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Antonio Maria Maragliano Sold at Auction Prices

Wood Carver, Sculptor / Carver, Sculptor, b. 1664 - d. 1739

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        Mar. 09, 2024


        Est: €300 - €600

        ANTONIO MARIA MARAGLIANO 1664 Genoa - 1741 (or workshop) SAINT JOHN Italy, around 1710 Wood, carved in full relief, painted in color, inset glass eyes. H. 30, w. 18, d. 10 cm, weight approx. 0,59 kg. Min. bumped and losses to mount, rest. Expertise by Heinrich Decker, May 10, 1966 in Salzburg. ANTONIO MARIA MARAGLIANO 1664 Genua - 1741 (oder Werkstatt) HEILIGER JOHANNES Italien, um 1710 Holz, vollplastisch geschnitzt, farbig gefasst, eingesetzte Glasaugen. H. 30, B. 18, T. 10 cm, Gew. ca. 0,59 kg. Min. best. und Fassungsverluste, rest.. Expertise: Gutachten von Heinrich Decker, 10. Mai 1966 in Salzburg..

        Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
      • WORKSHOP OF ANTON MARIA MARAGLIANO Genoa, Italy (1664) / (1739) "Descent"
        Dec. 18, 2023

        WORKSHOP OF ANTON MARIA MARAGLIANO Genoa, Italy (1664) / (1739) "Descent"

        Est: €13,500 - €18,000

        Carved, gilded and polychrome wood Set of three. Anton Maria Maragliano directed an important workshop that produced a large number of religious sculptures representing Madonnas, figures of saints and narrative scenes from the Bible, which are preserved in churches and sanctuaries throughout Liguria, as well as in Spain (Cadiz). He also created statues and crucifixes for the casacce, the Genoese brotherhoods, to carry in processions on festival days. His son Giovanni Battista Maragliano continued with the workshop until his death. His disciples also included the brothers Francesco and Pietro Galeano, and Agostino Storace. Measurements: 92 cm high

      • A Continental Baroque polychrome carved figure of the Madonna and Child
        Feb. 10, 2023

        A Continental Baroque polychrome carved figure of the Madonna and Child

        Est: $300 - $500

        A Continental Baroque polychrome carved figure of the Madonna and Child, engraved plaque inscribed 'Anton Maria Maragliano 1664-1739', 16.5"h.

        Clars Auctions
        Sep. 26, 2022


        Est: €100,000 - €120,000

        MARAGLIANO ANTON MARIA (1664-1739) Monumentale orologio in legno finemente intagliato laccato e dorato nella parte inferiore una scultura raffigurante il tempo sorregge la parte superiore ove un drappeggio policromo porta al centro l'orologio nella parte superiore figura alata e a sinistra un putto che sorregge una meridiana

        Aste Boetto SRL
        Sep. 24, 2019


        Est: €100,000 - €120,000

        MARAGLIANO ANTON MARIA (1664-1739) Monumentale orologio in legno finemente intagliato laccato e dorato nella parte inferiore una scultura raffigurante il tempo sorregge la parte superiore ove un drappeggio policromo porta al centro l'orologio nella parte superiore figura alata e a sinistra un putto che sorregge una meridiana

        Aste Boetto SRL
        Feb. 27, 2018


        Est: €3,800 - €4,200

        MARAGLIANO ANTON MARIA (1664-1739) Madonna con Bambino scultura in legno laccato e finemente intagliato occhi in pasta vitrea inizi sec.XVIII h.cm.52

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • A large putto in carved, gilded and painted wood. Anton Maria Maragliano (attributed to). Genoa 17th-18th century
        Dec. 19, 2017

        A large putto in carved, gilded and painted wood. Anton Maria Maragliano (attributed to). Genoa 17th-18th century

        Est: €3,000 - €3,500

        La figura del putto è ascrivibile alla fortunata produzione tardo barocca genovese a cavallo tra sei e settecento di sculture lignee devozionali adatte a grandiose macchine processionali di cui fu il maggior esponente Anton Maria Maragliano (Genova 1664 - 1739) e la sua prolifica bottega. Altezza cm 70, Cfr.: “Antona Maria Maragliano” di Daniele Sanguineti, ed. Sagep, Genova 2012

        Cambi Casa d'Aste
        Dec. 04, 2017


        Est: €500 - €550

        FRANCESCO PIRANESI (1758-1810) 'Veduta della Basilica di San Giovanni Laterano' stampa

        Aste Boetto SRL
      • Attributed to Anton Maria Maragliano Genoa 1664 - 1739 67X57 cm.
        Nov. 23, 2017

        Attributed to Anton Maria Maragliano Genoa 1664 - 1739 67X57 cm.

        Est: €1,000 - €1,500

        "Crucified Christ" sculpture in polychrome wood, defects and restorations, within non coeval frame

        Colasanti Casa d'Aste
      • Darstellung Christi von Anton Maria Maragliano, 1664 - 1739
        Dec. 09, 2011

        Darstellung Christi von Anton Maria Maragliano, 1664 - 1739

        Est: €160,000 - €180,000

        156 x 105 cm. Genua, um 1700. Holzgeschnitzt, gefasst, auf sekundärem Stand montiert. Maraglianos war auf Kreuzigungsszenen und Prozessionsfiguren spezialisiert. Die fast lebensgroße Skulptur, in Holz geschnitzt, aus mehreren Teilen zusammengesetzt und farbig gefasst, zeigt den gekreuzigten Christus im Dreinageltypus. Er kommt, abgesehen von einer weniger stark ausgeprägten Darstellung der Muskeln, des Gewandes und der zurückhaltenderen Haare, sehr nah an die Christusfigur im Oratorium von St. Antonio Abate alla Marina in Genua heran, ohne sie jedoch zu übertreffen. Literatur: Original Abgebildet in: Daniele Sanguineti, "Anton Maria Maragliano", Genua, S. 104. (8421713)

        Hampel Fine Art Auctions
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