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Gongshou Pan Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1741 - d. 1794

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  • Pan Gongshou, Landscape | 潘恭壽 驄馬南行圖
    Oct. 07, 2023

    Pan Gongshou, Landscape | 潘恭壽 驄馬南行圖

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    Pan Gongshou 1741 - 1794 Landscape ink and colour on paper, handscroll signed Pan Gongshou and with two seals of the artist Titleslip by Gu Guangxu (1731-1797) and with one seal of his Colophons by Pan Duanguang and with two seals of his; by Wang Jialu (1797-1824), dated jiashen (1824) and with three seals of his; by Zeng Yu (1760-1831) and with two seals of his; by Quo Qi and with two seals of his; by Jin Xiang and with two seals of his 30 x 103.5 cm. 11⅞ x 40¾ in. ---------------------------------------------- 潘恭壽 1741-1794 驄馬南行圖 淺設色紙本 手卷 引首:驄馬南行圖。顧光旭題。鈐印:顧光旭 款識:簣山先生正之。潘恭壽寫。鈐印:潘氏慎夫、蓮居士 題跋: (潘端光)曾聞御史乘驄馬,又道監司駕泫驂。前路揚鑣觀察使,一官同制都名之。南巡驄馬是何人,畫裏分明繡豸新。吳市偶教公買得,氷銜一氣轉洪鈞。木鐸輶軒肅萬民,八條五術古規真。君恩命系金魚袋,陳子堯咨後一人。題奉簣山先生正句。潘端光。鈐印:端光、端甫 (王嘉祿) 驄馬南行圖詩應簣山廉訪尊丈大人命(有序) 圖為明正統間吾鄉劉僉事玨所作,題詠亦皆吳人,蓋以餞當時直指三吳者,所餞不箸姓名,曹君堉以僉事集攷之,斷為慈谿王尚書來。歲癸未,公權臬吳中,得此卷於市,按尚書以宣德五年出為蘇松常鎮巡,按正統初擢山西左參政,圖當作於其時。尚書為吾吳名官,今公亦以常镇觀詧來,陳臬事又與尚書同姓,適得此圖,有足異者,吳中人士咸紀以詩。敬賦此篇,錄奉鈞正。時甲申閏秋三日。 繡衣尊直指,厥官昉自漢。唐制設觀詧,明初置巡按。稱名雖遞更,立灋要同善。民風五術采,吏事八條判。峩峩聳豸冠,凛凛稱鐵面。自非謇諤賢,弗稱雄峻選。偉哉東武公,擁旄駐淮甸。轉漕迅飛㧪,榷關精筦算。臬事權三吳,政成銀手斷。學館興文翁,樗蒲䄟陶侃。灾黎雁戢野,莠士鴞革泮。公餘百無好,圖史靜娛玩。蕭條翰墨因,三絕珍此卷。緬懷鎦完菴,吾鄉推碩彥。詩名傳八句(完菴工詩,時稱劉八句),畫筆尤獨擅。奕奕慈谿王,爵里詳史傳。奉使巡江南,名官卓居冠。想當乘驄來,行行聽里諺。揚鑣忽言別,斷鐙爭置餞。去思託豪素,雲煙供點竄。肫然憂國心,道貌蒼如見。流傳三百年,無恙辨黃絹。失喜落公手,奇緣殆天遣。重徵吳士詩,令我發三歎。朝廷奬賢能,特以貴治賤。雙旌耀前驅,八騶肅呵殿。宣威重其體,使民知所憚。