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Paul van Liender Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Etcher, Flower painter, Landscape painter, Engraver, Water colorist

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  • Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (Village on the water).
    Nov. 22, 2024

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (Village on the water).

    Est: €100 - €150

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (Village on the water). Drawing, pen, brush and black ink, grey wash, 9x13,6 cm. - Old horizontal fold and small restorations in upper and lower margin.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • View towards Rhenen, from the Tafelberg, with three men sitting on a stone bench under a tree
    Jul. 04, 2024

    View towards Rhenen, from the Tafelberg, with three men sitting on a stone bench under a tree

    Est: £3,000 - £4,000

    Property from the Ehlen Collection Paulus van Liender Utrecht 1731 - 1797 Haarlem View towards Rhenen, from the Tafelberg, with three men sitting on a stone bench under a tree signed and inscribed, in pen and brown ink, verso: Rhenen van de Tafelberg te zien 1764 Paul V. Liender 1790 point of the brush and grey wash and black chalk, within pen and ink framing lines 175 by 264 mm

  • Liender, Paulus van: Flusslandschaft mit Hirtenzug bei einem kleinen Hof
    May. 31, 2024

    Liender, Paulus van: Flusslandschaft mit Hirtenzug bei einem kleinen Hof

    Est: €600 - €900

    Flusslandschaft mit Hirtenzug bei einem kleinen Hof. Feder in Schwarz und Pinsel in Grau und Schwarz über einer leichten Graphitvorzeichnung. 19,3 x 24,8 cm. Wz. Stehender Löwe im bekrönten Doppelkreis über Schriftzug "Vryheyt" (vgl. Heawood 3148ff, ab ca. 1750). Paulus van Liender war als Schüler der Künstler Jacob und Cornelis Pronk in Amsterdam, siedelte aber ab 1774 nach Haarlem über, wo er der Haarlemer Zeichenakademie vorstand. Anfänglich war van Liender vor allem als topographischer Zeichner in der Tradition Jan de Beijers tätig, kam jedoch vor allem ab Mitte des Jahrhunderts durch seine stimmungsvollen, eher romantisch aufgefassten Landschaften, die sich häufig verfallenen Gemäuern, Ruinen oder dichten Wäldern widmen, zu größerer Bekanntheit. - Provenienz: Buch- und Kunstantiquariat Helmut Tenner, Heidelberg, Mai 1979. Privatsammlung Rheinland. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of the Kleine Houtpoort in Haarlem).
    May. 17, 2024

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of the Kleine Houtpoort in Haarlem).

    Est: €300 - €500

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of the Kleine Houtpoort in Haarlem). Drawing, pen, brush and black/ brown ink, grey wash, 20x27,2 cm. - Drawing trimmed to the framing line; very vague oblique fold. = Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, with his collector's marks and attribution on verso. Previously attributed to Jan de Beijer.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of the Grote Houtpoort in Haarlem).
    May. 17, 2024

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of the Grote Houtpoort in Haarlem).

    Est: €400 - €600

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of the Grote Houtpoort in Haarlem). Drawing, pen, brush and black ink, grey wash, 13,3x20,5 cm. - Trimmed to the framing line; a few foxed spots. = With Van den Broek's attribution on verso. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXV. AND 2 similar drawings of the same subject, i.a. an anonymous pen and brush drawing after the first drawing. = Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797). (View of a castle with a steep wooden bridge and two angling men in the foreground).
    May. 17, 2024

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797). (View of a castle with a steep wooden bridge and two angling men in the foreground).

    Est: €250 - €350

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797). (View of a castle with a steep wooden bridge and two angling men in the foreground). Drawing, pen and brown ink, 7,5x5 cm., signed "Paulus van Liender, 1776" on verso, framed (identically with the preceding).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797). (View of a castle with a few trees and several fishermen checking their nets in the foreground).
    May. 17, 2024

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797). (View of a castle with a few trees and several fishermen checking their nets in the foreground).

