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Sigmund Lympasik Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1920 - d. 1996

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  • Sigmund Lympasik
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Sigmund Lympasik

    Est: €200 - €300

    Sigmund Lympasik 1920 Berlin - 1996 Ebenda - "Zwei Seiten" - Tusche, Kohle, Aquarell, Tempera/Papier. 50 x 57 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Monogr. u. dat. l. u.: SL (19)67/(19)71. Rückseitig betit. Passepartout. Unter Glas gerahmt. Ab 1938 war Lympasik Schüler an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Er nahm als Soldat der Wehrmacht u. a. in Frankreich am Zweiten Weltkrieg teil. 1947 kehrte er aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück. Wieder in Berlin, studierte er an der Berliner Akademie. 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Berliner Kunstpreis.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Sigmund Lympasik
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Sigmund Lympasik

    Est: €200 - €300

    Sigmund Lympasik 1920 Berlin - 1996 Ebenda - "Testa" - Tusche, Kohle, Aquarell, Tempera/Papier. 62 x 44 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Monogr. u. dat. r. u.: SL (19)63. Rückseitig betit. Passepartout. Unter Glas gerahmt. Ab 1938 war Lympasik Schüler an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Er nahm als Soldat der Wehrmacht u. a. in Frankreich am Zweiten Weltkrieg teil. 1947 kehrte er aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück. Wieder in Berlin, studierte er an der Berliner Akademie. 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Berliner Kunstpreis.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Sigmund Lympasik
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Sigmund Lympasik

    Est: €200 - €300

    Sigmund Lympasik 1920 Berlin - 1996 Ebenda - "Zwei Figuren (Carrara)" - Tusche, Kohle, Aquarell, Tempera/Papier. 61 x 44 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Monogr. u. dat. r. u.: SL (19)68. Rückseitig bet. Passepartout. Unter Glas gerahmt. Ab 1938 war Lympasik Schüler an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Er nahm als Soldat der Wehrmacht u. a. in Frankreich am Zweiten Weltkrieg teil. 1947 kehrte er aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück. Wieder in Berlin, studierte er an der Berliner Akademie. 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Berliner Kunstpreis.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Sigmund Lympasik
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Sigmund Lympasik

    Est: €200 - €300

    Sigmund Lympasik 1920 Berlin - 1996 Ebenda - "Testa" - Tusche, Kohle Aquarell, Tempera, Collage/Papier.39,6 x 29 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Rückseitig sign. u. betit. Unter Glas gerahmt. Ab 1938 war Lympasik Schüler an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Er nahm als Soldat der Wehrmacht u. a. in Frankreich am Zweiten Weltkrieg teil. 1947 kehrte er aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück. Wieder in Berlin, studierte er an der Berliner Akademie. 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Berliner Kunstpreis.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Sigmund Lympasik
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Sigmund Lympasik

    Est: €200 - €300

    Sigmund Lympasik 1920 Berlin - 1996 Ebenda - "Testa abends" - Tusche, Kohle Aquarell, Tempera, Collage/Papier. 46,5 x 28,5 cm (Passepartoutausschnitt). Monogr. l. o.: SL. Dat. r. u.: (19)62. Rückseitig sign. u. betit. Passepartout. Unter Glas gerahmt. Ab 1938 war Lympasik Schüler an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Er nahm als Soldat der Wehrmacht u. a. in Frankreich am Zweiten Weltkrieg teil. 1947 kehrte er aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück. Wieder in Berlin, studierte er an der Berliner Akademie. 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Berliner Kunstpreis.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2023

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Landschaft Sich der Abstraktion nähernde, flächig komponierte Landschaft. Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes bis in die 1980er Jahre vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Tempera und/oder Öl/Papier. L. u. monogr.; Ca. 70 cm x 82 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Tempera or oil on paper. Monogrammed.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2023

