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Nicolas (1753) Maréchal Sold at Auction Prices

Animal painter, Illustrator, Painter

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    Mar. 18, 2021


    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    (Parigi, 1753 - 1803) Levriero Matita e acquerello su pergamena, cm 21X31,5 Il foglio apparteneva a un gruppo di opere commissionate dal Conte de Lacépède (1756-1825) e dal Barone Cuvier (1769-1832) per illustrare La Ménagerie du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle ou Description et Histoire des Animaux, che stampata per la prima volta nel 1801 è considerato uno delle più importanti pubblicazioni francesi di storia naturale del XVIII secolo. A questa impresa furono chiamati diversi artisti per produrre immagini della migliore qualità. Ricordiamo in questa sede appunto Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803) che lavorì con Nicolas Huet (1770 - 1830) e Léon de Wailly (1801 - 1824), tutti celebri per la loro abilità disegnativa e animalier. Il libro, come possiamo immaginare è una delle pietre miliari dell'Illuminismo francese, che mirava seguendo l'esempio dell'Enciclopedia di Diderot e d'Alembert, a colmare gli interessi scientifici. È importante sottolineare che in questa serie di opere tutti gli animali erano dipinti dal vero e solo successivamente ne venivano tratte le stampe. Bibliografia di riferimento: La Ménagerie du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Lacépède, Cuvier et Geoffroy, Miger, Paris, 1804, ad vocem

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jun. 29, 2018


    Est: $600 - $800

    A beautiful plate from Lacépède's "La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle," an important scholarly work and one of the finest examples of eighteenth-century French natural history illustration. A professor of zoology at the Museum of Natural History, the French naturalist Bernard-Germain-Étienne Delaville, Comte de Lacépède (1756-1825) was a versatile and precocious scholar who published a number of books on zoology, physics, and music. He was greatly influenced by the pioneering naturalist Georges Louis Marie Leclerc, comte de Buffon, whom he succeeded as Intendant at the Jardin du Roi, which later became the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle in 1793. During his tenure, Lacépède completed a comprehensive study of amphibians and reptiles, Historie Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens , which was published as a supplement to Buffon's magnum opus on animal classification Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière . In 1800-1, he published the first edition of La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle , a thorough survey of the various species of quadrupeds, reptiles and amphibians in the impressive collection of the Museum of Natural History. This magnificent work was comprised of descriptive text written by Lacépède and his colleague Georges L. C., Baron Cuvier (1769-1832) as well as a number of finely rendered plates after the most eminent natural history artists of the period, Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803), Nicolas Huet (1770-1830) and Léon de Wailly (1801-1824). Painted from life on vellum, these beautifully detailed illustrations faithfully captured the appearance of the wondrous animals in the Paris menagerie. A pupil of J. G. Wille and C. N. Cochin, Simon Charles Miger was a royal academician and a talented engraver, who executed numerous portraits and natural history plates. Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs , vol. 9, p. 611; Anker 275; BM(NH) IV, p. 1517; Brunet III, 725; Nissen ZBI 2353.

    Vasari Fine Art
    Jun. 29, 2018


    Est: $600 - $800

    A beautiful plate from Lacépède's "La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle," an important scholarly work and one of the finest examples of eighteenth-century French natural history illustration. A professor of zoology at the Museum of Natural History, the French naturalist Bernard-Germain-Étienne Delaville, Comte de Lacépède (1756-1825) was a versatile and precocious scholar who published a number of books on zoology, physics, and music. He was greatly influenced by the pioneering naturalist Georges Louis Marie Leclerc, comte de Buffon, whom he succeeded as Intendant at the Jardin du Roi, which later became the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle in 1793. During his tenure, Lacépède completed a comprehensive study of amphibians and reptiles, Historie Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens , which was published as a supplement to Buffon's magnum opus on animal classification Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière . In 1800-1, he published the first edition of La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle , a thorough survey of the various species of quadrupeds, reptiles and amphibians in the impressive collection of the Museum of Natural History. This magnificent work was comprised of descriptive text written by Lacépède and his colleague Georges L. C., Baron Cuvier (1769-1832) as well as a number of finely rendered plates after the most eminent natural history artists of the period, Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803), Nicolas Huet (1770-1830) and Léon de Wailly (1801-1824). Painted from life on vellum, these beautifully detailed illustrations faithfully captured the appearance of the wondrous animals in the Paris menagerie. A pupil of J. G. Wille and C. N. Cochin, Simon Charles Miger was a royal academician and a talented engraver, who executed numerous portraits and natural history plates. Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs , vol. 9, p. 611; Anker 275; BM(NH) IV, p. 1517; Brunet III, 725; Nissen ZBI 2353.

