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Adelaïde Maraini Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Adelaide Pandiani Maraini 1836/43 Milano-1917 Roma Busto virile
    Dec. 21, 2023

    Adelaide Pandiani Maraini 1836/43 Milano-1917 Roma Busto virile

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Firmato datato e situato "Adelaide Mariani, Roma 1880"

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Ritratto di giovane donna. Adelaide Pandiani Maraini (Milano 1836 - Roma 1917). Roma, 1879. Firmata e datata sul retro "Adelaide Maraini Roma 1875"
    Dec. 21, 2023

    Ritratto di giovane donna. Adelaide Pandiani Maraini (Milano 1836 - Roma 1917). Roma, 1879. Firmata e datata sul retro "Adelaide Maraini Roma 1875"

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Figlia dello scultore milanese Giovanni Pandiani (Milano 1809-1879) compie i suoi studi all'Accademia di Brera ed esegue le sue prime opere nello studio creato per lei nella dimora di famiglia. Prosegue la sua formazione all'Accademia di Firenze e diviene apprezzata ritrattista raffigurando anche importanti personaggi dell'epoca come il suo concittadino Carlo Cattaneo e il re Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia. Trasferitasi a Roma dopo il matrimonio nel 1862 con il ricco industriale luganese Clemente Mariani, fu con lui animatrice di un vivace salotto intellettuale e ardentemente impegnata, come presidentessa di associazioni femminili, nelle nascenti rivendicazioni dei diritti delle donne

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Adelaide Pandiani Maraini Busto virile
    Apr. 19, 2023

    Adelaide Pandiani Maraini Busto virile

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    Firmato datato e situato \Adelaide Mariani, Roma 1880\"

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Adelaide PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917)
    Nov. 19, 2020

    Adelaide PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917)

    Est: $60,000 - $90,000

    Adelaide PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917) A Life Size Italian Marble Figure of Pomona with a Bacchic Herm By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome Circa 1890-1900 Inscribed Adelaide Maraini/Roma, on an associated granite plinth with title plaque cast with Pomona & Vertumne/Godess of Flowers & God of Gardens/by Adelade Maraini/RomaCirca 1850 The Group: Height 84 in. (213.36 cm.) Provenance The Property of a Private New York Collector catalogue note: Adelaide Maraini (d.1917) was born in Milan in 1843. She learned from her father Giuseppe, and studied in Florence under the direction of Giovanni Dupre and Lorenzo Bartolini, eventually working in Rome and Lugano. Her marble figure of Saffo was exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle and is now at the National Museum of Modern Art in Rome.

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
  • Adelaide PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917)
    May. 28, 2020

    Adelaide PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917)

    Est: $60,000 - $90,000

    Adelaide PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917) A Life Size Italian Marble Figure of Pomona with a Bacchic Herm By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome Circa 1890-1900 Inscribed Adelaide Maraini/Roma, on an associated granite plinth with title plaque cast with Pomona & Vertumne/Godess of Flowers & God of Gardens/by Adelade Maraini/Roma Circa 1850 The Group: Height 84 in. (213.36 cm.) Provenance The Property of a Private New York Collector catalogue note: Adelaide Maraini (d.1917) was born in Milan in 1843. She learned from her father Giuseppe, and studied in Florence under the direction of Giovanni Dupre and Lorenzo Bartolini, eventually working in Rome and Lugano. Her marble figure of Saffo was exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle and is now at the National Museum of Modern Art in Rome.