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Komposition mit Landschaft Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes bis in die 1980er Jahre vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Tempera und/oder Öl/Karton. R. u. monogr.; 100 cm x 70 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Tempera or oil on cardboard. Monogrammed.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 10, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Tachistische Komposition Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes bis in die 1980er Jahre vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Mischtechnik/Papier. L. u. monogr. u. dat. 1958. 70 cm x 85 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Mixed media on paper. Monogrammed and dated 1958.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 10, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Landschaft Sich der Abstraktion nähernde, flächig komponierte Landschaft. Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes bis in die 1980er Jahre vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Tempera und/oder Öl/Papier. L. u. monogr.; Ca. 70 cm x 82 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Tempera or oil on paper. Monogrammed.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 10, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Komposition mit Landschaft Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes bis in die 1980er Jahre vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Tempera und/oder Öl/Karton. R. u. monogr.; 100 cm x 70 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Tempera or oil on cardboard. Monogrammed.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 10, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) "Halbinsel". Originaltitel Sich der Abstraktion nähernde, flächig komponierte Arbeit von 1957. Als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes war Lympasik vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen in Berlin vertreten, 1957 nahm er mit diesem Werk teil. Gouache/Papier. R. u. monogr.; r. o dat. (19)57. Verso vom Künstler bez. u. betitelt, Berliner Adresse, Etikett der 7. Ausstellung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes. Ca. 71 cm x 98 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Gouache on paper. Monogrammed and dated (19)57. Inscribed and titled by the artist on the reverse, original exhibition label.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Landschaft Sich der Abstraktion nähernde, flächig komponierte Landschaft mit großer Felsformation und kleiner Baumgruppe. Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes bis in die 1980er Jahre vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Tempera/Papier oder Karton. 70 cm x 100 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Tempera on paper (or cardboard).

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €600 - €1,200

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Testa II". Originaltitel Abstrakte, für Lympasik charakteristische Informel-Arbeit aus dem Jahr 1982. Mischtechnik mit Collage/Papier u. Hartfaser. Am linken Bildrand Ligatur-Monogr. mit Dat. (19)82. Verso vom Künstler bez. mit Berliner Adresse; betitelt auf Ausstellungs-Etikett der 30. Jahresausstellung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes in Düsseldorf 1982. 105 cm x 57 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Mixed media with collage on paper and masonite. Signed with monogram and dated (19)82. Inscribed with his address in Berlin by the artist on the reverse. Titled on a label of an exhibition held 1982 in Düsseldorf."

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Graue Blume". Originaltitel Abstrakte für Lympasik charakteristische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 1980. Mischtechnik mit Collage/Papier u. Hartfaser. L. o Ligatur-Monogr. mit Dat. (19)80. Verso vom Künstler bez., betitelt u. dat. 1980 mit Berliner Adresse; Ausstellungs-Etikett der 25. Jahresausstellung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes, Hannover 1980. 105 cm x 57 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Mixed media with collage on paper and masonite. Signed with monogram and dated (19)80. Inscribed, titled and dated 1980 with his address in Berlin by the artist on the reverse. Label of an exhibition held 1980 in Hannover."

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Die Lampe". Originaltitel Für Lympasik charakteristische, informelle Mischtechnik- und Collage-Arbeit. Der Künstler studierte an der Berliner Kunstakademie, erhielt 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin und war als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes ab den 1950er Jahren vielfach auf dessen Ausstellungen vertreten. Mischtechnik (Öl, Tempera u. Collage)/Papier, original auf Hartfaser kaschiert und auf zweite Hartfaserplatte montiert. Verso vom Künstler bez. u. betitelt. Darstellung ca. 127,5 cm x 67,5 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Mixed media on paper, laid down on masonite and mounted on a second masonite board by the artist. Inscribed and titled with his address in Berlin by the artist on the reverse."

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    May. 13, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) Landschaft Neoexpressionistische, sich der Abstraktion nähernde Landschaft Lympasiks, der an der Berliner Kunstakademie studierte und 1951 den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin erhielt. Alt Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes beschickte er bis in die 1980er Jahre dessen Ausstellungen. Tempera/Papier oder Karton. R. u. Ligatur-Monogr. mit Dat. (19)53). 69 cm x 85 cm. Künstler-Rahmen. Tempera on paper (or cardboard). Signed with monogram and dated (19)53.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik, "Schwebendes Interieur, abends", Mischtechnik von 1996, gerahmt
    May. 13, 2022

    Siegmund Lympasik, "Schwebendes Interieur, abends", Mischtechnik von 1996, gerahmt

    Est: €500 - €600

    Siegmund Lympasik, "Schwebendes Interieur, abends", Mischtechnik von 1996, gerahmt Siegmund Lympasik, 1920 Berlin- 1996 ebd., Studium and Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg, dann an der Berliner Akademie, 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin, hier: "Schwebendes Interieur, abends", Tempera/ Collage/ Karton, 125 x 60 cm, dat., verso bez. mit Adresse, hinter Glas gerahmt

    K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
  • Lympasik, Siegmund
    Oct. 16, 2021

    Lympasik, Siegmund

    Est: €280 - €400

    (1920 Berlin 1996). Inseln im Meer. - Insel im Meer. 2 Bl. Aquarelle 1956-59. Ca. 64 x 71 bzw. 56 x 71 cm. Jwls. unt. re. monogr. u. ob. li. bzw. unt. li. dat. Jwls. im mintfarb. Holzrahmen. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Lympasik, Siegmund
    Oct. 16, 2021