    Vasari Fine Art
    Jun. 29, 2018


    Est: $600 - $800

    A beautiful plate from Lacépède's "La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle," an important scholarly work and one of the finest examples of eighteenth-century French natural history illustration. A professor of zoology at the Museum of Natural History, the French naturalist Bernard-Germain-Étienne Delaville, Comte de Lacépède (1756-1825) was a versatile and precocious scholar who published a number of books on zoology, physics, and music. He was greatly influenced by the pioneering naturalist Georges Louis Marie Leclerc, comte de Buffon, whom he succeeded as Intendant at the Jardin du Roi, which later became the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle in 1793. During his tenure, Lacépède completed a comprehensive study of amphibians and reptiles, Historie Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens , which was published as a supplement to Buffon's magnum opus on animal classification Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière . In 1800-1, he published the first edition of La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle , a thorough survey of the various species of quadrupeds, reptiles and amphibians in the impressive collection of the Museum of Natural History. This magnificent work was comprised of descriptive text written by Lacépède and his colleague Georges L. C., Baron Cuvier (1769-1832) as well as a number of finely rendered plates after the most eminent natural history artists of the period, Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803), Nicolas Huet (1770-1830) and Léon de Wailly (1801-1824). Painted from life on vellum, these beautifully detailed illustrations faithfully captured the appearance of the wondrous animals in the Paris menagerie. A pupil of J. G. Wille and C. N. Cochin, Simon Charles Miger was a royal academician and a talented engraver, who executed numerous portraits and natural history plates. Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs , vol. 9, p. 611; Anker 275; BM(NH) IV, p. 1517; Brunet III, 725; Nissen ZBI 2353.

    Vasari Fine Art
    Jun. 29, 2018


    Est: $600 - $800

    A beautiful plate from Lacépède's "La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle," an important scholarly work and one of the finest examples of eighteenth-century French natural history illustration. A professor of zoology at the Museum of Natural History, the French naturalist Bernard-Germain-Étienne Delaville, Comte de Lacépède (1756-1825) was a versatile and precocious scholar who published a number of books on zoology, physics, and music. He was greatly influenced by the pioneering naturalist Georges Louis Marie Leclerc, comte de Buffon, whom he succeeded as Intendant at the Jardin du Roi, which later became the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle in 1793. During his tenure, Lacépède completed a comprehensive study of amphibians and reptiles, Historie Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens , which was published as a supplement to Buffon's magnum opus on animal classification Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière . In 1800-1, he published the first edition of La Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle , a thorough survey of the various species of quadrupeds, reptiles and amphibians in the impressive collection of the Museum of Natural History. This magnificent work was comprised of descriptive text written by Lacépède and his colleague Georges L. C., Baron Cuvier (1769-1832) as well as a number of finely rendered plates after the most eminent natural history artists of the period, Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803), Nicolas Huet (1770-1830) and Léon de Wailly (1801-1824). Painted from life on vellum, these beautifully detailed illustrations faithfully captured the appearance of the wondrous animals in the Paris menagerie. A pupil of J. G. Wille and C. N. Cochin, Simon Charles Miger was a royal academician and a talented engraver, who executed numerous portraits and natural history plates. Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs , vol. 9, p. 611; Anker 275; BM(NH) IV, p. 1517; Brunet III, 725; Nissen ZBI 2353.

    Vasari Fine Art
  • ANIMAL KINGDOM. MIGER, Simon Charles (1736-1820), after Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803). Simia Apella. Paris: Langlois, 1800-01. Various sizes. Hand-coloured copper engravings. (Occasional spotting and mainly marginal soiling, minor tearing). With a collection of natural history related plates by Pierre Joseph BUCHOZ (1731–1807) after DESMOULINS (1760-1794). And other prints of similar interest, including mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and invertebrates. (qty)
    Nov. 29, 2017

    ANIMAL KINGDOM. MIGER, Simon Charles (1736-1820), after Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803). Simia Apella. Paris: Langlois, 1800-01. Various sizes. Hand-coloured copper engravings. (Occasional spotting and mainly marginal soiling, minor tearing). With a collection of natural history related plates by Pierre Joseph BUCHOZ (1731–1807) after DESMOULINS (1760-1794). And other prints of similar interest, including mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and invertebrates. (qty)

    Est: £200 - £300

    ANIMAL KINGDOM. MIGER, Simon Charles (1736-1820), after Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803). Simia Apella. Paris: Langlois, 1800-01. Various sizes. Hand-coloured copper engravings. (Occasional spotting and mainly marginal soiling, minor tearing). With a collection of natural history related plates by Pierre Joseph BUCHOZ (1731–1807) after DESMOULINS (1760-1794). And other prints of similar interest, including mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and invertebrates. (qty)

    Chiswick Auctions
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