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Antonio Pandiani Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, Commercial artist

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  • Antonio Pandiani Italian gilded triptych
    Mar. 04, 2025

    Antonio Pandiani Italian gilded triptych

    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    made of brass, consisting of two pitchers and a basin decorated in Renaissance style.Signed on the base “A Pandiani Milano.” Antonio Pandiani Italian gilded triptych

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) 'King Victor-Emmanuel Ii Of Italy'.
    Feb. 10, 2025

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) 'King Victor-Emmanuel Ii Of Italy'.

    Est: €400 - €600

     Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) 'King Victor-Emmanuel II of Italy'. King Victor-Emmanuel II of Italy, dressed as a hunter.  Patinated bronze.  Signed A. Pandiani, Milano. 

    Flanders Auctions
  • Antonio Pandiani (Milano 1838-1928) - The frog
    Sep. 25, 2024

    Antonio Pandiani (Milano 1838-1928) - The frog

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    bronze sculpture 29 x 17 x 12 cm signed and located on the basis: A. PANDIANI MILANO

  • Antonio Pandiani (Italian, 1838-1928), A Bronze Sculpture: The Proposal, Milan, Italy, dated "1889"
    Aug. 21, 2024

    Antonio Pandiani (Italian, 1838-1928), A Bronze Sculpture: The Proposal, Milan, Italy, dated "1889"

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Antonio Pandiani (Italian, 1838-1928), A Bronze Sculpture: The Proposal, Milan, Italy, dated "1889" With brown patination, inscribed, signed, and dated, "Proprieta reservata/ A. Pandiani/ Milano 1889." H: 13 3/4 in. W: 17 in. D: 11 in. This lot is located in Philadelphia.

    Freeman’s | Hindman
  • ANTONIO PANDIANI (1838-1928)
    Jun. 29, 2024

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (1838-1928)

    Est: CHF400 - CHF800

    Il filosofo Bronze, signed H: 27 cm, weight: 4.8 kg

    Galerie Moenius
  • PANDIANI ANTONIO (1838 - 1928) - The triumph of Love over Strenght
    Apr. 17, 2024

    PANDIANI ANTONIO (1838 - 1928) - The triumph of Love over Strenght

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    PANDIANI ANTONIO (1838 - 1928). The triumph of Love over Strenght. Dimensions with marble base: 19.5x32x19 cm. Signed on the base "A. Pandiani Milano".. 29,00 x 17,00 x 18,00 cm.

    Capitolium Art
    Mar. 06, 2024


    Est: €1,400 - €1,600

    Milano, 1838 - 1928 Giovani sposi Firmato A Pandiani, Milano sul retro Bronzo, alt. cm 37 Apprezzato scultore dall'acceso stile accademico, Pandiani è celebre per i suoi numerosi ritratti, tra cui spiccano il busto in bronzo di Alessandro Manzoni, ora parte delle collezioni della GAM di Milano, e quello della Regina Vittoria, custodito in un'importante collezione inglese. Oltre a dedicarsi spesso alla riproduzione in miniatura di monumenti storici, come la copia bronzea della vera da pozzo situata a Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo a Venezia, Pandiani realizzò nel 1881, per l'Esposizione Industriale Italiana, una scultura raffigurante Vittorio Emanuele II in veste di cacciatore. Figlio d'arte, insieme al fratello Costantino, autore del celebre Pukki dello zoo di Helsinki, Antonio abbracciò il carattere neoclassico lombardo, partecipando a numerose mostre organizzate dall'Accademia di Brera. La fonderia Pandiani, già attiva nel XIX secolo, raggiunse un grande sviluppo sotto la sua guida, dal 1886. Grazie a lui la fonderia ottenne successi, infatti, nelle grandi mostre internazionali e si affermò come fornitore di bronzi per la Real Casa Savoia. Da quel momento, i Pandiani produssero una vasta gamma di bronzi, decorazioni e oggetti in metallo per il Quirinale e i palazzi reali.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Bronze Modell eines Renaissance Trinkwasserbrunnens in Venedig / A bronze model of a Renaissance Venetian well, Antonio Pandiani, Mailand / Milano, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.
    Jan. 13, 2024

    Bronze Modell eines Renaissance Trinkwasserbrunnens in Venedig / A bronze model of a Renaissance Venetian well, Antonio Pandiani, Mailand / Milano, 2. Hälfte 19. Jh.