    Lympasik, Siegmund

    Est: €400 - €600

    (1920 Berlin 1996). Über 60 Bl. Druckgraphik in Lithographie (über 50, davon 7 farb. u. 1 kolor.) u. Radierung (8) auf versch. Papieren, ca. 1959-63. Zw. Qu.4° u. Imp.Fol. 21 Bl. sign., meist mit dem Monogr., tls. mit dem Datum im Druck, wenige num. u. betitelt. Motive tls. mehrf. vorhanden. U.a. vorhanden: Testa, Takelage eines Segelschiffs, Topfpflanze, Weißes Zeichen, Gartenrestaurant, Testafiguren. - Tls. Alters- u. Gebrauchssp. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 11, 2021

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: -

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) "Landschaft mit Wolke". (Originaltitel) Informelles Werk unter Verwendung von Zeitungsausschnitten des Künstlers, der nach Kriegsteilnahme Ende der 1940er Jahre an der Berliner Kunstakademie studierte und 1951 den Berliner Kunstpreis erhielt. Als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes war er bis in die 1970er Jahre regelmäßig auf dessen Ausstellungen, u. a. in Düsseldorf, München und Essen vertreten. Mischtechnik und Collage/leichter Karton. R. u. monogr.; Ausstellungsetikett verso. 75 cm x 99 cm. Originaler Künstlerrahmen. /P/Provenienz: Deutscher Künstlerbund, 19. Ausstellung, Stuttgart 1971. Mixed media and collage on light cardboard. Monogrammed, titled and exhibition label on the reverse.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 11, 2021

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: -

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) "Komplexe Verbindung". (Originaltitel) Informelles Werk des Künstlers, der nach Kriegsteilnahme Ende der 1940er Jahre an der Berliner Kunstakademie studierte und 1951 den Berliner Kunstpreis erhielt. Als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes war er bis in die 1970er Jahre regelmäßig auf dessen Ausstellungen, u. a. in Düsseldorf, München und Essen vertreten. Mischtechnik und Zeitungscollage/leichter Karton. L. o. monogr. und dat. 69/79; Verso bez., betitelt, datiert 1969/1970 und Ausstellungsetikett. 138 cm x 98 cm. Originaler Künstlerrahmen. /P/Provenienz: Deutscher Künstlerbund, 18. Ausstellung, Bonn 1970. Mixed media and collage on light cardboard. Monogrammed, titled, dated and exhibition label on the reverse.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Siegmund Lympasik
    Sep. 11, 2021

    Siegmund Lympasik

    Est: -

    (1920 Berlin - 1996 ebenda) "Berglandschaft". (Originaltitel) Expressionistisch-abstraktes Werk des Künstlers, der nach Kriegsteilnahme Ende der 1940er Jahre an der Berliner Kunstakademie studierte und 1951 den Berliner Kunstpreis erhielt. Als Mitglied des Deutschen Künstlerbundes und Träger des Marzotto-Preises war er bis in die 1970er Jahre regelmäßig auf Ausstellungen u. a. in Düsseldorf, München und Essen vertreten. Mischtechnik/leichter Karton. R. u. monogr.; Ausstellungsetikett verso. 100 cm x 70 cm. Originaler Künstlerrahmen. /P/Provenienz: Internationale Ausstellung Zeitgenössischer Kunst - Marzotto Preis. Mixed media on light cardboard. Monogrammed, exhibition label on the reverse.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)
    Jul. 20, 2021

    Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)

    Est: €50 - €100

    "Fundstelle" und "Tester" 2 Aquarelle, Maße - "Fundstelle" 42 cm x 32 cm, oben links monogrammiert, Maße - "Tester" 29 cm x 31 cm, links unten monogrammiert und datiert 60, beide Arbeiten verso betitelt, bezeichnet und erläutert | "Fundstelle" and "Tester" 2 watercolors, dimensions - "Fundstelle" 42 cm x 32 cm, monogrammed at the upper left, Dimensions - "Tester" 29 cm x 31 cm, monogrammed and dated at the lower left 60, both works titled, inscribed and explained at the backside

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)
    Jul. 20, 2021

    Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)

    Est: €50 - €100

    "Blick auf Vorstadtplatz mit Buden" Aquarell - Gouache/Bleistift, 69,5 cm x 31 cm, oben links monogrammiert und datiert | "View of the suburb with stalls" watercolor - gouache / pencil, 69.5 cm x 31 cm, monogrammed and dated at the upper left

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)
    May. 05, 2021

    Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)

