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Giovanni Battista Nolli Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver, b. 1701 - d. 1756

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  • Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) Urbis Ichnographiam a Leonardo Bufalino Ligneis Formis Evulgatam Servata Proportione Contractam Atq. Aeri incsam Jo. Bapta. Nolli..., engraved map, 1785
    Aug. 22, 2024

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) Urbis Ichnographiam a Leonardo Bufalino Ligneis Formis Evulgatam Servata Proportione Contractam Atq. Aeri incsam Jo. Bapta. Nolli..., engraved map, 1785

    Est: £200 - £300

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) Urbis Ichnographiam a Leonardo Bufalino Ligneis Formis Evulgatam Servata Proportione Contractam Atq. Aeri incsam Jo. Bapta. Nolli..., a reduced version of Leonardo Bufalini's plan of 1551, the first printed plan of the city, engraved map by Giovanni Brun, 465 x 680 mm (18 1/4 x 26 3/4 in), dissected and mounted on linen, some surface dirt and browning, folding without slipcase, 8vo, Rome, Carlo Losi Lanno, 1785

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) La Topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta. Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta, engraved map, 1773
    Aug. 22, 2024

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) La Topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta. Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta, engraved map, 1773

    Est: £200 - £300

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) La Topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta. Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta, engraved plan of Rome, decorated with views, including St Peter's Square, title and dedication cartouche, 2 putti, tables, 470 x 680 mm (18 1/2 x 26 3/4 in), slightly trimmed edges, dissected and mounted on linen, minor surface dirt and light browning, folding without slipcase, 8vo, Rome, 1773

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • [ROME] NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (1701-1756). Urbis Romae Ichnographia a Leonardo Bufalino. Nuremberg: Homann, 1755.
    Jul. 17, 2024

    [ROME] NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (1701-1756). Urbis Romae Ichnographia a Leonardo Bufalino. Nuremberg: Homann, 1755.

    Est: €400 - €600

    Large-format map reproducing the plan published by Leonardo Bufalini in 1551. The intricate plan includes an index identifying 307 places of interest. The Colosseum, the Vatican City, the Circus Maximus, various ancient baths and many other sites are easily identified. In the lower corners are views of the Pantheon and the Arch of Janus. Map, (855 x 1055mm) 4 unmounted leaves. 4 uncut leaves, outlines and districts with contemporary colouring (small marginal tear repaired). (1)

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Giambattista Nolli - Stefano Pozzi, New Topography of Rome
    Apr. 16, 2024

    Giambattista Nolli - Stefano Pozzi, New Topography of Rome

    Est: €150 - €300

    Giambattista Nolli - Stefano Pozzi, New Topography of Rome 114x136 cm - each plate 284x450 mm Reproduction of the most beautiful eighteenth-century maps of Rome by Giambattista Nolli on twelve sheets applied to cotton canvas, as a wall map. Indexes missing. Nolli began the survey in 1736 and engraved the map in 1748, on behalf of Pope Benedetto It was by far the most accurate description of the City produced up to that time and was the first to differentiate with graphic clarity between the archaeological remains and contemporary buildings. Rome appears in its Renaissance form, with vast areas within the ancient walls still occupied by villas with extensive fields, orchards and gardens. The Colosseum is located in open countryside while the Circus Maximus and the Forum are shown in an unearthed state. The lower sheets are almost entirely occupied by a rich decoration meticulously engraved by Stefano Pozzi (Rome 1699 - 1768). In the lower left corner there is a composition of classical monuments including the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine, the Forum and Trajan's Column, in front of which are allegorical figures and at the bottom the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus below shape of broken ancient statues; in the center dedication to Benedict XIV; the lower right corner describes the allegorical representation of the Church sitting in front of Michelangelo's set of buildings on the Capitoline Hill.

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • NOLLI. Nuova pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista Nolli l'anno 1748.
    Apr. 10, 2024

    NOLLI. Nuova pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista Nolli l'anno 1748.