    Est: €250 - €350

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797). (View of a castle with a few trees and several fishermen checking their nets in the foreground). Drawing, pen and brown ink, 7,5x5 cm., signed "Paulus van Liender, 1776" on verso, framed. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIV.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Paul van Liender, after, De Oosterkerk, (Amsterdam), Published by Pieter Fo
    Mar. 13, 2024

    Paul van Liender, after, De Oosterkerk, (Amsterdam), Published by Pieter Fo

    Est: -

    Paul van Liender, after, De Oosterkerk, (Amsterdam), Published by Pieter Fouquet junior, 1783, engraving, 28.5cm x 38cm.

    Bamfords Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd
  • Liender, Paulus van: Blick auf Streefkerk bei Rotterdam
    Dec. 01, 2023

    Liender, Paulus van: Blick auf Streefkerk bei Rotterdam

    Est: €600 - €800

    Blick auf Streefkerk unweit von Rotterdam in Südholland. -- Aquarell mit Pinsel in Grau, mit einem gezeichneten Rahmen. 21,8 x 30,9 cm. Unterhalb der Darstellung signiert und datiert "Paul: V: Liender ad: viv: del: 1750" sowie nochmals datiert "1751" und unten mittig betitelt "Streeftkerk". -- -- -- -- - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of a ruin of a church with a group of four people, including a child, walking past).
    Nov. 24, 2023

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of a ruin of a church with a group of four people, including a child, walking past).

    Est: €300 - €500

    Liender, Paulus van (1731-1797) (attrib.). (View of a ruin of a church with a group of four people, including a child, walking past). Drawing, brush and grey wash, 26,1x32,5 cm. - A few vaguely visible foxed spots; two thin spots in sky area; doubled with Japanese paper.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • P. LIENDER (*1731) after BEYER (*1703), City view of Amsterdam with Nieuwe Kerk, 1760, Copper engra
    Dec. 10, 2022

    P. LIENDER (*1731) after BEYER (*1703), City view of Amsterdam with Nieuwe Kerk, 1760, Copper engra

    Est: €300 - €400

    Paul van Liender (1731 Utrecht - 1797 Haarlem) after Jan de Beyer (1703 Aarauunkn. - 1750 Kleve): City view of Amsterdam with Nieuwe Kerk and City Hall, 1760, Copper engraving Technique: Hand colored Copper engraving on Paper Inscription: Inscribed and signed at the bottom of the plate: "J. de Beyer del. Paul van Liender fec. 1760" and "Amsterdam chez P. Fouquet junior." Date: 1760 Keywords: 18th century, Classicism, Architecture, Netherlands,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • AQUARELLES "Paysages animés à la rivière", paire d'aquarelles sur papier collé en plein. Une sign
    Oct. 12, 2021

    AQUARELLES "Paysages animés à la rivière", paire d'aquarelles sur papier collé en plein. Une sign

    Est: €350 - €450

    AQUARELLES "Paysages animés à la rivière", paire d'aquarelles sur papier collé en plein. Une signée en bas à droite Paulus Van Liender et datée 1784. Ecole hollandaise. Voir au dos, une étiquette de Jean Willems, Expert agréé par la Chambre Belge des Experts en Œuvres d'Art. (Taches). Dim.:127x176mm.

  • Attributed to Paulus van Liender (1731-1797): Landscape with Cottage Next to a River
    Feb. 25, 2021

    Attributed to Paulus van Liender (1731-1797): Landscape with Cottage Next to a River

    Est: $400 - $600

    Watercolor on paper, unsigned. 6 3/4 x 5 1/4 in. (sheet), 14 3/4 x 12 1/2 in. (frame).,p> Property from the Estate of Emile Wolf

  • PAULUS VAN LIENDER | Wooded landscape with two men by a well
    Jan. 30, 2019

    PAULUS VAN LIENDER | Wooded landscape with two men by a well

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Point of the brush and gray wash, over black chalk, within black ink framing lines

  • PAULUS VAN LIENDER | A view of a Church by a square with figures carrying baskets
    Jan. 30, 2019

    PAULUS VAN LIENDER | A view of a Church by a square with figures carrying baskets

    Est: $6,000 - $8,000

    Watercolor over traces of pencil, within two sets of black ink framing lines; signed and dated in brown ink, verso: Paul van Liender fec: 1777.

