 06, 2022

    龎均 PANG JIUN (Taiwanese, b.1936)

    Est: NT$750,000 - NT$1,000,000

    野薑花與阿拉伯壺 Wild Ginger Flower and Arabic Pot 簽名:龎均/ 均 2004 畫背簽名:龎均 Pang Jiun 2004 73 x 61 cm 20F <野薑花與阿拉伯壺> Signed Pang Jiun and Jiun in Chinese, dated 2004 Signed on the reverse: Pang Jiun in Chinese and English, titled in Chinese, dated 2004, size 73 x 61 cm 20F

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN (Taiwanese, b.1936)
    Nov. 06, 2022

    龎均 PANG JIUN (Taiwanese, b.1936)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$120,000

    裸女 (藍色頭巾) Nude (Blue Turban) 簽名:龎均/ 均 2005 畫背簽名:龎均 PANG JIUN 2005 3F <藍色頭巾> Signed Pang Jiun and Jiun in Chinese, dated 2005 Signed on the reverse: Pang Jiun in Chinese and English, titled in Chinese, dated 2005, size 3F

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Jun. 04, 2022

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$1,800,000 - NT$2,800,000

    陽朔桂林 Yangsuo, Guilin 簽名右下:龎均 2008 手繪鈐印右下:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2008 With one painted seal of the artist 龎均創作生涯一甲子屆齡八十歲之際,特別策劃了一系列美術館規格的「八十巡迴創作展」。其亞洲首站將於6月20日在日本皇室經營的東京上野之森美術館(Ueno Royal Museum)展出《東方表現》大展,成為史上第二位在此展出的華人藝術家。隨後即新加坡、上海、台北等亞洲城市也逐一推出個展。 龎均是兩岸三地大陸、香港、台灣唯一親炙土地與生活的東方藝術家,他對於藝術創作追求的「東方文明表現主義」風格,以東方人文表現主義方法將中國水墨畫與西方油畫的表現元素完美地結合,將灰色揮灑得天馬行空。無論是桂林灕江中的「青山簇簇」;或是黃山霧氣的「氤氳升騰」;再或是蘇州周莊雙橋的「濃烈景緻」;以及靜物花卉的「鮮明活絡」,無不是融匯了中西方的藝術思維。 在1970年代初,直至1987年遷居來台灣前夕,龎均曾大量走訪西南各地,其中「山水甲天下」的桂林至陽朔一段更是讓龎均流連忘返的作畫之地,作品《陽朔桂林》橫幅遠景佈局,悠悠的山巒運用了極具質感的灰色色調,色彩上龎均特別擅長處理灰色調的細微層次,而背景的迷離銀灰,煙波浩渺的灕江山水披上了朦朧的詩意。中間一抹蒼青色和悠悠綠色劃分出畫面的層次感。倒映在水中高聳山巒連成一氣,達到相互呼應的效果,又以青綠為分界,觀者的視線由恬靜的村舍被吸引至一葉葉用深灰色勾勒出的烏篷船前。若干靜靜停泊於江面之上的小船,在泛起漣漪的灕江之上遊蕩起伏。 在一靜一動之間,龎均加強了「寫意性」!奠基於描繪自然和精神層面的中國抒情傳統,既向歷代文人山水畫的藝術美學致敬。沉湎繪畫本身,龎均又酷愛詩詞音樂,對莫扎特的交響曲情有獨鍾,使得此幅作品畫面的空間漸次擴散為深具旋律與節奏變化的樂曲,能將日常事物以富有感染力的音樂韻律形式表現出來。其繪畫語言呈獻了這種藝術哲思,並展現出對西方繪畫技巧運用自如。在保留油畫語言特性的同時,注入傳統文人畫的精神,流露出一片「洗盡鉛華、歲月靜好」的詩情畫意。 When Pang Jiun reached eighty years of age during his creative career, he specially curated the museum-specific series "Eighty Traveling Exhibition". Its first stop in Asia will be on June 20 at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo, which is run by the Japanese royal family. Subsequently, Pang will also be gradually launching solo exhibitions in Singapore, Shanghai, Taipei, and other such Asian cities. Pang is the only Eastern artist who has a close relationship with the three regions of mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Pursuing the style of "Eastern Civilization