    Est: €100 - €200

    "Fundstelle" und "Tester" 2 Aquarelle, Maße - "Fundstelle" 42 cm x 32 cm, oben links monogrammiert, Maße - "Tester" 29 cm x 31 cm, links unten monogrammiert und datiert 60, beide Arbeiten verso betitelt, bezeichnet und erläutert | "Fundstelle" and "Tester" 2 watercolors, dimensions - "Fundstelle" 42 cm x 32 cm, monogrammed at the upper left, Dimensions - "Tester" 29 cm x 31 cm, monogrammed and dated at the lower left 60, both works titled, inscribed and explained at the backside

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)
    May. 05, 2021

    Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996) | Sigmund LYMPASIK (1920-1996)

    Est: €100 - €180

    "Blick auf Vorstadtplatz mit Buden" Aquarell - Gouache/Bleistift, 69,5 cm x 31 cm, oben links monogrammiert und datiert | "View of the suburb with stalls" watercolor - gouache / pencil, 69.5 cm x 31 cm, monogrammed and dated at the upper left

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Lympasik, Siegmund. Ohne Titel. Zeichnung (Mischtechnik auf Papier). Rechts
    Nov. 05, 2016

    Lympasik, Siegmund. Ohne Titel. Zeichnung (Mischtechnik auf Papier). Rechts

    Est: €200 - €300

    Lympasik, Siegmund. Ohne Titel. Zeichnung (Mischtechnik auf Papier). Rechts unten monogrammiert und datiert. 1949. Blattgröße: 60 x 76 cm. Unter Passepartout montiert. Verso mit einer farbigen Vorstudie zu der Zeichnung. - Das Bild zeigt wohl eine Trümmerlandschaft in Berlin. - Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) war ein Berliner Maler und Graphiker. Ab 1938 war Lympasik Schüler an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin-Charlottenburg. 1947 kehrte er aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft zurück und studierte an der Berliner Akademie. 1951 erhielt Lympasik den Kunstpreis der Stadt Berlin. - Verso mit einigen Hinterlegungen im Rand, mit kleiner Randfehlstelle im Unterrand sowie wenigen Randeinrissen.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Lympasik, Siegmund (1920 Berlin 1996). "Komplexe Verbindung". Aquarell
    Jun. 25, 2016

    Lympasik, Siegmund (1920 Berlin 1996). "Komplexe Verbindung". Aquarell

    Est: - €180

    Lympasik, Siegmund (1920 Berlin 1996). "Komplexe Verbindung". Aquarell, Tempera u. Kreide auf Papier, 1973. 85,5 x 48,5 cm. Auf Karton geklebt. Unter Glas gerahmt u. dort verso mit Ausstellungsetikett des Dt. Künstlerbundes. - Geringfügig angestaubt.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Lympasik, Siegmund (1920 Berlin 1996). Abstrakte Landschaftskompositio
    Jun. 25, 2016

    Lympasik, Siegmund (1920 Berlin 1996). Abstrakte Landschaftskompositio

    Est: - €180

    Lympasik, Siegmund (1920 Berlin 1996). Abstrakte Landschaftskomposition. Aquarell auf Papier, 1958. Blgr. 70 x 85 cm. Unten re. monogr. u. dat. Unter Glas gerahmt. - Geringfügig angestaubt.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996), Collage, ‘Testa unten‘, 1960-62
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996), Collage, ‘Testa unten‘, 1960-62

    Est: €560 - €700

    Tempera on paper, collaged, laid down on board and mounted on hardboard Germany, 1960-1962 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) - German painter, photographer and graphic artist Ligated monogram ‘LS’ to the upper right margin Dated ‘60/61/62/ to the upper left margin Inscribed with the artist's name and studio address, information on the work and the title ‘Testa unten’ on the back of the framing hardboard Mounted under glass in natural wooden frame Dimensions: 117 x 58 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Germany Abstract-expressive painting by the painter Siegmund Lympasik, who was awarded with the Art Prize of the City of Berlin in 1951 The collaged tempera painting on paper is the work of the Berlin artist Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) and dates from the years 1960-1962. In the lower area of the multi-pieced paper collage is depicted a head upside down, which gave the work its title ‘Testa unten’. Lympasik used to work a long time on his paintings and interrupted the work process more than once, putting thereby new ideas in the composition. The painting bears the ligated monogram ‘LS’ to the upper right margin and is dated ‘60/61/62/’ to the upper left margin. It is inscribed with the artist's name and studio address, information on the work and the title ‘Testa unten’ on the reverse. The paper work has been laid down on cardboard, mounted on hardboard and framed in natural wooden frame with glazing. It is in very good condition, showing minor wear affecting the frame. The overall size, framed, is 123 x 92.5 cm. The sheet dimensions are 117 x 58 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (born 1920) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. In 1951, Lympasic was awarded with the art prize of the city of Berlin. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Siegmund Lympasik, Collage, ‘Einerseits, andererseits’, 1963
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Siegmund Lympasik, Collage, ‘Einerseits, andererseits’, 1963

