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Marco Marcola Sold at Auction Prices


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    • Marcola, Marco: Römische Soldaten beim Gastmahl
      Nov. 29, 2024

      Marcola, Marco: Römische Soldaten beim Gastmahl

      Est: €500 - €750

      Römische Soldaten beim Gastmahl. Feder in Schwarz, braun laviert, weiß gehöht, über Spuren von schwarzer Kreide, auf rötlich grundiertem Papier, verso: Juno und Jupiter auf Wolken sich küssend, schwarze Kreide und Rötel, zur Übertragung durchgegriffelt. 29,6 x 44,1 cm. Marco Marcola erhielt seine Ausbildung in der Werkstatt des Vaters Giovanni Battista. Gerade in der Darstellung antiker Stoffe ist die Hand beider oft schwer zu unterscheiden. - Provenienz: Sammlung Otto Wessner (1851-1921), St. Gallen, verso handschriftlich (Lugt 2562 a). Unidentifizierter Sammlerstempel "W.I." (nicht bei Lugt). Karl & Faber, München, 5./6. Dezember 1967, Los 245 (als "Marco Marcola"). Karl & Faber, München, 19. Mai 2017, Los 96 (als "Giovanni Battista Marcola"). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Marcola, Marco: Römische Feldherren auf dem Schlachtfeld
      Nov. 29, 2024

      Marcola, Marco: Römische Feldherren auf dem Schlachtfeld

      Est: €900 - €1,200

      Römische Feldherren auf dem Schlachtfeld. Feder in Grau über Kreide, Pinsel in Grau, Braun und Rosa, weiß gehöht. 25,6 x 39,2 cm. Wohl von anderer Hand bezeichnet: "G. B. Marcola". Marco Marcola entstammte einer weitverzweigten Veroneser Malerfamilie und war Schüler seines Vaters Giovanni Battista (1711-1780). Er führte in Verona und dessen Umland eine stattliche Zahl von religiösen Gemälden und Freskendekorationen aus und war auch als Bühnenentwerfer tätig. Die flüssig applizierten, farbigen Lavierungen steigern die visuelle Attraktivität dieser frei und souverän ausgeführten Zeichnung. - Provenienz: Sammlung Herbert List (Lugt 4063). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Marco Marcola,  Italian c.1740-1793-  An interior scene with battling soldiers in classical dress; 
      Nov. 20, 2024

      Marco Marcola,  Italian c.1740-1793-  An interior scene with battling soldiers in classical dress; 

      Est: £500 - £700

      Marco Marcola,  Italian c.1740-1793-  An interior scene with battling soldiers in classical dress;  pen, brown ink and wash, heightened with white on laid paper, bears inscription 'Marcola' and with a secondary figure study in red chalk verso, 28.8 x 43.8 cm.  Provenance:  The collection of Heinrich Lempertz (1816-1898), by repute.  Anon. sale, Karl & Faber, Munich, 6 January 1963, no.436 (as Giovanni Battista Marcola).  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  A similar scene by Marcola sold at Christie's, South Kensington, on 5 December 1997 (lot 148). 

    • MARCO MARCOLA : Jesus heilt Lahme und Kranke.
      Oct. 19, 2024

      MARCO MARCOLA : Jesus heilt Lahme und Kranke.

      Est: €400 - €540

      MARCO MARCOLA 1740 - Verona - 1793 Jesus heilt Lahme und Kranke. In Deckweiß gehöhte und in Graubraun lavierte Federzeichnung in Schwarzbraun über Kohle. Verso mit Rötelstudie: Auf einem Felsen sitzender männlicher Akt. Alt bezeichnet „di Marco Marcola“ sowie mit weiteren Bezeichnungen (fast vollständig von der Passepartoutblende verdeckt). Auf Bütten. Darstellungen: ca. 38 x 52 cm (recto) und ca. 51 x 34 cm (verso). Mit geglätteter Mittelfalte. Gering fleckig und mit wenigen dünnen Papierstellen. Deckweiß stellenweise geringfügig oxydiert. Unter Passepartout montiert. [bg]

