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Angel Otero Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1981 -

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  • Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Untitled (Oil Skin), circa 2010
    Dec. 11, 2024

    Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Untitled (Oil Skin), circa 2010

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Untitled (Oil Skin), circa 2010 oil on canvas 24 x 18 inches. This lot is located in Chicago.

    Freeman’s | Hindman
  • Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Glow Worm, 2008
    Dec. 11, 2024

    Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Glow Worm, 2008

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Glow Worm, 2008 oil and collage on canvas signed Angel Otero, titled and dated (verso) 60 x 48 inches. This lot is located in Chicago. Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois

    Freeman’s | Hindman
  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981). Untitled (SK-MR). oil paint and oil paint skins on c
    Oct. 01, 2024

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981). Untitled (SK-MR). oil paint and oil paint skins on c

    Est: $50,000 - $70,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981). Untitled (SK-MR). oil paint and oil paint skins on canvas 84 x 60 ½ in. (213.4 x 153.7 cm.).

  • Angel OTERO (né en 1981)
    Jun. 27, 2024

    Angel OTERO (né en 1981)

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Angel OTERO (né en 1981) Lucky Ran Sérigraphie en couleurs Signée et rehaussée à la main 51 x 41 cm

    Maison Verneuil
  • Angel OTERO
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Angel OTERO

    Est: €25,000 - €35,000

    Angel OTERO Untitled (SK-NG, série Album) – 2013 Peinture à l’huile et peaux de peinture à l’huile collées sur toile Signée, datée et titrée au dos « SK-NG » 102 × 81,50 cm Oil paint and oil paint skins collaged on canvas; signed, dated and titled on the reverse 40.15 × 32.08 in. Provenance : Kavi Gupta Gallery, Chicago Acquis directement auprès de cette dernière par l’actuel propriétaire Angel OTERO Citation : « Pour moi, très tôt, l’art consistait à peindre des paysages... puis un gars m’a montré des images d’un tableau de Pollock et ça m’a choqué ; C’était très libérateur que le monde accepte cela comme de l’art. » — Angel Otero  L'approche artistique d'Angel Otero combine des méthodes de formation et de déformation, une façon de travailler qui aboutit à des images et à des objets qui semblent être en perpétuel devenir. Parmi ses œuvres les plus illustratives, on peut citer ses "peaux de peinture". La singularité de l’œuvre d’Otero est indissociable de son espèce particulière d’innovation formelle orientée vers les processus. Peignant à l’envers, il applique de la peinture à l’huile sur de grandes plaques de verre. Une fois que ceux-ci ont séché (ce qui peut prendre jusqu’à deux semaines), Otero décolle la peinture à l’huile de leurs surfaces avec un ensemble de « lames », puis colle leurs compositions bouclées sur la toile, modifiant leurs surfaces brisées avec des gestes, des formes et des lettres peints supplémentaires. « Ces procédures, m’a dit Otero, produisent des surprises auxquelles je suis devenu accro ». Assemblées négativement – comme une estampe ou un film photographique – les récentes invocations textuelles de la philosophie du XXe siècle d’Otero (qui incluent des citations de Sartre, entre autres figures totémiques) servent également d’essais visuels sur l’instabilité métaphysique de notre propre époque étonnamment irréfléchie et culturellement abasourdie.   Angel Otero’s approach to art making combines methods of formation and deformation, a way of working that results in images and objects that seem to be in a continual state of becoming. Among his most illustrative bodies of work are his so-called “paint skins,”. The singularity of Otero’s work is indivisible from his particular species of process-oriented formal innovation. Painting in reverse, with a nod to the film Memento (2000), he applies oil paint onto large sheets of glass. Once these have dried (which can take up to two weeks), Otero peels the oil paint off their surfaces with a set of ‘blades’, then adheres their buckled compositions onto canvas, amending their broken surfaces with additional painted gestures, shapes and letters. “These procedures”, Otero told me, “produce surprises to which I’ve become addicted”. Assembled negatively – like a print or photographic film – Otero’s recent text-based invocations of twentieth-century philosophy (which include quotes from Sartre, among other totemic figures) also serve as visual essays in metaphysical instability for our own stunningly unreflective, culturally dumbfounded time.

  • Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Missing Picture, 2009
    Apr. 24, 2024

    Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Missing Picture, 2009

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Angel Otero (Puerto Rican, b. 1981) Missing Picture, 2009 silicone, spray paint and oil on canvas signed Angel Otero, titled and dated (verso) 40 x 36 inches.

    Freeman’s | Hindman
  • Angel OTERO (1981) Lucky Rain,
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Angel OTERO (1981) Lucky Rain,

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Angel OTERO (1981) Lucky Rain, 2023 Sérigraphie en couleur. Rehaussé à la main et signé 50,8 x 40,6 cm *Vendu sur désignation

    Carvajal SVV
  • Swimming Where Time Was
    Oct. 13, 2023

    Swimming Where Time Was

    Est: £120,000 - £180,000

    A Long Journey: A Selection from the Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei Collection Angel Otero b. 1981 Swimming Where Time Was signed, titled and dated 2022 (on the reverse) oil and fabric collage on canvas 213.4 by 243.8 cm. 84 by 96 in. Executed in 2022.

  • Angel OTERO (Né en 1981) Lucky Ran
    Sep. 30, 2023

    Angel OTERO (Né en 1981) Lucky Ran

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Angel OTERO (Né en 1981) Lucky Ran Sérigraphie en couleur sur papier, signée et numérotée. Edition de 25 exemplaires. 50,8 x 40,6 cm. Accompagné du certificat - COA

    Louiza Auktion & Associés
  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Equilibrium oil and fabric collaged on canvas 213.5 x
    May. 28, 2023

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Equilibrium oil and fabric collaged on canvas 213.5 x

    Est: $1,500,000 - $2,500,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Equilibrium oil and fabric collaged on canvas 213.5 x 153.5 cm. (84 x 60 2/5 in.)

  • Surf and Turf
    May. 18, 2023

    Surf and Turf

    Est: $100,000 - $150,000

    Property of an Esteemed Private Collector Angel Otero b. 1981 Surf and Turf signed, titled and dated 2021 (on the reverse)  oil paint and fabric collage on canvas 84 by 84 in. 213.4 by 213.4 cm. Executed in 2021. 

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-VD) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 96
    May. 12, 2023

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-VD) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 96

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-VD) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 96 x 72 in. (243.8 x 182.9 cm.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Bingo Night oil paint and fabric collaged on canvas 2
    Dec. 01, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Bingo Night oil paint and fabric collaged on canvas 2

    Est: $600,000 - $800,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Bingo Night oil paint and fabric collaged on canvas 213.4 x 274.3 cm. (84 x 108 in.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-QH) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 84
    Nov. 18, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-QH) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 84

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-QH) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 84 x 60 in. (213.4 x 152.4 cm.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Moon Juice ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Moon Juice signed,
    Oct. 11, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Moon Juice ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Moon Juice signed,

    Est: $100,000 - $200,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Moon Juice ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Moon Juice signed, titled and dated ‘Moon Juice Angel Otero 2011’ (on the reverse) oil paint skins on canvas 82 x 102 cm. (32 1/4 x 40 1/8 in.) Painted in 2011

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-QE) oil, oil paint skins collaged on can
    May. 27, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-QE) oil, oil paint skins collaged on can

    Est: $800,000 - $1,200,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled (SK-QE) oil, oil paint skins collaged on canvas 184.2 x 245.1 cm. (72 1/2 x 96 1/2 in.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled oil and oil paint skins on canvas 73 1/2 x 8
    May. 13, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled oil and oil paint skins on canvas 73 1/2 x 8

    Est: $50,000 - $70,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled oil and oil paint skins on canvas 73 1/2 x 87 1/2 x 4 in. (186.7 x 222.3 x 10.2 cm.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Title to be Determined oil paint and fabric collaged
    May. 13, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Title to be Determined oil paint and fabric collaged

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Title to be Determined oil paint and fabric collaged on canvas 72 x 96 in. (182.9 x 243.8 x 3.8 cm.)

