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Francisco Meneses Osorio Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1640 - d. 1721

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  • Francisco Meneses Osorio (1640-1721) "Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus"
    Dec. 28, 2024

    Francisco Meneses Osorio (1640-1721) "Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus"

    Est: €5,000 - €10,000

    Oil on canvas. Period frame in gilded wood in the form of a moulding. In the centre of the composition is Saint Joseph, standing, holding the hand of the Child Jesus with his torso crossed and holding a branch of white flowers in his left hand. They are surrounded by angels forming a path to heaven and a column of a temple, located on the left side. Francisco Meneses Osorio (1640 - 1721) was an artist from Seville, a collaborator and disciple of Murillo's workshop, and considered one of his faithful followers. It can be observed in his paintings in the manner of Murillo, he stands out for his own personality, colour palette and drawing.  Size: 159.5 x 105.5 cm; Size with frame: 169 x 115.5 cm Provenance: Private collection in Granada. Exhibitions: "Juan de Valdés Leal and Sevillian Baroque Art" Cultural Centre of Contemporary Art, A.C. Televisa Cultural Foundation. 6 August - 5 December. 1993. Mexico.

    Subastas Darley
  • Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (c.1640-c.1721) - Our Lady with Child
    Dec. 17, 2024

    Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (c.1640-c.1721) - Our Lady with Child

    Est: €3,750 - €5,000

    Oil on canvas. Carved frame from the period. Signs of use, minimal defects. Dim.:67x51 cm

    Marques dos Santos
  • Seville School, 17th century. Saint Joseph and the Child
    Dec. 11, 2024

    Seville School, 17th century. Saint Joseph and the Child

    Est: -

    Oil on canvas. Attached is a report by D. Enrique Valdivieso attributing the work to Francisco Meneses Osorio (Seville, 1640-1721), a disciple of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 – 1721) "Virgin and Child"
    Oct. 29, 2024

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 – 1721) "Virgin and Child"

    Est: €7,500 - €10,000

    Oil on canvas. Dimensions: 105 x 84 cm.

    Apr. 25, 2024


    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Francisco Meneses Osorio (Seville, circa 1640 - 1721) 'The liberation of Saint Peter' Oil on canvas. 131 x 99 cm. In this report, Valdivieso supports the clear attribution of our canvas to Meneses by comparing, among other things, 'the face of the angel who frees Saint Peter with that of the 'Guardian Angel' from the church of the Capuchins in Cadiz, which is currently in the Museum of Fine Arts in that city. It is also useful to compare it with the face of Saint Catherine in the painting of the Betrothal of this saint with the Child Jesus, which belongs to the Museum mentioned above'. The professor goes on to note that 'also characteristic of Meneses Osorio [...] is the expression of astonishment shown by Saint Peter when he is freed by the angel, which is very similar to that of an apostle in the painting of the 'Virgin of the Pillar' in the parish church of Montijo in Badajoz. These and other comparisons can be seen in his book 'La escuela de Murillo' (2016). It is therefore a work 'whose technical characteristics clearly coincide with the creative spirit of Francisco Meneses Osorio', he concludes. The chromatic tones that are integrated into the painting, Valdivieso continues, are very well resolved, as they 'perfectly harmonise light and dark tones, such as the pinkish tones of the archangel's tunic and the brownish tones of Saint Peter's tunic'.   Francisco Meseses Osorio, a disciple and the most faithful follower of Murillo, was one of the 'most interesting figures on the Sevillian pictorial scene in the last third of the 17th century and first quarter of the 18th century', according to José Roda Peña, professor of art history at the University of Seville. His proximity to the master Murillo is evidenced, as Enrique Valdivieso states in his article for the Royal Academy of History, by 'the affiliation of his artistic forms with those of this master', as well as by the commission to Meneses, after Murillo's death, to complete the main altarpiece of the former church of Santa Catalina in Cadiz, Convent of the Capuchins, as he was the artist who 'could best complete the paintings in accordance with the style of the deceased master'. The deposit of paintings and sculptures by Murillo and Meneses from the aforementioned church and its main altarpiece is kept in the Museum of Cádiz.  There are also works by the Sevillian artist preserved in his native city, such as an important 'San Miguel Arcángel', in the Hospital de la Santa Caridad; a high quality 'San José con el Niño' (1684) and 'San Cirilo en el concilio de Éfeso' (1701), both in the Museo de Bellas Artes (Museum of Fine Arts); and, among others, 'La Virgen de los Desamparados de Valencia con San Vicente Ferrer y San Pascual Bailón' (1701), a work conserved in the Museum of the Hospital del Pozo Santo in Seville, unpublished until 1996 and published in 1999 by José Roda Peña in an article in the magazine 'Laboratorio de Arte'. Outside Seville, we would highlight 'La Virgen de los Reyes' (1696), in the Museo Nacional de Escultura de Valladolid and 'Cristo salvador del mundo', in the American Bob Jones University.   Bibliographic references: - Valdivieso, Enrique. (n.d.). 'Francisco Meneses Osorio'. Real Academia de la Historia. https://dbe.rah.es/biografias/12652/francisco-meneses-osorio - Roda Peña, José. (1999). Una pintura inédita de Francisco Meneses Osorio, in 'Laboratorio de Arte' (12), 191-198. http://dx.doi.org/10.12795/LA.1999.i12.19 

