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Franz (1797) Krüger Sold at Auction Prices

Porträtmaler, Animal painter, Lithographer, b. 1797 - d. 1857

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  • Krüger, Franz
    Jan. 12, 2025

    Krüger, Franz

    Est: €100 - €150

    (Großbadegast 1797-1857 Berlin; Zuschreibung), Studie für einen Offiziersrock. Kohlestift auf Papier. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1830). 31,8 x 25 cm. - Mit stärkeren Randschäden, Fleckchen, gebräunt und mit leichtem Lichtrand. - Verso von alter Hand mit Künstlername und Titel beschriftet.

    Zisska & Lacher
  • Krüger, Franz (Großbadegast/Anhalt, Berlin 1797-1857)
    Dec. 05, 2024

    Krüger, Franz (Großbadegast/Anhalt, Berlin 1797-1857)

    Est: €800 - €960

    Bildnis August Wilhelm Bartikow (1767-1848) Forstmeister zu Eberswalde. Pastell. Braune und schwarze Kreide, weiß gehöht auf bräunl. Papier. 31×25,4 cm. An den Ecken montiert auf blauem Papier; dort am unteren Rand bez. 'Zum geneigten Andenken. F. Krüger. 18. November 1826'. (Kl. Einriss am oberen Blattrand). R. (61118)

    Leo Spik
  • Franz Krüger
    Nov. 30, 2024

    Franz Krüger

    Est: €2,400 - €4,800

    (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) attr.; König Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen Repräsentatives Brustbildnis im Halbprofil nach rechts, im Hintergrund Ausblick auf das 1821 fertiggestellte Kreuzberg-Denkmal nach Schinkel-Entwurf und die Silhouette Berlins. Friedrich Wilhelm ließ sich hier nach dem Sieg über Napoleon im dunkelblauem Generals-Uniformrock als oberster Kriegsherr porträtieren, worauf sich auch das Kreuzberg-Denkmal im Hintergrund (als Nationaldenkmal für die Befreingskriege) bezieht. Hierbei trägt er die höchsten Auszeichnungen der Heiligen Allianz: den achtstrahligen Bruststern des Schwarzen Adlerordens, das 1813 gestiftete Eiserne Kreuz, den Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden der Habsburger und den russischen Orden des Heiligen Georg. Krüger und seine Werkstatt haben eine Reihe von Versionen des Porträts ausgeführt, bei der die Kleidung, der Orden und nicht zuletzt der Hintergrund variieren, nach denen auch Druckgrafiken entstanden. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; 78 cm x 65,5 cm. Rahmen. Vgl./Lit.: Margarethe Cohn: "Franz Krüger. Leben und Werke", Diss. Breslau 1909, Nr. 42-44. Vergleichs-Porträts befinden sich u.a. im Gleimhaus in Halberstadt (Inv.-Nr. A 196) und im Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Der dargestellte Uniformrock mit Auszeichnungen hat sich im DHM in Berlin erhalten. Attributed of Franz Krüger (1797 - 1857). Oil on canvas.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Franz Krüger
    Nov. 30, 2024

    Franz Krüger

    Est: €2,400 - €4,800

    (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) attr.; Zar Nikolaus I. von Russland Repräsentatives, wohl um 1830-1833 oder kurz danach entstandenes Brustbildnis, das den Zaren in ordensgeschmückter, dunkelblauer Uniform im Dreiviertelprofil vor Landschaftshintergrund darstellt. Krüger und seine Werkstatt haben mehrere Versionen des Porträts mit variierender Uniform, Kopfhaltung und Orden sowie Schärpe ausgeführt (vgl. Cohn Nr. 66-68). Öl/Lwd., doubl.; 94 cm x 85 cm. Wohl Original-Rahmen. Vgl./Lit.: Margarethe Cohn: "Franz Krüger. Leben und Werke", Diss. Breslau 1909, Nr. 66-68. Vergleichs-Porträts befanden sich laut Cohn im Palais Kaiser Wilhelm I. in Berlin, im Hohenzollernmuseum in Berlin und in Dessauer Privatbesitz. Nikolaus I. (1796 - 1855) bestieg 1825 den Thron. Nachdem er noch im selben Jahr den Dekabristenaufstand brutal niederschlagen ließ, verteidigte er als "Gendarm Europas" das monarchische Prinzip mit rigiden Maßnahmen. Feldzüge gegen Persien und die Intervention im griechischen Freiheitskampf gegen die Türken brachten Russland Gebietserweiterungen und freien Verkehr auf der Donau sowie dem Schwarzen Meer. Die nationalen Erhebungen 1830/31 in Polen schlug der Zar militärisch nieder und beseitigte die halbstaatliche Sonderstellung Polens, indem er es faktisch in eine russische Provinz umwandelte. Durch die von Österreich erbetene Invasion in Ungarn unterdrückte er 1849 auch die ungarische nationale Revolution. Attributed to Franz Krüger (1797 - 1857). Portrait of Nicholas I Emperor of Russia. Oil on canvas, relined. Probably original frame.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Franz Kruger (German 1797 - 1857) Pastel Drawing portrait of young man
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Franz Kruger (German 1797 - 1857) Pastel Drawing portrait of young man