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
    May. 04, 2017


    Est: $50,000 - $80,000

    ADELAIDE PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917) A FINE AND IMPORTANT ITALIAN MARBLE, PAMONA EMBRACING A HERM OF VERTUMNE circa 1895, inscribed ADELAIDE MARAINI/ROMA, set upon a granite plinth with bronze title plaque inscribed POMONA and VERTUMNE, Goddess of Flowers and God of Gardens by Adelade Maraini Roma, the nude goddess with tightly curled carved hair, lustfully engages a male-headed term figure, representing the god and carved with bountiful ivy. Height Overall: 84 in. (213 cm.) Height of pedestal 33 1/2 in. (85.09 cm.) in., Width of pedestal 33 3/4 in. (85.72 cm.) Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, (1843-1917), was born in Milan, Italy, into a family of sculptors, her father, Giuseppe, initially provided inspiration and early artistic training. Her studies continued In Florence under the direction of Lorenzo Bartolini and Giovanni Dupr, both renowned sculptors. MarainiÍs highly acclaimed marble, ñSapphoî, a contemporary rendition of an earlier work titled Sappho , by her teacher Giovanni Dupre, now forms part of collection in The National Museum of Modern Art, Rome. Adelaide's Sappho was unveiled and exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle; displayed in the Salone Italiana, Sappho was one of the most admired works of art exhibited. Stunning, albeit small, Sappho takes its name from Plato's tenth muse, a Greek lyrical poet, who according to legend, inspired Athenian historian Solon to learn one of her songs, so he could sing before dying. Two marble sculptures by Adelaide Maraini hold prominent positions in Italian Collections, the first, titled ñThe Salummite Womanî presently stands in the atrium of the Palazzo Civico in central Rome, the second, her ñTe Precor ,is presently housed amongst other significant works of art in Rome's Neoclassical Civic Museum. The artistÍs wide acclaim should be of no surprise since her father, uncle and cousin were all renowned sculptors, a ïfamily tree sculpted in stone'.

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
    Jun. 09, 2016


    Est: $60,000 - $90,000

    LIFE SIZE MARBLE FIGURE OF POMONA CIRCA 1890 Life Size Italian Marble Figure of Pomona with a Bacchic Herm By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome. Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed Adelaide Maraini/Roma, was born in Milan in 1843. She learned from her father Giuseppe, and studied in Florence under the direction of Giovanni Dupre and Lorenzo Bartolini, eventually working in Rome and Lugano. Her marble figure of Saffo was exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle and is now at the National Museum of Modern Art in Rome. CLASSICAL CARRARA MARBLE.Youth weeping over the tomb of the dead monument to Attilo Lemmi _ Cimitero Allori, Florence cemetery By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini life-size Italian marble figure of Pomona with a Bacchic herm By Ad_laide Pandiani Maraini, Rome, Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed ADELAIDE MARAINI/ROMA, on an associated granite plinth with title plaque cast with POMONA & VERTUMNE/Godess of Flowers & God of Gardens/by Adelade Maraini/Roma Circa 1850. The group: 84 in. (213 cm.) tall, Height of pedestal 33 1/2 in., Width of pedestal 33 3/4 in. In Florence, she trained under Lorenzo Bartolini and renowned sculpture Giovanni Dupr_ (who also trained his own daughter Amalia). Pandiani Maraini worked in both Rome and Lugano, but most of her collection is in Switzerland, where she became a citizen in 1862. In Rome, her marble statue Salummite Woman can be found in the atrium of the Palazzo Civico and her Te Precor is in the neoclassical Civic Museum. Her most famous piece, Sappho, is also in Rome. In storage at the National Art Museum, it is a later rendition of her teacher Giovanni Dupre's sculpture on the same subject. Pandiani Maraini's Sappho was exhibited at the Third World Fair in Paris in 1878 at the same time the Statue of Liberty's head was being unveiled in America. It was one of the most admired pieces at the Fair. Displayed in the Salone Italiana, the stunning, albeit small, marble statue was named after Plato's _tenth muse,' a Greek lyrical poet who, according to legend, inspired Athenian historian, Solon, to be taught one of her songs, so he could _learn it and die.' Her wide acclaim was not a surprise as her father, uncle and cousin all carved professionally-a family tree sculpted in stone! An example of Pomona, possibly the present marble, was sold G_rard-Tasset & Juge, Paris, 25 June 1987, lot 160 (220,000

