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Giuseppe Palizzi Sold at Auction Prices

Landscape painter, Etcher, b. 1812 - d. 1888

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138 Lots

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  • Giuseppe Palizzi, Ziegengruppe am Waldsaum. 2nd half 19th cent.
    Nov. 02, 2024

    Giuseppe Palizzi, Ziegengruppe am Waldsaum. 2nd half 19th cent.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,200

    Giuseppe Palizzi 1812 Chieti – 1888 Paris Hans Fritsche 1904 Bautzen – 1894 ebenda Öl auf Leinwand, auf Malpappe kaschiert. Signiert u.li. "Palizzi". In einem profilierten holzsichtigen Rahmen mit silberfarbener Zierleiste innen. Provenienz: Nachlass des Künstlers Hans Fritsche. Giuseppe Palizzi 1812 Chieti – 1888 Paris Italienisch-französischer Maler von Landschafts- und Genreszenen. 1835 Studium an der Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli bei dem niederländischen Landschaftsmaler Anton Sminck Pitloo, später bei Gabriele Smargiassi. 1839 und 1841 erste Ausstellungstätigkeit. 1844 Übersiedlung nach Paris, wo er die Maler der Barbizonschule kennenlernte. Ausstellung seiner Werke in den Pariser Salons und auf der dortigen Weltausstellung 1855. 1859 Ernennung zum Ritter der Ehrenlegion, später erhielt er das Kreuz des Ordens der Heiligen Mauritius und Lazarus. In Marlotte errichtete er Werkstätten für sich und seinen Bruder Filippo. Stark beeindruckt durch die einschneidenden Erlebnisse des deutsch-französischen Krieges wandelten sich seine romantischen Landschaftsansichten zu realistischeren Szenen von Dorfbewohnern und Tieren. Hans Fritsche 1904 Bautzen – 1894 ebenda 1919–22 Dreher-Lehre, anschließend Lehre als Schriftmaler. 1927–30 autodidaktische Ausbildung zum Künstler, Teilnahme an Mal- und Zeichenzirkel. 1955 Lehrgang als Zirkelassistent für bildende Kunst. 1952–69 Leiter des Mal- und Zeichenzirkels im VEB Waggonbau Bautzen. 1961 Ausstellung in der Städtischen Kunstsammlung Görlitz, 1962 in der Stadthalle Dresden. 1963 Beteiligung an der 5. Deutschen Kunstausstellung Dresden. 1964 Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum Bautzen, im Folgejahr im Graphischen Kabinett desselben Museums.

    Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
    Oct. 23, 2024


    Est: €750 - €850

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812-1888) Giuseppe Palizzi (Lanciano 1812 - Parigi 1888) 'Natura morta con cacciagione' olio su tela firmato in basso a sinistra Dimensioni: cmm 96x73

    Casa d'aste Martini
  • Giuseppe PALIZZI
    Sep. 23, 2024

    Giuseppe PALIZZI

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Giuseppe PALIZZI (Lanciano, 1812 - Paris, 1888) Troupeau de vaches à la mare Huile sur toile Signée 'Palizzi' en bas à droite (Restaurations et manques) H : 129.0 cm, L : 194.0 cm Giuseppe PALIZZI (Lanciano, 1812 - Paris, 1888) H : 129.0 cm, L : 194.0 cm

    Jun. 17, 2024


    Est: €300 - €350

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (1812-1888) Pastorella acquarello cm.23 5x34 f.to in b.a ds.

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Giuseppe Palizzi, Ziegengruppe am Waldsaum. 2nd half 19th cent.
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Giuseppe Palizzi, Ziegengruppe am Waldsaum. 2nd half 19th cent.