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Attributed to Franz Kruger known as Pferde-Krüger (German 1797-1857) pastel Drawing on paper, stunning portrait of young man, unsigned. Inscription on back of framed piece, indistinct. Wood frame, glazed. 3.5lb Measurements: Approx. Drawing image 5.5 x 6.75 inches; frame 14.25 x 16.5 inches Condition: Great apparent condition, not removed from frame. Frame has some display wear. Domestic Shipping: $70

    Carnegie's Auction Gallery
  • Krüger, Franz
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Krüger, Franz

    Est: €100 - €150

    (Großbadegast 1797-1857 Berlin; Zuschreibung), Studie für einen Offiziersrock. Kohlestift auf Papier. Nicht sign. und dat. (um 1830). 31,8 x 25 cm. - Mit stärkeren Randschäden, Fleckchen, gebräunt und mit leichtem Lichtrand. - Verso von alter Hand mit Künstlername und Titel beschriftet.

    Zisska & Lacher
  • Franz Krüger, Germany 1797 - 1857, attributed, Russian officer on horseback
    Nov. 26, 2024

    Franz Krüger, Germany 1797 - 1857, attributed, Russian officer on horseback

    Est: €3,000 - €6,000

    Franz Krüger Germany 1797 - 1857, attributed Russian officer on horseback oil on cardboard 45 x 55 cm, 57 x 66 framed Provenance: Laudon Palace Vienna

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Two Signed Painted Miniature Portraits of Women
    Nov. 13, 2024

    Two Signed Painted Miniature Portraits of Women

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Moritz Daffinger (1790 - 1849) miniature portrait of a woman with dark curly hair wearing a shawl. Together with a Franz Kruger (1797 - 1857) miniature portrait of a woman wearing a tiara, teardrop earrings, and a blue dress. Germany/Austria, early 19th century. Frame: H 3-7/8" W 3-1/4", Sight: H 3-3/8" W 2-3/4", Frame: H 4-7/8" W 4-1/4" Sight: H 3-1/4" W 2-1/2". Condition: Wear to top right corner of the Daffinger work. Minor imperfections. Link to hi-res images: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m36pkrkjzn9o47tnomnhd/6569446_1.jpg?rlkey=9ylkdlhdnsh6kbqhwoa1m6vj5&st=x0mbc3ev&dl=0

    New England Auctions
  • Krüger, Franz, gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, studied at the KA Berlin, portrait and animal painter and lithographer) gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, studied at the KA Berlin, portrait and animal painter an
    Oct. 12, 2024

    Krüger, Franz, gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, studied at the KA Berlin, portrait and animal painter and lithographer) gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, studied at the KA Berlin, portrait and animal painter an

