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Jean Lecomte du Noüy Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor

(born 1842; died 1929) French painter and sculptor. Primarily known for his Orientalist paintings, Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouy studied painting under Charles Gleyre in 1861, Emile Signol in 1863, and Jean-Leon Gérôme in 1864. Gérôme proved to have a lasting influence on Lecomte du Nouy, inspiring him to travel abroad and paint exotic subjects. Lecomte du Nouy began exhibiting at the Salon in 1863 and won a gold medal in 1866. In 1865 he traveled with fellow artist Felix Clement to Egypt but failed to receive much business. In 1872 he won the Second Prix de Rome, and in 1875 he took an extensive trip to Greece, Egypt and Turkey. Before returning to France, Lecomte du Nouy stayed on in Bucharest for another two years where he painted the Royal Family and frescoes for churches. Both a painter and sculptor, Lecomte du Nouy works ranged from a variety of subjects, including figural, classical and religious.

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  • Studies of feet
    Nov. 13, 2024

    Studies of feet

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ Paris 1842 - 1923 Studies of feet Oil on canvas 37,8 x 23,5 cm ; 14⅞ by 9¼ in.

  • Head study of a woman, looking over her shoulder
    Apr. 10, 2024

    Head study of a woman, looking over her shoulder

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Jean-Jules Lecomte du Noüy Paris 1842–1923 Head study of a woman, looking over her shoulder oil on canvas, unlined unframed: 22.5 x 22 cm.; 8¾ x 8¾ in. framed: 36.5 x 36 cm.; 14¼ x 14¼ in.

  • Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouy, 1842 Paris – 1923 ebenda, zugeschrieben
    Sep. 23, 2021

    Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouy, 1842 Paris – 1923 ebenda, zugeschrieben

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    RefOld13921 RefImp13921 DIE BOTSCHAFT Öl auf Leinwand. 45 x 37,7 cm. In vergoldetem Rahmen mit Lanzettblattrelief. Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouy war besonders für seine orientalisierenden Gemälde bekannt. Atelierfotos, die auf uns gekommen sind, zeugen von der Begeisterung für den Orient und für die Antike. Das hier angebotene Gemälde zeigt ein Interieur der griechischen Antike mit zwei Frauen umgeben von Requisiten des klassischen griechischen Theaters, während links im Hintergrund ein Bote den Raum zu betreten scheint. Ein weiteres Gemälde mit Bote wurde 1872 vom Musée du Luxembourg angekauft („Les Porteurs de mauvaises nouvelles“). Jedoch fand Lecomte du Nouys erste Reise nach Griechenland, nach welcher unser Gemälde entstanden sein dürfte, erst 1875 statt. (1280334) (1) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ, French 1842-1923- Doorsteps; oil on canvas laid down on boa
    Mar. 23, 2021

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ, French 1842-1923- Doorsteps; oil on canvas laid down on boa

    Est: £250 - £350

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ, French 1842-1923- Doorsteps; oil on canvas laid down on board, 11x14cm Provenance: Galerie Emeric Hahn, Paris, where purchased in 2006 Please refer to department for condition report

  • Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923), after Jean Léon Gérôme - Le Prisonnier
    Nov. 18, 2020

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923), after Jean Léon Gérôme - Le Prisonnier

    Est: £20,000 - £30,000

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923), after Jean Léon Gérôme Le Prisonnier oil on canvas 17 ½ x 29 ¼ in. (44.5 x 74.5 cm.)

