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Pavel Varfolomeevic Kuznecov Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Lithographer, b. 1878 - d. 1968

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  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Feb. 21, 2025

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: €40,000 - €50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

    Aug. 31, 2024


    Est: $800 - $1,100

    Oil on board "Road in Forest" by Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov. The painting is initialed at the lower left. Provenance: Estate of Giovanni Migliuolo Former Italian Ambassador to the United Nations, in the 1960s Ambassador in the USSR. Kuznetsov Pavel Varfolomeevich (1878 - 1968) - painter, graphic artist, theater artist, muralist, and teacher. He was one of the founders and ideologists of the Blue Rose Association of Symbolist Painters, which formed around the exhibition of the same name in 1907. Along with V.E. Borisov-Musatov was one of the most consistent Russian Symbolist artists. He worked a lot in the theater. The works of P.V. Kuznetsov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, in many regional Russian museums and private collections around the world.

    Helios Auctions
    Jun. 29, 2024


    Est: CHF900 - CHF1,800

    White Tower Watercolor / pencil on the back of a French book page with a plan of a ground floor, signed and dated 1923 22.5 x 30.5 cm

    Galerie Moenius
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Jun. 28, 2024

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

    May. 12, 2024


    Est: $100 - $150

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov, Russian, Soviet Era, 1878 to 1968, color pencil painting on paper depicting a portrait of a woman in a niqab, a sketch for Turkestan Avtolitografii, Turkestan Autolithographs, Kuznetsovs eleven series of drawings of Turkestan, accompanied by his affectionate essay about the region. Signed with initials, lower left. Matted. Pavel Kuznetsov was a Russian painter, graphic artist, theater artist, muralist, teacher. He was one of the founders and ideologists of the Blue Rose association of Symbolist painters, which formed around the exhibition of the same name in 1907. Along with V.E. Borisov Musatov was one of the most consistent Russian Symbolist artists. He worked a lot in the theater. The works of P.V. Kuznetsov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, in many regional Russian museums and private collections around the world. One of a kind artwork.

    Antique Arena Inc
    Apr. 06, 2024


    Est: $100 - $150

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov, Russian, Soviet Era, 1878 to 1968, color pencil painting on paper depicting a portrait of a woman in a niqab, a sketch for Turkestan Avtolitografii, Turkestan Autolithographs, Kuznetsovs eleven series of drawings of Turkestan, accompanied by his affectionate essay about the region. Signed with initials, lower left. Matted. Pavel Kuznetsov was a Russian painter, graphic artist, theater artist, muralist, teacher. He was one of the founders and ideologists of the Blue Rose association of Symbolist painters, which formed around the exhibition of the same name in 1907. Along with V.E. Borisov Musatov was one of the most consistent Russian Symbolist artists. He worked a lot in the theater. The works of P.V. Kuznetsov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, in many regional Russian museums and private collections around the world. One of a kind artwork.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878 - 1968). La montagnosa Bukhara, inizi del 1923
    Mar. 23, 2024

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878 - 1968). La montagnosa Bukhara, inizi del 1923

    Est: -

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878 - 1968) La montagnosa Bukhara, inizi del 1923 Litografia a colori 29,8 x 37,8 cm Data: "1923", di altra mano, al verso Firma: "Pavel Kuznetsov" in lastra Altre iscrizioni: Dedica a "a A. Trombadori", in italiano, a matita, al recto Stato di conservazione superficie: 90% (macchie rugginose) Stato di conservazione supporto: 95% Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878–1968) fu pittore e grafico. Ebbe in famiglia un pittore di icone e il nonno giardiniere. Ha studiato a Saratov alla Bogolyubov Art School (1891–1896) - sotto la guida di V. V. Konovalov e G. P. Salvini-Baracchi, con Viktor Borisov-Musatov e lo scultore Alexander Matveev -, dunque alla Scuola di pittura, scultura e architettura di Mosca (1897–1904) e per un anno a Parigi (1906). Nel 1902 si avvicinò a Valery Bryusov e ai simbolisti e inizio a collaborare con pubblicazioni simboliste, come le riviste "Arte" e "Vello d'oro" ("Искусство", "Золотое руно"). Nel 1902, insieme a Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin e Peter Utkin, dipinse la Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Kazan a Saratov, ma l'eccessiva libertà espressiva suscitò scandalo e le opere vennero distrutte. I suoi primi dipinti furono esposti dal gruppo formatosi intorno alla rivista "Mir Iskusstva". Kuznetsov contribuì a organizzare la mostra "Rosa scarlatta" (1904) ed è stato uno dei fondatori e leader, nel 1907, della Rosa Blu (Голубая роза), una associazione di artisti simbolisti moscoviti che prendeva nome dal poema "Fiore blu" di Novalis. Nel 1906, su invito di Sergei Diaghilev, si recò a Parigi, dove visitò studi d'arte privati, esponendo ad una mostra di arte russa, che gli valse l'elezione a membro del Salon d'Automn a vita. Nelle steppe del Trans-Volga (1911-1912) e in Asia centrale (1912-1913), Kusnetsov elaborò un nuovo stile - memore anche della lezione di Chagall - in cui è centrale “separare un sogno da un altro sogno”, mantenendo vivo il ritmo e la poetica dell'Oriente, il respiro della storia millenaria dei popoli orientali, vagabondi nell'Asia, rovesciando con l'esperienza della vita la pessimistica metafora del leopardiano "Canto notturno di un pastore errante nell'Asia". La luminosità e allo stesso tempo la sottigliezza della riproduzione dei colori, la semplicità e la stessa irrealtà della trama: la "Suite kyrgyza" e la "Serie Bukhara" collocano Kuznetsov tra artisti di livello mondiale. Durante gli anni della rivoluzione lavorò con grande entusiasmo, prese parte alla pubblicazione della rivista "La via della liberazione", insegnò allo Stroganov Institute (1917–18; dove tornò tra il 1945 e il 1948) e all'Istituto di Belle Arti di Mosca (1918– 37); e diresse la sezione pittura del Narkompros, il commissariato del popolo per l'educazione ( 1919-1924), in rappresentanza della quale espose a Parigi nel 1923. Creò, in questo periodo nuove variazioni di motivi orientali, in cui si nota l'influenza dell'antica pittura russa, dipinse bellissimi ritratti della moglie Elena Bebutova, disegnò le serie litografiche "Turkestan" e "Mountain Bukhara" (1922-1923). Tra il 1925 e il 1930 svolse altre spedizioni etnografiche e per lo studio della pittura in Crimea, nel Caucaso e in Armenia. Con l'avvento del realismo socialista, tuttavia, perse il favore ufficiale. I primi dipinti di Kuznetsov sono tipici delle esplorazioni poetiche del gruppo della "Rosa blu" di un mondo interiore e immaginativo attraverso simboli archetipici. Dopo il 1910 attinse sempre più alla cultura popolare, continuando ad attingere alla ricca cromia e ai ritmi armoniosi dei simbolisti, ma semplificando le sue composizioni per rappresentare la vita quotidiana delle comunità dei villaggi del Kirghizistan in Asia centrale. Alcune delle sue opere più importanti sono conservate alla Galleria Tretyakov ("Fontana Blu", tempera, 1905; "Mattina", tempera, 1905; "Miraggio nella steppa", tempera, 1912; "Sera nella steppa", tempera, 1912).