    • Attribué à Marco MARCOLA
      Sep. 23, 2024

      Attribué à Marco MARCOLA

      Est: €300 - €400

      Attribué à Marco MARCOLA (Vérone, 1740 - 1793) L'attaque des brigands Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche Trace d'un cachet de collection non identifié en bas à gauche Sans cadre H : 21.0 cm, L : 42.0 cm Provenance : Collection particulière européenne Attribué à Marco MARCOLA (Vérone, 1740 - 1793) H : 21.0 cm, L : 42.0 cm

    • Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 - 1793)
      Sep. 19, 2024

      Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 - 1793)

      Est: €15,000 - €25,000

      Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 - 1793) Lite al mercato e Venditore di cocomeri Olio su tela 52 x 83,5 cm Figlio del pittore Giambattista, iniziò la sua carriera decorando ville nel veronese seguendo lo stile di Giambattista Tiepolo. Verso fine carriera dipinge la Deposizione oggi al Museo di Castelvecchio, il Seminario Vescovile di Verona, Palazzo Fè d’Ostiani a Brescia. Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 - 1793) Quarrel at the Market and Seller of Watermelons Oil on canvas 52 x 83,5 cm

      Lucas Aste
    • Marco Marcola,  Italian c.1740-1793-  An interior scene with battling sold
      Jul. 09, 2024

      Marco Marcola,  Italian c.1740-1793-  An interior scene with battling sold

      Est: £800 - £1,200

      Marco Marcola,  Italian c.1740-1793-  An interior scene with battling soldiers in classical dress;  pen, brown ink and wash, heightened with white on laid paper, bears inscription 'Marcola' and with a secondary figure study in red chalk verso, 28.8 x 43.8 cm.  Provenance:  The collection of Heinrich Lempertz (1816-1898), by repute.  Anon. sale, Karl & Faber, Munich, 6 January 1963, no.436 (as Giovanni Battista Marcola).  Private Collection, UK.  Note:  A similar scene by Marcola sold at Christie's, South Kensington, on 5 December 1997 (lot 148). 

    • Marcola, Marco
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €240 - €360

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793) zugeschr. Vier Männer im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: springendes Pferd. 20 x 27,7 cm. Rechts oben mit brauner Feder nummeriert "123". Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marcola, Marco
      Jul. 05, 2024

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €240 - €360

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793) zugeschr. Sechs Männer, einer zu Pferd, im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: springendes Pferd. 20,2 x 27,7 cm. Rechts oben mit brauner Feder nummeriert "7". Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marcola, Marco
      Feb. 16, 2024

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €360 - €540

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793) zugeschr. Sechs Männer, einer zu Pferd, im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: springendes Pferd. 20,2 x 27,7 cm. Rechts oben mit brauner Feder nummeriert "7". Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marcola, Marco
      Feb. 16, 2024

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €360 - €540

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793) zugeschr. Sechs Männer, zwei zu Pferd, im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit WZ: brauner Feder num. "128". 20,2 x 27,9 cm. Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marcola, Marco
      Feb. 16, 2024

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €360 - €540

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793) zugeschr. Vier Männer im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: springendes Pferd. 20 x 27,7 cm. Rechts oben mit brauner Feder nummeriert "123". Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Attribué à Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 L'attaque des brigands Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche
      Feb. 06, 2024

      Attribué à Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 L'attaque des brigands Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche

      Est: €600 - €800

      Attribué à Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 L'attaque des brigands Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche Trace d'un cachet de collection non identifié en bas à gauche Sans cadre h: 21 w: 42 cm Provenance : Collection particulière européenne Commentaire : Rapport de condition : Feuille collée en plein sur un papier vergé et filigrané Feuille insolée Quelques petites altérations du papier sur le pourtour Estimation 600 - 800 €

