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Hanns Kralik Sold at Auction Prices

Figure painter, Portrait painter, Painter

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    Apr. 24, 2024


    Est: $300 - $500

    Lot 96 Hanns Kralik German (1900-1971) Die Strasse (1928) etching signed lower right plate: 16 3/4 x 13 inches frame dimensions: 29 x 22 3/4 x 1 inches, wood frame with glazing Provenance: From a Private Collection

    Capsule Gallery Auction
  • Kralik, Hanns
    Dec. 17, 2022

    Kralik, Hanns

    Est: €180 - €270

    (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Mann mit Weinglas. Holzschnitt. Ca. 10 x 7 cm. Unten mit Bleistift sign. Verso mit Nachlass-Stempel. ╔Dabei: Lya Kralik.╗ 2 Radierungen ihrem Mann Hanns gewidmet. Ca. 37 x 25 bzw. 49 x 32 cm. Je sign. 1x mit Nachlass-Stempel v. Hanns Kralkik. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Hanns Kralik – Käfer
    Nov. 12, 2022

    Hanns Kralik – Käfer

    Est: - €800

    Käfer Kohle, Bleistift und Aquarell. 1930. 41,5 x 29,3 cm. Signiert, monogrammiert und datiert; auf der Rückseite des Rahmens nochmals monogrammiert, betitelt und mit der Künstleradresse. (33) Sehr reizvolle, teils per Frottage ausgeführte trompe-l`oeuil-artige Komposition mit einem zentralen Hirschkäfer auf einer Ansammlung von Blättern, Textilien und einem Holzscheit. – Auf Japanpapier. – Das Papier vom Künstler auf einen Karton montiert und in einen rückseitig mit Pappe verschlossenen Rahmen gefasst. – Auf der Rückseite mit einer weiteren, offensichtlich eigenhändigen Bezeichnung: „(Im Besitz des Herrn Siegfr. Kugelmann)“. – Der Rahmen vorsichtshalber ungeöffnet. – Dazu: Ohne Titel. Bleistift auf Transparentpapier. 21 x 25,5 cm. Unbezeichnet. – Auf gerissenem Papier angelegte Zeichnung mit einem Hirschkäfers und dem Detail des Blattes von einem Laubbaum mit fein verästelten Adern. – Papierbedingt leicht knittrig.

    Dr. Andreas Sturies Moderne Kunst & Auktionen
  • Hanns Kralik – Ohne Titel (Hirschkäfer)
    Nov. 12, 2022

    Hanns Kralik – Ohne Titel (Hirschkäfer)

    Est: - €1,000

    Ohne Titel (Hirschkäfer) Collage. 1931. 23,7 x 18,8 cm. Signiert und mit 1.Jänner 1931" datiert. (33) Überaus eigenwillige Hervorbringung des gebürtigen Österreichers, der zusammen mit Gottfried Brockmann und Karl Schwesig Mitglied der Künstlergruppe ASSO Düsseldorf (Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler) war: der in hingebungsvoller Kleinarbeit aus Leder, Bindfäden und Lack angelegte Hirschkäfer ist auf zwei Lederstücke montiert, die ihrerseits auf einer braunen Pappe montiert sind und eine sehr spezifische Bildwirkung ergeben. – Der Käfer mit einigen verlorenen Gliedmaßen die Pappe im Rand mit Läsuren und Bereibungen. – Auf ein Sperrholzchassis montiert und in einer Schaukastenrahmung."