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
    May. 05, 2016


    Est: $60,000 - $90,000

    LIFE SIZE MARBLE FIGURE OF POMONA, CIRCA 1890 Life Size Italian Marble Figure of Pomona with a Bacchic Herm By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome. Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed Adelaide Maraini/Roma, was born in Milan in 1843. She learned from her father Giuseppe, and studied in Florence under the direction of Giovanni Dupre and Lorenzo Bartolini, eventually working in Rome and Lugano. Her marble figure of Saffo was exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle and is now at the National Museum of Modern Art in Rome. CLASSICAL CARRARA MARBLE.Youth weeping over the tomb of the dead monument to Attilo Lemmi _ Cimitero Allori, Florence cemetery By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini life-size Italian marble figure of Pomona with a Bacchic herm By Ad_laide Pandiani Maraini, Rome, Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed ADELAIDE MARAINI/ROMA, on an associated granite plinth with title plaque cast with POMONA & VERTUMNE/Godess of Flowers & God of Gardens/by Adelade Maraini/Roma Circa 1850. The group: 84 in. (213 cm.) tall, Height of pedestal 33 1/2 in., Width of pedestal 33 3/4 in. In Florence, she trained under Lorenzo Bartolini and renowned sculpture Giovanni Dupr_ (who also trained his own daughter Amalia). Pandiani Maraini worked in both Rome and Lugano, but most of her collection is in Switzerland, where she became a citizen in 1862. In Rome, her marble statue Salummite Woman can be found in the atrium of the Palazzo Civico and her Te Precor is in the neoclassical Civic Museum. Her most famous piece, Sappho, is also in Rome. In storage at the National Art Museum, it is a later rendition of her teacher Giovanni Dupre's sculpture on the same subject. Pandiani Maraini's Sappho was exhibited at the Third World Fair in Paris in 1878 at the same time the Statue of Liberty's head was being unveiled in America. It was one of the most admired pieces at the Fair. Displayed in the Salone Italiana, the stunning, albeit small, marble statue was named after Plato's _tenth muse,' a Greek lyrical poet who, according to legend, inspired Athenian historian, Solon, to be taught one of her songs, so he could _learn it and die.' Her wide acclaim was not a surprise as her father, uncle and cousin all carved professionally-a family tree sculpted in stone! An example of Pomona, possibly the present marble, was sold G_rard-Tasset & Juge, Paris, 25 June 1987, lot 160 (220,000

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
    Mar. 24, 2016


    Est: $70,000 - $100,000

    LIFE SIZE MARBLE FIGURE OF POMONA, CIRCA 1890Life Size Italian Marble Figure of Pomona with a Bacchic Herm By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome. Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed Adelaide Maraini/Roma, was born in Milan in 1843. She learned from her father Giuseppe, and studied in Florence under the direction of Giovanni Dupre and Lorenzo Bartolini, eventually working in Rome and Lugano. Her marble figure of Saffo was exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle and is now at the National Museum of Modern Art in Rome. CLASSICAL CARRARA MARBLE.Youth weeping over the tomb of the dead monument to Attilo Lemmi _ Cimitero Allori, Florence cemetery By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini life-size Italian marble figure of Pomona with a Bacchic herm By Ad_laide Pandiani Maraini, Rome, Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed ADELAIDE MARAINI/ROMA, on an associated granite plinth with title plaque cast with POMONA & VERTUMNE/Godess of Flowers & God of Gardens/by Adelade Maraini/Roma Circa 1850. The group: 84 in. (213 cm.) tall, Height of pedestal 33 1/2 in., Width of pedestal 33 3/4 in. In Florence, she trained under Lorenzo Bartolini and renowned sculpture Giovanni Dupr_ (who also trained his own daughter Amalia). Pandiani Maraini worked in both Rome and Lugano, but most of her collection is in Switzerland, where she became a citizen in 1862. In Rome, her marble statue Salummite Woman can be found in the atrium of the Palazzo Civico and her Te Precor is in the neoclassical Civic Museum. Her most famous piece, Sappho, is also in Rome. In storage at the National Art Museum, it is a later rendition of her teacher Giovanni Dupre's sculpture on the same subject. Pandiani Maraini's Sappho was exhibited at the Third World Fair in Paris in 1878 at the same time the Statue of Liberty's head was being unveiled in America. It was the one of the most admired pieces of the Fair. Displayed in the Salone Italiana, the stunning, albeit small, marble statue was named after Plato's _tenth muse,' a Greek lyrical poet who, according to legend, inspired Athenian historian Solon to be taught one of her songs, so he could _learn it and die.' Her wide acclaim was not a surprise as her father, uncle and cousin all carved professionally-a family tree sculpted in stone! An example of Pomona, possibly the present marble, was sold G_rard-Tasset & Juge, Paris, 25 June 1987, lot 160 (220,000 francs).