    • MARCO MARCOLA (VERONA, 1740 - 1793)
      Dec. 05, 2023

      MARCO MARCOLA (VERONA, 1740 - 1793)

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      Marco Marcola (Verona, 1740 - 1793) Spettacolo di strada Olio su tela 74,5 x 61,5 cm Figlio del pittore Giambattista, iniziò la sua carriera decorando ville nel veronese seguendo lo stile di Giambattista Tiepolo. Verso fine carriera dipinge la Deposizione oggi al Museo di Castelvecchio, il Seminario Vescovile di Verona, Palazzo Fè d’Ostiani a Brescia. Marco Marcola (Verona, 1740 - 1793) Street Show Oil on canvas 74,5 x 61,5 cm

      Lucas Aste
    • Marcola, Marco
      Oct. 14, 2023

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €550 - €800

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793), zugeschr. Sechs Männer, zwei zu Pferd, im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit WZ: brauner Feder num. "128". 20,2 x 27,9 cm. Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marcola, Marco
      Oct. 14, 2023

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €550 - €800

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793), zugeschr. Sechs Männer, einer zu Pferd, im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: springendes Pferd. 20,2 x 27,7 cm. Rechts oben mit brauner Feder nummeriert "7". Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marcola, Marco
      Oct. 14, 2023

      Marcola, Marco

      Est: €550 - €800

      (um 1740 Verona - 1793), zugeschr. Vier Männer im Kampf mit einem geflügelten Drachen. Feder in Braun, über schwarzer Kreide, braun laviert, auf Bütten mit Wasserzeichen: springendes Pferd. 20 x 27,7 cm. Rechts oben mit brauner Feder nummeriert "123". Gerahmt. D

      Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    • Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 Soldats s'apprétant à poignarder un homme Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de blanc sur..
      Sep. 26, 2023

      Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 Soldats s'apprétant à poignarder un homme Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de blanc sur..

      Est: €600 - €800

      Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 Soldats s'apprétant à poignarder un homme Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de blanc sur trait de crayon, sur papier préparé brun Une académie d'homme à la sanguine, des annotations à la plume et encre brune et annoté 'Marcola' au crayon au verso h: 29 w: 43,50 cm Provenance : Collection Heinrich Lempertz (1816-1898), Cologne, son cachet (L. 1337) au verso ; Vente anonyme ; Munich, Karl & Faber, 6 janvier 1963, n°437 ; Vente anonyme ; Munich, Karl & Faber, 19 mai 2017, n°95 (comme Giovanni Battista Marcola) Estimation 600 - 800 €

    • Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 Guerrier déposant son épée au pied d'un autel Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de blanc..
      Sep. 26, 2023

      Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 Guerrier déposant son épée au pied d'un autel Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de blanc..

      Est: €800 - €1,200

      Marco MARCOLA Vérone, 1740 - 1793 Guerrier déposant son épée au pied d'un autel Plume et encre brune, lavis brun et rehauts de blanc sur papier préparé au lavis de sanguine Une étude représentant Jupiter et Junon au crayon et des annotations à la plume au verso Porte une marque de collection 'W.(L.?)' (pas dans L.) au verso (Restaurations) Sans cadre h: 30 w: 44 cm Provenance : Collection Otto Wessner (1851-1921), Saint-Gall, son inscription (L. 2562a) au verso ; Vente anonyme ; Munich, Karl & Faber, 5 et 6 décembre 1967, n°245 ; Vente anonyme ; Munich, Karl & Faber, 19 mai 2017, n°96 (comme Giovanni Battista Marcola) Estimation 800 - 1 200 €

    • Marco Marcola - attributed: Two Drawings: Horse Race and Outdoor Concert
      May. 15, 2023