鳥虖仕官榮,鄙者乃徒羨。娖訾登要津,侈心逞驕悍。千金買驊騮,百金飾鞍韅。紛紜責供帳,繹絡擾亭傳。可憐一路哭,好官方自衒。盈車載瓦礫,事去嗟一旦。請看圖中人,緩轡夕陽㟁。一童引曲蓋,無異乘款段。前明建此官,假節威郡縣。簡樸顧乃爾,宜為士民戀。聞公昨回旌,打鼓發夜半。借寇方謳歈,追李咸悵惋。吳趨古所矜,風土極雕絢。被體羅綺裳,悅口珠玉䉵。由來官此邦,腴壤習巟宴。頻年水旱仍,物力漸衰偄。所賴賢長吏,陽和及時扇。淳風導市闤,巟政條里閈。不堪更誅求,亨魚益焦爛。知公夙憫此,弊俗思所變。行看恩命承,頓使凋瘵轉。此圖實先兆,靈貺豈文翰。叱馭涂可循,著鞭志肎倦。為治不後古,風節期一貫。華宗與望秩,後先同炳煥。庶幾得公心,圖畫還舊觀。我慙玉公孫,倒屣貴游斷。辱公國士知,風月數文讌。拭目儕蒼黔,江東使星粲。願隨竹馬迎,敬待騑驂臶。部民嘉祿呈槀。鈐印:王嘉祿、嗣雅堂二集中作、小字阿彌 (曾燠) 名臣執法嚴,驄馬行且避。卧治文懦愚,六條付丞吏。古最重刑官,譬若官為轡。法外務生人,此豈陶公意。君昨吳趍行,去襜豁羣蔽。霜威出春盎,和鳴佐鷹鷙。還劔何武才,斷絹薛宣智。豈獨治攤錢,遠過梁武裔。吳兒嘆木石,折轅爭挽置。始知憒憒者,立仗馬不異。前朝玉尚書,持節曾此地。當年琴鶴裝,即是去思計。粉本落君手,龔隗久心契。斯豈植槐心,或即佩刀義。吾觀尚書賢,瘦馬傳司隸。墨吏動遭鞭,弄臣或訴帝。晚歲心和平,談笑靜烽燧。大賢互歎賞,氣節真不世。君才若古人,盤錯見鋒利。說士過肉甘,神俊愛騏驥。文章既逾彼,清德行可繼。他年臺省中,囊簪定入侍。余衰久素飡,鹽筴媿凋弊。淮海聞歡聲,羣迎細侯至。偶觀石室圖,默憶繡衣使。雖乏高柔明,頗識承天議。豈真如水平,湘波鑒予志。君心薄鈉距,深達决事比(後漢陳忠著,見通典)。敢誇卑耳馬,作傳聊自勵。簣山先生三兄大人屬題,即請大㪍。賓谷弟曾燠。鈐印:臣燠、賓谷 (郭琦) 三吳士女捧香盆,看呪鯨波入海渾。綠野時時驄馬出,霜威千里變春温。東武慈谿(王尚書)兩鉅公,復先聲望畫圖中。人言相待如龔隗,萬古青天映華嵩。簣山大公祖大人命題,即請鈞政。治後學郭琦呈。鈐印:郭琦印、蒜山小隱 (金襄) 慈谿尚書古循吏,驄馬繡衣使。一鞭雨露徧江南,法駕千人萬人避。流風遙遙四百年,琅琊世胄諸城賢。昨來陳臬涖兹郡,滄浪清水如廉泉。蒲簙已除士勵習,菰葑欲浚農耕田。是時秋潦太湖溢,到眼飢鴻滿川澤。為民請命民氣蘇,安見今人不如昔。後先德政待刋碑,文士敭風吏詠詩。不湏父老埋輪地,想見郊原攬轡時。簣山大公祖大人命題,即請鈞政。治後學金襄呈。鈐印:金襄私印、子驤 注:王嘉祿(1797-1824),字綏之,又字井叔,蘇州人,王芑孫、曹墨琴第三子。自幼敏慧,讀書過目不忘。十四歲應童子試,所為詩賦為學政劉銀之擊賞。補長洲縣學生員,名聲益隆,著有《嗣雅堂集》。

  • PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) Wangchuan Villa after Wen Zhengming and Dong Qicha
    Jun. 01, 2023

    PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) Wangchuan Villa after Wen Zhengming and Dong Qicha

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) Wangchuan Villa after Wen Zhengming and Dong Qichang Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 127 x 30 cm. (50 x 11 3/4 in.)

