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Barbara Longhi Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1552 - d. 1638

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    • LONGHI BARBARA (1552 - 1638 circa) - Ecstasy of Saint Catherine
      Dec. 10, 2024

      LONGHI BARBARA (1552 - 1638 circa) - Ecstasy of Saint Catherine

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      LONGHI BARBARA (1552 - 1638 circa). Ecstasy of Saint Catherine. Thanks to Dr. Alberto Crispo for confirming the attribution of the work on a photographic basis. Provenance: Private collection, Rome.. 12 x 15,80 cm.

      Capitolium Art
    • Barbara Longhi
      Apr. 24, 2024

      Barbara Longhi

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      (Ravenna 1552 – circa 1638) Saint Justina of Padua, oil on canvas, 44.5 x 30 cm, framed Provenance: Private European collection We are grateful to Alberto Crispo for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a photograph. This work is a recent addition to the oeuvre of Barbara Longhi and refers to other depictions of female saints by the artist with similar iconography, size and composition, which gained high popularity as devotional images and even more as "exempla virtutis" amongst Ravennese noblewomen. The attributes of the book, a palm frond and a small sword in her breast, identify the present saint as Saint Justina of Padua. The cult of Saint Justina spread from Padua to the rest of Italy and eventually reached Ravenna, where the small church Santa Giustina in Capite Porticus was built in the fourteenth century. The image of Saint Justina appears also in the celebrated Byzantine mosaics in Sant’Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna. Another painting with the same subject is known (see L. De Girolami Cheney, Barbara Longhi of Ravenna. Art, Grace and Piety, Cambridge 2023, fig. 78). Together with her older brother Francesco, Barbara was apprenticed in the workshop of her father Luca Longhi in Ravenna which the two siblings took over after their father’s death in 1580. In 1568 Vasari praised the talent of the young female artist while visiting the house of her father in Ravenna, ‘[she] draws very well, and she has begun to colour some things with good grace and manner’ (see G. Vasari, Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. II, London 1996, p. 779).

    • Self-Portrait of the Artist as Saint Catherine of Alexandria
      Feb. 01, 2024

      Self-Portrait of the Artist as Saint Catherine of Alexandria

      Est: $30,000 - $50,000

      Barbara Longhi Ravenna 1552 - 1638 Self-Portrait of the Artist as Saint Catherine of Alexandria oil on panel panel: 13 ½ by 11 ¼ in.; 34.3 by 28.6 cm. framed: 16 ½ by 14 ⅜ in.; 41.9 by 36.5 cm.

    • BARBARA LONGHI (RAVENNA 1552 - 1638)
      Dec. 05, 2023

      BARBARA LONGHI (RAVENNA 1552 - 1638)

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      Barbara Longhi (Ravenna 1552 - 1638) Interno con Madonna con Gesù Bambino Olio su tela 85 x 59,5 cm Si ringrazia il Professor Alessandro Delpriori per aver visionato l'opera e fornito l'attribuzione. Il riferimento più diretto e convincente è la recente acquisizione del Museo di Ravenna presso la casa d'aste Hampel di Monaco di Baviera. Nel dipinto si osserva la stessa identica immagine della Vergine col Bambino: https://www.hampel-auctions.com/a/Barbara-Longhi-1552-Ravenna-1638-ebenda.html?a=123&s=697&id=560809 Nacque e visse a Ravenna, dove operò come ritrattista e pittrice di scene sacre. Era figlia del noto pittore manierista Luca Longhi, dal quale apprese le prime nozioni. Verso il 1570 si mise in proprio anche se mantenne saldi legami con la bottega del padre. Le sue opere sono conservate nella Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna, nel Museo Civico di Ravenna, nella Gemäldegalerie di Dresda e nella Pinacoteca Comunale di Faenza. Barbara Longhi (Ravenna 1552 - 1638) Interior With Madonna With Christ Child Oil on canvas 85 x 59,5 cm We thank Professor Alessandro Delpriori for viewing the artwork and providing the attribution. The most direct and convincing reference is the recent acquisition of the Ravenna Museum at the Hampel auction house in Munich. In the painting, we observe the same image of the Virgin and Child: https://www.hampel-auctions.com/a/Barbara-Longhi-1552-Ravenna-1638-ebenda.html?a=123&s=697&id=560809