    Dr. Andreas Sturies Moderne Kunst & Auktionen
  • Hanns Kralik The Old Man Signed Etching 1928
    Oct. 01, 2022

    Hanns Kralik The Old Man Signed Etching 1928

    Est: $150 - $300

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), The Old Man, 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 14.25 x 8.5 inches, unframed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Pen and Ink Portrait with Study
    Oct. 01, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Pen and Ink Portrait with Study

    Est: $150 - $300

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Portrait of a Man (possibly a self-portrait), with study, 1930s, pen and ink on paper, the framed portrait measuring 22.5 x 19.5 inches, apparently unsigned, but not examined outside of frame; also includes a pen and ink study of the same portrait, signed in pencil by Kralik, measuring 17 x 12 inches, unframed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Balcony Signed Etching 1928
    Oct. 01, 2022

    Hanns Kralik The Balcony Signed Etching 1928

    Est: $150 - $300

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Der Balkon [The Balcony], 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 16.75 x 13 inches, unframed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Expressionist Drinker Signed Woodcut 1928
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Expressionist Drinker Signed Woodcut 1928

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Trinker [Drinker], 1928, woodcut on laid paper, signed, titled and dated at bottom, impression 12 x 9.5 inches, full sheet 20.5 x 14 inches, unframed. A striking image from the later years of German Expressionism. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early Social Realism prints also show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Lechers Signed Etching 1927
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik The Lechers Signed Etching 1927

    Est: $100 - $200

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), The Lechers, 1927, etching on paper, signed in pencil at bottom and dated in the plate, impression 18 x 14.25 inches, full margins, matted but not framed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Street Etching with 2 Trial Proofs
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik The Street Etching with 2 Trial Proofs

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Strasse [Street] with 2 Trial Proofs, 1933, etching on paper, signed lower right, impression 9.75 x 7.25 inches, full sheet 15 x 11, also includes two trial engravings, one with extensive pencil annotation, all unframed. The catalog notes this as zwischendruck [intermediate print], presumably meaning that the final print was never published. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 67. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Silent Street Signed Woodcut 1932
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Silent Street Signed Woodcut 1932

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Stille Strasse [Silent Street], 1932, woodcut on laid paper, signed, dated and titled in pencil at bottom, impression 14 x 10.25 inches, full sheet 18 x 12 inches, unframed. A striking image from the later years of German Expressionism. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early Social Realism prints also show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Above the Roofs woodcut in two states
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Above the Roofs woodcut in two states

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Pair of Woodcuts: Uber den Dachen [Above the Roofs], in two states, 1931, woodcuts on woven and laid paper, the one on woven paper is signed, titled and dated in pencil and it's also slightly larger, the one on laid paper is initialed and dated, larger print with impression size 15.25 x 10.75 inches, full sheet 19.5 x 14 inches, unframed. A striking image from the later years of German Expressionism. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early Social Realism prints also show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 55. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Lot of 5 prints Proofs Linocuts Trials
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Lot of 5 prints Proofs Linocuts Trials

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Lot of 5 prints, including trials, proofs and linocuts: Woman Washing Baby, signed by Kralik, with proof image on reverse; Knitting Woman, linocut, two copies, unsigned; Older Couple, linocut, signed in plate with artist's monogram, unsigned; Sad Woman, etching on paper, signed and dated 1928, apparently a proof, with a cut off trial image on the reverse; all unframed; largest piece (Old Couple) measures 24 x 18 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Group of 3 Decorated Artist Portfolios
    Aug. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Group of 3 Decorated Artist Portfolios

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Group of 3 Artist's Portfolios with Modernist screenprinted designs by Kralik, c.1930s, measurements: 26.5 x 21 inches, 22 x 16.5 inches and 22 x 15 inches, two with original ties present, the other with two of the three original leather straps present although they show some wear; the one with the brick design is initialed HK at the lower left, additionally, the larger one (Grafik) accentuates Kralik's monogram - capital letter K. Provenance: a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936, that owned a number of Kralik prints. This lot is just for the 3 portfolios, ie, they are empty.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Woman and Death Signed Woodcut 1928
    Jun. 11, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Woman and Death Signed Woodcut 1928

    Est: $150 - $300

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Frau und Tod [Woman and Death], 1928, woodcut on woven paper, signed, titled and dated at bottom, impression 12 x 9 inches, full sheet 24 x 17 inches, unframed. A striking image from the later years of German Expressionism. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early Social Realism prints also show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 34. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Morning Signed Etching 1929
    Jun. 11, 2022