    Mar. 17, 2024


    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Oil on board "Road in Forest" by Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov. The painting is initialed at the lower left. Provenance: Estate of Giovanni Migliuolo Former Italian Ambassador to the United Nations, in the 1960s Ambassador in the USSR. Kuznetsov Pavel Varfolomeevich (1878 - 1968) - painter, graphic artist, theater artist, muralist, and teacher. He was one of the founders and ideologists of the Blue Rose Association of Symbolist Painters, which formed around the exhibition of the same name in 1907. Along with V.E. Borisov-Musatov was one of the most consistent Russian Symbolist artists. He worked a lot in the theater. The works of P.V. Kuznetsov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, in many regional Russian museums and private collections around the world.

    Helios Auctions
    Nov. 25, 2023


    Est: CHF1,500 - CHF3,000

    SAILOR Gouache on paper, monogrammed "P.K" in Cyrillic letters, probably Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968), and dated 1915, several tears in the paper, approx. 67 x 48 cm

    Galerie Moenius
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Oct. 06, 2023

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

    Oct. 01, 2023


    Est: $20,000 - $25,000

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov, (Russian, 1878 - 1968), oil on canvas laid on cardboard painting "Blowballs." Housed in an original French early 20th-century gilded frame hand-incised with floral motifs. Features pencil sketches verso. Provenance: bought from the artist's widow by the previous owner. Bibliography: "A Time to Gather… RUSSIAN ART From Foreign Private collections." State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Palace Editions,2008, illustrated on p.21. Kuznetsov Pavel Varfolomeevich - painter, graphic artist, theater artist, muralist, and teacher. He was one of the founders and ideologists of the Blue Rose Association of Symbolist Painters, which formed around the exhibition of the same name in 1907. Along with V. E. Borisov-Musatov was one of the most consistent Russian Symbolist artists. He worked a lot in the theater. The works of P. V. Kuznetsov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, in many regional Russian museums and private collections around the world.

    Helios Auctions
  • Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878 - 1968). La montagnosa Bukhara, inizi del 1923
    Sep. 13, 2023

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878 - 1968). La montagnosa Bukhara, inizi del 1923