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Tempera on paper, collaged, laid down on board and mounted on hardboard Germany, 1963 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) – German painter, photographer and graphic artist Lower center ligated monogrammed and dated ‘SL 63’ Verso on the frame board with title, artist name and address of the studio Label on the back of the frame of the Deutscher Künstlerbund, 13. Ausstellung Berlin 1964, Hochschule für bildende Künste, Berlin 12, Hardenbergstr. 33 Dimensions: 122.3 x 74 cm Good condition The collaged tempera painting on paper is the work of the Berlin artist Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) and dates to the year 1963. The abstract composition of the multi-pieced paper collage is divided into two halves. The right half is painted in the colors black and blue, while the left half is dominated by red. This two-sidedness presumably gave the work the title ‘Einerseits, andererseits’. Lympasik used to work a long time on his paintings and interrupted the work process more than once, putting thereby new ideas in the composition. The painting is ligated monogrammed and dated lower center ‘SL 63’. Title, artist name and address of the studio are written verso on the frame board. A label on the back of the frame says ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund, 13. Ausstellung Berlin 1964, Hochschule für bildende Künste, Berlin 12, Hardenbergstr. 33’. The painting is in very good condition. The frame shows traces of wear. The work is mounted on fiberboard and framed. The painting measures 122.3 x 74 cm. The total dimensions, including the frame, are 132.5 x 84.5 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (born 1920) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. In 1951, Lympasik was awarded with the art prize of the city of Berlin. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Siegmund Lympasik, Mixed Media, ‘Mehr als eins‘, Germany, 1969
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Siegmund Lympasik, Mixed Media, ‘Mehr als eins‘, Germany, 1969

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Mixed media with tempera, acrylic paint and newspaper cuttings, collaged, on hardboard Germany, 1969 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) – German painter, photographer and graphic artist Monogrammed centrically on the right ‘SL’ and dated ‘69’ On the reverse inscribed ‘Siegmund Lympasik Berlin 12 Sybelstr. 46. Mehr als eins. Mischtechnik und geklebt’ Reverse of the frame cover with label of the seventeenth exhibition of Deutscher Künstlerbund in Berlin (1969) filled in with artist’s name and title of work in handwriting Artist’s frame Dimensions of hardboard: 85.2 x 123.2 cm Very good condition Glued and overpainted collages are one of the main features of the oeuvre of German artist Siegmund Lympasik. This, too, is a so-called ‘Glue-painting’ and depicts an invented, surreal landscape divided into several compartments. Each of those displays color planes and shapes as well as paper snippets and newspaper cuttings. Together they merge to an abstract overall composition, taking up the whole image area. The titles of his works, in this case ‘Mehr als eins’ [More than one], also refer to the interplay of concrete and abstract, he chooses them to leave enough room for the imagination of the viewer. The frame was also designed by the artist himself. The work is monogrammed centrically on the right ‘SL’ and dated ‘69’. The reverse of the hardboard is inscribed with ‘Siegmund Lympasik Berlin 12 Sybelstr. 46. Mehr als eins. Mischtechnik und geklebt.’ Furthermore, the reverse of the frame cover is fitted with the label of the seventeenth exhibition of Deutscher Künstlerbund in Hannover (1969) and filled in hadnwritten with the artist’s name as well as the title of the work. The collage is in a very good condition with minor signs of age and wear. The dimensions of the cardboard are 85.2 x 123.2 cm, while the framed dimensions measure 130.1 x 91.9 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. He entered the Deutscher Künstlerbund [Association of German Artists] in 1957 and two years later, Lympasic was awarded the prize of the great art fair of Berlin. (nlu) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Siegmund Lympasik, Collage, ‘Komplexe Verbindung‘, 1965
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Siegmund Lympasik, Collage, ‘Komplexe Verbindung‘, 1965