    Est: €10,000 - €12,000

    NOLLI. Nuova pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista Nolli l'anno 1748. NOLLI, Giovanni Battista. Nuova pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista Nolli l'anno 1748. Roma, 1748 Acquaforte e bulino. 32 fogli uniti insieme per un totale di 1800 x 2810 mm, intelati. Piccoli margini. La composizione comprende la mappa della città e due indici, Indice dei numeri e Indice Alfabetico della Pianta. Nella parte inferiore compaiono scene figurate e allegoriche: al centro, la dedica al Papa Benedetto XIV e il titolo “La Nuova Topografia di Roma”. Qualche lieve brunitura e sporadico foxing. Spettacolare carta di Roma, capolavoro epocale della cartografia. La mappa de Nolli è una pianta icnografica della città, in contrapposizione alla prospettiva a volo d'uccello, stile di rappresentazione cartografica dominante fino ad allora. La mappa raffigura la città con dettagli sorprendenti: il Nolli ottenne questo risultato utilizzando tecniche di rilevamento scientifico, accurati disegni di base e incisioni minuziosamente preparate, una scala architettonica precisa. La mappa di Nolli è la prima mappa accurata di Roma dall'antichità e cattura la città al culmine delle sue conquiste culturali e artistiche. La mappa è composta da dodici lastre di rame squisitamente incise che misurano, combinate, 176 cm per 208 cm. La mappa include quasi otto miglia quadrate della città densamente costruita e del terreno circostante ed identifica, tra l’altro, quasi duemila siti di importanza culturale. La mappa del Nolli è una straordinaria conquista tecnica che rappresenta una pietra miliare nell'arte e nella scienza della cartografia. Rilievi moderni e sofisticate immagini satellitari hanno confermato l'accuratezza della mappa del Nolli entro il più piccolo margine di errore. La mappa non solo registra le strade, le piazze e gli spazi urbani pubblici di Roma, ma delinea anche centinaia di interni di edifici con planimetrie dettagliate. La mappa è stata utilizzata nella pianificazione governativa della città di Roma fino agli anni '70; è stato utilizzato come mappa di base per tutta la mappatura e la pianificazione romana fino a quella data.Luigi Ficacci 22, John Wilton-Ely 1007 (1095-5), Millard Architectural Collection, Italian and Spanish Books, p. 234-239.

    Bado e Mart
    Mar. 27, 2024


    Est: $150 - $250

    Aftr.Noli & Piranesi La Topografia di Roma 1748 & Aftr. Giambattista Nolli, Nuova pianta di Roma, 1748

    Litchfield Auctions
  • Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) Urbis Ichnographiam a Leonardo Bufalino Ligneis Formis Evulgatam Servata Proportione Contractam Atq. Aeri incsam Jo. Bapta. Nolli..., engraved map, [c. 1748]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) Urbis Ichnographiam a Leonardo Bufalino Ligneis Formis Evulgatam Servata Proportione Contractam Atq. Aeri incsam Jo. Bapta. Nolli..., engraved map, [c. 1748]

    Est: £200 - £300

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) Urbis Ichnographiam a Leonardo Bufalino Ligneis Formis Evulgatam Servata Proportione Contractam Atq. Aeri incsam Jo. Bapta. Nolli..., a reduced version of Leonardo Bufalini's plan of 1551, the first printed plan of the city, engraved map, 465 x 680 mm (18 1/4 x 26 3/4 in), dissected and mounted on linen, some surface dirt and browning, folding without slipcase, 8vo, Rome, [circa 1748]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) La Topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta. Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta, engarved plan, [c. 1748]
    Mar. 07, 2024

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) La Topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta. Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta, engarved plan, [c. 1748]

    Est: £300 - £500

    Italy.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista) La Topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta. Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta, engraved plan of Rome, decorated with views, including St Peter's Square, title and dedication cartouche, 2 putti, tables, 470 x 680 mm (18 1/2 x 26 3/4 in), slightly trimmed edges, dissected and mounted on linen, minor surface dirt and light browning, folding without slipcase, 8vo, Rome, [circa 1748]

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Nolli, Giovanni Battista: Nuova pianta di Roma. Kupferstichplan der Stadt Rom
    Apr. 18, 2023