Expressionism" in his art, Pang utilizes Eastern humanistic expressionism to perfectly blend the expressionist elements of Chinese ink painting and Western oil painting, whimsically transposing the shading gray elements. Whether it is the "clustering green hills" near the Lijiang River in Guilin, the "densely rising" mist of Mount Huangshan, the "intense scenery" of the Zhouzhuang twin bridges in Suzhou, or the "bright and vivid" still life flowers, they all serve as a fusion of Chinese and Western artistic thinking. Starting in the early 1970s up until he moved to Taiwan in 1987, Pang visited many places in southwest China. Among them, Pang is fondly nostalgic of the "idyllic landscape" from Guilin to Yangshuo, where Pang frequently painted. The work Yangshuo Guilin features a horizontal landscape with magnificent mountains that utilize extraordinarily textured gray tones. Pang is particularly proficient at handling the subtle layers of gray tones. With the blurred silver-gray background, the vast Lijiang River landscape is encompassed by hazy poetic significance. A touch of blue-green in the middle adds to the layering of the canvas. Reflected in the water, the towering mountains are connected together to achieve the effect of echoing one another. With blue-green tones as the dividing line, the viewer's eyes are drawn from the quiet cottages to the dark gray outlines of the awning boats. Several small boats are tranquilly moored on the river, leisurely rising and falling in harmony with the tide. Alternating between a static and dynamic equilibrium, Pang continuously strengthens his "freehand brushwork"! Based on the Chinese lyrical tradition of depicting natural and spiritual aspects, Pang pays tribute to the artistic aesthetics of the historical literati landscape paintings. Indulging in the essence of painting, Pang also harbors a love for poetry and music. With a penchant for Mozart's symphonies, music gradually permeates into the space of this work with deep melodies and rhythmic changes, thereby expressing everyday things in the form of contagious musical rhythm. His pictorial language presents this artistic philosophy and demonstrates a fluent use of Western painting techniques. While retaining the literary characteristics of oil painting, the spirit of traditional literati painting is embodied into the artwork, revealing a poetic and pictorial element of "wash away the glitter, and the years will be peaceful".