    Est: -

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878 - 1968) La montagnosa Bukhara, inizi del 1923 Litografia a colori 29,8 x 37,8 cm Data: "1923", di altra mano, al verso Firma: "Pavel Kuznetsov" in lastra Altre iscrizioni: Dedica a "a A. Trombadori", in italiano, a matita, al recto Stato di conservazione superficie: 90% (macchie rugginose) Stato di conservazione supporto: 95% Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov (1878–1968) fu pittore e grafico. Ebbe in famiglia un pittore di icone e il nonno giardiniere. Ha studiato a Saratov alla Bogolyubov Art School (1891–1896) - sotto la guida di V. V. Konovalov e G. P. Salvini-Baracchi, con Viktor Borisov-Musatov e lo scultore Alexander Matveev -, dunque alla Scuola di pittura, scultura e architettura di Mosca (1897–1904) e per un anno a Parigi (1906). Nel 1902 si avvicinò a Valery Bryusov e ai simbolisti e inizio a collaborare con pubblicazioni simboliste, come le riviste "Arte" e "Vello d'oro" ("Искусство", "Золотое руно"). Nel 1902, insieme a Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin e Peter Utkin, dipinse la Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Kazan a Saratov, ma l'eccessiva libertà espressiva suscitò scandalo e le opere vennero distrutte. I suoi primi dipinti furono esposti dal gruppo formatosi intorno alla rivista "Mir Iskusstva". Kuznetsov contribuì a organizzare la mostra "Rosa scarlatta" (1904) ed è stato uno dei fondatori e leader, nel 1907, della Rosa Blu (Голубая роза), una associazione di artisti simbolisti moscoviti che prendeva nome dal poema "Fiore blu" di Novalis. Nel 1906, su invito di Sergei Diaghilev, si recò a Parigi, dove visitò studi d'arte privati, esponendo ad una mostra di arte russa, che gli valse l'elezione a membro del Salon d'Automn a vita. Nelle steppe del Trans-Volga (1911-1912) e in Asia centrale (1912-1913), Kusnetsov elaborò un nuovo stile - memore anche della lezione di Chagall - in cui è centrale “separare un sogno da un altro sogno”, mantenendo vivo il ritmo e la poetica dell'Oriente, il respiro della storia millenaria dei popoli orientali, vagabondi nell'Asia, rovesciando con l'esperienza della vita la pessimistica metafora del leopardiano "Canto notturno di un pastore errante nell'Asia". La luminosità e allo stesso tempo la sottigliezza della riproduzione dei colori, la semplicità e la stessa irrealtà della trama: la "Suite kyrgyza" e la "Serie Bukhara" collocano Kuznetsov tra artisti di livello mondiale. Durante gli anni della rivoluzione lavorò con grande entusiasmo, prese parte alla pubblicazione della rivista "La via della liberazione", insegnò allo Stroganov Institute (1917–18; dove tornò tra il 1945 e il 1948) e all'Istituto di Belle Arti di Mosca (1918– 37); e diresse la sezione pittura del Narkompros, il commissariato del popolo per l'educazione ( 1919-1924), in rappresentanza della quale espose a Parigi nel 1923. Creò, in questo periodo nuove variazioni di motivi orientali, in cui si nota l'influenza dell'antica pittura russa, dipinse bellissimi ritratti della moglie Elena Bebutova, disegnò le serie litografiche "Turkestan" e "Mountain Bukhara" (1922-1923). Tra il 1925 e il 1930 svolse altre spedizioni etnografiche e per lo studio della pittura in Crimea, nel Caucaso e in Armenia. Con l'avvento del realismo socialista, tuttavia, perse il favore ufficiale. I primi dipinti di Kuznetsov sono tipici delle esplorazioni poetiche del gruppo della "Rosa blu" di un mondo interiore e immaginativo attraverso simboli archetipici. Dopo il 1910 attinse sempre più alla cultura popolare, continuando ad attingere alla ricca cromia e ai ritmi armoniosi dei simbolisti, ma semplificando le sue composizioni per rappresentare la vita quotidiana delle comunità dei villaggi del Kirghizistan in Asia centrale. Alcune delle sue opere più importanti sono conservate alla Galleria Tretyakov ("Fontana Blu", tempera, 1905; "Mattina", tempera, 1905; "Miraggio nella steppa", tempera, 1912; "Sera nella steppa", tempera, 1912).

    Jun. 24, 2023


    Est: $100 - $150

    Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov, Russian, Soviet Era, 1878 to 1968, color pencil painting on paper depicting a portrait of a woman in a niqab, a sketch for Turkestan Avtolitografii, Turkestan Autolithographs, Kuznetsovs eleven series of drawings of Turkestan, accompanied by his affectionate essay about the region. Signed with initials, lower left. Matted. Pavel Kuznetsov was a Russian painter, graphic artist, theater artist, muralist, teacher. He was one of the founders and ideologists of the Blue Rose association of Symbolist painters, which formed around the exhibition of the same name in 1907. Along with V.E. Borisov Musatov was one of the most consistent Russian Symbolist artists. He worked a lot in the theater. The works of P.V. Kuznetsov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, in many regional Russian museums and private collections around the world. One of a kind artwork.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Feb. 03, 2023

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

    Oct. 29, 2022


    Est: CHF1,200 - CHF2,400

    LANDSCAPE WITH TREE - P. KUZNETSOV Watercolor and pencil on paper, dated 1923 and signed "Pavel Kuznetsov" in Cyrillic letters, probably Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1879 - 1968) 29 x 21.2 cm

    Galerie Moenius
  • Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov
    Sep. 04, 2022

    Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov

    Est: €700 - €1,400

    (1878 Saratow - 1968 Moskau) Am Kaspischen Meer Mit breitem, weich-pastosem Duktus gemaltes, impressionistisches Werk des bedeutenden Künstlers, der eine Brücke von Russland nach Frankreich schlug. Kuznetsov war seit einer ersten Studienreise nach Paris 1896 dort lange Jahre ansässig und ab 1927 dauerhaft tätig. Die französische Kunstmetropole wurde für ihn künstlerischer Wendepunkt, die Werke von Cézanne, Monet und Pissarro faszinierten ihn. Regelmäßig stellte er in den wichtigsten Galerien sowie 1905 - 1932 im Salon des Indépendants aus. Öl/Lwd.; R. u. kyrillisch sign. u. dat. (19)58. Verso auf dem Rückenkarton Widmung (von fremder Hand) zum 60. Geburtstag des Sammlers Dr. Dankwart Enßlin (1934 - 2018). Ca. 25 cm x 34,5 cm. Rahmen. Provenienz: Seit 1994 in der Sammlung Dr. Dankwart Enßlin (1934 - 2018). Oil on canvas. Signed in Cyrillic and dated (19)58.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Jun. 03, 2022

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

    May. 14, 2022


    Est: $100 - $150

    Two Russian gouache, watercolor and ink on paper paintings with oriental scenes attributed to Pavel Kuznetsov, Russian, 1878 to 1968. Both paintings are signed with the Cyrillic initials PK lower left. Floating inside a double matt and framed. Pavel Varfolomevich Kuznetsov was a Russian painter and graphic artist .His early paintings were exhibited by the Mir Iskusstva group, and he was closely associated with the Russian Symbolists. He helped to organize the Crimson Rose exhibition, 1904, and was a founder and leader of the Blue Rose in 1907. He taught at the Stroganov Institute, 1917–18; 1945-8, and at the Moscow Institute of Fine Arts, 1918–37. Russian Modernist Post Impressionist Fine Art For Collectors.