    Est: -

    Krüger, Franz, gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, studied at the KA Berlin, portrait and animal painter and lithographer) gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, studied at the KA Berlin, portrait and animal painter and lithographer) or circle, "Fürst Leopold I. von Anhalt-Dessau genannt - Der Alte Dessauer- zu Pferd", oil on paper on canvas and mounted, 50.5 x 45.5 cm, canvas trimmed, colour losses and tears. A chalk lithograph by Eduard Uber, printed by C. A. Stange in Dessau, shows an identical bust portrait of the Prince. Old letter dated 21 Dec. 2001 on the reverse: "Heirloom from the art auction house Louis Eduard Lepke Berlin, painting was damaged in 1945 after bayonet stabs by Russian soldiers, restored by G. Lepke.". Krüger, Franz, gen. Pferde-Krüger (Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, Studium an der KA Berlin, Porträt-, Tiermaler und Lithograf) oder Umkreis, "Fürst Leopold I. von Anhalt-Dessau genannt - Der Alte Dessauer- zu Pferd", Öl auf Papier auf Leinwand und doubliert, 50.5 x 45.5 cm, Leinwand beschnitten, Farbverluste und Risse. Eine Kreidelithografie von Eduard Uber, gedruckt bei C. A. Stange in Dessau zeigt ein identisches Brustbild des Fürsten. Rückseitig altes Schreiben datiert 21.12.2001: "Erbstück aus dem Kunst-Auktionshaus Louis Eduard Lepke Berlin, Bild wurde 1945 nach Bajonett-Stiche russischer Soldaten beschädigt, von G. Lepke restauriert."

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
    Sep. 13, 2024


    Est: €1,200 - €2,400

    FRANZ KRÜGER (attributed) 1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin PRUSSIAN OFFICER Oil on canvas. 41.5 x 33 cm (F. 64 x 56 cm). Part. craquelure. Frame. FRANZ KRÜGER (ZUGESCHRIEBEN) 1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin PREUßISCHER OFFIZIER Öl auf Leinwand. 41,5 x 33 cm (R. 64 x 56 cm). Part. Krakelee. Rahmen.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    Sep. 12, 2024


    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    PORZELLANBILDPLATTE MIT PORTRÄT DES KÖNIGS FRIEDRICH WILHELM IV. Deutsch, KPM Berlin, um 1840 Polychrome Malerei auf rechteckiger Porzellanplatte, Rahmen. 21x23 cm (ohne Rahmen). Eingepresste Adlermarke, Presszeichen und -nummer. Nach Gemälde von Franz Krüger (1797-1857). 1. Wahl. Literatur: Vgl. Bergmann, Sabine und Thomas: 1350 Gemälde auf Porzellanplatten, Möhrendorf, 2021, S. 430, Kat.-Nr. 1283. PORZELLANBILDPLATTE MIT PORTRÄT DES KAISERS FRIEDRICH WILHELM IV. Deutsch, KPM Berlin, um 1840 Polychrome Malerei auf rechteckiger Porzellanplatte, Rahmen. 21x23 cm (ohne Rahmen). Eingepresste Adlermarke, Presszeichen und -nummer. Nach Gemälde von Franz Krüger (1797-1857). 1. Wahl. Literatur: Vgl. Bergmann, Sabine und Thomas: 1350 Gemälde auf Porzellanplatten, Möhrendorf, 2021, S. 430, Kat.-Nr. 1283.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • FRANZ KRÜGER (1797-1857) (ATTRIB.), PO
    Sep. 03, 2024

    FRANZ KRÜGER (1797-1857) (ATTRIB.), PO

    Est: -

    Franz Krüger (1797-1857) (attrib.), Portrait of a gentleman (possibly a Friedrich Krahmann), gouache and chalk on brown paper, unsigned, inscribed in the mount, provenance Auction Gerd Rosen 1956, 20 x 15.5 cm, mount 36 x 30 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Silk construction, Schröck's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Silk construction, Schröck's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The silk industry comes to Europe, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's World History, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Der Seidenbau wird aus Asien nach Europa gebracht." below; numbered "XIII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Architecture, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 10,8 cm (7,4 x 4,3 in), Depiction: 12,8 cm x 8,4 cm (5 x 3,3 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Saracens, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Saracens, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Saracens Burn the Library, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Die Saracenen verbrennen die Bibliothec zu Alexandrien" below; numbered "XVII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Cities, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 11,0 cm (7,4 x 4,3 in), Depiction: 13,0 cm x 8,3 cm (5,1 x 3,3 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Harvey, blood circulation, Schröckh's world history, Copper en
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Harvey, blood circulation, Schröckh's world history, Copper en

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Harvey Discovers the Circulation of Blood, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Harvey entdeckt den Umlauf des Bluts"; numbered "XIX." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Costumes, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 11,3 cm (7,4 x 4,4 in), Depiction: 12,5 cm x 8,0 cm (4,9 x 3,1 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Christianity, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Christianity, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Practice of Christianity, Illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Die Ausübung des Christenthums wird in Pracht verwandelt."; numbered "III." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Religious, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 11,5 cm (7,4 x 4,5 in), Depiction: 12,8 cm x 8,4 cm (5 x 3,3 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Jesus and the children, Schröckh's world history, Copper engra
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Jesus and the children, Schröckh's world history, Copper engra

