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      • LU ZHI (1496-1576). Boating. Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 24.5 x 141
        Nov. 27, 2024

        LU ZHI (1496-1576). Boating. Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 24.5 x 141

        Est: $400,000 - $600,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576). Boating. Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 24.5 x 141.5 cm. (9 5⁄8 x 55 ¾ in.).

      • 陸治 金明寺圖 | Lu Zhi, Jinming Temple
        Oct. 16, 2024

        陸治 金明寺圖 | Lu Zhi, Jinming Temple

        Est: $1,500,000 - $3,000,000

        Lu Zhi 1496-1575 Jinming Temple ink and colour on paper, handscroll signed, dated 1563, with a dedication and with 3 seals of the artist Colophons by Wu Rongguang (1773-1843), dated 1828 and with 1 seal; by Xiong Jingxing (1791-1856), dated 1852, and with 1 seal; by Pan Baoxuan (1853-1892), dated 1890 and with 7 seals with 3 collector's seals of Pan Zhengwei (1791-1850), 2 of Pan Peishang (19th century) and 2 other collectors' seals painting: 29.5 x 133 cm. 11 ½ x 52 ⅓ in. colophon: 29.8 x 202 cm. 11 ¾ x 79 ½ in.  ---------------------------------------------- 陸治 1496-1575 金明寺圖 設色紙本 手卷 署簽:陸包山金明寺圖,徵綺園藏。 題識:嘉靖癸亥春(1563)日偶過嘉禾金明寺,寺僧焚香煮茗,揮塵對談。因出諸名公贈言乞余補圖,遂為作此,倂系一律:貪奇引伴尋山寺,高閣淩雲對筆鋒。白日龍泉噴珠玉,清秋鴛水浸芙蓉。山連峽谷危仍轉,草障春波清且濃。明日出郊期放鶴,煮茶亭下聽鳴鐘。包山陸治。鈐印:「陸治之印」、「陸氏叔平」、「陸生叔平」 題跋: 〈吳榮光〉此卷先有詩後有畫,與盧士恒聽雨樓卷同一風味,爾時詩法書派略見一斑。戊子(1828)嘉平借觀於波可菴。吳榮光記。鈐印:「吳榮光印」 〈熊景星〉此卷原有王世貞、周雨胡道諸人贈詩,其後包山子始為之補圖。書田大兄先生購得此卷,其詩幅旋為友人攫去,故今有圖無詩。然世間兩美必合安知將來不為延津之劍耶。壬子(1852)小雪熊景星觀並識。鈐印:「留江」 潘寶鐄補錄題跋: 湖天海月閣詩。湖倒天光海吐月,清光萬裏跨南越。高閣淩雲畫棟飛,滄溟入眼見毫發。夫差勾踐幾戰爭,古今形勝完無闕。梵王宮殿誰作之?百尺危梯升突兀。向來千佛香火崇,風景多年自沉沒。詩僧氣味不尋常,整頓規模更掀揭。八窗玲瓏四面開,上天下地身飄忽。恍然坐我太空中,兩腋羽翮騰蟾窟。一覽乾坤洞八荒,蓬萊何處驚仙骨。兩湖夾鏡磨青銅,五龍抗背駕蒼淈。吾生老矣快神遊,混沌溟涬初明發。便合一辭詩百篇,收拾秀氣才未竭。誰同一日一番來。日暮桑榆無盡歇。王鏊。鈐印:「寶璜印信」、「椒堂學書」 方客淩虛倚翠煙,俯臨城郭見湖天。芳洲桂樹秋還落,亂水芙蓉晚更鮮。日暮黿鼉猶出沒,雲迴鴻雁劇聯翩。蒼茫不盡登臨幸,何用乘槎北斗邊。青天高閣兩湖開,野色秋光萬裏來。縹緲竟疑凌太華,虛無還擬接蓬萊。橋邊落日青龍見,樹裏奔濤白鳥回。玉宇瓊樓何處是,海天江國思堪哀。鈐印:「椒堂」 晚來遊興便登高,萬裏天風觸苧袍。潭黑臥龍欲霖雨,巢空野鶴上雲霄。落霞孤鶩開詩思,綠浪紅欄隱畫橈。惠擬瀛洲來補袞,漫將吾道寄鸞簫。後學沈子惠書。鈐印:「椒堂伯子」 孤城樓閣淩霄漢,一鏡函虛混太空。越甸風煙秋色裏,吳宮花草夕陽中。三江波浪帆檣近,萬國梯航玉帛同。悵望長安猶不極,浮雲落木正天風。昆陵山人周雨。鈐印:「潘寶鐄章」 秋末來登湖上閣,腰間短劍欲飛揚。雲浮島嶼日華近,淵隱蛟龍霧氣藏。不見扁舟空浩蕩,獨餘孤榭自昏黃。浮生幽意多懷古,臨眺茲辰倍感傷。夢溪子胡道。鈐印:「寶璜私印」 〈潘寶鐄〉此卷藏余家聽帆樓時原有以上諸詩,不知何時為人割去。因撿尋書畫記中原詩六章,分歐、趙、蘇、黃各體補錄於後。光緒庚寅(1890)九月十三日潘寶鐄識。鈐印:「潘寶鐄印」 藏印: 〈潘正煒〉「季彤審定」、「季彤鑑定珍藏」、「季彤心賞」 〈潘佩裳〉「佩裳心賞」、「佩裳宝藏」 「王元耀印」、「衡儀」 painting: 29.5 x 133 cm. 11 ½ x 52 ⅓ in. colophon: 29.8 x 202 cm. 11 ¾ x 79 ½ in. 