    Antique Arena Inc
  • KUZNETSOV Pavel (1878-1968) - Paysage
    Jun. 13, 2021

    KUZNETSOV Pavel (1878-1968) - Paysage

    Est: €1,800 - €2,500

    KUZNETSOV Pavel (1878-1968) Paysage Technique mixte sur carton Signé en bas à droite 23,8 x 34 cm КУЗНЕЦОВ Павел (1878-1968) Пейзаж Картон, смешанная техника Подпись монограмма справа внизу 23,8 x 34

  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Jun. 04, 2021

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

  • Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968). En Crimée (1926).
    Dec. 16, 2020

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968). En Crimée (1926).

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968). En Crimée (1926). Aquarelle sur papier non signée. Porte une étiquette tapuscrite au revers signalant la provenance de l’œuvre. H. 22,5 x L. 18 cm (à vue). Provenance -Probablement collection de Elena Mikhailovna Bebutova (1892-1970), femme de l’artiste. -Probablement collection de Boris Davidovich Suris (1923-1991). -Probablement collection de Yakov Evseyevich Rubinstein (1900-1983). Œuvre en rapport Landscape (1925), aquarelle sur papier, 33,2 x 27,7 cm, Vente Christie's New York, 21/10/2003, lot 116, adjugé 2800$. Павел Варфоломеевич КУЗНЕЦОВ (1878-1968). В Крыму (1926 г). Бумага без подписи, акварель. Имеет машинописную этикетку на обороте, указывающую на происхождение произведения. 22,5 x 18 см (на вид). Происхождение -Возможно, коллекция Елены Михайловны Бебутовой (1892-1970), жены художника. -Возможно, коллекция Бориса Давидовича Суриса (1923-1991). -Возможно, коллекция Якова Евсеевича Рубинштейна (1900-1983). Похожие работы Пейзаж (1925), акварель на бумаге, 33,2 x 27,7 см, продажа Christie's в Нью-Йорке, 21.10.2003, лот 116, продан на аукционе за 2800 долларов.

    Millon & Associes
  • Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968). Rue de Boukhara (circa 1920).
    Dec. 16, 2020

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968). Rue de Boukhara (circa 1920).

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968). Rue de Boukhara (circa 1920). Mine de plomb sur papier monogrammée en bas à droite en russe « ПК ». Une tache en haut à droite. H. 23,2 x L. 12,5 cm (à vue). Historique Du 7 novembre 2012 au 16 janvier 2013, l’exposition « De Saratov à Boukhara » a été inaugurée à la Maison Pavel Kuznetsov (une succursale du Musée Radishchev) à Saratov où était présentée une lithographie d’après notre dessin. Павел Варфоломеевич КУЗНЕЦОВ (1878-1968). Улица в Бухаре (около 1920 г). Бумага, графит, в правом нижнем углу монограмма "ПК". Пятно в верхнем левом углу. 23,2 x 12,5 см (на вид). История С 7 ноября 2012 года по 16 января 2013 года в Саратовском Доме Павла Кузнецова (филиал Радищевского музея) открылась выставка «От Саратова до Бухары», где была представлена литография выполненная по нашему рисунку.

    Millon & Associes
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Aug. 08, 2020

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

  • Kuznecov, Pavel V - Bergige Landschaft (Im
    May. 15, 2020

    Kuznecov, Pavel V - Bergige Landschaft (Im

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    Kuznecov, Pavel V Bergige Landschaft (Im Vorland des Kaukasus). Gouache auf Papier. Links unten signiert und datiert. 1927. Blattgröße: 81,5 x 60 cm. Doubliert auf Kartonpapier. Pavel Kuznecov (1878-1968) war ein bedeutendes Mitglied der Künstlergruppen "Mir iskusstva" (Welt der Kunst), "Soyuz russkih hudozhnikov" und "4 iskusstva". Mehrere Serien im Werk des Künstlers entstanden auf Reisen, das vorliegende Blatt während eines Aufenthalts im Kaukasus (1925-1929). - Mit einem großen verzweigten Einriss vom Rand bis in die Bildmitte sowie weiteren kleineren Einrissen und Knickspuren im Blattrand, alles durch die Doublierung fixiert, unterer Bildbereich mit zwei kaum sichtbaren größeren Wasserflecken (ca. 13 x 5 cm und 30 x 5 cm).

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
    Apr. 25, 2020


    Est: $100 - $150

    RUSSIAN / SOVIET UNION WOODBLOCK PRINT, depicting a young child ice fishing and holding a pike in his hands, signed in pencil in the lower right hand corner, backing retains label possibly for People's Artist of the RSFSR. Unframed. Possibly Pavel Kuznetsov (Russian, 1878-1968).

    Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Oct. 05, 2019

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100

  • KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) The Vicinity of Yerevan
    Nov. 28, 2018

    KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) The Vicinity of Yerevan

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) The Vicinity of Yerevan signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1930 on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 78.5 by 71 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. Related literature: For other versions, see D. Sarabianov, L. Budkova, Pavel Kuznetsov Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, p. 38, mentioned in the text; pl. 113, illustrated; p. 356, Nos. 493 and 494, listed; p. 358, No. 503, listed; p. 359, illustrated.

  • KOUZNETSOV PAVEL VARFOLOMEÏEVITCH (1878-1968) / Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968)
    Nov. 06, 2018

    KOUZNETSOV PAVEL VARFOLOMEÏEVITCH (1878-1968) / Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968)

    Est: €400 - €500

    KOUZNETSOV PAVEL VARFOLOMEÏEVITCH (1878-1968) / Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968) Vue de Djajur en Arménie. Huile sur carton. Signée en cyrillique et datée « M. Avétisian 54 » en bas au milieu. 17 x 24 cm. Peint en 1954. Provenance : Collection privée arménienne. Djadjur est le lieu natal d’Avétisian. La ville y abrite aujourd’hui le musée du peintre. Аветисян, Минас Карапетович (1928-1975) Вид Джаджура масло, картон, подпись и дата «М. Аветисян 54» внизу посередине, написана в 1954 Провенанс: Частная армянская коллекция. Джаджур является родиной Аветисяна. В городе находится музей художника.

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
  • KOUZNETSOV PAVEL VARFOLOMEÏEVITCH (1878-1968) / Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968)
    Nov. 06, 2018

    KOUZNETSOV PAVEL VARFOLOMEÏEVITCH (1878-1968) / Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968)

    Est: €400 - €500

    KOUZNETSOV PAVEL VARFOLOMEÏEVITCH (1878-1968) / Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968) Portrait de Molla. Aquarelle et traits de crayon sur papier. Signée en cyrillique « Pavel Kouznetsov » en bas à gauche. 33 x 31,5 cm. Provenance : Collection privée, Paris. Ce dessin fut probablement réalisé en 1922-1923 lors du voyage de l’artiste au Turkestan et à Boukhara. Кузнецов Павел Варфоломеевич (1878-1968) Мулла, бумага, акварель, карандаш, подпись слева внизу «Павел Кузнецов» Провенанс: Частная коллекция Париж. Этот рисунок, вероятно, относится к 1922-1923 годам во время поездки художника в Туркестан и Бухару.

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
  • KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) - Fountain
    Jun. 06, 2018

    KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) - Fountain

    Est: £250,000 - £500,000

    KUZNETSOV, PAVEL Fountain, signed and dated 1904. Oil on canvas, 64 by 87 cm. Provenance: Important private collection, Europe. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert I. Geraschenko. Authenticity certificate from the expert I. Gofman. Related literature: For similar works, see L. Budkova, D. Sarabianov, Pavel Kuznetsov, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, pls. 6 and 8, illustrated; p. 320, Nos. 85 and 89, listed; p. 322, No. 96, listed. The appearance of Pavel Kuznetsov's Fountain at the forthcoming auction is a notable event. The symbolist "fountains" make up an extremely important stage in Kuznetsov's creative biography, a stage that largely determined the future development of Silver Age in Russian art and of symbolism in particular. The subject appeared in his canvases, becoming a favourite theme, between 1904 and 1907, even before the famous Blue Rose exhibition that formally inaugurated the legendary association. Kuznetsov is thought to have been inspired by the real fountains that he saw in his teenage years in his home town of Saratov on the Volga. In the future painter's memory, this artificial, ornamental source remained as an indelible recollection of the life-giving moisture and freshness that water the natural world, and it symbolised the flow of radiant, fantastic dreams. However, the image of Kuznetsov's fountains is amazingly attuned to the poetic and musical quests of his time and comes to be a kind of symbol of aesthetic world-weariness and decadent, transcendental and romantic yearning and expectation. In his "fountains", Kuznetsov showed himself to be a direct heir to Viktor Borisov-Musatov, who died early in life. But his compositions, so full of unaccountable sadness and meditative poetic sentiment, amount to a development on a different level. For instance, the work now offered tends towards harmony, which the artist sees as something intrinsic and mandatory for a coherent artistic image. His twilight, silver-shimmering colour scheme ushers the viewer into a dreamy ecstasy. By expressing abstract, universal ideas, the artist aspires to an amalgamation of thought and emotion. This elusive indefinability of content, its irreducibility to words and concepts, which presupposes the presence of something immaterial and something else, "superterrestrial", led to the emergence of a special language of colour and form in painting. Light lost its substance, and objects seemed to start emitting light themselves. As a result, the pictorial plane, which is perfectly "woven" like a tapestry, forms a kind of curtain, a veil over the distance that shows through behind it. The paint and even the very soil seem to be saturated with light, and this brings Kuznetsov's painting closer to fresco art. The blurred outlines of the figures in "Fountain", the ethereal, hazy contours of the drooping trees, just slightly wrapped in a covering of autumnal yellow, the mist, the fluidity and the half-wakeful, half-dreamy state of what is happening, come close, as if hiding the secret source of the awakening of life, to the cycle of the universe of the "mysterious fountain" described by Osip Mandelstam, who clothes his soul in a moist "robe of thought". The showing of Fountain at the auction is also important because a 1911 fire that occurred at The Black Swan, Nikolai Ryabushinsky's villa just outside Moscow, destroyed many canvases painted by members of the Blue Rose association and owned by the patron and collector. Pavel Kuznetsov's works were the main ones to suffer, since he had been given the principal role in decorating the interior of the mansion. This disaster, which occurred when the symbolist stage in the artist's work had almost ended, cast over Kuznetsov's works of the 1900s the veil of a lost dream, which so befitted them, and, to use Abram Efros's figura