      Lucas Aste
    • Barbara Longhi
      May. 03, 2023

      Barbara Longhi

      Est: €30,000 - €40,000

      (Ravenna 1552 – circa 1638) Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, traces of a signature lower right (strengthened): BARA DI LUG ONGH, oil on panel, 128.5 x 99 cm, framed Provenance: Collection of Marchese Giacomo Bovio, Bologna (as Perin del Vaga according to a label on the reverse) The present painting is a significant addition to the oeuvre of Barbara Longhi, an artist about whom only few documentary records exist and whose signed works are extremely rare. In the second edition of his Vite (1568), Vasari mentions that the artist, although still a young girl, ‘draws very well, and has begun to do some work in colour with no little grace and excellence of manner’ (G. Vasari, Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. II, London 1996, p. 779). Together with her older brother Francesco she was apprenticed in the workshop of her father Luca Longhi in Ravenna which the two siblings took over after their father’s death in 1580. Barbara Longhi mainly devoted herself to small-format paintings of private devotion and portraits for which she enjoyed great popularity among her patrons. In the present Holy Family the artist overcame her father’s Raphaelesque models, rather finding inspiration in the works of Michelangelo, as evidenced by the pronounced musculature of the two children, as well as the Christ Child’s restless pose. The large size of the present painting and its panel support also mark two extremely unusual and unique elements in the artist’s production. Such a large work was certainly due to an important commission; on the back of the panel a label refers to the provenance of the work from the collection of the Marquis Bovio of Bologna with an attribution to Perin del Vaga – at a time when Barbara Longhi’s signature was probably no longer legible due to dirt or the darkening of paint. The collector referred was probably Giacomo Bovio, who in the early 19th century had an important collection which included Raphael’s Portrait of a Man with the same kind of label, acquired by the Princes of Liechtenstein in 1838. Unfortunately, the loss of the 17th-century inventories of the Bovio collection makes it difficult to reconstruct the painting’s early history today. However, it is possible that the Bolognese family originally commissioned the work: their patronage of the arts is known from at least the mid-16th century (see F. Chiodini, La collezione di Antonio Bovio (1676–1738) tra palazzo senatorio e villa Carlina a Castenaso, in: Il Carrobbio, no. 26, 2000, pp. 111–120).

    • BARBARA LONGHI (RAVENNA 1552-C.1638) The Madonna and Child oil on canvas, unframed 16 1/8 x 12 5/8 in. (40.1 x 32.1 cm.) 75
      Jan. 31, 2023

      BARBARA LONGHI (RAVENNA 1552-C.1638) The Madonna and Child oil on canvas, unframed 16 1/8 x 12 5/8 in. (40.1 x 32.1 cm.) 75

      Est: $30,000 - $50,000

      BARBARA LONGHI (RAVENNA 1552-C.1638) The Madonna and Child oil on canvas, unframed 16 1/8 x 12 5/8 in. (40.1 x 32.1 cm.)

    • Holy Martyr (St Justina of Padua?)
      May. 19, 2022

      Holy Martyr (St Justina of Padua?)

      Est: €6,000 - €8,000

      LONGHI, BARBARA Ravenna 1552 - 1638 attributed Title: Holy Martyr (St Justina of Padua?). Technique: Oil on canvas. Mounting: Relined. Measurement: 38 x 29.5cm. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Verso: On the canvas old collection name with former attribution to Perugino. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. The present painting, due to its style, can be attributed to a renowned artist who was active between the 16th and 17th centuries: Barbara Longhi. Barbara was born in Ravenna in 1552, the daughter of the painter Luca Longhi, and already distinguished herself as a portrait painter during her training period. Not much survives of her work, which, at least during the early period, is due to her working in her father's workshop, where she mainly produced small works with religious themes for private devotion. Barbara's works are characterized by a simplification of forms and a greater emphasis on emotion than those of her father. The present Holy Martyr belongs to Barbara's production related to her father's workshop: The painting is indeed reminiscent of Luca Longhi's Saint Catherine, of which at least three versions are known. It must therefore have been a successful prototype, repeated also by his daughter Barbara. Based on the iconographic attributes, a dagger in the chest and a palm tree in the hand, the sitter could be identified with St. Justina of Padua (+ c. 304 in Padua). Justina was a virgin and martyr of the early Church. We are grateful to Daniele Benati, Bologna, for confirming the attribution of the present painting based on a high-resolution digital photograph. Explanations to the Catalogue

      Van Ham Kunstauktionen
    • BARBARA LONGHI (attr. a)
      Dec. 21, 2020

      BARBARA LONGHI (attr. a)