    Est: €2,400 - €2,800

    Giuseppe Palizzi 1812 Chieti – 1888 Paris Hans Fritsche 1904 Bautzen – 1894 ebenda Öl auf Leinwand, auf Malpappe kaschiert. Signiert u.li. "Palizzi". In einem profilierten holzsichtigen Rahmen mit silberfarbener Zierleiste innen. Provenienz: Nachlass des Künstlers Hans Fritsche. Giuseppe Palizzi 1812 Chieti – 1888 Paris Italienisch-französischer Maler von Landschafts- und Genreszenen. 1835 Studium an der Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli bei dem niederländischen Landschaftsmaler Anton Sminck Pitloo, später bei Gabriele Smargiassi. 1839 und 1841 erste Ausstellungstätigkeit. 1844 Übersiedlung nach Paris, wo er die Maler der Barbizonschule kennenlernte. Ausstellung seiner Werke in den Pariser Salons und auf der dortigen Weltausstellung 1855. 1859 Ernennung zum Ritter der Ehrenlegion, später erhielt er das Kreuz des Ordens der Heiligen Mauritius und Lazarus. In Marlotte errichtete er Werkstätten für sich und seinen Bruder Filippo. Stark beeindruckt durch die einschneidenden Erlebnisse des deutsch-französischen Krieges wandelten sich seine romantischen Landschaftsansichten zu realistischeren Szenen von Dorfbewohnern und Tieren. Hans Fritsche 1904 Bautzen – 1894 ebenda 1919–22 Dreher-Lehre, anschließend Lehre als Schriftmaler. 1927–30 autodidaktische Ausbildung zum Künstler, Teilnahme an Mal- und Zeichenzirkel. 1955 Lehrgang als Zirkelassistent für bildende Kunst. 1952–69 Leiter des Mal- und Zeichenzirkels im VEB Waggonbau Bautzen. 1961 Ausstellung in der Städtischen Kunstsammlung Görlitz, 1962 in der Stadthalle Dresden. 1963 Beteiligung an der 5. Deutschen Kunstausstellung Dresden. 1964 Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum Bautzen, im Folgejahr im Graphischen Kabinett desselben Museums.

    Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG
  • PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888) - Attributed to. Landscape with peasant and flock
    Apr. 16, 2024

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888) - Attributed to. Landscape with peasant and flock

    Est: €250 - €350

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888). Attributed to. Landscape with peasant and flock. Signed lower right.. 63,50 x 45,00 cm.

    Capitolium Art
  • PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888) - Attributed to. Landscape with flock and peasant
    Apr. 16, 2024

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888) - Attributed to. Landscape with flock and peasant

    Est: €250 - €350

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888). Attributed to. Landscape with flock and peasant. Signed lower right.. 63,50 x 45,50 cm.

    Capitolium Art
    Feb. 29, 2024


    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812-Parigi 1888). Oil painting on canvas depicting "COUNTRY SCENE WITH COWS". Signed lower right. In frame. Slight defects and slight restorations. GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812-Parigi 1888). Dipinto olio su tela raffigurante "SCENA CAMPESTRE CON MUCCHE". Firmato in basso a destra. In cornice. Lievi difetti e lievi restauri.

    Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
  • Giuseppe Palizzi (Chieti 1812-1888 Passy) La bergère et ses chèvres
    Feb. 21, 2024

    Giuseppe Palizzi (Chieti 1812-1888 Passy) La bergère et ses chèvres

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Giuseppe Palizzi (Chieti 1812-1888 Passy) La bergère et ses chèvres cachet de la vente de l'atelier (en bas à gauche) huile sur toile with studio stamp (lower left) oil on canvas 32 x 48.5cm (12 5/8 x 19 1/8in).