      • 陸治 碧山泛舟圖|Lu Zhi, Scholar on a boat in Mountains
        Apr. 07, 2024

        陸治 碧山泛舟圖|Lu Zhi, Scholar on a boat in Mountains

        Est: $2,400,000 - $5,000,000

        Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Scholar on a boat in Mountains ink and colour on paper, handscroll signed Baoshan Lu Zhi and with 2 seals of the artist colophon by Wen Zhengming (1470-1559) and Wang Cong (1494-1533) with 3 collector’s seals of Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) 26.5 x 99.5 cm. 10⅜ x 39⅛ in. ---------------------------------------------- 陸治 碧山泛舟圖 設色紙本 手卷 款識:包山陸治製。鈐印:「包山子」、「陸氏叔平」 題跋: (文徵明)碧浪湖頭水亂流,矢山橋畔翠煙浮。不知誰是玄真子,獨泛扁舟汗漫遊。徵明。鈐印:「文徵明印」、「徵明」 (王寵)十日窮歡亂碧山,片帆輕拂五雲還。桃花流水仙門曲,回首重迷銷夏灣。王寵。鈐印:「王履吉印」、「雅宜山人」 鑑藏印:(張學良)「毅盦」、「霖之子」、「臨溟張氏珍藏」 26.5 x 99.5 cm. 10⅜ x 39⅛ in.  

      • Lu zhi Flower
        Mar. 20, 2024

        Lu zhi Flower

        Est: $800 - $1,000

        191014 陆治花卉 Lu zhi Flower 84x37cm 来源:新加坡收藏家旧藏 款识:陆治制 陆治1496-1576年,字叔平,别号包山子,南直隶苏州府吴县,今江苏省苏州市人。弘治九年生,学于文征明门下,早年为诸生,屡试不中,转为书画,善画山水,花鸟。隐居支硎山。万历四年去世。后人辑有《陆包山遗稿》。作品有《仙圃长春图》传世。

      • Lu Zhi, Narcissus | 陸治 水仙圖
        Oct. 07, 2023

        Lu Zhi, Narcissus | 陸治 水仙圖

        Est: $100,000 - $200,000

        Lu Zhi 1496-1575 Narcissus ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed BaoshanLu Zhi and with two seals of the artist with three collector’s seals of Liu Shu (Qing dynasty) and one other collector’s seal 75.7 x 27.8 cm. 29¾ x 11 in. ---------------------------------------------- 陸治 1496-1575 水仙圖 設色紙本 立軸 款識:包山陸治寫。鈐印:包山子、陸氏叔平 鑑藏印:(劉恕)蓉峯鑑賞、吳邑鎦恕審定、寒碧莊清貦印 寶珊賞玩