    Mar. 10, 2023


    Est: €500 - €1,000

    ‘A RIVER LANDSCAPE’, BY PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) China. Ink on paper, mounted as a hanging scroll. Finely painted with a mountainous river landscape with a few houses and pavilions nestled between boldly executed trees, above a single figure paddling in a boat. Inscriptions: To the painting, upper left, inscribed ‘Lianchao jushi Pan Gongshou’, dated ‘on a summer day in the Year of Wuwu in the Jiaqing era’ (corresponding to 1798), and inscribed ‘in the style of Gao Fangshan’ (Gao Kegong, 1248-1310); two seals of the artist, ‘gong’ and ‘shou’. Lower right, two seals. To the mounting, to the left beside the painting, inscribed by Wu Yun (1811-1883), ‘The exquisite brushwork by Lianchao Jushi [Pan Gongshou] is attributed to the yipin class. This painting is in the style of Gao Fangshan, it is especially excellent. In the Spring of the Year of Yihai [corresponding to 1875], Yuting Wu Yun’; one seal, ‘Pingzhai shending’. To the mounting, to the right beside the painting, inscribed by Tang Yusheng (1778-1853), ‘Pan Gongshou, artist name Shenfu, sobriquet Lianchao, came originally from Dantu. Wen Hengshan [Wen Zhengming, 1470-1559] titled. It was said that the painting by Wang Menglou [Wang Wenzhi, 1730-1802] was in the style of Gao Kegong and signed by himself. It is really an exceptional painting. Written on a summer day in Jilong shanlu’; two seals. The scroll with an old label, inscribed ‘Pan Gongshou, Landscape, Authentic’. Provenance: Collection of W. W. Winkworth, 1966. The Oliver Impey Collection of Modern Paintings, acquired from the above. William ‘Billy’ Wilberforce Winkworth (1897-1991) was a legendary collector of Asian art. The Oriental Ceramic Society was founded at his father's home in 1921. After military service in World War I, he joined the British Museum in 1922 under R. L. Hobson in the Department of Ceramics, leaving in 1926 to become a full-time collector and 'marchand amateur'. Between around 1948 and 1970 he was a part-time cataloger at Sotheby’s, working on Japanese netsuke, lacquer, and sword fittings. He was famous for his eye and range of connoisseurship, especially in ceramics, and exercised a great influence on his generation of British collectors. Oliver Impey (1936-2005) was the President of the Oriental Ceramics Society (1997-2000), a noted curator at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, and a leading authority on the arts of Japan. He studied at the University of Oxford, completing his thesis while working in London at Sotheby's, where his connoisseurship and remarkable breadth of knowledge began to develop, as well as his intimate knowledge of the art trade and vigilant eye for a bargain. In 1967, he was appointed Assistant Keeper for Japanese Art at the Ashmolean, and was able, as a Sotheby's colleague put it rather bluntly, to move “straight from the whorehouse to the nunnery”. For nearly four decades, Impey was a tireless acquirer of fine objects, vastly expanding the Museum's holdings. He designed and raised the funds for a new Japanese Decorative