  • Palizzi, G., Ziege / Palizzi, Goat painting
    Dec. 06, 2023

    Palizzi, G., Ziege / Palizzi, Goat painting

    Est: -

    Palizzi, Giuseppe (1812 Chieti - 1888 Paris) Weiße Ziege am Rosenstrauch. Öl auf Malpappe, zweite Hälfte 19. Jh. Unten links signiert. In modernem Rahmen. 25 x 20 cm, 30 x 25 cm (Ra). Krakeluren und Frühschwundrisse. Vereinzelt kleinere Retuschen über Ausbrüchen, stärker im Bereich des grünen Kübels. Hübsches kleines Genrestück mit der humorvollen Szene einer Langhaarziege, die die Blätter eines blühenden Rosenstrauchs verspeist. White goat at the roses. Oil on cardboard, second half 19th century. Signed bottom left. In modern frame. Craquelures. Some small retouches over losses, some more in the area of the green planting pot. Humoresque genre scene showing a goat eating from the blooming roses.

    Kunstauktionshaus Günther
  • Palizzi, Giuseppe: Drei Ziegen
    Dec. 01, 2023

    Palizzi, Giuseppe: Drei Ziegen

    Est: €200 - €300

    Drei Ziegen. -- Feder in Grau, grau laviert. 13 x 15 cm. Unten links signiert "G. Palizzi". -- -- -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Giuseppe PALIZZI (1812-1888) Etude de vache Dessin au crayon Signé en bas à droite 21.5 x
    Nov. 26, 2023

    Giuseppe PALIZZI (1812-1888) Etude de vache Dessin au crayon Signé en bas à droite 21.5 x

    Est: €120 - €150

    Giuseppe PALIZZI (1812-1888) Etude de vache Dessin au crayon Signé en bas à droite 21.5 x 17.5 cm (à vue) Avec cadre : 32 x 28 cm Pencil drawing, signed lower right, 8.2 x 6.6 in, with frame : 12.5 x 11 in

    Oct. 05, 2023


    Est: €1,600 - €2,200

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812-Parigi 1888). Oil painting on canvas depicting "GOATS IN THE WOODS". Signed lower left. In frame. GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812-Parigi 1888). Dipinto olio su tela raffigurante "CAPRE NEL BOSCO". Firmato in basso a sinistra. In cornice.

    Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
    Jun. 24, 2023


    Est: -

    PALIZZI, Giuseppe(1812 Lanciano - Paris 1888) Hafenszene mit Fischern Öl/Leinwand. Rechts unten signiert, verso Siegel "Ferdinando II. [...] Sicilie" sowie weiteres undeutliches Siegel. 1843. 38,5 x 57,5 cm. Gerahmt48 x 67 cm. Die Fischer im Sonnenschein am Meer mit Blick hinaus auf die See Eine restaurierte Stelle mit Hinterklebung. PALIZZI, Giuseppe(1812 Lanciano - Paris 1888) Port scene with fishermen Oil/canvas. Signed lower right, seal on verso "Ferdinando II [...] Sicilie" and another indistinct seal. 1843. 38.5 x 57.5 cm. Framed48 x 67 cm. The fishermen in the sunshine by the sea with a view out to sea A restored place with back paste. *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Giuseppe Palizzi ...
    Jun. 21, 2023

    Giuseppe Palizzi ...

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    (Lanciano 1812 - Passy (Francia) 1888) "Un cavallo e degli asini attendono la raccolta delle fascine" olio su tela (cm 110x137) Firmato in basso a destra Al retro: iscrizioni In cornice (difetti) Provenienza 19th Century European Paintings, drawings and sculptures, 21 novembre 1989, Sotheby's London, lotto 45/b

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • GIUSEPPE PALIZZI 1812-1888 Hives
    May. 31, 2023

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI 1812-1888 Hives

    Est: €1,500 - €2,200

    Oil on canvas. 12.99 x 16.14 in.

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Giuseppe Palizzi Verso casa
    Apr. 19, 2023

    Giuseppe Palizzi Verso casa

    Est: €600 - €800

    firmato in basso a destra. Al retro etichetta cartacea e timbri della Galleria Edmondo Sacerdoti di Milano

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888) Landscape with goat
    Apr. 13, 2023

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888) Landscape with goat

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812 - 1888). Landscape with goat. Signed lower right. Cm 56,00 x 40,00.