      • 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers
        Dec. 17, 2022

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 留得滕王蛱蝶图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:拟宋人笔意 包山子陆治画 钤印:(陆氏叔平) 鉴藏印: 清宫藏印十一方 安岐 (安)(仪周鉴赏) 吴荣光(荷屋鉴赏) 卞永誉(卞令之鉴定) 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏) 载铨 (曾存定府行有恆堂) 方濬颐(曾存方梦园家) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 王养度(曾藏荆门王氏处) Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Butterfliers Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed with one artist seal Eleven Emperors’ seals Nine collectors’ seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • In the Style of Lu Zhi (1496-1577)
        Jun. 13, 2022

        In the Style of Lu Zhi (1496-1577)

        Est: €3,000 - €5,000

        In the Style of Lu Zhi (1496-1577) China, dated 1567, ca. 17th ct. 30,9 x 240 cm One Hundred Deer. Ink and colors on silk, mounted as handscroll. Signature by the artist at the end of the scroll: “In the first decade of the eighth month in the first year of the Longqing reign (1567) painted by Baoshan Lu Zhi at the age of eighty one (=1576).” Two seals of the artist: “Baoshanzi” (under the signature), “Lu shi Shuping” (at the beginning of the painting). Six collectors’ seals. From an old southern German private collection, acquired between 1970 and 2002 Uncounted deer in large crowds are strolling besides ragged mountain cliffs and wild streams. Mushrooms of longevity are growing everywhere and an enormous old juniper tree is towering at the midst of the composition. Beside it a beautiful white deer is standing out from the crowd. By the Chinese th e deer is believed to live to a very great age and has therefore become an emblem of longevity. Its horns are made into medicine for prolonging life which is sold very expensive to the wealthy. The painting would thus have been a perfect birthday present for a high aged noble person. Lu Zhi, style name Baoshan, was considered the best painter of landscapes and flowers in Suzhou after Wen Zhengming (1470-1559). This nice and interesting painting is of later date, maybe from the 17th century. Partly rest., wear

        Nagel Auction
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) The South Marsh Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 27.4
        Nov. 29, 2021

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) The South Marsh Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 27.4

        Est: $5,000,000 - $7,000,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) The South Marsh Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 27.4 x 205.3 cm. (10 ¾ x 80 ¾ in.)

      • LU ZHI (attributed, 1496-1576).
        Sep. 01, 2021

        LU ZHI (attributed, 1496-1576).

        Est: £800 - £1,200

        LU ZHI (attributed, 1496-1576). LU ZHI (attributed to, 1496 – 1576). Landscape. Chinese ink and colour on silk, 90.5 x 34.5cm painting, with colophons attributed to Feng Ning Zhu Xiong (1801 – 1864), Aixinjueluo Yizhen (1840 – 1891), Wu Yun (1811 – 1883), Jin Kun (1662 – 1722), 120 x 35cm. 陸治(傳) 山水圖 設色絹本 立軸 款識:嘉靖乙丑年仲秋,包山陸治寫。 鈐印:「臣治」 題跋:(馮寧)嘉靖乙丑年仲秋,包山陸治寫。鈐印:「馮寧之印」 (朱熊)算回千峰還,筆下幾生輝。肚收難入景,唯有小影記。鈐印:「朱熊之印」 (爱新觉罗·奕譞)仙家妙筆。鈐印:「繪翰連珠醇親王書」 (吳雲)前峰突兀后峰攒,万木彫残景色阑。仙馆无人磐杳瑤。鈐印:「吳雲敬觀」「松叟」 (金昆)。矗雲古樹鬱蒼蒼,隨碧煙光無限青。數峰橫翠黛一逕入層,倚波風月好,瞻對使人憐。鈐印:「金昆」