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Jesus presents the children to the Christians as an example, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Jesus stellt die Kinder den Christen zum Beyspiel dar."; numbered "I." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Religious, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,7 cm x 11,5 cm (7,4 x 4,5 in), Depiction: 12,6 cm x 8,1 cm (5 x 3,2 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Seneca's death, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Seneca's death, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Seneca Dies as a White Heyde, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Seneca stirbt als ein weißer Heyde" below; numbered "XI." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Politics, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 10,9 cm (7,4 x 4,3 in), Depiction: 12,8 cm x 8,2 cm (5 x 3,2 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Religious freedom, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Religious freedom, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Restoration of Religious Freedom, Illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Die Religionsverträglichkeit wird unter Christen wiederhergestellt."; numbered "VI." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Religious, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 11,1 cm (7,4 x 4,4 in), Depiction: 12,5 cm x 8,3 cm (4,9 x 3,3 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Augustus forgives the enemy, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Augustus forgives the enemy, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Augustus forgives the enemy, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Augustus forgives his enemy Cinna anew."; numbered "VIII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Politics, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 10,8 cm (7,4 x 4,3 in), Depiction: 12,7 cm x 8,2 cm (5 x 3,2 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The Emperor Theophilus, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The Emperor Theophilus, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Emperor Theophilus, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Der Kaiser Theophilus lässt das Handelsschiff seiner Gemahlin verbrennen."; numbered "XIV." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder", which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Landscape, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 10,5 cm (7,4 x 4,1 in), Depiction: 12,6 cm x 8,5 cm (5 x 3,3 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Alfred's wise government, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Alfred's wise government, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Alfred's Wise Government, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Alfreds weise Regierung." below; numbered "XVI." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Landscape, Germany, Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 10,8 cm (7,4 x 4,3 in), Depiction: 12,6 cm x 8,2 cm (5 x 3,2 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The sack of Rome, Copper engraving
    Jul. 27, 2024

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The sack of Rome, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Sack of Rome, illustration for Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the depiction on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger fc.", titled below "Rom wird von den Gothen geplündert und angezündet"; numbered "XII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and doctor; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder", which he published in four parts from 1779 to 1784 in Leipzig. He regarded his "World History" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions of ancient history, religious history and German and European history, illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. His illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visualise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Cities, Italy, Rome (Latium), Size: Laid paper: 18,8 cm x 11,2 cm (7,4 x 4,4 in), Depiction: 13,3 cm x 8,7 cm (5,2 x 3,4 in)

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Franz Krüger, Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, attributed, Russian officer on horseback
    Jul. 02, 2024

    Franz Krüger, Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, attributed, Russian officer on horseback

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Franz Krüger Großbadegast 1797 - 1857 Berlin, attributed Russian officer on horseback Oil on cardboard 45.5 x 55 cm, with frame 57 x 66 cm

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Grande LITHOGRAPHIE figurant l'empereur Nicolas Ie…
    Jun. 16, 2024

    Grande LITHOGRAPHIE figurant l'empereur Nicolas Ie…

    Est: €500 - €700

    Grande LITHOGRAPHIE figurant l'empereur Nicolas Ier de Russie (1796-1855) en pied d'après l'original peint par Franz Krüger (1797-1857) en 1835. Elle est conservée sous verre dans un cadre en bois teinté et doré. Travail russe de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Bon état. Dim. cadre: H. 90 x L. 71 cm ; Dim. à vue: H. 70 x L. 50.5 cm. Большая ЛИТОГРАФИЯ с изображением российского императора Николая I (1796-1855) в полный рост по оригиналу, написанному Францем Крюгером (1797-1857) в 1835 году. Она хранится под стеклом в деревянной крашеной и позолоченной раме. Русское творчество первой половины XIX века. Хорошее состояние. Размеры рамы: В. 90 х Д. 71 см; Размеры на вид: В. 70 x Д. 50,5 см.