    Capitolium Art
    Mar. 08, 2023


    Est: €1,600 - €2,200

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812-Paris 1888). Oil painting on canvas depicting "GOATS IN THE WOOD". Signed lower left. In frame. GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812-Parigi 1888). Dipinto olio su tela raffigurante "CAPRE NEL BOSCO". Firmato in basso a sinistra. In cornice.

    Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
    Feb. 17, 2023


    Est: €400 - €700

    Olio su cartone, cm. 11x25. Sul verso: firma, data e titolo.

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • Giuseppe Palizzi ...
    Dec. 20, 2022

    Giuseppe Palizzi ...

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    (Lanciano 1812 - Passy (Francia) 1888) "Caprette al pascolo" olio su tela (cm 121x90) Firmato in basso a destra In cornice (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Giuseppe Palizzi ...
    Dec. 20, 2022

    Giuseppe Palizzi ...

    Est: €1,500 - €1,600

    (Lanciano 1812 - Passy (Francia) 1888) "Esmeralda e la capra Djali" olio su tela (cm 60,5x47,5) Reca timbro in basso a sinistra "Vente Palizzi" (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Giuseppe Palizzi (1812-1888) - Shepherd and goats along the Appian Way
    Nov. 10, 2022

    Giuseppe Palizzi (1812-1888) - Shepherd and goats along the Appian Way

    Est: €1,800 - €2,200

    oil on board 26 x 42.2 cm signed lower right: G. Palizzi On the back, on the modern parqueting of the table, an ancient label of the Galleria Pesaro in Milan.

    Oct. 04, 2022


    Est: €400 - €600

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI Lanciano, 1812 - Passy, 1888 Ritratto di capretta Firmato Palizzi in basso a destra Olio su tavola, cm 17,5X22

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi Oil on Canvas
    Aug. 03, 2022

    Attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi Oil on Canvas

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Gilt wood framed oil on canvas titled Dance of the Tarantella attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi (Italian 1812-1888). The painting depicts dancers performing an Italian Folk dance called the Tarantella. Measures approx 36" x 28". Have a similar item to sell? Contact us at info@marketauctionsinc.com Please review all photos closely. The nonappearance of a condition report does not mean that the lot is in perfect condition, does not show wear due to age and use, or is free from damage. Market Auctions Inc. strongly suggests that you request a condition report before placing a bid. You may request one from us via this auction platform. Please note that any condition reports are given as strictly as a courtesy to interested parties and should not be considered a statement of fact. Market Auctions Inc. bears no responsibility for any error or omission. All sales are final and sold as is. Measurements are approximated. Please note shipping is not included. All collectibles, silver, antiques, and paintings please contact our third party shipper listed below: PakMail #703 (561) 491-8800 / pakmail703@yahoo.com UPS Store (561) 631-8997 / store6989@theupsstore.com DM Postal (561) 469-6137 / dmpostal5001@gmail.com For furniture and very large items, please contact an appropriate freight / transport company for shipment. SALES TAX NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Market Auction, Inc., only collects and remits sales tax on items purchased by Florida residents. ALL OUT OF STATE purchasers are required to pay sales tax to their respective States. Purchasers holding valid resale certificates must provide proof of same prior to purchase. Market Auctions, Inc. takes no responsibility for purchaser failure to remit sales tax to the proper non-Florida taxing authority and for any fines or penalties that may result.

    Market Auctions
  • Giuseppe Palizzi ...
    Jun. 21, 2022

    Giuseppe Palizzi ...

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    (Lanciano 1812 - Passy (Francia) 1888) "Esmeralda e la capra Djali" olio su tela (cm 60,5x47,5) Reca timbro "Vente Palizzi" (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Giuseppe Palizzi ...
    Jun. 21, 2022

    Giuseppe Palizzi ...