        Chiswick Auctions
      • ANONYMOUS (18TH CENTURY) Ducks and Hibiscus, After Lu Zhi (c.1496-1576)
        May. 10, 2021

        ANONYMOUS (18TH CENTURY) Ducks and Hibiscus, After Lu Zhi (c.1496-1576)

        Est: £1,500 - £2,000

        ANONYMOUS (18TH CENTURY) Ducks and Hibiscus, After Lu Zhi (c.1496-1576) Ink and pigment on paper, three red seals, mounted as a hanging scroll. 39cm (15 3/8in) x 130cm (51 1/4in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) Sailing in Spring Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and
        Dec. 02, 2020

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Sailing in Spring Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and

        Est: $120,000 - $200,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Sailing in Spring Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on gold paper 16.5 x 50 cm. (6 ½ x 19 5/8 in.)

      • After Lu Zhi (1496-1576) (19th or 20th century) Four Figural Scenes
        Jul. 11, 2019

        After Lu Zhi (1496-1576) (19th or 20th century) Four Figural Scenes

        Est: £500 - £600

        After Lu Zhi (1496-1576) (19th or 20th century) Four Figural ScenesInk and pigment on silk, comprising four separate scenes, with two colophons on paper bearing signatures of Xu Wei, inscriptions and red seals, all mounted as a hand scroll.Each scene: 81.5cm x 26cm

      • LU ZHI 1496-1576 | EMPTY VALLEY AT SUNSET
        Mar. 22, 2019

        LU ZHI 1496-1576 | EMPTY VALLEY AT SUNSET

        Est: $180,000 - $280,000

        signed Lu Zhi, inscribed with a poem, with two seals of the artist, bao shan zi, lu zhi shu ping

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) Landscape Album of eight leaves, ink and color on silk Each leaf measures 10 3/4 x 10 1/4 in. (27.5 x 26.2 cm)
        Mar. 19, 2019

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Landscape Album of eight leaves, ink and color on silk Each leaf measures 10 3/4 x 10 1/4 in. (27.5 x 26.2 cm)

        Est: $10,000 - $15,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Landscape Each leaf inscribed, with a total of nine seals of the artist Album of eight leaves, ink and color on silk Each leaf measures 10 3/4 x 10 1/4 in. (27.5 x 26.2 cm)

      • Chinese Paintings, Manner of Lu Zhi, Bird-and-Flower
        Oct. 14, 2018

        Chinese Paintings, Manner of Lu Zhi, Bird-and-Flower

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        (lot of 2) Manner of Lu Zhi (Chinese, 1496­1576), Bird-and-Flower, ink and color on silk, one of sparrows perched on peony branch; the other of a bird amidst chrysanthemums; each bearing signature and seal; painting: 10'h x 9.5'w; overall (framed): 15'w x 13'h

        Clars Auctions
      • LU ZHI   (follower of, 1496 – 1576) Bird on Flowering Branch ink and colour on silk, album leaf signed Baoshan Lu Zhi, dated Jiajing Xinyou (1561), with two seal of artist 29 x 36.5cm. 陸治(傳)   花鳥圖 設色紙本   冊頁
        May. 24, 2018

        LU ZHI   (follower of, 1496 – 1576) Bird on Flowering Branch ink and colour on silk, album leaf signed Baoshan Lu Zhi, dated Jiajing Xinyou (1561), with two seal of artist 29 x 36.5cm. 陸治(傳)   花鳥圖 設色紙本   冊頁

        Est: £100 - £200

        LU ZHI   (follower of, 1496 – 1576) Bird on Flowering Branch ink and colour on silk, album leaf signed Baoshan Lu Zhi, dated Jiajing Xinyou (1561), with two seal of artist 29 x 36.5cm. 陸治(傳)   花鳥圖 設色紙本   冊頁 款識:嘉靖辛酉春三月寄望包山陸治 鈴印:「陸治之印」「包山」

        Chiswick Auctions
      • Attributed to Lu Zhi(1496-1576)
        Apr. 22, 2018

        Attributed to Lu Zhi(1496-1576)

        Est: $1,000 - $1,600

        Lu Zhi(1496-1576).Ink and color on silk,framed. signed by Lu Zhi with one seals.