    May. 05, 2024


    Est: -

    FRANZ KRÜGER (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) Öl auf Platte (vergoldet), "Die Russische Garde in Zarskoje Selo im Jahre 1832" (1841), unten links kyrillisch bezeichnet/datiert und monogrammiert "Fr. K.", verso kyrillischer Regimentsspruch und Andreas-Orden auf Silber-Grund, am unteren Rand in Kartusche datiert "1886", ca. 40,5x66cm, gerahmt (44x69,5cm), Firnis, stark craqueliert, gebräunt

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Franz Krüger
    Apr. 28, 2024

    Franz Krüger

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) attr.; König Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen Repräsentatives Brustbildnis mit der rechten Gebäudeecke des von Karl Friedrich Schinkel entworfenen, seit 1825 im Auftrag des Königs erbauten und 1830 eingeweihten "Alten Museums" in Berlin im Hintergrund. Den Körper leicht nach rechts gedreht und den Kopf ins Viertelprofil gewandt, ließ sich Friedrich Wilhelm nach dem Sieg über Napoleon, im dunkelblauem Generals-Uniformrock als oberster Kriegsherr porträtieren. Hierbei trägt er die höchsten Auszeichnungen der Heiligen Allianz: den achtstrahligen Bruststern des Schwarzen Adlerordens, das 1813 gestiftete Eiserne Kreuz, den Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden der Habsburger und den russischen Orden des Heiligen Georg. Krüger und seine Werkstatt haben eine Reihe von Versionen des Porträts ausgeführt, bei der die Kleidung, der Orden und nicht zuletzt der Hintergrund variieren, nach denen auch Druckgrafiken entstanden. Die malerische Qualität, insbesondere des Gesichts, spricht für eine eigenhändige Ausführung des sowohl historisch als auch kunsthistorisch bedeutsamen Gemäldes, entstanden 1830 oder kurz danach. Öl/Lwd.; 94 cm x 85 cm. Wohl Original-Rahmen. Lit./Vgl.: Margarethe Cohn: "Franz Krüger. Leben und Werke", Diss. Breslau 1909, Nr. 42-44. Vergleichs-Porträts befinden sich u.a. im Gleimhaus in Halberstadt (Inv.-Nr. A 196) und im Nationalmuseum in Stockholm). Der dargestellte Uniformrock mit Auszeichnungen hat sich im DHM in Berlin erhalten. Attributed to Franz Krüger (1797 - 1857). Oil on canvas. Probably original frame.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Krüger, Franz
    Dec. 13, 2023

    Krüger, Franz

    Est: €80 - €120

    (1797 Großbadegast - Berlin 1857). Drei Pferde am Torweg. Lithographie auf Japanpapier bei C.G.Lüderitz, Bln. um 1825. 29 x 35,8, Blgr. 35,5 x 50 cm. - Leicht stockfl. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Franz Krüger, 1797 – 1857 Berlin
    Dec. 08, 2023

    Franz Krüger, 1797 – 1857 Berlin

    Est: €40 - €60

    PORTRAIT VON FRIEDRICH WILHELM III (1770 – 1840) Lithografie. Blattmaß: 55 x 45,5 cm. Hinter Glas, in dekorativem Rahmen, an dessen unterem Rand mittig eine Plakette befestigt ist mit Namensnennung des Dargestellten. Franz Krüger - deutscher Maler, Zeichner, Lithograph. Studierte und arbeitete in Berlin, war Professor an der Preußischen Akademie der Künste in Berlin. In 1832, 1836, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1850, 1851 war in Sankt Petersburg, arbeitete im Auftrag des kaiserlichen Hofs und malte mehrmals Portraits von Nikolaus I. 13801562) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
    Dec. 02, 2023


    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Oil on canvas, not signed, inscription on the float frame "Emperor Nicholas I - Franz Kruger". Franz Kruger (*1797 Grossbadegast - †1857 Berlin). Russia, 2nd quater of the 19th century, size 39 x 54 cm. Framed, restored.Condition 2-

