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Yanshan Li Sold at Auction Prices


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  • DENG FEN (1894-1964), LI YANSHAN (1898-1961), ZHANG SHAOSHI (1913-1991) AND
    Dec. 12, 2024

    DENG FEN (1894-1964), LI YANSHAN (1898-1961), ZHANG SHAOSHI (1913-1991) AND

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    DENG FEN (1894-1964), LI YANSHAN (1898-1961), ZHANG SHAOSHI (1913-1991) AND. Flowers, Fruits, Figure and Landscape. Album of eight loose leaves, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper Each leaf measures 27 x 24 cm. (10 5⁄8 x 9 ½ in.) (8).

  • 李研山 行書詩抄九首 | Li Yanshan, Poems in Xingshu
    Nov. 25, 2024

    李研山 行書詩抄九首 | Li Yanshan, Poems in Xingshu

    Est: $30,000 - $60,000

    李研山 行書詩抄九首 水墨紙本 五幀 鏡框 款識:(書〈題畫山水〉、〈題黃賓虹煙江小卷〉、〈題黃賓虹嘉陵江紀遊圖〉、〈題來鶴軒圖〉、〈畫寒梅小苑圖為某女士作〉、〈題畫答桐薪老人〉、〈題畫朱竹〉及〈山中偶作〉)年來得詩不多,謹錄呈松翁詞壇指謬。晚李研山再拜。 展覽:香港大會堂,〈李研山逝世十四週年紀念展〉,一九七五年五月十一至十四日 香港藝術館,〈抗心希古─李研山的藝術〉,二○一一年六月十日至十月十六日 著錄:〈李研山書畫集〉,李允鉌編(東方文物圖籍出版社,一九七五年),頁202-203 〈抗心希古─李研山的藝術〉(香港藝術館,二○一一年),圖版90 來源:李研山家族舊藏 香港蘇富比,二〇一七年四月,中國書畫拍賣,編號1274 註:「松翁詞壇」為陳融(1876-1956),字協之,原籍江蘇,寄寓廣州,辛亥革命後供職司法界,乃廣東政界元老。他工書好詩,藏書有名於時,活躍於文藝界。李研山得姚禮脩之介,參與在陳融「顒園」舉行之雅集,復得其賞識,獲引薦至汕頭法院出任推事。日後政局不穩,二人先後遷港,過從密切,李氏不少作品具其題跋。 研山先生好詩,謹慎不苟作,據家人統計,約有百餘首,惟詩冊原稿已佚,且文字紀錄闕如,尚存袛得四十餘首,親筆書寫者更稀。本幅寫於畫家自訂詩箋上,印有「石谿壼館」,且具上款,或為留存家中之草稿。上錄七絶七首、七律兩首,詩成於一九四六年至五二年間。 each 23 x 27.8 cm 9 x 10 ⅞ in. (5) ---------------------------------------------- Li Yanshan (1898-1961) Poems in Xingshu ink on paper, set of five, framed signed, with a dedication each 23 x 27.8 cm 9 x 10 ⅞ in. (5) FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE BORN FREE STUDIO (LOTS 8102-8109) 「無物累齋」藏書畫(編號8102-8109)

  • Li Yanshan (1898-1961), Cranes and Pine, dedicated to Beishou, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll. 37.01"h x 15.98"w (94 x 40...
    Jul. 26, 2024

    Li Yanshan (1898-1961), Cranes and Pine, dedicated to Beishou, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll. 37.01"h x 15.98"w (94 x 40...

    Est: $200 - $400

    Li Yanshan (1898-1961), Cranes and Pine, dedicated to Beishou, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll. 37.01"h x 15.98"w (94 x 40.6 cm) Provenance: Collection of Huang Beishou. He is Chinese-American, a famous social activist in the early to mid-20th century. He joined the Chinese Revolutionary Party and raised huge sums of money to support the Chinese Air Force. He co-founded the 'Huang Clan Association in the United States in San Francisco. He was a former standing committee member of the General Association of Overseas Chinese in the United States and an adviser to the Kuomintang Central Committee.

