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Lev Nikolaevich Kuzminkov Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1925 -

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    Jul. 23, 2024


    Est: €50 - €70

    1925 - 2012 Paesaggio industriale Monogramma L K in basso a destra Olio su cartone, cm 25X33 Questo lotto fa parte di una Collezione Svizzera, non sarà visibile presso le nostre sedi ma esclusivamente previo appuntamento presso Swiss Logistic Center che potrà occuparsi, su vostro incarico quali aggiudicatari, del trasporto e degli adempimenti doganali. This lot is part of a Swiss Collection and will not be on view at our offices but only by appointment at the Swiss Logistic Centre, which can take care of the transport and customs formalities on your behalf as the successful bidder. Per info e contatti: For info and contacts: Swiss Logistics Center SA Via Soldini 12 6830 Chiasso (CH) +41 91 683 13 15 info@swisslogcenter.ch

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Jul. 23, 2024


    Est: €50 - €70

    1925 - 2012 Paesaggio industriale Monogramma LK in basso a destra Olio su compensato, cm 24,5X36 Questo lotto fa parte di una Collezione Svizzera, non sarà visibile presso le nostre sedi ma esclusivamente previo appuntamento presso Swiss Logistic Center che potrà occuparsi, su vostro incarico quali aggiudicatari, del trasporto e degli adempimenti doganali. This lot is part of a Swiss Collection and will not be on view at our offices but only by appointment at the Swiss Logistic Centre, which can take care of the transport and customs formalities on your behalf as the successful bidder. Per info e contatti: For info and contacts: Swiss Logistics Center SA Via Soldini 12 6830 Chiasso (CH) +41 91 683 13 15 info@swisslogcenter.ch

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Kuzminkov, Lel
    Oct. 01, 2011

    Kuzminkov, Lel

    Est: $500 - $700

    O/B titled "Bridge". Signed en verso. Measures 13.5" x 19".

    Estates Unlimited
  • KUZMINKOV RUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN B1925 "Park with a View of the Bridges"
    Jan. 29, 2011

    KUZMINKOV RUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN B1925 "Park with a View of the Bridges"

    Est: $500 - $800

    KUZMINKOV, LEV NIKOLAEVICH RUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN B1925 "Park with a View of the Bridges" oil on artist board 13 1/2 x 15 1/4 in (34.3 x 48.3 cm) signed verso

    Trinity International Auctions & Appraisals, LLC
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