    Est: €360 - €720

    Material: Bronze, patiniert, Signatur: am Sockel signiert 'A. PANDIANI MILANO', Antonio Pandiani (1838 - 1928), Darstellung: Renaissance Brunnen, Puttos mit Lorbeergirlanden, Deckel mit Schließmechanismus, Sockel mit umlaufender Inschrift 'QUI FLUMINA VINCIT MIRA SILEX MIRUSQUE LATER', Maße: H. 14,5 cm, D. 19,5 cm, Gewicht: 3105 g, Zustand: altersbedingt gut, Deckelhalterung fehlt, mit Gebrauchsspuren

    Auktionshaus Schwab
  • Antonio Pandiani (1838 Mailand - 1929 ebenda)
    Dec. 01, 2023

    Antonio Pandiani (1838 Mailand - 1929 ebenda)

    Est: €500 -

    Antonio Pandiani (1838 Mailand - 1929 ebenda) Soldat im Gefecht zu Pferd, Bronze, braun-gold patiniert, auf Marmorplinthe, 32,5 cm x 37 cm x 16 cm, im Guss signiert und Milano ortsbezeichnet English Translation Antonio Pandiani (1838 Milan - 1929 ibid.) Soldier in battle on horseback, bronze, brown-gold patinated, on marble plinth, 32,5 cm x 37 cm x 16 cm, signed in the casting and locally marked Milano

  • A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AMBER GLASS VASE by Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) modelled with hoof footed males holding trailing vines. 30cm x 15cm.
    Oct. 10, 2023

    A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AMBER GLASS VASE by Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) modelled with hoof footed males holding trailing vines. 30cm x 15cm.

    Est: £150 - £200

    A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AMBER GLASS VASE by Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) modelled with hoof footed males holding trailing vines. 30cm x 15cm.

    Hannam's Auctioneers
  • Milanesisches Tintenfass
    Sep. 28, 2023

    Milanesisches Tintenfass

    Est: €600 - €800

    Höhe: 10,2 cm. Durchmesser über die Handhaben hinweg: 12 cm. Mündung stempelsigniert: Pandiani Milano (Antonio Pandiani, 1838 - 1928). Mailand, 19. Jahrhundert. Bronze, gegossen, ziseliert und vergoldet. Über rundem getrepptem Stand der stark gebauchte Korpus mit Hermenhandhaben, laufendem Hund-Ornament und schauseitigen vakanten Kartuschen. Steckdeckel mit zentraler gegossener Handhabe. (1370504) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Antonio Pandiani Foundry (1838-1828) Venus Marina Inkwell
    Sep. 19, 2023

    Antonio Pandiani Foundry (1838-1828) Venus Marina Inkwell

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Antonio Pandiani Foundry (1838-1828) Venus Marina Inkwell Milan 19th-20th century Bronze, dark brown patina 26x15x15 cm Fine Renaissance-style bronze inkwell. The cup is supported by lion protomes resting on high volute feet. On the lid, decorated with acanthus leaves, Venus Marine resting her left foot on the head of a dolphin which se helds firmly by the tail. A typical example of the historical production popular in the 19th and 20th centuries. Unsigned but identical to some signed exemplaries, the inkwell can certainly be attributed to the Pandiani production. The Pandiani foundry, already active in the 19th century with artists of neoclassical taste such as Giovanni Pandiani (1809-1879), experienced great development under the direction of Antonio Pandiani, who took over its management in 1886. He led it to the success of participating in major international exhibitions and to becoming the bronze workers of the Royal House of Savoy. From that moment on, the Pandiani family produced a significant quantity of bronzes, decorations, and metalware for the Quirinale Palace and other royal palaces. In the second half of the 1920s, the company expanded its activities to the production of eclectic, historical-style furnishings and antiques, proving itself capable of meeting every need related to interior design. Among the most notable collaborators of the company should be mentioned Carlo Bugatti (1867-1940), a famous designer of furniture with an Oriental-inspired taste.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AMBER GLASS VASE by Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) modelled with hoof footed males holding trailing vines. 30 cm x 15 cm.
    Aug. 22, 2023

    A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AMBER GLASS VASE by Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) modelled with hoof footed males holding trailing vines. 30 cm x 15 cm.