    Clars Auctions
  • Li Yanshan
    Mar. 26, 2024

    Li Yanshan

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Li Yanshan (Chinese, 1898-1961) Landscape ink and color on paper, framed signed and dated lunar year gengyin (1950), with a dedication and an artist's seal, Yanshan. 李研山 (近代,1898-1961) 山水圖 紙本設色,鏡框 款識:偉立三兄雅屬。庚寅(1950)春日試筆。李研山。 鈐印:研山 Image: 35 x 17 1/4 in., 89 x 43.2 cm. Property from the Estate of Paul Wen-Shan Wang M.D., Michigan. Provenance: Born in Canton, China, Dr. Wang recounted tales of his boyhood village home with earthen floors and lychee trees in the front garden. During the Second Sino-Japanese War, he and his family fled to Chongqing where he came into contact with Catholic Missionaries and secured a scholarship to the University of Portland in Oregon. In 1948 at the age of 19 and speaking little English, he arrived and completed his undergraduate degree. He then moved to Ann Arbor to complete an MBA at the University of Michigan. After a stint in management at General Motors, he changed careers to pursue a medical vocation, thence practiced at the Kalamazoo Dermatology PC for nearly 45 years. Dr. Wang was an avid collector of Chinese art, an accomplished painter, and a calligrapher of the classical Chinese style. This Spring, we will present a curated selection of porcelains, jades, and paintings from his collection, as well as rubbings and rare books from his library. 來源: 密歇根州王聞善(1929-2019)醫生遺產。王醫生祖籍廣東中山,其父王商一(1905-1972)原係中央通訊社社員,從事黨國外宣,工書善畫,四十年代先後拜師溥心畬與黃君璧,和張大千相識。戰後移居香港,六十年代赴美。王醫生受乃父影響,作畫之餘收藏頗豐,尤昵石濤,早嵗藏有精品,生前已經釋出。所餘瓷器、玉器、古籍、拓片仍有可觀處,值得留意。

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Returning Goose Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and
    Dec. 06, 2023

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Returning Goose Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Returning Goose Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 53.5 x 101.5 cm. (21 1⁄8 x 40 in.)

  • A Chinese flower painting, signed Li Yanshan (Chinese, 1898-1961)
    Sep. 18, 2023

    A Chinese flower painting, signed Li Yanshan (Chinese, 1898-1961)

    Est: $100 - $200

    A Chinese flower painting signed Li Yanshan (Chinese, 1898-1961) With inscription, signature, and two seals; framed. H: 47 3/8, W: 17 1/8 in. H: 120.33, W: 43.49 cm. (sight) Click here for high resolution images. ?????????

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Seven-character Poems in Cursive Script Handscroll,
    Feb. 28, 2023

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Seven-character Poems in Cursive Script Handscroll,

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Seven-character Poems in Cursive Script Handscroll, ink on paper 28 x 119 cm. (11 x 46 7/8 in.)

  • LI YANSHAN(1898-1961) Landscape Album
    Nov. 28, 2022

    LI YANSHAN(1898-1961) Landscape Album

    Est: $40,000 - $80,000

    LI YANSHAN(1898-1961) Landscape Album Ink and colour on paper, album of ten leaves Signed Li Yanshan, with a total of fourteen seals of the artist Dated guiwei year (1943) 27.5 x 23cm (10⅞ x 9in) each (10)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Viewing Mountain at Pine Pavilion Hanging scroll, i
    Sep. 01, 2022

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Viewing Mountain at Pine Pavilion Hanging scroll, i

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Viewing Mountain at Pine Pavilion Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 131.5 x 32.3 cm. (51 3/4 x 12 3/4 in.)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Tranquility Scroll, mounted and framed, ink a
    May. 29, 2022

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Tranquility Scroll, mounted and framed, ink a

    Est: $60,000 - $100,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Tranquility Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 22.2 x 50.3 cm. (8 3/4 x 19 3/4 in.)

  • 李研山 仿馬遠臨溪撫琴 - Li Yanshan, Scholar at the Lakeside
    Apr. 30, 2022

    李研山 仿馬遠臨溪撫琴 - Li Yanshan, Scholar at the Lakeside

    Est: $60,000 - $120,000

    Li Yanshan 1898-1961 Scholar at the Lakeside ink on paper, circular fan leaf, hanging scroll signed, dated 1939, with 2 seals of the artist 62.8 x 64.6 cm 24¾x 25½in. ---------------------------------------------- 李研山 1898-1961 仿馬遠臨溪撫琴 水墨紙本 立軸 一九三九年作 款識:季謀四兄正之。己卯冬。李研山。 鈐印:「研山」、「居端」。 來源︰香港蘇富比,二○一六年十月,中國書畫拍賣,編號1244 上款:「季謀」即區季謀(1896-1988),南海人,擅詩詞、書法,四十年代末遷港,與李研山常相過從,聯吟唱和,關係尤切,屢見其跋於研山畫上。本幅寫於一九三九年,同年,畫家寫有〈深杏樓深燈夜讀圖卷〉,上具區氏題跋,謂「己卯小寒,與研山翁深杏廔夜讀太白詞有所觸」,可推知本幅乃相若時間所出。 62.8 x 64.6 cm 24¾ x 25½ in.