        Getty's Auction & Gallery
      • Chinese watercolor painted scroll
        Feb. 04, 2018

        Chinese watercolor painted scroll

        Est: $800 - $1,200

        Chinese watercolor painted scroll, depicting a bird on a tree, after Lu Zhi(1496-1576).45 1/2"H x 17 1/2"W

        Sofe Design Auctions
      • Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Mountain Humble Abode 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 流水山居掩柴门
        Dec. 09, 2017

        Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Mountain Humble Abode 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 流水山居掩柴门

        Est: $20,000 - $30,000

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 流水山居掩柴门 设色水墨纸本立轴 1564 年作 款识:山居惟爱静, 白石掩柴门; 寡合人多忌, 无求道(自)尊。 鷃鹏俱有意, 兰艾不同根; 安得蒙庄叟, 相逢与细论。 甲子五月既望 包山陆治画并题 钤印:(陆氏叔平) 鉴藏印: 汪士元:(向叔审定真迹) 吴荣光:(荷屋鉴赏) 于腾: (飞卿过眼) 沉树镛:(韵初审定) 王养度:(曾藏荆门王氏处) 邵松年:(海虞邵氏珍藏金石书画之印) Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Mountain Humble Abode Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1564 Inscribed and signed Lu Zhi, with one artist seal Six collectors’ seals

        Gianguan Auctions
      • Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Morning Ducks 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 幽鸟早春图
        Jun. 10, 2017

        Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Morning Ducks 明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 幽鸟早春图

        Est: $50,000 - $60,000

        明 陆治 (1496 - 1576) 幽鸟早春图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 孤烟双鸟下, 幽趣迫疏林; 晴气欲又喧, 幽鸟鸣春早。 包山子陆治 钤印: (包山子) (陆治之印) Lu Zhi Ming Dynasty Morning Ducks Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Lu Zhi, with two artist seals

        Gianguan Auctions
        Nov. 29, 2016


        Est: $1,000 - $2,000

        Lu Zhi (1496-1576) FLOWERS AND BIRDS ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll, dated 1548, inscribed, signed LU ZHI and with ten seals 110 x 57 cm ( 43 1/4 x 22 1/2 in ) REMARK: Annotations by Weng Tonghe and Hong Ren HK$ 1,000-2,000 RMB 800-1,700 陸治 (1496-1576) 花鳥 戊申(1548)年作 設色絹本 立軸 款識:戊申八月六日,包山陸治作。 鈐印十個:陸治之印、包山子、弘仁、同龢印、叔平 110 x 57 cm 約 5.76 平尺 說明:翁同龢、弘仁題跋 HK$ 1,000-2,000 RMB 800-1,700 陸治,明代畫家。字叔平,因居包山,自號包山。善行、楷,尤心通繪事。游祝允明、文徵明門,其於丹青之學,務出其胸中奇,一時好稱,幾與文埒。工寫生得徐、黃遺意。點染花鳥竹石,往往天造。山水自具風格,與陳淳並重於世。 翁同龢,字叔平,號松禪,別署均齋、瓶笙、瓶廬居士、並眉居士等,別號天放閒人,晚號瓶庵居士,中國近代史上著名政治家、書法藝術家。歷任戶部、工部尚書、軍機大臣兼總理各國事務衙門大臣。先後擔任清同治、光緒兩代帝師。卒後追諡文恭。著有《翁文恭公日記》、《瓶廬詩文稿》等。 弘仁(1610-1664),清畫家。俗姓江,名韜,字六奇,又名舫,字鷗盟。明亡後於福建武夷山出家為僧,字漸江,號梅花古衲。安徽歙縣人。為清初四畫僧之一。和查士標、孫逸、汪立瑞等四人並稱「新安四大家」。

        Marchance Auctioneers
      • LU ZHI 1496 - 1576 | Poems in Running Script
        Oct. 03, 2016

        LU ZHI 1496 - 1576 | Poems in Running Script

        Est: $30,000 - $40,000

        signed Lu Zhi, dated xinwei (1571), with a dedication, with two seals of the artist and two collectors’ seals

