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Sebastiano Mazzoni Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1611 - d. 1678

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      Dec. 10, 2024


      Est: €2,500 - €2,800

      Sebastiano Mazzoni (Firenze 1611-Venezia 1678) attribuito 'Salita al Calvario' olio cm. 143x130 Vedi scheda storico-scientifica ed attributiva di Paolo Benassai (03/03/2020)

      Aste Boetto SRL
    • SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (FLORENCE ?1611-1678 VENICE). Lot and his Daughters. o
      Dec. 04, 2024

      SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (FLORENCE ?1611-1678 VENICE). Lot and his Daughters. o

      Est: £30,000 - £50,000

      SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (FLORENCE ?1611-1678 VENICE). Lot and his Daughters. oil on canvas, unlined 49 x 60 ¼ in. (124.4 x 153.1 cm.).

    • Sebastiano Mazzoni 1611? Firenze -1678 Venezia Sansone e Dalila
      Jun. 13, 2024

      Sebastiano Mazzoni 1611? Firenze -1678 Venezia Sansone e Dalila

      Est: €12,000 - €18,000

      “Carpito dopo molte insistenze il segreto riguardante la forza del suo amante Sansone, energia che risiedeva nei capelli dell'eroe, Dalila, corrotta dal molto denaro dei Filistei, lo fece addormentare e gli tagliò la lunga capigliatura. Al suo risveglio, Sansone, oramai privo della sua prodigiosa forza, fu agevolmente fatto prigioniero dai suoi nemici (Giudici, 16, 4-20). Il dipinto raffigura l'istante in cui Dalila dopo aver fatto addormentare Sansone si accinge a tagliargli i capelli. I due protagonisti dell'episodio biblico sono raffigurati ai piedi di un letto e inseriti in un ambiente scandito da un'architettura ad arco mentre sullo sfondo si agitano i Filistei pronti a far prigioniero il valoroso israelita. Preponderante nella costruzione della tela è la figura di Sansone dalla quale, seppur dormiente, erompe un autentico senso di potenza. Raffigurato sdraiato, la testa sul grembo della donna, con un taglio prospettico che presenta le possenti gambe in primo piano, Sansone è sul punto di perdere la sua straordinaria forza. Dal volto di Dalila, che trova assonanze con le fattezze della Santa Martire a mezza figura resa nota dal Pallucchini (Venezia, mercato antiquario) e con la Jefte del William Rockhill and Nelson Gallery of Art di Kansas City, traspare l'attenzione riposta a non svegliare l'eroe allorché intenta a tagliargli i capelli depositari di tanto vigore. Un drappo scuro posto alle spalle della coppia contrasta con le gamme dei rossi che intessono il prode israelita e il sontuoso letto. A temperare tali cromie spicca, nel mezzo, la candida veste di Dalila. Fuori della scena principale, delimitata da un sobrio colonnato ad arco, si muovono le figure della soldataglia filistea immerse in un'atmosfera lattiginosa, quasi sospese in un'assenza di rumore perché non si abbia a svegliare il possente Sansone e prima, soprattutto, che la forza di questi sia resa inoffensiva.”

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • MAZZONI SEBASTIANO (1611 - 1678) The sacrifice of Jephthah
      Jun. 13, 2023