    Sep. 19, 2021


    Est: $200 - $400

    Two Chinese paintings by Li Yanshan. Both paintings are mounted on a silk backing with silk dowels. The group includes: a watercolor and ink painting on paper of a fisherman that has an inscription and one seal. And an ink on paper painting of bamboo that has an inscription and one seal. Dimensions are: the larger watercolor painting measures 10 1/2 inches tall X 13 1/2 inches wide, 26.7 cm X 34.3 cm. All measurements are approximate. High resolution photos can be found here.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Ro
    Feb. 05, 2021

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Ro

    Est: -

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock Hanging scroll, ink on paper 75.5 x 21 cm. (29 ¹/4 x 8 ¹/4 in.) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Datedguiweiyear (1943) Dedicated to Jiesheng...

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961), Snowscape,
    Nov. 30, 2020

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961), Snowscape,

    Est: $18,000 - $22,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Snowscape Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 83 x 44.5 cm. (32 5/8 x 17 1/2 in.) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated bingxu year (1946) One collector's seal ,

    May. 10, 2020


    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. PROVENANCE: From a famous Chinese community leader Huang Beishou in San Francisco. H 94 x 40.5 cm

    Linwoods Auction
    Apr. 24, 2020


    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. PROVENANCE: From a famous Chinese community leader Huang Beishou in San Francisco. H 94 x 40.5 cm

    Linwoods Auction
    Feb. 13, 2020


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. PROVENANCE: From a famous Chinese community leader Huang Beishou in San Francisco. H 94 x 40.5 cm

    Linwoods Auction
    Jan. 28, 2020


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. PROVENANCE: From a famous Chinese community leader Huang Beishou in San Francisco. H 94 x 40.5 cm

    Linwoods Auction
  • Li Yanshan(1898-1961) Ink And Color On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seal
    Dec. 15, 2019

    Li Yanshan(1898-1961) Ink And Color On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seal

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Li Yanshan(1898-1961) Ink And Color On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seal 99 X 36 cm 李研山 (1898-1961)山水圖 軸心:設色紙本 款識:己亥四月李硯山寫於九龍山居鈐印:硯山之印 來源 Provenance: 舊金山華僑 備註: 李研山(1898 - 1961) 本名耀辰,字居端,號研山,廣東新會人。李氏少從潘致中習畫,後就讀北京大學法律系,仍同時修習西洋畫畢業後回粵。初任職法院,一九三一年任廣州市立 美術專門學校校長,後來港定居, 設室授徒,並舉行展覽。李氏善山水、花卉、作品深具傳統根基,結構嚴密, 得古人之風致.有《李研山書畫集》印件。 $1,500 - $2,000

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) - Ink Landscape
    Nov. 26, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) - Ink Landscape

    Est: $100,000 - $200,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Ink Landscape Handscroll, ink on paper 25 x 207 cm. (9 7/8 x 81 ½ in.)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) AND DENG FEN (1894-1964) - Bodhidharma
    Nov. 26, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) AND DENG FEN (1894-1964) - Bodhidharma

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) AND DENG FEN (1894-1964) Bodhidharma Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 17.5 x 51.5 cm. (6 7/8 x 20 ¼ in.)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) - Spring Scenery
    Nov. 26, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) - Spring Scenery

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Spring Scenery Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 18.5 x 53 cm. (7 ¼ x 20 7/8 in.)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) - Pine Trees and Rocks after Tang Yin
    Nov. 26, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) - Pine Trees and Rocks after Tang Yin

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Pine Trees and Rocks after Tang Yin Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 20.5 x 58.5 cm. (8 1/8 x 23 in.)

    Aug. 27, 2019


    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. H94 x W40.6 cm. PROVENANCE: From a famous Chinese community leader Huang Beishou in San Francisco.

    Linwoods Auction
    Aug. 18, 2019


    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. H94 x W40.6 cm. PROVENANCE: From a famous Chinese community leader Huang Beishou in San Francisco.

    Linwoods Auction
  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Mountains Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 103 x 40.7 cm. (40 ½ x 16 in.)
    May. 28, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Mountains Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 103 x 40.7 cm. (40 ½ x 16 in.)