    Est: £100 - £150

    A LOVELY 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AMBER GLASS VASE by Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) modelled with hoof footed males holding trailing vines. 30 cm x 15 cm.

    Hannam's Auctioneers
  • Antonio Pandiani ...
    Jun. 21, 2023

    Antonio Pandiani ...

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    (Milano 1838 - 1928) "Rigoletto" Milano scultura in bronzo (cm 110x100) Firmata e locata alla base (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Antonio Pandiani Gesù Bambino e San Giovannino
    Apr. 19, 2023

    Antonio Pandiani Gesù Bambino e San Giovannino

    Est: €200 - €300

    Firma incisa \A.Pandiani Milano\"

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
    Apr. 05, 2023


    Est: $100 - $200

    Antique Italian made brass figural candlesticks. Signed A. Pandiani Milano. Height of 5 inches. With verdigris patination.

    Affiliated Auctions & Realty LLC
  • Antonio Pandiani (Milano 1838-1928) Musicians and Merry Family Two bronze reliefs signed and placed Milan (cm 25,5x19,5; cm 26x19) mounted on wooden panels (cm 36,5x31; cm 36x29) (defects)...
    Mar. 30, 2023

    Antonio Pandiani (Milano 1838-1928) Musicians and Merry Family Two bronze reliefs signed and placed Milan (cm 25,5x19,5; cm 26x19) mounted on wooden panels (cm 36,5x31; cm 36x29) (defects)...

    Est: €650 - €700

    Antonio Pandiani (Milano 1838-1928) Musicians and Merry Family Two bronze reliefs signed and placed Milan (cm 25,5x19,5; cm 26x19) mounted on wooden panels (cm 36,5x31; cm 36x29) (defects) IT Antonio Pandiani (Milano 1838-1928) Musici e Merry Family Due rilievi in bronzo firmati e locati Milano (cm 25,5x19,5; cm 26x19) montati su pannelli in legno (cm 36,5x31; cm 36x29) (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Antonio Pandiani Bronze Figure Tiffany & Co. Marks
    Sep. 18, 2022

    Antonio Pandiani Bronze Figure Tiffany & Co. Marks

    Est: $200 - $300

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) Bronze Figure of a Young Girl w/ Tiffany & Co. Marks. Fully Signed. Condition: Generally Very Good. Dimensions: H- 15". Provenance: From a Queens, NY Home. Please note the absence of a condition report does not imply that there are no condition issues with this lot. Please contact us for a detailed condition report.

    World Auction Gallery
    Jul. 21, 2022


    Est: $400 - $600

    bronze with brown patination, on an integral base; signed and inscribed "A. Pandiani Milano" to top of base; Provenance: The Estate of David Karpeles, the Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Montecito, CA 18 inches high

    Abell Auction
  • ANTONIO PANDIANI (Milán, 1838 - 1928) Título: Cáliz con decoración veget
    Apr. 07, 2022

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (Milán, 1838 - 1928) Título: Cáliz con decoración veget

    Est: -

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (Milán, 1838 - 1928) Título: Cáliz con decoración vegetal, animal y angelotes con escenas religiosas y alegorías Firmado: A. Pandiani. Milano Bronce dorado al mercurio 20x10,5 cm

    Arte Subastas Bilbao
  • Antonio Pandiani. A pair of bronze figurines
    Jan. 27, 2022

    Antonio Pandiani. A pair of bronze figurines

    Est: -

    Pair of characters dressed in the eighteenth-century fashion made in bronze with a slightly silver patina. Signed on the base.

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928), a bronze study of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy 52cm high.
    Dec. 07, 2021

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928), a bronze study of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy 52cm high.