      MAZZONI SEBASTIANO (1611 - 1678) The sacrifice of Jephthah

      Est: €25,000 - €35,000

      MAZZONI SEBASTIANO (1611 - 1678). The sacrifice of Jephthah. The artwork is accompanied by a text by Paolo Benassai. The artwork is accompanied by an export licence. Provenance: Private Collection, Venice. Reference: Fototeca Zeri, inv. 118044, envelope 561, card 58133. Bibliography: N. Ivanoff, Sebastiano Mazzoni, in ""Saggi e memorie di storia dell'arte!, II, 1958-1959, p.225, fig. 27; G. Ewald, La pittura del Seicento a Venezia e nel veneto"", Zur Ausstellung in Venedig vom 27 Juni-25 Oktober, in ""Kunstchronik"", XII, 1959, 10, p. 269; B. Nicolson, seicento painting in Venice, in ""the Burlington Magazine"", CI, 1959, 676-677, p. 287 nota 8; P. Zampetti, in La pittura del Seicento a Venezia, catalogo della mostra, Venezia, 1959, pp. 110-111. n. 171; C. Donzelli. G.M. Pilo, I pittori del Seicento veneto, Firenze, 1967, p.281; J. Nissman, Florentine Baroque Art from American Collections, catalogo della mostra, New York, 1969, p. 59; F. Rusk Shapley, paintings from Samuel H. Kress Collection. Italian Schools. XVI-XVIII century, London, 1973, p. 125; E.A. Safarik, per la pittura veneta del Seicento: Sebastiano Mazzoni, in ""Arte Veneta"", XXVIII, 1974, p. 160; E.W. Rowlands, The collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Italian paintings 1300-1800, Milano, 1996, pp. 320, 322; P- Benassai, Sebastiano Mazzoni, Firenze, 1999, p. 135, n. 79. . Cm 154,50 x 112,00.

      Capitolium Art
      Mar. 11, 2023


      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO SEBASTIANO MAZZONI 1611 Florence - 22 April 1678 Venice MOSES BEATS WATER OUT OF THE ROCK Oil on canvas (old relined). 109 x 149 cm (F. 110 x 150 cm). Part. slightly old restored, old retouching, min. loss of colour due to slight scratches. Frame. Provenance: European private collection. SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (ATTR.) 1611 Florenz - 22. April 1678 Venedig MOSES SCHLÄGT WASSER AUS DEM FELSEN Öl auf Leinwand (altdoubl.). 109 x 149 cm (R. 110 x 150 cm). Part. leicht altrest., Altretuschen, min. Farbverluste durch leichte Kratzspuren. Rahmenleiste. Provenienz: Europäische Privatsammlung.

      Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    • MAZZONI SEBASTIANO (1611 - 1678) Portrait of a bearded man, probably Federico Savorgnan
      May. 17, 2022

      MAZZONI SEBASTIANO (1611 - 1678) Portrait of a bearded man, probably Federico Savorgnan

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      MAZZONI SEBASTIANO (1611 - 1678). Portrait of a bearded man, probably Federico Savorgnan. Cm 30,00 x 39,50.

      Capitolium Art
    • Studio of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Florence 1611-1678 Venice) The Liberation of Saint Peter
      Apr. 12, 2022

      Studio of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Florence 1611-1678 Venice) The Liberation of Saint Peter

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      Studio of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Florence 1611-1678 Venice) The Liberation of Saint Peter oil on canvas 63.2 x 55.3cm (24 7/8 x 21 3/4in). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      Nov. 26, 2021


      Est: €3,000 - €4,000

      Oil on canvas, cm. 53x47. Framed

      Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
      Mar. 26, 2021


      Est: CHF40,000 - CHF60,000

      SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (Florence 1611–1678 Venice) Lot and his daughters. Oil on canvas. 123 × 140.4 cm. Provenance: - Private collection. - Gallo Fine Art, Milan. - European private collection. Literature: Paolo Benassai: Sebastiano Mazzoni, Florence 2019, A75, fig. LXXI. --------------- SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (Florenz 1611–1678 Venedig) Lot und seine Töchter. Öl auf Leinwand. 123 × 140,4 cm. Provenienz: - Privatsammlung. - Gallo Fine Art, Mailand. - Europäischer Privatbesitz. Literatur: Paolo Benassai: Sebastiano Mazzoni, Florenz 2019, A75, Abb. LXXI. Besondere Ausdrucksstärke und Dynamik zeichnen das hiesige Gemälde von Sebastiano Mazzoni aus. Der Künstler spielt mit Hell-Dunkelkontrasten, hüllt die Szene in diffuses, weiches Licht und präsentiert die verschlungenen Körper der Frauen als Einheit verschmelzend. Die ohnehin bewegte biblische Geschichte um Lot und seine Töchter erfährt in Mazzonis Darstellung zusätzliche Dramatik. Ursprünglich aus Florenz stammend, zieht er 1648 nach Venedig, wo sich seinerzeit einige italienische Künstler aus anderen Teilen des Landes niederliessen; darunter Pietro della Vecchia (1603–1678) und Francesco Maffei (1605–1660). Im Kontext seiner Zeitgenossen im hochbarocken Venedig kann Mazzonis Stil als eigenständig und von mystischer Atmosphäre geprägt beschrieben werden.