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Mountains Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 103 x 40.7 cm. (40 ½ x 16 in.) Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated winter, dinghai year (1947) Dedicated to Yingshu

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 136.3 x 43.8 cm. (53 5/8 x 17 ¼ in.)
    May. 28, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 136.3 x 43.8 cm. (53 5/8 x 17 ¼ in.)

    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Bamboo and Rock Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 136.3 x 43.8 cm. (53 5/8 x 17 ¼ in.) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated gengwu year (1930) Dedicated to Zhongqiang

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape after Wang Meng Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 135 x 29.5 cm. (53 1/8 x 11 5/8 in.)
    May. 28, 2019

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape after Wang Meng Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 135 x 29.5 cm. (53 1/8 x 11 5/8 in.)

    Est: $18,000 - $28,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape after Huang Heshan Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 135 x 29.5 cm. (53 1/8 x 11 5/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated the fifth month, yichou year (1925) Dedicated to Zhongqiang

    Aug. 18, 2018


    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    Ink and color on paper. Hanging scroll. 94 x 40.6 cm. PROVENANCE: From a famous wholesale supplier of dyes and well known Hong Kong collector Mr. Ho Chinam (1908-1953). Mr. Ho’s family members have kept the painting for sixty years after he passed away at the young age of 45.

    Linwoods Auction
  • LI YANSHAN | Studio in Secluded Mountains
    Apr. 02, 2018

    LI YANSHAN | Studio in Secluded Mountains

    Est: $50,000 - $70,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, dated 1946, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist

  • Li Yanshan(1898-1961) Ink And Color On Paper,
    Mar. 25, 2018

    Li Yanshan(1898-1961) Ink And Color On Paper,

    Est: $500 - $2,000

    Li Yanshan(1898-1961) Ink And Color On Paper, Fan Painting Signed And Seals 50 X 16.5 cm 李研山 (1898-1961) 扇面:設色紙本 款識:研山 鈐印:李研山印,居端 備註:李研山(1898 年 11 月 20 日 — 1961 年 5 月 11 日),本名耀辰,字居端,號研山,生於廣東省新會縣荷塘鄉篁灣村,卒於香港。著名中國畫畫家、書法家、詩人、美術教育家、書畫文物鑒定家。晚年被尊稱為「山水畫大師」。 $500

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • CHINESE PAINTING: LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Ink Mountain Landscape
    Mar. 20, 2018

    CHINESE PAINTING: LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Ink Mountain Landscape

    Est: $3,000 - $6,000

    CHINESE PAINTING: LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Ink Mountain Landscape

  • Li Yanshan 李研山 (1898-1961), Red Bamboo, 46.7 x 10.7 in — 118.5 x 27.2 cm
    Dec. 04, 2017

    Li Yanshan 李研山 (1898-1961), Red Bamboo, 46.7 x 10.7 in — 118.5 x 27.2 cm

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    LI YANSHAN 李研山 (1898-1961), RED BAMBOOWith artist’s seals, ink and colour on paper, 46.7 x 10.7 in — 118.5 x 27.2 cmProvenance:Classical and Modern Chinese Scroll Paintings from the Estate of Gar-Nung Ching (1896-1970)Lots 97-101Born in 1896 in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, Gar-Nung Ching was the son of a philanthropist who worked as a tailor in Honolulu. Mr. Ching enjoyed a privileged childhood and was well-educated, developing a talent for calligraphy and Chinese literature. In 1910 he moved to Shanghai to continue his education and after completing high school, Gar-Nung went on to attend Jiaotong University for two years, studying civil engineering. It was during this time Mr. Ching began collecting Chinese works of art and meeting local dealers.During the 1920s and 30s, Mr. Ching enjoyed success as an entrepreneur, establishing both a trading company and several restaurants in Nanjing. However due to the instability caused by the war, Mr. Ching moved his family to Hong Kong in 1937, where they settled temporarily. In 1941, as a result of the continuing war, Mr. Ching once again uprooted his family and traveled throughout southwest China to avoid advancing armies. Finally, in 1946, after the war ended, the Ching family settled in Hong Kong, where Gar-Nung established Nan Wah Construction Company. Nan Wah went on to become one of the most reputable building companies in Hong Kong and was awarded many high profile projects including the building of the American consulate, Hong Kong Cable and Wireless Ltd., and Hong Kong Chinese University. After re-settling in Hong Kong, Mr. Ching resumed his passion for collecting and continued to do so until 1960. He developed an expertise in identifying genuine antiques and artwork by great painters, and was very well known within the close circle of Hong Kong art dealers. After Mr. Ching’s death in 1970, his sons brought the remainder of his collection to Canada.Estimate: $3,000—5,000

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Mountains Ink and colour on paper, hanging
    Nov. 27, 2017

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Mountains Ink and colour on paper, hanging

    Est: HKD18,000 - HKD25,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Mountains Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Li Yanshan, with two seals of the artist Dated gengzi year (1960) 114.5cm x 52cm (45in x 20½in).

