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Pierre Denis Martin Sold at Auction Prices

Battle painter

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    • Pierre-Denis Martin chalk drawing of the Battle of Ghent
      Jun. 24, 2023

      Pierre-Denis Martin chalk drawing of the Battle of Ghent

      Est: $12,000 - $18,000

      MARTIN, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742), as "Mar tin le Jeune". Battle of Ghent. Fine original red chalk drawing on laid paper. Grapes watermark & Signed "Martin Le Jeune" lower left. 10 1/4” x 14” sheet, 19 1/8” x 23 3/4” framed. Fine original drawing showing Louis XIV, the Sun King, in the foreground as his troops lay siege to Ghent in March of 1678 (small abrasion to left-hand edge, some spotting). Provenance: Speltinckex, Ghent ; Exposition Universelles et Internationale l'Ar t Anciennes, Ghent, 1913, number 941. By March of 1678, Louis XIV had been waging war against the Dutch for five long years. In 1677 the French had captured a number of important towns in the north, including Cambrai, Valenciennes, and Saint-Omer. Now he turned his gaze to the prize of Ghent. Louis cunningly deceived the Spanish into thinking that his true target was Luxembourg or Namur, a ruse that he then compounded by advancing on Ypres. This caused the Spanish to take their troops from the garrison at Ghent, sending them as re-enforcements to Ypres. But then the French suddenly attacked Ghent, and the depleted garrison was only able to resist for 9 days, finally surrendering on March 12th... at which point the French did march south to Ypres. Denis-Pierre Martin was a renowned painter of military and architectural scenes. His is also known as Martin des Gobelins, because he and his brother Jean-Baptiste were employed at the Gobelins Manufactory . Famously they were commissioned by Louis-Henri duc de Bourbon (1692-1740) to create series of painting of "Maisons Royale" for his Hotel du Grande Maitre at Versailles, some of which survive as tapestries.

      Arader Galleries
    • Pierre Denis Martin (Parigi 1663 o 1673 - 1742) SCONTRO DI CAVALIERI
      Nov. 26, 2019

      Pierre Denis Martin (Parigi 1663 o 1673 - 1742) SCONTRO DI CAVALIERI

      Est: €40,000 - €60,000

      Pierre Denis Martin (Parigi 1663 o 1673 - 1742) SCONTRO DI CAVALIERI coppia di dipinti, olio su tela, cm 60x83 (2)   BATTLE SCENES oil on canvas, cm 60x83, a pair (2)   Provenienza Torino, galleria Caretto   Documentato per la prima volta nel 1694 come aiuto del suo parente e omonimo Jean-Baptiste Martin, (Martin “il Vecchio”, 1659 – 1735) pittore di battaglie alla corte di Luigi XIV, Pierre-Denis Martin (“il Giovane”) collaborò innanzi tutto alla serie delle Conquêtes du Roi, ovvero le battaglie vittoriose di Francia raffigurate in formato monumentale per il castello di Marly, commissionate in origine a Adam Frans van der Meulen e completate dopo la sua morte dalla bottega Martin. L’impresa valse al giovane Pierre-Denis Martin la nomina a “peintre du Roi” nel 1699, che segna l’avvio di una prestigiosa carriera al servizio della corte e dell’aristocrazia parigina. Pittore di battaglie spesso commemorative di un evento specifico e quindi estremamente curate nella topografia, Pierre-Denis Martin fu attivo per un’altra commissione reale, una serie di tele di grande formato raffiguranti la reggia di Versailles e il suo parco, teatro della corte del Re Sole. All’attività per la corte, culminata con la serie dei castelli reali per Luigi XV, Pierre-Denis Martin affiancò un’importante produzione destinata all’aristocrazia francese, raffigurandone i castelli e le proprietà feudali (per cui si ricorda la Veduta del Castello di Juvicy recentemente acquistata dal Victoria and Albert Museum). Fu inoltre richiesto da diversi sovrani europei, tra cui i re di Polonia e di Svezia, di cui raffigurò le imprese militari. A quest’ultimo aspetto della sua attività si legano i dipinti qui offerti, da confrontare in maniera specifica con la Battaglia firmata per esteso in asta da Dorotheum nell’ottobre 2017.  

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Original Drawing of Battle of Ghent with Engraving
      Nov. 18, 2017