      Koller Auctions
    • Sebastiano Mazzoni (-)
      Jun. 09, 2020

      Sebastiano Mazzoni (-)

      Est: €25,000 - €35,000

      - The lot is subject to full taxation (13%) Please note the exact Buyer’s Premium charges which can be found in the Conditions of Sale in the Terms below. (Florence 1611? – 1678 Venice) Christ Carrying the Cross, oil on canvas, 128.5 x 142.5 cm, framed Provenance: Private European collection; Private collection, Switzerland We are grateful to Paolo Benassai for for his help in cataloguing the present painting. This present painting represents an episode from the Passion of Christ drawn from the Gospels: Christ is shown at the centre of the scene, dressed in a tunic and crowned with thorns, he is bent over by the weight of the cross which Simon of Cirene helps him to carry. In the left foreground there is a fragment of fluted column behind which are a soldier dressed in armour and a youth in a red hat. On the right, the scene is enclosed by a man in a yellow tunic who holds the end of the rope that binds Christ; beyond Mary observes her son as she grasps a cloth in her clasped hands. The subject is a variant of Christ carrying the cross that had a iconographic tradition in the Veneto, recalling the Christ carrying the cross by Giovanni Bellini known in several versions, including one in the Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio (inv. no. 40.44); the canvases of the same subject by Titian, such as that in the Prado, Madrid (inv. no. P000439); and the fresco of the Ascent to Calvary by Pordenone in the cathedral in Cremona as well as two canvases of Christ carrying the cross by Romanino (Alana Collection; Brescia, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, inv. no. 83), a painter to whom the present painting has been attributed in the past. The present painting is an important addition to the oeuvre of Sebastiano Mazzoni, datable, according to Benassai, to between 1640 and 1650. Mazzoni incorporated a fluted column in the present work which can be compared to other works by Mazzoni (see P. Benassai, Sebastiano Mazzoni, Soncino 2019, cat. no. A6, A11, A16, A21, A25, A26, A27, A45, A53, A60, A75). Sebastiano Mazzoni arrived in Venice in 1648, after initially training in Florence. The fluted columns that are recurrent in Mazzoni’s production, position these paintings in relation to a long tradition of Venetian renderings of this architectural element, initiated by Paolo Veronese, and followed by Bernardo Strozzi and Pietro della Vecchia. The latter’s inclination for the grotesque provides a source of inspiration for the expressive accentuation that can be seen in the profile of the soldier in shadow. The chiaroscuro and intense features of the man on the right can be compared to the half figures painted at Venice in the same period by Bernhard Keil, called Monsù Bernardo. The grave expression of some of the faces, from the grieving Madonna to the youth in a red hat, can be compared to those in similar canvases by Pietro Ricchi of Lucca who was active in Venice from the end of the 1640s: Ricchi’s pictorial surfaces however always appear to be more compact than Mazzoni’s. Finally, the striped fabric of the robes worn by the man on the right, is of a type that was widely diffused throughout the Venetian territories at the time.

    • SEBASTIANO MAZZONI - att. to
      Dec. 17, 2019

      SEBASTIANO MAZZONI - att. to

      Est: €2,500 - €3,000

      SEBASTIANO MAZZONI, att. to (Florence 1611 - Venice 1678) MARY MAGDALENE Oil on canvas, cm. 75,5 x 64 PROVENANCE Roman family CONDITIONS OF THE PAINTING Twentieth century re-lining. Small color lack in the center of the canvas, improper varnish and fat upper right in the ground. The painting is in good state of conservation FRAME Giltwood frame with palmette and ribbon borders of the 17th century SEBASTIANO MAZZONI, att. a (Firenze 1611 - Venezia 1678) MARIA MADDALENA Olio su tela, cm. 75,5 x 64 PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo novecentesco. Piccola caduta di colore al centro della tela, vernice impropria e grasso in alto a destra nel fondo. Il dipinto è in buono stato di conservazione CORNICE Cornice S. Rosa in legno dorato, con bordi a palmette e nastrino arrotolato, del XVII secolo

      Casa d'Aste Babuino
    • Sebastiano Mazzoni, um 1611 – 1678, zug.
      Dec. 05, 2019

      Sebastiano Mazzoni, um 1611 – 1678, zug.