      • LU ZHI 1496-1575 | GAZING AT A WATERFALL
        Sep. 15, 2016

        LU ZHI 1496-1575 | GAZING AT A WATERFALL

        Est: $5,000 - $7,000

        signed Lu Zhi, with one seal of the artist, lu shi shu ping

        Jun. 01, 2016


        Est: $24,000 - $30,000

        Lu Zhi (1496-1576) A CHINESE PAINTING OF BUTTERFLIES IN FLOWERS ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll, dated 1570, signed BAO SHAN LU ZHI and with two seals. 26 x 113 cm. ~ 2.70 sft 陸治    花蝶   一四九六至一五七六年 設色絹本    立軸    一五七零年作 26 x 113 cm. 約 2.70 平尺 款識: 庚午清和月下澣包山陸治。 鈐印: 「陸」、「治」

        Marchance Auctioneers
      • Chinese Fan, Manner of Lu Zhi
        Apr. 17, 2016

        Chinese Fan, Manner of Lu Zhi

        Est: $700 - $1,000

        Manner of Lu Zhi (Chinese, 1496-1576), Fan: Butterflies and Flowers, ink and color on silk, upper right bearing colophon, with cyclical date gengxu and bearing signature 'Lu Zhi' and sealed 'Lu Shuping', painting: 10"dia, overall: 12.5"h x 23.75"w

        Clars Auctions
      • Circle of Lu Zhi (Chinese 1496-1576), Birds, Pine Tree and Flowers on a Rocky Outcrop: A Hanging Scroll
        Jan. 05, 2016

        Circle of Lu Zhi (Chinese 1496-1576), Birds, Pine Tree and Flowers on a Rocky Outcrop: A Hanging Scroll

        Est: $500 - $700

        Circle of Lu Zhi (Chinese 1496-1576) Birds, Pine Tree and Flowers on a Rocky Outcrop: A Hanging Scroll Signed and sealed Lu Zhi also with three vertical rows of inscription Ink and color on silk mounted on champagne brocade silk. Framed.* Scattered horizontal creases. 61-1/2 x 18 in (156.2 x 45.7 cm)

      • Circle of Lu Zhi (Chinese 1496-1576), Birds, Pine Tree and Flowers on a Rocky Outcrop: A Hanging Scroll
        Dec. 04, 2015

        Circle of Lu Zhi (Chinese 1496-1576), Birds, Pine Tree and Flowers on a Rocky Outcrop: A Hanging Scroll

        Est: $1,000 - $1,500

        Circle of Lu Zhi (Chinese 1496-1576) Birds, Pine Tree and Flowers on a Rocky Outcrop: A Hanging Scroll Signed and sealed Lu Zhi also with three vertical rows of inscription Ink and color on silk mounted on champagne brocade silk. Framed.* Scattered horizontal creases. 61-1/2 x 18 in (156.2 x 45.7 cm)Property from a Washington, DC Private Collection

      • SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER By Lu Chih. Depicting kingfisher and lotus. Signed and seal marked. 37" x 17.25" (94 cm x 44 cm).
        May. 02, 2015

        SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER By Lu Chih. Depicting kingfisher and lotus. Signed and seal marked. 37" x 17.25" (94 cm x 44 cm).

        Est: $300 - $400

        SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER 20th Century By Lu Chih. Depicting kingfisher and lotus. Signed and seal marked. 37" x 17.25" (94 cm x 44 cm).

      • SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER By Lu Chih. Depicting butterflies and peonies. Signed and seal marked. 37.25" x 16.75" (94.5 cm x 42.7 cm).
        May. 02, 2015

        SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER By Lu Chih. Depicting butterflies and peonies. Signed and seal marked. 37.25" x 16.75" (94.5 cm x 42.7 cm).

        Est: $300 - $400

        SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER 20th Century By Lu Chih. Depicting butterflies and peonies. Signed and seal marked. 37.25" x 16.75" (94.5 cm x 42.7 cm).

      • SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER By Lu Chih. Depicting lotus with calligraphy and four seal marks. 57" x 15.5" (145 cm x 40 cm).
        May. 02, 2015

        SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER By Lu Chih. Depicting lotus with calligraphy and four seal marks. 57" x 15.5" (145 cm x 40 cm).

        Est: $400 - $500

        SCROLL PAINTING ON PAPER 20th Century By Lu Chih. Depicting lotus with calligraphy and four seal marks. 57" x 15.5" (145 cm x 40 cm).

      • Chinese Painting, Zhou Baoshan, Cat
        Nov. 09, 2013

        Chinese Painting, Zhou Baoshan, Cat

        Est: $50 - $100

        Zhou Baoshan (Chinese, 20th century), Cat and Kitten, ink and color on paper, the right signed 'Baoshan' and with three seals, sight: 23.25"h x 18.5"w, overall (frame): 32.5"h x 26.25"w

        Clars Auctions
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        Sep. 12, 2013

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $5,000 - $6,000

        The painting is decorate with nature landscape, birds and Chinese writings.

        Wichita Auctioneers
      • A hanging scroll in the manner of Lu Zhi (1496-1576). Qing dynasty
        Dec. 07, 2012

        A hanging scroll in the manner of Lu Zhi (1496-1576). Qing dynasty

        Est: €1,200 - €1,440

        A hanging scroll in the manner of Lu Zhi (1496-1576) depicting two quails underneath millet in a landscape with autumn flowes and a creek. Ink and colours on brown silk. Inscribed Lu Zhi and sealed. Qing dynasty. 114.8 x 57 cm

        Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        Nov. 26, 2012

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $1,200,000 - $1,500,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Narcissus Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 58.5 x 27 cm. (23 x 10 5/8 in.) Inscribed with a seven-character poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Five collectors' seals including one of Gao Shiqi (1645-1703) and one of Prince Cheng (1686-1730) Inscribed on the mounting by Qi Gong (1912-2005), signed with two seals 1

      • After Lu Zhi (1496-1576)
        May. 26, 2012

        After Lu Zhi (1496-1576)

        Est: £60,000 - £80,000

        Birds and Flowers 18th Century Ink and colour on silk, an album of eleven leaves Bearing the signature Baoshan Lu Zhi, each with one or two seals of the artist One colophon after the painting attributed to Li Ziting 32.5cm x 24.5cm (12¾in x 9½in) each. (11).

      • LU ZHI 1496-1575
        Mar. 22, 2012

        LU ZHI 1496-1575

        Est: $45,000 - $65,000

        DAY-LILY AND GARDEN ROCK signed Lu Zhi, inscribed, and with two seals of the artist, lu shi shu ping, bao shan zi, and eight collectors' seals of Li Zongwan (1705-1759) and Pan Zengwei (1818-1886), yi yuan zhen cang, zi sun bao zhi, yi yuan cang zhen, wang zhe shou cang, zhu xi mi wan, zi jing zhai zhen cang, bo sheng shen ding, yue chang cao tang shang jian ink and color on paper, hanging scroll 80.7 by 39.7 cm. 31 3/4 by 15 5/8 in.

        Sep. 28, 2011


        Est: £400 - £600

        AFTER LU ZHI (1496-1567) CHINESE HANGING SCROLL, LATE QING DYNASTY/ REPUBLIC ink and wash on paper, depicting birds on a branch, calligraphy and seal marks 75cm x 33cm

        Lyon & Turnbull
      • Chinese watercolor hand scroll attr. to Lu Zhi
        Sep. 07, 2011

        Chinese watercolor hand scroll attr. to Lu Zhi

        Est: $3,000 - $5,000

        Chinese watercolor hand scroll attr. to Lu Zhi depicting birds and flowers. Lu Zhi (Chinese, 1496-1576). Site: 57"L x 11.25"H.