      Marco Marcola - attributed: Two Drawings: Horse Race and Outdoor Concert

      Est: €800 - €1,000

      MARCOLA, MARCO Verona 1740 - 1793 attributed Title: Two Drawings: Horse Race and Outdoor Concert. Technique: Each: Pen and India ink on beige paper. Mounting: Glued to the mat in the margins. Measurement: 17,5 x 17,5cm. Frame: Mat. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. We are grateful to Enrico Lucchese, Naples, who confirmed the attribution of the present drawings on the basis of high-resolution photographs. Explanations to the Catalogue

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • Marco Marcola (1740 – 1793)
      Oct. 22, 2022

      Marco Marcola (1740 – 1793)

      Est: €5,000 - €7,000

      Marco Marcola (circle of) (Italian artist, born Verona 1740 – died 1793) “Comici Ambulante”

    • Marco Marcola (attr.)
      Jul. 13, 2022

      Marco Marcola (attr.)

      Est: €4,000 - €6,000

      Harlequin oil on canvas, 200by108cm.

      Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
      May. 26, 2022


      Est: £3,000 - £5,000

      MARCO MARCOLA (ITALIAN, C. 1740-1793)COMICI AMBULANTEOil on canvas84 x 112cm (33 x 44 in.)Provenance:Simon Dickinson, London

      Dreweatts 1759 Fine Sales
    • MARCO MARCOLA (Verona 1740-1793 Verona) Men Exchanging Money at a Table, Viewed by Soldiers.
      Nov. 03, 2021

      MARCO MARCOLA (Verona 1740-1793 Verona) Men Exchanging Money at a Table, Viewed by Soldiers.

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      MARCO MARCOLA (Verona 1740-1793 Verona) Men Exchanging Money at a Table, Viewed by Soldiers. Pen and brown ink with brown and gray wash and black chalk on cream laid paper, double-sided. 224x309 mm; 8 3/4x12 inches. With figures studies in ink, verso. Provenance: Private collection, Connecticut.

      Swann Auction Galleries
    • Marco Marcola (1740-1793)-attributed
      Jul. 07, 2021

      Marco Marcola (1740-1793)-attributed

      Est: €1,500 - €3,000

      Marco Marcola (1740-1793)-attributed, Folk scene with illustrious peasants in the Roman Campagna, bottom left possibly the artist himself, oil on canvas, framed. 98X125cm

      Deutsch Auktionen
    • MARCUOLA MARCO (1740 - 1793) Pair of allegorical figures.
      Jun. 17, 2021

      MARCUOLA MARCO (1740 - 1793) Pair of allegorical figures.

      Est: €1,500 - €2,500

      MARCUOLA MARCO (1740 - 1793). Pair of allegorical figures.. Cm 16,00 x 22,50.

      Capitolium Art
    • M. MARCOLA (*1740), Battle with a feathered dragon, 18th c., Pen Drawing
      Nov. 22, 2020

      M. MARCOLA (*1740), Battle with a feathered dragon, 18th c., Pen Drawing

      Est: €1,100 - €1,900

      Marco Marcola (um 1740 Verona - 1793 Verona), Battle with a feathered dragon, 18th century, washed Pen Drawing with brown ink over Chalk , water mark: Jumping horse Technique: Washed Pen Drawing with brown ink over Chalk on paper, water mark: Springendes Pferd Size: 8 x 11 in, Frame: 14 1/4 x 17 1/4 in Inscription: top right in ink numbered: "7" Condition: Very good condition. The sheet is slightly discoloured due to age and pale foxing. Small grease spots at upper left. Along the upper edge of the sheet traces of a fine box pleat are visible. Description: Six men, one on horseback fighting a winged dragon. Sheet from a sketchbook.