  • 49. JEAN – JULES – ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUY (Paris 1842 – 1923) Rêve d’Orien
    Oct. 07, 2020

    49. JEAN – JULES – ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUY (Paris 1842 – 1923) Rêve d’Orien

    Est: €12,000 - €18,000

    49. JEAN – JULES – ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUY (Paris 1842 – 1923) Rêve d’Orient Toile 70 x 125 cm Signé et daté en bas à droite LECOMTE DU NOUY 1904 Provenance : Vente anonyme, Londres, Sotheby’s, 17 Juin 1986, n°32, reproduit ; Chez Nataf, Paris. Exposition : Salon de 1905, Paris, Société des artistes français, Grand – Palais, n°1143. Bibliographie : G. de Montgailhard, Lecomte du Nouy, Paris, 1906, p.84 ; R. de Diederen, From Homer to the Harem, The Art of Jean Lecomte du Nouy, New – York, 2004, n°304, reproduit figure 94. Dernier tableau d’une suite d’oeuvres de l’artiste reproduisant des hommes fumant le narguilé, aux effets hallucinatoires, notre tableau est le point culminant du sujet par le peintre. Il est inspiré des écrits de Théophile Gautier La Mille et Deuxième nuit, 1842, racontant le rêve du poète Hassan endormi sur sa terrasse ; l’arrivée d’une peri -être surnaturelle du folklore persan-, quittant les cieux et créatures célestes pour se joindre à lui.

    Cornette de Saint-Cyr
    Feb. 01, 2019


    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    oil on canvas 

  • LECOMTE DU NOUY (FRENCH 1842 - 1923) Portrait of Lady Bateman pastel on paper signed and dated bottom right, 'Lecomte du Nouy 1901' 46 x 32.5 cm (18 x 12.75 inches)
    Dec. 11, 2018

    LECOMTE DU NOUY (FRENCH 1842 - 1923) Portrait of Lady Bateman pastel on paper signed and dated bottom right, 'Lecomte du Nouy 1901' 46 x 32.5 cm (18 x 12.75 inches)

    Est: £100 - £300

    LECOMTE DU NOUY (FRENCH 1842 - 1923) Portrait of Lady Bateman pastel on paper signed and dated bottom right, 'Lecomte du Nouy 1901' 46 x 32.5 cm (18 x 12.75 inches)

    Chiswick Auctions
  • JEAN-JULES-ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUŸ | The harem's gate, souvenir of Cairo
    Oct. 30, 2018

    JEAN-JULES-ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUŸ | The harem's gate, souvenir of Cairo

    Est: €400,000 - €600,000

    oil on canvas ; signed and dated lower left LECOMTE DU NOUY 1876

  • Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ Paris, 1842 - 1923 Entrée du Palais Morosini à San Salvator, Venise Huile sur toile
    Sep. 25, 2018

    Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ Paris, 1842 - 1923 Entrée du Palais Morosini à San Salvator, Venise Huile sur toile

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ Paris, 1842 - 1923 Entrée du Palais Morosini à San Salvator, Venise Huile sur toile signée, datée et dédicacée 'Lecomte du Nouÿ Souvenir de Venise amitiés à Madame Louise Lubeck(?) / 1880' en bas à gauche h: 34 w: 26 cm Bibliographie : Probablement R. M. H. Diederen, 'From Homer to the Harem. The art of Jean Lecomte du Nouy (1842-1923)', thèse de doctorat, université d'Amsterdam, 2004, p. 182, n° 148 Estimation 800 - 1 200 €

  • JEAN LECOMTE DU NOUŸ | The Sentinel
    Apr. 25, 2017

    JEAN LECOMTE DU NOUŸ | The Sentinel

    Est: £60,000 - £80,000

    oil on canvas

    Jan. 23, 2017


    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    JEAN JULES ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOÜY (french 1842-1923) "LES ALPES ET LE DAUPHINE VUES DU MONT-PILAT (RHÖNE-ALPS)" Titled on stretcher verso, oil on canvas 8 1/4 x 12 1/4 in. (21 x 31cm) provenance: The Artist. By descent in the family. Private Collection, New York, New York. exhibited: "From Homer to the Harem: The Art of Jean Lecomte du Noüy," Dahesh Museum of Art, New York, New York, June 22 - September 19, 2004. literature: "From Homer to the Harem: The Art of Jean Lecomte du Noüy," Dahesh Museum of Art, New York, New York, June 22 - September 19, 2004, Exhibition Catalogue, p. 154, cat. no. 62, fig. 35, p. 33 & 35, (illustrated).