    La Suite Subastas
    Jan. 31, 2024


    Est: €9,000 -


    Arte Subastas Bilbao
  • FOLLOWER OF BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (17th - 18th centuries) "The Annunciation"
    Dec. 18, 2023

    FOLLOWER OF BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (17th - 18th centuries) "The Annunciation"

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Oil on canvas. Work stylistically close to the production of Francisco Meneses Osorio (Seville, c. 1640 - 1721) Measurements: 145 x 105 cm.

  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - Saint Francis of Assisi and the miracle of the Porciuncula
    Sep. 19, 2023

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - Saint Francis of Assisi and the miracle of the Porciuncula

    Est: -

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO Seville 1630 - 1721 Saint Francis of Assisi and the miracle of the Porciuncula Oil on canvas Size 53.7 x 47 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo
    Apr. 19, 2023

    San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo

    Est: -

    Francisco Meneses Osorio fue uno de los seguidores más notables de Murillo, y considerado por Ceán Bermúdez como un discípulo directo suyo. Es indudable apreciar en la composición de la obra que nos ocupa inspiraciones de formas murillescas en el tratamiento de las figuras. Las primeras obras firmadas que se conocen de la mano de Meneses Osorio datan de 1663. Se le documenta como miembro de la Academia sevillana entre 1666 y 1672, y a la muerte de Murillo en 1682 fue Meneses quien se encargó de concluir el lienzo central de los “Desposorios místicos de Santa Catalina” que aquél había dejado inconcluso. Realizó por completo los cuadros que ocupaban los laterales (altar mayor de los Capuchinos de Cádiz). Algunas de sus obras fueron incluso asignadas al propio Murillo, si bien creó tipos propios, de rasgos personales, que han permitido atribuirle obras no firmadas como el “San Miguel” del Hospital de la Caridad de Sevilla. Grandes pintores y escultores de los siglos XVII y XVIII representaron a Javier como peregrino, misionero, o en escenas de su vida y obrando milagros. El Santo nació en el castillo de Javier (Navarra) en 1506 y estudió en París, donde conoció a san Ignacio de Loyola. Posteriormente, se hizo sacerdote jesuita y desde Lisboa partió a misionar en la India, Oceanía, Japón y China. Vivió tres años y tres meses en Goa, de donde salió para predicar en Malaca (Malasia) y las Islas Molucas. Momento que se representa en el cuadro donde el santo aparece de pie como protagonista y misionero en el centro del lienzo con el hábito de la orden mostrando con su mano izquierda un cuadro de la Virgen con el Niño y señalándolo con su otra. A su alrededor encontramos una serie de personajes de gran riqueza arrodillados a su alrededor venerando dicha imagen.