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Tempera on paper and collaged on hardboard Germany, 1965 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) – German painter, photographer and graphic artist Monogrammed ‘SL’ (ligated) and dated ‘65’ on the left margin Verso with title ‘Komplexe Verbindung’, artist’s name, studio address, technique and date as well as with label from the Deutscher Künstlerbund Dimensions: 72 x 185 cm Good condition The collaged painting is the work of the Berlin artist Siegmund Lympasik and dates to 1965. The abstract composition, conceived of multiple pieces of collaged paper, exhibits the artist’s characteristic gestural brushwork and a contrasting color scheme. Lympasik used to work a long time on his paintings and interrupted the work process more than once, putting thereby new ideas in the composition. The painting is monogrammed ‘SL’ (ligated) and dated ‘65’ on the left margin. Title, artist’s name, studio address, technique and date are written on the verso. The back also bears a label from the Deutscher Künstlerbund. The painting is in good condition. The edges show minor abrasions (concealed by the frame). The frame shows traces of wear. The painting measures 72 x 185 cm. The total dimensions, including the frame, are 191 x 78 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (born 1920) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. In 1951, Lympasik was awarded with the art prize of the city of Berlin. (tfa) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Sigmund Lympasik, Mixed Media, ‚Biografisch‘, 1965
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Sigmund Lympasik, Mixed Media, ‚Biografisch‘, 1965

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Mixed media on paper, collaged, laid down on strong cardboard Germany, 1965 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) - German painter, photographer and graphic designer Dated with ‘1965’ upper right Inscribed with the artist’s name and the address of the studio, information on the technique, the title ‘Biografisch’ and the date ‘1965’ Under glass in a natural wooden frame Overall dimensions, with frame: 150 x 92.5 cm Good condition The present work by the Berlin artist Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) dates from 1965. The painting is composed of several parts of paper and shows an abstract composition inscribed with different dates and letters, which are partly mirror-inverted. Lympasik used to work a long time on his paintings and interrupted the work process more than once, which gave his works a complex structure. The painting is dated with ‘1965’ to the upper right corner. The framing hardboard is inscribed with the artist's name and the studio address, with information on the technique, the title ‘Biografisch’ and the date ‘1965’. The work is mounted under glass in a natural wooden frame and in good condition with a small tear to the left paper margin. The frame has only minor signs of wear. The work measures 143,5 x 85 cm, and the frame is 150 x 92.5 cm in size. Siegmund Lympasik (born 1920) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. In 1951, Lympasic was awarded with the art prize of the city of Berlin. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Sigmund Lympasik, Painting, ‘Isola del Giglio‘, Germany, 1955
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Sigmund Lympasik, Painting, ‘Isola del Giglio‘, Germany, 1955

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Tempera on paper, collaged laid down on cardboard Germany, 1955 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) – German painter, photographer and graphic artist Monogrammed at the lower left ‘SL’ and dated in the painting ‘55’ Reverse side with label of the sixth exhibition of Deutscher Künstlerbund in Düsseldorf (1956), inscribed ‘Siegmund Lympasik, Isola del Giglio’ Artist’s frame Dimensions: 71.3 x 100.5 cm Good condition This collaged tempera painting on paper laid down on cardboard was made in 1955 by the German painter Siegmund Lympasik and is titled ‘Isola del Giglio’. The work consists of multiple stuck on cut-outs. Lymapsik was fascinated by geographic formations and landscapes. This work shows the Tuscan island Isola del Giglio. The light yellow painted frame is also a creation of the artist. The collage is monogrammed at the lower left ‘SL’ and dated at the lower right ‘55’. The reverse cover of the frame is fitted with the label of the sixth exhibition of Deutscher Künstlerbund in Düsseldorf (1956), inscribed ‘Siegmund Lympasik, Isola del Giglio’. The work is in a good condition with signs of age and wear, such as blemishes to the edges due to framing. The dimensions of the image are 71.3 x 100.5 cm, while the framed dimensions measure 77.5 x 107.3 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. He entered the Deutscher Künstlerbund [Association of German Artists] in 1957 and two years later, Lympasic was awarded the prize of the great art fair of Berlin. (nlu) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Siegmund Lympasik, Painting, ‘Halbinsel’, Germany, 1957
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Siegmund Lympasik, Painting, ‘Halbinsel’, Germany, 1957