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
    Oct. 26, 2014


    Est: $70,000 - $100,000

    ADELAIDE PANDIANI MARAINI (1836/43-1917) MARBLE FIGUREVERY FINE MARBLE FIGURE OF POMONA(CIRCA 1890)Life Size Italian Marble Figure of Pomona with a Bacchic Herm By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome. Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed Adelaide Maraini/Roma, was born in Milan in 1843. She learned from her father Giuseppe, and studied in Florence under the direction of Giovanni Dupre and Lorenzo Bartolini, eventually working in Rome and Lugano. Her marble figure of Saffo was exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle and is now at the National Museum of Modern Art in Rome. CLASSICAL CARRARA MARBLE.Youth weeping over the tomb of the dead monument to Attilo Lemmi ? Cimitero Allori, Florence cemetery By Adelaide Pandiani Maraini life-size Italian marble figure of Pomona with a Bacchic herm By Adélaide Pandiani Maraini, Rome, Circa 1890-1900. Inscribed ADELAIDE MARAINI/ROMA on an associated granite plinth with title plaque cast with POMONA & VERTUMNE/Godess of Flowers & God of Gardens/by Adelade Maraini/Roma Circa 1850. The group 84 in., Height of pedestal 33 1/2 in., Width of pedestal 33 3/4 in. The group 213 cm, Height of pedestal 85.09 cm, Width of pedestal 85.7 cm In Florence, she trained under Lorenzo Bartolini and renowned sculpture Giovanni Dupr (who also trained his own daughter Amalia). Pandiani Maraini worked in both Rome and Lugano, but most of her collection is in Switzerland, where she became a citizen in 1862. In Rome, her marble statue Salummite Woman can be found in the atrium of the Palazzo Civico and her Te Precor is in the neoclassical Civic Museum. Her most famous piece, Sappho, is also in Rome. In storage at the National Art Museum, it is a later rendition of her teacher Giovanni Dupre's sculpture on the same subject. Pandiani Maraini's Sappho was exhibited at the Third World Fair in Paris in 1878 at the same time the Statue of Liberty's head was being unveiled in America. It was the one of the most admired pieces of the Fair. Displayed in the Salone Italiana, the stunning, albeit small, marble statue was named after Plato's tenth muse,' a Greek lyrical poet who, according to legend, inspired Athenian historian Solon to be taught one of her songs, so he could learn it and die.' Her wide acclaim was not a surprise as her father, uncle and cousin all carved professionally-a family tree sculpted in stone! An example of Pomona, possibly the present marble, was sold Gérard-Tasset & Juge, Paris, 25 June 1987, lot 160 (220,000 francs).

    A.B.Levy’s Palm Beach
    Oct. 22, 2008


    Est: $50,000 - $80,000

    ADÉLAIDE PANDIANI MARAINI (ITALIAN, 1843-1917) Pomona and Vertumne signed and inscribed 'Sadelaide Maraini Roma' (on the base) marble height: 84 in. (213 cm.)

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