  • Herzogin Agnes von Sachsen-Altenburg
    Dec. 02, 2023

    Herzogin Agnes von Sachsen-Altenburg

    Est: €7,500 - €15,000

    (1824 Dessau - 1897 Hummelshain) Porträt ihrer Mutter Herzogin Friederike von Sachsen-Anhalt geb. Prinzessin von Preußen Detailgetreues Bildnis der in einem Lehnstuhl sitzenden Herzogin in dunkelrotem Samtkleid und Hermelinmantel, geschmückt mit Perlenketten, auf dem Kopf ein roter Samthut mit weißer Straußenfeder; neben ihr eine Schale mit Blumen, im Hintergrund ein Vorhang und Blick auf einen Saal. Öl/Lwd.; L. u. Ligatur-Monogramm "HA" mit Herzogskrone u. Dat. 1890. Verso ein alter Klebezettel mit handschriftlicher Bez. u. Dat. (teilw. mit Abkürzungen): "Dieses Bild der Herzogin Friederike von Anhalt geborene Prinzessin von Preußen copierte ihre Tochter die Herzogin Agnes von Sachsen-Altenburg geborene Prinzessin von Anhalt nach einem Originalgemälde des Professors Krüger aus Berlin (/) 1891". 103 cm x 76 cm. Original-Prunkrahmen mit Krone. Das Gemälde Krügers von 1849 existierte in drei Versionen im Kgl. Schloss in Berlin, im Schloss Dessau und im Besitz des Herzogs von Cumberland in Wien (Vgl. Margarete Cohn "Franz Krüger. Leben und Werke", Diss. Breslau 1909, S. 61, Nr. 2-4). Friederike von Sachsen-Anhalt (1796 - 1850) war eine Tochter des Prinzen Friedrich Ludwig Karl von Preußen, seit 1818 Gemahlin Herzog Leopold IV. von Anhalt; ihre Tochter Agnes heiratete 1853 Erbprinz Ernst von Sachsen-Altenburg. Provenienz: Königliches Haus Hannover; Auktion "The Royal House of Hanover/Das Königshaus von Hannover", Sotheby's, Schloss Marienburg, 5.-15.10.2005, Kat. Bd. II, S. 273, Lot 1839. Painting by Duchess Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg (1824 - 1897) after Franz Krüger (1797 - 1857). Oil on canvas. Signed with monogram and dated 1890. On the reverse a mounted label with handwritten information about the sitter and painters. Original frame.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Franz Krueger. Watercolor Emperor Nicholas I with his retinue after the 1847 parade.
    Nov. 25, 2023

    Franz Krueger. Watercolor Emperor Nicholas I with his retinue after the 1847 parade.

    Est: €10,000 - €20,000

    Franz Krueger. Watercolor Emperor Nicholas I with his family and retinue after the 1847 parade. A full-sized watercolor by Franz Kruger (1797-1857), professor at the Prussian Academy of Arts, portrait painter of Nicholas I, arching towards the viewer, depicts the equestrian departure of the imperial family after the parade. In the center, on a black horse, the emperor himself. Nearby is Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, the tsars brother and young heir to the throne, on a perky, dapple-white horse, in the uniform of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment. Completes the compositional arc - the crew with Alexandra Fedorovna and daughters. The date 1847 and the signature are originally placed on the frame of the wagon. Masterfully arranged in color, the image is squeezed along the edges by armed regiments, among which young people greet the emperor. A bold historical watercolor revealing the complexity of Nicholas Is relationship with the troops. The signature on the reverse side testifies to the placement of the work at the auction of the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of Artists in July 1916, for 1200 rubles. «F.Kruger 1847 Watercolor 1200r At auction I.O.P.Kh. Morskaya street 38. July 1916 ? KRM. Watercolor size: 55x79 cm. Width: 101cm, Height: 81cm, Depth: 6cm, Weight: 20kg, Condition: Exc., Usual restorations, Material: Wash and watercolor on paper, ID: ID-ANTQ-6093

  • Krüger, Franz (nach/after)
    Nov. 08, 2023

    Krüger, Franz (nach/after)

    Est: €200 - €300

    Krüger, Franz (nach/after) 1797 - 1857 5,4 x 3,7, H. 10,5 cm Frederick William III of Prussia (1770-1840). Gouache on ivory. Brass frame. Worn. Comes with sales permit for ivory objects. South German private Collection.

    Nagel Auction
  • F. KRÜGER (1797-1857), Riders with dogs, around 1818, Lithography
    Aug. 26, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (1797-1857), Riders with dogs, around 1818, Lithography

    Est: €1,800 - €2,400

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin): Riders with dogs, c. 1818, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper Date: c. 1818 Description: How could it be otherwise than that one of the earliest series, which Franz Krüger drew and printed himself with the etching needle, shows horses and dogs. The "horse Krüger", as he was already known to his contemporaries, proves once again that he was truly familiar with the depiction of precisely these animals, their shape and locomotor system. Every muscle under the taut skin of the animals seems to have been familiar through long study, their behaviour under tension or relief very well known. Not least the hunting dogs shown in our etchings with such different postures and movements impressively demonstrate this. But also the riders, who ideally at times enter into a symbiosis with their mounts and merge with each other in their movements, are drawn on the plate with the skill Krüger is known for. It is hardly noticeable that in this case the artist is experimenting with a technique that is new to him. Instead of pencil and paper or brush and canvas, here he uses etching tools and a copper plate, and with the so-called "vernis-mou" he immediately chooses a process that makes a special demand on the artist. Although the work in such a soft-ground etching is basically very similar to drawing on paper, the fine contact between pencil and drawing ground is made more difficult by a layer of etching primer and a layer of paper, which makes the process almost indirect. The pleasure Franz Krüger took in experimenting here can be seen in the high-quality end product of this work, as can his many years of experience as a draughtsman. The series "Horses and Dogs", which was created around 1818 and to which these two sheets belong, is one of Krüger's first independent works in the field of printmaking. It has already been noted that these multifaceted etchings could only have been created with thorough preparation and careful handling. The artist's biographer Max Osborn speculated and even lamented that the accompanying toil had deterred the artist from further attempts in the field of etching. Accordingly, these etchings by Franz Krüger are among the rarities of his œuvre, distinguished by the fact that he had the courage to execute the tried and tested motifs in a completely different technique and to exploit their specific idiosyncrasies. Keywords: Etching, Animals, Dogs, Horses, Rider, Leash, 19th century, Romanticism, Hunting, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (1797-1857), Riders and Jade Dogs, around 1818, Lithography
    Aug. 26, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (1797-1857), Riders and Jade Dogs, around 1818, Lithography

    Est: €1,800 - €2,400

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin): A rider and three dogs dragging a hare, c. 1818, Lithography Technique: Lithography on Paper Date: c. 1818 Description: How could it be otherwise than that one of the earliest series, which Franz Krüger drew and printed himself with the etching needle, shows horses and dogs. The "horse Krüger", as he was already known to his contemporaries, proves once again that he was truly familiar with the depiction of precisely these animals, their shape and locomotor system. Every muscle under the taut skin of the animals seems to have been familiar through long study, their behaviour under tension or relief very well known. Not least the hunting dogs shown in our etchings with such different postures and movements impressively demonstrate this. But also the riders, who ideally at times enter into a symbiosis with their mounts and merge with each other in their movements, are drawn on the plate with the skill Krüger is known for. It is hardly noticeable that in this case the artist is experimenting with a technique that is new to him. Instead of pencil and paper or brush and canvas, here he uses etching tools and a copper plate, and with the so-called "vernis-mou" he immediately chooses a process that makes a special demand on the artist. Although the work in such a soft-ground etching is basically very similar to drawing on paper, the fine contact between pencil and drawing ground is made more difficult by a layer of etching primer and a layer of paper, which makes the process almost indirect. The pleasure Franz Krüger took in experimenting here can be seen in the high-quality end product of this work, as can his many years of experience as a draughtsman. The series "Horses and Dogs", which was created around 1818 and to which these two sheets belong, is one of Krüger's first independent works in the field of printmaking. It has already been noted that these multifaceted etchings could only have been created with thorough preparation and careful handling. The artist's biographer Max Osborn speculated and even lamented that the accompanying toil had deterred the artist from further attempts in the field of etching. Accordingly, these etchings by Franz Krüger are among the rarities of his œuvre, distinguished by the fact that he had the courage to execute the tried and tested motifs in a completely different technique and to exploit their specific idiosyncrasies. Keywords: Etching, Animals, Dogs, Horses, Rider, Leash, 19th century, Romanticism, Hunting, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Silk construction, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Silk construction, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The silk industry comes to Europe, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's World History, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Der Seidenbau wird aus Asien nach Europa gebracht." below; numbered "XIII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Architecture, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Saracens, Schröckh's World History, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Saracens, Schröckh's World History, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Saracens Burn the Library, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Die Saracenen verbrennen die Bibliothec zu Alexandrien" below; numbered "XVII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Cities, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Harvey, blood circulation, Schröckh's world history, Copper en
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Harvey, blood circulation, Schröckh's world history, Copper en