  • Liender, P. van (1731-1797). "De Nieuwe kerk en Stadhuijs te Amsterdam 1762". Drawing, pen and black
    Nov. 30, 2018

    Liender, P. van (1731-1797). "De Nieuwe kerk en Stadhuijs te Amsterdam 1762". Drawing, pen and black

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Liender, P. van (1731-1797). "De Nieuwe kerk en Stadhuijs te Amsterdam 1762". Drawing, pen and black and brown ink and watercolour, 27,5x37,5 cm., signed "Paul: v: Liender fec:" and titled on verso, tipped onto contemp.(?) mount w. framing border in pencil and yellow wash and gold paper line, "P: van Liender" in pen and brown ink in lower corner and "N 230A" in pencil in corner just behind drawing. - Drawing w. some foxed spots and one very small brown stain at top centre; yellowed/ browned line in outer margins from former passepartout; some rubbed lines in upper and lower left corner; mount w. some sl. foxing and with traces of removed passepartout along outer margins (affecting the name in lower corner). = Exquisite drawing with an impressive degree of detail; one can count every brick in the walls of the Nieuwe Kerk. The drawing is very similar to the engraving "Gezigt op het Stadhuis, langs de noordzyde en van agteren, en op den onvolbouwden tooren der Nieuwe Kerke" made after Van Liender for Jan Wagenaar's Amsterdam in zyne opkomst, publ. in 1766. The drawing contains less people and shows one bay more of the city hall. Is this the preparatory drawing for the print? Verso with old price(?) in lower left corner (unread). SEE ILLUSTRATION ON TITLE-PAGE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
    Sep. 13, 2017


    Est: €200 - €300

    "Bords de rivière animés" et "Paysage aux patineurs", paire de dessins à la plume d'encre et lavis d'encre grise sur papier. Signés au dos Paul v.Liender. Un daté 1780. Ecole hollandaise. Dim.:4.5x7.2cm.

  • PAULUS VAN LIENDER | View of the Martinuskerk in Woudrichem
    Jul. 05, 2017

    PAULUS VAN LIENDER | View of the Martinuskerk in Woudrichem

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Pen and black ink and three shades of grey wash, over traces of black chalk, within two sets of black ink framing lines; bears old attribution, verso: Woudrichem. P.v. Liender

  • Liender, Paulus van: Sommerliche Waldlandschaft mit figürlicher Staffage
    May. 27, 2016

    Liender, Paulus van: Sommerliche Waldlandschaft mit figürlicher Staffage

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Eine sommerliche Waldlandschaft mit figürlicher Staffage. Pinsel in Grau und Schwarz über einer leichten Graphitvorzeichnung. 29,3 x 36,8 cm. Verso signiert und datiert: Paul van Liender fec. 1787. Die ansprechende, atmosphärisch dichte Landschaftsdarstellung stammt aus der späten Schaffenszeit van Lienders. Die Zeichnung ist nahezu vollständig als reine Pinselzeichnung ausgeführt und überzeugt durch ihre treffsichere und schwungvolle technische Behandlung. Lienders nuancierte Pinseltechnik erzeugt ein abwechslungsreiches und markantes Clair-obscur, das der lichtdurchfluteten Landschaft eine anmutige, idyllische Stimmung verleiht. Typisch für den Künstler ist die Gestaltung der dekorativ geschwungenen Baumstämme und des samtig weichen, üppigen Laubes, Stilmerkmale, die auf frühere Vorbilder, insbesondere auf niederländische Italianisanten des 17. Jahrhunderts wie Jan Hackaert und Adam Pijnacker zurückverweisen. Zwei in ihrem Manierismus verwandte Zeichnungen befinden sich im Kupferstichkabinett der Hamburger Kunsthalle (A. Steffes, Niederländische Zeichnungen 1450-1850, Kupferstichkabinett der Hamburger Kunsthalle, Köln-Weimar-Wien 2011, Bd I, S. 348, Nrn. 598-99; Tafelband, S. 230). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • PAULUS VAN LIENDER | Townsfolk collecting water from a well
    Jul. 08, 2015

    PAULUS VAN LIENDER | Townsfolk collecting water from a well

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Pen and brown ink and watercolour, within two sets of grey ink framing lines; signed and dated, verso: Paul van Liender fec: 1776