    Isbilya Subastas
  • San Francisco de Paula
    Nov. 10, 2022

    San Francisco de Paula

    Est: -


    Isbilya Subastas
  • Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 – 1721). "Saint Barbara". Oil on canvas. Old relining. It presents faults and overpainting on the pictorial surface.
    Jun. 22, 2022

    Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 – 1721). "Saint Barbara". Oil on canvas. Old relining. It presents faults and overpainting on the pictorial surface.

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 - 1721). "Saint Barbara". Oil on canvas. Antique re-colouring. It presents faults and repainting on the pictorial surface. Measurements: 104 x 71,5 cm. Kneeling with the right hand on her chest and holding the palm of martyrdom, Saint Barbara looks at the angels who hold a monstrance between their hands. The scene is notable for a delicate brushstroke that opens up in the conception of the landscape, the perimeter of which is left open, the vegetation merging with the sky. Osorio was born in Seville and is thought to have died there. Very little is known about his life. He was a pupil and imitator of Murillo, and it has been suggested that some of the works attributed to the latter were painted by Osorio. We know that Murillo considered him his friend; that he was a close acquaintance of Juan Garzón, with whom he worked; that he was at one time secretary and then president of the Seville Academy; and that while in that city he had a high reputation. This reputation is said to have been discarded after his death because it was considered that some of his copies of Murillo's works were so accurate that he should have signed the master's name. In fact, it was suggested that two of his copies had been accepted as genuine works by Murillo. On the other hand, these statements are stated by a Spanish author to have been made solely for the purpose of discrediting Osorio. It is said that he and Murillo worked together in the Capuchin church in Cadiz. His main work was painted for the church of San Martín in Madrid, and depicts the prophet Elijah. There are pictures of him in the museums of Cadiz and Seville, the latter related to the Order of St. Francis. A work depicting Saint Catherine, which is preserved in Cadiz, is said to have had a special devotion to Saint Philip Neri and was buried in the church dedicated to that saint.

    Setdart Auction House
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua
    May. 24, 2022

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua

    Est: €4,000 - €8,000

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO Seville 1630 - 1721 The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua Oil on canvas Size 152 x 105.5 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - Saint Francisco Javier
    May. 24, 2022

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - Saint Francisco Javier

    Est: €4,000 - €8,000

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO Seville 1630 - 1721 San Francisco Javier Oil on canvas Size 109.5 x 82.5 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • Francisco Meneses Osorio. Saint with the Child
    Apr. 27, 2022

    Francisco Meneses Osorio. Saint with the Child

    Est: -

    Oil on canvas. Attached certificate of D. Enrique Valdivieso.

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 – 1721). "San Francisco Javier pilgrimage in Goa with the Virgin of Pópulo". Oil on canvas.
    Apr. 27, 2022

    Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 – 1721). "San Francisco Javier pilgrimage in Goa with the Virgin of Pópulo". Oil on canvas.

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    Attributed to FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, c. 1640 - 1721). "Saint Francis Xavier on pilgrimage in Goa with the Virgin of the Pópulo". Oil on canvas. Measurements: 203 x 173 cm. Called "the apostle of the Indies", Saint Francis Xavier was a religious and missionary from Navarre of the Society of Jesus, who lived in the 16th century and was canonised in 1622. He became a role model as a missionary in pagan lands (he worked in China, India and Japan), which has given rise to an abundance of works about him. The saint is traditionally depicted in the black habit of his congregation or in a cassock and white robe, holding a cross in his left hand. In this case, the staff alludes to his evangelising work, which took him to Asia. Osorio was born in Seville, and is believed to have died there. Very little is known of his life. He was a pupil and imitator of Murillo and it has been suggested that some of the works attributed to Murillo were painted by Osorio. We know that Murillo considered him his friend; that he was a close acquaintance of Juan Garzón, with whom he worked; that he was at one time secretary and then president of the Seville Academy; and that while in that city he had a high reputation. This reputation is said to have been discarded after his death because it was considered that some of his copies of Murillo's works were so accurate that he should have signed the master's name. In fact, it was suggested that two of his copies had been accepted as genuine works by Murillo. On the other hand, these statements are stated by a Spanish author to have been made solely for the purpose of discrediting Osorio. It is said that he and Murillo worked together in the Capuchin church in Cadiz. His main work was painted for the church of San Martín in Madrid, and depicts the prophet Elijah. There are pictures of him in the museums of Cadiz and Seville, the latter related to the Order of St. Francis. A work depicting Saint Catherine, which is preserved in Cadiz, is said to have had a special devotion to Saint Philip Neri and was buried in the church dedicated to that saint.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Francisco Meneses Osorio. Saint with the Child
    Feb. 23, 2022

    Francisco Meneses Osorio. Saint with the Child

    Est: -

    Oil on canvas. Attached certificate of D. Enrique Valdivieso.