      Original Drawing of Battle of Ghent with Engraving

      Est: $15,000 - $20,000

      Battle of Ghent. Pierre-Denis Martin (1663-1742) as "Mar tin le Jeune". Single sheet laid paper (10 2/8 x 14 inches), grapes watermark. Fine original drawing in red chalk signed "Martin Le Jeune" lower left, showing Louis XIV, the Sun King, in the fore-ground as his troops lay siege to Ghent in March of 1678 (small abrasion to left-hand edge, some spotting). Provenance: Speltinckex, Ghent ; Exposition Universelles et Internationale l'Ar t Anciennes, Ghent, 1913, number 941. By March of 1678, Louis XIV had been waging war against the Dutch for five long years. In 1677 the French had captured a number of important towns in the north, including Cambrai, Valenciennes, and Saint-Omer . Now he turned his gaze to the prize of Ghent. Louis cunningly deceived the Spanish into thinking that his true target was Luxembourg or Namur , a ruse that he then com pounded by advancing on Ypres. This caused the Spanish to take their tr oops from the garrison at Ghent, sending them as re-enforcements to Ypres. But then the French suddenly attacked Ghent, and the depleted garrison was only able to resist for 9 days, finally surrendering on March 12th... at which point the French did march south to Ypres. This fine drawing is accompanied by the subsequently published engraving of the scene. Above the image of Ghent there is an inset of a map of the town and a description of its capture by the French army . Denis-Pierre Martin was a renowned painter of military and architectural scenes. His is also known as Martin des Gobelins, because he and his brother Jean-Baptiste were employed at the Gobelins Manufactory . Famously they we e commissioned by Louis-Henri duc de Bournon (1692-1740) to create series of painting of "Maisons Royale" for his Hotel du Grande Maitre at Versailles, some of which survive as tapestries.

      Arader Galleries
    • Pierre-Denis MARTIN (Paris 1663-1742) Choc de cavalerie La guérison du blessé Paire de toiles 50 x 61,5 cm Les deux signées en bas à...
      Feb. 12, 2015

      Pierre-Denis MARTIN (Paris 1663-1742) Choc de cavalerie La guérison du blessé Paire de toiles 50 x 61,5 cm Les deux signées en bas à...

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      Pierre-Denis MARTIN (Paris 1663-1742) Choc de cavalerie La guérison du blessé Paire de toiles 50 x 61,5 cm Les deux signées en bas à gauche : Martin F. Restaurations anciennes

    • PIERRE-DENIS MARTIN DIT MARTIN LE JEUNE (PARIS, 1663- PARIS, 1742) LA CHASSE À COURRE Paris, premier tiers du XVIIIe siècle Matériau Peinture sur toile Signé 45,5 x 75 cm
      Sep. 10, 2014

      PIERRE-DENIS MARTIN DIT MARTIN LE JEUNE (PARIS, 1663- PARIS, 1742) LA CHASSE À COURRE Paris, premier tiers du XVIIIe siècle Matériau Peinture sur toile Signé 45,5 x 75 cm

      Est: €80,000 - €120,000

      PIERRE-DENIS MARTIN DIT MARTIN LE JEUNE (PARIS, 1663- PARIS, 1742) LA CHASSE À COURRE Paris, premier tiers du XVIIIe siècle Matériau Peinture sur toile Signé 45,5 x 75 cm

      Marc Arthur Kohn Paris
    • Attribué à Pierre Denis MARTIN (Paris 1663 - 1742)
      Dec. 22, 2008

      Attribué à Pierre Denis MARTIN (Paris 1663 - 1742)

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      Attribué à Pierre Denis MARTIN (Paris 1663 - 1742) Vue du château de Versailles Aquarelle, plume et encre noire sur traits de crayon noir 17 x 26 cm Pliures, déchirures en bas à gauche et petits trous On joint une aquarelle d'une autre vue de Versailles

      Millon & Associes
    • RUSSO-SWEDISH WAR -- MARTIN LE JEUNE, Pierre-Denis (c.1663-1742; artist) and LARMESSIN, Nicolas
      Nov. 30, 2006

      RUSSO-SWEDISH WAR -- MARTIN LE JEUNE, Pierre-Denis (c.1663-1742; artist) and LARMESSIN, Nicolas

      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      RUSSO-SWEDISH WAR -- MARTIN LE JEUNE, Pierre-Denis (c.1663-1742; artist) and LARMESSIN, Nicolas Martin (engraver). Izobrazhenie batlii... Sentiabria 28 1708 (Image of the Batttle... near the village of Lesnaya... September 28 1708). -- Izobrazhenie konechnogo razrusheniia (Image of the final Destruction of the Swedish Army by the Russian Army after the main Battle of Poltava... June 30, 1709) -- Izobrazhenie Morskoi Batalii... July 27 1714 (Image of the naval battle... at Gangut [Hangö] 27 July 1714). Engraved by Maurice Baquoy after Martin -- Izobrazheni preslavnoi batalii (Image of the famous battle...not far from Poltava, June 27 1709). Engraved by Simonneau after Martin. 4 full-sheet engraved views (540 x 750mm), deckle edges. This fine set of prints depicts decisive battles in the Great Northern War. At the Battle of Lesnaya the Russians defeated a Swedish force under General Lewenhaupt. The confidence of this victory contributed to the more significant victory in the Battle of Poltava, which effectively ended Sweden's role as a great power in Europe. After the Battle of Poltava King Charles XII of Sweden fled to Turkey to convince the Sultan to declare war on Russia, leading to the Russo-Turkish wars. The Russians enjoyed their first great naval victory in the Battle at Hangö leading to Russian dominance of the Baltic sea. Larmessin was commissioned by Peter the Great to engrave the battle scenes painted by Martin le jeune. The first impressions of these plates have captions in French, and the second and third set have captions in Russian. Cf.D.A. Rovinskii, Detailed Dictionary of Russian engravers, St. Petersburg: 1895, II, pp. 579-80. (4)

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