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • JEAN-JULES-ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOÜY | Ramses dans son harem
    Oct. 22, 2015

    JEAN-JULES-ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOÜY | Ramses dans son harem

    Est: €40,000 - €60,000

    Huile sur toile, triptyque

    Jun. 16, 2015


    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    JEAN JULES ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOÜY (french 1842-1923)/span "LES ALPES ET LE DAUPHINE VUES DU MONT-PILAT (RHÖNE-ALPS)" Titled on stretcher verso, oil on canvas 8 1/4 x 12 1/4 in. (21 x 31cm) provenance: /spanThe Artist. By descent in the family. Private Collection, New York, New York. exhibited:/span "From Homer to the Harem: The Art of Jean Lecomte du Noüy," Dahesh Museum of Art, New York, New York, June 22 - September 19, 2004. literature:/span "From Homer to the Harem: The Art of Jean Lecomte du Noüy," Dahesh Museum of Art, New York, New York, June 22 - September 19, 2004, Exhibition Catalogue, p. 154, cat. no. 62, fig. 35, p. 33 & 35, (illustrated).

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte Du Noüy (French, 1842-1923) A portrait of Lady Bateman, full-length, standing by a balustrade 85 1/2 x 51 3/4in
    Nov. 10, 2013

    Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte Du Noüy (French, 1842-1923) A portrait of Lady Bateman, full-length, standing by a balustrade 85 1/2 x 51 3/4in

    Est: -

    Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte Du Noüy (French, 1842-1923) A portrait of Lady Bateman, full-length, standing by a balustrade 85 1/2 x 51 3/4in

  • Jean-Jules-Antoine LECOMTE du NOUŸ (Paris 1842 - 1923) Portrait de Victoria de Giafféri Toile 46,5 x 38,5 cm Signée et datée en hau...
    Oct. 26, 2012

    Jean-Jules-Antoine LECOMTE du NOUŸ (Paris 1842 - 1923) Portrait de Victoria de Giafféri Toile 46,5 x 38,5 cm Signée et datée en hau...

    Est: €600 - €800

    Jean-Jules-Antoine LECOMTE du NOUŸ (Paris 1842 - 1923) Portrait de Victoria de Giafféri Toile 46,5 x 38,5 cm Signée et datée en haut à gauche : J. Du Noüy / 99 Accident et restauration

  • Jean Lecomte du Nouy Paris, 1842 - 1923 Job et ses amis Huile sur panneau
    Mar. 28, 2012

    Jean Lecomte du Nouy Paris, 1842 - 1923 Job et ses amis Huile sur panneau

    Est: €600 - €800

    Jean Lecomte du Nouy Paris, 1842 - 1923 Job et ses amis Huile sur panneau Porte une inscription au revers indiquant la date de 1865 'JOB AND HIS FRIENDS', OIL ON PANEL, BY JEAN LECOMTE DU NOUY h: 21 w: 40,50 cm Provenance : Probablement ancienne collection du peintre Charles Edouard Delort (1841-1895), élève de Gleyre et de Gérôme, selon une inscription au verso ; Collection Jacques Thuillier, Paris Bibliographie : Probablement Robert Diederen, 'From Homer to the harem : the art of Jean Lecomte du Nouÿ', catalogue d'exposition, New York, Dahesh Museum of Art, 2004, p. 147, n° 18 Commentaire : Notre esquisse est préparatoire au tableau présenté au Salon de 1867 sous le numéro 904, aujourd'hui perdu et connu par une photogravure de Goupil & Cie.

  • Jean-Antoine-Jules LECOMTE DU NOÜY (1842-1920)
    Jun. 16, 2011

    Jean-Antoine-Jules LECOMTE DU NOÜY (1842-1920)

    Est: €15,000 - €18,000

    Jean-Antoine-Jules LECOMTE DU NOÜY (1842-1920) Portrait de Caroline du Noüy, 1881 Huile sur toile. Signée et datée en bas à gauche. Salon de 1883, dictionnaire Véron ainsi décrit: "Mme Caroline du Noüy est assise,...