  • Paulus van Liender Utrecht, 1731 - Haarlem, 1797 Vues de rivières animées de personnages Paire d'aquarelles,
    Feb. 18, 2015

    Paulus van Liender Utrecht, 1731 - Haarlem, 1797 Vues de rivières animées de personnages Paire d'aquarelles,

    Est: €600 - €800

    Paulus van Liender Utrecht, 1731 - Haarlem, 1797 Vues de rivières animées de personnages Paire d'aquarelles, l'une signée et datée 'P Linder 1784(?)' en bas à droite (Collées en plein) h: 13 w: 17,50 cm

  • Paulus VAN LIENDER (Utrecht, 1731 - Haarlem, 1797). L'entrée du bourg. Panneau d
    Nov. 23, 2014

    Paulus VAN LIENDER (Utrecht, 1731 - Haarlem, 1797). L'entrée du bourg. Panneau d

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Paulus VAN LIENDER (Utrecht, 1731 - Haarlem, 1797). L'entrée du bourg. Panneau de chêne, une planche, non parqueté. 19,5 x 25,5 cm. Signé en bas à droite : PJV liender 1761, au dos une annotation KA.. WYK. Sans cadre. Provenance: Acquis le 25 mai 1966 par le propriétaire actuel chez Me Lucien Blanc à Aix en Provence.

    Hôtel des Ventes d'Enghien
  • Paulus van Liender
    Jan. 29, 2014

    Paulus van Liender

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Pen and grey ink and wash within black ink framing lines;signed, dated and inscribed in pen and brown ink, verso: Paul van Liender del: ad viv 1755 / Oostpoort te Delft,200 by 350 mm; 7 7/8  by 13 3/4  in

    Nov. 19, 2011


    Est: €2,000 - €2,300

    PAULUS VAN LIENDER, RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS AND SHEPHERDS, ANGLERS, Pen and grey and black ink on paper, 25,9 x 34,2 cm

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem)
    Dec. 16, 2010

    Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem)

    Est: -

    Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem) A wooded landscape with shepherds and their cattle ink and wash on paper 125 x 175 mm.

  • Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem)
    Dec. 15, 2010

    Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem)

    Est: €200 - €400

    Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem) A wooded landscape with shepherds and their cattle ink and wash on paper 125 x 175 mm.

  • Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem)
    Dec. 14, 2010

    Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem)

    Est: €200 - €400

    Attributed to Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem) A wooded landscape with shepherds and their cattle ink and wash on paper 125 x 175 mm.

  • Pair hand colored engravings depicting quaint scenes of Amsterdam by P. Fouquet Junior,
    Aug. 21, 2010

    Pair hand colored engravings depicting quaint scenes of Amsterdam by P. Fouquet Junior,

    Est: $100 - $200

    Pair hand colored engravings depicting quaint scenes of Amsterdam by P. Fouquet Junior, one after Paul van Liender (Dutch, 1731-1797). 11 1/2" x 13 1/2". Good condition with a few small spots of foxing.

    Ripley Auctions
  • Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797) View of a Dutch town, possibly Utrecht 147 x 212mm
    Apr. 28, 2009

    Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797) View of a Dutch town, possibly Utrecht 147 x 212mm

    Est: £250 - £350

    View of a Dutch town, possibly Utrecht signed and dated 'P:Lienders 1752' (verso), grey wash, pen and grey ink on paper 147 x 212mm

  • Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797)
    Jan. 30, 2009

    Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797)

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Paul van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797) A landscape with boats in a canal and cottages by the shore black chalk, pen and grey and black ink, grey wash, black ink framing lines 4 7/8 x 5½ in. (122 x 139 mm.); and Dutch School, 17th-18th Century, Boats in a harbor by a village; German School, 18th Century, A well in a mountainous landscape; German School, 19th Century, A study of trees; Dutch School, 18th Century, A tromp l'oeil design of prints tacked to a wall; German School, 17th Century, An open trunk; Phillip Rumpf, A design for a New Year's Greeting, 1856; Swiss School, 19th Century, A bear dancing for a crowd of villagers; and German School, 19th Century, Spectators at a carnival puppet show (9)

  • Van Liender, P. (1731-1797), handcoloured
    Sep. 29, 2008

    Van Liender, P. (1731-1797), handcoloured

    Est: €120 - €240

    Van Liender, P. (1731-1797), handcoloured engraving, De Oudekerk te Amsterdam, 18th century, dim. 29 x 32 cm.