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • M. MARCOLA (*1740), Battle with a dragon, 18th c., Pen Drawing
      Nov. 22, 2020

      M. MARCOLA (*1740), Battle with a dragon, 18th c., Pen Drawing

      Est: €1,100 - €1,900

      Marco Marcola (um 1740 Verona - 1793 Verona), Battle with a dragon, 18th century, washed Pen Drawing with brown ink over Chalk , water mark: Juping horse Technique: Washed Pen Drawing with brown ink over Chalk on paper, water mark: Springendes Pferd Size: 7 3/4 x 11 in, Frame: 14 1/4 x 17 1/4 in Inscription: top right in ink numbered: "123" Condition: Very good condition. The sheet is slightly discoloured due to age and pale foxing. Pale reddish discolorations at the left side. Small butt trace with a box pleat at lower left. At lower centre a tiny tear at the margins. Description: Four men fighting with a winged dragon. Sheet from a sketchbook.

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • M. MARCOLA (*1740), Battle of horsemen with a dragon, 18th c., Pen Drawing
      Nov. 22, 2020

      M. MARCOLA (*1740), Battle of horsemen with a dragon, 18th c., Pen Drawing

      Est: €1,100 - €1,900

      Marco Marcola (um 1740 Verona - 1793 Verona), Battle of horsemen with a dragon, 18th century, washed Pen Drawing with brown ink over Chalk , water mark: Jumping horse Technique: Washed Pen Drawing with brown ink over Chalk on paper, water mark: Springendes Pferd Size: 8 x 11 in, Frame: 14 1/4 x 17 1/4 in Inscription: top right in ink numbered: "128" Condition: Very good condition. The sheet is slightly discoloured due to age and pale foxing. Small blue trace of colour at lower right. Pale liquid stains and discolorations in the upper corners. Description: Two riders and four men on foot fighting a winged dragon. Sheet from a sketchbook.

      Fichter Kunsthandel
    • Attribuito a Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 – 1793) IL CIARLATANO<
      Oct. 02, 2019

      Attribuito a Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 – 1793) IL CIARLATANO<

      Est: €2,500 - €4,000

      Attribuito a Marco Marcola (Verona 1740 – 1793) IL CIARLATANO olio su tela, cm 55,5x90   Attributed to Marco Marcola (Verona 1740-1793) THE SWINDLER oil on canvas, cm 55,5x90

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • MARCOLA MARCO (1740 - 1793) A pair of allegories.
      Jun. 19, 2019

      MARCOLA MARCO (1740 - 1793) A pair of allegories.

      Est: €1,000 - €2,000

      MARCOLA MARCO (1740 - 1793). A pair of allegories.. Watercolor brown ink. Cm 15,50 x 22,00.

      Capitolium Art
      May. 29, 2019


      Est: €200 - €500

      (Verona, 1740 - 1793) Ritratto di dama con grappolo d'uva (Allegoria dell'Autunno) Olio su tela, cm 98X76 Protagonisti del mondo artistico veronese del secondo Settecento, l'attività della famiglia Marcola e in modo particolare di Marco, era indirizzata soprattutto alla pittura di storia, come si evince negli affreschi di Palazzo Allegri a Verona, tentando di interpretare in chiave melodrammatica il linguaggio tiepolesco. Ma prediletti furono i soggetti di vita cittadina, soprattutto i momenti di festa, come documentano le due tele già nella collezione Murari Bra raffiguranti 'La commedia dell'arte in Arena' e 'Rappresentazioni teatrali in una piazza di Verona', siglate e datate 1772. Altrettanto importante fu la realizzazione di affreschi per le residenze private, in particolare quelli eseguiti a Villa Canossa di Grezzano di Mozzecane e di Villa Marioni Pullé al Chievo, dove Marco lascia alcune delle sue più gradevoli immagini di vita quotidiana. Ferdinando Arisi per quanto riguarda la tela in esame, vi coglie le analogie con le opere custodite al Museo Correr di Venezia e in collezione Gatti Casazza, per le similitudini tecniche dell'esecuzione. Il dipinto è corredato da una scheda di Ferdinando Arisi. Bibliografia di riferimento: L. Romin Meneghello, 'Marco Marcola pittore veronese del Settecento', Verona 1983, pp. 17, 21, 31 G. Ericani, 'La pittura in Italia. Il Settecento', II, Milano 1990, pp. 781

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • MARCO MARCOLA (VENISE 1738-1770) Projet de décor religieux plume et encre brune et noire et brune, lavis gris 22,6 x 56,6 cm.
      Mar. 27, 2019

      MARCO MARCOLA (VENISE 1738-1770) Projet de décor religieux plume et encre brune et noire et brune, lavis gris 22,6 x 56,6 cm.