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Tempera on cardboard Germany, 1957 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) – German painter, photographer and graphic artist Monogrammed centric at the lower part ‘SL’ and dated at the upper right in the painting ‘57’ On the reverse inscribed ‘Siegmund Lympasik’ Reverse of the frame cover with label of the seventh exhibition of Deutscher Künstlerbund in Berlin (1957), titled ‘Halbinsel’ [Peninsula] and inscribed with artist’s address Artist’s frame Dimensions of cardboard: 70.2 x 96.3 cm Good condition This tempera painting on cardboard was made in 1957 by German painter Siegmund Lympasik and is titled ‘Halbinsel’. Lymapsik was fascinated by geographic formations and landscapes. He often traveled to Greece and Italy, here especially to Sardinia, because he was enthusiastic about painting the Mediterranean islands. This work, too, depicts an island, consisting of abstract interlaced and interwoven planes. The light yellow-green painted frame has also been created by the artist. The collage is monogrammed centric at the lower part ‘SL’ and dated at the upper right ‘57’. The reverse of the cardboard is inscribed with ‘Siegmund Lympasik’ and the reverse of the frame cover is fitted with the label of the seventh exhibition of Deutscher Künstlerbund in Berlin (1957) as well as titled ‘Halbinsel’ and inscribed with the artist’s address. The work is in a good condition with signs of age and wear, such as scattered handling creases. The dimensions of the cardboard are 70.2 x 96.3 cm, while the framed dimensions measure 76.5 x 104.1 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. He entered the Deutscher Künstlerbund [Association of German Artists] in 1957 and two years later, Lympasic was awarded the prize of the great art fair of Berlin. (nlu) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Siegmund Lympasik, ‘Mond über Felsküste’, Germany, 1950s
    Feb. 25, 2016

    Siegmund Lympasik, ‘Mond über Felsküste’, Germany, 1950s

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Tempera on paper, laid down on cardboard Germany, 1950s Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) – German painter, photographer and graphic artist Monogrammed at the lower left ‘SL’ Reverse side with label of the Premio Marzotto Exhibition of International Contemporary Art (annually 1951-1968), inscribed ‘Siegmund Lympasik, Mond über Felsküste, Berlin-Steglitz Schlossstraße 6’ Artist’s frame Dimensions: 73.5 x 97.7 cm Good condition This tempera painting on paper laid down on cardboard was made around the 1950s by the German painter Siegmund Lympasik and is titled ‘Mond über Felsküste’ [Moon above rocky cliffs]. The work consists of multiple colorful structures symbolizing a rugged coast. In-between the cliffs, a full moon is shining. Lymapsik was fascinated by geographic formations and landscapes. The work was on display at the exhibition of the Premio Marzotto, an annual prize-giving, initiated by the industrial family of the Marzottos. Even though Lympasik’s work did not get awarded, the display at the exhibition is of crucial importance, because the prize was globally acknowledged and not only established artists were honored, but also young Italian and international talents of the post-war generation. The work is monogrammed at the lower left ‘SL’. The reverse cover of the frame is fitted with the label of the label of the Premio Marzotto Exhibition of International Contemporary Art (annually 1951-1968), inscribed ‘Siegmund Lympasik, Mond über Felsküste, Berlin-Steglitz Schlossstraße 6’. The work is in a good condition with signs of age and wear, such as blemishes to the edges due to framing. The dimensions of the image are 73.5 x 97.7 cm, while the framed dimensions measure 83 x 104 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. He entered the Deutscher Künstlerbund [Association of German Artists] in 1957 and two years later, Lympasic was awarded the prize of the great art fair of Berlin. (nlu) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Lympasik, Siegmund: Images of Berlin
    Jun. 03, 2015

    Lympasik, Siegmund: Images of Berlin

    Est: €300 - €400

    Images of Berlin. 1961. 25 vintage gelatin silver prints on Agfa paper. Each circa 24 x 23,8 cm. Each annotated and numbered by the photographer in ink on the verso. In Agfa photo paper box, annotated by the photographer and with handwritten dedication note. As of 1938 Siegmund Lympasik attended the College for Visual Arts in Berlin Charlottenburg. After returning from war imprisonment in 1947, he attended the Berliner Akademie and in 1951 received the art award from the city of Berlin. Although primarily a painter, Lympasik also employed collage techniques in his work, using photos he had taken on trips, or in Berlin. The photos offered here demonstrate his keen eye for composition, his talent as a photographer and show Berlin around 1961, still with many ruins. – Slight curling, a few surface smudges, only visible at an angle, otherwise fine tonal prints and most in very good condition. – With: Typewritten manuscript by Siegmund Lympasik: "Der Rhythmus - ein durchgängiges Gestaltprinzip in seinem Bezug zur Schule und zum Fach Kunst" from 1954.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996), Collage, 'Testa unten', 1960-62
    Oct. 08, 2014

    Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996), Collage, 'Testa unten', 1960-62