        Dallas Auction Gallery
      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        May. 28, 2010

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $1,500,000 - $2,000,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) Narcissus Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 58.5 x 27 cm. (23 x 10 5/8 in.) Inscribed with a seven-character poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Five collectors' seals including one of Gao Shiqi (1645-1703) and one of Prince Cheng (1686-1730) Inscribed on the mounting by Qi Gong (1912-2005), signed with two seals

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        May. 26, 2009

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $100,000 - $150,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) A Trip in Spring Handscroll, ink and colour on silk 28.5 x 111.4 cm. (11 1/4 x 43 3/4 in.) Inscribed with a peom and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated spring, third month, bingwu year of the Jiaqing era (1546) Three colophons Seven collectors seals

        Dec. 02, 2008


        Est: $80,000 - $150,000

        ANONYMOUS (17TH CENTURY) Birds and Blossoms Handscroll, ink and colour on silk 27.5 x 251.5 cm. (10 7/8 x 99 in.) Two seals of Lu Zhi (1496-1576) Titleship by Pu Quan(1913-1991) on unmounted separate paper, attributes the work to Cui Bai (active late 11th century)

      • Secluded village
        May. 26, 2008

        Secluded village

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        LU ZHI (1496-1576, ATTRIBUTED TO) Secluded Village Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 27 x 289 cm. (10 5/8 x 113 3/4 in.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals Dated winter, guihai year (1563) Eleven collectors' seals including four of Xiang Yuanbian (1525-1590), one of Shen Zhou (1427-1509) and six of others

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576) LANDSCAPE
        Nov. 07, 2007

        LU ZHI (1496-1576) LANDSCAPE

        Est: £8,000 - £12,000

        ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Signed Lu Zhi, inscribed, and with one seal

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        Nov. 27, 2006

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $200,000 - $300,000

        Spring Landscape Hanging Scroll, ink and colour on paper 134.5 x 68.5 cm. (53 x 27 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed by the artist: Bao Shan Ju Shi Lu Zhi Three seals of the artist: You Zhu Jun, Bao Shan Zi, Lu Zhi Shu Ping Dedicated to Zhengjun Dated jisi year of the Longqing era (1569) One collector's seal: Qian Tian Shu Yin

      • LU ZHI (1946-1576)
        Nov. 27, 2006

        LU ZHI (1946-1576)

        Est: $120,000 - $150,000

        Sitting Alone in an Autumn Forest Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 58 x 32 cm. (22 7/8 x 12 1/2 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed by the artist: Lu Zhi One seal of the artist: Lu Shi Shu Zi One collector's seal: Jin Wangqiao (1821-1861): Tuo Xiang Jin Shi Guan Lan Ge Mi Ji Tu Shu

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        Nov. 27, 2006

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $60,000 - $80,000

        Heavenly Garden of the Recluse Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 109.5 x 34.5 cm. (43 1/8 13 5/8 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed by the artist: Bao Shan Zi Lu Zhi Two seals of the artist: Shu Ping, Bao Shan Zi Dated summer, the second year of the Longqing era (1568) One collector's seal: Tang Qian Suo Cang

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        May. 30, 2006

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $120,000 - $150,000

        Landscape Hanging scroll, ink on paper 84 x 27.5 cm. (33 x 10 7/8 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed: Bao Shan Lu Zhi Dated winter, jiawu year of the Jiajing era (1534) Two seals of the artist: Lu Shi Ping Shu, Bao Shan Zi Nine collectors' seals, including five seals of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799, r.1736-1795): Qian Long Yu Lan Zhi Bao, Shi Qu Bao Ji, Qian Long Jian Shang, San Xi Tang Jing Jian Xi, Yi Zi Sun; one of Qian Zai (1708-1793): Kun Yi Shu Hua

      • LU ZHI (1496-1576)
        May. 30, 2005

        LU ZHI (1496-1576)

        Est: $800,000 - $1,000,000

        GATHERING BESIDE A MOUNTAIN STREAM Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 154.5 x 65.8 cm. (60 7/8 x 25 7/8 in.) Inscribed with a poem by the artist and signed: Lu Zhi Two seals of the artist: Lu Shi Shu Ping, Bao Shan Zi Three collectors' seals

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