Arts gallery to house these treasures and he also befriended several generous benefactors, who made important donations to the Museum. The respect with which he was held in Japan was marked by the award of the Koyama Fujio Memorial Prize in 1997. His personal collection contained works by major masters from Japan, China, and several other Asian countries, of which many were sold by Christie’s in Hong Kong in the late 2000s. Condition: Very good condition with minor wear and soiling. The mounting with some wear, creases, and minor losses. Dimensions: Image size 61 x 31.5 cm, Size incl. mounting 216 x 45.7 cm Pan Gongshou (1741-1794), also known as Lianchao, was born in Dantu, near today’s Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. He was a painter, seal carver and poet, famous for his landscapes, figural motifs, and still lifes. Many of his paintings depict poetic inscriptions, and Pan is also known to have collaborated with other calligraphers such as Wang Wenzhi. His works can be found in the collection of the National Art Museum of China, among many other museums. Expert’s note: The present painting is notable for its appreciative post-mortem inscription by Pan Gongshou’s frequent collaborator Wang Wenzhi (1730-1802), which has a posthumous dating of 1798. The superior quality of the painting, as further attested to by the numerous laudatory collectors’ inscriptions to the mounting, as well as the old and illustrious Winkworth and Impey provenances, leave absolutely no doubt as to the authenticity of the painting. Auction result comparison: Type: Related Auction: Duo Yun Xuan, Shanghai, 30 November 2020, lot 1027 Hammer price: EUR 25,437 (converted by Artprice at the time of writing) Description: Pan Gongshou (1741-1794), Landscape (1784), watercolor and ink on silk Expert remark: Note the size (88 x 48 cm), the similar style and the numerous inscriptions 潘恭壽 (1741-1794) 《摹高房山筆》 中國,紙本設色,掛軸。峻岩怪石突兀而立,雜樹挺立濃郁,水閣依山臨水,近景一漁夫讀作江舟。境界幽美,深厚蒼渾。 款識:摹高房山筆嘉慶戊午夏日,蓮巢居士潘恭壽 ;鈴印:恭,壽蓮巢居士 蓮巢居士筆法精妙,?為逸品。此幅仿高房山,尤屬出神之?也。乙亥小春愉庭吳雲?;鈴印:平齋審定 潘恭壽字慎夫,號蓮巢,丹徒籍,??文畫宗文衡山(文徵明1470-1559)署題,都傳王夢樓(王文治 1730-1802)此幀模高尚書而自署。?誠真妙昌也。丁酉夏日貽汾題於雞籠山麓;鈴印:雨生 來源:W. W. Winkworth收藏,1966年;Oliver Impey現代水墨收藏,購於上述收藏。William ‘Billy’ Wilberforce Winkworth (1897-1991) 是亞洲藝術的傳奇收藏家。 東方陶瓷學會於 1921年在他父親的家中成立。第一次世界大戰服完兵役後,他於 1922 年加入大英博物館陶瓷部,師從 R. L. Hobson,1926年離職,成為一名全職收藏家和“業餘商人”。大約在 1948 年至 1970 年間,他在蘇富比拍賣行擔任兼職編目員,從事日本根付、漆器和刀劍配件的研究。他以其眼光和鑑賞範圍而聞名,尤其是在陶瓷方面,對他那一代的英國收藏家產生了巨大影響。Oliver Impey (1936-2005) 曾任東方陶瓷學會會長(1997-2000),牛津阿什莫林博物館著名策展人以及日本藝術領域的權威。 他曾就讀於牛津大學,在倫敦蘇富比工作期間完成了論文。在蘇富比,他的鑑賞力和非凡的知識得以發展,以及他對藝術貿易的深入了解和對交易的警惕眼光。1967 年,他被任命為阿什莫林日本藝術助理管理員。在近四十年的時間裡,Impey 孜孜不倦地收購精美物品,極大地擴大了博物館的藏品。他為一個新的日本裝飾藝術藝廊設計並籌集了資金來收藏這些珍品。他還結交了幾位慷慨的捐助者,他們為博物館提供了重要的捐贈。他在日本受到的尊重並於1997 年獲得小山富士夫紀念獎。他的個人收藏包括日本、中國和其他幾個亞洲國家的主要大師的作品,其中許多作品於2000年後期香港佳士得拍賣會上售出。 品相:狀況極好,有輕微磨損和污漬。裝幀有一些磨損、摺痕和輕微損失。 尺寸:畫面61 x 31.5 厘米,總45.7 厘米 潘恭壽(1741-1794),字蓮巢,生於今江蘇鎮江附近的丹徒。 善人物、仕女、竹石圖,晚年喜刻印章,傳世畫跡有藏於中國美術館的《煙雲閣圖》軸等。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:相近 拍賣:上海朵雲軒,2020年11月30年,lot 1027 落槌價格: EUR 25,437 (在Artprice顯示的金額) 描述:潘恭壽1784年《五老圖》 專家評論:請注意尺寸(88 x 48釐米),以及相似的風格和數個不同的題字。