    Oct. 01, 2010


    Est: €400 - €500

    LECOMTE DE NOUY JEAN JULES (1842-1923) Jeune femme. Sanguine et craie, signée en bas à droite. 27,5x43cm Reproduit en tête du chapitre VI du livre de Montgaillard « Le comte de Nouy », Paris 1906. Dédicace...

    Jun. 23, 2010


    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    JEAN JULES ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUY (PARIS 1842-1923) L'Impériale Destinée signé 'Lecomte.de.Noüy' (en bas à droite) huile sur toile 82 x 108,2 cm.

  • Jules-Jean Antoine LECOMTE DU NOÛY (Paris 1842 -
    Jun. 16, 2010

    Jules-Jean Antoine LECOMTE DU NOÛY (Paris 1842 -

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Jules-Jean Antoine LECOMTE DU NOÛY (Paris 1842 - 1923) Route de Choubra au Caire Sur sa toile d'origine. Localisé et daté au revers Route de Choubra au Caire, Egypte 1865. Porte une inscription au revers Lecomte. 15,5...

    Collin du Bocage
  • Jules-Jean-Antoine LECOMTE DU NOUY (1842-1923) Les
    Nov. 06, 2009

    Jules-Jean-Antoine LECOMTE DU NOUY (1842-1923) Les

    Est: €60,000 - €80,000

    Jules-Jean-Antoine LECOMTE DU NOUY (1842-1923) Les orientales, dans le quartier juif au Maroc, 1885 Huile sur toile, signée et datée en bas à gauche 146,5 x 114,5 cm Provenance : Salon de 1885 Resté dans la famille depuis le Salon de 1885 Collection privée, France 573/4 x 451/4 in. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left

  • Attributed to LECOMTE DU NOÜY, JEAN (1842 Paris
    Sep. 18, 2009

    Attributed to LECOMTE DU NOÜY, JEAN (1842 Paris

    Est: CHF12,000 - CHF18,000

    Attributed to LECOMTE DU NOÜY, JEAN (1842 Paris 1923) The wailing wall in Jerusalem. Oil on canvas. Inscribed lower left: LECOMTE DU NOÜY. 80.5 x 60 cm. LECOMTE DU NOÜY, JEAN (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) (1842 Paris 1923) Die Klagemauer in Jerusalem. Öl auf Leinwand. Unten links bezeichnet: LECOMTE DU NOÜY. 80,5 x 60 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • Jean Lecomte du Nouy , French 1842-1929 La priere du soir a Tanger oil on canvas laid down on panel
    Nov. 12, 2008

    Jean Lecomte du Nouy , French 1842-1929 La priere du soir a Tanger oil on canvas laid down on panel

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    signed LECOMTE.DU.NOUY / 79 centre left oil on canvas laid down on panel

  • Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte Du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923)
    Apr. 19, 2005

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte Du Nouÿ (French, 1842-1923)

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    La prière du soir à Tanger signed and dated 'LECOMTE.DU.NOUY 79' (center right) oil on canvas laid down on panel 36 x 20 1/4 in. (91.4 x 51.4 cm.) Painted in 1879

  • Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Noy (French, 1842-1923)
    Jun. 05, 2002

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Noy (French, 1842-1923)

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Antiope and Jupiter signed, inscribed and dated 'A ses amis G. Des Fossez/Lecomte du Noy. 1889' (lower right); and inscribed 'ANTIOPE' (upper left) and 'JUPITER' (upper right) pastel and charcoal on brown paper 22 x 18 1/8 in. (55.8 x 46.3 cm.) PROVENANCE Anon. sale, Sotheby's, New York, 2 April 1996, lot 254.