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua
    Feb. 08, 2022

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO - The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua

    Est: €6,000 - €12,000

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO Seville 1630 - 1721 The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua Oil on canvas Size 152 x 105.5 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • Francisco Meneses Osorio. Saint with the Child
    Nov. 24, 2021

    Francisco Meneses Osorio. Saint with the Child

    Est: -

    Óleo sobre lienzo. Se adjunta certificado de D. Enrique Valdivieso.

    Duran Arte y Subastas
    Jun. 17, 2021


    Est: €1,700 - €2,550

    Attributed to Francisco Meneses Osorio (Seville, 1640-1721). Saint Barbara. Oil on canvas. Relined. 90 x 70 cm.

    Aletheia Subastas
    Jul. 02, 2019


    Est: -

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO Seville 1630 - 1721 Santa Bárbara Oil on canvas Measurements 103 x 71 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo
    Jan. 30, 2018

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo

    Est: -

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO (Seville, 1640 - 1721). "San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo". Oil on canvas. 203 x 172 cm FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo Óleo sobre lienzo 203 x 172 cm.

    Isbilya Subastas
    Jan. 25, 2017


    Est: -

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla 1721 San Francisco Javier peregrinando en Goa con la Virgen del Pópolo Óleo sobre lienzo 203 x 172 cm.

    Isbilya Subastas
    Oct. 19, 2016


    Est: -

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 Santa Bárbara 103 x 71 cm Óleo sobre lienzo

    Isbilya Subastas
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 Santa Bárbara - FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 Santa Bárbara
    Jan. 20, 2016

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 Santa Bárbara - FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 Santa Bárbara

    Est: -

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO 1640 Sevilla - 1721 Santa Bárbara

    Isbilya Subastas
  • FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO | The Immaculate Conception
    Apr. 29, 2015

    FRANCISCO MENESES OSORIO | The Immaculate Conception

    Est: £10,000 - £15,000

    oil on canvas

    Jan. 29, 2015


    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCESCO MENESES OSORIO (spanish 1630-1705)/span SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA Oil on canvas 46 1/4 x 30 1/2 in. (117.5 x 77.5cm) provenance: /spanPrivate Collection, Pennsylvania, ca. early 1960s. By descent. Private Collection, Virginia. note:/span This present painting follows the composition by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo in the Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville, Spain.

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • FRANCISCO OSÓRIO (20th century)
    May. 28, 2014

    FRANCISCO OSÓRIO (20th century)

    Est: €50 - €70

    FRANCISCO OSÓRIO (20th century) Serigraphy on paper. Signed. # 32 / 50. Dim.: 69 x 49 cm.

    P55 - Second Hand Luxury
  • Seville school, 17th century. Follower of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, , Saint Joseph with the Child, Oil on canvas, On the back, label o
    May. 16, 2013

    Seville school, 17th century. Follower of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, , Saint Joseph with the Child, Oil on canvas, On the back, label o

    Est: €2,800 -

    Seville school, 17th century. Follower of Bartolomé Esteban MurilloSaint Joseph with the ChildOil on canvasOn the back, label of the Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional. Attached is certificate by Joan Ramón Triadó, who attributes it to Francisco Meneses Osorio (Seville c. 1640-1721) 143.7x100.2 cm Escuela sevillana del siglo XVII. Seguidor de Bartolomé Esteban Murillo San José con el Niño Óleo sobre lienzo En el reverso, etiqueta del Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional. Se adjunta certificado de Joan Ramón Triadó, que lo atribuye a Francisco Meneses Osorio (Sevilla h. 1640-1721) 143,7x100,2 cm

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