    Nolli, Giovanni Battista: Nuova pianta di Roma. Kupferstichplan der Stadt Rom

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Vollständige Ausgabe des fantastischen Nolli-Plans von 1748 -- Nolli, Giovanni Battista. Nuova pianta di Roma. Kupferstichplan der Stadt Rom. 2 Kupfertafeln (Titel und "Avviso"), 4 Kupfertafeln (Index) sowie 12 doppelblattgroße Kupferstich-Segmentkarten, 1 doppelblattgroße Übersichtskarte, 4 Kupfertafeln (Index). Plattengröße der Kartensegmente 43 x 67 cm. die 8 Index-Tafeln (einfach) und die 13 Karten sind in den Schnittkanten oben (doppelt) nummeriert von 1-34. 49,5 x 37,5 cm. Halbpergament um 1900 mit goldgeprägtem RTitel, breiten Pergament-Ecken und Marmorpapier-Deckelbezug (nur minimale Abschabungen). Rom, Nolli, 1748. -- Brunet IV, 95 ("assez recherché"). – Der in seinem Detailreichtum teilweise noch bis heute unübertroffene Stadt- und Grundrissplan der Ewigen Stadt von Giovanni Battista Nolli (1692-1756), der nicht nur die Straßen und Gebäudekomplexe bis hin zu jeder hervorstehenden Mauerzunge dokumentierte, sondern auch gewissermaßen in die öffentlichen Gebäude, vor allem die Kirchen hineinging, auch auch die Innenräume zu vermessen. So finden sich auf dem Plan nahezu alle Grundrisse der antiken Tempel und der weit über hundert Kirchenbauten vom Frühchristentum über die Romanik bis hin zur Renaissance und dem Barock minutiös wiedergegeben. -- -- Der aus Como stammende Nolli war als Ingenieur und Architekt ausgebildet worden, arbeitete zunächst als Stadtvermesser in Mailand am örtlichen Kataster, bis er dann nach Rom weiterzog. Dort entwickelte er die Idee einer exakten Kartierung der Stadt und deren Darstellung in einem großen Kupferstichplan, den er Benedikt XIV. widmete. Der Papst hatte ihn ermächtigt, auch alle privaten Grundstücke, darunter Paläste, Klöster, Gärten und weitere Liegenschaften kraft eines offiziellen Mandats zu betreten und zu vermessen. So finder sich jede Straße, jede Allee, aber auch jeder Feldweg, jede Villa, jedes Haus und jeder Schuppen, der etwa auf den Weinbergen vor der Porta Pia stand - mit genauester Bezeichnung und Angabe der Flurstücke und der Weinbergbesitzer: "Villa Altieri", "Sito del Circo di Flora", "Villa Mandosi", "Villa Barberini", "Vigna Lancelotti", "Vig. de PP. della Minerva" und vieles, vieles mehr. -- -- Zusammen mit seinem Sohne, Carlo Nolli und Giuseppe Vasi entstand bis 1748 der monumentale Plan, der auch die neue Gliederung der Stadt unter Benedikt in 14 Bezirke zeigte, die bis auf den heutigen Tag im barocken Stadtbild sichtbar blieben. -- Die großartigen Vignetten zeigen ein Capriccio der bedeutendsten römischen Bauwerke mit der Trajanssäule, dem Tempio dei Castori auf dem Foro Romano, dem Konstantins- und Septimius Severusbogen, dem Kolosseum, sowie dem Kapitol mit den Bauten Michelangelos und der Personifikation der Roma. – Vorhanden ist hier die vollständige Ausgabe aller Segmente, mit dem doppelblattgroßen Übersichtsplan, Titelei und den acht ausführlichen Index-Tafeln, die die Orientierung leicht ermöglichen. Die zwölf doppelblattgroßen Kompartimente ergeben zusammen einen Plan von ca. 171,5 x 206,5 cm. Die Bindung in Buchform war dafür verantwortlich, dass dieses Exemplar des fantastischen Romplans bis heute nahezu unbeschadet überlebt hat, wie nur ganz wenige Exemplare. Vier der Indexblätter mit winzigen Lochschabungen im weißen Rand unten rechts, lediglich der Übersichtsplan leicht gebräunt und gering sprenkelfleckig, die Kartenkompartimente nahezu ohne Stock- oder Fingerfleckchen, außergewöhnlich wohlerhalten und frisch sowie bemerkenswert breitrandig.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Benedetti, Ignacio und Nolli, Giovanni Battista: La topographia die Roma
    Oct. 11, 2022