    Galerie Zacke
    Dec. 10, 2022


    Est: €500 - €1,000

    PORTRAIT OF A NOBLE LADY, BY PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) 潘恭壽(1741-1794)款《仕女簪花圖》 China. Ink, gilt, and watercolors on silk. Depicting a lady, her face and hands with porcelain-white skin, the charcoal black hair tied in a high chignon, the arms adorned with gold and green bangles, the hands with long fingernails, and dressed in a fine robe with a blue floral collar. Her right hand raised, holding leaves to adorn her hair. The figure partly covered by a banana leaf and rocks. Inscriptions: Top right two seals ‘Zhang Ju’ and ‘Zimian’, the center right ‘by Lianchao, Pan Gongshou’, two seals. Provenance: New York trade. Condition: Very good condition with minor wear, some creasing, few small losses and holes, few stains and spotting and shallow surface scratches. Laid down on paper backing. Dimensions: Image size 90.5 x 39 cm, Size incl. mounting 109.4 x 45.2 cm Pan Gongshou (1741-1794), also known as Lianchao, was born in Dantu, near today’s Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. He was a painter, seal carver and poet, famous for his landscapes, figural motifs, and still lifes. Many of his paintings depict poetic inscriptions, and Pan is also known to have collaborated with other calligraphers such as Wang Wenzhi. His works can be found in the collection of the National Art Museum of China, among many other museums. Auction result comparison: Type: Closely related Auction: Poly International Auction Co. Peking, 18 October 2020, lot 3735 Estimate: CNY 60.000 or approx. EUR 9,100 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing Description: Portrait, Pan Gongshou Expert remark: Compare the closely related motif. Note the larger size (115 x 49 cm). 潘恭壽(1741-1794)款《仕女簪花圖》 中國。絹本水墨設色。描繪一位仕女,姿態優雅,頭梳高髻,手帶手鐲,手上留著長指甲,穿著一件帶有藍色花領的衣服。她的右手抬起,握著一朵花簪,正打算佩戴。 款識:蓮巢潘恭壽寫;鈴印:恭,壽,張居?,子綿 來源:紐約古玩交易。 品相:狀況極好,輕微磨損,有一些摺痕,小缺損和洞,輕微污漬和斑點,以及表面淺劃痕。 尺寸:畫面90.5 x 39 厘米,總109.4 x 45.2 厘米 潘恭壽(1741-1794),字蓮巢,生於今江蘇鎮江附近的丹徒。 善人物、仕女、竹石圖,晚年喜刻印章,傳世畫跡有藏於中國美術館的《煙雲閣圖》軸等。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:非常相近 拍賣:北京保利拍賣,2020年10月18日,lot 3735 估價:CNY 60.000(相當於今日 EUR 9,100) 描述:潘恭壽《摹河東君像》 專家評論:比較非常相近的主題。請注意尺寸較大(115 x 49 厘米)。

    Galerie Zacke
  • PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) Studying in the Mountains Hanging scroll, ink and
    Dec. 07, 2022

    PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) Studying in the Mountains Hanging scroll, ink and

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) Studying in the Mountains Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 128 x 31.5 cm. (50 3/8 x 12 3/8 in.)