    Est: £600 - £800

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928), a bronze study of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy marked to base A.Pandiani Milano. Exposizione Ind. Italiana 1881

  • Modello di una fontana in bronzo dorato da un disegno di Pietro Tacca
    Nov. 30, 2021

    Modello di una fontana in bronzo dorato da un disegno di Pietro Tacca

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Modello di fontana in bronzo dorato da un disegno di Pietro Tacca Eseguita dal fonditore Antonio Pandiani (1838 -1928) Milano di inizio XX secolo Corpo sagomato con elementi raffiguranti animali fantastici e vetro soffiato a creare immaginazione;di acqua gelata La fontana originale si trova a Firenze in Piazza della Santissima Annunziata  49 x 28,5 x 28,5 Fountain model in gilded bronze from an illustration by Pietro Tacca Made by the founder Antonio Pandiani (1838 -1928) Milan of the early 20th century Shaped body with elements representing fantastic animals and blown glass to create an imagination of frozen water The original fountain is located in Florence in Piazza della Santissima Annunziata 49 x 28,5 x 28,5 cm

    Lucas Aste
  • Antonio Pandiani, (1838-1928, Italian), Courting figures on a bench, Patinated bronze, 10" H x 18.75" W x 6.5" D
    Oct. 26, 2021

    Antonio Pandiani, (1838-1928, Italian), Courting figures on a bench, Patinated bronze, 10" H x 18.75" W x 6.5" D

    Est: $400 - $600

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928, Italian) Courting figures on a bench Patinated bronze Signed: A. Padiani Milano 10" H x 18.75" W x 6.5" D

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • ANTONIO PANDIANI. Two bronze sculptures
    Sep. 21, 2021

    ANTONIO PANDIANI. Two bronze sculptures

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (Milano, 1838-1929). Coppia di sculture in bronzo patinato raff. ''PERSONAGGI''. Firmate alla base. Mis. Alt. cm. 24 Diam. cm. 9 ca. Val. 2500/3000

    Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
  • Antonio Pandiani, Reitergruppe
    Aug. 28, 2021

    Antonio Pandiani, Reitergruppe

    Est: -

    Antonio Pandiani, Reitergruppe Ende 19. Jh., an der Plinthe signiert A. Pandiani Milano, Bronze, mehrteilig gefertigt und montiert, dunkelbraun patiniert, überaus bewegte Darstellung dreier wilder Reiter im Galopp, auf naturalistisch gestalteter Plinthe montiert, leichte Altersspuren, Maße ca. 32 x 42 x 39 cm. Künstlerinfo: italienischer Bildhauer (1838–1928), Quelle: Internet.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928), Il suonatore di liuto
    Jun. 17, 2021

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928), Il suonatore di liuto

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    scultura in bronzo, cm 38x71x44,5, firma incussa

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • PANDIANI ANTONIO (1838 - 1928) Three gilt bronze sculptures depicting the young Vittorio Emanuele III, Umberto I, Margherita di Savoia.
    Jun. 16, 2021

    PANDIANI ANTONIO (1838 - 1928) Three gilt bronze sculptures depicting the young Vittorio Emanuele III, Umberto I, Margherita di Savoia.

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    PANDIANI ANTONIO (1838 - 1928). Three gilt bronze sculptures depicting the young Vittorio Emanuele III, Umberto I, Margherita di Savoia.. Signed on the base. Base in marble.. Cm 11,00 x 29,00 x 11,00.

    Capitolium Art
    Jun. 10, 2021


    Est: €300 - €301

    PANDIANI, ANTONIO 1838 - 1928 H. 23,5 cm A lady with fen. Bronze, patinated, signed A. Pandiani Milano.

    Nagel Auction
  • ANTONIO PANDIANI (1838-1928) Le général Bonaparte. Buste en bronze reposant sur une aigle aux ailes
    May. 05, 2021

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (1838-1928) Le général Bonaparte. Buste en bronze reposant sur une aigle aux ailes

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (1838-1928) Le général Bonaparte. Buste en bronze reposant sur une aigle aux ailes déployées sur faisceau. Signé en bas « A. PANDIANI Milano 1890 ». Monté sur une colonne frappée du « B » en bronze doré et un socle en bois tourné (vermoulu). Ht. bronze : 33 cm. Ht totale : 57 cm. Bronze en bon état. ANTONIO PANDIANI (1838-1921) GENERAL BONAPARTE BRONZE BUST

    Mar. 24, 2021


    Est: €600 - €800

    Scultura in bronzo. Firmata alla base reca l’iscrizione "Esposizione Italiana 1881". Cm H 50. Bronze sculpture. Signed at the base bears the inscription "Italian Exhibition 1881". Cm H 50.