    Nov. 21, 2017


    Est: $500 - $700

    STYLE OF PAVEL VARFOLOMEEVICH KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN, 1878-1968) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN Oil on canvas: 28 x 20 in. Framed; lower right signed in Cyrillic: Pavel Kuznetsov

    Potomack Company
  • KUSNECOV Pavel Varfolomeevich 1878-1968
    Nov. 07, 2017

    KUSNECOV Pavel Varfolomeevich 1878-1968

    Est: €300 - €350

    KUSNECOV Pavel Varfolomeevich 1878-1968 Mixed media on strong paper signed lower right 26 x 21 cm

    The Bru Sale Gallery
  • Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov(Russian, 1878-1968).
    Oct. 08, 2017

    Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov(Russian, 1878-1968).

    Est: -

    Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov(Russian, 1878-1968), "Still Life with Flowers and Fruits", oil on canvas, 62.5 x 76 cm.

    Arman Antiques LLC
    Mar. 11, 2017


    Est: $150 - $200

    GUMILEV, Nikolai Stepanovich (Russian 1886-1921), Artist: KUZNETSOV, Pavel Varfolomeevich (Russian 1878-1968), DITYA ALLAKHA [Allah’s Child] (Saint-Petersburg: Appolon, 1917). 4to (254 x 203 mm), softcover. Text in Russian. Illustrated.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian
    Jun. 26, 2016

    Pavel KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) Russian

    Est: $40,000 - $50,000

    "Pavel Varfolomeevich KUZNETSOV (1878-1968) ; Floral still-life ; 1959 ; oil on canvas - unframed ; dimensions 76 x 60 cm (30 x 23 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower left corner ; Shipping to USA: DHL - $320 / National post with tracking service - $170 ; Shipping to Europe, Russia, Middle Assia: DHL - $220 / National post with tracking service - $100"

  • KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Three Roses, titled in Cyrillic and numbered "151" on the reverse.
    Jun. 08, 2016

    KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Three Roses, titled in Cyrillic and numbered "151" on the reverse.

    Est: £15,000 - £20,000

    KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Three Roses, titled in Cyrillic and numbered "151" on the reverse, Oil on canvas, 45.5 by 57.5 cm. Provenance: Collection of the artist’s family. Collection of Solomon Shuster, St Petersburg. Private collection, Europe. Literature: L. Budkova, D. Sarabianov, Pavel Kuznetsov , Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, p. 382, No. 902, listed.

  • * KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Old Moscow, inscribed with the artist's initials by E. Bebutova, the artist's wife.
    Jun. 08, 2016

    * KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Old Moscow, inscribed with the artist's initials by E. Bebutova, the artist's wife.

    Est: £120,000 - £180,000

    * KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Old Moscow, inscribed with the artist's initials by E. Bebutova, the artist's wife, Oil on cardboard, 51 by 74.5 cm. Executed in the mid-1920s. Provenance: Estate of the artist. Acquired from the above by Arno Babajanian, Soviet composer and pianist, in 1968. Thence by descent. Acquired from Ara Babajanian, the son of the above, by the present owner. Private collection, Europe. The work is accompanied by a letter from Ara Babajanian, confirming the provenance of the work. Authenticity certificate from the expert T. Zelyukina. Authenticity certificate from the expert I. Geraschenko. Literature: L. Budkova, D. Sarabianov, Pavel Kuznetsov , Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, p. 354, pl. 84, illustrated; No. 449, listed. M. Kiselev, Peizazh sovetskikh khudozhnikov 1917-1974 , Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, illustrated on the cover; pp. 52, 53, illustrated and listed. D. Sarabianov (ed.), Pavel Kuznetsov. Izbrannye proizvedeniya , Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1988, No. 90, illustrated and listed. There is a palpable sense in Old Moscow , which Pavel Kuznetsov painted soon after his return from Paris, of the artist’s infatuation with French painting: the greenery blanching in the heat and bright sunlight, the little white, blue and yellow houses with their pink roofs, the luminous pale blue of the sky, pierced in the distance by the silhouette of a church and bell tower and the lively shifting structural colour of the road receding into the distance - all these features awaken recollections of Paul Cézanne’s views of Aix-en-Provence and L’Estaque, of Kuznetsov’s conversations with André Derain and of that whole round of Parisian impressions and meetings which inspired the artist to create several urban landscapes “of the new type” in the mid-1920s.In these landscapes, Kuznetsov returns, as it were anew, to the fresh en plein air painting, with which he had started - to his Courtyard in Saratov or the works he created in the studio of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. This return to en plein air , however, is linked to a new stage in the development of his own painting system, when his earlier principles of decorativeness and elegance of texture are enriched by deeply-weighed considerations of the rhythmic structure in a composition. The measured rhythm of the town buildings rising towards the sky and the bushes cushioning them, painted sometimes with a dry brush or by contrast with a soft brush saturated with paint, the vertical lines of the church and the fluent brushstrokes of the foliage that seems suspended over the road, lend the work a combination of painterly and graphic qualities that are particularly effective. The painting comes from the distinguished collection of Arno Babajanian, where it arrived straight from the artist’s studio. It bears an inscription, executed in 1968 by Kuznetsov’s widow Elena Bebutova, confirming the authenticity of the work.