    Sep. 30, 2022


    Est: €750 - €1,500

    PORTRAIT OF A NOBLE LADY, BY PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) China. Ink, gilt, and watercolors on silk. Depicting a lady, her face and hands with porcelain-white skin, the charcoal black hair tied in a high chignon, the arms adorned with gold and green bangles, the hands with long fingernails, and dressed in a fine robe with a blue floral collar. Her right hand raised, holding leaves to adorn her hair. The figure partly covered by a banana leaf and rocks. Inscriptions: Top right two seals ‘Zhang Ju’ and ‘Zimian’, the center right ‘by Lianchao, Pan Gongshou’, two seals. Provenance: New York trade. Condition: Very good condition with minor wear, some creasing, few small losses and holes, few stains and spotting and shallow surface scratches. Laid down on paper backing. Dimensions: Image size 90.5 x 39 cm, Size incl. mounting 109.4 x 45.2 cm Pan Gongshou (1741-1794), also known as Lianchao, was born in Dantu, near today’s Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. He was a painter, seal carver and poet, famous for his landscapes, figural motifs, and still lifes. Many of his paintings depict poetic inscriptions, and Pan is also known to have collaborated with other calligraphers such as Wang Wenzhi. His works can be found in the collection of the National Art Museum of China, among many other museums. Auction result comparison: Type: Closely related Auction: Poly International Auction Co. Peking, 18 October 2020, lot 3735 Estimate: CNY 60.000 or approx. EUR 9,100 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing Description: Portrait, Pan Gongshou Expert remark: Compare the closely related motif. Note the larger size (115 x 49 cm). 潘恭壽(1741-1794)款《仕女簪花圖》 中國。絹本水墨設色。描繪一位仕女,姿態優雅,頭梳高髻,手帶手鐲,手上留著長指甲,穿著一件帶有藍色花領的衣服。她的右手抬起,握著一朵花簪,正打算佩戴。 款識:蓮巢潘恭壽寫;鈴印:恭,壽,張居?,子綿 來源:紐約古玩交易。 品相:狀況極好,輕微磨損,有一些摺痕,小缺損和洞,輕微污漬和斑點,以及表面淺劃痕。 尺寸:畫面90.5 x 39 厘米,總109.4 x 45.2 厘米 潘恭壽(1741-1794),字蓮巢,生於今江蘇鎮江附近的丹徒。 善人物、仕女、竹石圖,晚年喜刻印章,傳世畫跡有藏於中國美術館的《煙雲閣圖》軸等。 拍賣結果比較: 形制:非常相近 拍賣:北京保利拍賣,2020年10月18日,lot 3735 估價:CNY 60.000(相當於今日 EUR 9,100) 描述:潘恭壽《摹河東君像》 專家評論:比較非常相近的主題。請注意尺寸較大(115 x 49 厘米)。

    Galerie Zacke
  • A Chinese Figural Painting Scroll, Pan Gongshou Mark
    Jun. 23, 2021

    A Chinese Figural Painting Scroll, Pan Gongshou Mark

    Est: $600 - $800

    A Chinese Figural Painting Scroll, Pan Gongshou Mark Length:135cm, Width:68cm,

    China Arts Auction
  • A Chinese Figure Painting, Pan Gongshou Mark
    Dec. 08, 2020

    A Chinese Figure Painting, Pan Gongshou Mark

    Est: $500 - $1,000

    Length:133cm, Width:66cm

    Houston Antique Auction LLC
    Jan. 28, 2020


    Est: $300 - $500

    Ink on silk. Hanging scroll. H 83.5 x 42 cm

    Linwoods Auction
    Sep. 12, 2019


    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    signed di Gongshou, dated wuxu of the Qianlong reign (1778), the twelfth lunar month, with a dedication, and three seals of the artist, tai yun zi, gong shou, gong shou

    Mar. 23, 2019


    Est: $1,000 - $3,000

    signed, with one seal of the artist

  • Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741-1794) Landscape after Dong Yuan
    Dec. 18, 2018

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741-1794) Landscape after Dong Yuan

    Est: $5,000 - $6,500

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741-1794) Landscape after Dong YuanInk on paper, hanging scroll, titled shan jing ri chang tu, inscribed as painted in the style of Dong Beiyuan, and bearing a signature reading Lianchao Pan Gongshou with one artist's seal reading Pan Gongshou hua and two collectors' seals, one reading Deng Cangwu yin.30 3/4 x 13 1/2in (78 x 34.3cm)

  • Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741-1794) Landscape After Wang Hui
    Dec. 18, 2018