    Est: €1,500 - €1,800

    (Lanciano 1812 - Passy (Francia) 1888) "La pastorella" olio su tela (cm 41x27) Firmato in basso a destra In cornice (difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi Oil on Canvas
    Jun. 01, 2022

    Attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi Oil on Canvas

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Gilt wood framed oil on canvas titled Dance of the Tarantella attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi (Italian 1812-1888). The painting depicts dancers performing an Italian Folk dance called the Tarantella. Measures approx 36" x 28". Have a similar item to sell? Contact us at info@marketauctionsinc.com Please review all photos closely. The nonappearance of a condition report does not mean that the lot is in perfect condition, does not show wear due to age and use, or is free from damage. Market Auctions Inc. strongly suggests that you request a condition report before placing a bid. You may request one from us via this auction platform. Please note that any condition reports are given as strictly as a courtesy to interested parties and should not be considered a statement of fact. Market Auctions Inc. bears no responsibility for any error or omission. All sales are final and sold as is. Measurements are approximated. Please note shipping is not included. All collectibles, silver, antiques, and paintings please contact our third party shipper listed below: PakMail #703 (561) 491-8800 / pakmail703@yahoo.com UPS Store (561) 631-8997 / store6989@theupsstore.com DM Postal (561) 469-6137 / dmpostal5001@gmail.com For furniture and very large items, please contact an appropriate freight / transport company for shipment. SALES TAX NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Market Auction, Inc., only collects and remits sales tax on items purchased by Florida residents. ALL OUT OF STATE purchasers are required to pay sales tax to their respective States. Purchasers holding valid resale certificates must provide proof of same prior to purchase. Market Auctions, Inc. takes no responsibility for purchaser failure to remit sales tax to the proper non-Florida taxing authority and for any fines or penalties that may result.

    Market Auctions
    Apr. 28, 2022


    Est: -

    Olio su tela. 33 x 41 cm - Oil on canvas. 12.99 x 16.14 in.

    Aste Bolaffi
  • Attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi Oil on Canvas
    Apr. 06, 2022

    Attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi Oil on Canvas

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Gilt wood framed oil on canvas titled Dance of the Tarantella attributed to Giuseppe Palizzi (Italian 1812-1888). The painting depicts dancers performing an Italian Folk dance called the Tarantella. Measures approx 36" x 28". Have a similar item to sell? Contact us at info@marketauctionsinc.com Please review all photos closely. The nonappearance of a condition report does not mean that the lot is in perfect condition, does not show wear due to age and use, or is free from damage. Market Auctions Inc. strongly suggests that you request a condition report before placing a bid. You may request one from us via this auction platform. Please note that any condition reports are given as strictly as a courtesy to interested parties and should not be considered a statement of fact. Market Auctions Inc. bears no responsibility for any error or omission. All sales are final and sold as is. Measurements are approximated. Please note shipping is not included. All collectibles, silver, antiques, and paintings please contact our third party shipper listed below: PakMail #703 (561) 491-8800 / pakmail703@yahoo.com UPS Store (561) 631-8997 / store6989@theupsstore.com DM Postal (561) 469-6137 / dmpostal5001@gmail.com For furniture and very large items, please contact an appropriate freight / transport company for shipment. SALES TAX NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Market Auction, Inc., only collects and remits sales tax on items purchased by Florida residents. ALL OUT OF STATE purchasers are required to pay sales tax to their respective States. Purchasers holding valid resale certificates must provide proof of same prior to purchase. Market Auctions, Inc. takes no responsibility for purchaser failure to remit sales tax to the proper non-Florida taxing authority and for any fines or penalties that may result.