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      BRUSTBILDNIS EINER JUNGEN FRAU Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 67 x 59 cm. Die junge Frau in weißem Gewand, mit langen dunkelblonden Haaren, in denen sie Perlenschmuck trägt, sowie einem Perlenohrring. Ihre linke Hand hat sie sorgsam auf ihre Brust gelegt, während sie in der Rechten eine Schale hält, die sie dem Betrachter des Gemäldes herauszureichen scheint. Das Licht fällt von oben links, aus nicht sichtbarer Quelle, auf die rechte Gesichtshälfte der Dargestellten und auf die Kleidung der jungen Frau, vor beige-braunem Hintergrund. Malerei in teils diffusem Licht, in zurückhaltender Farbigkeit. Kleinere Kratzsp., Retuschen. (1211392) (5) (18)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • SEBASTIANO MAZZONI | The Raising of The Cross
      Dec. 05, 2017

      SEBASTIANO MAZZONI | The Raising of The Cross

      Est: £10,000 - £15,000

      oil on panel, in a feigned arch

    • CIRCLE OF SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (1611-1678). 'The Adoration of the Magi'. Oil on canvas, 16th Century. Re-lined. 125cm x 100cm. Framed.
      Oct. 03, 2017

      CIRCLE OF SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (1611-1678). 'The Adoration of the Magi'. Oil on canvas, 16th Century. Re-lined. 125cm x 100cm. Framed.

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      CIRCLE OF SEBASTIANO MAZZONI (1611-1678). 'The Adoration of the Magi'. Oil on canvas, 16th Century. Re-lined. 125cm x 100cm. Framed.

      Chiswick Auctions
      Mar. 22, 2016


      Est: CHF700 - CHF900

      MAZZONI, SEBASTIANO (Florence 1611-1678 Venice) Study of a trumpet-blowing flying angel, as seen from behind. Brown and white chalk on blue paper. 32.6 x 24.4 cm. Framed. Provenance: - Collection of Charlotte von Prybram-Gladona --------------- MAZZONI, SEBASTIANO (Florenz 1611-1678 Venedig) Studie zu einem Posaune blasenden fliegenden Engel in Rückenansicht. Braune und weisse Kreide auf blauem Papier. 32,6 x 24,4 cm. Gerahmt. Provenienz: - Sammlung Charlotte von Prybram-Gladona

      Koller Auctions
    • Circle of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Florence 1611-1678 Venice) An Allegory of Hearing
      Oct. 26, 2011

      Circle of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Florence 1611-1678 Venice) An Allegory of Hearing

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      An Allegory of Hearing oil on canvas 28 x 38.6cm (11 x 15 3/16in).

      Jan. 29, 2010


      Est: $20,000 - $30,000

      LUCRETIA with the initials SM (on the knife at lower right center)

    • Sebastiano Mazzoni (Italian, born circa 1611-1678) A drawing mount,
      Oct. 07, 2009

      Sebastiano Mazzoni (Italian, born circa 1611-1678) A drawing mount,

      Est: £40 - £60

      A drawing mount, ink and watercolour 35 x 43.5cm (13 3/4 x 17 1/8in).

    • Manner of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Italian, c. 1611-1678) Deposition Unsigned, inscribed "Veronese...
      Sep. 11, 2009

      Manner of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Italian, c. 1611-1678) Deposition Unsigned, inscribed "Veronese...

      Est: $2,000 - $3,000

      Manner of Sebastiano Mazzoni (Italian, c. 1611-1678) Deposition Unsigned, inscribed "Veronese" and Lorenzo Lotto" in later hands on the reverse. Oil on panel, 9 1/8 x 7 3/8 in. (23.0 x 18.5 cm), framed. Condition: Subtle curve to panel, retouch, fine craquelure.

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