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Radoslav Kratina Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1928 - d. 1999

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  • Radoslav Kratina, ((1928 – 1999), Object – Dumbbells from Axis to Axis, 1978
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Radoslav Kratina, ((1928 – 1999), Object – Dumbbells from Axis to Axis, 1978

    Est: -

    duralumin (variable object) 52 x 15 x 15 cm (possibility up to 52 x 35 x 35 cm) Provenance: – significant Prague collection (purchased by the current owner directly from the author) Payment receipts in installments of the work from 1994–1995 enclosed. Consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Professor Jaromir Zemina, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes. Authenticity certificate enclosed.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
    Dec. 08, 2022


    Est: -

    In the early years of his work, Radoslav Kratina dealt with applied art and later with monotypes based on various prints. The breakthrough in his work came in 1964, when he constructed his first variable relief. He filled a wooden frame with burnt matchsticks, thus creating a relief whose form could be altered by finger pressure, changing the appearance of the structure. In 1965, he arrived at the first wooden variabil (the artist's term), in which the bars were divided into alternating red and white painted fields. They were placed in a frame in which they could move horizontally. The starting point is a geometric construction that allows for a myriad of variations. However, with the new material of metal, the appearance of his works also changed: the original relief structures became free sculpture from the 1970s onwards. This is when tower-like structures and objects composed of jetting rods began to appear. The work on offer comes from the estate of the Czech artist Jan Wagner, who acquired the work directly from the artist.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Variable of three different elements on 9 axes - Radoslav Kratina (1928–1999)
    Jun. 19, 2022

    Variable of three different elements on 9 axes - Radoslav Kratina (1928–1999)

    Est: -

    vystaveno GHMP, repro monografie str. 218, undetected

    1. Art Consulting
  • Radoslav Kratina: Variation
    May. 26, 2022

    Radoslav Kratina: Variation

    Est: -

    Signed and dated lower right by pencil. Framed under glass, passe-partout. Serigraphy on paper 25/45. Dimensions with frame 70.5 x 55.5 cm. Czech artist. More Information on - https://www.groma.sk/salova-aukcia/katalog

    Auction House Groma
  • Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999)
    Dec. 05, 2020

    Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999)

    Est: -

    Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) KRUHY 1971 Serigrafie na papíře, 545x385 mm, číslováno vlevo dole pod tiskem tužkou "4/5", dat. uprostřed dole pod tiskem tužkou "71.", sign. a dat. vpravo dole pod tiskem tužkou "Radek Kratina 71". Radoslav Kratina - brněnský rodák, bývá řazen mezi přední představitele české konstruktivní a kinetické plastiky. Studoval na Vysoké škole uměleckoprůmyslové v Praze. V jeho tvorbě je charakteristické střídání a řazení různých geometrických tvarů, které nejprve používal v návrzích vzorů látek či hraček. Roku 1963 se obrátil k sériím monotypů, v nichž otiskoval gramofonové desky, lepenku, fragmenty sádry apod. Od těchto experimentů přešel k vytváření nízkých reliéfů, od poloviny 60. let se zabýval figurálními sádrovými soškami, které časem čím dál více stylizoval až do geometrické podoby. Posmrtně se uskutečnily retrospektivní výstavy v Liberci (2000) a v GHMP (Dům U Kamenného zvonu, 2013). English Translation Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) CIRCLES 1971 Serigraph on paper, 545x385 mm, numbered lower left under the print in pencil "4/5", dated lower center under the print in pencil "71.", signed and dated lower right under the print in pencil "Radek Kratina 71". German Translation Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) KREISE 1971 Serigraphie auf Papier, 545x385 mm, nummeriert links unten unter dem Druckbereich in Bleistift "4/5", dat. in der Mitte unten unter dem Druckbereich in Bleistift "71.", sign. und dat. rechts unten unter dem Druckbereich in Bleistift "Radek Kratina 71". Euros 207

    Auction House Zezula
  • Radoslav Kratina - Variabile
    Dec. 04, 2020

    Radoslav Kratina - Variabile

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Variabile Kratina, Radoslav

  • Radoslav Kratina - Variabile
    Dec. 04, 2020

    Radoslav Kratina - Variabile

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    Variabile Kratina, Radoslav