    Galleria Sarno
    Mar. 03, 2021


    Est: €200 - €400

    pair of burnished bronze sculptures; Signed under a plinth: Pandiani Milano

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Pandiani, Antonio (1838 - 1928), Bronze, dunkelbraun patiniert, ''Bauer mit Pferd'', an der Plinthe bezeichnet A. Pandiani Milano, 19 cm hoch, 29 cm lang, Stock fehlt, Zügel wohl später
    Feb. 20, 2021

    Pandiani, Antonio (1838 - 1928), Bronze, dunkelbraun patiniert, ''Bauer mit Pferd'', an der Plinthe bezeichnet A. Pandiani Milano, 19 cm hoch, 29 cm lang, Stock fehlt, Zügel wohl später

    Est: -

    Bronze, dunkelbraun patiniert, ''Bauer mit Pferd'', an der Plinthe bezeichnet A. Pandiani Milano, 19 cm hoch, 29 cm lang, Stock fehlt, Zügel wohl später Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928), italianischer Bildhauer

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
  • Antonio Pandiani ...
    Nov. 11, 2020

    Antonio Pandiani ...

    Est: €6,000 - €7,000

    (Milano 1838 - 1928) "Menestrello" scultura in bronzo (cm 110x110x35) Firmata e locata Milano alla base (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Antonio Pandiani ...
    Nov. 11, 2020

    Antonio Pandiani ...

    Est: €500 - €600

    (Milano 1838 - 1928) "L'altalena" scultura in bronzo (cm 22x26) Firmata e locata Milano alla base

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Antonio Pandiani (attrib.), bronze sculpture
    Jun. 05, 2020

    Antonio Pandiani (attrib.), bronze sculpture

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Attributed to Antonio Pandiani (Italian, 1838-1928), Panther, dark patinated cast bronze, stamp signed "A. Pandiani Milano" to base, 9"h x 12"l x 7"w

    Millea Bros Ltd
  • A. PANDIANI (1838-1928, Milano)
    Jan. 31, 2020

    A. PANDIANI (1838-1928, Milano)

    Est: €100 - €200

    A. PANDIANI (1838-1928, Milano) In golden bronze, decorated in relief with vegetal elements, mascarons and effigies, marked. Signs of use. Dim.: 20.7 cm.

    Corte Real, Leiloeira
  • Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze
    Dec. 19, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    1838-1928, Italian, Antonio Pandiani Has been called "Proud Father" as well as "Three Spaniards" This is a bronze of three figure, One Male and two Women. It is signed "A. Pandiani, Milano" on the base. It is approximately 15"x7.5"x11" It is in excellent used condition.

    Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani
    Dec. 07, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani

    Est: €300 - €400

    Antonio Pandiani 1838 Mailand - 1928 Mailand "Maschera" - schreitender Knabe mit Maske. Bronze braun patiniert. Auf Plinthe bezeichnet: "A. Pandiani Milano". H. 27 cm.

    Auktionshaus Dr. Fischer
  • Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze
    Nov. 06, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    1838-1928, Italian, Antonio Pandiani Has been called "Proud Father" as well as "Three Spaniards" This is a bronze of three figure, One Male and two Women. It is signed "A. Pandiani, Milano" on the base. It is approximately 15"x7.5"x11" It is in excellent used condition.

    Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani Italian Bronze Whippet Sculpture
    Oct. 30, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani Italian Bronze Whippet Sculpture

    Est: $100 - $1,000

    Guaranteed Authentic Antonio Pandiani (Italy, 1838 - 1928). Sculpture crafted of fine quality Italian bronze. Depicts a seated playful Italian greyhound dog figure. Signed underneath the back leg A. PANDIANI MILANO. Measures approximately 7 1/4" x 6 1/4". Good condition with mild surface wear. Hill Auction Gallery in house USA continental shipping $65 plus insurance. Gallery will refer a local shipper for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request.

    Hill Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze
    Oct. 23, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    1838-1928, Italian, Antonio Pandiani Has been called "Proud Father" as well as "Three Spaniards" This is a bronze of three figure, One Male and two Women. It is signed "A. Pandiani, Milano" on the base. It is approximately 15"x7.5"x11" It is in excellent used condition.

    Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze
    Oct. 09, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    1838-1928, Italian, Antonio Pandiani Has been called "Proud Father" as well as "Three Spaniards" This is a bronze of three figure, One Male and two Women. It is signed "A. Pandiani, Milano" on the base. It is approximately 15"x7.5"x11" It is in excellent used condition.

    Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze
    Sep. 26, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    1838-1928, Italian, Antonio Pandiani Has been called "Proud Father" as well as "Three Spaniards" This is a bronze of three figure, One Male and two Women. It is signed "A. Pandiani, Milano" on the base. It is approximately 15"x7.5"x11" It is in excellent used condition.

    Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani, Italian (1838-1928) a gilt bronz
    Sep. 13, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Italian (1838-1928) a gilt bronz

    Est: £400 - £600

    Antonio Pandiani, Italian (1838-1928) a gilt bronze mounted vase, with two fauns holding a garland with flowers and grapes, Acanthus decorated stem, base stamped A Pandiani, Milano, 29cm .

  • Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze
    Aug. 29, 2019

    Antonio Pandiani, Three Figure Bronze

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    1838-1928, Italian, Antonio Pandiani Has been called "Proud Father" as well as "Three Spaniards" This is a bronze of three figure, One Male and two Women. It is signed "A. Pandiani, Milano" on the base. It is approximately 15"x7.5"x11" It is in excellent used condition.

    Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery
  • Antonio Pandiani Bronze Figure Tiffany & Co. Marks
    Sep. 16, 2018

    Antonio Pandiani Bronze Figure Tiffany & Co. Marks

    Est: $500 - $600

    Antonio Pandiani (1838-1928) Bronze Figure of a Young Girl w/ Tiffany & Co. Marks. Dimensions- H- 15"

    World Auction Gallery
  • ANTONIO PANDIANI (ITALIAN, 1838-1928): A BRONZE FIGURE OF KING VITTORIO EMMANUEL II AS A HUNTER depicted standing with his left hand in his pocket and holding a rifle in his right, raised on a canted rectangular base, dark brown patination, signed 'A. PANDIANI MILANO' and 'ESPOSIZIONE IND ITALIANA 1881',  50cm high Victor Emmanuel II was King of Sardinia from 1849 until 17 March 1861, he then became the first King of Italy since the 6th century upon the reunification of the country, and remained king until his death in 1878. The bronze is inscribed 'Esposizione Ind Italiana refers to the National Exhibition of Milan, which was the first major exhibition held in Italy and established Milan as the industrial centre of Italy. It included a Fine Art Exhibition, which is presumably where the present model was first exhibited.
    Sep. 12, 2018

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (ITALIAN, 1838-1928): A BRONZE FIGURE OF KING VITTORIO EMMANUEL II AS A HUNTER depicted standing with his left hand in his pocket and holding a rifle in his right, raised on a canted rectangular base, dark brown patination, signed 'A. PANDIANI MILANO' and 'ESPOSIZIONE IND ITALIANA 1881',  50cm high Victor Emmanuel II was King of Sardinia from 1849 until 17 March 1861, he then became the first King of Italy since the 6th century upon the reunification of the country, and remained king until his death in 1878. The bronze is inscribed 'Esposizione Ind Italiana refers to the National Exhibition of Milan, which was the first major exhibition held in Italy and established Milan as the industrial centre of Italy. It included a Fine Art Exhibition, which is presumably where the present model was first exhibited.

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    ANTONIO PANDIANI (ITALIAN, 1838-1928): A BRONZE FIGURE OF KING VITTORIO EMMANUEL II AS A HUNTER depicted standing with his left hand in his pocket and holding a rifle in his right, raised on a canted rectangular base, dark brown patination, signed 'A. PANDIANI MILANO' and 'ESPOSIZIONE IND ITALIANA 1881',  50cm high Victor Emmanuel II was King of Sardinia from 1849 until 17 March 1861, he then became the first King of Italy since the 6th century upon the reunification of the country, and remained king until his death in 1878. The bronze is inscribed 'Esposizione Ind Italiana refers to the National Exhibition of Milan, which was the first major exhibition held in Italy and established Milan as the industrial centre of Italy. It included a Fine Art Exhibition, which is presumably where the present model was first exhibited.

    Chiswick Auctions
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