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Ernst August Krahl Sold at Auction Prices

Coat of arms painter

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  • Ernst Krahl, Watercolor, ‘Stiftskirche in Hall-Tirol’, c. 1910
    Aug. 21, 2015

    Ernst Krahl, Watercolor, ‘Stiftskirche in Hall-Tirol’, c. 1910

    Est: €240 - €312

    Pencil, watercolor on paper Austria, around 1910 Ernst August Krahl (1858-?) – Austrian painter Signed on lower right ‘E. Krahl’; inscribed on the lower left ‘Stifts-Kirche in Hall Tirol’ Framed under a mat Sheet dimensions: 37 x 27 cm Good condition Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 700 EUR This work was created around 1900 by the Austrian painter Ernst August Krahl. It shows the buildings and the imposing tower of the Stiftskirche in Hall in Tirol. The buildings originally conceived as a convent, get its present appearance in the course of the refounding of a Jesuit college in the years 1611/12. The painting is in good condition. The colors are slightly darkened and the sheet is partly soiled. It is mounted under a mat and signed on the lower right side ‘E. Krahl’. The sheet is inscribed on the lower left ‘Stifts-Kirche in Hall-Tirol’. The watercolor measure, including the frame 49.7 x 40.5 cm. The dimensions of the sheet are 37 x 27 cm. (bed) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Ernst August Krahl (1858 - 1926)
    Oct. 03, 2009

    Ernst August Krahl (1858 - 1926)

    Est: Kč2,500 - Kč5,000

    Document of emperor Charles I., 1907. Emperor concerning hereditary promotion of colonel of 17th Infantry regiment in Lublan Ludwig Kneifel and granting him a coat-of-arms. Hard binding covered by red velvet and decorated by printing. 4 pages of text written by red ink in gilded frames, illustrations with the coat of arms and emperor's seal. Illustrations signed „E. Krahl", signatures „Karl" (Charles I.), „Erasmus Freiher von Badel" (interior minister). Ernst August Krahl (1858-1926) : Císařský dekret Karla I., 1907. Císařský dekret o dědičném povýšení plukovníka 17. regimentu infanterie v Lublani Ludwiga Kneifela do šlechtického stavu a udělení erbu. Pevné desky, potažené červeným sametem, zdobené zlaceným hlubotiskem, 4 stránky textu psaného červeným a černým inkoustem ve zlacených rámech, iluminace s uděleným erbem a císařská pečeť z červeného vosku v kovovém pouzdře. Iluminace sign. „E. Krahl", podpisy „Karl" (Karel I.), „Erasmus Freiher von Badel" (ministr vnitra). Ernst August Krahl (1858-1926) : Dekret des Kaisers Karl I., 1907. Kaiserliche Anordnung über die Erhebung des Obersts Ludwig Kneifel in den Adelsstand. Mit rotem Samt bezogene Mappe, Goldprägung, 4 Seiten in vergoldeten Rahmen, rote und schwarze Tinte. Illumination mit verliehenem Wappen und Kaisersiegel in Metalletui. Illumination sign. „E. Krahl", Unterschriften: „Karl" (Karl I.), „Erasmus Freiher von Badel" (Innenminister).

    Auction House Zezula
  • Ernst August KRAHL(Dresden 1858 - 1926 Wien)
    Mar. 18, 2008

    Ernst August KRAHL(Dresden 1858 - 1926 Wien)

    Est: €520 - €800

    Ernst August KRAHL(Dresden 1858 - 1926 Wien) "Heraldisches Tableau" mit 8 Familienwappen altösterreichischer Adelsfamilien, Gouache auf Karton, Wien, 3. Drittel 19. Jhdt., signiert: "Kral", in Zentrum die Wappen von "Matthias Freiherr v. Loy" und"Joh. Bapt. Ant. Freih. Baselli v. Süssenberg", ferner"Loy vonLeichenfeld", "Loy von Sternschwerdt", "Annabella Gfn. v.Thurn - Valsassina", "Barbara Schreitter v. Schwarzenfeld","Marianne Freiin von Margelik", ca. 34 x 42 cm, in neuem Stilrahmen

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