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741-1794) Landscape After Wang Hui

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741-1794) Landscape After Wang HuiInk on silk, hanging scroll, at the lower left inscribed and bearing a date reading Qianlong wushu dong (possibly 1778) and bearing a signature reading Gongshou with one seal, and additionally inscribed twice at the top, the first bearing a date reading kuichou xia and each bearing a signature reading Wang Hui with one seal; with wood box.33 x 16 1/2in (83.8 x 42cm)

    Sep. 11, 2018


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou (Chinese, 1741-1794) Landscape Fan Ink and watercolor on paper 7-7/8 inches high x 14 inches wide (20.0 x 35.6 cm) (work) Stamped with four red artist's seals HID04901242017

    Heritage Auctions
  • AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th centu
    Dec. 14, 2017

    AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th centu

    Est: $300 - $400

    AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th century. - 52 1/2 in. x 17 3/4 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th centu
    Nov. 11, 2017

    AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th centu

    Est: $400 - $500

    AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th century. - 52 1/2 in. x 17 3/4 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th centu
    Sep. 23, 2017

    AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th centu

    Est: $500 - $600

    AFTER PAN GONGSHOU (Chinese, 1741­1794). "LANDSCAPE AND CALLIGRAPHY", Ink and color on paper, signed, not framed, painted in 20th century. - 52 1/2 in. x 17 3/4 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • Attributed to Pan Gongshou | Fishing
    Jun. 30, 2017

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou | Fishing

    Est: $200 - $300

    Depicting with a vivid fisherman siting on a small boat, quietly waiting for the fish. All set within the landscaping and rivers.

    Eins Auction & Appraisal
  • Attributed to Pan Gongshou | Fishing
    May. 26, 2017

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou | Fishing

    Est: $200 - $300

    Depicting with a vivid fisherman siting on a small boat, quietly waiting for the fish. All set within the landscaping and rivers.

    Eins Auction & Appraisal
  • Chinese Landscape Scrolls
    Jan. 14, 2017

    Chinese Landscape Scrolls

    Est: $300 - $500

    (lot of 2) Chinese landscape scrolls: the first, manner of Shen Shichong (Chinese, Ming Dynasty), ink and color on paper, with colophon to the upper right; the second, manner of Pan Gongshou (Chinese, 1741-1794), ink and color on paper, bearing signature and seals to the left, largest, painting: 47"h × 24.75"w, overall(scroll): 84"h × 32.5"w

    Clars Auctions
    Sep. 17, 2015


    Est: $20,000 - $50,000

    (1) dated guimao (1783), the twelfth lunar month, with one seal of the artist, lian chao (2) signed Lianchao jushi, dated guimao, the first day of the twelfth lunar month (December 24, 1783), with one seal of the artist, gong shou (3) signed Gongshou, dated guimao (1783), the tenth lunar month, with one seal of the artist, gong shou (4) signed Gongshou, dated guimao (1783), with one seal of the artist, gong shou (5) signed Gongshou, with two seals of the artist, gong, shou (6) signed Gongshou, dated guimao (1783), winter, with one seal of the artist, lian ju shi (7) signed Gongshou, with three seals of the artist, gong, shou, lian chao (8) signed Gongshou, with one seal of the artist, gong shou (9) with one seal of the artist, lian ju shi (10) signed Lianchao jushi, with two seals of the artist, gong shou, lian chao (11) signed Lianchao, dated guimao, the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month (January 7, 1784), with one seal of the artist, gong shou (12) signed Lian jushi, with one seal of the artist, gong shou colophons by Feng Chaoran (1882-1954), signed Feng Chaoran, dated guiyou (1933), with three seals, si ping, feng chao ran, shen de; Wang Tongyu (1855-1941), with one seal, sheng zhi with one collector's seals of Zhang Gunian (1905-1987), ceng cang zhang shi jing yin yuan, one collector's seal of Feng Chaoran (1882-1954), chao ran xin shang, and two other collectors' seals, zhao zhao lou shu hua ji, and one other illegible

    Mar. 17, 2015


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    PAN GONGSHOU (1741-1794) LOTUS Fan leaf, mounted for framing, ink and color on gold paper One seal of the artist Colophon by Wang Wenzhi (1730-1802), with one seal Two collectors' seals, including one of Li Hongqiu (1889-1978) 7 1/8 x 20 5/8 in. (18 x 52.5 cm.)