  • Angel Otero (Né en 1981) Impérial peinture à l'huile et peaux de peinture à
    May. 03, 2022

    Angel Otero (Né en 1981) Impérial peinture à l'huile et peaux de peinture à

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Angel Otero (Né en 1981) Impérial peinture à l'huile et peaux de peinture à l'huile collées sur toile 37 x 29 cm.

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Riders on the Storm oil and fabric collage on canvas
    Mar. 01, 2022

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Riders on the Storm oil and fabric collage on canvas

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Riders on the Storm oil and fabric collage on canvas 84 x 60in. (213.5 x 152.5cm.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (b. 1981) Untitled oil and mixed media collage on paper 10 x 1
    Dec. 15, 2021

    ANGEL OTERO (b. 1981) Untitled oil and mixed media collage on paper 10 x 1

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    ANGEL OTERO (b. 1981) Untitled oil and mixed media collage on paper 10 x 14 in. (25.4 x 35.6 cm.)

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled oil paint skins collaged on resin coated can
    Dec. 02, 2021

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled oil paint skins collaged on resin coated can

    Est: $100,000 - $200,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Untitled oil paint skins collaged on resin coated canvas 106 x 84 cm. (41 3/4 x 33 1/8 in.)

  • Angel Otero (b. 1981) Bacchus, Dionysus (after Poussin) oil and oil paint s
    Mar. 09, 2021

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) Bacchus, Dionysus (after Poussin) oil and oil paint s

    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) Bacchus, Dionysus (after Poussin) oil and oil paint skins collage on canvas 75 x 98 in. (190.5 x 248.9 cm.)

  • Angel Otero (b. 1981) - Sour Diesel
    Dec. 15, 2020

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) - Sour Diesel

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) Sour Diesel signed, titled and dated '\"SOUR DIESEL\" Angel Otero 2011' (on the reverse) oil and oilskin collage on canvas 38 x 25 1/2 in. ( 96.5 x 64.8 cm.) Executed in 2011.

    Aug. 18, 2020


    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    oil paint skins collaged on resin coated canvas

  • ANGEL OTERO - Ornamental Winds
    Mar. 04, 2020

    ANGEL OTERO - Ornamental Winds

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Ornamental Winds

  • Angel Otero (b. 1981) - He didn't want to drink with me
    Sep. 27, 2019

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) - He didn't want to drink with me

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) He didn't want to drink with me oil and oilskin collage on canvas 51 x 38 in. (129.5 x 96.5 cm.)

  • Angel Otero, Puerto Rican b.1981 'Macrame Stairs', 2009; mixed media and tar on paper, signed wit
    Jul. 03, 2019

    Angel Otero, Puerto Rican b.1981 'Macrame Stairs', 2009; mixed media and tar on paper, signed wit

    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    Angel Otero, Puerto Rican b.1981 'Macrame Stairs', 2009; mixed media and tar on paper, signed with initials and dated in pencil, 75 x 55cm Provenance: Kavi Gupta, Chicago/Belrin, according to the label attached to the reverse of the frame Note: The artist has confirmed the authenticity of this work. Please refer to department for condition report

  • ANGEL OTERO - Sand of Silence
    May. 15, 2019

    ANGEL OTERO - Sand of Silence

    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Sand of Silence

    Apr. 11, 2019


    Est: £2,500 - £4,500


  • ANGEL OTERO - Frozen Patios
    Feb. 27, 2019

    ANGEL OTERO - Frozen Patios

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Frozen Patios

    Dec. 05, 2018


    Est: £3,000 - £5,000


  • Angel OTERO (Né en 1981) UNTITLED (SK-JE) - 2013 Huile sur toile
    Dec. 04, 2018