    Venduehuis Dickhaut Maastricht
  • A distant view of Amersfoort with tobacco plants by a drying shed, a church spire on the background
    Apr. 25, 2007

    A distant view of Amersfoort with tobacco plants by a drying shed, a church spire on the background

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Paulus van Liender (Utrecht 1731-1797 Haarlem) A distant view of Amersfoort with tobacco plants by a drying shed, a church spire on the background signed and dated 'Paul v: Liender ad: Viv: del: 1758' and inscribed and dated 'aan de Hogeweg bij t' Lazarius huijs te Amersfoort. 1758.' ( verso ) black lead, pen and brown ink, watercolour, pen and brown ink framing lines, watermark C&I Honing below a fragmentary cartouche, 4 and WR 177 x 285 mm. (6 7/8 x 11¼ in.)

    Nov. 14, 2006


    Est: €1,400 - €1,800

    VIEW OF BREUKELEN, WITH THE CHURCH OF ST JOHN TO THE LEFT VIEW OF BREUKELEN, WITH THE CHURCH OF ST JOHN TO THE LEFT measurements note 159 by 232mm bears inscription in brown ink, verso: bleue (?); bears illegible inscription in black chalk, upper left: edme ... (?) bears numbering in black ink, lower right of old mount, and attribution in red chalk: No 157= Pronck point of the brush and grey wash, and pen and grey ink, within brown ink framing lines PROVENANCE E. Calando (L.837) NOTE We are most grateful to Drs. Charles Dumas for confirming the attribution to van Liender, and informing us that the view depicted is Breukelen, a village in the province of Utrecht. Mr Dumas compares our drawing to an earlier depiction of the view (1748) by Jan de Beijer, in the Dutch Royal Collection, The Hague (see H. Romers, J. de Beijer Oeuvre-Catalogue, The Hague 1969, cat. no. 377), and suggests that van Liender owned a sketchbook by de Beijer, which may have contained this scene. Mr Dumas also noted that the church seen to the left is the Dutch Reformed church of St. John the Baptist, built in the 15th Century; the tower was destroyed in a storm of 1702, and that which we see here dates from 1705.

    Jan. 28, 2006


    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    A PAIR OF DRAWINGS: TWO WOMEN ON A ROAD BEFORE A FARMHOUSE; AND FOUR PEOPLE BEFORE A COTTAGE IN THE WOODS A PAIR OF DRAWINGS: TWO WOMEN ON A ROAD BEFORE A FARMHOUSE; AND FOUR PEOPLE BEFORE A COTTAGE IN THE WOODS measurements 15 3/8 by 17 13/16 in.; alternate measurements 35.9 by 45.2 cm. pen and black ink with gray wash within black framing lines

    Nov. 16, 2005


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH TRAVELLERS ON A PATH, A CHURCH BEYOND measurements note 239 by 302 mm pen and black ink and grey wash over black chalk, within grey ink framing lines PROVENANCE Henry M. Knight, The Hague; F.W.A. Knight, his sale, Amsterdam, Sotheby Mak van Waay, 29 October 1979, lot 81, purchased by the father of the present owner. EXHIBITED Amsterdam, Nystad Antiquairs & Th. Laurentius, Catalogue of a Collection of Paintings and Drawings formed by the Late Henry M. Knight, 1972, cat. no. 57, reproduced

    Nov. 16, 2005


    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    LEKKERKERK NEAR THE RIVER LEK measurements note 128 by 219 mm. signed and dated lower left margin: Paul v: Liender ad:viv:del: 1750., and dated in lower right corner: 1752; inscribed in grey ink, verso: 't dorp Lekkerkerk aan de Riviere de Leck pen and black ink and grey wash

    May. 19, 2004


    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    pen and grey ink and wash over black chalk, within grey ink framing lines; upper corners shaped Inv.nr. N 332

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