    Hanns Kralik The Morning Signed Etching 1929

    Est: $200 - $400

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Der Morgen [The Morning], 1929, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 17.5 x 12.25 inches, full margins, matted but not framed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionarer bildender Kunstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 46 (9). Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Beetle Mixed Media Original 1931
    Apr. 23, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Beetle Mixed Media Original 1931

    Est: $400 - $800

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Kafer [Beetle], 1931, mixed media with leather, paint and rope on card, signed and dated in paint lower right, affixed to a slightly larger board 9.5 x 7.5 inches, floated in a frame 20.5 x 17 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionerer bildender Kunstler. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family (the Kugelmanns) that fled Europe in 1936. Any original work by Kralik is very rare.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Beetle Signed Woodcut with Study
    Apr. 23, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Beetle Signed Woodcut with Study

    Est: $200 - $400

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Kafer [Beetle], 1930, woodcut (or other relief print) on paper, signed and dated in pencil at bottom, additionally titled, stamped and inscribed by the artist on the back of the frame, full sheet 16 x 11 inches, floated in a frame 19.5 x 15.5 inches, TOGETHER WITH Study for Kafer [Beetle], c.1930, pencil on paper, unsigned, 5.25 x 8.5 inches, matted and framed 14 x 17 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Borgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionerer bildender Kunstler. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family (the Kugelmanns) that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Expressionist Man Signed Woodcut 1929
    Mar. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Expressionist Man Signed Woodcut 1929

    Est: $80 - $150

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Sinnender [Man in Thought], 1929, woodcut on laid paper, signed and dated lower right, impression 12.5 x 9.5 inches, full sheet 19.5 x 13.5 inches, unframed. A striking image from the later years of German Expressionism. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early Social Realism prints also show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 16. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik Quitting Time Signed Etching 1927
    Mar. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik Quitting Time Signed Etching 1927

    Est: $100 - $200

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Feierabend [Quitting Time], 1927, etching and aquatint on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 8.25 x 6.5 inches, matted but not framed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early Social Realism prints also show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 47. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Honoraries Signed Etching 1928
    Mar. 24, 2022

    Hanns Kralik The Honoraries Signed Etching 1928

    Est: $100 - $200

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Die Honoratioren [The Honoraries], 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 16.75 x 12.5 inches, unframed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 47. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Circus Signed Etching 1920s
    Dec. 04, 2021

    Hanns Kralik The Circus Signed Etching 1920s

    Est: $400 - $800

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), The Circus, 1920s, etching on paper, signed and titled (?) in pencil at bottom, impression 10.5 x 6.5 inches, matted and framed 21 x 15 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Forest Signed Etching 1928
    Dec. 04, 2021

    Hanns Kralik The Forest Signed Etching 1928

    Est: $400 - $800

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Der Wald [The Forest], 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 16.75 x 13 inches, matted and framed 26.5 x 20 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. GRAFIK 49. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Evening signed Etching 1928
    Dec. 04, 2021

    Hanns Kralik The Evening signed Etching 1928

    Est: $400 - $800

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Der Abend [The Evening], 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled (in German, illegibly) and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 16.75 x 12.75 inches, matted and framed 29 x 23 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 50. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Old Man Signed Etching 1928
    Oct. 09, 2021

    Hanns Kralik The Old Man Signed Etching 1928

    Est: $200 - $300

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), The Old Man, 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 14.25 x 8.5 inches, matted and framed 23.5 x 16.5 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Street signed Etching 1928
    Oct. 09, 2021

    Hanns Kralik The Street signed Etching 1928

    Est: $250 - $400

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Die Strasse [The Street], 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, impression 16.75 x 13 inches, matted and framed 29 x 23 inches. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 48. Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik The Parents Signed Etching 1928
    Oct. 09, 2021