    Mar. 12, 2016


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    A SET OF THREE RARE PORTFOLIOS BY PAVEL KUZNETSOV, 1923 A VERY RARE COMPLETE SET OF THE THREE SETS OF ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPHS BY PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), comprising: a) TURKESTAN. Lithographs [printed by the artist]. 1st Series of Drawings with Author`s Foreword. 9 x 6 3/4 inch. Softcover. 18 illustrations: front and rear covers, title page, 14 numbered and one unnumbered on verso of rear cover. Soiling/staining, pencil notes inside. Complete. b) TURKESTAN. Lithographs [printed by the artist]. 2nd Series of Drawings. Folio size (15 x 11 1/2 inch) portfolio. Title list, author`s foreword list. 18 illustrations: front and rear covers of the folder, title page, 14 numbered and one unnumbered. Folder separated and needs repair; illustrations in pretty good condition. Reproduced in John Milner. Complete. c) GORNAYA BUKHARA. Lithographs [printed by the artist] in Colors. Folio size (16 x 11 3/4 inch) portfolio. Title list, author`s foreword list. 17 illustrations: front and rear covers of the folder, title page, 12 numbered and 2 unnumbered. Folder separated and needs repair; illustrations in good condition. Complete. Published in 2000 copies only. With worn wrappers but illustrations overall in good condition.. THIS LOT IS BEING SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • * KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) Still Life with Flo
    Dec. 02, 2015

    * KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) Still Life with Flo

    Est: £80,000 - £120,000

    * KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) Still Life with Flowers in a Clay Pot Oil on canvas, 65.5 by 54.5 cm. Executed in the late 1930s–early 1940s. Provenance: Collection of the artist (inscription on the reverse). Collection of Solomon Shuster, St Petersburg (inscription on the stretcher). Authenticity of the work has been confirmed the expert V. Petrov. Authenticity has also been confirmed by the expert I. Geraschenko. Authenticity has also been confirmed by the expert T. Ermakova.

    Dec. 01, 2015


    Est: £100,000 - £150,000

    oil on canvas

  • *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Old Moscow
    Jun. 03, 2015

    *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Old Moscow

    Est: £160,000 - £200,000

    *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968), Old Moscow, inscribed with the artist's initials by E. Bebutova, the artist's wife. Oil on cardboard, 51 by 74.5 cm. Executed in mid-1920s. Provenance: Estate of the artist. Acquired from the above by the renowned Soviet composer and pianist Arno Babajanian in 1968. Thence by descent. Acquired from Ara Babajanian by the present owner. Private collection, Europe. The work is accompanied by a letter from Ara Babajanian, the son of Arno Babajanian, confirming the provenance of the work. Authenticity certificate from the expert T. Zelyukina. Authenticity certificate from the expert I. Geraschenko. Literature: L. Budkova, D. Sarabianov, Pavel Kuznetsov, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, pl. 84, illustrated; No. 449, listed. M. Kiselev, Peizazh sovetskikh khudozhnikov 1917–1974, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, illustrated on the cover; pp. 52, 53, illustrated and listed. D. Sarabianov (ed.), Pavel Kuznetsov. Izbrannye proizvedeniya, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1988, No. 90, illustrated and listed. There is a palpable sense in Old Moscow, which Pavel Kuznetsov painted soon after his return from Paris, of the artist’s infatuation with French painting: the greenery blanching in the heat and bright sunlight, the little white, blue and yellow houses with their pink roofs, the luminous pale blue of the sky, pierced in the distance by the silhouette of a church and bell tower and the lively shifting structural colour of the road receding into the distance – all these features awaken recollections of Paul Cézanne’s views of Aixen-Provence and L’Estaque, of Kuznetsov’s conversations with André Derain and of that whole round of Parisian impressions and meetings which inspired the artist to create several urban landscapes “of the new type” in the mid-1920s. In these landscapes, Kuznetsov returns, as it were anew, to the fresh en plein air painting, with which he had started – to his Courtyard in Saratov or the works he created in the studio of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. This return to en plein air, however, is linked to a new stage in the development of his own painting system, when his earlier principles of decorativeness and elegance of texture are enriched by deeply-weighed considerations of the rhythmic structure in a composition. In this highly decorative landscape, Kuznetsov draws all the spatial planes together into a single pictorial field, emphasising its integrity by precisely handled correlations of colour. The bright white ground shows through the verdure, the sky, the walls and roofs of the houses, everything in fact becomes ethereal, infused with streaming light. The world without shade that emerges is full of radiant colour, which it has absorbed from the sunlight. The measured rhythm of the town buildings rising towards the sky and the bushes cushioning them, painted sometimes with a dry brush or by contrast with a soft brush saturated with paint, the vertical lines of the church and the fluent brushstrokes of the foliage that seems suspended over the road, lend the work a combination of painterly and graphic qualities that are particularly effective. The painting comes from the distinguished collection of Arno Babajanian, where it arrived straight from the artist’s studio. It bears an inscription, executed in 1968 by Kuznetsov’s widow Elena Bebutova, confirming the authenticity of the work.