    Benedetti, Ignacio und Nolli, Giovanni Battista: La topographia die Roma

    Est: €400 - €600

    Nolli, Giovanni Battista. - Benedetti, Ignacio. La topographia die Roma. (Pianta piccola). Kupferstichplan. 46,5 x 67,5 cm (Plattenrand), 55,5 x 80 cm (Format). Rom 1773. -- Der Stadtplan Roms von Ignacio Benedetti basiert auf Giovanni Battista Nollis gestochener Karte von Rom und bezieht sich wortwörtlich darauf. Einige Elemente wurde auch von Giovanni Battista Piranesi übernommen. Detailliert wird das Zentrum Roms gezeigt, das sich wie hinter einer Art Vorhang präsentiert, der von dem Putto oben rechts entfaltet wird. Ein weiterer Putto schwebt oberhalb der Widmungskartusche und hält das Wappen von Kardinal Giovanni Carlo Boschi. -- Am unteren Bildrand werden zum einen links der Petersdom, das Sinnbild des christlichen Roms gezeigt, zum anderen rechts die Fassade der Basilika Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, einer der bedeutendsten architektonischen Bauten im Rom des 18. Jahrhunderts. Des Weiteren sind der Trevi-Brunnen und die Fassade der Basilika Santa Maria Maggiore zu erkennen. – Im Rand leicht knitterfaltig. Unbeschnittenes und breitrandiges Exemplar.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • NOLLI, Giambattista (c.1692-1756) - La nuova topografia di Roma. Roma: 1748. Nolli's famous map of Rome is considered one of the masterpieces of urban cartography. Fundamental for the study of Roman cartography, it remained a model for a...
    Sep. 21, 2021

    NOLLI, Giambattista (c.1692-1756) - La nuova topografia di Roma. Roma: 1748. Nolli's famous map of Rome is considered one of the masterpieces of urban cartography. Fundamental for the study of Roman cartography, it remained a model for a...

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    NOLLI, Giambattista (c.1692-1756) - La nuova topografia di Roma. Roma: 1748. Nolli's famous map of Rome is considered one of the masterpieces of urban cartography. Fundamental for the study of Roman cartography, it remained a model for all the maps of Rome until the twentieth century and it was the first to distinguish between magnetic and astronomical north and to differentiate with graphic clarity between archaeological remains and contemporary buildings. Giovan Battista Nolli from Como made use of the collaboration of the engravers Carlo Pozzi, Pietro Campana and Carlo Nolli (his son), and for the cartoons, of the painter Stefano Pozzi. This copy is exceptionally enclosed by commentary unlike the copies that are usually found on the market. . The very large engraved map of Rome with commentary measures, (1735 x 2720mm). The internal part only (1735 x 2010mm). Printed on a series of sheets then joined together and applied on cloth (some losses and heavilly restored). IT NOLLI, Giambattista (c.1692-1756) - La nuova topografia di Roma. Roma: 1748. La celebre mappa di Roma del Nolli è considerata come uno dei capolavori della cartografia urbana. Fondamentale per lo studio della cartografia romana, rimase un modello per tutte le piante di Roma fino al XX secolo e fu la prima a distinguere tra nord magnetico e astronomico e a differenziare con chiarezza grafica tra i resti archeologici e gli edifici contemporanei. Il comasco Giovan Battista Nolli si avvalse della collaborazione degli incisori Carlo Pozzi, Pietro Campana e Carlo Nolli (suo figlio), e per le vignette, del pittore Stefano Pozzi. Questo esemplare è eccezionalmente racchiuso da commentario a differenza delle copie che si trovano solitamente in commercio. La grandissima mappa di Roma incisa in rame misura incluso il commentario, (1735 x 2720mm). La sola parte interna (1735 x 2010mm). Stampata su una serie di fogli poi uniti fra loro e intelaiata (alcune perdite e restauri anche di grandi dimensioni).

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Italy.- Rome.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista), After. Pianta Topgrafica di Roma Moderna e Stratta dalla Grande del Nolli an 1828.
    Mar. 05, 2020

    Italy.- Rome.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista), After. Pianta Topgrafica di Roma Moderna e Stratta dalla Grande del Nolli an 1828.

    Est: £300 - £400

    Italy.- Rome.- Nolli (Giovanni Battista), After. Pianta Topgrafica di Roma Moderna e Stratta dalla Grande del Nolli an 1828, detailed plan of Rome, with four inset architectural plans and key identifications to 14 sites of interest in the lower right corner, engraving by , 630 x 840 mm. (24 3/4 x 33 in), dissected and mounted on linen, some folds splitting, surface dirt and light browning, covers detached and lacking spine, but present, 8vo, 1828.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). [Nuova Pianta di Roma.] Rome: 1748. Engraved wall map of Rome.
    Nov. 06, 2019

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). [Nuova Pianta di Roma.] Rome: 1748. Engraved wall map of Rome.