    Market Auctions
    Apr. 06, 2022


    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano 1812 - Passy 1888) PAESAGGIO BOSCHIVO CON CAPANNE E CONTADINI CON ARMENTI PAESAGGIO COSTIERO CON PESCATORI A RIVA Coppia di dipinti ad olio su tela, cm. 63 x 79 Firmati in basso a destra e sinistra Iscrizioni 'U. Chiariello - Napoli', al retro PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana CORNICI Cornici a guantiera in legno dorato con bordi a palmette , del XIX secolo

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
    Mar. 24, 2022


    Est: €750 - €850

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812-1888) Giuseppe Palizzi (Lanciano 1812 - Parigi 1888) 'Natura morta con cacciagione' olio su tela firmato in basso a sinistra Dimensioni: cm 94x74

    Casa d'aste Martini
    Mar. 24, 2022


    Est: €750 - €850

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812-1888) Giuseppe Palizzi (Lanciano 1812 - Parigi 1888) 'Natura morta con cacciagione' olio su tela firmato in basso a sinistra Dimensioni: cmm 96x73

    Casa d'aste Martini
    Feb. 08, 2022


    Est: €700 - €900

    Lanciano, 1812 - Parigi, 1888 Scena agreste Olio su cartone, cm 16X18 Provenienza: Milano, Galleria d'Arte Mariani

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Giuseppe Palizzi Italian, 1812-1888 La promenade dans le parc
    Jan. 11, 2022

    Giuseppe Palizzi Italian, 1812-1888 La promenade dans le parc

    Est: $400 - $600

    Giuseppe Palizzi Italian, 1812-1888 La promenade dans le parc Signed Palizzi (ll) Watercolor on paper 10 x 14 1/2 inches10 x 14 1/2 inches (25.4 x 36.8 cm) C Property from the Estate of Frances Brunel LaGatta Shelton

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • Giuseppe Palizzi ...
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Giuseppe Palizzi ...

    Est: €750 - €800

    (Lanciano 1812 - Passy (Francia) 1888) "La guardiana delle oche" olio su tavola (cm 17x7,5) Firmato in basso a destra In cornice

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Guiseppe Palizzi. Italy. Campania landscape genre scene
    Dec. 05, 2021

    Guiseppe Palizzi. Italy. Campania landscape genre scene

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Guiseppe Palizzi. Italy. Campania landscape genre scene depicting goats approaching a hay wagon with little girl and shepherd. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed lower left in grass under goat. 1 x 2 inch inpaint spot in the sky, right of hay wagon. A few minor touch-ups. Craquelure. Relined. Provenance: from a Texas estate. Sight: 22.5 x 34.5in. Overall: 30 x 42in.

    Tremont Auctions
  • Giuseppe PALIZZI (1812-1888) Moutons Huile sur panneau Signé en bas en droi
    Nov. 14, 2021

    Giuseppe PALIZZI (1812-1888) Moutons Huile sur panneau Signé en bas en droi

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Giuseppe PALIZZI (1812-1888) Moutons Huile sur panneau Signé en bas en droite 22 x 16.5 cm Avec cadre : 36 x 29.5 cm Oil on panel signed lower right 8.66 x 6.49 in with frame : 14.17 x 11.61 in.

  • GIUSEPPE PALIZZI. Oil on canvas in a frame. Signed
    Sep. 21, 2021

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI. Oil on canvas in a frame. Signed

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI (Lanciano, 1812 - Parigi, 1888). Dipinto olio su tela raff. ''PAESAGGIO CON PASTORELLA E PECORA''. Siglato in basso a destra. In cornice. Restauri. Mis. Lung. cm. 49 Alt. cm. 33 ca. Biografia Giunto a Napoli nel 1835, frequenta dall'anno seguente il Reale Istituto di Belle Arti entrando in contatto con i pittori della Scuola di Posillipo. Alle mostre annuali presenta paesaggi storici, ma i difficili rapporti col mondo accademico lo portano a lasciare l'Italia. nel 1844 parte per Parigi e si stabilisce poi a Bourron-Marlotte, ai margini della foresta di Fontainebleau, che diventa soggetto privilegiato della sua pittura, volta ad un attento verismo grazie anche all'influsso degli artisti della scuola di Barbizon. In contatto epistolare col fratello Filippo, condivide con lui le proprie ricerche artistiche. Espone regolarmente ai Salon parigini e, dopo un soggiorno in Italia nel 1854, rientra in Francia dove la sua pittura di paesaggio, spesso animata da figure di umili lavoratori, riscuote grande successo. Fu insignito della Legion d'Onore nel 1859 e, in Italia, della croce di Cavaliere dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro nel 1862.

    Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
    Jun. 10, 2021


    Est: €100 - €150

    GIUSEPPE PALIZZI Lanciano, 1812 - Passy, 1888 Studio di animali Firmato Palizzi in basso a sinistra Inchiostro su carta, cm 12X9,5 Starting Bid 100

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jun. 08, 2021


    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    Signed lower left: G. Palizzi. On the back label of the Art Gallery the Duchy of Egidio Eleuteri in Rome, exhibited at the exhibition "A proposal for the Italian 800" n. 6

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
    May. 15, 2021


    Est: €300 - €350

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812-1888) Giuseppe Palizzi 1812/1888 acquerello raff.bosco firmato in basso a destra cm. 18x48

    Casa d'aste Martini
    May. 15, 2021


    Est: €400 - €450

    PALIZZI GIUSEPPE (1812-1888) Giuseppe Palizzi 1812-1888 olio su tela raff.paesaggio con armenti firmato in basso a destra cm. 24x32

    Casa d'aste Martini
  • Guiseppe Palizzi. Italy. Campania landscape genre scene
    Apr. 25, 2021

    Guiseppe Palizzi. Italy. Campania landscape genre scene

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Guiseppe Palizzi. Italy. Campania landscape genre scene depicting goats approaching a hay wagon with little girl and shepherd. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed lower left in grass under goat. 1 x 2 inch inpaint spot in the sky, right of hay wagon. A few minor touch-ups. Craquelure. Relined. Provenance: from a Texas estate. Sight: 22.5 x 34.5in. Overall: 30 x 42in.

    Tremont Auctions
    Mar. 19, 2021


    Est: €200 - €500

    Lanciano, 1812 - Passy, 1888 Studio di animali Firmato Palizzi in basso a sinistra Inchiostro su carta, cm 12X9,5

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Giuseppe Palizzi (1812-1888) Pastore con pecore
    Dec. 12, 2020

    Giuseppe Palizzi (1812-1888) Pastore con pecore

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Olio su cartone, cm. 36,5x47 Firma in basso a destra.

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • Giuseppe Palizzi (1812-1888) Bosco con taglialegna
    Dec. 12, 2020

    Giuseppe Palizzi (1812-1888) Bosco con taglialegna

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Olio su carta riportata su tela, cm. 36x26 Firma in basso a destra. 

    Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
  • Giuseppe Palizzi, 1812 – 1888
    Dec. 04, 2020

    Giuseppe Palizzi, 1812 – 1888

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    HIRTEN IN DEN ALBANER BERGEN Öl auf Leinwand. 89,5 x 74,5 cm. Rechts unten signiert und datiert „G. Palizzi. 1875“. In dekorativem vergoldeten Rahmen. Im warmen Licht der nachmittäglichen Sonne eine Hirtenfamilie auf einem steinigen schmalen Weg durch das Hochgebirge. Auf einem Muli seitlich sitzend ein Hirte mit braunem Hut, ein junges Maultier in seinem Schoß haltend; hinter ihm sitzend seine kleine Tochter. Neben ihm seine Frau in feiner Tracht mit weißer Kopfbedeckung, auf der sie einen hölzernen Kasten trägt. Beiden läuft ein musizierender Junge voran in Begleitung eines Hundes. Seitlich der Frau ein Ziegenpaar und hinter ihnen ein weiteres Hirtenpaar. Stimmungsvolle Malerei mit gekonnter Lichtführung. (1250782) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
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