  • Kratina Radoslav (1928-1999) - Labyrinth
    May. 30, 2019

    Kratina Radoslav (1928-1999) - Labyrinth

    Est: zł2,000 - zł3,000

    lithograph in colours, paper, signed lower right: "R. Kratina" (in pencil), numbered lower left: "11/50" (in pencil), droit de suite

    Polski Dom Aukcyjny Wojciech Sladowski
  • Kratina Radoslav (1928-1999) - Abstarction, 1972
    Nov. 08, 2018

    Kratina Radoslav (1928-1999) - Abstarction, 1972

    Est: zł2,000 - zł3,000

    gouache, paper, signed and dated lower right: "R. Kratina 72" (in pencil), marked: "28/" (in pencil), verso: "2." (in a circle), droit de suite

    Polski Dom Aukcyjny Wojciech Sladowski
  • Radoslav Kratina, Concrete Compositions, 4 Prints, 1972-93
    Jun. 01, 2016

    Radoslav Kratina, Concrete Compositions, 4 Prints, 1972-93

    Est: €800 - €1,040

    3 serigraphs, thereof 1 in colors and 1 lithograph on cardboard Czechia, 1972 to 1993 Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) – Czech sculptor, graphic artist, photographer and painter Each signed ‘R. Kratina ’, 2 plates dated ‘72’ and ‘93’ resp. and each numbered ‘23/38’, ‘11/50’, ‘28/’and ‘18/22’ resp. in pencil Image dimensions: from 36 x 26 cm to 54 x 37.2 cm; sheet dimensions: from 59.5 x 42.5 cm to 61 x 43.5 cm Very good condition Condition: The condition of the 3 serigraphs and the lithograph is overall very good. The sheets are mounted to a support at the reverse sheet corners. The images measure from 36 x 26 cm to 54 x 37.2 cm, the sheets from 59.5 x 42.5 cm to 61 x 43.5 cm. Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) The Czech artist Radoslav Kratina, born in Brno, studied from 1943 to 1948 at the local arts school and then worked as a textile designer. In 1952 he began studying at the Academy of Arts Architecture and Design in Prague, where the painters Josef Novak and Alois Fisarek were his teachers. In the 1960s Kratina experimented with structures which he got by frottage, prints and assemblages. Later, he developed geometric-constructivist works with kinetic tendency. Radoslav Kratinas works are, inter alia, in the National Gallery in Prague and Dresden State Art Collections. (fea) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999)
    Oct. 10, 2015

    Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999)

    Est: Kč165,000 - Kč220,000

    Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) VARIABLE. 1980’s. Metal sculpture, duralumin, aluminium, 15x15x47 cm. Variable objects made of metal elements were made by Kratina from 1970’s. Unlike the original wooden ones, they enabled him to make the construction accurate which was distinguished by better mobility and changeability. Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) VARIABIL. 80. léta 20. století. Pohyblivý variabilní objekt, hliník, 15x15x47 cm. Variabilní objekty tvořené kovovými elementy vytvářel Kratina od 70. let. Na rozdíl od původních dřevěných mu umožnily zpreciznění a exaktnost konstrukce, jež se takto vyznačovala větší pohyblivostí a proměnlivostí. Současným majitelem získáno z ateliéru autora. Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999) VARIABIL. 80. Jahre des 20. Jhs. Metallskulptur, Duraluminium, Aluminium, 15x15x47 cm.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999). ELEMENTS FROM
    Apr. 02, 2011

    Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999). ELEMENTS FROM

    Est: Kč35,000 - Kč70,000

    Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999). ELEMENTS FROM DIFFERENT SIZED PRISMS, 1983. Mobile changeable elements made of chromium-covered brass on square plinth, 20x20x12,5 cm. Condition A. Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999). ELEMENTE AUS VERSCHIEDEN LANGEN BALKEN, 1983. Beweglich variable Elemente aus verchromtem Messing, rechteckiger Sockel. 20×20×12,5 cm. Zustand A. Radoslav Kratina (1928-1999). ELEMENTY Z NESTEJNĚ DLOUHÝCH HRANOLKŮ, 1983. Pohybově proměnlivé elementy z chromované mosazi na čtvercovém podstavci, 20×20×12,5 cm. Stav A.

    Auction House Zezula
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