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). [Nuova Pianta di Roma.] Rome: 1748.    Engraved wall map of Rome, 24 joined segments mounted on linen, overall image size 66 1/2  x 78 3/4 in. (1,708 x 2,061 mm) on 1,740 x 2,065mm sheet (scattered few tiny ink stains, some segments with very pale toning, laid down on linen); framed (unexamined out of frame).  The finest of the eighteenth-century plans of Rome and the first plan of the city based upon geodetic principles. With Rocque's plan of London and Bretez's plan of Paris, Nolli's plan ranks as one of the greatest eighteenth-century plans of any European city. Rome appears in its essentially Renaissance form with large areas within the ancient walls still occupied by villas with extensive fields, orchards and gardens. The Coliseum, for example, still stands in virtually open country. Many important ancient sites, such as the Circus Maximus and the Forum, are shown in an unearthed state. The lower sheets are almost entirely taken up by lavish, finely engraved ornamentation in the style of Piranesi. In the lower left corner is a montage of classical landmarks, including the Coliseum, Arch of Constantine, Forum, and Trajan's Column, before which are allegorical figures including Romulus and Remus in the form of broken ancient statuary. The lower right corner contains an allegorical representation of the Church seated before Michelangelo's assemblage of buildings on the Capitoline Hill. The vignettes of allegorical figures are after Stefano Pozzi. The plates for the assembled map were originally issued in book form, with title and index leaves, not present here. Frutaz CLXIXa. 

  • NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). [Nuova Pianta di Roma.] Rome:...
    Dec. 05, 2017

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). [Nuova Pianta di Roma.] Rome:...

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). [Nuova Pianta di Roma.] Rome:...

    Apr. 06, 2017


    Est: $400 - $700

    GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI AND GIOVANNI BATTISTA NOLLI (italian, 1720-1778) and (italian, 1701-1755) "LA TOPOGRAFIA DI ROMA IN QUESTA MINORA TAVOLA, RIDOTTO" 1748, engraved map on paper. image: 19 15/16 x 26 1/4 in. (45.6 x 66.7cm) image: 17 15/16 x 26 1/4 in. (45.6 x 66.7cm) sheet: 18 3/8 x 27 3/4 in. (46.7 x 70.5cm) [Focillon, 40; Wilton-Ely, 1007] provenance: Pia Gallo Fine Old Master and Modern Prints, New York, New York. Jeffrey M. Kaplan, Washington, D.C. (acquired directly from the above in 2012).

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • AFTER GIAMBATTISTA NOLLI (Italy, 1701-1756)
    Feb. 12, 2017

    AFTER GIAMBATTISTA NOLLI (Italy, 1701-1756)

    Est: $600 - $800

    AFTER GIAMBATTISTA NOLLI (Italy, 1701-1756) "Rome, 1748", 20th c. Full-Scale Copy of his Ichnographic (bird''s-eye view) Plan of Rome, the "Pianta Grande di Roma", which he began surveying in 1736 and engraved in 1748, now universally known as the Nolli Map. Comprised of sixteen different sheets, as issued, meant to be applied to a wall. An accurate facsimile published by J.H. Aronson in High Mount NY. The sheets are 22" x 32" each (7''-4" x 10''-8" when assembled), plus another sheet with foreword in Italian and English. In the original shipping folio. Fine condition.

    Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
  • NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (ca 1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma . Rome: n.p., 1748.
    Dec. 07, 2012

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (ca 1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma . Rome: n.p., 1748.

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (ca 1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma. Rome: n.p., 1748. 2υo (478 x 365 mm). Engraved wall map of Rome. The sheets comprising: engraved title, engraved "Avviso al lettore", an index on 8 engraved sheets, the map of Rome on 12 double-page sheets including vignettes of allegorical figures after Stefano Pozzi together with Rome's monuments, and the dedication to Pope Benedetto XIV on the base of a column, the map set in an elaborate rococo border, 2 double-page engraved maps of Rome depicting the city in "modern" times and a similar map of ancient times (indexes and maps numbered 1-36). (Some light browning and staining, a few leaves dampstained). Modern half leather and boards. THE FINEST OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PLANS OF ROME and the first plan of the city based upon geodesic principles. Along with Rocque's plan of London and Bretez's plan of Paris, Nolli's plan ranks as one of the greatest eighteenth century plans of any European city. The lower sheets are almost entirely taken up by lavish, finely-engraved ornamentation in the style of Piranesi. In the lower left corner is a montage of classical landmarks, including the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, the Forum and Trajan's Column, before which are allegorical figures including Romulus and Remus in the form of broken ancient statuary. The lower right corner contains an allegorical representation of the Church seated before Michaelangelo's assemblage of buildings on the Capitoline Hill. Frutaz Le Piante de Roma CLXIX.