  • Pan Gongshou Scroll Painting 'Bustling Port City', Qing, 18th C
    Mar. 07, 2014

    Pan Gongshou Scroll Painting 'Bustling Port City', Qing, 18th C

    Est: €2,400 - €3,000

    Scroll painting, ink and watercolors on paper China, Qing dynasty (1644-1912), 18th century Pan Gongshou (1741-ca.1800) - Chinese painter Artist's stamp and calligraphic inscription on the upper left corner Mounted onto paper with a silk brocade frame Inscriptions on the reverse side of the mount Total dimension: 194 x 59 cm (height x width) Picture dimensions: 134 x 43 cm Provenance: from a German private collection Detailed rendering of a lively city by the water This Chinese scroll painting of the Qing dynasty (1644-1912) is made with ink and watercolors on paper. The painting was painted by the artist Pan Gongshou (1741 - ca.1800) in the 18th century. Shown is a bustling port city. In the foreground, boats in different sizes and various buildings as well as pagodas are visible. The individual elements are surrounded by trees and a mountain range in the background frames the city visually. The work has been mounted onto paper with a silk brocade frame. Artists stamp and calligraphic inscription can be found in the upper left corner. The scroll has a string for hanging and inscriptions on the reverse side of the mount are visible. The scroll painting is visually attractive condition with signs of wear consistent with age. Small stains and tears, creases and some loss of material at the right edge are visible. The overall dimension is 194 x 59 cm and the picture size is 134 x 43 cm.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Pan Gongshou, 1741 - 1794, zug.
    Dec. 13, 2013

    Pan Gongshou, 1741 - 1794, zug.

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Bildmaße: 134 x 43,5 cm. Gesamtlänge: 202 cm. Gesamtbreite: 60 cm. Tusche und Aquarell auf Papier, auf Seide aufgezogen. China. Rollbild Darstellung einer Landschaft mit Bergen, Fluss und Häusern. Links oben ein Gedicht sowie zwei rote Stempelkartuschen. (950201)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741 -after 1800) and Wang Wenzhi (1730-1802)
    Mar. 20, 2013

    Attributed to Pan Gongshou (1741 -after 1800) and Wang Wenzhi (1730-1802)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Clerical Script Calligraphy Two hanging scrolls, ink on painted, sized paper, inscribed on the edges of both scrolls by Wang Wenzhi attributing the work to Pan Gongshou, dated Qianlong wushen (1788) and signed Wenzhi with three seals reading Shiye shanfang, Wenzhang Taishou and Wenzhi siyin. 46 x 10 1/2in (117 x 27cm) each scroll

  • PAN GONGSHOU 1741-1794
    Mar. 22, 2012

    PAN GONGSHOU 1741-1794

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    LINGZHI, BAMBOO, AND ROCK with one seal of the artist, gong shou. Annotation by Wang Wenzhi, and with one seals, wang shi yu qing ink and color on paper, fan leaf, framed 18.2 by 52 cm. 7 1/8 by 20 3/8 in.

  • Pan Gongshou 1741-1794 , LANDSCAPE AFTER MI FU ink on paper, hanging scroll
    Oct. 06, 2007

    Pan Gongshou 1741-1794 , LANDSCAPE AFTER MI FU ink on paper, hanging scroll

    Est: $120,000 - $150,000

    Signed Gongshou , dated yi si , 1785, summer, the fifth lunar month, inscribed, with two seals of the artist, and one collector's seal of noted collector Liu Shiheng (1875-1936) ink on paper, hanging scroll

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