  • PAVEL VARFOLOMEEVICH KUZNETSOV | Still Life with Flowers and Fruit
    Jun. 02, 2015

    PAVEL VARFOLOMEEVICH KUZNETSOV | Still Life with Flowers and Fruit

    Est: £100,000 - £150,000

    oil on canvas

  • *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL - (1878-1968) Bouquet with Sunflowers
    Nov. 26, 2014

    *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL - (1878-1968) Bouquet with Sunflowers

    Est: £150,000 - £200,000

    *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) Bouquet with Sunflowers. Oil on canvas, 90 by 70 cm. Executed in the early 1930s. Provenance: Collection of the artist's family, Moscow (inscribed and numbered "317" and "No. 667" on the reverse). Collection of the prominent art collector Solomon Shuster (1934-1996), St Petersburg. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the experts I. Geraschenko, T. Levina and Yu. Chaykina. Authenticity has also been confirmed by the expert V. Petrov. Literature: Pavel Kuznetsov, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, p. 370, No. 667, listed. Pavel Kuznetsov painted the work Bouquet with Sunflowers in the early 1930s, when the genre of Still Life gained a particular prominence in his output. A distinguished feature of his Still Lifes during that period is their bright and warm palette. The combinations of colours in the offered work - the red of the blossoming wild flowers, the green of their leaves and stems, the radiant yellow of the sunflowers and the blue of the shadows - lend vibrancy and vitality to the painting, while the gentle straight and delicate curved lines, emphasising the flowers' silhouettes, add dynamism and spontaneity. Radical simplicity of the background allows the artist to focus on rendering the volume and materiality of the bouquet. As a result, the aroma of the wild flowers seems to be radiating from the canvas, filling the air with its sweet perfume. Vibrant and joyous in mood, Bouquet with Sunflowers embodies Kuznetsov's profound love for simple, unassuming beauty.

  • *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL - (1878-1968) Bouquet in a Blue Vase
    Nov. 26, 2014

    *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL - (1878-1968) Bouquet in a Blue Vase

    Est: £250,000 - £300,000

    *KUZNETSOV, PAVEL (1878-1968) Bouquet in a Blue Vase. Oil on canvas, 74 by 66 cm. Executed in the early 1930s. Provenance: Collection of the artist's family, Moscow (inscribed in Cyrillic and numbered "200" on the reverse). Private collection, Europe. Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert V. Petrov. Literature: Pavel Kuznetsov, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975, p. 370, No. 666, listed. At the beginning of the 1930s, having left behind the dreamy symbolism of the Blue Rose group and avant-garde quests of his Asian and Steppe series, Pavel Kuznetsov offered himself to the endless opportunities of the Still Life genre. In friendly rivalry with Martiros Saryan, he created suites of works devoted to his beloved garden with its roses, peonies, phloxes and wild flowers. It was precisely this type of still lifes that embodied Kuznetsov's artistic credo in these years. Bouquet in a Blue Vase is imbued with an especially vibrant radiance. The entire sheaf of lush flowers and herbage seem to spring from the canvas in a subtle interplay of colour and light, built up - typically for Kuznetsov - by combining various dark blue and yellow tones. The flowers are bunches of sunlight, diffused into the space of the composition. The window in the background merges with the foreground flowers and fruit into one exultant anthem to the light, beauty and richness of the natural world. Of great significance in Kuznetsov's 1930s flower paintings are their poetic mood, utopian brightness and lyrical appeal. The world of nature mortethat he depicted turns out to be much livelier than his scenes of real life on kolkhoz and sovkhoz farms. For him, matter in the universe is a single body, where objects are not differentiated or rigidly demarcated from each other; on the contrary, they are woven together to form one living substance. Exquisite in its composition, with melodious colour and rhythm of line, Bouquet in a Blue Vase bears the hallmarks of the vision, judgement and culture of its creator - one of the leading Russian painters of the 20th century.

  • Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov
    Nov. 24, 2014

    Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov

    Est: £200,000 - £300,000

    Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov

  • Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov (1878-1968), Russian, HARVEST WITH SHEEP HERDERS, 13.75" x 23.5" - 34.9 x 59.7 cm.
    Oct. 30, 2014

    Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov (1878-1968), Russian, HARVEST WITH SHEEP HERDERS, 13.75" x 23.5" - 34.9 x 59.7 cm.

    Est: -

    PAVEL VARFOLOMEEVICH KUZNETSOV (1878-1968), RUSSIANHARVEST WITH SHEEP HERDERSOil on canvas; signed in cyrillics and dated indistinctly "192..." lower right13.75" x 23.5" - 34.9 x 59.7 cm.Estimate: $5,000-7,000

  • PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), Gornaia
    Oct. 25, 2014

    PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), Gornaia

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), Gornaia Bukhara. Avtolitografii v kraskakh [Mountainous Bukhara. `Autolithographs` in colours.] Moscow: Mospoligraf, 1923. Folio (400x300mm) [15 3/4 x 11 3/4 in.]. With leaf of introductory text by Kuznetesov including captions. 15 separate color lithographs including title and 2 vignettes. Loose as issued in the original color-printed paper wrappers. Ex-Libris label of P. Kornilov.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), Turkestan.
    Oct. 25, 2014

    PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), Turkestan.

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    PAVEL KUZNETSOV (RUSSIAN 1878-1968), Turkestan. Avtolitografii [Turkestan. Autolithographs.] Moscow/Petrograd: Gosizdat, 1923. 2nd Series of Drawings. Folio (380 x 295 mm) [15 x 11 5/8 in.]. With leaf of introductory text and captions. 16 separate black and white lithographs including title and vignette. Loose as issued in the original paper wrappers (wrappers professionally restored). Ex-libris label of P. Kornilov. LITERATURE John Milner, A Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Artists: 1420-1970, Antique Collectors Club, pages 242-243 (illustrated)

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
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