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Jun. 04, 2022

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$1,200,000 - NT$1,800,000

    百合花的浪漫 The Romance of Lily 簽名右下:龎均 2010 手繪鈐印右下:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2010 With one painted seal of the artist 學西洋畫者,要自覺地返回中國文化之中,這就要多讀中國古今之書。現代社會極少人,能像古人隱士一般,一生埋在書房之中讀書萬卷。今世「高尚貴人」,幾戶有好書千本? — 龎均 龎均,江蘇省常熟市人,1936年出生於上海。1942年轉學北京中央美術學院,1948年在廣州省立圖書館舉辦一次畫展。1949年考入杭州藝專(後改為中央美術學院華東分院,現中國美術學院),師承林風眠、潘天壽、黃賓虹、倪貽德、顏文樑等,也是徐悲鴻的末代關門弟子。1954年十八歲的龎均以優異成績畢業,創下「最年輕的大學畢業生」紀錄。從1954年到1980年步入專業創作的藝術生涯,先後在北京美術公司創作組、北京畫院從事油畫創作。並在中央戲劇學院舞台美術系兼職教學,任副教授。1980年移居香港,於當地教授素描,自1987年起便定居台灣,並任教於國立台灣藝術大學逾二十年,自此不遺餘力地投身於藝術創作的追求中。 龎均十一歲就開始學習油畫,並接受過系統、專業的藝術教育磨練,似乎他會成為一名畫家是順理成章的事情。因為他出生於藝術世家,從小就受到來自於藝術家庭的薰陶。父親龎薰琹曾留學巴黎,是我國現代藝術先驅、工藝美術大師、著名畫家;母親丘堤曾留學東京,他們都是早年第一代著名油畫家。龎均最大的藝術成就為由他本人所創立的油畫東方風格。他的作品既有西方後印象和野獸派的綜合性優點,西式的熱情和爆發力,又有東方文人畫與詩情相結合的含蓄溫婉,創造了東方式油畫的表現主義。 龎均認真鑽研古典與現代藝術,並巧妙地將西方油畫語言融合東方水墨寫意,形成了獨樹一幟的藝術風格,被評論家稱為「寫意性油畫」。在其靜物作品《百合花的浪漫》中,藝術家從「寫意」的理論中施於繪畫實踐:畫中百合花花瓣,色彩出挑且明亮,厚塗的油畫材質是通過運筆的速度和擠壓,所產生厚薄起伏多變的肌理紋路。實為努力用平面二度空間的方式提升純色(Pure Color)的地位,亦可理解為愈有深度性之作品,就愈接近「平面」。再以色彩組合架構空間感,不經意地憑感覺簡化造形。將藍色佈景下的異域水壺和紫羅蘭的枱布的處理,借用「野獸派」、「印象派」之技巧,自然的流露一點原始的氣息,呈現人性原本的爛漫與天真童趣。 Western style painters should make a self-conscious return to Chinese culture by reading more books. Unlike our ancestors, people in modern society rarely dedicate their time to reading. How many contemporary elites have more than 1000 books in their household? —Pang Jiun Born in Shanghai in 1936, Pang Jiun is an artist from Changshu, Jiangsu. He transferred to the Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1942, and held an exhibition at the Guangzhou Provincial Library in 1948. In 1949, he enrolled at the Hangzhou College of Art (which later became the East-China Campus of Central Academy of Fine Arts and currently renamed China Academy of Art) to learn from art masters including Lin Fengmian, Pan Tianshou, Huang Binhong, Ni Yide, and Yan Wenliang. In addition, Pang also became one of the last disciples of Xu Beihong. In 1954, Pang graduated with outstanding grades at the young age of 18, setting a new record for being the “youngest college graduate.” Pang launched his professional art career between 1954 and 1980, during which he worked on a creative team at Beijing Art Academy, taught oil painting at Beijing Fine Art Academy, and served a part-time associate professor at the Stage Design Department of the Central Academy of Drama. He moved to Hong Kong in 1980 to teach sketching before finally migrating to Taiwan in 1987. For more than twenty years, he has been a professor at National Taiwan University of Arts and fully dedicated himself to the pursuit of art creation. Pang started learning oil painting and receiving systematic, formal art education when he was 11 years old. It was without question that Pang would become a painter considering his background and long years of cultivation from an artistic family. Both of Pang’s parents were famous first-generation oil painters–his father Pang Xunqin was a contemporary art pioneer, industrial artist, and renowned painter who studied in Paris, and his mother Qiu Ti had also studied in Tokyo. Pang’s greatest art achievement is in inventing his style of oriental oil painting. His work features Expressionist oriental oil paintings that combine the passion and power of Western Post-Impressionism and Fauvism with the implicit gentleness of Eastern literati paintings and poetry. By delving into classic and contemporary art, Pang ingeniously blended Eastern ink wash and literati paintings with the language of Western oil paintings to form a one-of-a-kind art style that critics called “freehand oil paintings.” In the still portrait Romantic Lily, the artist applied “freehand” theories to practice: painting the lily petals in bright colors and moving the paintbrush at varying speeds and forces to produce thickly textured layers of oil paints. In fact, the artist tried to enhance pure colors through a two-dimensional plane. In other words, the “planar” approach added greater depth to the painting, followed by using color combinations to create a sense of spatiality that simplifies the shapes randomly. The exotic water bottle on the blue background and violet tablecloth are painted with Fauvism, Impressionist techniques that naturally display the sense of originality from human innocence and naivety.

