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Shih-chiao Li Sold at Auction Prices


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  • A WINTER SCENERY 李石樵(1908 - 1995)冬景(1977)
    Sep. 28, 2024

    A WINTER SCENERY 李石樵(1908 - 1995)冬景(1977)

    Est: NT$800,000 - NT$1,600,000

    Age: LI SHIH-CHIAO(1908-1959)。尺寸( Size):51 x 44 cm。 拍品描述:李石樵(1908-1995)生於台北新莊,台灣重要畫家,為台灣第一代西畫家。李石樵自幼對繪畫展現濃厚興趣,師從石川欽一郎學習西洋畫技法,1929年進入東京美術學校西畫科,與陳植棋、李梅樹同住一起,作品曾入選台、府展及帝展。1934年並與陳澄波、廖繼春、楊三郎等人成立「台陽美術協會」,致力於推廣台灣早期美術活動。李石樵早期作品以紮實的素描功力、穩重的構圖,表現寫實的風格。1950年代後,受塞尚、畢卡索、畢費等人的影響,作品轉而強調造型簡化及明暗的對比。晚年畫作風格更加細膩、舒緩,追求色彩的純粹性,經常使用薄塗的筆觸,富有個人的獨特魅力。 參閱:李石樵〈秋景〉1977年,國家美術館典藏。46 x 53公分。 款識:「1977石樵」。

    Ethereal Auctioneers
  • 李石樵 LI SHIHCHIAO ( Taiwanese, 1908-1995 )
    Dec. 10, 2023

    李石樵 LI SHIHCHIAO ( Taiwanese, 1908-1995 )

    Est: NT$1,200,000 - NT$1,800,000

    櫻花 Cherry Blossoms 簽名:1987 石樵 Signed Shihchiao in Chinese and dated 1987

    Zhong Cheng Auction Co. Ltd.
  • 李石樵 LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995)
    Dec. 01, 2019

    李石樵 LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995)

    Est: NT$1,500,000 - NT$2,200,000

    美國風景 American Landscape 簽名左下:1977 石樵 Signed lower left Shih-chiao in Chinese and dated 1977 附印象藝術中心畫廊開立之原作保證書 This work is to be sold with a certificate of authenticity issued by Impressions Art Gallerys, Taipei.

  • 李石樵 LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995)
    Jun. 02, 2019

    李石樵 LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995)

    Est: NT$2,400,000 - NT$3,200,000

    少女與百合 Girl and Lily 簽名右下:1982.石樵 Signed lower right Shih-chiao in Chinese and dated 1982 李石樵早期以寫實風格著稱,1950年代受西洋現代藝術影響,開始求新求變,進行現代繪畫實驗,1970年代發展群像和風景主題。1974年從師範大學退休後,李石樵經常往返美國、台灣兩地,享受天倫以及寫生作畫的樂趣。當時的台灣興起「鄉土文學」風,早期老畫家重新受到注意。他的繪畫風格也不受左右,吸收更多外來風土的元素,繪畫裡融入新意。李石樵退休後,專心繪畫,持續鑽研色彩、空間、質感等問題,用色也更加鮮麗明朗。在他創作生涯晚期,繪畫題材更延伸至花卉靜物,創作一系列瓶花作品受到市場好評。 此幅1982年作的《少女與百合》,是李石樵瓶花系列中罕見之作,難得結合了人物與瓶花兩大主題,花瓶下又增加了瓶墊構圖,比一般的瓶花構圖更為講究。此幅作品經典呈現李石樵繪畫的個人風格,構圖嚴謹扎實,色彩處理精準,筆觸薄塗而理性,瓶中的百合花,姿態互易、各具特色,卻又不失為一整體,足見畫家不僅精於處理個別事物,更用心協調畫面整體結構以及各物體間的群體關係。綻放的群花被放置於具有帝王象徵的九龍瓶中,展現貴冑華美之氣。此外,藝術家更著墨於表現花朵及花瓶的立體感,利用錯落有致的光線明暗變化和色彩的巧妙安排,使畫中物品彷彿走出畫面,存在於真實生活的空間中,引發觀畫者的觸覺感受,正如李氏所言:「繪畫不允許捉摸不到的作品存在,畫維納斯就必須能夠抱到她!」足見李石樵對繪畫的獨到見解和堅持,批判性思考為台灣美術史開啟新的探討課題。 Li Shih-chiao was famous for his realism style in his early stage of art career. After being influenced by western modern art in 1950s, Li started to look for new aspects by infusing new modern art elements to his works before he started to work on group portraits and landscape artworks in the 1970s. After Li retired from National Taiwan Normal University, he frequently traveled between Taiwan and the US to spend time with his family and dedicate himself in sketching. Post-regional literature was becoming a trend at the time and the old artists from earlier era were regaining their spotlights. Li did not restrict his style. He infused more foreign elements and new aspects in his paintings. After Li’s retirement, he focused on researching colors, spaces and textures, which brightens up the color use in his works. In the later stage of his career, Li included stationary objects such as flowers to his themes, and created series of flower arts admired by the market. Girl and Lily, painted by Li in 1982, is one of the rarest pieces in his flower series. He unusually combined two themes, the figure and the vase of flowers, into one picture, and also added a vase pad to make a more exquisite composition. This piece of art is the classic Li’s style. The composition is rigorous and solid. The color is organized and precise. The brush strokes are thin and reasonable. The lilies in the vase each has individual postures and characteristics, but unite harmoniously as a whole. This shows Li was good at depicting individual objects while keeping the composition well-balanced. The blooming flowers in the nine-dragon vase, an icon of the emperor, shows magnificent aura. On the other hand, Li also focused on presenting stereopsis of the flowers and the vase with brilliant lighting and coloring. That makes the painting so realistic and provokes the viewers' senses of tactile. Li once stated that "Paintings should not be untouchable. If you draw Venus, you should be able to hug her in your arms". Li Shih-chiao's insights, persistence and critical thinking in painting opens a new pathway of Taiwanese art history.

  • LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995) - Dahlia
    Dec. 02, 2012

    LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995) - Dahlia

    Est: NT$1,500,000 - NT$2,500,000

    LI Shih-chiao (Taiwanese, 1908 - 1995) Dahlia Oil on canvas , 1938

  • LI SHIQIAO (1908-1995)
    Oct. 27, 2002

    LI SHIQIAO (1908-1995)

    Est: $28,600 - $33,800

    Cow signed and dated 'Shiqiao'83' in Chinese (lower left) oil on canvas 51 x 43 cm. (20 x 16 1/4 in.) Painted in 1983 1.

    Oct. 14, 2001


    Est: $72,500 - $87,000

    (LI SHIH-CHAO, 1908-1995) At the beach signed and dated 'Shih-Chao; 1988' in Chinese (lower left) oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm. (39 1/8 x 31 1/8 in.) Painted in 1988.

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