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Jánus Kubícek Sold at Auction Prices


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  • JANUS KUBICEK (Czech, 1921 -93), Untitled, oil on canvas, 40 x 30cm.
    Mar. 08, 2022

    JANUS KUBICEK (Czech, 1921 -93), Untitled, oil on canvas, 40 x 30cm.

    Est: $300 - $500

    JANUS KUBICEK (Czech, 1921 -93), Untitled, oil on canvas, 40 x 30cm.

    Leski Auctions Pty Ltd
  • Januš Kubíček (1921-1993)
    Apr. 18, 2015

    Januš Kubíček (1921-1993)

    Est: Kč20,000 - Kč40,000

    Januš Kubíček (1921-1993) LANDSCAPE. 1951. Oil on cardboard, 64,5x93 cm (inside frame measurement), signed and dated lower right 'Jánuš Kubíček - 51'. Framed, glassed. Condition B. Januš Kubíček (1921-1993) KRAJINA. 1951. Olej na kartonu, 64,5x93 cm (výřez rámu), sign. a dat. vpravo dole „Jánuš Kubíček - 51". Rámováno, zaskleno. Stav B. Januš Kubíček - brněnský malíř a grafik, studoval na Škole uměleckých řemesel v Brně. Věnoval se vedutám, figurální tematice, zátiší, motivům z ateliéru ad. Januš Kubíček (1921-1993) LANDSCHAFT. 1951. Öl auf Karton, 64,5x93 cm (Rahmenausschnitt), rechts unten sign. und dat. „Jánuš Kubíček - 51". Gerahmt, verglast. Zustand B.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jánuš Kubíček (1921-1993)
    Apr. 12, 2014

    Jánuš Kubíček (1921-1993)

    Est: Kč35,000 - Kč70,000

    FOREST SCENERY. Oil on cardboard, 41,5x35,5 cm (inside frame measurement), signature in the upper left corner 'Jánuš Kubíček', a stamp with information about a display of the work in a hall of the University hospital in Brno on the reverse side. Framed, glassed. Condition A. LESNÍ SCENÉRIE. Olej na kartonu, 41,5x35,5 cm (výřez rámu), sign. vlevo nahoře „Jánuš Kubíček", na rubu razítko s údaji o výstavení díla v síni ZV ROH Fakultní nemocnice Brno. Rámováno, zaskleno. Stav A. WALDSZENE. Öl auf Karton, 41,5x35,5 cm (Rahmenausschnitt), links oben sign. „Jánuš Kubíček", Verso gestempelt - Angaben über Ausstellung des Werkes in ZV ROH Fakultätskrankenhaus Brno. Gerahmt, verglast. Zustand A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993
    Sep. 22, 2007

    KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993

    Est: - Kč30,000

    KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993 Brno, CECHY) Pohyb Olej na sololitu, 62 x 45 cm, ramovano, datovano 1962, signovano vpravo nahore. Autor viz Ch 6/370.

    European Arts
  • KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993
    Sep. 22, 2007

    KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993

    Est: - Kč16,000

    KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993 Brno, CECHY) Domky Tempera na papire, 44 x 32 cm, ramovano v pasparte, pod sklem, datovano 1948, signovano vpravo dole. Malir, grafik. Studoval Skolu umeleckych remesel v Brne a soukrome u otce Josefa Kubicka a Jana Trampoty. Na pocatku 40. let se obraci ke klasikum evropske moderny, pouceni z dila Cezannova, z ceskeho prostredi ovlivnen krajinami J. Trampoty. 60. a 70. leta jsou tematicky pripominkou anticke mytologie. Stykal se s B. Lacinou a jeho tvorba se rozrusta o imaginativni podnety. Clen SVU Ales v Brne a hostujici clen SVU Manes v Praze. V roce 1957 spoluzakladatel tvurci skupiny Brno 57. Autor viz Ch 6/370.

    European Arts
  • KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993
    May. 27, 2007

    KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993

    Est: -

    KUBICEK Janus (5.12.1921 Nove Hrady - 21.5.1993 Brno) Over a glass of wine Oil on cardboard, 54 x 68 cm, framed, undated, signed lower right. This painting is a remarkable example of Kubicek's work in which he followed two main lines. In his early work he expressed himself with the help of expressive vocabulary emphasizing his vivid, dynamic brushwork. Most of his work is devoted however to geometrical abstraction partially stemming from Cubism. This lot is an example of Kubicek's expressive rendition of the subject. The figural group is rendered in bright colours and stands out from the dark background; the figures are monumental in character. Czech painter and graphic artist, he studied at the School of Arts and Crafts in Brno and under his father Josef Kubicek and the painter Jan Trampota. In the early 40s he was influenced by classical European modern painters, namely Cezanne and the landscapes of J. Trampota. In the 1960s and 70s he focused on subjects from Classical mythology. He was a member of SVU Ales in Brno and SVU Manes in Prague. In 1957 he was a founding member of the group Brno 57. See Ch 6/370.

    European Arts
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