    Angel OTERO (Né en 1981) UNTITLED (SK-JE) - 2013 Huile sur toile

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    Angel OTERO (Né en 1981) UNTITLED (SK-JE) - 2013 Huile sur toile Signée, datée et titrée au dos "(SK-JE), Untitled (SK-JE), Angel Otero, 2013" h: 213 w: 152,50 d: 8,90 cm Provenance : Lehmann Maupin, New York Acquis directement auprès de cette dernière par l'actuel propriétaire en 2012 Commentaire : Oil paint and oil paint skins collaged on canvas; signed, dated and titled on the reverse Estimation 10 000 - 15 000 €

  • ANGEL OTERO | Untitled (SK-MS)
    Jul. 31, 2018

    ANGEL OTERO | Untitled (SK-MS)

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    signed, titled and dated '2013' on the reverse oil paint and oil paint skin on canvas

  • ANGEL OTERO - Untitled
    Jun. 26, 2018

    ANGEL OTERO - Untitled

    Est: £12,000 - £18,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Untitled

  • ANGEL OTERO - Untitled
    Mar. 09, 2018

    ANGEL OTERO - Untitled

    Est: £7,000 - £9,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Untitled

  • ANGEL OTERO - Untitled (SK – QF)
    Dec. 07, 2017

    ANGEL OTERO - Untitled (SK – QF)

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Untitled (SK – QF)

  • ANGEL OTERO | Macrame Stairs
    Oct. 06, 2017

    ANGEL OTERO | Macrame Stairs

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    tar on paper

    Oct. 05, 2017


    Est: £12,000 - £18,000


  • ANGEL OTERO | Mama's Boy
    May. 19, 2017

    ANGEL OTERO | Mama's Boy

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    oil paint skins collaged on resin coated canvas

  • ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Royal signed, titled and dated ‘“Royal” 2011 Angel Ot
    Apr. 05, 2017

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Royal signed, titled and dated ‘“Royal” 2011 Angel Ot

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    ANGEL OTERO (B. 1981) Royal signed, titled and dated ‘“Royal” 2011 Angel Otero’ (on the reverse) oil and oil skins collage on canvas 48 3/8 x 60 5/8 in. (123 x 154cm.) Executed in 2011

  • ANGEL OTERO - Slain
    Dec. 08, 2016

    ANGEL OTERO - Slain

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    ANGEL OTERO - Slain

  • ANGEL OTERO | Coherent Copper and Violet
    Nov. 18, 2016

    ANGEL OTERO | Coherent Copper and Violet

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    oil paint skins collaged on resin coated canvas

  • ANGEL OTERO | Untitled
    Sep. 20, 2016

    ANGEL OTERO | Untitled

    Est: £8,000 - £12,000

    oil and paint skins on canvas

  • Angel Otero (b.1981) - Untitled (SK-PH)
    Dec. 02, 2015

    Angel Otero (b.1981) - Untitled (SK-PH)

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    pigment and screenprint in colours with silver leaf, 2015, signed and dated in pencil, numbered 5/54, on wove paper, with full margins, 420 x 325 mm (16 1/2 x 13 in)

    Dreweatts 1759
  • ANGEL OTERO | Moon Juice
    Oct. 16, 2015

    ANGEL OTERO | Moon Juice

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    oil paint skins on canvas

  • Untitled ("SK FJ")
    Sep. 30, 2015

    Untitled ("SK FJ")

    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    Angel Otero (b. 1981) Untitled ("SK FJ") signed, titled and dated 'Untitled ("SK FJ") Angel Otero 2012' (on the reverse) oil and oil paint skins on canvas 72 x 60 1/2 in. (182.9 x 153.6 cm.) Executed in 2012.

  • ANGEL OTERO | Untitled (SK-KE)
    Jul. 02, 2015

    ANGEL OTERO | Untitled (SK-KE)

    Est: £12,000 - £18,000

    oil and oil paint skins collaged on canvas

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