  • Giambattista Nolli (Italian, 1692-1756)
    Feb. 04, 2012

    Giambattista Nolli (Italian, 1692-1756)

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Giambattista Nolli (Italian, 1692-1756), Nuova Pianta di Roma Data in Luce, 1748, first edition,second issue, folio (19 3/8 in. x 14 1/2 in.), marbled boards, calf, with engraved title, Avviso al Lettore, 4 leaves of street indices, plan of Rome on 12 double-page, numbered sheets, and 4 more leaves of street indices, lacking 2 reduced maps Provenance: First pastedown with two bookplates with arms, one name rubbed, the other of "George Cockburn." Note: Nolli, a surveyor already renowned in Milan, came to Rome in the early 1730s and spent close to twelve years surveying and measuring the city's monuments in preparation for this map. The plan, if joined together, would measure nearly six by seven feet.

    Neal Auction Company
  • NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista
    Nov. 16, 2005

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (c.1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma data in luce da Giambattista Nolli. Rome: 1748. 2° (480 x 360mm). Engraved wall map of Rome, (overall size of map, 1708 x 2061mm). The 17 sheets comprising 'To the author' letter and engraved title on one double-page sheet, an index on 4 double-page sheets, the map of Rome on 12 double-page sheets including vignettes of allegorical figures after Stefano Pozzi together with Rome's monuments, and the dedication to Pope Benedetto XIV on the base of a column, the map set in an elaborate rococco border, together with a double-page general map of the city in 'modern' times and a similar map of ancient Rome. (Light spotting.) 20th-century half calf, spine labelled in gilt. THE FINEST OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PLANS OF ROME and the first plan of the city based upon geodetic principles. With Rocque's plan of London and Bretez's plan of Paris, Nolli's plan ranks as one of the greatest eighteenth century plans of any European city. Rome essentially appears in its Renaissance form with large areas within the ancient walls still occupied by villas with extensive fields, orchards and gardens. The Colosseum, for example, still stands in virtually open country. Many important ancient sites, such as the Circus Maximus and the Forum, are shown in an unearthed state. The lower sheets are almost entirely taken up by lavish, finely-engraved ornamentation in the style of Piranesi. In the lower left corner is a montage of classical landmarks, including the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, the Forum and Trajan's Column, before which are allegorical figures including Romulus and Remus in the form of broken ancient statuary. The lower right corner contains an allegorical representation of the Church seated before Michaelangelo's assemblage of buildings on the Capitoline Hill. Frutaz CLXIXa.

  • GIAMBATTISTA NOLLI ( ITALIAN 1701-1756) 1748,
    May. 05, 2004

    GIAMBATTISTA NOLLI ( ITALIAN 1701-1756) 1748,

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Nuova Pianta di Roma. Data in luce da Giambattista Nolli l'anno MDCCXLVIII. Map of Rome by Nolli, complete with Nolli´s republication of the 1551 iconographic city plan by Leonardo Buffalino, an engraving of the Pianta Grande by Carlo Nolli and Piranesi and four sheets of index

  • NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (ca 1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma. Rome: 1748.
    May. 24, 2002

    NOLLI, Giovanni Battista (ca 1692-1756). Nuova Pianta di Roma. Rome: 1748.

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Engraved wall map of Rome on 20 untrimmed plates (including 18 folding and number 1-36), plate size: 437 x 682 mm, comprising engraved title, engraved "Avviso al lettore", index on 4 double-page plates, the map of Rome on 12 double-page plates including vignettes of allegorical figures after Stefano Pozzi together with Rome's monuments, and the dedication to Pope Benedetto XIV on the base of a column, elaborate rococo border, and 2 maps of Rome. (Some marginal wear, lower right corner of an index leaf torn away, mostly marginal staining and dust soiling, small hole to decorative border of plate 35/36.) Modern calf. THE FINEST OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PLANS OF ROME and the first plan of the city based upon geodesic principles. With Rocque's plan of London and Bretez's plan of Paris, Nolli's plan ranks as one of the greatest eighteenth century plans of any European city. The lower sheets are alomst entirely taken up by lavish, finely-engraved ornamentation in the style of Piranesi. Frutaz Le Piante de Roma CLXIX.

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