      Est: €5,000 - €7,000

      MARCO MARCOLA (VENISE 1738-1770) Projet de décor religieux plume et encre brune et noire et brune, lavis gris 22,6 x 56,6 cm.

    • Attributed to Marco Marcola (1740-1793)
      May. 30, 2018

      Attributed to Marco Marcola (1740-1793)

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      A study of a religious scene, pen, brown, grey ink and grey wash on paper, 22,7x57 cm

      Venduehuis der Notarissen
    • MARCO MARCOLA (attr. a)
      May. 30, 2018

      MARCO MARCOLA (attr. a)

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      (Verona, 1711 - 1780) Coppia di scene carnevalesche Olio su tela, cm 57X76,5 (2) Le tele presentano caratteri di stile veneti e l'autore rivela l'influenza della cultura tiepolesca e in modo particolare di Giambattista Marcola (Verona, 1711 - 1780) e di suo figlio Marco (Verona, 1740 - 1793), senza dimenticare che la bottega familiare comprendeva altresì i fratelli Nicola, Francesco e Angela, tutti votati alla professione paterna, divenendo protagonisti del mondo artistico veronese del secondo Settecento. Inizialmente la loro attività fu indirizzata soprattutto alla pittura di storia, come si evince negli affreschi di Palazzo Allegri a Verona, tentando di interpretare in chiave melodrammatica il linguaggio tiepolesco. Ma prediletti furono anche i soggetti di vita cittadina, soprattutto di carattere festoso, come documentano le due tele già nella collezione Murari Bra raffiguranti 'La Commedia dell'Arte in Arena' e 'Rappresentazioni teatrali in una piazza di Verona', siglate e datate '1772'. Altrettanto importante fu la realizzazione di affreschi per le residenze private, in particolare quelli eseguiti a Villa Canossa di Grezzano di Mozzecane e di Villa Marioni Pullè al Chievo, dove Marco lascia alcune delle sue più gradevoli immagini di vita quotidiana. Il dipinto qui in esame è caratterizzato da un chiaro ed elegante colorismo e la percepibile verve cromatica fa propendere per una datazione alla metà del secolo. Bibliografia di riferimento: L. Romin Meneghello, 'Marco Marcola pittore veronese del Settecento', Verona 1983, pp. 17, 21, 31 G. Ericani, 'La pittura in Italia. Il Settecento', II, Milano 1990, pp. 781 s.

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • MARCO MARCOLA (VÉRONE 1740-1793)
      May. 04, 2016

      MARCO MARCOLA (VÉRONE 1740-1793)

      Est: €300 - €500

      MARCO MARCOLA (VÉRONE 1740-1793) ABRAHAM ET MELCHISEDECH Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche Quelques épidermures et petits trous sur les bords Pen and brown ink over black pencil lines, brown wash and white gouache 21 X 29, 5?cm - 8 1/4 X 11 9/16 IN.

    • Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); [?]Ixion the Thessalian king embracing Nephele as Hera (verso)
      Feb. 23, 2016

      Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); [?]Ixion the Thessalian king embracing Nephele as Hera (verso)

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      Point of the brush, brown wash, touches of black chalk, heightened with white, on red coloured prepared paper Graphite study on verso , incised for transfer Numbered " 11" upper left recto, and inscribed 'G.B. Marcola Verona?' verso 30 x 44 cm. (11 3/4 x 17 1/4 in) Provenance: Indistinct collector's initials W.[?]D. verso, possibly W. E. Drugulin (1825-1879) [Lugt 2612] I. O. Wessner (1851-1921) [Lugt 1337]; Sale.: Karl & Faber, Munich, Auktion 111, 5th December 1967, lot 245 (as Giovanni Battista Marcola (1711-1780))

      Dreweatts 1759
    • Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); Male nude (verso)
      Feb. 23, 2016

      Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); Male nude (verso)

      Est: £1,000 - £1,500

      Point of the brush, monochrome watercolour, heightened with white, on grey coloured prepared paper Conté crayon and graphite study of a male nude verso Inscribed 'Marcola' verso 28.5 x 43.5 cm. (11 1/4 x 17 1/8 in) Provenance: Heinrich Kapsar Lempertz Sr. (1816-1898) [Lugt 1337]; Sale.: Karl & Faber, Munich, Auktion 86, 6th November 1963, lot 437 (as Giovanni Battista Marcola (1711-1780)) The handling of the figures, and the thick application of wash in the present drawing, as well as the following lot, can be found in a number of comparative drawings by Marco Marcola, including Gaius Mucius Scaevola Thrusting His Right Hand into Fire (see: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, acc. no.: 64.132.2), and The Massacre of the Innocents, (see: Sotheby's New York, Old Master Drawings, 28th January 2009, lot 121) where the composition of the drawing is compared to the frescoes painted in 1791 by Marcola in the Salone delle Feste of Palazzo Fé D'Ostiani, Brescia.[1] [1] cf. Meneghello, L.R. , Marco Marcola, pittore veronese del Settecento , Verona 1983, p. 98, figs. 130-1 .

      Dreweatts 1759
    • Marcola, Marco: Achill läßt die Leiche Hektors an den Wagen binden
      Nov. 27, 2015

      Marcola, Marco: Achill läßt die Leiche Hektors an den Wagen binden

      Est: €1,200 - €1,800

      Achill läßt die Leiche Hektors an den Wagen binden. Feder in Grau, braun laviert, weiß gehöht über Spuren von schwarzem Stift. 28,9 x 84,4 cm. Wz. Tre Lune.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); [?]Ixion the Thessalian king embracing Nephele as Hera (verso)
      Nov. 25, 2015

      Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); [?]Ixion the Thessalian king embracing Nephele as Hera (verso)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Point of the brush, brown wash, touches of black chalk, heightened with white, on red coloured prepared paper Graphite study on verso , incised for transfer Numbered " 11" upper left recto, and inscribed 'G.B. Marcola Verona?' verso 30 x 44 cm. (11 3/4 x 17 1/4 in) Provenance: Indistinct collector's initials W.[?]D. verso, possibly W. E. Drugulin (1825-1879) [Lugt 2612] I. O. Wessner (1851-1921) [Lugt 1337]; Sale.: Karl & Faber, Munich, Auktion 111, 5th December 1967, lot 245 (as Giovanni Battista Marcola (1711-1780))

      Dreweatts 1759
    • Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); Male nude (verso)
      Nov. 25, 2015

      Marco Marcola (1740-1793) - Classical battle scene (recto); Male nude (verso)

      Est: £2,000 - £3,000

      Point of the brush, monochrome watercolour, heightened with white, on grey coloured prepared paper Conté crayon and graphite study of a male nude verso Inscribed 'Marcola' verso 28.5 x 43.5 cm. (11 1/4 x 17 1/8 in) Provenance: Heinrich Kapsar Lempertz Sr. (1816-1898) [Lugt 1337]; Sale.: Karl & Faber, Munich, Auktion 86, 6th November 1963, lot 437 (as Giovanni Battista Marcola (1711-1780)) The handling of the figures, and the thick application of wash in the present drawing, as well as the following lot, can be found in a number of comparative drawings by Marco Marcola, including Gaius Mucius Scaevola Thrusting His Right Hand into Fire (see: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, acc. no.: 64.132.2), and The Massacre of the Innocents, (see: Sotheby's New York, Old Master Drawings, 28th January 2009, lot 121) where the composition of the drawing is compared to the frescoes painted in 1791 by Marcola in the Salone delle Feste of Palazzo Fé D'Ostiani, Brescia.[1] [1] cf. Meneghello, L.R. , Marco Marcola, pittore veronese del Settecento , Verona 1983, p. 98, figs. 130-1 .