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Harvey Discovers the Circulation of Blood, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Harvey entdeckt den Umlauf des Bluts"; numbered "XIX." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Costumes, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Christianity, Schröckh's World History, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Christianity, Schröckh's World History, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Practice of Christianity, Illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Die Ausübung des Christenthums wird in Pracht verwandelt."; numbered "III." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Religious, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Jesus and the Children, Schröckh's World History, Copper engra
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Jesus and the Children, Schröckh's World History, Copper engra

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Jesus presents the children to the Christians as an example, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Jesus stellt die Kinder den Christen zum Beyspiel dar."; numbered "I." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Religious, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Seneca's Death, Schröckh's World History, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Seneca's Death, Schröckh's World History, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Seneca Dies as a White Heyde, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Seneca stirbt als ein weißer Heyde" below; numbered "XI." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Politics, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Religious freedom, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Religious freedom, Schröckh's world history, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Restoration of Religious Freedom, Illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Die Religionsverträglichkeit wird unter Christen wiederhergestellt."; numbered "VI." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Religious, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Augustus forgives the enemy, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Augustus forgives the enemy, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Augustus forgives the enemy, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the image on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Augustus forgives his enemy Cinna anew."; numbered "VIII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Politics, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The Emperor Theophilus, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The Emperor Theophilus, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Emperor Theophilus, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled below "Der Kaiser Theophilus lässt das Handelsschiff seiner Gemahlin verbrennen."; numbered "XIV." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder", which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Landscape, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Alfred's wise government, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), Alfred's wise government, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): Alfred's Wise Government, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger sc.", titled "Alfreds weise Regierung." below; numbered "XVI." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder" (General World History for Children), which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. Rode's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Landscape, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The Sack of Rome, Copper engraving
    Jul. 15, 2023

    F. KRÜGER (*1797) after RODE (*1725), The Sack of Rome, Copper engraving

    Est: €45 - €75

    Franz Krüger (1797 Großbadegast - 1857 Berlin) after Bernhard Rode (1725 Berlin - 1797 ibid.): The Sack of Rome, illustration to Johann Matthias Schröckh's History of the World, 18th century, Copper engraving Technique: Copper engraving on Laid paper Inscription: Inscribed below the illustration on the left: "B. Rode inv: et del." and "F. C. Krüger fc.", titled "Rom wird von den Gothen geplündert und anzündet" below; numbered "XII." on the upper right. Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna - 1808 Wittenberg) was a German historian and literary scholar, poet and physician; illustration to Schröckh's "Allgemeiner Weltgeschichte für Kinder", which he published in four parts in Leipzig from 1779 to 1784. He regarded his "Weltgeschichte" as a kind of reading book for children with descriptions from ancient history, religious history and German as well as European history, which were illustrated with numerous copperplate engravings after drawings by Bernhard Rode. The latter's illustrations beautifully demonstrate his ability to visually realise special or unusual historical and literary themes without being able to fall back on models. Date: 18th century Source: Johann Matthias Schröckh (1733 Vienna-1808 Wittenberg) Allgemeine Weltgeschichte für Kinder, "Schröckhs Weltgeschichte", 1779-1784 | Book, Genre, Politics Keywords: 18th century, Baroque, Cities, Germany,

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Krüger, Franz (1797 Großbadegast - Berlin 1857)
    Jun. 24, 2023

    Krüger, Franz (1797 Großbadegast - Berlin 1857)

    Est: €6,000 - €7,200

    Dreiviertelportrait eines sitzenden, jungen Mannes mit Schriftstück und in Offiziersuniform vor Landschaftskulisse. Öl/Holz (unwesentliche Retuschen, kl. Randschäden), li. u. sign. Ca. 34x 26,5 cm. Zeitgenössischer Goldstuckrahmen (teils l. besch.).

    Jun. 03, 2023


    Est: €1,800 - €2,500

    Oil on canvas, not signed, inscription on the float frame "Emperor Nicholas I - Franz Kruger". Franz Krüger (*1797 Großbadegast - †1857 Berlin). Russia, 2nd quater of the 19th century, size 39 x 54 cm. Framed, restored.Condition 2-

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