      Est: €1,500 - €2,500

      (Ravenna, 1552 - 1638) Madonna con il Bambino Olio su tela, cm 60X41 La tela presenta caratteristiche di stile che orientano la ricerca attributiva all'ambito emiliano-romagnolo e i confronti rinviano agli esempi pittorici di Barbara Longhi (Ravenna, 1552-1638), ma riflettono altresì la conoscenza delle creazioni di Lorenzo Sabatini (Bologna, 1530 - Roma, 1576), come si evince osservando la Sacra Famiglia con Santa Caterina d'Alessandria e San Giovannino esitata presso Finarte il 12 Dicembre 1973, lotto 60 con un riferimento a Barbara Longhi (cfr. Archivio Zeri: N. scheda 37392). La modellazione piena e delicatamente chiaroscurata, la struttura disegnativa e iconografica ricordano tipologie compositive peculiari all'artista ravennate e alle sue opere assegnate alla maturità. Possiamo altresì notare come l'artista rievochi modi raffaelleschi e di Correggio, senza dimenticare tipologie centro italiane. Bibliografia di riferimento: G. Viroli, I Longhi. Luca, Francesco, Barbara pittori ravennati (sec. XVI-XVII), Ravenna 2000, p. 92, n. 56; pp. 194-197, nn. 112-115

      Wannenes Art Auctions
    • Barbara Longhi, 1552 Ravenna – 1638 ebenda
      Jul. 02, 2020

      Barbara Longhi, 1552 Ravenna – 1638 ebenda

      Est: €8,000 - €10,000

      HEILIGE FAMILIE MIT DEM TÄUFERKNABEN UND DER HEILIGEN ELISABETH Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 117 x 94 cm. In jüngerem Renaissancerahmen. Anbei in Kopie ein ausführliches Zertifikat von Alessandro Delpriori, Matelica. Barbara Longhi erhielt ihre ersten Kenntnisse zur Malerei von ihrem Vater Luca Longhi in dem familiären Atelier unterrichtet, an dessen Stil sich sowohl sie als auch ihr Bruder Francesco orientierten. Aus ihrer Familie finden sich Altarbilder für Kirchen in der gesamten Emilia-Romagna. Wie in anderen ihrer Werke sind auch hier der weiche Stil und die brillanten Farben zu betonen. Vergleiche: Als Vergleich aus ihrer Hand kann gelten zum Beispiel Judith mit dem Haupt des Holofernes im Museo Civico, Ravenna und die Lesende Madonna mit Kind im Museo Civico, ebenfalls in Ravenna, wobei sich der weiche Kopf, auch wenn spiegelsymmetrisch behandelt oder verschieden geneigt, gut vergleichen lässt. (1231343) (13)

      Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    • Barbara Longhi@ (1552-c.1638), La Vierge, L'Enfant Jésus et Sainte Justine, huile sur panneau, 55x44 cm Provenance: Vicenze, Comtes Bonin Nievo
      Sep. 26, 2018

      Barbara Longhi@ (1552-c.1638), La Vierge, L'Enfant Jésus et Sainte Justine, huile sur panneau, 55x44 cm Provenance: Vicenze, Comtes Bonin Nievo

      Est: CHF10,000 - CHF15,000

      Barbara Longhi (1552-c.1638), La Vierge, L'Enfant Jésus et Sainte Justine, huile sur panneau, 55x44 cm Provenance: Vicenze, Comte Bonin Nievo, Professeur Silvio Palazzi, oeuvre arrivée en Suisse par descendance Note: Silvio PALAZZI (1892-1979) était un professeur et docteur en Odontologie. D?origine milanaise, il est repéré par l?armée italienne et il s?engage comme médecin odontologue et chirurgien maxillo-facial. Il apporte son expertise aux services d?odontologie des hôpitaux africains pour les troupes basées en Abyssinie (Ethiopie) des années 1930. De retour en Italie, il occupe le poste de directeur de la clinique d'odontologie à l'université de Pavie pendant presque 40 ans. Expert internationalement connu de son époque, il est l?auteur de nombreuses publications de référence et reçoit le prestigieux prix « Miller » de la fédération dentaire internationale (année 1954-55). Sa collection d?objets et de tableaux arrive en Suisse par descendance suite à son décès en 1979.

      Piguet Hôtel des Ventes | Genève
    • Attribué à Barbara LONGHI(1552-1638)Saint Joseph dans l’atelier du charpentierCuivre26,5 × 19 cmSans cadre(Accident)
      Jun. 18, 2015

      Attribué à Barbara LONGHI(1552-1638)Saint Joseph dans l’atelier du charpentierCuivre26,5 × 19 cmSans cadre(Accident)

      Est: €7,000 - €8,000

      Attribué à Barbara LONGHI (1552-1638) Saint Joseph dans l'atelier du charpentier Cuivre 26,5 × 19 cm Sans cadre (Accident)

    • Barbara Longhi (Ravenna 1552-circa 1638) The Madonna and child 13 x 10 1/2in (33 x 26.5cm)
      Oct. 26, 2011

      Barbara Longhi (Ravenna 1552-circa 1638) The Madonna and child 13 x 10 1/2in (33 x 26.5cm)

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      The Madonna and child signed and dated 'Barbara di Luca Longhi Pingevat / 1577' (lower center); remnants of a red seal on the reverse oil on canvas 13 x 10 1/2in (33 x 26.5cm)

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