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Calligraphy in Running Script, 1957 Hanging scroll, ink on pap
    Jun. 27, 2017

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Calligraphy in Running Script, 1957 Hanging scroll, ink on pap

    Est: $3,500 - $5,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Calligraphy in Running Script, 1957 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, dedicated to Beishou, dated dingyou (1957) and signed Li Yanshan with three artist’s seals, two reading Xinhui Li Juduan yin and mo chi qing xing. 52 1/4 x 12 5/8in (132.8 x 32cm)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Summer Landscape, 1958 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper,
    Jun. 27, 2017

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Summer Landscape, 1958 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper,

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Summer Landscape, 1958 Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed with a poetic quatrain, dedicated to Beishou, dated wushu dong (1958, winter) and signed Li Yanshan with three artist’s seals reading Xuandui, Juduan, and shuangtie dilou. 42 3/4 x 17in (108.5 x 43.2cm)

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape Ink and colour on paper, hanging scrol
    May. 26, 2017

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape Ink and colour on paper, hanging scrol

    Est: HKD18,000 - HKD22,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Li Yanshan, with one seal of the artist Dated yihai year (1959) 62.5cm x 36.5cm (24½in x 14½in).

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape in the Style of Shixi Ink and colour o
    May. 26, 2017

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape in the Style of Shixi Ink and colour o

    Est: HKD18,000 - HKD22,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Landscape in the Style of Shixi Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Li Yanshan, with three seals of the artist 53.5cm x 40cm (21in x 15¾in).

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) After ‘Woods and Valleys of Mount Yu’ by Ni Zan
    May. 26, 2017

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) After ‘Woods and Valleys of Mount Yu’ by Ni Zan

    Est: HKD70,000 - HKD90,000

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) After ‘Woods and Valleys of Mount Yu’ by Ni Zan Ink on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Li Yanshan, with two seals of the artist Dated xinmao year (1951) 118cm x 37.5cm (46½in x 14¾in).

  • Li Yanshan (1898-1961) Blue and Green Landscape
    Nov. 25, 2016

    Li Yanshan (1898-1961) Blue and Green Landscape

    Est: HKD100,000 - HKD120,000

    Li Yanshan (1898-1961) Blue and Green Landscape

  • LI YANSHAN | Landscape after Southern Song Artist
    Apr. 05, 2016

    LI YANSHAN | Landscape after Southern Song Artist

    Est: $150,000 - $200,000

    with three seals of the artist

  • LI YANSHAN | Landscape Imitating Shen Zhou
    Apr. 05, 2016

    LI YANSHAN | Landscape Imitating Shen Zhou

    Est: $120,000 - $180,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, inscribed, and with two seals of the artist

  • LI YANSHAN | Mandarin Ducks by the Shore
    Apr. 05, 2016

    LI YANSHAN | Mandarin Ducks by the Shore

    Est: $70,000 - $90,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, and with one seal of the artist

  • LI YANSHAN | Plum Blossoms in the Moonlight
    Apr. 05, 2016

    LI YANSHAN | Plum Blossoms in the Moonlight

    Est: $50,000 - $70,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, dated 1958, inscribed, and with two seals of the artist

  • LI YANSHAN | Hibiscus by the Bamboo
    Apr. 05, 2016

    LI YANSHAN | Hibiscus by the Bamboo

    Est: $160,000 - $200,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, dated 1960, inscribed, and with three seals of the artist

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Landscape
    Dec. 01, 2015

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Landscape

    Est: -

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) Autumn Landscape

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) | Summer Landscape after Wang Meng
    Oct. 06, 2015

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) | Summer Landscape after Wang Meng

    Est: $120,000 - $150,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, dated 1951, inscribed, and with one seal of the artist

  • LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) | Ink Bamboo
    Oct. 06, 2015

    LI YANSHAN (1898-1961) | Ink Bamboo

    Est: $120,000 - $150,000

    signed LI YANSHAN, dated 1960, inscribed, and with two seals of the artist 

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