    Nov. 02, 2001


    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    JEAN JULES ANTOINE LECOMTE DU NOUY FRENCH, 1842-1923 THE SMOKER signed and dated Lecomte de Nouy 1876 (lower right) oil on canvas 18 by 12 3/4 in. 45.7 by 32.4cm. PROVENANCE Mathaf Gallery Ltd., London

  • Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Noy (French, 1842-1923)
    Oct. 31, 2001

    Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Noy (French, 1842-1923)

    Est: $300,000 - $400,000

    The Marabout Prophet Sidna-Asissa, Morocco signed and dated 'Lecomte du Nouy 1883' (lower right) oil on canvas 30 1/8 x 501/4 in. (76.5 x 127.7 cm.) Painted in 1883 PROVENANCE Mr. Psicha, Athens. Anon. sale, Sotheby's, London, 13 June 1973, lot 40. Gallery Kourd, Athens (acquired at the above sale). The Fine Art Society, Ltd., London. Acquired from the above by the present owner, 1979. LITERATURE G. de Montgailhard, Lecomte du Noy, Paris, 1906, p. 81 (illustrated). EXHIBITION Paris, Salon, 1884, no. 1465. NOTES Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Noy hailed from a prestigious family descended from a line of Piedmontese nobles, documented in France as early as the fourteenth century. In addition, both his parents were collectors and his uncle, Andre du Noy was official court painter to King Murat of Naples. Lecomte du Noy began his artistic training in the Parisian atelier of Charles Glerye in 1861 and quickly gained the praise of mentors who included Emile Signol and Jean-L‚on G‚r“me. Hailed as one of G‚r“me's brightest pupils, it was under the influence of the great French master that Lecomte du Noy took an interest in Orientalist subjects, although his oeuvre encompasses scenes from classical antiquity to portraiture. Moreover, because his artistic output was modest, his works are exceptionally rare. Indeed, due to his careful studied technique combined with his attention to architectural detail he has been referred to as "the epitome of academic Orientalism" (L. Thornton, The Orientalists, Painter-Travellers, Paris, 1983, p. 188). It was at G‚r“me's urging that Lecomte du Noy set out with fellow painters on an artistic pilgrimage to the far lands of the East visiting Turkey, North Africa and Asia Minor. His last journey was with fellow painter Charles Toch‚ to Morocco where the scenes of Tangiers and Tetuan served as the inspiration his later canvases. For the present work, exhibited at the Salon of 1884, du Noy drew his inspiration from the rich religious history of Morocco choosing as his protagonist the marabout prophet Sidna-Aissa, a mystic leader and healer living in Morocco in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. Also known as Si-Mahmed Ben-Aissa or Sidi Muhammed (born Isa al-Fihri), this Qu'uranic prophet founded the religious brotherhood of Aissoua based on the rule of the Shadhiliya Sufis. He traveled extensively around the country preaching, and one of his many talents was his ability to grant his Marabout disciples immunity from wounds and disease. Not surprisingly, their ritual presence was often requested during epidemics where it was thought they could drive away disease through their ritual dances. These dances were frenzied group affairs characterized by animated jerking movements. They often included the formation of human chains around a ritual fire which may have also involved self-inflicted pain. Although the Marabouts depended on alms, they could wield great political as well as religious power. Sidna-Aissa amassed a strong following among the more fanatical populations and used his status to stir his people to wage holy war against the Portuguese and Spanish Christians who had been gaining power in the Mediterranean region since the beginning of the fifteenth century. Here, surrounded by a small band of eager followers, Sidna-Asissa, with his head tilted upwards, narrates one of his prophetic visions. In response, his disciples display a number of startled reactions communicated with near photographic realism. According to an anecdote recounted by Montgailhard, Lecomte du Noy modeled his 16th Century prophet on a modern Moroccan healer he met during his stay. The healer, however, distracted by Lecomte du Noy's presence, verbally directed negative premonitions towards the painter. Unperturbed by these threatening statements and determined to watch the scene unfold, the artist continued his careful observance of the men, rendering with his characteristic exactitude, every detail of the men's physical appearance, dress and accessories down to the calligraphy in Arabic on the wall which reads, "May God grant you health. May God give you strength".

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