    Hanns Kralik The Parents Signed Etching 1928

    Est: $100 - $200

    Kralik, Hanns (German, 1900-1971), Die Eltern [The Parents], 1928, etching on paper, signed, titled and dated in pencil at bottom, additionally with a lengthy inscription to Herr Kugelmann at the upper right, impression 17.25 x 13 inches, unframed. Kralik was a painter, printmaker and an active member of the resistance against the Nazis and spent some time in the Börgermoor concentration camp for his Communist activity. He was a member of the Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus and Assoziation revolutionärer bildender Künstler. His early prints show the influence of George Grosz. Catalog GRAFIK 46 (4). Provenance: gift of the artist to a Jewish German family (the Kugelmanns) that fled Europe in 1936.

    Concept Art Gallery
  • Hanns Kralik - From my window (Düsseldorf, Nordstr. / Venloer Str. corner). Circa 1930
    Jun. 11, 2021

    Hanns Kralik - From my window (Düsseldorf, Nordstr. / Venloer Str. corner). Circa 1930

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    Hanns Kralik From my window (Düsseldorf, Nordstr. / Venloer Str. corner). Circa 1930 Oil on canvas Signed lower left: KRALIK 35 1/8 × 26 1/8 in.

  • Kralik, Hanns: "Beaulieu S./ Mer/ Cote d'Azur"
    Nov. 27, 2020

    Kralik, Hanns: "Beaulieu S./ Mer/ Cote d'Azur"

    Est: €360 - €500

    "Beaulieu S./ Mer/ Cote d'Azur" Gouache auf leichtem Velinkarton. 1959. 67,5 x 49,7 cm. Signiert "Hanns Kralik", datiert sowie betitelt. Eine idyllische, sommerliche Darstellung der Küstenstadt, umgeben von einer romantischen Berglandschaft. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Kralik, Hanns (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Portrait
    Feb. 18, 2017

    Kralik, Hanns (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Portrait

    Est: - €500

    Kralik, Hanns (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Portrait eines Mannes. Bleistiftzeichnung auf festem Papier, 1954. Blgr. 38 x 28 cm. Sign. u. dat. Verso Mit Stempel "Kupferstich Kabinett Berlin" (überstempelt "ungültig 1991") u. "Nachlass Hanns Kralik". - Minimalst angestaubt.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Kralik, Hanns (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Portrait
    Feb. 18, 2017

    Kralik, Hanns (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Portrait

    Est: - €600

    Kralik, Hanns (1900 Neufeld an der Leitha - Düsseldorf 1971). Portrait einer Bauersfrau. Tusche auf feinem Papier. 37,5 x 26,5 cm, Blgr. 62 x 50,5 cm. Unten re. monogr. "H.K.". Verso Nachlasst. "Nachlass Hanns Kralik". - Ränder tls. gering knittrig, minimalst gebräunt.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Hanns Kralik (1900-1971)
    Nov. 22, 2014

    Hanns Kralik (1900-1971)

    Est: -

    Am Rursee. Radierung. 26 x 37 (Platte). Unten rechts handsigniert und datiert: Hanns Kralik, unten links bez.: am Rursee (original Radierung). Hinter Glas gerahmt. Manufacturer:

    Lauritz.com Deutschland GmbH
  • Henri Jean Guillaume MARTIN (1860-1943) LE CREPUSCULE, 1900 Huile sur toile
    Oct. 24, 2008

    Henri Jean Guillaume MARTIN (1860-1943) LE CREPUSCULE, 1900 Huile sur toile

    Est: €25,000 - €30,000

    Henri Jean Guillaume MARTIN (1860-1943) LE CREPUSCULE, 1900 Huile sur toile signée du monogramme et datée "1900" en bas à gauche h: 61 w: 73 cm Commentaire : L'authenticité de cette oeuvre a été aimablement confirmée par monsieur Cyrille Martin qui précise dans une lettre en date du 7 juin 2001 que cette toile a été exécutée en 1899 et "antidatée pour le plaisir du nouveau millésime !"

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