      Dreweatts 1759
    • MARCO MARCOLA (VÉRONE 1740-1793) ABRAHAM ET MELCHISEDECH Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de go...
      Nov. 18, 2015

      MARCO MARCOLA (VÉRONE 1740-1793) ABRAHAM ET MELCHISEDECH Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de go...

      Est: €300 - €500

      MARCO MARCOLA (VÉRONE 1740-1793) ABRAHAM ET MELCHISEDECH Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche 21 X 29, 5 CM Quelques épidermures et petits trous sur les bords

    • ATTRIBUTED TO MARCO MARCOLA (Verona 1740-1793) The Education of Pulcinelli each approximately 71.8 x 95cm (28 1/4 x 37 3/8in). (4)
      Apr. 29, 2015

      ATTRIBUTED TO MARCO MARCOLA (Verona 1740-1793) The Education of Pulcinelli each approximately 71.8 x 95cm (28 1/4 x 37 3/8in). (4)

      Est: £15,000 - £20,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO MARCO MARCOLA (Verona 1740-1793) The Education of Pulcinelli each approximately 71.8 x 95cm (28 1/4 x 37 3/8in). (4)

    • Marco MARCOLA (Vérone 1740-1793) Abraham et Melchisedech Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de go...
      Feb. 12, 2015

      Marco MARCOLA (Vérone 1740-1793) Abraham et Melchisedech Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de go...

      Est: €600 - €800

      Marco MARCOLA (Vérone 1740-1793) Abraham et Melchisedech Plume et encre brune sur traits de crayon noir, lavis brun et rehauts de gouache blanche 21 x 29, 5 cm Quelques épidermures et petits trous sur les bords

    • Marcola, Marco: Der Bethlehemitische Kindermord
      Nov. 28, 2014

      Marcola, Marco: Der Bethlehemitische Kindermord

      Est: €2,000 - €2,800

      Der Bethlehemitische Kindermord. Feder in Grau und Graubraun, grau und braun laviert, unten rechts und links je mit aufgeklebten Papierstücken mit Korrekturen der Komposition, verso die Skizze eines Arms und einer Schulter. 42,9 x 60,8 cm. Verso von fremder Hand bez. "no 270". - Provenienz: Sammlung Suida-Manning, New York

      Bassenge Auctions
    • Circle of Marco Marcola (Italian, 1740-1793): An
      Jul. 16, 2014

      Circle of Marco Marcola (Italian, 1740-1793): An

      Est: £300 - £500

      Circle of Marco Marcola (Italian, 1740-1793): An interior scene in the Commedia dell' Arte manner, oil on canvas, H 50 x W 56.5 cm, unframed

    • Marco Marcuola (Verona 1740 - 1793) "Banchetto nuziale in un'aia"
      Dec. 02, 2013

      Marco Marcuola (Verona 1740 - 1793) "Banchetto nuziale in un'aia"

      Est: €10,000 - €12,000

      Marco Marcuola (Verona 1740 - 1793) "Banchetto nuziale in un'aia" olio su tela, cm 97,5x79,5

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
      Oct. 26, 2013


      Est: $1,500 - $3,000

      ATTRIBUTED TO MARCO MARCOLA: DEATH OF PULCINELLA Oil on canvas, relined, unsigned. 28 x 37 1/4 in. (sight), 36 x 45 in. (frame).

    Lots Per Page: