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García de Orta Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Orta, Garcia de: Due libri dell' historia de i semplici, aromati et altre cose
    Oct. 11, 2022

    Orta, Garcia de: Due libri dell' historia de i semplici, aromati et altre cose

    Est: €400 - €600

    Orta, Garcia de. Due libri dell' historia de i semplici, aromati, et altre cose; che vengono portate dall' Indie Orientali pertinenti all' uso della medicina. Con alcune brevi annotationi di Carlo Clusio. Et due altri libri parimente di quelle che si portano dall'Indie Orientali, di N. Monardes. 12 Bl., 347 S., 2 w. Bl. Mit Holzschnitt-Druckermarke und 17 Textholzschnitten. 17,5 x 11,5 cm. Pappband des späten 19. Jahrhunderts (Gelenke beschabt) mit RSchild. Venedig, Francesco Ziletti, 1582. -- STC 478. Palau 99519. Sabin 57668. Durling 3419. DSB X, 238. Vgl. Adams O-323 (EA). – Zweite italienische, durch den niederländischen Botaniker Charles de l'Ecluse (1526-1609) herausgegebene Ausgabe der zuerst 1563 im indischen Goa erschienenen Colóquios dos simples e drogas e cousas medicinais da Índia, der ersten von einem Europäer verfassten Abhandlung über tropische Medizin. Das Werk wurde rasch in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt und wurde zum Standardwerk der frühen europäischen Tropenmedizin. Enthält frühe und bedeutende Beschreibungen von Heilpflanzen in den entsprechenden Regionen. Da Ortas Beschreibung der Cholera galt lange Zeit als grundlegend. Die botanischen Holzschnitte u. a. mit einer frühen Abbildung einer Tabakpflanze. – Titel mit altem Tinteneintrag. Etwas gebräunt und braunfleckig sowie mit größerem, teils verblasstem Feuchtigkeitsfleck im unteren Rand, einige Lagen mit Braunfleck im Satzspiegel, vereinzelte Unterstreichungen.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Pharmacy.- Orta (Garcia de) & others., Histoire des Drogues, Espiceries, et de Certains Medicamens Simples, 4 parts in 1, Lyons, Jean Pillehotte, 1619.
    Sep. 15, 2022

    Pharmacy.- Orta (Garcia de) & others., Histoire des Drogues, Espiceries, et de Certains Medicamens Simples, 4 parts in 1, Lyons, Jean Pillehotte, 1619.

    Est: £300 - £400

    Pharmacy.- Orta (Garcia de) & others. Histoire des Drogues, Espiceries, et de Certains Medicamens Simples, qui naissent és Indes et en l'Amerique, edited by Antoine Colin, 4 parts in 1, second Lyons edition, woodcut illustrations, lightly browned, with 6pp. manuscript index to the illustrations bound in at beginning, small book-label of Henri Chevreul, later vellum, roan label, soiled, [Sabin 49948], 8vo, Lyons, Jean Pillehotte, 1619. ⁂ Collection of translations of four important early works on the plants, drugs, and materia medica of the New World, comprising Orta's Coloquios dos simples, e drogas...da India of 1563, the first textbook on tropical medicine written by a European; Acosta's expanded translation of Orta's work; Alpini on balsam; Monardes on Central American drugs.

    Forum Auctions - UK
    Apr. 14, 2005


    Est: £700 - £1,000

    Aromatum, et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium historia: primum quidem Lusitanica lingua... conscripta... nunc vero Latino sermone in epitomen contracta, & iconibus ad vivum expressis, locupletioribusque annotatiunculis illustrata a Carolo Clusio... Tertia editio. Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1579, 217, [7]pp., illustration : woodcut device on title-page, woodcut initials and illustrations Condition Note: Monardes, Nicolas (c. 1512-1588). Simplicium medicamentorum ex novo orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina usus est, historia, Hispanico sermone descripta... Latio deinde donata, & annotationibus, iconibusque affabre depictis illustrata a Carolo Clusio... Altera editio. Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1579, 84, [4]pp., illustration : woodcut device on title-page, woodcut initials and illustrations L'Écluse, Charles de (1526-1609). Aliquot notae in Garciae aromatum historiam. Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1582, 43, [1]pp., illustration : woodcut device on title-page, woodcut initials and illustrations Acosta, Cristobal (c. 1515-c. 1592). Aromatum et medicamentorum in Orientali India nascentium liber: plurimum lucis adferens iis quae a Doctore Garcia de Orta... scripta sunt... Caroli Clusii... opera ex Hispanico sermone latinus factus, in epitomen contractus, et quibusdam notis illustratus. Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1579, 88pp., illustration : woodcut device on title-page, woodcut initials and illustration 4 works in one volume, 8vo (169 x 109mm.), binding : later vellum-backed blue boards, small tear in spine, boards a little soiled We are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described in our catalogue. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSION CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE. PROVENANCE T. Lynford, inscription on title-page LITERATURE AND REFERENCES Krivatsy 3416, 3217 & 1065; Wellcome 4657, 4395 (1st 2 works); Voet 1840, 1711, 1010 & 1038

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