  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b. 1936 )
    May. 08, 2022

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b. 1936 )

    Est: NT$800,000 - NT$1,000,000

    紅火鶴 Red Flamingo Flowers 簽名: 龎均 2003 鈐印:均 (朱文) Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2003 With one seal of the artist

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b. 1936 )
    May. 08, 2022

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b. 1936 )

    Est: NT$2,000,000 - NT$3,000,000

    江流天地外 山色有無中 The River Flows beyond the Heaven and Earth 簽名:龎均 2010 鈐印:均(朱文) Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2010 With one seal of the artist

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b. 1936 )
    May. 08, 2022

    龎均 PANG JIUN ( Chinese, b. 1936 )

    Est: NT$780,000 - NT$1,000,000

    古都積雪 Snow in Ancient Capital 簽名:龎均 1990 鈐印:均 (朱文) Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 1990 With one seal from the artist

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • Pang Jiun 龎均 - Home on the shores of Willow Creek 家在小河楊柳岸
    Apr. 28, 2022

    Pang Jiun 龎均 - Home on the shores of Willow Creek 家在小河楊柳岸

    Est: $800,000 - $1,600,000

    Pang Jiun b. 1936 Home on the shores of Willow Creek oil on canvas signed Pang Jiun and Jiun in Chinese and dated 2014 (lower right) painted in 2014 115 by 180 cm; 45¼ by 70⅞ in. This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued and signed by the artist  ------------------------------------------ 龎均 b. 1936 家在小河楊柳岸 油畫畫布 款識 龎均 均 2014(右下) 二〇一四年作 115 x 180 cm; 45 ¼ x 70 ⅞ in. 註:藝術家開立並親簽之作品保證書

  • PANG JIUN (NE.1936) LES ARBRES D'AUTOMNE Dimensions: 66,5 x 59 cm. (26 1/4
    Dec. 08, 2021

    PANG JIUN (NE.1936) LES ARBRES D'AUTOMNE Dimensions: 66,5 x 59 cm. (26 1/4

    Est: €22,000 - €32,000

    PANG JIUN (NE.1936) LES ARBRES D'AUTOMNE Dimensions: 66,5 x 59 cm. (26 1/4 x 23 1/4 in.)

  • 龎均(龐均) PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Dec. 05, 2021

    龎均(龐均) PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$2,200,000 - NT$3,200,000

    春桃 Plum Blossom signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2008 with one seal of artist 簽名右下: 龐均 2008 手繪鈐印:均

  • 龎均 PANG JIUN (b.1936)
    Oct. 03, 2021

    龎均 PANG JIUN (b.1936)

    Est: NT$1,300,000 - NT$1,800,000

    粉色的浪漫 Pink Romance 簽名:龎均 2010 鈐印:均 (朱文) Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese, dated 2010 With one seal of the artist

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均 PANG JIUN (b.1936)
    Oct. 03, 2021

    龎均 PANG JIUN (b.1936)

    Est: NT$2,300,000 - NT$3,000,000

    若到江南趕上春 千萬同春往 Spring in Jiangnan 簽名:龎均 2012 鈐印:均 (朱文) Signed Pang Jiun in Chinese, dated 2012 With one seal of the artist

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 龎均PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b.1936)
    Jul. 18, 2021

    龎均PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b.1936)

    Est: NT$950,000 - NT$1,800,000

    烏篷船Wupeng Boat 簽名右下:龎均 2007 手繪鈐印:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2007. With one painted seal of the artist.

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun(Taiwanese, b. 1936
    Dec. 06, 2020

    龎均 PANG Jiun(Taiwanese, b. 1936

    Est: NT$300,000 - NT$400,000

    花之寓意 Flower and Fruit 簽名左:龐均 1993 手繪鈐印左下:均 簽名畫背:花之寓意 龐均 MONET PANG JIUN 10F 1993 Signed lower left Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 1993 With one seal of the artist Signed on the reverse PANG JIUN in Chinese and English, titled Flower and Fruit, inscribed 10F and dated 1993

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun(Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Dec. 06, 2020

    龎均 PANG Jiun(Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$1,400,000 - NT$2,200,000

    仲夏之荷 Lotus in Midsummer 簽名左下:龐均 手繪鈐印左下:均 簽名畫背:仲夏之荷 1987 龐均 PANG JIUN Signed lower left Pang Jiun in Chinese. With one seal of the artist Signed on the reverse PANG JIUN in Chinese and English, titled Lotus in Midsummer and dated 1987

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Early Spring in Jiangnan oil on canvas 59.5 x 72 cm. (2
    Dec. 03, 2020

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Early Spring in Jiangnan oil on canvas 59.5 x 72 cm. (2

    Est: $200,000 - $300,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Early Spring in Jiangnan oil on canvas 59.5 x 72 cm. (23 3/8 x 28 3/8 in.)