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Tempera on paper, collaged, laid down on board and mounted on hardboard Germany, 1960-1962 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) - German painter, photographer and graphic artist Ligated monogram 'LS' to the upper right margin Dated '60/61/62/ to the upper left margin Inscribed with the artist's name and studio address, information on the work and the title 'Testa unten' on the back of the framing hardboard Mounted under glass in natural wooden frame Dimensions: 117 x 58 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Germany Abstract-expressive painting by the painter Siegmund Lympasik, who was awarded with the Art Prize of the City of Berlin in 1951 The collaged tempera painting on paper is the work of the Berlin artist Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) and dates from the years 1960-1962. In the lower area of the multi-pieced paper collage is depicted a head upside down, which gave the work its title 'Testa unten'. Lympasik used to work a long time on his paintings and interrupted the work process more than once, putting thereby new ideas in the composition. The painting bears the ligated monogram 'LS' to the upper right margin and is dated '60/61/62/' to the upper left margin. It is inscribed with the artist's name and studio address, information on the work and the title 'Testa unten' on the reverse. The paper work has been laid down on cardboard, mounted on hardboard and framed in natural wooden frame with glazing. It is in very good condition, showing minor wear affecting the frame. The overall size, framed, is 123 x 92.5 cm. The sheet dimensions are 117 x 58 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (born 1920) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. In 1951, Lympasic was awarded with the art prize of the city of Berlin. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Siegmund Lympasik, Painting, 'Komplexe Verbindung', 1970
    Oct. 08, 2014

    Siegmund Lympasik, Painting, 'Komplexe Verbindung', 1970

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Acrylic on canvas Germany, 1970 Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) - German painter, photographer and graphic artist Ligated monogram and date 'SL 70' lower left Titled 'Komplexe Verbindung' and inscribed with the name of the artist, the studio address and the date on the reverse Dimensions: 170 x 160 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Germany Decorative and gestural painting from the late work of Berlin artist Siegmund Lympasik The present painting by Siegmund Lympasik (1920-1996) from 1970 bears the title 'Komplexe Verbindung' [Complex Conjunction]. Lympasik used to work a long time on his paintings and interrupted the work process more than once, which gave his works a complex structure. The painting bears the ligated monogram and date 'SL 70' lower left. It is titled 'Komplexe Verbindung' and inscribed with the name of the artist, the studio address and the date on the reverse. The painting is in good condition, showing some small color losses and wear affecting the frame. The overall dimensions, including the frame, are 173 x 163 cm. The stretcher measures 170 x 160 cm. Siegmund Lympasik (born 1920) Born in Berlin, the painter, photographer and graphic artist Siegmund Lympasik studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin from 1938 and at the Berlin Academy from 1947. He first worked as a teacher and later specialized in art education. He created his mostly large-format works in a studio located in the Sybelstraße in Berlin. In 1951, Lympasic was awarded with the art prize of the city of Berlin. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Lympasik, Siegmund: Images of Berlin
    Jun. 04, 2014

    Lympasik, Siegmund: Images of Berlin

    Est: €400 - €600

    Images of Berlin. 1961. 25 vintage gelatin silver prints on Agfa paper. Each circa 24 x 23,8 cm. Each annotated and numbered by the photographer in ink on the verso. In Agfa photo paper box, annotated by the photographer and with handwritten dedication note. As of 1938 Siegmund Lympasik attended the College for Visual Arts in Berlin Charlottenburg. After returning from war imprisonment in 1947, he attended the Berliner Akademie and in 1951 received the art award from the city of Berlin. Although primarily a painter, Lympasik also employed collage techniques in his work, using photos he had taken on trips, or in Berlin. The photos offered here demonstrate his keen eye for composition, his talent as a photographer and show Berlin around 1961, still with many ruins. - Slight curling, a few surface smudges, only visible at an angle, otherwise fine tonal prints and most in very good condition. - With: Typewritten manuscript by Siegmund Lympasik: "Der Rhythmus - ein durchgängiges Gestaltprinzip in seinem Bezug zur Schule und zum Fach Kunst" from 1954.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • [ Photographs ]
    Jun. 06, 2012

    [ Photographs ]

    Est: -

    Lympasik, Siegmund Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin; Bulldozer tracks in the sand on the ruins of Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin. 1961. 2 vintage gelatin silver prints on Agfa-Brovira paper. 23,7 x 23,5 cm and 23,7 x 29,7 cm. Each annotated by the photographer in ink/pencil on the verso. As of 1938 Siegmund Lympasik attended the College for Visual Arts in Berlin Charlottenburg. After returning from war imprisonment in 1947, he attended the Berliner Akademie and in 1951 received the art award from the city of Berlin. Although primarily a painter, Lympasik also employed collage techniques in his work, using photos he had taken on trips, or in Berlin. The photos offered here and in the following lot demonstrate his keen eye for composition and talent as a photographer. - Slight curling, a few surface smudges, only visible at an angle, otherwise fine tonal prints in very good condition.

    Galerie Bassenge
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