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936) The World Best Scenery - Jiang Nan oil on canvas 150 x
    Dec. 02, 2020

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) The World Best Scenery - Jiang Nan oil on canvas 150 x

    Est: $900,000 - $1,500,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) The World Best Scenery - Jiang Nan oil on canvas 150 x 300 cm. (59 x 118 1/8 in.)

  • 龎均(龐均) PANG Jiun(Taiwanese, b. 1936
    Jul. 19, 2020

    龎均(龐均) PANG Jiun(Taiwanese, b. 1936

    Est: NT$950,000 - NT$1,200,000

    甲天下 Guilin Landscape 簽名右下:龎均 2009 ; 手繪鈐印右下:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2009; With one seal of the artist

  • PANG JIUN (B. 1936) - Spring Comes to Huizhou Old Town
    Jul. 11, 2020

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) - Spring Comes to Huizhou Old Town

    Est: $500,000 - $800,000

    PANG JIUN (B. 1936) Spring Comes to Huizhou Old Town oil on canvas 175 x 175 cm. (68 7/8 x 68 7/8 in.)

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Dec. 01, 2019

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$850,000 - NT$950,000

    富貴家族 Still Life with Peonies 簽名右下:龎均 2009 手繪鈐印左下:均 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2009 With one painted seal of the artist Singed reverse (TBC) 附藝術家親筆簽名原作保證書 This painting is to be sold with a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Dec. 01, 2019

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$70,000 - NT$140,000

    媽祖香火 Mazu Temple 簽名左下:龎均 1997 手繪鈐印左下:均 Signed lower left Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 1997 With one painted seal of the artist 附錦繡藝術中心開立之原作保證書 This work is to be sold with a certificate of authenticity issued by Chin Show Art Center.

  • 龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)
    Jun. 02, 2019

    龎均 PANG Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936)

    Est: NT$550,000 - NT$750,000

    太平洋 Pacific Ocean 簽名左下:龎均 2011 手繪鈐印左下:均 簽名畫背: 龎均 PANG JIUN 60.6 x 72.7 cm 20F 太平洋 2011 Signed lower left Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2011 With one painted seal of the artist Singed on the reverse PANG JIUN in Chinese and English; inscribed 60.6 x 72.7 cm 20F, titled Pacific Ocean and dated 2011

  • PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均
    Dec. 02, 2018

    PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均

    Est: NT$1,300,000 - NT$2,400,000

    Spring Scenery 春到甲天下 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2018 With one painted seal of the artist 簽名右下:龎均 2018 手繪鈐印右下:均

  • PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均
    Dec. 02, 2018

    PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均

    Est: NT$650,000 - NT$750,000

    Houses 常熟家居 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 2006.9 With one painted seal of the artist 簽名右下:龐均 2006.9 手繪鈐印右下:均

  • PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均
    Jun. 03, 2018

    PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均

    Est: NT$460,000 - NT$550,000

    Strawberry and pineapple 草莓與鳳梨 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese and dated 1993 With one painted seal of the artist 簽名右下:龎均 1993 手繪鈐印右下:均

  • PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均
    Jun. 03, 2018

    PANG JIUN (TAIWANESE, B. 1936) 龎均

    Est: NT$1,200,000 - NT$2,200,000

    Moonlight over the Li River 夜灕江─月下漁夫 Signed lower right Pang Jiun in Chinese, dated 2017 With one seal of the artist 簽名右下:龎均2017 手繪鈐印右下:均

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